PE Assignment

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Name of the Student:Muzammil Rizvi Roll No:CS-21089 Section:B

Department:CIS Date: 22-JUNE-2023 Time: 50 min
Instructions: You are required to work on the worksheet individually and complete in your class timings.
Scenario 1: Your company is developing a new computer system that requires a large amount of energy to
operate. However, the energy source available is coal, which is known to be highly polluting and contributes to
climate change. What ethical considerations should you take into account as a computer information systems

As a computer information systems engineer working on a project relying on coal as a major energy source, there
are key ethical considerations to address. Firstly, sustainability should be prioritized. It is crucial to evaluate the
long-term sustainability of the system being developed, despite coal's current availability. Exploring alternative
energy sources like solar or wind power can help reduce dependence on coal and promote environmental

Secondly, conducting a thorough environmental impact assessment is essential. This assessment should analyze
the carbon emissions, air pollution, and other environmental consequences associated with coal-based energy
production. It is imperative to identify methods to mitigate these impacts or explore alternative technologies with
lower environmental footprints.

Scenario 2: Your company is considering implementing a new cloud computing service that will require building
multiple data centers around the world. However, the increased energy consumption of these data centers may
contribute to carbon emissions and environmental degradation. How would you approach this situation from an
environmental ethics perspective?

From an environmental ethics perspective, implementing a new cloud computing service requires prioritizing
energy efficiency and sustainability. This involves designing data centers with optimized hardware, virtualization
techniques, and power management features to reduce energy consumption. Adopting green building practices,
renewable energy sources, and energy-efficient cooling systems further demonstrate commitment to
sustainability. Technologies like server virtualization and advanced cooling minimize energy requirements,
aiming to mitigate environmental impact and promote responsible cloud computing.
Scenario 3: Your company has developed a smartphone app that is gaining popularity and is expected to have a
large number of users. However, the app requires constant data synchronization, which results in significant
energy consumption and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. What steps could you take to mitigate the
environmental impact of the app while still meeting user demands?

To mitigate the environmental impact of the smartphone app while meeting user demands, several steps can be
Energy Efficiency Optimization: Engineers should focus on optimizing the app's energy consumption by
implementing power management features, optimizing algorithms, and reducing unnecessary data
Renewable Energy Sources: Consider powering the data synchronization process using renewable energy
sources, such as solar or wind power, to minimize greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption.
User Education: Educate app users about the environmental impact of constant data synchronization and
encourage them to modify their synchronization settings or use energy-saving modes when not actively using the

Scenario 4: Your company is developing a software product that will generate a large amount of electronic waste
once it becomes obsolete or reaches the end of its lifecycle. How would you address the ethical implications of
electronic waste and promote responsible disposal and recycling practices among users of your product?

To address the ethical implications of electronic waste and promote responsible disposal and recycling practices
among users of your software product, consider the following steps:
Conduct Environmental Impact Assessments: Prior to implementing the software product, engineers should
conduct comprehensive environmental impact assessments. Evaluate potential ecological consequences such as
energy consumption, waste generation, and carbon emissions, and explore alternative solutions that minimize
Prioritize Energy Efficiency: Engineers should prioritize energy-efficient designs by implementing power
management features, optimizing algorithms, and developing hardware and software solutions that reduce energy
usage. This helps minimize the environmental impact associated with energy consumption.
Responsible Waste Management: Engineers should consider the environmental impact of electronic waste
throughout the product's life cycle. Design systems with reparability and upgradability in mind, enabling users to
extend the lifespan of the software. Facilitate responsible disposal and recycling practices for obsolete or end-of-
life equipment by providing information on recycling programs and collection points.
Scenario 5: Your company is developing a new algorithm that will optimize energy consumption in buildings.
However, the algorithm requires gathering extensive personal data from occupants, raising concerns about privacy
and data security. How would you navigate the ethical considerations of balancing environmental benefits with
privacy concerns in this scenario?

To address the ethical implications of electronic waste and promote responsible disposal and recycling practices
among users of your software product, engineers can take the following steps:
Conduct Environmental Impact Assessments: Prior to implementing the software product, engineers should
conduct comprehensive environmental impact assessments. Evaluate potential ecological consequences such as
energy consumption, waste generation, and carbon emissions, and explore alternative solutions that minimize
Prioritize Energy Efficiency: Engineers should prioritize energy-efficient designs by implementing power
management features, optimizing algorithms, and developing hardware and software solutions that reduce energy
usage. This helps minimize the environmental impact associated with energy consumption.
Responsible Waste Management: Engineers should consider the environmental impact of electronic waste
throughout the product's life cycle. Design systems with reparability and upgradability in mind, enabling users to
extend the lifespan of the software. Facilitate responsible disposal and recycling practices for obsolete or end-of-
life equipment by providing information on recycling programs and collection points.

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