Moving Target Defense SDN Protection System Overview

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Moving Target Defense : SDN protection system

Supervised by Ghizlane ORHANOU, Said EL HAJJI
Laboratory of Mathematics, Computing and Applications,
Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohammed V in Rabat,
Rabat, Morocco,,

Abstract—The static nature of our network topology and Reconnaissance attacks often employ the use of packet sniffers
infrastructure make them an easy targets of cyber-attack. The and port scanners. Anti-sniffer software and hardware tools
research community propose a new technical defense consist detect changes in the response time of hosts to determine
to reconfigure, change or hide a network keys properties au-
tomatically and/or randomly. Moving target defenses have been whether the hosts are processing bigger traffic than their own.
proposed as a way to make it much more difficult for an attacker While this does not completely eliminate the threat, as part
to exploit a vulnerable system by making the attack surface of an overall mitigation system, it can reduce the number of
appear chaotic and convert our system to moving target. The instances of threat. It is difficult to mitigate port scanning, but
MTD approach comprised of the following three level: IP address using IPS and firewall can limit the information that can be
level, Host service level, and routing and access policy level. In
this paper, we investigate how SDN can be used in some network- discovered. Ping sweeps can be stopped if ICMP echo and
based MTD techniques by taking the advantages of centralization echo-reply are turned off on edge switches. However, when
and automation. We first describe the reason of choosing this these services are turned off, network diagnostic data will
techniques, and present a major related work implementing MTD not be available anymore. Additionally, port scans can be run
using SDN. without full ping sweeps. We need a solution to make the
keywords : Moving Target Defense, Software Defined reconnaissance attack more difficult.
Networking, Network Security, Moving target defenses have been proposed as a way to make
it much more difficult for an attacker to exploit a vulnerable
system by making the attack surface appear chaotic. This
will be attended by increasing the randomness or periodically
The network attack cycle spans number of steps including hiding or changing the key properties of the topology. Ac-
Initial Reconnaissance (finger printing, network mapping), cordingly, for each new attempt of reconnaissance of surface
Penetration exploitation, Gaining A Foothold, Appropriating attack we the force attacker to do a new reconnaissance and
Privileges, Propagation, Maintain Presence. A key part of a increase his effort (cost and time). The goal of MTD is to
cyber-attack is performing exploration or reconnaissance to de- provide the ability to dynamically change the surface attack
termine the configuration of the target system before launching properties such as names of hosts, IP addresses, and port
the actual attack. In these steps the attacker tries to involve the numbers. Also, the external response behavior of hosts and
unauthorized discovery and mapping of systems and services IT equipment should be randomly changed.
then identifies vulnerabilities and points of access to be used Implementing MTD in traditional networks is not easy since
in future attacks by taking advantage of the static nature of it is difficult to build a central authority able to define which
the topology of the network. The goal of reconnaissance or key properties are hidden or mutable. The emergence of
the finger printing is not to damage the network, although it is software defined networking (SDN) promises a new era of
important to identify these threats. Before launching successful centrally managed, policy-based automation tools and accel-
devastating attacks such as system penetration or DoS, hackers erates network management, optimization, and remediation.
need to gather information about attacked systems, recon- Compared to traditional inflexible network management sys-
naissance will enable them to collect information about the tems, the SDN solutions provide an entirely different and
attacked network. This information includes IP address range, flexible approach to managing networks. This new paradigm
active and inactive IP, server location, running OS, software provides programmatic software control from a central point
version, types of hardware etc... These key properties are not named controller, and Centralized policy repositories make the
changeable for a long time because of business constraints. policies much easier to change and audit. Distributing those
This static nature also makes the propagation of worms easier. policies out to the entire network from a central point also
Another essential factor that gives more advantages to the saves a lot of time and resources and gives a big opportunity to
attackers is diversity of tools such as DNS Lookups, Ping implement the MTD Algorithms. The big challenge of MTD
Sweeps, Port Scans, Traceroute and Time (an attacker can is implementing, monitoring, controlling and diagnosing the
spend as much time as necessary to perform reconnaissance). dynamic and flexible systems.

II. SDN AND MTD R ELATED WORK do not exist. Fake listening hosts will further increase the
attacker’s workload in order to investigate them. The action for
Currently, a vast amount of related work is available. each packet is kept in a buffer to ensure consistent behavior.
These studies involve several facets of MTD, including theory, As a result of this algorithm, random ports will appear to
strategy, and effectiveness . the scanner as being open. On this paper, authors introduce
During the National Cyber Leap Year Summit 2009 (USA)[1], a moving target technique called OpenFlow Random Host
the Networking and Information Technology Research and Mutation (OF-RHM) which mutates IP addresses of end-hosts
Development (NITRD) supported by NCO (the National co- randomly and frequently so that the attackers’ premises about
ordination Office) published one Draft Report of Participants the static IP assignment of network fails.
Ideas titled: ” explores Moving-Target Defense as a path to this Based on the related work, we distinguish three focal points
new game: Exploring Paths to New Cyber Security Paradigms, of research :
in this document the authors tried to summarize the discussion • Frequently randomized changing of network addresses
of the participants around the Moving-Target Defense concept. (IP address level)
The document proposes in twelve chapters news ideas for • Frequently randomized changing of responses and ran-
future research without defining a real theory of MTD. domized ghost host (Host service level)
Zhuang et Al. [2] define the basic concepts about MTD • Frequent route mutation and path diversity (routing &
systems and their basic properties introducing the theory of access policy level)
MTD. In this paper the authors defined the three essential
problems of MTD systems :(1) the MTD Problem (How to III. C ONCLUSION
select the next valid system configuration), (2) the Adaptation
Moving target defense (MTD) has emerged as one of the
election Problem, and (3) the Timing Problem. They built
game-changing themes, the goal keeps moving the attack
the definition of an MTD system based on configurable
surface of a system through dynamic shifting, which can
goals, policy systems and Adaptation. Then they defined the
be controlled and managed automatically by the system
configuration space and introduce a new concept called the
itself or manually by the network administrator. In this way,
exploration surface. They also formally defined the concepts
the attack surface exposed to attackers appears chaotic and
of diversification and randomization and showed how they
changes over time. Therefore, the work effort, the cost and
relate to MTD systems and how their use can increase the
the complexity, for the attackers to launch a successful attack,
effectiveness of those systems, then they formalized the MTD
will be greatly increased. As a result, the probability of
Entropy Hypothesis, which states that the greater the entropy
successful attacks will be decreased, and the resiliency and
of the system’s configuration, the more effective the MTD
security of a protected system will be enhanced effectively.
Security in SDN networks poses significant challenges, in
Jafarian et Al. [3] present an random host mutation as moving
this paper, we have present a range of recent state-of-the-art
target defense technique using on software defined networking.
projects use MTD in order to secure SDN architecture .
In their work, they describe how host virtual addresses can be
Based on the related work, we classified key challenges and
updated following an algorithm that assigns free addresses.
opportunities along a number of different new research axes.
DNS is used to constantly update the name to virtual address
mappings and OpenFlow programs flows and address trans-
lations according to the address change schedule. OpenFlow
runs at a central location and communicates with switches in R EFERENCES
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