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Travel & Tourism

• Diction - interrupters, haole, airplanes vomit, caucasity

• Page 10 really good page about how Hawaiians hate
• Hawaiians feel threatened
◦Page 320 - Hawaiianologist
• Page 196 - called cops on Hawaiians
• Page 307 - airplanes vomit again
• 377 - steal a kingdom
• Tourists should research before hand
• Tourists can be both good and bad for economy
• Tourist industry is the problem
• Americans treat other places like their own home, you
should be polite
• Hawaiians blame everything on Americans
• Hate is being passed from one generation to another

• Hi’i teased
• What is an outsider?
• Jane is Hawaiian even though she doesnt look it
• Acceptance of a lot of di erent things is the solution
• Does blood instantly put you in the culture

Are we heading towards a destopia

• Not all culture is good
• Where is the line?
◦Who decides where the line is?
• Don’t sacri ce children to the sun god
• Learn from history

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