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Revision 2
Past Simple and Past Continuous

1 Choose the correct answer. 6 Ethan well last night.

1 We had to be quiet because Annie and Rose . a didn’t sleep b wasn’t sleeping
a studied b were studying 7 What when he left the house?
2 I my suitcase at the train station. a did John wear b was John wearing
a lost b was losing 8 Carol on the way to school?
3 in time for the party? a Did you see b Were you seeing
a Did Ronald return b Was Ronald returning 9 Karen TV when I got home.
4 No cars , so we crossed the street. a didn’t watch b wasn’t watching
a came b were coming 10 My sister to France yesterday.
5 Yvonne fell while she a ladder. a flew b was flying
a climbed b was climbing

Advantage 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books 1

2 Write a suitable question for each answer below. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1 Those men were selling old furniture.

2 No, I wasn’t writing you a note when you came in.

3 Vicky was laughing because she was reading a funny story.

4 We won the basketball game last night.

5 They went to the music festival at the weekend.

6 I met Jack last year.

3 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
1 while / he / Nick / find / 50 euros / to school / walk / .

2 at 9.00 / do / what / you / ?

3 not listen / Cindy / the teacher / speak / while / .

4 pay / how much / for her phone / Lynn / ?

5 I / my leg / dance / break / I / when / .

6 anyone new / we / at the party / not meet / .

4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or
the Past Continuous.
We 1 (decide) to go shopping in town yesterday morning, but when we
(arrive), there was nowhere to park. While we 3 (look)
4 5
for a place, we (see) a woman walking. We (realise) that
6 7
she (walk) towards her car. We (follow) her to her car
and then waited to take her parking place. We sat there for a long time while she
(get) ready to leave. However, as she 9 (come) out of her
10 11
parking place, her car (hit) ours. Because of that, we
(not park) and we 12
(not go) shopping.
5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the
original sentence.
1 We didn’t have a picnic because of the rain. (was)

2 Francine began to feel ill during lunch. (eating)

3 There wasn’t a month last winter when we didn’t go skiing. (every month)

4 We watched the movie from 8.00 to 10.00. (at 9.15)

5 Martin forgot his girlfriend’s birthday. (remember)

6 In the middle of the match, Jane called me. (watching)

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