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Practice: Speaking part 1 topics

Topic 1. Let’s talk about Free time activities/ hobbies

1. What do you usually do in your free time? Bạn làm gì vào thời gian rảnh
- Well, in my spare/free time I like watching TV. I am busy during the day so I love watching the news in
the evening while our family are having dinner. Besides, I enjoy listening to music. My favorite kind of
music is POP music.
- Whenever I have free time, I usually listen to music. I am a big fan of pop music which helps me to relax
after hard- working days. I also have an interest in reading books. In my pastime, I usually read some
- In my free time, I like reading newspapers and watching TV.
2. What do you usually do on weekdays? Ngày thường
I am quite busy (bận) during the week. I work from 8 a.m to 5 p.m on weekdays so in the evening I often
cook dinner, stay at home and chat with my family members about what they have done during the day.
3. What do you usually do when you go out? Khi đi ra ngoài thì làm gì?
When I am out, I often eat out with my family or go for a drink with my friends. Sometimes, my family go
to the park, go shopping.
4. What do you usually do with your friends? Bạn thường làm gì với những người bạn của mình
- We often go to a café and chat about work, life, family. Sometimes, we visit each other’s home and enjoy
meals together.
- I drink coffee with my friends; I learn English with my friends.
5. What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Sở thích tốt và ko tốt
I would say good hobbies are those which bring benefits to people such as reading books or playing sports.
However, spending too much time on the Internet is a bad hobby because it is not good for your health.
- I think good hobbies are good for people: playing sports; swimming; reading
Bad hobbies are not good for people: using the Internet too much; smoking; drinking wine, beer.
6. Do you prefer spending your time alone or with others?
Well, I really like spending my time hanging out with my family and friends. They can give me much
useful help in my work as well as interesting ideas to enjoy life.

Topic 2. Let’s talk about exercises

1. How often do you do the exercise?
I do the exercise everyday because it helps me to relax and keep fit, to stay healthy/ it is good for my health.
2. Would you prefer to do the exercise alone or with someone else?
I prefer to do exercise with my friends because we have the same hobby and it’s a good chance for me to
make friends and open the relationship.
3. How important is it to do the exercise?
Doing the exercise is very/extremely important because it makes me healthy and keep fit, avoid some
diseases./ It is good for my health.

Topic 3. Talk about the coffee shop

1. Do you often go to the coffee shop?
Yes, I do. I go to the coffee shop every morning to relax, to drink something (drink tea, coffee, fruit juice)
and to chat with my friends.
2. Do you go there alone or with friends?
I go there with my friends because we have the same hobby and it’s a good chance for me to make friends
and open the relationship.
3. What do you do there?
We drink tea, coffee, fruit juice and chat about life, work and family./ listen to our favorite music. We feel
really happy when being there.

Topic 4. Talk about bookstore

1. What’s your favourite book store?
My favourite book store is Tien Tho bookstore……, it is near my house. There are many interesting books
and the price is reasonable./ cheap. It is cheap to buy books there.
2. Do you go there alone or with someone else?
I go there with my friends because we have the same hobby and it’s a good chance for me to make friends
and open the relationship.
3. What do you often buy there? Why?
I often buy books and newspapers, novels, school objects there. The shop assistant is very helpful and

Topic 5. Talk about newspapers

1. How do you usually get daily news?
I usually get daily news by different media such as TV, Internet, radio, newspaper……/ it is easy and fast to
get the news.
2. How do most people get news in your country?
Like me, most people in my country get the news by media or face to face communication, phone,
B1: People in my country get the news on TV and the Internet.
3. Do you think international news is important?
Yes, I think international news is very important because it helps people broaden/get the knowledge in the
world. / because it is useful.
Topic 6. Let’s talk about Keeping fit
1. What do you do to be in shape?
2. What is your favorite sport?
3. How can we get young people do more exercise?
- Make them understand the benefits of doing exercise
- Parents should do exercise with their children
- Organize some exercise clubs
- Do exercise with the trainer at the gym

Topic 7. Shopping
1. Do you enjoy going shopping?
Yes. I do; I am really a shopaholic/ In my spare time, I like to go shopping with my friends to the
supermarket or go shopping online. /special offers: giảm giá đặc biệt/ bargains: món hời
2. How much time do you spend shopping every week?
3. Do you enjoy going shopping alone or with your friends?

Topic 8. Hometown or birth place

1. Where do you come from? Can you describe your hometown or village?
- I am from ………../ my hometown is Hanoi. Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi has a lot of famous
tourist attractions: Hoan Kiem Lake, Uncle Ho Mausoleum (Lăng Bác), the Temple of Literature (Văn
Miếu). Hanoi also has many kinds of traditional food like Pho, bun cha.
(Khi miêu tả về quê hương mình ở đâu thì phải nói được tên, danh lam thắng cảnh nổi tiếng)
- My hometown is Thach That District, Hanoi, it is 30km from the city centre. It is very quiet and peaceful
with rice fields like many other villages in Vietnam. My hometown is famous for Tay Phuong pagoda, an
ancient pagoda in Hanoi.
2. What do you like about your hometown?
I like the delicious food; I like friendly people and beautiful landscapes.
3. What do you dislike about your hometown?
the dirty air, polluted air/ air pollution; traffic jam./ traffic accident

Topic 9. Family
1. Can you tell me about your family? Giới thiệu về gia đình

- I come from a small/big family which has 4 members: my husband/wife, my 2 children and me. My son is
7 years old, he is in the 2nd grade. My little daughter is 3 years old. She goes to kindergarten. My
husband/wife is 35 years old. He is a businessman.
2. What is your father like? Bố của bạn tính cách như thế nào? (Khác với What does your father like
là sở thích; what does your father look like là ngoại hình)
- My father is humorous/ He has a good sense of humour, he often tells jokes (kể chuyện cười) that make us
laugh. Besides, he is very strict. He never allows me to come home late at night.
- He is friendly and helpful, humourous
- He is friendly, kind and hard working
3. What is your mother like?
- My mother is a caring and understanding person. She takes good care of my family and whenever I have a
problem, I always share with her because she often listens to my problem and gives me good advice.
- My mother is helpful, friendly, humourous
4. Do you have brothers and sisters? Are they older or younger than you?
- I have a brother. He is married and has a daughter and a son. He lives with my parents in my hometown.
She is a university student.
5. Do you live alone? Who do you live with? Bạn có sống 1 mình ko? Bạn sống cùng ai?
- No, I don’t. I live with my family on Quang Trung street. I have been living there since 2010. / for 4 years.
19 90 2021
6. Who do you respect most in your family? Bạn tôn trọng ai nhất trong gia đình?
In my family I respect my mother most because she has been taking good care of me since I was little. She is
also very understanding. I always come to her when I have any problems. She is really my idol and I want to
become a person like her.
7. Who has had the most influence in your life? Ai là người có ảnh hưởng nhất với bạn?
My father has had the most influence in my life. It is my father who strictly taught me valuable/good lessons
in life and always stands by my side whenever I have trouble. He really sets a good example for us to
- My mother: give me useful advice in my life, take good care of; talk to me; understand me; teach me
good things.
Suggestion: Inspire/ motivate
8. Who do you get on well with in your family? Có mối quan hệ tốt? Who are you close to in your
I love everyone in my family but I get on well with my mother. I often share with her everything or when I
have trouble, I often ask her for advice. We understand each other very well.
- I love everyone in my family but I get on well with my mother. I often ask her for advice.

9. Do you ever argue with someone in your family? What do you argue about? Bạn có bao giờ cãi
nhau với ai trong gia đình ko? Cãi nhau về vấn đề gì?
- Yes, I do. I and my brother sometimes have an argument about what TV programs to watch. I like
watching films while he prefers to watch sports programs.
- Yes, I do. I and my husband/ my wife sometimes argue about how to teach our children. He often says I
am spoiling my children (làm hư con). My husband, on the other hand, is very strict to them. Sometimes we
argue bout money.
- Yes, I do. I and my husband sometimes argue about how to teach children and about money.
10. Do you want to live in a big house or a small house?
- I want to live in a small house and all family members live happily together.

Topic 10. Let’s talk about children

1. Do you love children?
Lovely, cute, naive
2. How many children do you have?
Primary school students, grade 4; grade 1
3. What do you like doing with your children?
Entertainment center; kids’ play area

Topic 11. Talk about relationship to your parents

1. Who are you closer to? Your mom or your dad?
2. What do you like to do when you are together?
3. Do you want to live with your parents when you get married?

Topic 12. Travelling

1. Do you like travelling?
Yes, I do. I enjoy travelling a lot because I love exploring beautiful places and meeting new people. Besides,
I can taste local food and have a chance to refresh my mind.
- Yes, I do. I and my husband sometimes go travelling to many places.
2. Do you like to travel alone or with your friends?
- I prefer/like travelling with my friends because it is more fun and more interesting to go with friends. We
can try new food and meet new people together. We can take photos for each other.
3. Have you travelled to other places? Where are they?
Yes, I have. I have been to several/some places in Vietnam such as Halong Bay, Ninh Binh, Sapa. I like
Halong Bay most because I love the ocean and I enjoy swimming in the sea. Moreover, I can visit beautiful
caves and the seafood there is fresh and delicious.
- I am really impressed by the people, the mountains in Japan.
4. What do you usually do when you first arrive a new place? Bạn thường làm gì khi lần đầu bạn
đến 1 nơi mới?
Well, first of all, I often go sightseeing in the area. Then I find a good local restaurant to enjoy the delicious
food. Besides, I often take lots of photos to keep my memories.
5. What are the benefits of travelling? Lợi ích của việc đi du lịch là gì?
- There are many advantages of travelling. Firstly, travelling broadens our mind. When you travel, you
learn many new things such as new cultures, local people’s ways of life. Secondly, you can visit many
beautiful places and take part in interesting activities. Finally, travelling helps you relax and it is a great way
to spend time with family and friends.
- It helps me relax/reduce stress after hard-working days.
6. Why do so many people travel nowadays? Tại sao ngày nay nhiều người đi du lịch?
- I think nowadays more and more people travel because of several reasons. Firstly, transportation is much
more convenient today such as airplanes, trains, buses are popular and not too expensive. Secondly, people
can earn more money so they might want to travel to spend time with family and friends and relax after busy
working hours.
- Because their life is better, they have more money.
Topic 13. Let’s talk about favourite beach
1. What is your favourite beach in Vietnam?
- There are many beautiful beaches in VN but my favourite one is Da nang because it’s tidy and clean.
Especially the view is fantastic.
- I love Sam Son beach where I often go on holiday every summer
2. How often do you go there?
I go there every summer with my friends because I have a long summer holiday. When I go to the beach, I
feel very relaxed and live with the nature.
4. What do you often do when you are there?
There are many activities we can do when we are on the beach such as swimming, enjoying seafood, taking
photos, walking along the beach, seeing the sunrise and sunset. It’s a great time to reduce stress after hard
work. Specialities: đặc sản

Topic 14. Let’s talk about favourite place

1. When you are sad, where do you often go?
When I am sad, I often stay at home listening to music or watching TV, going for a walk with my friends in
the park.
2. Do you prefer there alone or with someone else?

I prefer there with my friends because we have the same hobby and it’s a good chance for me to make
friends and open the relationship.
4. Which places do you recommend your friends to go?
There are many places to go but I think beach is the best choice because it’s a fantastic place to reduce
stress and enjoy a lot of activities such as swimming, enjoying seafood; ……

Topic 15. Let’s talk about traveling

1. Do you like traveling?
Yes, I like traveling because it helps me relax and feel comfortable, I can explore new places, broadens my
2. What kind of places have you visited in your life?
I have visited many places in VietNam such as : Nha Trang, Da Nang, HCM. They are beautiful and
3. Do you prefer to travel alone or with someone else? = 4. Who do you like to go travelling with?
I prefer/like to travel with my friends because we have the same hobby. It’s a good chance for me to make
friends and open/expand the relationship.

Topic 16. Talk about holiday destination

1. What’s your favourite holiday destination?
My favourite holiday destination is Da Nang where there is a beautiful beach and Ba Na hills
2. Do you prefer to go on holiday overseas or in the country? Why?
I prefer to go on holiday overseas because I can explore new places and I can make friends and open the
relationship. Moreover, I can improve my knowledge and open my mind.
3. What are advantages and disadvantages of holiday overseas?
Thuận lợi, bất lợi của du lịch nước ngoài?
There are some advantages of holiday overseas. Firstly, I can experience new place, new culture, new habits
and customs of many countries in the world. Secondly, I can open my knowledge and enrich my mind.
However, there are some disadvantages of holidays overseas. Firstly, it’s very expensive. Secondly, it’s
difficult to communicate with foreigners if we don’t know about the foreign language. Moreover, when we
have oversea holidays, we have to spend much time off from work and study, so it can have a bad effect on
our job and study schedule. Finally, when we go on holiday abroad, there are new places we don’t know,
thus we can be lost or cannot find the way to the right destination.

Topic 17. Holiday

1. How often do you have a holiday?
2. What do Vietnamese people do during summer holiday?
3. What do you do during summer holiday?
Holiday is a great way to reduce stress and escape from daily routines to meet up new friends and see new
places. A holiday is a gift from the boss to appreciate those who work hard for the whole year. When
children are out of school and excited about a long summer holiday, my family and other Vietnamese people
often take the whole family members a trip to the sea to enjoy delicious and fresh seafood, go swimming, go
sunbathing and go for sight seeing.

Topic 18. Friends

1. Do you have many friends? Are they casual acquaintances or close friends?
I have many friends but only some of them are close friends because I think we should have only several
close friends to spend time and share everything with. For example: we study and relax together.
2. Do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends?
- I prefer/like to stay with my friends because then I have more freedom. I can do whatever I like. Moreover,
staying with my friends helps me learn better as we can share learning materials and discuss difficult
questions. Finally, sometimes it is easier to share with friends than with family members.
- I want to spend time with my family members. I can cook good food and watch TV with them. I feel really
happy when being with them.
3. Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?
I prefer to have just one or 2 close friends because If I had many close friends, I wouldn’t have enough time
to spend with them all. Having only one or 2 close friends I can easily share with them my secrets and
happiness. Besides, we can get together and have interesting conversations more often.
The more, the merrier: càng đông càng vui
4. Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?
Most of my friends are about my age because we met at school or university. I have got several friends who
are older or younger than me as we met at work.
5. Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends? Bạn thường gặp bạn bè trong
tuần hay cuối tuần?
I tend to meet up with my friends at weekends because everyone’s/ we are too busy during the week.
- I meet my friends at weekends because we are busy on weekdays.
6. The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together? Lần trước bạn gặp bạn của bạn vào
lúc nào?
I met my friends last weekend. We went shopping for some clothes together. After that, we went to a café
and chatted about work and family.
7. What do you like doing with your friends?

Topic 19. Music

1. Do you like music?
Yes, I do. I like Pop music and rock ballad because I like soft melody.
I like music because it makes me feel relaxed after hard working hours.
2. What kind of music do you like best?
I like pop music best because I like soft and beautiful melody. Besides, It really helps me reduce stress.
3. What are the benefits of listening to music? Lợi ích của việc nghe nhạc
Listening to music has several advantages. Firstly, it helps you relax after long working hours. It motivates
(tạo động lực) you to work better. Moreover, music allows you sleep better. That’s why many people listen
to music before bedtime.
- Music helps me relax and sleep better.
4. Who is your favorite singer?
I like My Tam because she is beautiful; she sings really well. She is kind, too. She often helps other people.
- Tuan Hung: Handsome, sings very well, kind, friendly
5. What is your favorite song?
I like “Nhu mot giac mo” – “Like a dream” by My Tam. She looks beautiful in the MV, the song is moving
(xúc động), Meaningful lyric ; the lyric (lời bài hát) is meaningful (có ý nghĩa); easy to sing and remember.
Winter Lover: Người tình mùa đông

Topic 20. Let’s talk about musical instrument

1. Can you play any musical instrument?
2. If you could learn a musical instrument, what would it be?
3. How easy is it to learn to play a musical instrument without a teacher?

Topic 21. Let’s talk about Traditional music

1. Do you often listen to traditional music?
Yes. I am a big fan of traditional music because it helps me to relax and know about culture, history.
2. What is your favourite song?
In my life I have heard a lot of songs but my favourite one is….. because the melody is very gentle and it’s
easy to remember the song. (quan ho folk song: nguoi o nguoi o dung ve)
3. How important is traditional music in your country?
Yes, it is very important because it helps me know more about culture, tradition and history of the country.

Topic 22. Let’s Talk about music and infants

1. How does music influence infants (babies)?
It helps babies sleep well and develop their brain
2. Is music good for infants (babies)?
Yes it is, because they can sleep well and develop their brain
3. What kinds of music are good for infants?
Classical music and traditional music because the melody is very gentle. /lullaby (/ˈlʌləbaɪ/: nhạc ru e bé

Topic 23. Talk about music festival

1. Have you ever been to a music festival?
2. Would you prefer to go alone or with someone else?
3. Why do people like music festival

Topic 24. Talk about listening to music online

1. Do you often listen to music?
2. What is your favourite website to listen to music?
3. What makes it your favourite website to listen to music?

Topic 25. Transportation

1. How do you get to work/school?
I often go to work by motorbike because it is convenient (tiện) and easy to use. It is easy to move around the
narrow streets of Hanoi.
2. What is your favorite means of transport?
I like motorbike the most because it is easy to use, convenient, easy to move around. Moreover, it is not
expensive to buy one.
3. Do you often use public transport?
I sometimes travel by bus when I have to travel for long distance.
It saved money/ it is money saving, it is cheap; I had a lot of good memories
4. Which do you prefer, public transport or private transport? Why?
- I would say I prefer to travel by private transport. I often go by motorbike because it is convenient. I can
travel anywhere, anytime I like.
- I prefer public transport like buses because it is cheap to travel by bus. It costs only 7,000 Vietnamdong.
Moreover, I don’t have to worry about the rainy or sunny weather.
5. Can you say something about transportation in your hometown?
In my opinion, the biggest problem about transportation in Hanoi is traffic jam. It takes people a lot of time
to move during rush hours (giờ cao điểm) in the early morning and in the late afternoon. This is because the
number of vehicles (xe cộ) has increased while the streets are narrow.
6. What is the most common means of transport in your country? Phương tiện giao thông phổ biến

In Vietnam, the most popular means of transport is motorbike. People can see motorbikes everywhere in
Vietnam because it doesn’t cost much to buy one. It is easy to move, it is convenient.
7. Do traffic jams often occur in your hometown or in the city where you live? Tắc đường có thường xảy ra
ở quê của bạn hoặc nơi bạn ở ko?
Traffic jams are one of the biggest problems in Hanoi where I live now. Everyday people get stuck in the
traffic jam. There are several reasons for that. Firstly, the number of vehicles has increased while streets are
narrow. Secondly, some people do not follow the traffic laws.
- Traffic jams often occur during rush hours (giờ cao điểm) / at peak times (lúc cao điểm)
In the early morning 7-8 a.m; late afternoon 5-6 p.m.
8. How to solve the problems of traffic jams? Cách giải quyết vấn đề tắc đường
I think the government should improve public transport/ the government should have better public tranport
(hệ thống giao thông công cộng tốt hơn). For example, they should reduce the bus ticket price and provide
more buses with better quality. Besides, they could ban (cấm) private vehicles from the city centre.
- I think the city government should widen the roads (mở rộng đường)
- Encourage people to use public transport (khuyến khíc sử dụng giao thông công cộng)
- Obey the traffic laws: tuân thủ luật giao thông
9. What changes in transportation have taken place in the past several years in Vietnam?
I think there are more buses. At the same time, the number of private cars has risen considerably due to high
standard of living. However, motorbikes are still the most popular means of transport because they don’t
cost a lot and it is convenient to move in Hanoi.

Topic 26. Let’s Talk about train/bus (public transport)

1. Have you ever traveled by train/bus?
Yes, I have traveled by train since I was 15. It was long time ago. I remember that the train at that time was
very slow, crowded and old.
2. Is the train service good in your country?
Yes, it is better now than in the past. It’s faster and more modern./ However, not many people in VN use
train service because they have different choice of other means of transport which are more convenient such
as motorbike, car, plane…..
3. What are the benefits of going by train?
There are some benefits of going by train. Firstly, it’s cheap and convenient. Moreover, it is useful to
protect the environment and reduce the traffic jam.
4. What are disadvantages of going by train?
There are some disadvantages of going by train. Firstly, it is crowded and noisy. Moreover, it takes much
time and the timetable is not flexible so the people have to follow the schedule. Sometimes, there are some
social problems on train such as stealing possessions, pick-pocket, sexual abuse……
Topic 27. Let’s Talk about traffic in town
1. How much traffic is there in your town?
There is much traffic in my town with different means of transport such as motorbike, cars, bus, taxi….
They often cause traffic congestion in rush hours.
2. What are common means of transport in your town?
There are some common means of transport in my town such as motorbike, cars, bus, taxi… However,
motorbike is the most popular means of transport because it’s fast, convenient and small in enough to run on
the street. Moreover, the price of motorbike is reasonable.
3. What are solutions to traffic jams?
There are some solutions to traffic jams. Firstly, we should use public transport instead of private cars.
Secondly, the government should invest more money to open the new road and upgrade the road that helps
to reduce the traffic jam. More importantly, everyone should be educated to follow the traffic rules and will
be punished strictly if they break the traffic rules.

Topic 28. Clothes

1. Are clothes and fashion important to you?
- No, clothes and fashion are not really important to me. I tend to wear clothes that are comfortable and
practical rather than fashionable.
- Yes, clothes and fashion are important to me because they make me beautiful/handsome, confident and
2. What different clothes do you wear for different situations? Bạn có mặc các loại quần áo khác nhau trong
các tình huống khác nhau?
- Well, I have to dress quite formally at work so I wear shirt and trousers. At home, I prefer to wear
comfortable clothes like jeans and T-shirt. On special occasions I might wear a suit/a dress/ a skirt/ áo dài/
3. Do you wear different styles of clothes now compared to 10 years ago? Gu thời trang của bạn bây giờ và
10 năm trước?
- No, not really because I don’t follow fashion. I think I have dressed in a similar way for the last 10 years.
-Yes, 10 years ago I used to wear school uniforms, but now I wear suit, jeans, T-shirts.
4. Do you think the clothes we wear say something about who we are? Bạn có nghĩ rằng quần áo ta mặc nói
lên điều gì về ta hay ko?
Yes, I do. Some people are really careful about what they wear because they want to be seen as stylish.
Some other people wear clothes that show wealth or status such as clothes by famous designers.

Topic 29. Communication/Mobile phones
1. How do you usually keep in touch with members of your family? Bạn thường giữ liên lạc với gia đình
bằng cách nào?
- I often keep in touch with/contact my family by phone and by the Internet by using social networks Zalo,
Facebook, Facetime. Sometimes I visit members of my family in person.
- I use Facebook messenger or chat online (cho hoc vien B1)
2. Do you prefer to speak to people by phone or by writing emails?
It depends. I often talk on the phone with my family and friends. However, I prefer to send emails to my
customers and my coworkers because then I can save information.
3. Do you ever write letters by hand? (Why? Why not?)
No, I don’t write letters by hand because it takes a long time to receive and it’s so much easier to send an
email that will arrive immediately.
4. How often do you use your mobile phone? Tần suất
Well, to be honest I use my phone everyday. I always use it to get in touch with my family and friends.
Besides, I play games in my mobile phone when I have nothing to do at home in the day time. I listen to
music, I read books on the internet.
5. Can you describe your mobile phone? Miêu tả cái điện thoại của bạn
I am using Iphone X/ Samsung S 20. It has all features I need for a phone, for example, keeping my
contacts, having good games and a camera. I bought it last year.
I use my phone everyday to communicate with my family and friends and customers.
6. What was your first mobile phone?
My first mobile phone was Nokia in 2008. It was my birthday present that my parents gave me.
7. How has your mobile phone changed your life? Điện thoại đã thay đổi cuộc sống của bạn ntn?
Well, mobile phone has changed my life a lot. It helps me keep in touch with my family and friends easily
because you know, it is not always easy to meet face to face. I can phone my parents to tell them that I will
come home late so that they won’t be worried.
Convenient (tiện) for my life
Explore (khám phá)

Topic 30. Let’s talk about communication

1. What is your favourite way to communicate with other people?
There are many ways to communicate with other people but my favourite one is talking with other people on
the phone because it is very fast and convenient.
2. Do you prefer sending text messages or talking on the phone?
I prefer talking the phone because it is very fast and easy, convenient / I prefer sending text message because
I can take more time to think about what I am going to say.
3. What is the benefit of face-to face communication with others?
- We can see our partner’s face and guess their feelings/ emotions.
- We can feel the close atmosphere with our friends, so the communication is more successful.
- Have immediate response
- Face to face talk with others is very good because it helps me to get more information and know each other

Topic 31. Reading

1. Do you like reading?
Yes, I like reading a lot. I read many things such as books, newspapers, magazines, online newspapers,
novels, comics. I love reading because it helps me relax after hardworking hours. Besides, I can broaden my
knowledge about different aspects of life.
2. Do you usually read for leisure or for work purpose?
Well, in my free time I enjoy reading books for fun. I read some novels or funny stories. Moreover, I also
read some books about business and economics that are useful for my work.
3. What was your favorite book or story when you were a child?
The first book that I really enjoyed when I was small is Doraemon. It took me only a few days to read
because I liked it so much that I couldn’t put it down. / It is interesting/ exciting
Truyện cổ tích: Fairy tales
4. Do you think it is important that children read regularly?
Yes, of course. I think reading is the most important skill that children learn because when reading children
can broaden/get their knowledge (mở rông vốn kiến thức) about different aspects of life/ many things in life
and help them develop their imagination and creativity (trí tưởng tượng và sự sáng tạo). Besides, picture
books might help them reduce stress after school, they feel relaxed.

Topic 32. Movies

1. Do you like watching movies?
Yes, I do. I like watching movies on TV or sometimes I go to the cinema with my friends at the weekend.
Sometimes in my free time I watch movies on Youtube. Watching movies really makes me relaxed after
hardworking hours.
2. What kind of movie do you like? Why?
- I am interested in action movies, American movies. They have a lot of thrilling actions (cảnh rùng rợn,
hành động rùng rợn). , science fiction, action, cartoon, comedy. Make me laugh and I can relax

- I enjoy watching romantic movies and comedies (phim hài) because they make me laugh and I can relax
after hard-working hours.
3. Who is your favorite actor/actress? Diễn viên nam, Diễn viên nữ
I like Ly Min Ho. He is handsommane, who has dove eyes and high noise. He is very generous because He
usually participate in charity to help poor people. I know him through famous movies like City hunter, boy
over flower, the heirs
4. Do you see films on TV, DVDs or at the cinema or on Youtube or website?
I rarely see films on DVDs. I have cable TV which has a lot of channels so I often watch movies on
Starmovies or HBO. Sometimes I also watch movies on the Internet. At the weekend I sometimes go to the
cinema with my friends and It is great to watch movies on a very wide screen. internet is more and more
popular, so many people tend to watch on internet. It's both convenient and free
5. Is there any film that you have seen for several times? What film?
Yes, of course. It is Tom and Jerry or Mr. Beans. I have a collection of these cartoons and often watch it
again and again when I have free time.
6. Have you ever met a film actor or director?
Honestly (thú thật là), I haven’t met any film directors but I have met some actors and actresses (Hồng
Diễm, Hồng Đăng) on the street. At that time I very exciting. We take some photo to make memories

Topic 33. Let’s talk about cinema

1. How often do you go to the cinema?
I often go to the cinema with my friends every month because it helps me relax after hardworking time and
it’s a good chance for me to meet my friends to enjoy the time together.
2. Would you prefer to watch films at home or at the cinema?
I would prefer to watch films at the cinema with my friends because we have the same hobby and it’s a good
chance for me to make friends and open the relationship/ it is large screen and good sound quality.
3. How important is it of going to the cinema/ What are benefits of going to the cinema?
- relax, update the latest film in the world.
Yes it is important because it helps me to relax after a hardworking day and watch an interesting film.
4. Do you watch films at the cinema or at home?
I watch film at home because I want to watch films with my children.
5. What are benefits of watching films?
Relax, broaden the knowledge, meet friends

Topic 34. Work

1. What is your job?

Teaching Assistant in English center. I love my job because I have a chance to work with different students
who are young and active. I love children, I want to teach them to become good people. Moreover, I'm
greatful to excelent teacher, who support me so much.
2. Do you enjoy your job?
In addition, teaching is a stable job and I have more time to take care of my family.
3. What is the best thing about your job?
- Well, I am a teacher, I would say the best thing about my job is that I find it really happy to help my
students improve their knowledge and skills day by day. /
- I am very happy to work with my students. They are lovely.

Topic 35. School and study

1. What was your major at university?
- I majored in/ studied ……(ngành gì) tourism. I graduated from (tên trường đại học) University of Social
Sciences and Humanities (name of university) in ……… (year)
Now I am doing a master degree in this university.
2. What were your favorite subjects (môn học ưa thích) at high school? Secondary school? Primary school?
I couldn’t remember what subjects I liked at primary school but I was interested in Maths at secondary and
high school maybe because I got high marks for it and I found it easy to do.
3. What kind of secondary school did you go to? Tên trường câp 2
I studied at ………………………. Secondary school in my hometown. It is a state school/ public school,
located about 1km from my house so I used to ride a bike to school everyday.
Gifted school: trường chuyên
4. How much homework did you have?
I didn’t have as much homework as students do nowadays because at that time we went to school in the
morning only and had the whole afternoon and evening free to do homework. I didn’t go to any extra classes
but did exercises in the textbooks. I usually spent about an hour or 2 finishing all homework a day.
5. Did you have to wear a uniform? Có phải mặc đồng phục ko?
No, I didn’t. Luckily, when I was at school, we didn’t have to wear uniform. I hate wearing the same clothes
6. Was the discipline very strict? Kỷ luật có nghiêm khắc ko?
Yes, it was. While I as at school, the discipline was very strict. We had to go to school on time and did all
homework before going to class. Those who didn’t follow the regulations were punished seriously.
7. Which subjects were you good and bad at?
Well, I like social science subjects such as Literature and History and I was rather good at them. I was very
bad at Maths. It took me too much time to solve math problems.

Topic 36. Let’s talk about exams at school
1.How do you usually feel before exams?
I feel nervous (lo lắng)/ stressful/ worried before exam because I have a lot of pressure (áp lực) to pass the
exam as a condition for my job.
2. Which is your style of preparing for exams? Prepare long time before exams or prepare just
before the exams?
I prepare long time before exams because it’s difficult. I feel more confident, less nervous.
3.What do you think about doing homework/ home assignment?
It is important to do homework because it helps me to improve the knowledge I’ve learnt and remember the
lessons better.

Topic 37. Teachers

1.Who is your favourite teacher?
2. Should teachers be strict on students?
3. If you were a teacher, which subject would you like to teach?
=>My favorite teacher was an academic advisor when I studied for master's degree in Korea. She taught that
education is not about controlling students and making them behave while you impart knowledge, but about
leading them and inspiring them. Though leadership and inspiration you give them as a gift of confidence,
self-reliance and love of learning that they will use long after any facts are forgotten. In my opinion, strict
teachers are the key to academic success. There is nothing wrong with a funny, relaxed teacher—they can
still be great! However, if you are aiming to do well in school, it will be necessary to get work done in class.
Often without a strict teacher, the class can get out of hand and be too rowdy for anyone to use their time
wisely. Often when teachers are strict, they have the whole class engaged, allowing students the opportunity
to do their best. This creates a learning environment where students are willing to get work done and help
one another.

Topic 38. Food and restaurants

1. What food do you like best? Is there any food you dislike?
My favorite food is chicken. I often have it once a week for lunch or dinner because it is quite expensive. I
like boiled or fried chicken which is made by my mother. It is so delicious./ good for health.
I don’t like ……………because ……..
2. What do you usually have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?

I usually eat sticky rice, bread, fried rice for breakfast. Sometimes, I have Pho – traditional rice noodle soup.
When I get up late, I don’t have enough time to prepare for/ to cook breakfast, I just skip breakfast (bỏ bữa
Lunch/dinner: rice, meat, vegetables
I am not a morning person. (tôi ko hay dậy sớm)
3. What’s your favorite meal of the day?
Well, the meal I like best is breakfast because after a long night sleep, I often feel very hungry; everything
tastes delicious. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it provides energy for the whole
4. Where do you usually have lunch?
In the morning I often get up early to prepare a lunchbox so I have lunch in the office. Sometimes, I go out
for lunch with my colleagues/coworkers, we often enjoy Pho or rice noodles together.
5. How often do you eat out? Có hay đi ăn ngoài nhà hàng ko?
I don’t go to restaurant very often as I often cook at home. I often eat out just about one or twice a month at
the weekend when all family members are free or I get together with my friends. I prefer to try new food in
different restaurants each time for example Korean, Japanese or traditional Vietnamese food from other
regions in Vietnam like Hue.
6. What restaurant do you often go to?
I like trying new food in different restaurants each time I eat out but my favorite one is Sen buffet restaurant
because I prefer Vietnamese food and a variety of traditional Vietnamese food is served there such as spring
rolls, sea food. The food is delicious and the staff are friendly, the view is great.
7. What kind of food does it serve?
It serves all kinds of traditional Vietnamese food such as spring rolls, fish, chicken, beef, seafood and so on.
8. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?
- I prefer eating at home to eating out because eating at home is clean and safe. Moreover, it is great for
family members to cook and have meals together. However, sometimes I would prefer to eat out on special
occasions (dịp đặc biệt) such as birthday party so that I can save time as I don’t have to prepare or do the
washing up.
- Eating out: more delicious (ngon), funny when eating with friends; don’t have to prepare the food and
cook, don’t have to do the washing up
9. Are you taking any vitamins or food supplements at the moment? Bạn có đang uống thêm vitamins hoặc
thực phẩm bổ sung gì ko?
No, I am not. I have a rather balanced diet at home/ I have a good diet (chế độ ăn tốt). I often eat a lot of
vegetables, some kinds of meat such as pork, beef, chicken, seafood. I also eat a lot fruits and drink a lot of
water everyday. Therefore, I don’t take any vitamins or food supplements.

10. Are you trying to eat healthily at the moment? Bạn có đang cố gắng ăn uống tốt ko? What is a healthy
Yes, I want to be healthy so that I have good health. I tend to eat more vegetables and fruits rather than eat

Topic 39. Let’s talk about Fast food restaurant

+ Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant?
Yes. I have been to KFC fast food restaurant in TN because it’s delicious.
+ What is your favourite fast food?
I like fried chicken / pizza/ hamburger because it’s very tasty/ eye –catching/ it serves quickly
+ Is it healthy to eat fast food? No it is not healthy to eat fast food because it’s fat and oily and it can cause a
lot of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer…..

Topic 40. Let’s talk about cooking class

1. Have you ever been to a cooking class?
Yes I have been to a cooking class because it helps me to relax and cook good meals for my family.
2. Would you prefer to go there alone or with someone else?
I would prefer to go there with my friends because we have the same hobby. Moreover, it’s a good chance
for me to share the feelings, emotions, open the relationship and make friends.
3. How important is cooking class?
I think It is very important to take part in cooking class because it helps us relax and cook good meals for
my family. More importantly, it provides us with useful skills to live independently and feel confident in the

Topic 41. Talk about ice-cream

1. What’s your favorite kind of ice-cream?
I like Trang Tien icecream because it is a famous brand and it is delicious
2. Is ice cream good for health?
It is the best way to relax but it’s not good for throat if we eat it a lot
3. How often do you eat ice cream?
I sometimes eat ice-creams in the summer/ when It is hot

Topic 42. Meals of the day

1. What is your favourite meal of the day?

Among meals of the day, I usually spend much time on breakfast. It’s considered as the most
important one. As breakfast supplies necessary nutrients for the day long, I have a diverse menu for this
meal including bread, eggs, noodles, salads and some types of drink such as milk, soya and fruit juices.
2. Do you cook it or someone else does it for you?
My mother usually prepares meals for me. I love all dishes made by her. However, when I live far
from home, I have to cook by myself. At the beginning, it seemed to be difficult and out of my
ability. However, I’ve become a big fan of cook day by day. Although I have to get up earlier and go to the
kitchen, I find it interesting to cook and enjoy my favorite food.
3. What time is good to have meals?
I think for breakfast it is after 6 am. For Lunch it is between 12.30pm and 1pm. And the best time to eat
dinner is 6 pm to 6:30 pm.

Topic 43. Learning English

1. Do you like learning English?
Yes, I do. I love learning English for several reasons. Firstly, English is a global language so if I know
English, I can communicate with people from different countries in the world. Secondly, I will get a better
job with high salary.
2. How long have you been learning English?
I started learning English when I was at primary school. However, I just focused on grammar, reading and
how to do well in exams. Nowadays English is very important for my job and I am trying to improve my
English speaking skills.
3. How did you study it?
When I was at school, I just learned in class, studied grammar, vocabulary and reading. Nowadays I also
learn speaking and listening by listening to English songs or watch videos on Youtube.
4. Do you think it is important to learn languages?
Yes, of course. If I can speak foreign languages well, I can communicate with foreigners and I can work
with them, I can get a good job with high salary. I can travel to other countries without worry.
5. Is it important for children to learn foreign languages?
Yes, I think children should learn foreign languages at school as soon as possible because they can learn
quickly when they are little. In Vietnam, English is a compulsory subject at schools.

Topic 44 Let’s talk about foreign language

1. What foreign language do you speak?
I speak English as a foreign language because English is very important for my job.
2. Do you enjoy learning a foreign language?

Yes. I love learning English because it is an international language which is useful for my job. Moreover, I
can communicate with foreigners in English.
3. How important is it to learn a foreign language?
It is very important to learn English because it helps me to get a good job with high salary.

Topic 45. Weather

1. What is your favorite kind of weather?
Well, I prefer/like cloudy and windy weather because then It is not too hot, not too cold. That kind of
weather makes me feel comfortable and I want to go outside going to the park or hanging out with friends.
2. What is your favorite season?
I like spring the best because of some reasons. Firstly, the weather is perfect. It is not too hot, not too cold so
I feel comfortable. Besides, there are many festivals in the spring in my country, we have Tet holiday. I
usually have a long holiday and I can come back home to spend time with my family.
Autumn: mid-autumn festival
3. Do you think weather affects the way people feel?
Yes, of course. When the weather is sunny and nice, people tend to feel happy. However, when the weather
is bad (rainy), people feel sad and uncomfortable.
4. How do you depend on the weather reports on TV?
In fact, I don’t watch the weather reports on TV. I often see the weather forecast when I read news online.

Topic 46. TV programs

1. Do you watch TV?
Yes, I do. I am busy during the day so I often watch the news on TV in the evening while I am having
dinner. It helps me know what is going on, the news in Vietnam and in the world.
2. What TV program do you like watching?
I enjoy watching the news because I want to know what’s happening around me. Besides, I love watching
gameshows because it is exciting when the contestants win big prizes.
3. What TV channel do you often watch? Kênh nào?
My favorite TV channel is VTV3 because there are many interesting gameshows that I like. Besides, I often
watch the news in the evening to update the latest news.
4. What are the benefits of watching TV?
Watching TV has some benefits. Firstly, watching TV is relaxing. It helps me to reduce stress after work.
Secondly, watching TV helps me to gain knowledge through news or programs. Finally, watching TV is a
great time for my family to gather and spend time for each other and share about things in life.
Topic 47. Social networks
1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use?
Well, as for me, I like using Facebook. I often keep in touch with my family and friends by updating status,
sharing photos, videos. Sometimes, I make video calls with the messenger.
2. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? Người nào bạn muốn kết bạn trên
những trang web đó
I would like to be friends with my friends in the real life because then we can update information about each
other by sharing photos, videos and chatting online. I also love making friends with those who share the
same hobbies so that we can talk about our interests.
3. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?
- Well, I don’t think it’s easy to find true friendship on the Internet because online close friends have never
met each other face-to-face and people might tell lies (nói dối) about themselves.

Topic 48. Teamwork

1. Do you like teamwork? Why? Why not?
Yes, I do. I think it is more interesting when various people work together in a team. You can learn a lot
more because different people have different knowledge and experience. I can learn from other members in
the team.
2. When was the last time you worked with a team?
Well, the last time I worked in a team was last week when we made a group presentation about a new
product. Each person in a team was responsible for a task. I was in charge of writing advertisements for it.
3. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?
I think it depends. Sometimes it’s great working in teams while getting and sharing ideas with each other.
Sometimes I prefer sitting at my desk doing my work.
4. What’s the most important thing for teamwork?
In my opinion, the key point for a successful teamwork is listening, The ability to listen to others,
understand what they do so that we can cooperate with them effectively. Team members will feel happy of
others listen to their ideas and all feel free to share their ideas with others.
5. Do you think teamwork is important?
Important skills at work & for study
Yes, it is extremely important because more people will share more useful ideas and they can work on the
task more quickly and effectively. The employers always highly appreciate the employees with good
teamwork skills.
Topic 49. Working style
Are you a night person or a morning person? Why?
Would you prefer to work as part of team or individual?
What kind of people do you most like to work with?

Topic 50. Public holidays

1. What public holidays do you have in your country?
There are many public holidays in my country: Tet, May Day, Victory Day, Independence Day; Hung
King’s Day; Among them, Tet is the most popular and longest one. People often come back to their homes
to spend time with their family members and friends.
2. Do you like public holidays?
- Yes, I do. I love them a lot because I have some days off work. I have time to come back home or travel.
Moreover, this is a chance for me to relax after hard working hours.
- I don’t have to work
3. Which public holidays do you like the most?
I think my favorite public holiday is Tet because I often have a long holiday which lasts about a week. I
always come back to my hometown to spend time with my family members. On this occasion, I often visit
relatives and friends and give them best wishes for the new year.
4. What do other people in your country usually do on public holidays?
I think it depends. Some people might come back to their hometown to visit their families. Others might take
this chance to go travelling because holidays often last several days. Some might just stay at home and relax
5. Do you think public holidays are important?
Yes, of course. Public holidays are very important because people can have more time to refresh their minds.
When coming back to work, they will get better results. Moreover, it is time for people to spend time
together, a time for them to relax after hardworking hours.

Topic 51. Sleeping

1. How many hours do you sleep every day?
I usually sleep for 7 to 8 hours everyday in order to let my body relax but if I want to do something very
important at night for example sometimes I have to work overtime, I could only sleep for about 4 hours.
2. Is it necessary to take a nap every day? Nghỉ trưa
Yes, taking a nap is important because it helps you relax your mind. I think that after a good nap, people
can work more effectively in the afternoon.
3. How to have a good sleep?
I think in order to have a good sleep, people need to go to bed early and at the same time every night, for
example at 9p.m or 10p.m. Besides, having a comfortable bed is also good for a good sleep. People should
also have a stress-free mood. They should not feel stress. Finally, people should not have a big meal before
bedtime or stay up late.
4. Do you like to get up early in the morning?
Yes, getting up early in the morning is really beneficial for health because I can enjoy the fresh air in the
morning. Besides, I can do morning exercise like running and jogging to improve my health. I also have
time to prepare my breakfast well and even prepare food for my lunch.
5. Can you sleep well if you are in a noisy environment?
Well, I am afraid that I can’t fall asleep in the noisy place like barking dogs, noisy neighbors, loud music;
baby crying; the noise of city traffic. I try to have a quiet place to have a good night sleep.
1. How many hours a day do you sleep?
I sleep 6 hours a day because it helps me relax and feel comfortable.
2. How important is it to have a good sleep?
I think a good sleep is very important in our life. When I have a good sleep, I feel healthy, comfortable and I
can work effectively.
3. What should we do to have a good sleep?
We should go to bed early / listen to music/ read book before going to bed.

Topic 52. Being alone

1. Do you like to be alone?
Yes, sometimes I want to be on my own when I study or prepare for an important exam. However, I want to
spend most of my time with my family and friends because it is more fun.
2. What do you like to do when you are alone?
I really enjoy being alone in the weekend morning, reading some books and listening to my favorite music.
It is relaxing to do things without being interrupted/ without interruption. However, I prefer to spend time
with family members and friends because it is more fun being with them.
3. Do you like to spend time with your friends or just stay at home on your own?
Well, it depends. Sometimes I love hanging out with friends and we can go to a café or go to the park.
Sometimes I love being on my own doing my favorite things like reading books or listening to music.
4. When was the last time you were alone?
The last time I stayed alone at home was when my family came back to my hometown in Nam Dinh while I
had an important exam. I felt very lonely so I asked friends to go out for a drink.

Topic 53. Taking photos

1. Do you like to take photos? Why?
Yes, I do. I love taking photos of beautiful places and good food I have enjoyed. After that, I can share with
my friends and family members. You know, photos keep our great memories in life.
2. What kind of photos do you like to take? Why?
I love to take pictures of landscapes and food. For example, I often take photos of the sunset, lakes, trees and
flowers because they look so beautiful. Sometimes, I enjoy taking photos of people while they are doing
their daily activity.
3. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take your photos? Why?
Well, I prefer to have others take my photos because those photos will look great with good background of
trees or something. I rarely take a selfie because it will make me embarrassed.
4. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or scenery?
Honestly, I prefer to take photos of scenery because I really enjoy the marvelous natural scenery such as the
seashore, sunset and trees but if I go on holiday, I will prefer to take photos of my family to save sweet
5. How do you keep your photos?
I keep my photos in my mobile phone albums and the Internet for backup. I also print out some good photos
and hang them on the walls or put them in frames on the table.

Topic 54. Let’s talk about time management

1. Are you good at managing your time?
I am totally good at managing my time
2. How do you manage your time?
By setting up a time table/ a schedule/ list the things that I want to do in a day
3. How important is the time management?
Crucial role in our life => helps to have more chances/ opportunities to do many other things at the same/
short time/ fisnish our tasks earlier than expected/ save our time and our energy/ get more benefits
Time management is a necessary skill that everybody needs to learn not only inside the classroom but also in
our daily life. Time management plays an important role because it helps us have more chances to do many
other things at the same/ short time. For me, I am quite good at managing my time and I frequently manage
my time by setting up my schedule/ time-table and list the things that I want to do in a day. When you know
how to manage your time well, you can spend more time to stay with your family.

Topic 55. Countryside

1. Do you like to live in the countryside in the future?
I prefer to live in the countryside in the future because I find that life in the rural areas is less stressful and
people are friendly and helpful. Besides, the air in the country is really fresh so It’s good for health.
2. What do people living in the countryside like to do?
People living in rural areas love holding parties. I mean they often organize parties and invite their neighbors
and relatives to come. Besides, some might like chatting with others./ meeting others.
3. What are the benefits of living in rural areas?
I think that there are many benefits of living in the countryside. Firstly, the cost of living is rather low
because people pay less money for services. Secondly, people are very friendly and helpful. Finally, the air
is really fresh because there are more trees and less traffic.
4. What’s the difference between living in the city and living in the countryside?
I think cities and the countryside are different in many ways. Firstly, the standard of living in cities is much
higher than in the countryside. For example, people living in urban areas can have better education and
healthcare services. Another thing is the environment in big cities is often polluted while people living in the
country can enjoy the fresh air.

Topic 56. Interviews

1. Have you ever attended any interview?
Yes, I attended the job interview several years ago (bạn đã bao giờ tham gia buổi phỏng vấn chưa?)
2. How was that interview?
It was good, I was accepted
3. Was It important?
Yes, It was important because it decided whether I was given the job or not (buổi phỏng vấn đấy có quan
trọng ko?)

Topic 57. Computer brand

1. What brand is your computer?
- I have a laptop, it is a Dell
- Hoặc My computer brand is Sony, which my parents gave me on last birthday. I like this present because it’s
useful for my study.
2. What do you use computer for?
- I use computer for work, study, communication and entertainment.
3. Would you like to change your computer? Why? Why not?
- No, I don’t like to change my computer because it’s still very good and a meaningful gift/present from my

Topic 58. Gallery/ Museum

1. Have you ever been to an art gallery?
I have never been to art gallery because it is not my hobby. Moreover, it is not available in my hometown.
Yes, I have been to some art galleries on flowers and food in Hn city. They were very wonderful and I learn
so much from it.
2. Would you prefer to go there alone or with someone else?
I would prefer to go there with my friends because we have the same hobby. It’s a good chance for me to
make friends and open the relationship.
3.What are some benefits of going to an art gallery?
There are some benefits of going to an art gallery. Firstly it helps me reduce stress after hardworking time
and makes me comfortable. Moreover, I can understand more about the culture, tradition, history, habits and
customs of our country. Finally, when we go to an art gallery, we can meet a lot of people and open the

Topic 59. Technology in your house

1. Do you have a lot of technological devices in your house?
Yes, I have a lot of technology devices in my house such as smart TV, computer, mobile phones, air-
conditioning, fridge, washing machine…..They are very useful and convenient to our modern life.
2. What is your most favourite device?
My most favourite device is computer because I can use computer for studying, working, entertainment,
3. How important is technology to your life?
It is very/ extremely important. It makes our life more convenient, comfortable, relaxing and connect to the

Topic 60. Environment (môi trường)

1.What environment problems are popular in your areas?
Nowadays environment has become a big concern to general public. There are many environment problems
which are popular in my areas such as water pollution or air pollution, soil pollution….They are
destroying our life.
2.What are the reasons?
There are a lot of reasons that make environment polluted. Firstly, I think that there is lot of smoke and
waste from factories and means of transport that make the air polluted. Moreover, people throw away the
rubbish and make the environment polluted.
3.What can we do to stop these problems?
There are some ways to solve these problems. Firstly, we plant a lot of trees to make the environment tidy
and clean. Also we should put the rubbish in the right place. Moreover, we should use public transport
instead of private transport.

Topic 61. Let’s talk about community services

1. What kinds of community service have you done?
I used to donate blood (hiến máu) to help patients in HN hospital when I was a student. I think this activity
is very meaningful to educate the people about the responsibility for the community.
- donate (ủng hộ) clothes, books, money for street children, people in flooded areas, poor children
2. Who usually works for community activities?
Volunteer groups/ doctors/ soldiers/ police/ students often work for community service because they are
energetic/enthusiastic and willing to take responsibility to help the community.
3.What are the benefits of participating in community activities?
Take part in/join in
There are many benefits of participating in community activities. The first benefit is that we can help the
people who are in the difficult situation. Moreover, we can connect with community and open the social
network to make friends and establish the relationship with other people.

Topic 62. Talk about celebrities (famous people)

1.Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?
My favorite celebrity in my country is…..
There are many famous people in my country, but the person that I like most is DVH because he is a famous
singer who performs wonderful songs. Moreover, he is very friendly and sociable and willing to help other
people who are in difficult circumstances.
2. Do you want to be a celebrity?
I want to be a celebrity because it helps me earn a lot of money.
Why?/ why not? Yes, I do because I will be famous, rich and have a lot of money.
3. Do you like any foreign celebrities? Why?/ why not?
Billgates because he is rich and famous.

Topic 63. Talk about advertisement

1. Are there many advertisements in your country?
Yes, there are. I can see them everywhere.
2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
Because companies want people to know more about their products and they can promote their business and
get a lot of profit.
3. What are the various places where we can see advertisements?
I see advertisements on TV, Internet, social network, on the street…. However, sometimes advertisements
in the middle of the films can make people feel annoyed or lose the concentration on the movie.

Topic 64. Tell about collection/ collecting

1. Do you like collection/ Have you ever collected anything as a hobby?
Yes I do because it’s interesting
2. What kinds of thing do you like collecting?
I like collecting books, stamps, coins
3. Why do you like collection?
Because it helps me relax, improve my knowledge

Topic 65. Let’s talk about library

1. Do you often go to the library?
Yes because it helps me relax and improve my knowledge
2. Do you go to the library alone or with someone else?
I go to the library with my friends because we have the same hobby.
4. What kinds of books do you read in the library?
History and science books because I know more about the culture, history and tradition of the country.

Topic 66. Talk about flowers

+Do you like flowers? Yes, I do because they are beautiful and romantic
+What kinds of flowers do you like? I like sunflowers because it is meaningful
I like roses because they are the symbol of love; they are beautiful; It comes in a variety of colors and
+Are flowers good or not good for our life? / Do you think flowers are important? They are good because
flowers help us to relax and make our life more beautiful; flowers are beautiful home decorations.

Topic 67. Let’s talk about dancing

+Do you like dancing? Yes I do because it’s interesting
+In the future, would you like to learn dancing? Yes because it helps me relax and keep fit
+What kinds of dancing do people in your country like? Hip hop because it’s exciting

Topic 68. Let’s talk about your childhood

1.What did you enjoy doing when you were a child? Every afternoon, my neighbors and I participate in
many activities such as
5. - Trốn tìm: Hide and seek
6. - Mèo bắt chuột: cat & mouse game
7. - Chọi trâu: buffalo fighting

2. Who did you spend more time with when you were a child: your friends or family? My family.

4. Can you tell me about memories at your primary school? I have she's my primary school teacher and
my neighbor, who is kind and helpful. When she has free time, she teaches me all subjects like math,
science, and literature,... Therefore I am very grateful to her

Topic 69.1 Let’s talk about your walking

+How often you go for an evening walk? Why? I often go for an evening walk everyday because it helps me
to keep fit and relax
+ Where would you like to go for an evening walk? I often go for an evening walk in the park near my
house because it’s beautiful, quiet and peaceful
+ What are benefits of walking? It helps to relax and stay healthy

Topic 70. Handicraft = handmade thing

1. Have you ever made any handicraft? Yes, I have made some handicraft such as hats; baskets
2. What kind of handicraft do people in your country often make?
3. Is making handicraft important to children?
You know handicraft is a type of work where useful and decorative objects are made completely by hand. In
some parts of Vietnam, several people live on handicraft objects which often have represented as well as
conveyed historical and cultural meanings. They tend to make conical hats made of bamboo or coconut
leaves and are sold everywhere with a reasonable price to protect from the sun and rain. When I was at
school, handicraft was one of the most interesting subject I’ve ever had. At that time, I used to make bamboo
baskets to contain the stationery such as pen, pencil, ruler, erasers and so on. I think teaching handicraft for
children at schools is quite important because it helps to teach them how to express themselves and develop
their creative thinking
Souvenirs: đồ lưu niệm
Topic 71. Talk about home
1. Do you live in a house or a flat/ an apartment?
I live in a house with my family. It is small but very nice and warm.
2. Do you plan to live there in the future? Yes, of course because I love my house. It has many beautiful
memories and the neighbors near my house.
3. What would you change about your house? I want to paint the color of the wall again. Now it is yellow
and I want to change in to blue.

1. Have you ever rented a house?

2. Would you prefer to pay the rent monthly or yearly?
3. What do you like in a rented house?
Renting a house is more flexible than homeownership because when renting a house, you don’t have to
worry about savings for repairs, paying housing taxes. More importantly, renting a house helps you to
choose a conveniently located place which is near your workplace, schools, hospitals or shopping malls.
Bearing this in mind, I have ever rented a house and I am quite satisfied with house renting service because
of its convenience and economic. I tend to pay the rent monthly to save my money and use the rest of money
for different purposes.

Topic 72. Talk about birthday

1. Do you usually celebrate birthday? Yes I usually celebrate birthday in my home and I invite some friends
to come for the party
2. What did you do on the latest birthday? I cooked dinner and some close friends came to celebrate birthday
party with me. We had a meal, sang a birthday song and danced together. It was wonderful.
3. What do people do on birthday in your country? They sing a happy birthday song and cut the cake and
blow the candles. They enjoy birthday party with family and friends.

Topic 73. Talk about accommodation

1. Do you live in a house or a flat? Why? I live in a house with my family. It is small but very nice and
2. What are advantages and disadvantages of living in house or a flat? There are some advantages of living
in a house. Firstly, I can design my home in the way I want. Secondly, I don’t have to pay for the renting.
Moreover, I feel very comfortable to live in my house. However, there are some disadvantages of my house.
Firstly it is small and far from the city centre. Besides, it is old and not convenient.

3. Can you describe your dream house? My dream house will be a greenhouse with 2 floors and there is a
big garden in front of my house where I can grow flowers and plants to make the view beautiful.

Topic 74. Talk about using Internet for study

1. How often do you use Internet? I use Internet everyday to work, to study, communicate and relax.
2. What do you look for on the Internet? I update the latest news on the Internet and study English online.
3. What are benefits of using Internet? There are some benefits of using Internet. First, it’s easy to access
the internet. Secondly, it provides with useful information of all fields in life. Moreover, we can use internet
for communication and entertainment.
4. What are drawbacks of using Internet? There are some drawbacks of using Internet. Firstly, not all
information on internet is reliable because there is a lot of fake news that has a bad effect on our work and
life. Secondly, if we waste a lot of time using internet, we can distract the time for study and working.
Thirdly, when we use Internet, we have to provide personal information which is one of the reasons that
make our private life threatened or followed by many people and even the personal account can be stolen by
hackers for bad purposes.

Topic 75. Talk about body language

Eye contact: ánh mắt
Facial expressions: biểu cảm nét mặt
Gestures: cử chỉ, dáng điệu
1. Do you often use body language? I often use body language to send our messages, emotions, feelings
without saying the words directly.
2. What situation do you use body language? I can use body language in some special situations without
making noise such as in a restaurant, meeting, on a plane…..
3. What are benefits of body language? we use body language to transfer some messages or express feelings
and emotions without using words.

Topic 76. Talk about where you live

1. Do you live in a big city or in the country? Can you describe it? I live in a big city which is very crowded,
busy but very exciting.
2. What part of the city/ country is the best for visitors? Why? There are some places that are good for
visitors such as…….because it’s the symbol of our country.
3. Will you live there for the whole life? why? Yes I think I will live there the whole life because I love this
place where I was born and grew up. Ha Noi is a rewarding place to live because it is the centre of business,
culture, politics and economy.

Topic 77. Talk about the market
1. How often do you go to the market? I go to the market every day to buy the food
2. What sorts/ kinds of things do you buy there? I buy fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and some spices to cook
the meal for my family. Moreover, I can buy some domestic stuffs for my family such as shoes, clothes,
soap, toothpaste…..
3. What are benefits of going to the market? There are some benefits of going to the market. The first benefit
is that I can buy a lot of food and necessary things for my family. Moreover, I can update the latest price and
products in the market. Moreover, going to the market is also a good chance to meet many people to make
friends and open the relationship.

Topic 78. Talk about the happiness

1. Are you a happy person? I think I am a happy person. I have a good job, a family with 2 children and a
big house.
2. What usually makes you happy? … There are many things that make me happy such as good health, good
job and happy family. However, at this moment, I will feel the happiest if I pass B2 exam.
3. Does the weather affect how you feel? Yes. The Weather has a big effect on our life. If the weather is too
hot or too cold, I will feel tired and uncomfortable if the weather is beautiful, we will feel happy and excited.

Topic 79. Talk about banking

1. Have you ever been to the bank? Yes I have ever been to the bank to transfer money or withdraw
2. What do you often do in the bank? Open account and bank saving; save money; transfer money; withdraw
3. What do you think about ATM service? The quality of ATM service is not good because it’s so crowded
and not safe. Moreover, when I come to withdraw the cash, sometimes it runs out of money or doesn’t work.

Topic 80. Talk about going out

1. How often do you go out?
2. Do you go out alone or with someone else? With friends or family?
3. What do you like doing when you go out?

Topic 81. Talk about personalities

1. What’s your personality? I am a friendly, sociable, hospitable and very open person.
2. What characteristics are you and your friend similar? We both have positive view in life and we are
willing to help other people
3. Can you compare characteristics? I am talkative while my friend is quiet

Topic 82. Talk about colors

1. What’s your favourite color? I like blue because it looks very cool
2. What is its meaning? It is the symbol of peace
3. Why do people like different colors? People like different colors because they have different
characteristics and hobbies.
Red: the color in our country’s national flag

Topic 83. Talk about party

1. Do you like party? Yes, I do because I like meeting people/ I like socializing with people
2. Do you go to the party alone or with other people? I go to the party with other people because it makes me
feel happy, I like meeting people and talking to them.
3. What do you often do at the party? I often sing at the party/ dance; drink; eat; talk to other people; play

Topic 84. Talk about Tet holiday

1. What do you often do on Tet holiday? Temples (đền), pagodas (chùa)
2. What do you do with lucky money? I am too old to get lucky money, but I give lucky money for kids and
the old people.
3. What do you like most about Tet holiday? I like going to the market to buy things for Tet (flowers, food,
drinks, candies, ….)

Topic 85. Let’s talk about pets

1. Do you keep a pet? Keeping pets is one of my hobbies. I keep a dog, I think dogs are loyal pets. Dogs are
intelligent, a dog can help me relax and be my friend.
2. What are the advantages of keeping a pet? Pets are lovely, cute; they can be good friends; making us less
lonely. While you are walking in the park with your pet, you can have chance to make friends with others
3. What are the disadvantages of keeping a pet? It takes a lot of time to take care of them; some of them are
dirty; people may be allergic to the pets; they can cause some diseases; it is costly.

Topic 86. Fruits

1. Do you like fruits? Why?
I enjoy eating fruits so much. Each of them has it own smell and taste but to me, they are all delicious.
Eating a lot fruits provides us with necessary vitamins which are very good for our health.
2. What is your favourite fruit?
Well, I would say that I like all types of tropical fruits, especially orange. This is mainly because orange is
cheap to buy, easy to eat. As it’s very popular in Vietnam, I can buy orange in almost markets or
supermarkets, even though from some vendors on streets. It’s so tasty!
3. How important is fruit to your health?
Certainly, fruits is considered as a natural source of vitamins. They are not only good for our health but also
help us to take care our beauty, especially our skin. It’d better for us to choose seasonal fruits for daily diet.

Topic 88. Parks

1. Do you like to go to the park?
Certainly, I usually walk in the park with my pet or my friends. Sometimes, I go to the park with my
family at the weekends. The atmosphere there is very fresh with many big trees and immense greens.
2. Do people go to parks in your area?
Yes. As you may see, there many people who walk in the park every morning and late afternoon. Public
parks provide people in my area with the opportunity to be physically active.
3. What makes a good park?
I think an idea park is one which has a lot of trees and ponds to look at, lots of grass to walk on and fresh
air. A good park should have lots of walking paths that people can wander along. Well, it should be centrally
located and accessible to people of all generations.

Topic 89. Birds

1.What are your favourite types of birds?
=> I am keen on nature, therefore I love to learn about different species of animals, especially birds. In my
country there are many kinds of birds, however one of my most favourite types of bird is canary ( khow-ne-
ri) or parrot because they can talk like human and sing beautifully
2.How do people in your country treat birds?
=> People in country treat the bird difreently because it depends of different generations in which young
always hunt the birds for different purposes, however the elder also release them into the forest, protect them
from being endangered or becoming extint, keep them far away from forest fire.
3.Do birds have any special meaning in your country?
=>Each bird has a special meaning in my country. For example a pigeon is the representative of love, peace
and symbol of freedom not only in my country but also in all over the world.

Topic 90. Driving

1.Can you drive a car?
I have been driving for many years and I am quite good at driving. Right now I am owning my CX5 car
which helps me to go to work everyday
2.How is the traffic situation in your country?
The traffic situation in my country is quite good because people in my country always follow the rules,
therefore there are no traffic jams and traffic accident in the rush hours
3.Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger?
I prefer to be a driver because it challenges me and help to learn how to focus on something seriously and
how to control the speed, the destination where I want to reach

Topic 91. Using maps

1. Have you ever used maps? Yes, I often use maps when I don’t know the way to go somewhere. For
example When I go to HN by own car, maps can show me the right way to go the destination.
2. Do you prefer paper or electric maps? Nowadays electric maps are popular and convenient such as google
maps, which use the signal on the satellite to show the right way for me to go.
3. Have you asked for direction instead of using maps? Sometimes I also have to ask for direction in some
particular places which do not appear on the map.
Of cause sometimes I ask for directions, especially if my destination is near. In this case, directions from a
person may be more comprehensive, and detailed. when the street or road route is blocked due to
construction work or renovations and the electronic map is not aware of that.


1. Do you enjoy playing computer Absolutely yes. Playing computer game is my cup of tea. I
games? mostly spend my leisure time to play because I think it is
wonderful way in order to release tension after hardworking

2. what kind of games have you Well, I play various computer games. I mostly play educational
ever played? game to enrich my knowledge. Besides, I also play other type of
games such as sport game, action game to let off steam.

3. Do you think computer are To be honest, I think computer games have negative impact on
good for small children? child development. Firstly, it is not good for child health in a
long time playing. Besides, youngsters should play outside
with friends instead of focus on playing computer game.

4. How do you usually get online? I regularly access the internet to work on a daily basic.
Besides, I also use FB, Zalo to update information as well as
release tension after hard working day.

5. What is your favorite website? I access various websites every day. If I have to choose one of
them, I would say is my best choice.
Because this web contain many necessary sources for me to
upgrade my E skills.

6. Do you think it is important to Yes of course, I think it is essential for human in modern day.
learn how to use a computer? Thank to computer, we can feel more comfortable, faster and
easier in working and entertainment. Therefore, people should
learn how to use a computer.

Topic 92. TREES

1. Do you like trees? Yes of course, I am a trees lover, I have a habit of planting
and taking care of green trees since I was a child. I am keen
on plants because it brings to me natural living space in
order to release tension after hard-working time.

2. Have you ever planted a tree? Absolutely yes, I have planted numerous kinds of trees in the
country garden. Most of them are fruit trees. Besides, there
are many types of flowers like rose, sunflower and lavender.

3. Do you think trees are Certainly yes, I think plants, especially trees brings to human
important? and ecosystem various benefits. For example, trees clean the
air. Trees provide fruits and vegetable. Trees save water.
Trees help prevent water pollution…


1. Who do you eat out with most Well, when I was a student, I used to eat out with my group
often friends, but now I am a breadwinner, I am into go dine out
with my family members better.
2. Do you prefer eat out or at home Well, I would say that I am keen on eating in better, because

home-cooked food is not only safer but also more beneficial
for health. Furthermore, I can also avoid wasting money and
food when eating at restaurants.
3. is there anything would change Actually, I have to say that nothing can change my healthy
your eating habit? eating habits. Because always pay attention to my health as
well as keeping in shape.

94.Talk about listening to music online

1. Do you often listen to music?
2. What is your favourite website to listen to music?
3. What makes it your favourite website to listen to music?

95.Talk about relationship to your parents

1. Who are you closer to? Your mom or your dad?
2. What do you like to do when you are together?
3. Do you want to live with your parents when you get married?

96.Talk about an evening walk

1. How often do you go for an evening walk?
2. Where would you like to go for an evening talk?
3. What are the benefits of an evening walk?

97.Talk about the friends

1. How often do you meet friends? => Due to the busy life, it’s really hard to keep-up with our friends.
Therefore, when I have free time, I often get together with friends.
2. What do you do together?=> When we meet, it’s normally for a cup of coffee or hang out for shopping.
That’s a long, fun filled and interesting time we often spend together
3. Is it easy for you to make friends with others? => I am an open/ easy-going person, therefore it’s not
really hard for me to get acquainted with other people.

98.Talk about the lifestyle

1. Do you have 3 meals a day?
2. What do you do to relax in the evening?
3. Are you happy with your lifestyle now?
=> Each person has their own lifestyle which reflects their living, work, study, interests, and social
relationship. For me, I have a healthy lifestyle because I have 3 meals: breakkfast, lunch and dinner a day
which makes me full of energy to start/ kick off a new day. After coming back from work I often watch TV
news with my family to update the latest news as well as to see what is going on around the world. You
know) I am quite satisfied with my lifestyle now because I always think positives and more importantly I
have a good job, a happy family who always supports me and stays at my sides when I am in troubles.

1 – favorite food
There are different kind of fruid such bread, noodle, fruit, vegetables and so on. My favorite food is fruid
and vegetable because they are beneficial to my heath. You know, they contain plenty of vitamins, minerals
and fibers. Futhermore, they are delicious and low in fat

3 - favorite day of a week

- What is your favorite day of the week?
- Are you planning to do anything special this weekend?
- What’s your favorite part of the day?
Every day of the week is very important to me. But my favorite day is Sunday because it is the weekend and
I can spend more time with myself and my family. The Sundays I will free, I usually go to the gym due to it
has me maintain a healthy weight and prevent various health problems such as high blood pressure, heart
attack, and even cancer. Furthermore, I take time for my family. on the weekend, my family goes on a picnic
and takes part in many activities such as singing a song, fishing, and cooking food like beefsteaks, grilled
corn, and fish. After that, my family gathered to discuss the story of our life and share new experiences to
closer to each other.
4 – sport
- Do you like playing sports?
- What type of sports do you like to play?
- What are the benefits that type of sports brings to you?
there are different kinds of sports such as volleyball, basketball, football, and so on. But my favorite sport is
volleyball. This is because of the fact that volleyball gives me a chance to tall quickly, maintain a healthy
weight, and prevent health problems such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and even cancer.
Furthermore, It also allows me to reduce stress and boost my energy. I often play volleyball with my friend
in the station near my house.
5- neiborhood
- Do you know the neighbours living next door to you well?
- What do you often help them?
- Do you think neighbours are helpful?

I know my neighbors quite well. They're really generous and friendly, and I always stop to talk whenever I
see them. I usually see my neighbors when we're leaving for work in the morning or come home in the
Neighbors usually help me do little things like watching my house if I go on holiday and when they have
many food they often give me some. I am very grateful to them, so I usually get them to go to the gym
because they share the same interest with me. It maintains a healthy weight and prevents health problems
such á high blood pressure, heart attack, and even cancer.
6 – swimming
My apartment has a swimming pool. There are full facilities such as a pharmacy, a grocery store, a
shophouse, supermarket... so after swimming we often stop by the supermarket to buy fruits like bananas,
and apples because it delicious and low in fat7 – write email
8 – favorite room
There are different kinds of rooms such as kitchen room, bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, and so on. I
think my favorite room is the living room because I spend most of my time with my family in there. After
dinner, my family watches TV, my favorite program is VTV 3 like the weather forecast, news, and so on. it
allows my family to know what is happening around the world and get information about many fields of life
9 – friend
- Do you like having many friends?
- What activities you and your friends often do together?
- Do you make friends easily?
I'm an extrovert person. Therefore, in my school, I take part in a lot of activities in the club so I become
more mature, friendly, active, and independent. I could also various skills like time management skill,
communication skill, solving problem skill and so on. Due to the above reason I easily make new friend
I find myself attracted to people who are honest, loyal, and know how to behave with others. I always avoid
making friends with people who have selfish.

10 – lifestyle
- What do you often do at night?
- Are you satisfied with your life now?
- Is there anything you want to change in your life?
I spend most of my time with my family in there. After dinner, my family watches TV, my favorite program
is VTV 3 like the weather forecast, news, and so on. it allows my family to know what is happening around
the world and get information about many fields of life
I always want more and more. I have succeeded in my career and earned a lot of money, my family close
knitted but I want to change my time schedule to go to the gym in the morning, It maintains a healthy weight
and prevents health problems such á high blood pressure, heart attack, and even cancer.

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