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Here it is a set of situations that are a set up for third conditional

1. If you had been born 100 years earlier, how would your life have been
If I had been born 100 years earlier, in my life I would have changed my perspective
of seeing problems since before people thought differently, I would also have had a
stronger marriage since before people were more loyal
2. If you had been given a million euros or dollars for your 10th birthday, how
would you have spent it?
If they had given me a million dollars for my tenth birthday, I would have donated it
to a health home where they help children with cancer or leukemia. In addition, the
other part of the money was taken to implement a business and start from 0 to be
an entrepreneur.
3. If somebody had invited you to an all-night rave last weekend, would you
have gone?
If someone had invited me to an all-night rave last weekend, I wouldn't have gone
because I would have stayed home with my son enjoying his company.
4. If you had met a homeless person in the street this morning, would you
have given them some money?
If I had met a homeless person on the street this morning. I would have given him
money to buy food and then I would have found a way to get him a home
5. If you had been able to eat whatever you wanted as a child, what would you
have eaten?
If I had been able to eat whatever I wanted as a child, I would have eaten chocolate
with mint since it is one of my favorites and whenever I can I eat them.
6. If a bully at school had told you to give him your lunch money, would you
have given it to him?
If a bully at school had told me to give him lunch money, if he would have given it to
him so that he could buy those that he needed and that he was worried about
7. If you had been your country’s leader for the past 10 years, would you have
done anything differently?
If I had been the leader of my country for the last 10 years, I would have tried to
reduce poverty and would have given scholarships to those students who strive to
get ahead and be wonderful professionals in the country.
8. If you had been able to choose your career when you were a child, what
would you have chosen?
If I had been able to choose my career when I was a child, I would have wanted to be
a stewardess and be able to fly on planes meeting tourists, since I like to travel and
learn a little more about the cultures of other countries.
9. If you had been offered a drug at school to make you pass all your exams,
would you have taken it?
If they had offered me a drug at school to pass the exams, I would not have accepted
it and rather reported it to my teacher so that they solve that root problem

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