Volunteer Log Nsa

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Volunteer Hours Log Student Name___MCKENNA MILING______

Students must complete 20 volunteer hours during the nursing program.

(10 hours must be completed by the time the portfolio is submitted as a second semester junior)
Total number
DATE of hours Description of the activity and how it impacted health of participants. Evidence of participation (picture, artifact, picture of coordinator signature)

8/28/2022 10 I helped out at my church’s picnic. This impacted the

health of the church participants because it was the first
time we have done it in person again since COVID—
people were able to socialize again and see people they
have not seen for a few years! COVID isolated many
people, which affected their mental and social health.
The cookie bake sale is always a huge hit, as we open it
up to the entire diocese and it always draws a lot of
people. They leave with smiles on their face! It was a joy
to see people’s faces again—not just their eyes behind
their masks.

Revised 9/11;8/12;12/14;10/16;11/17;1-19
Students must complete 20 volunteer hours during the nursing program.
(10 hours must be completed by the time the portfolio is submitted as a second semester junior)
Total number
DATE of hours Description of the activity and how it impacted health of participants. Evidence of participation (picture, artifact, picture of coordinator signature)

11/30/2022 1 I went to the Post abortive Women’s Panel “Grief to

Grace”. It was extremely interesting to hear how having
an abortion impacted their lives physically, mentally,
spiritually, and emotionally. Two of the women during
this talk got pregnant during high school, and wanted to
hide the lives they were living. They thought it was the
best choice for them, but years later, they realized they
not only affected themselves, but also their own parents
as they do not have a grandchild. The part of the panel
that spoke to me the most, was all of the women had
very similar experiences walking into the abortion
facility—they did not call it a clinic because they told us
at a clinic, you receive well-rounded care, at an abortion
facility, they take your money and you sit in the lobby
ashamed and cannot look at anyone. They also spoke
about how they felt afterwards: broken, mentally ill, and
hopeless. I am very glad I was able to attend this panel,
as I only see the two political sides of what abortion
is/what it does. I have never talked or heard anyone
personally speak about their struggles after having an

Revised 9/11;8/12;12/14;10/16;11/17;1-19
Students must complete 20 volunteer hours during the nursing program.
(10 hours must be completed by the time the portfolio is submitted as a second semester junior)
Total number
DATE of hours Description of the activity and how it impacted health of participants. Evidence of participation (picture, artifact, picture of coordinator signature)

10/19/2022 2 We volunteered for the Day of Service 2022 at one of

the local parishes in town. We helped them to clean
their classrooms, wash windows, vacuum the hallways,
clean their lunch tables, and dust. This was a wonderful
experience to help the parish accomplish things they
would otherwise not get to, so they can focus on
something more important! They were extremely
thankful because they only had a small crew that is
regularly employed, so our help was a huge weight off of
their shoulders.

1/26/2023 1 I had the privilege to make Valentine’s cards for one of

the local nursing homes. This was really fun to do
because we have all worked in nursing homes and know
how lonely some of the residents get, and I hope these
cards offered a bright spot in their day!

Revised 9/11;8/12;12/14;10/16;11/17;1-19
Students must complete 20 volunteer hours during the nursing program.
(10 hours must be completed by the time the portfolio is submitted as a second semester junior)
Total number
DATE of hours Description of the activity and how it impacted health of participants. Evidence of participation (picture, artifact, picture of coordinator signature)

6/18/2023 7 This summer, my dad and I volunteered at our local

state park to help clean it up. We volunteered with a
small group of people and were able to clean up litter,
sticks, the inside of the cabins, and helped to do some
trimming of the overgrown trees and bushes
surrounding the campground area. This was an
awesome experience because I was able to be outside, it
was a beautiful day and we were able to get to know our
neighbors better as well!

Revised 9/11;8/12;12/14;10/16;11/17;1-19
Students must complete 20 volunteer hours during the nursing program.
(10 hours must be completed by the time the portfolio is submitted as a second semester junior)
Total number
DATE of hours Description of the activity and how it impacted health of participants. Evidence of participation (picture, artifact, picture of coordinator signature)

10/17/23 1 I had the privilege to make Halloween cards for one of

the local nursing homes. This was really fun to do
because we have all worked in nursing homes and know
how lonely some of the residents get, and I hope my
jokes I wrote in their cards offered a bright spot and a
smile in their day!

10/25/23 2 We volunteered at Ministry on the Margins and helped

to clean their medication/procedure room. We also
organized little first aid kits for the homeless that need
help as well as set up a spa room for their open house
and their eye clinic that was happening later in the

Revised 9/11;8/12;12/14;10/16;11/17;1-19

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