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Moving to Finland: A Guide to a Smooth


A seamless transition to a new country demands knowledge and understanding of its language, culture,
authorities, and the nuances of everyday life that vary from place to place. At Silk Road, we extend a warm
welcome and o몭er valuable insights and encouraging tips to ensure your move to Finland is an enjoyable
experience rather than a stressful one. Let’s delve into this guide to ease any potential culture shock when
relocating to Finland!

Building Bridges through Words

Upon moving to Finland, you’ll quickly realize that Finnish is a unique language with no equivalent
elsewhere. At Silk Road, we recognize the importance of language and provide free but mandatory
language training in our recruitment program. However, becoming pro몭cient in a new language is a
journey that requires additional time and e몭ort.

To immerse yourself in the language and culture, consider exploring Finnish literature, 몭lms, and music.
These resources not only enhance your language skills but also o몭er deeper insights into the Finnish way
of life. Additionally, you can seek out language courses or language apps to accelerate your language
learning journey. To help you out, we have also collected language learning tips in a separate article!

When moving to Finland, don’t hesitate to engage in conversations in Finnish. While it may seem daunting
initially, you’ll discover that Finns appreciate the e몭ort made by foreigners to communicate in their
language. Perfection in grammar or pronunciation is unnecessary; your willingness to try speaks volumes,
and you’ll undoubtedly be understood.

A Hike into the Nature of Finns

Finnish culture is a vibrant mosaic crafted from a rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and a unique way
of life. Understanding its core values will help you appreciate the depth and beauty of this culture. That
will, for its part, help the transition when moving to Finland.

The cornerstone of Finnish culture is the country’s amazing nature. Finland is often referred to as the
“Land of a Thousand Lakes,” and this natural beauty signi몭cantly shapes the Finnish way of life. Pristine
forests, thousands of lakes, and the Arctic wilderness o몭er boundless opportunities for outdoor
enthusiasts. Activities such as hiking, skiing, berry picking, and 몭shing are more than hobbies; they are
cherished traditions that connect Finns to their environment. This leads us to a unique aspect of Finnish
culture: the concept of “Everyman’s Right” (Jokamiehenoikeus). This legal principle grants everyone the
freedom to explore nature, pick mushrooms or berries, and camp responsibly in the wilderness, provided
it doesn’t harm the environment or landowners’ rights.

Another essential aspect of Finnish life is Sauna culture. Many saunas are situated by picturesque
lakeshores, providing a setting for relaxation and re몭ection. This connection between sauna and nature is
deeply ingrained in Finnish culture. What might surprise you about Finnish sauna culture is that it’s
common to bathe in the sauna without clothing. If you feel insecure about that, don’t worry! It’s ok to use a
bathing suit as well. Another thing to note is that silence is appreciated in Finnish sauna culture.

In Finnish culture, there’s a profound value placed on silence. Initially mistaken for reserve or
unfriendliness, it’s actually a form of thoughtful communication. Finns typically avoid excessive small talk
and comfortably embrace silence during conversations and social interactions, allowing them time to
re몭ect before speaking. Communication is generally informal, and using 몭rst names, even in the
workplace, is common.

In addition to communication habits, Finns possess an inexplicable inner strength known as “Sisu.” Often
translated as determination, grit, or resilience, Sisu embodies the Finnish spirit and is a key component of
the culture. Throughout history, Finns have faced numerous challenges, from harsh winters to geopolitical
tensions, with quiet strength and determination.
Navigating Finnish Authorities: Your Passport to
a Smooth Transition
When moving to Finland, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with various authorities. The 몭rst thing to do
after arriving in Finland is to visit the Digital and Population Data Services (DVV) to report your move to
Finland. This step ensures your registration in the Finnish system and provides you with a Finnish ID
number. In our program, we include a visit to DVV as part of your local orientation. Once DVV processes
your information, you’ll receive your ID number via email. Next, visit the Finnish police to obtain your ID
card. Some police o몭ces o몭er walk-in services, while others require you to book an appointment.

Another authority to become familiar with is Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland), which
provides your health insurance card. A straightforward visit to a Kela o몭ce will guide you through the
process. Remember that in Finland, healthcare is free for all o몭cial residents, funded through taxes.

Speaking of taxes, if you plan to work in Finland, obtaining a tax card is essential. You can easily order one
online, requiring an estimate of your yearly income to calculate the correct tax percentage. If you realize
you’ve estimated incorrectly, you can always order a new tax card and make adjustments. You must
provide your tax card to your employer, including any changes to your tax percentage.

Financing Your Finnish Adventure

Financial preparation is a crucial aspect when moving to Finland. Begin by budgeting for initial expenses,
including the residence permit application fee (approximately 490€). In our program, this fee will be
reimbursed after your arrival. Other o몭cial costs include, for example, ID card expenses (about 60€ to the
police, plus around 20€ for the passport photo).

When considering apartment rentals, keep in mind that rental apartments in Finland often require a
security deposit of 1-2 months’ rent paid in advance. Ensure you can cover this cost if you choose to rent
independently. If you arrive in Finland through the Silk Road program, the security deposit will either be
paid by your employer or deducted from your salary in manageable batches.

Having some pocket money (around 1500 euros) is advisable because obtaining a Finnish bank account
may take some time. Until you have an account, you’ll need funds to cover basic necessities like food,
cleaning supplies, and transportation. Your 몭rst salary can only be paid once you have a Finnish bank

Building Bonds through Exploration

Exploring Finland and building connections go hand in hand. Finland’s major cities o몭er excellent public
transport networks, including buses, trains, trams, and metros. Consider purchasing a monthly transport
card if you rely on public transportation. A handy tip is to use Google Maps to 몭nd your way around
Finland. It’s a reliable tool for locating places and planning routes, ensuring you can explore with

One important aspect of settling into a new country is networking and 몭nding friends to make the new
place feel like home. In Finland, there are numerous options available for networking! Getting to know
your neighbors and community may be easier if you volunteer at your housing association or other local
associations. Outdoor activities provide opportunities to meet people and establish connections. Finland
also o몭ers a wide range of hobbies, allowing you to connect with people who share similar interests.
Additionally, participating in various events or club activities can help you 몭nd friends from your
Appreciating Nature with Sustainable Solutions
Finland places a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability. Embrace Finland’s commitment to
recycling and familiarize yourself with local recycling practices to actively contribute to environmental
preservation. Recycling couldn’t be more straightforward, as basically all housing societies have their
recycling stations. Also, an excellent innovation in Finland is the bottle deposit system. Be aware of bottle
deposits when purchasing plastic and glass bottles. You’ll receive a refund when returning them to the
store, contributing to a cleaner environment.

Also take note that when buying groceries in Finnish stores, you’ll need to weigh fruits and vegetables
before proceeding to the cashier. This simple step ensures accurate pricing and reduces food waste.

Welcome to Finland!
As you embark on your journey to settle into Finnish society, remember that your experience will be
enriched by your willingness to learn the language, immerse yourself in culture, and navigate essential
practical matters. Finland eagerly welcomes you into its vibrant tapestry of traditions, and we’re here to
help make your transition as warm and enjoyable as possible. Embrace your adventure and the
remarkable journey ahead!

Are you ready to start your journey toward living and working in Finland with Silk Road? Sign up for our
free online orientation by clicking one of the buttons below!

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1 thought on “Moving to Finland: A Guide to a Smooth Transition”


OCTOBER 6, 2023 AT 19:58

Very good road map. I applied for for the fast pace language training and I met all the requirements, but
it’s over a month and I still haven’t been grouped and no explanation or update given. Please kindly update
me of my current status. Kiitos


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