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J Neurosurg 73:840-849,1990

Clinoidal meningiomas
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi

~" Anterior clinoidal meningiomas are frequently grouped with suprasellar or sphenoid ridge meningiomas,
masking their notorious association with a high mortality and morbidity rate, failure of total removal, and
recurrence. To avoid injury to encased cerebral vessels, most surgeons are content with subtotal removal.
Without total removal, however, recurrence is expected. Recent advances in cranial-base exposure and
cavernous sinus surgery have facilitated radical total removal.
The author reports 24 cases operated on with vigorous attempts at total removal of the tumor with involved
dura and bone. This experience has distinguished three groups (I, II, and III) which influence surgical difficulties,
the success of total removal, and outcome. These subgroups relate to the presence of interfacing arachnoid
membranes between the tumor and cerebral vessels. The presence or absence of arachnoid membranes depends
on the origin of the tumor and its relation to the naked segment of carotid artery lying outside the carotid
cistern. Total removal was impossible in the three patients in Group I, with postoperative death occurring in
one patient and hemiplegia in another. Total removal was achieved in 18 of the 19 patients in Group II, with
one death from pulmonary embolism. In the two patients in Group III, total removal without complications
was easily achieved.

KEY WORDS ~ meningioma 9 anterior clinoid 9 carotid cistern 9 cavernous sinus 9

sphenoid wing

USHING and EisenhardP 7 clearly distinguished to the classification system of Simpson, 47 the extent
meningiomas of the anterior clinoid as "those of tumor excision was either Grade I (complete mac-
of the deep or clinoidal third," and concur- roscopic removal of the tumor, with excision of its du-
rently, Vincent referred to them as "sphenocavernous ral attachment, and abnormal bone) or Grade II (com-
meningiomas. ''18 Despite this early recognition, these plete macroscopic removal of the t u m o r and of its
meningiomas are frequently grouped with suprasellar visible extensions, with coagulation of its dural at-
meningiomas or with meningiomas of the sphenoid tachment). Our experience with intraoperative anatom-
ridge, 6Aj'23"24~41`3jmasking their ominous course. They ical observation led us to distinguish three categories of
are second only to clival meningiomas in surgical mor- this tumor (Groups I, II, and III), each with a marked in-
tality and morbidity rates, failure of total removal, and fluence on the surgical difficulties, ability to achieve total
high rate of recurrence. Acknowledging that the best removal, and outcome. These groups relate to the pres-
chance for cure comes through radical total removal, ence of interfacing arachnoid membranes between the
most authors, both pioneer and modern, have been tumor and the cerebral vessels. The presence or absence
content with subtotal removal to avoid the devastating of this arachnoid membrane depends on the origin
sequelae of injury to the encased cerebral vessels; 6'9A7" of the tumor and its relation to the small intradural
22,31.43,51.56hence, repeated surgery and radiation therapy carotid artery segment lying outside the carotid cistern.
are frequently required. However, unless total removal
is achieved, detrimental regrowth is expected in the
majority of patients.l'~5~17'3747 Anatomical Considerations and Classification
Recent advances in cranial-base and cavernous si- As the carotid artery emerges from the cavernous
nus surgery have facilitated total removal, allowing re- sinus inferomedial to the anterior clinoid, it enters the
spectable mortality and morbidity rates for these subdural space to be vested in the carotid cistern. This
t u m o r s . 3"5"2~ This report describes 24 cases of cistern is bordered superiorly by the dura over the
clinoidal meningiomas operated on over a period of 7 anterior clinoid process and the frontal lobe, and infe-
years, from November, 1981, to October, 1988, with riorly by the dura covering the superior aspect of the
vigorous attempts at total removal (including tumor, cavernous sinus. The arachnoid does not follow the
dura, and bone) during the first operation. According internal carotid artery into the cavernous sinus space,

840 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 73/December, 1990

Clinoidal meningiomas
nor is it attached to the anterior clinoid process. A 1-
or 2-mm segment of naked internal carotid artery lies
between the investment of the carotid cistern and the
dura of the cavernous sinus, s9 This segment is not to
be confused with the extradural segment which lies
between the two rings anchoring the carotid artery as it
exits the cavernous sinus space. 2~ Medially, the carotid
cistern shares a wall with the chiasmatic cistern and is
bounded laterally by the medial temporal lobe and the
free margin of the tentorium. The inferior part of the
carotid cistern and the superior part of the interpedun-
cular cistern are in apposition, creating a single Lilie-
quist membrane.

Group I
If the meningioma's origin is proximal to the end of
the carotid cistern (Group I), as is the case with a
meningioma originating from the inferior aspect of the F~G. 1, Artist's drawing of a Group I meningioma. The
anterior clinoid, the tumor will enwrap the carotid ar- tumor encases the carotid artery and its branches, with direct
attachment to the adventitia. The optic nerve maintains an
tery, directly adhering to the adventitia in the absence arachnoid plane from the chiasmatic cistern.
of an intervening arachnoid membrane (Figs. 1 and 2).
As the tumor grows, this direct attachment to the vessel
wall continues to the carotid bifurcation and along the remains intact, making microsurgical dissection feasible
middle cerebral artery, advancing the arachnoid mem- despite total encasement of the vessels (Figs. 3 and 4).
brane ahead of it. This situation makes dissecting the This observation correlates with reports in the literature
tumor from the carotid artery and the middle cerebral concerning the feasibility of tumor dissection despite
artery branches impossible and explains why some au- total vascular encasement. 4'2336
thors describe tumors invading the arterial wall. 2~ The optic chiasm and the optic nerves in both Group
I and II tumors are wrapped in the arachnoid mem-
Group H brane of the chiasmatic cistern, and dissecting them
Tumors of Group II originate from the superior and/ free from the tumor is relatively easy with a microsur-
or lateral aspect of the anterior clinoid above the seg- gical technique. In patients having undergone previous
ment of the carotid invested in the carotid cistern. Thus, surgery, the arachnoid membrane may be violated;
as the tumor grows, an arachnoid membrane of the subsequently, the dissection plane is lost and the tumor
carotid cistern and, distally, of the sylvian cistern sep- will be in direct contact with the adventitia. In this case,
arates the tumor from the arterial adventitia. Although the difficulty in Group II becomes similar to that in
the tumor engulfs the vessels, this arachnoid membrane Group I.

FIG. 2. A Group I meningioma. Left: Preoperative computerized tomography appearance. During sur-
gery, no arachnoid membrane was found and dissection of the middle cerebral and carotid arteries was
impossible. Right: Lateral carotid arteriogram demonstrating narrowing of the carotid and middle cerebral
arteries by the encasing tumor.

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 73/December, 1990 841

O. A1-Mefty

FlG. 3. A Group II meningioma. Left: Artist's drawing showing the tumor encasing the carotid artery
and its branches. An arachnoid membrane of the carotid cistern separates the tumor from the adventitia,
rendering dissection possible. The optic nerve maintains an arachnoid membrane from the chiasmatic cistern.
Right: Retouched operative photograph showing the optic nerve (II), the anterior cerebral artery (A1), the
middle cerebral artery (M~), and part of the internal carotid artery (C) dissected free from the encasing tumor
(T). Dissection continues on the proximal carotid artery and into the cavernous sinus. The dissection is
relatively easy, owing to the presence of the arachnoid membrane of the carotid cistern. R = retractor on the
frontal lobe.

Group I I I the superior temporal line on the opposite side. This

Tumors in Group III originate at the optic foramen, results in the superficial temporal artery coursing pos-
extending into the optic canal and the tip of the anterior terior to the incision while the branches of the facial
clinoid process. These tumors are usually small. The nerve are located anteriorly. Preservation of the super-
arachnoid membrane is present between the vessels and ficial temporal artery is important since the artery may
tumor but may be absent between the optic nerve and be needed for extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) anasto-
the tumor (Figs. 5 and 6). mosis. The frontal branches of the facial nerve are
preserved by intrafascial dissection, as described previ-
ously by Ya~argil, et al. 6~
Operative Technique
Early in this series, the pterional approach was used Bone Removal
in seven patients and subfrontal approach in three. The zygomatic arch is dissected in subperiosteal fash-
Since 1985, we have exclusively used the orbitocranial ion, sectioned at the most anterior and posterior ends,
approach described elsewhere 2'3 for removal of these and displaced downward along with its attachment to
tumors. This approach provides the following advan-
tages: 1) it brings the surgeon closer to the deep-seated
lesion, allowing dissection over the shortest possible
distance; 2) it permits a surgical attack via multiple
routes: subfrontal, transsylvian, and subtemporal; 3) it
consists of a single bone flap, eliminating the need for
reconstruction and associated functional and anatom-
ical or cosmetic deficits; 4) its low basilar approach
alleviates brain retraction; and 5) it allows early inter-
ception of the tumor's blood supply through the sphe-
noid ridge, thus minimizing blood loss.

Positioning and Scalp Incision

The patient is placed supine and a spinal drainage
needle is inserted. The head is rotated 30* to 40 ~ to the
opposite side, dropped toward the floor, tilted 5~ to 10", FIG. 4. A Group II meningioma. Computerized tomogra-
phy scan (left) and arteriogram, anteroposterior view (right).
and fixed in the Mayfield headrest. The scalp incision Notice the arterial narrowing by the encasing tumor. Dissec-
is begun 1 cm anterior to the tragus, proceeding in a tion and tumor removal were facilitated by the presence of an
curvilinear fashion behind the hairline to the level of intervening arachnoid membrane.

842 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 73/December, 1990

Clinoidal meningiomas

FIG. 5. A Group III meningioma. Left: Artist's drawing showing the tumor originating in the optic
foramen. The tumor is small, separated from the carotid by the carotid cistern, but it extends into the optic
canal. Right: Retouched operative photograph showing the carotid cistern intact. The tumor (T) is small and
extends into the optic canal. II = optic nerve; C = carotid artery; R = retractor on the frontal lobe.

the masseter muscle. This maneuver allows a more of the olfactory nerve deters excessive frontal lobe re-
basal approach to the floor of the middle fossa, obvi- traction, otherwise resulting in avulsion of the olfactory
ating obstruction by the bulky temporal muscle. The nerve.
temporal muscle is retracted posteriorly and inferiorly,
exposing the junction of the zygomatic, sphenoidal, Tumor Debulking
and frontal bones. Removal of the orbitocranial flap Under the operating microscope, a plane of dissec-
then proceeds as described elsewhereY The sphenoid tion is established between the tumor and the frontal
ridge is drilled using a high-speed air drill. Drilling is and temporal lobes. Ultrasonic aspiration is used to
continued to completely remove the sphenoid ridge, debulk large tumors. Caution is used not to carry de-
unroofing the superior orbital fissure and removing the bulking close to the carotid artery or the middle cere-
anterior clinoid extradurally. This maneuver intercepts bral artery branches. Tumor removal around this area
the arterial feeders coming from branches of the middle is continued using only microsurgical dissection with
meningeal artery. It also assures removal of the involved bipolar coagulation and careful piecemeal removal by
bone at the insertion and prepares for exposure of the microdissection.
internal carotid upon entry to the cavernous sinus.
Arterial Dissection
Dural Opening and Tumor Exposure Once the tumor is debulked, the distal branches of
The dura mater is opened with a semicircular incision the middle cerebral artery are identified under high
centered on the pterion; an extension from the main magnification and, using microdissection, the tumor
incision is directed posteriorly and inferiorly to the floor capsule is removed from the arterial wall. Despite total
of the temporal fossa. Opening the dura under the
microscope provides a transitional adjustment of the
surgeon's dexterity from bone work to fine microsur-
gical dissection.
When the dura is opened, brain relaxation is achieved
by partial drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through
the lumbar catheter. The arachnoid over the sylvian
fissure is opened, allowing separation of the temporal
and frontal lobes. The arachnoid opening is made and
extended on the frontal side to preserve the superficial
middle cerebral veins when possible. The relaxed frontal
lobe is held by a self-retaining retractor. Elevation of
the frontal lobe should be minimal - - a distance of 1.5
cm or less is adequate for tumor resection. The olfactory
nerve is located and preserved by dissecting it for some FIG. 6. Computerized tomography scan of a Group Ill me-
distance from the base of the frontal lobe. Preservation ningioma (arrow).

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 73/December, 1990 843

O. A 1 - M e f t y

encasement of these vessels, a tfiickened arachnoid Cavernous Sinus Involvement

membrane separated the tumor from the adventitia in When the tumor extends into the cavernous sinus,
Group II tumors. Dissection is carried to the bifurcation as it did in nine of our cases, proximal and distal control
of the carotid artery, removing the tumor from the of the carotid artery is necessary. Early in this series,
anterior cerebral artery. Careful dissection under high proximal control was achieved by exploring the inter-
magnification is continued to free the ventriculostriate nal carotid artery in the neck. More recently, this was
arteries, the perforator of the anterior cerebral artery, accomplished by exposing the intrapetrous segment of
and the internal carotid artery branches to the optic the carotid artery. The anterior clinoid is already re-
apparatus. Dissection becomes easier along the poste- moved, facilitating exposure of the superior aspect of
rior communicating artery and the anterior choroidal the cavernous sinus. The tumor is then removed
artery, since these two arteries have their own vesting through the superior or lateral wall of the cavernous
arachnoid membranes? 9 Dissection of the third nerve sinus, as reported elsewhere?
segment, prior to its entry in the lateral wall of the After gross tumor removal, the dura around the
cavernous sinus space, also becomes easier. anterior clinoid is evaporated with the CO2 laser. Any
When hemorrhage ensues from a tear in a cerebral further bone hyperostosis is drilled with the diamond
vessel, as it did in five of our cases, temporary vascular bit of a high-speed drill. Frequently, this change in the
clips (30 gm/mm) are applied distal and proximal to bone is actually invasion by the tumor. 9'~9 To avoid
the bleeding point, and the arterial wall is stitched with postoperative CSF leakage through the extended eth-
fine 10-0 sutures. Since the tumor may be supplied by moidal cell, a piece of fascia is applied over this area.
arterial twigs from the cerebral artery, the surgeon first The dura is then closed in a watertight fashion, the
confirms that they are tumor feeders and not hypotha- single bone flap positioned in place, and the skin closed
lamic perforators or the optic nerve blood supply. Thus, in two layers.
each arterial branch is dissected and followed to ascer-
tain its course. Particular attention is paid to spare the Summary of Cases
artery of Heubner and the vital branches of the stria-
tum. The Liliequist membrane was intact in all of our Case Material
cases of Group II tumors; consequently, removal of the Twenty-four cases qualifying as clinoidal meningi-
tumor from the interpeduncular fossa and the posteri- omas were operated on over a 7-year period, from
orly displaced basilar artery was usually easy. November, 1981, through October, 1988. There were
four other patients with the same pathology who did
Optic Nerve Dissection not have surgery. We excluded from the study me-
The optic nerves in these tumors are displaced in ningiomas with origins (as described intraoperatively)
several different ways. The optic nerve may be pushed on the tuberculum sellae, diaphragma sellae, planum
inferiorly and medially or elevated by the bulk of the sphenoidale, and middle and lateral sphenoid ridge, as
tumor coming between the carotid artery and the optic well as hyperostosing en plaque meningiomas. Of the
nerve. In seven of our cases, the optic nerve was totally 24 patients studied, 14 have been described in previous
engulfed, but in all cases the optic nerve maintained its publications. 4'5 Seventeen were operated on at King
arachnoid barrier formed by the wall of the chiasmatic Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
cistern. When the optic nerve is engulfed, it is easier to between November, 1981, and December, 1985, and
begin the dissection from the chiasm and continue seven were operated on at the University of Mississippi
forward toward the optic canal. Frequently, the tumor Medical Center between January, 1986, and November,
extends a bud into the optic canal, requiring unroofing 1988. The patients ranged in age from 26 to 76 years
of the optic canal and careful dissection of the tumor. (mean 52 years); there were seven men and 17 women.
The arterial supply to the optic nerve and chiasm is The symptoms of two women presented during preg-
preserved by the same method of dissection. Particular nancy. Four patients had previously undergone surgery
attention is paid to preserve the inferior group of arter- on their tumors.
ies, which are the sole blood supply to the decussating
fibers in the central chiasm. 8 Since occasional observa- Clinical Presentation
tions of visual recovery after total blindness have been Visual disturbances were present in 84% of cases,
reported, 4'33 the optic nerve was never sacrificed in our similar to the typical findings described for tumors at
patients to obtain better exposure of the tumor, even this site (initial unilateral visual loss). Five patients
in a totally blinded eye. experienced loss of vision on one side only; nine expe-
rienced optic atrophy, and six had papilledema. Fos-
Dissection of the Pituitary Stalk ter Kennedy syndrome was documented in only one
The pituitary stalk is easily recognized by its distinc- case. Four patients had impairment of the oculomo-
tive color and vascular network. It is usually displaced tor or trigeminal nerve, while seizure was present in
backward and to the opposite side. Arachnoidal cleav- three patients. Two patients were admitted in a coma-
age is present and careful dissection under the micro- tose state with giant tumors, and underwent emergen-
scope is successful. cy surgery. Visual loss preceded diagnosis by 2 to 44

844 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 73/December, 1990

Clinoidal meningiomas
months (average 25 months); headache preceded sur- tient had permanent diabetes insipidus. One patient
gery by an average of 68 months. was readmitted for repair of a CSF leak, and one
required a CSF shunt for hydrocephalus. One other
Radiographic Findings patient had a pulmonary embolism. The one semico-
Computerized tomography (CT) scans in all cases matose and one fully comatose patient at admission
revealed the presence of tumor and its extensions. Mag- both made impressive recoveries postoperatively.
netic resonance (MR) imaging with gadolinium en- The postoperative follow-up period ranged from 1 to
hancement was used in the last three cases. All patients 7 years (average 57 months). There was only one asymp-
underwent cerebral angiography to delineate the anat- tomatic recurrence which was observed to be without
omy of the cerebral circulation, arterial displacement, change on a CT scan 3 years later in the one Group II
encasement of major vessels, and blood supply. Angi- patient with subtotal removal. Two patients in this
ography revealed an associated internal carotid artery group had a second meningioma remote from the first
aneurysm in one patient. According to the classification (in the convexity), separated from the first operation by
mentioned above, 47 there were three Group I tumors, 3 and 6 years, respectively. These were removed surgi-
19 Group II tumors, and two Group III tumors. cally.
The carotid, middle cerebral, and anterior cerebral Only partial but extensive removal was possible in
arteries, as well as the optic apparatus, were all inti- all three Group I patients. One patient developed de-
mately involved with the tumor, being displaced, ad- layed postoperative vasospasm 7 days postoperatively,
herent, or totally engulfed. The carotid artery was totally which was confirmed by angiography, with a deterio-
encased in 11 patients, the branches of the middle rating ischemic neurological condition and eventual
cerebral artery were encased in seven, the anterior ce- death 4 months later. The second patient had postop-
rebral artery was encased in three, and the optic nerve erative hemiplegia and was treated for pulmonary em-
was encased in seven. Cavernous sinus invasion oc- bolism. A gradual increase in tumor size over a 3-year
curred in nine patients. period was documented by CT scanning. Radiation
therapy was administered upon the patient's refusal of
Operative Results a second operation. The third patient showed some
Total removal (tumor, dura, and bone), as judged by recovery of extraocular movement and received radia-
intraoperative inspection and confirmed by postopera- tion therapy, showing no changes on an M R image 24
tive CT scans (Fig. 7), was achieved in 18 of the 19 months later.
patients with Group II tumors; in the one exception a The two patients in Group III had no complications
small nub of tumor was left in the cavernous sinus. and showed neither clinical changes nor recurrence 7
There was one death 9 days postoperatively, due to months and 46 months postoperatively, respectively,
pulmonary embolism, in a patient who was in excellent according to the last available follow-up report of De-
condition and was ready to be discharged. One patient cember, 1985.
lost vision in one eye in which she had been able to
count fingers preoperatively from 1 ft. Preoperative Discussion
visual impairment improved in only two patients. One
patient had permanent third cranial nerve palsy. Two Distinguishing Clinoidal Meningiomas
patients had transient diabetes insipidus, and one pa- To subclassify anterior clinoidal meningiomas into
three groups may be surprising since many authors find
it difficult to distinguish clinoidal meningiomas from
those with more lateral attachment on the sphenoid
ridge, and prefer the notion of wide or small attach-
ment. 23-2s Stern 4~ has even advocated the concept of an
anatomical continuum of all meningiomas involving
the cranio-orbital junction.
In a discussion of meningiomas of the "clinoidal
third," Cushing and EisenhardP 7 stated, "it is not easy,
with certainty, to identify these cases in the literature."
This statement is still true today. Only a thorough re-
view of the literature can extract cases of anterior cli-
noidal meningiomas (Table 1). An analysis of these
cases leads to recognition of clinoidal meningiomas as
a separate entity with distinguishing clinical, radiologi-
cal, and surgical considerations. Cushing's series is a
FIG. 7. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography typical example: of the 13 patients with anterior clinoi-
scans of a patient with a Group II clinoidal meningioma.
Left: Preoperative scan. Right: Scan obtained after total dal meningiomas, two were operated on transsphenoi-
removal of the tumor including intracavernous and optic dally in 1912 and 19 13, resulting in one operative death.
canal extensions. Notice the resection of the anterior clinoid. There was one other operative death. Only three pa-

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 73/December, 1990 845

O. A1-Mefty
S u m m a r y of major surgical series of anterior clinoid meningiomas*

No. of Partial or Total Operative Recurrence + Known Symptomatic

Authors & Year
Cases Subtotal Removal Removal Death Eventual Death Recurrence
Cushing & Eisenhardt, 1938 1 l+(2)t 8 3 1+(1)# 5
Uihlein & Weyand, 1953 52 17 5
Holub, 1956 19 6 9
Olivecrona, 1967 47 15 32 11 3
Guyot, et al., 1967 13
Cook, 1971 11 3
Fischer, et al., 1973 6 2
Ugrumov, et al., 1979 16 14 2 4
Cophignon et al., 1979 6 4 2 0
Konovalov, et al., 1979 70 13
MacCarty & Taylor, 1979 47
Bonnal, et al., 1980 7 7 3
Pompili, et al., 1982 10 5
Ojemann, 1985 16 0 1
Hakuba, et aL, 1986 7 0
Jan, et al., 1986 19 6
Sekhar, et al., 1989 16 3 13 0
A1-Mefty, 1990 24 4 21 2
* Only available information is entered.
# Two patients were operated on transsphenoidally in 1912 and 1913, one of whom was an operative death.

tients had total removal. Recurrence with eventual strictly intracavernous, originating from within the cav-
death occurred in five patients. ernous s i n u s . 1~ The latter present with symptoms
Bonnal, et al., 9 described a similar series, with only and signs of cavernous sinus syndrome, and form a
subtotal removal possible in all seven patients and three separate entity; thus, we have excluded them from this
operative deaths. Pompili, e t a / . , 44 reported that only discussion.
two of their nine patients with inner sphenoid ridge
meningiomas (five of which were globus tumors) had T o t a l vs. S u b t o t a l R e m o v a l
excellent results, defined as total removal combined The surgical mortality rate associated with anteri-
with complete clinical remission and no clinical or ra- or clinoidal meningiomas has remained unacceptably
diological sign of recurrence. A striking difference in high. Uihlein and Weyand 53 reported a mortality rate
mortality and morbidity rates, failure of total removal, of 32% in 1953, comparable to a 42% mortality rate in
and recurrence is apparent whenever clinoidal menin- the series of Bonnal, et al., 9 in 1980. Repeatedly, the
giomas are compared with middle and lateral sphenoid operative cause is injury to the major cerebral ves-
tumors or with tuberculum sellae t u m o r s . 9A7'26'29'41'44'52 sels, 9'17'23'41'43'53 a risk that has forced an overwhelming
Recognizing these differences, Bonnal, et al.,9 classi- number of surgeons to accept and recommend subtotal
fied sphenoid ridge meningiomas into five groups (A to removal.6,9,~ L 17,22,23,31,45,51,52,56
E), with Group A in their classification representing the Most neurosurgeons have had the experience of care-
meningiomas discussed in this report. They described fully observing slow-growing tumors, and there have
clinoidal or sphenocavernous meningiomas en m a s s e been reports of patients who remain in satisfactory
as: "extended upward into the cranial cavity from the condition for years after partial removal of their tu-
dura of the cavernous sinus, of the anterior clinoid mors. 9'3~ On the other hand, the extent of surgical
process, and of the internal part of the sphenoidal removal is clearly the most determining factor in tumor
wings. They were in close contact with the internal recurrence and progression. 1,37.47,48In the series of Mir-
carotid artery and its branches, which were shifted, imanoff, et al., 37 sphenoid ridge meningiomas (with a
stretched, or embedded, and with the optic nerve and 28% rate of total resection in all sphenoid ridge loca-
tract. Bone was not involved, except for the anterior tions) recurred or progressed with a probability at 5 and
clinoid process, nor were the craniofacial cavities." 10 years of 34% and 54%, respectively. A second op-
They conceded that total removal of these meningi- eration carries a significantly higher mortality and fail-
omas is difficult even with the help of magnification ure r a t e . 35'37
and ultrasonic aspiration. This group is similar to the Uihlein and Weyand 53 have stated that "total re-
first category of Ojemann's sphenoid ridge menin- moval of these tumors is necessary to prevent recur-
gioma. 4~ rence." Cophignon, et al.,~5 stated the point clearly: "to
Although meningiomas of the anterior clinoid invade cure a patient from a spheno-orbital meningioma one
the cavernous sinus, there exist meningiomas that are has to remove the entire intradural tumor, all the

846 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 7 3 / D e c e m b e r , 1990

Clinoidal meningiomas
involved dura, the orbital tumor, and all the so-called S m a l l M e n i n g i o m a s o f the Anterior Clinoid
hyperostosis, opening the facial and intracranial sinuses, Cushing and Eisenhardt ~7 cited an early example of
if necessary." a small anterior clinoidal meningioma found at autopsy
Recent advances in skull-base exposure, anesthesia, and depicted in 1910 by Frotscher. Several cases of
cerebral protection, microsurgical techniques, imaging, these small meningiomas at the anterior clinoid (Group
and surgery of the cavernous sinus have assisted in III in our classification) can be found. We were able to
overcoming many of the formidable tasks in dissecting isolate 14 such c a s e s 9A6"21"4~ in addition to 22 others
and preserving the vital neural and vascular structures mentioned by Konovalov, et al. 32 These meningiomas
involved with these tumors. Embedded carotid and are characterized by severe loss of vision with optic
middle cerebral artery branches can be dissected free atrophy on one side, Prior to high-resolution CT and
under magnification by means of microsurgical tech- MR imaging, radiological studies were frequently nor-
niques. 42~ Extensions into the cavernous sinus mal and the tumor was usually found upon exploration
can be removed with preservation of the intracavernous for unexplained visual loss. This group of tumors is
carotid artery and the cranial nerves. 4'2~ Involved frequently reported to extend into the optic canal. They
bone can be extensively drilled away. T M Revasculari- are easily removed; however, visual prognosis remains
zation can be performed by EC-IC anastomosis, 38 a guarded because of the ischemic nature of the optic
saphenous vein graft, 5~ or direct reconstruction of the nerve deficit. These tumors are similar in clinical find-
carotid artery using an interposed venous graft 46 (T ings and surgical consideration to intracanalicular me-
Fukushima, personal communication, 1989), providing ningiomas, which have recently been reviewed by Wil-
a means to alleviate ischemia should injury beyond son, et al. 57
repair occur to major cerebral vessels. Delayed throm-
bosis of the internal carotid and middle cerebral arteries The Role o f Radiation Therapy
leading to stroke has been reported after surgery of The role of radiation therapy cannot be left unad-
these tumors, z343 We do not believe, however, that this dressed in a discussion of clinoidal meningiomas in
potential risk is frequent enough to be a deterrent to which subtotal removal or recurrence are prominent
arterial dissection. features. Waga, et al.,54 were unable to establish whether
Olivecrona4~ reported no recurrences in 26 surviving prophylactic radiation therapy was effective in prevent-
patients after complete removal of their medial ridge ing recurrence of benign meningiomas, while Yama-
meningiomas, with a postoperative follow-up period shita, et al., 58 concluded that irradiation of recurrent
of up to 25 years. Reviewing his long-term results in meningiomas is of little value, although it might occa-
patients with medial sphenoid ridge meningiomas, Oli- sionally be beneficial. Recent reports, however, have
vecrona concluded, "in the group where the tumor was advocated the effectiveness of radiotherapy in conjunc-
completely removed the functional results in the sur- tion with subtotal surgical excision. 7Az'55Hence, radia-
vivors were highly satisfactory, whereas in the incom- tion therapy is a viable adjuvant in treating nonremov-
pletely removed groups some patients lived for many able residual or recurring tumors. For smaller residual
years but the rate of recurrence was high and the results tumors, stereotactic radiotherapy is an attractive alter-
of secondary operation far from encouraging." Hence, native awaiting long-term results.
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high price in risk of mortality and morbidity. Acknowledgments
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