BSS058-6 Assignment Brief A2 2023-2024 (3) Partners

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Submission Deadline Marks and Feedback

Before 10am on:

03/11/2023 20 working days after deadline (L4, 5 and 7)15 working days after
deadline (L6)10 working days after deadline (block delivery)

Unit title & code Strategy and the Global Competitive Environment BSS058-6
Assignment number and title 2: Consultancy Report: Strategy Development
Assignment type WR-BUS
Weighting of assignment 60%
Size or length of assessment Up to 3600 words
Unit learning outcomes 1. Demonstrate an in-depth and critical knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of marketing and
strategy. Demonstrate a synthetically, analytically and persuasively deep understanding of the
process of marketing and strategic analysis

2. Deploy analytical tools of strategic and marketing management in relation to both the external and
internal environments of organisations to synthesise, evaluate and develop appropriate strategic and
marketing options in a complex environment..

What am I required to do in this assignment?

Your task in this assignment is to produce a report in which:

You will be required to recommend a strategic route forward for a company that you worked on in Assignment 1. You will: analyse the
company's current situation, consider the actions of competitors, and evaluate developments in the industry sector. The assignment will
require you to make evidence-based recommendations, drawing on the information presented by the company and your understanding of
strategic concepts.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

Apply knowledge of strategy and marketing to propose a credible strategy based on data collection drawn from relevant sources

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

Produce a professional and compelling report that develops a strategy for the company featured in the Live Project. Assignments
attracting the highest marks will be focused, analytical and evidenced thoroughly.
Presented as a professional report, make sure your submission is clear, and supported by evidence throughout.
You should use appropriate frameworks to develop the analysis and the Strategy
You must make use of a range of relevant and good range of quality sources.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The sessions are about thinking strategically and making strategic judgments about both the changing world around and
enabling you to work with uncertain futures (note: the future is always uncertain).
In the specific sessions you will learn about:
Market segmentation and segmentation mapping
Strategic positioning and direction
Strategy evaluation and design
Connect the elements of analysis to develop a meaningful Strategy

Attendance and preparation is essential to learning about the development of strategy. Production of high quality work
with the absence of preparation and active attendance is both unlikely and a possible indicator of academic misconduct.

How will my assignment be marked?

Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page.

You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.

Pass – 40-49% Pass – 50-59% Commendation – 60-69% Distinction– 70%+
Adequate referencing Consistent and accurate Accurate and consistent Flawless referencing using
with minor errors or referencing using an referencing throughout an appropriate citation
inconsistencies. Basic appropriate citation style. the assignment. Well- style. Exceptionally well-
formatting and Well-structured organized and visually structured assignment with
organization of the assignment with clear appealing presentation logical flow and seamless
1Referencing, assignment. headings and with appropriate use of transitions between
Presentation, subheadings. headings and sections. Professionally
Sources (15%) subheadings. Proper use presented with attention to
of tables, figures, etc. detail, including formatting,
where relevant use of headings,
subheadings, and useful
visual representation of
Basic application of Demonstrates an Thorough and insightful Exceptional use of strategic
relevant frameworks, understanding of relevant application of relevant frameworks to analyze the
2 but lacks depth and/or strategic frameworks and strategic frameworks to company's situation.
Selection and integration with the applies them effectively to analyze the company's Demonstrates a deep
use of analysis. Limited analyze the company's situation. Skillfully selects understanding of various
frameworks to identification and situation. Frameworks are and employs a range of frameworks and their
develop the utilization of appropriately selected frameworks to provide a implications. Frameworks
appropriate strategic and integrated into the comprehensive and well- are expertly applied,
analysis (25%)
frameworks. analysis to provide rounded analysis. integrated seamlessly into
insights and support Frameworks are the analysis, and used to
recommendations. effectively integrated and generate valuable insights
consistently used to and recommendations.
support the analysis and
Identifies a Clearly identifies a Provides a well-defined Presents a compelling and
recommended strategy recommended strategy and justified strategic recommended
but lacks depth in based on the analysis recommended strategy strategy that is well-aligned
justification. The conducted. Provides a that aligns with the with the company's
justification may be reasonable justification company's resources, resources, capabilities, and
3. weak or not adequately for the strategy, linking it capabilities, and strategic strategic position. The
Recommendation supported by the to the company's current position. The justification justification is robust,
and justification analysis. situation, competitive is comprehensive, incorporating a
of the selected landscape, and industry integrating insights from comprehensive analysis of
strategy for the trends. The justification is the analysis of the the company's internal and
Live Project supported by evidence company, competitors, external factors,
company. from the analysis. and industry trends. It competitor actions, and
demonstrates a deep industry developments. The
understanding of the justification is highly
strategic implications. persuasive and supported
by strong evidence and
strategic insights.

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