The End

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The End

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: Other
Fandom: Skulduggery Pleasant - Derek Landy
Character: Valkyrie Cain, Darquesse, Skulduggery Pleasant
Additional Tags: after the end, Death
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2013-09-01 Words: 1,116 Chapters: 1/1

The End
by merlot


Darquesse killed everything and now Darquesse is gone. Soon, Valkyrie Cain will be gone

Spoilers, maybe.

The world ends almost exactly as the visions said it would, and nobody saves the world because
Darquesse killed them all. The skies are red and the cities are ruined. China Sorrows is beautiful
dust and Fletcher Renn is forgotten ash. Dexter Vex is a mangled body without a head and Saracen
Rue is a mangled head without a body. Little Alice is dead by her big sister's hand, and when she
died her parents screamed. But they didn't scream for long until Darquesse snuffed out their lives.
It was as easy as blowing out candles.

In Japan, everyone is dead. In Mozambique, everyone is dead. In the continent of North America
there is not a single sign of life. In Ireland a scared, lonely girl is sitting on a felled tree. The girl is
curled up so nobody can see her tears, and nobody can see her emaciated body, and nobody can see
the skull held close to her chest. Nobody is there to see, because Darquesse killed them all, and
now Darquesse is gone, and soon Valkyrie Cain will be gone too.


It is like surfacing from a long dive when Valkyrie returns. She has been held under for so long,
seeing only blurred images of the world, and she remembers nothing but those blurred images
showing death and destruction and events of an apocalyptic nature. It feels like a dream and she
stretches before waking up properly. The dream is over now, and she opens her eyes, takes a breath
of the fresh air, screams her damaged little heart out.

Skulduggery looks up as Darquesse approaches him. She smiles, and the smile is Valkyrie's, and if
Skulduggery had eyes maybe they would have been glistening with tears. He is dressed in the
uniform of the Dead Men, even though he is the only Dead Man left, and soon he will be dead.
Properly dead. Darquesse doesn't make mistakes with murder - she's had too much practice to mess

"Hello," she says happily. Perfectly calm.

Skulduggery is shaking and he tries to meet her gaze but she is just too like Valkyrie and he lowers
his skull. "Hi." He's trying to sound nonchalant.

"I guess you know what's going to happen now?"


"I always liked you, you know. You amused me."


"Cat got your tongue?" She smiles at him, twirls a loose strand of hair around her finger. "I miss
your wit."

"I miss your sanity."

"I am perfectly sane, Skulduggery."

"Fine. I miss Valkyrie."

Darquesse tips her head back and shows him her gleaming grin. "She's not coming back. Face it,
skeleton - she's gone."


After a year of murder Darquesse runs out of blood to spill and she turns to destroying animals.
After months of that she runs out of species to drive extinct and she turns to destroying the already
destroyed remains of houses. There is one thing left to destroy. Once the life has been ripped from
that thing, Darquesse smiles, sits down next to old, old bones, and destroys herself.

It is then that Valkyrie wakes up.


The Reflection - Darquesse refuses to call it Stephanie - is dead. Once, it tried to kill Darquesse,
while it hid in a crowd of mortals. Perhaps it thought she would hesitate to destroy them. The
Reflection obviously did not know her as well as it professed to. It had aimed the Sceptre of
Ancients at her and it must have thought she wouldn't notice. But she did. The black lightening
flew at her and Darquesse laughed and sent it back where it had came from. The crowd of mortals
turned to dust. Darquesse rose up into the sky, laughing like their deaths had been the best jokes
ever told.

Darquesse is a clever girl and she figures out pretty fast that before rising into the sky, she should
check for planes. It surprises her that airlines are still operating until she realizes that they are
people trying to escape the carnage. From that moment on whenever she sees a plane she
pulverizes it. The dust of bodies and metal mixes with the rain and sends a nice clear message -
there is no escape from Darquesse. Soon, planes stop flying at all. This may partly be because
Darquesse has killed so many people and killed so much hope, and it may partly be because the
few survivors are too busy hiding. Darquesse smokes them out of their dens and she destroys them.


She can see his magic pulse around his bones and she wants to know how it all fits together, so she
pokes it. His soul is a beautiful shade of grey. She can see it through his empty eye sockets.

"Speak," she commands him, but he doesn't. So stubborn. Too stubborn. Darquesse wrenches his
legs away and he cries out but he doesn't speak. "Talk to me," she says again, her voice cold as
steel. Skulduggery remains silent. She takes her time dismantling his arms. "You know, you're the
only thing left alive. I saved you for last." His fingers are so easy to snap.

Skulduggery stares at her with those empty eyes. His arm comes off in her hand. He doesn't
respond, but she can see his soul in his skull, and he is still alive.

"Speak," she commands again. He stares at her and she kicks him in the ribs.

"Speak!" she demands, and she rips off his last remaining limb.

"I am going to kill you," she says calmly. "I am going to kill you if you don't talk to me right now."

He remains silent. Darquesse kicks his ribs again and they cave inwards.

"SPEAK!" she shrieks. He doesn't, so she grabs his skull and lifts it free of his body.

His jawbone moves and he says the word "Valkyrie," but it's too late. Darquesse reaches into the
cavity where his brain once was and she ends his long, long life. Then she ends her own and sets
Valkyrie free.


Valkyrie hasn't eaten in days because there is nothing left to eat. Darquesse never ate either - she
must have run off of pure magical energy. Valkyrie doesn't have that energy, and the hunger gnaws
at her stomach. There's nothing she can do now. Her vision is starting to fade but that doesn't
matter because there's nothing to see that's worth seeing. Her skin is stretched over nothing but
bones and she almost looks like Skulduggery, but Skulduggery is nothing but shattered bones now,
and Skulduggery is dead. Valkyrie wipes her stinging eyes and curls up around the skull.
Skulduggery is gone, and the Reflection is gone, and Darquesse is gone.

And now, Valkyrie Cain is gone too.

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