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Has she got a bracelet?

Has she got a necklace?
No, she hasn’t.
Yes, she has.
She’s got a necklace.

Has he got a drum?

Has he got a blanket?
No, he hasn’t.
Yes, he has.
He’s got a blanket.

Has she got a bracelet?

No, she ................

She ................ a coin.

.......... he got a blanket?


He ................ a drum.
Has she got a coin?

No, she ....................

She ............. earrings.

......... he got a drum?


He .............. glasses.

Has she got a bracelet?

Yes, she .............

What has she got? What has she got?

She’s got a bracelet/earrings. She’s got a blanket/drum.

What has he got? What has he got?

He’s got a bracelet/earrings. He’s got glasses/a football.

Has she got a coin? Has she got a bracelet?

Yes, she has./ Yes, she has./

No, she hasn’t. No, she hasn’t.

Has he got a blanket? Has he got a drum?

Yes, he has./ Yes, he has./

No, he hasn’t. No, he hasn’t.

1. What does he look like? He’s got big eyebrows

and a beard. He hasn’t got a moustache.
2. What does she look like? She’s got curly hair and
freckles. She hasn’t got glasses.
3. What does he look like? He’s got a smile. He
hasn’t got blonde hair.
4. What does she look like? She’s got straight hair
and a ponytail. She hasn’t got freckles.
5. What does he look like? He’s got a big moustache
and curly hair. He hasn’t got a beard.
6. What does she look like? She has a big smile and
straight hair. She hasn’t got a ponytail.
What has she got?
She’s got a necklace.
Has she got earrings? Yes, she has.
Has she got a bracelet? No, she hasn’t.

What has he got?

He’s got a coin.
Has he got a blanket? No, he hasn’t.
Has he got a drum? Yes, he has.

What has she got?

She’s got a coin.
Has she got a necklace? Yes, she has.
Has she got a drum? No, she hasn’t.

What has he got?

He’s got a bracelet.
Has he got earrings? No, he hasn’t.
Has he got a blanket? Yes, he has.

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