EE256!! - Sheet 8 - Spring2023

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Pharos University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering

SEMESTER: 4th level - 8th semester ACADEMIC YEAR: Spring 2022/2023

Course Title: Digital Communication (2) Course Code: EE256 & EE256!!
Instructors: Dr. Ahmed Ali Sheet - 8
Eng. Asmaa Zayed
Sheet (8): Spread Spectrum (SS)

1) Draw the m-sequence with polynomial x4+x+1 (choose initial state 1000) and write
its period. Then draw the shift register connection diagram.
2) Repeat Problem (1) for initial state 0101.
3) Repeat Problem (1) for initial state 1011.
4) For the PN sequence in Problem (1): Use FHSS technique with Th = 2 Tb using BFSK
modulation for sequence 101100010111 and 8 hopping frequencies. Then determine
the type of FH (slow or fast)?
5) For the PN sequence in Problem (2): Use FHSS technique with Th=2 Tb using BFSK
modulation for sequence 001110100011 and 8 hopping frequencies.
6) For the PN sequence in Problem (1): Use FHSS technique with Tb=2 Th using BFSK
modulation for sequence 1101001 and 8 hopping frequencies
7) For DSSS, and Tb = 4 Tc and input data 011101 draw the transmitted signal (use the
PN sequence in Problem (3)).

Best Wishes


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