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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

8 Quick Test
Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: I promise ________ anyone your secret.
A not telling B not to tell  C not tell
1 I would never encourage ________ night shifts.
A working B to work C anyone to work
2 I can’t believe you’re blaming me ________ him to the party.
A for inviting B to invite C of inviting
3 I suggest ________ a break before we discuss the next point.
A to have B having C you having
4 My boss has refused ________ me have the day off for my birthday.
A letting B to let C let
5 Stephen admitted ________ the money.
A that he had stolen B to steal C to stealing
6 I’m so glad you ________ to that talk – apparently it was really boring.
A persuaded me not going B persuaded not going C persuaded me not to go
7 I would recommend ________ the castle and the museum.
A to visit B visiting C you visiting
8 We advised our daughter ________ the trip alone.
A not doing B to not do C not to do
9 He regretted ________ literature at university.
A not studying B not to study C not study
10 Robert has been accused ________ into people’s computers.
A for hacking B of hacking C to hack
11 Vinegar ________ good for cleaning windows.
A is said to be B says it is C is saying to be
12 This office block ________ into apartments.
A is turning B is going to turn C is going to be turned
13 I can’t stand ________ waiting on the phone.
A to be kept B being kept C keeping
14 I don’t think criminals should ________ shorter sentences for pleading guilty.
A be given B give C be giving
15 It ________ that the hijacked plane is now heading for Venezuela.
A is believing B is believed C believes
16 £2m worth of jewellery ________ from a city jewellers last night.
A is being stolen B was stolen C has been stolen
17 The local bank ________ twice this year.
A has been robbed B is robbed C has robbed
18 The thieves are thought ________ paintings worth several million dollars.
A to have taken B to take C that they have taken
19 A peaceful protest ________ when the police broke it up with tear gas.
A is being held B was being held C was held
20 They won’t allow the film ________ by anyone until its official release date.
A be seen B being seen C to be seen

Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

8 Quick Test
a Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: Two men were arrested for the ________.
A burgle B burglary  C burglar
1 A 17-year-old boy has been ________ with drug dealing.
A questioned B arrested C charged
2 The judge ________ each member of the gang to three years in prison.
A sentenced B committed C punished
3 Both of the defendants were ________ and walked out of the court free men.
A acquitted B arrested C investigated
4 ________ smashed windows in the town centre last night.
A Murderers B Witnesses C Vandals
5 Nobody has been arrested for the crime, but the police are ________ three boys.
A questioning B charging C acquitting
6 ________ take people by force, and often ask for money to release them.
A Kidnappers B Smugglers C Burglars
7 ________ attack people in the street and steal their money.
A Vandals B Terrorists C Muggers
8 ________ set off bombs in public places.
A Hijackers B Terrorists C Blackmailers
9 ________ follow people everywhere and try to make contact with them.
A Fraudsters B Blackmailers C Stalkers
10 ________ threaten to release information that someone wants to keep secret.
A Hijackers B Terrorists C Blackmailers
11 I often listen to football on Radio 7 – I really like their ______.
A commentator B reporter C editor
12 Bradley ______ to take Oscar for best actor.
A vowed B tipped C axed
13 I didn’t go to see the film because it had such bad ______ in my newspaper.
A forecasts B critics C reviews
14 This article has definitely been ________. There’s lots of key information missing.
A censored B reported C advertised
15 Team GB’s ______ to win record gold haul.
A bid B clash C tip
16 The ________ decided to change the front page of the newspaper at the last minute.
A reporter B editor C presenter
17 If you want to be a ________, you have to be well-dressed and comfortable on TV.
A newsreader B commentator C photographer
18 The magazine article wasn’t ______ – I spotted a lot of mistakes.
A biased B accurate C sensational
19 Dan’s a ______ reporter so he works for different newspapers.
A biased B paparazzi C freelance
20 They use such ridiculously strong and ______ language in this newspaper.
A sensational B accurate C objective

Grammar and Vocabulary total 40
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

8 Quick Test
Read the article about a writer’s life. Five sentences have been removed. Choose from
the sentences A-F the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence you
do not need to use.

A Writer’s Life
My biggest dream has always been to become an author. As an enthusiastic reader since I
was a toddler, books have been a steady influence, a friend, and an escape. (–––– 1 ––––)
To me, reading is second only to breathing. From cereal boxes to fiction, I devour anything
and everything I can get hold of. I read from morning, while eating breakfast, to night, before
going to sleep. Some of my favourite genres include contemporary women’s novels and

I guess this love of books is what drove me to become a writer. The fact that I am always
talking, thinking, and plotting helped me with my ambition. I have a need to create and to put
into words feelings, thoughts, and desires. To me, books should present a welcome break
from the stresses of every day, a way to relax and unwind. There are horrors all around us.
(–––– 2 ––––) Novels can carry people away to another place, and allow them to forget, for a
short time at least, all the awful things in life. Any type of reading inspires the brain, and
gives a change of pace. Children require fantasy and play, and adults also need a break
from reality.

Exciting as it is to be able to inspire others, an author’s career is lonely and often dull.
Writing requires self-control and determination, and writers, as well as having knowledge of
the difficulty of getting published, need to be able to deal with criticism. For every potential
writer that there is out there, many give up or fail. I kept trying with the burning desire to do
well. (–––– 3 ––––) I needed to try to see if I could do it.

My first writing experience was as a reporter for a small newspaper, almost twenty years
ago. I submitted two articles for each of the three months the paper was published. The first
month, I was given a bridal show to cover and I had to write an article on how to prepare an
elegant, yet inexpensive, wedding. Two local newspapers gave me assignments for various
topics, and I realized this is an excellent way to learn the basics as a writer. (–––– 4 ––––)

My goal was to write fiction. Whether creating short stories or ‘the great American novel’, I
enjoy fantasy and making up fictitious people and tales about their lives. Although I prefer
genres suited to adults, I decided to try writing a children’s book. I first started working on
this in 1995, and after reading the extremely rough draft, I recognized the text was a mix of
information just thrown together and which was too much for children to understand. I broke
up the ideas, planning to turn them into four books.

Unfortunately, life took over and I had to put the book on hold for a while. After my husband
and I moved, I returned to reporting, receiving several assignments for a local magazine and
two national and international food-trade magazines.

(–––– 5 ––––) The desire to complete and submit the book for publication was as strong as
ever. Fortunately, I became a member of a wonderful group that offered support, as well as
excellent suggestions. My book, a children’s book intended for ages 8 – 12, was accepted by
a publisher and released three years ago. The sequel is almost completed for submission,
and to this, I hope to add two or three more to the series, though all of the books work
equally well on their own.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

8 Quick Test
Between writing, reading, reviewing, and being with family I enjoy a busy and happy life. I
may never become well-known, but my dream has been satisfied. I encourage anyone who
wants to write to ‘just do it.’

A I could not go through life wondering if I would be successful or not.

B Nevertheless, I kept returning to the children’s novel I had in my head.
C After all, we just have to pick up a newspaper or turn on the news to realize how much crime
there is in society.
D Meanwhile, four unfinished adult contemporary novels are calling to me, and I plan to get to
them one day.
E Although I found reporting enjoyable, I recognized this was not the type of writing I wanted to
F I cannot imagine living without the written word.
Reading 10


1 Listen to an internet security expert talking about ways to protect yourself while
using the internet. Underline the correct answer.
1 According to Alison, people nowadays tend to use social networking sites as well as the phone
and email / more than the phone and email / instead of the phone and email.
2 Friends who accidentally reveal information about others’ travel plans / future social events /
new purchases are actually putting them at risk.
3 Alison advises against opening / saving / deleting certain attachments in messages.
4 In terms of your online profile, it’s a good idea to give your family access to it / limit how
much people can see / allow all your friends to see it.
5 Alison suggests that people may get in trouble at home / with friends / at work because of an
inappropriate comment.

Reading and Listening total 15

Test 8 total 55

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