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Nangendo Tendo Mayrah


Coming from a developing country, without insurance or contacts in high places, you may as

well forget about seeing a specialist or even a well-trained general practitioner. Corruption and

selfishness especially in the so-called public hospitals. Seventeen referral hospitals with the least

technological advancement, multiple unqualified nurses and unattended residents due to the

absence and limited number of qualified doctors, with long lines of patients sleeping outside the

hospitals resulting from limited space. This got me well on my way to studying medicine.

I learned very quickly the importance of self-discipline and effective time management being

elected leader of the school choir and also a competitive swimmer on the school swim team. The

time spent in swim practice, training choir and also organizing choir based events whilst

successfully fulfilling my academic duties, equipped me with transferable and interpersonal

skills that are required in not only the medical field but also life.

Post high school, pursuing a one year certificate in Biological sciences, I had the opportunity to

interact with people from different backgrounds, cultures and languages which put my social

skills to the test. The cultural diversity of Humanitas University is a great platform for me to

exercise these skills and form lasting collaborations with other international students which could

have positive impact, in the present and future, on not only Italy but Uganda as well. Not

forgetting the beautiful city of Milan that has a very rich history whose lessons could prove

effective in the further development of my country Uganda.

Being a member of the Uganda Red Cross Society, I got to see the field of medicine from a

broader perspective. More than just giving a diagnosis and writing down a prescription, it’s also

about dealing with the source of the problem to prevent or reduce its re-occurrence. I am

particularly most passionate about solving the problem of the underdeveloped emergency

medical sector in Uganda. Humanitas University having a highly specialized accident and
Nangendo Tendo Mayrah

emergency department and the most technologically advanced hospitals in Europe, I believe is

the right place for me. Niccolo Machiavelli says it like this, “A prudent man will always try to

follow in the footsteps of great men and imitate those who have been truly outstanding, so that, if

he is not quite as skillful as they, at least some of their ability may rub off on him.” I am that

prudent man whose goal is to advance the healthcare system in Uganda into one that is more

technologically advanced, with highly trained doctors offering high quality medical services and

pursuing my medical degree at Humanitas University will nurture me to do just that and more.

The only factor standing between me and the realization of this goal is the financial background

of my family. With this scholarship, I am a step closer to the realization of my dream. Help me

help Uganda.

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