Create A Society Performance Task2011

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Name: ________________________ Group Members: ________________ Create a Society

Premise: You are a group of community planners who are charged with the most important of jobs: you must come up with a proposal for a new society because your old one has been destroyed. You will present your proposal to the elder members of the old society and hope that they choose your plan as the most viable option. Product: You will work with a team of 3-4 fellow community planners to create your ideal society. You will make all the decisions for your society and include the following in your final product:

1. A mission statement that outlines the core values of your society 2. 3. 4. 5.

and the responsibilities of citizens. A graphic organizer to show the structure of your chosen government and a 1-2 paragraph written explanation of your form of government and how it functions. A Bill of Rights in the form of a list to clearly state the rights of your people. A 1-2 paragraph explanation of what the learning is like in your ideal school and a student schedule to show the structure of a typical school day for a middle school student. A map (2D or 3D) of the physical structure of your society including man-made structures and physical features. Please include a 1-2 paragraph explanation of the location of your society and why you have structured your society the way you did. Optional ideas for going furtherA flag, landmark, symbol, or statue that symbolically represents the mission of your societyA list of laws and punishments, a written explanation about how people live or work, or how a typical family is structured. Be creative! **If


you have 4 people in your group, you will be required to write at least one additional written piece! Finally, each team will prepare a table display including visuals and text structured in a logical and effective format. The elders of the old society will view the displays in a gallery format and ask the community planner team questions. Community planners will rotate so that at least one member is present at all times to answer questions. All members of the team should be able to talk about all parts of their proposal. The elders will vote for the proposal they feel is most viable.

Design Elements of your Proposal: Each team proposal must include the following: 1. Mission Statement: a clear statement of your core values and the responsibilities of your citizens of this new societysee examples! Hint: There is a mission statement for ISM! Guiding questions to help you write your mission statement: o What do you believe is most important in your society? o What responsibilities do citizens have to make sure the core values of your society are realized?

2. Map Students will design the physical layout of their society including
both man made structures and physical features. This map must include: o Map Title (The name of your society) o Compass Rose o Map Key o Buildingshomes, school(s), government, or any other necessary structures o Landmarks (optional) o Physical Featuresat least 3ex: river, lake, sea, mountain, desert, plateau etc.

3. Government Students will choose a form of government and be able

to explain the structure and function of that government. Students must also be able to explain why they chose this form of government over others. Guiding questions for choosing a government structure: o What form of government will work best for your society? o What are the roles and responsibilities of people in this form of government? o How is your form of government structured? o How will decisions be made in your society? o Who will make the laws and how will they be enforced? o How much power do you feel your society leaders should have and how much power should belong to the people?

4. Bill of RightsStudents will write a Bill of Rights for their society.

These should include the rights citizens have to participate in their government and protections the government must provide. Your form of government and Bill of Rights must be aligned. Guiding questions for writing your Bill of Rights: o What rights are citizens of your country morally and legally entitled to? o What rights should be protected by your government? o What should be provided by your government? o What should your citizens have a right to believe or do?

5. Educational System Students will design an educational structure

and explain how it best meets the needs of their society. Guiding Questions for selecting a good educational system: o How will people learn in your society? o What subjects will be taught? o What will the school rules be? o How will students and teachers interact? o How will your education system be similar or different from other education systems which you have been a part of? o What does a typical Middle School student schedule look like?

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