Secure Platform For Storage in MCC

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An efficient secure platform for storage in MCC


University of University of University of University of
Mohammed-V, Mohammed-V, Mohammed-V, Mohammed-V,
Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Sciences Faculty of Sciences
Rabat, Morocco, Rabat, Morocco, Rabat, Morocco, Rabat, Morocco,

Abstract— The Mobile Cloud Computing offers more and more management mechanism. W. Ren et al. [13] proposed a
services for data storage and sharing. It offers to users enormous structure that ensures confidentiality and integrity of user’s
storage space and allows them to recover their data anywhere files stored in the Cloud. They established a resource
and anytime. But the evolution of these services in the MCC management process to reduce mobile’s energy consumption
remains slow, in front of the many constraints it faces such as during encryption, storing and downloading data, but their
processing power limitation, high energy consumption and structure doesn’t allow sharing data with other users, and it
problems related to data security and confidentiality. We uses vectors coding or exclusive-OR for data encryption.
propose an efficient structure for storing and sharing data that Sandeep K. Sood [14] proposed a security scheme for
ensures security and user privacy without overloading the mobile
authenticating users, and ensures data confidentiality and
device. Our structure enables quick and easy access to a Cloud
server for uploading and downloading data safely. Our platform
integrity. This mechanism proposes a classification of data and
uses a system of files classification and a homomorphic keyword a flexible access to the cloud server, but it doesn’t allow
research for more fluent and easy access. sharing data, and it has no resource management process. J.
Han et al. [15] proposed an Identity-based proxy re-encryption
Keywords-component; Mobile Cloud Computing; Security and schemes for authentication, confidentiality and secure sharing
privacy; Encryption; Storage; Sharing data. data between mobile users in a MCC environment. This
mechanism provides no data classification or resource
I. INTRODUCTION management and doesn’t secure user data in case of loss of
mobile device or user’s password.
The Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) [1] is in full
expansion, and it is gaining more and more popularity due to We propose in the present paper an efficient secure
the industrial explosion of the mobile industry and prosperous platform “E.S.P” that allows mobile users to crypt and encrypt
commerce of touchpad and smartphones. A recent study from their data, store and download them in and from a cloud server,
ABI Research [2] has expected that mobile cloud computing and share safely their personal data with other users, while
industry revenues will boast and reach $5.2 billion by 2015. ensuring the authenticity, confidentiality and data integrity, and
without overloading the mobile device. Our structure is
The Mobile Cloud Computing offers many services [3-5] to composed of three main entities: the mobile device (MD),
users, and it offers more processing resources and storage cloud server (CLS) and a local server (LS). The mobile device
space on demand. It has become an essential asset for mobile is responsible for encryption, decryption, sending, and
users, and several researches [6-8] are being or have been downloading data. The local server is responsible for mobile
already made to offer even more options and flexible access for users authentication, and generates session keys that allow
mobile users. users to communicate with the cloud server safely. The Cloud
Storage services are one of the main axes of the MCC but server stores users encrypted data.
their expansion is slower compared to other services offered by
cloud providers. Several recent studies [9-11] concluded that II. SECURE PLATFORM FOR STORAGE
problems related to data security and user privacy are the first We will propose a secure platform “Fig. 1”, for storing and
barriers against the fast deployment of these services, downloading data from a mobile device to a cloud server. Our
especially in a mobile environment, because it is limited in secure platform process is divided into three steps:
processing power, a low or average storage space, an
unpredictable Internet connectivity, and a very high energy First we will present a Storage Scheme that allows mobile
consumption. users to store their personal data in a distant cloud server
safely. Then we will present a Downloading Scheme that
W. Jia et al. [12] proposed a data security scheme to enables mobile users to retrieve their data from the Cloud
encrypt, store and share data in the MCC environment, without server. Finally we will present a Sharing Scheme which will
divulging information. This structure ensures data enable mobile users to share data stored in the cloud with other
confidentiality, but it has no authentication or resource users safely.
good level of data security without overloading the
Local Server
machine. Disclosure of public data (PD) doesn’t
Mobile User
represent any risk to users. For public data (PD) we
Registration and Authentication
will not need to use encryption function because
disclosure will not represent any risk to mobile users
nor compromise their privacy in any case.
Send the session key
 Then we will propose a mechanism that will allow us
to cut data into multiple blocks before encryption,
which will avoid overloading the machine during the
Upload Download processing of a very big quantity of data.
Data Data

Cloud Server Mobile User

Download Shared Data

Figure 1. Global structure of storing and sharing data

A. Efficient uploading Scheme

The mobile device sends a connection request to the local
server. The local server checks the request validity and sends a
session password that will allow the mobile users to access the
Cloud server and store their personal data.
Several attacks can compromise user’s security and privacy
especially in front of limited processing capacity and resources
of a mobile device [16-17]. Sniffing attacks [18] can be
especially very dangerous because they allow the attacker to
intercept communications between the various entities, to
intercept passwords and all client server communications, and
then easily retrieve sensitive user’s data. To avoid this problem,
we developed an encryption system that uses cryptographic
functions between different entities to protect communications.
So, all passwords and data are encrypted before being sent, in a Figure 2. Storage scheme process
way that only mobile user and local server that are concerned
can decrypt and interpret. Our secure storage scheme as shown in “Fig. 2” is as
Given the mobile devices limited capacities of processing
and calculating, data encryption and decryption can sometimes 1- Each user must authenticate to the server with his login
be cumbersome for the machine especially large data. To avoid (Log) and password (PWD), and sends a request to
this problem, we proposed a mechanism “Fig. 2” which retrieve a new session password (PWS) that will allow
encrypts and stores data without causing machine overload, and him to communicate with the cloud server.
keeps a high level of data security. For that we will process in
two ways: DM → LS: E [PKLS (Log, PWD, ID)], Rn,
Sig [PKLS (H (ID, Num))], H (ID, Num). (1)
 First we will propose a system that divides data into Rn is a random generated number for the proof of identity, H
three categories: highly sensitive data (HSD), standard is a standard hash function, PKLS represents the public key of
data (SD) and public data (PD). Disclosure of highly local server
sensitive data (HSD) represents a major risk to users, 2- Local server checks the validity of the request before
so we will use strong encryption and decryption sending the session password (PWS) to mobile user
functions which will allow us to keep a very high
level of security. Disclosure of standard data (SD) LS → DM: E [PKDM (ID, Num, Rn, PWS),
represents an average or minor risk, so we will use Sig [PKDM (H (ID, Num))]. (2)
standard encryption functions that do not require very PKDM represents the public key of mobile device
high computing power, which will allow us to keep a
3- Mobile user must select the files he wish to store in the 2- Local server checks validity of the request and the
cloud server, and select corresponding category for these signature and then sends a secret question (SQ) to
data. which only mobile user knows the answer.
4- The mobile device divides the selected file into n blocks LS → DM: E [PKDM (ID, Rn, SQ),
of equal size and then encrypts each one, the encryption is Sig [PKDM (H (ID, Num))]. (5)
made according to the category of selected data:
 If the data is HDS type, we encrypt each block
using strong encryption functions (SEF)
If file = HDS Mobile User Local Server
{Cut file into n parts:
File = {f1, ……, fn}; Authentication
Encrypt each part with strong encryption functions:
request for download
ESEF [f1] … ESEF [fn] ;}
- Verify validity of request
 If the data is SD type, we encrypt each block
Send the sercret question
using standard encryption functions (StdF)
If file = SD - Answer to the secret
{Cut file into n parts:
Cloud Server
File = {f1, ……, fn};
Encrypt each part with standard encryption functions: Send the session key and
request to download files
- Verify validity and the
EStdF [f1], …, EStdF [fn] ;} integrity of request
Send encrypted files
 If the data is PD type, we will not need to
encrypt it. - Decrypt files

5- The mobile device will then generate an electronic - verify integrity of files
signature to ensure the integrity of mobile user's data and and assemble different
send the file to the cloud server for storage. part to obtain original file

MD → CLS: PWS, ID, E (Data), Figure 3. Downloading scheme process

Sig [PKDM (H (ID, Num, R’n))]. (3)
R’n is a random generated number for the proof of identity 3- After correctly answering the secret question, user
sends a download request to the cloud server to
B. Downloading Scheme
retrieve the n pieces of encrypted file.
We will present a downloading scheme that allows mobile
users to recover their data stored in the cloud server. The goal DM → CLS: PWS, ID,
of this structure is to download files stored in Cloud server Sig [PKDM (H (ID, Num, R’n))]. (6)
safely, ensure the integrity of data and authenticity of mobile
users, and also propose measures against attacks targeting theft
4- The mobile device decrypts received files according
of data and user identities.
to their categories.
In case of loss of his mobile device or password, the user
may lose data. To avoid this problem we will ensure that each  If the data is HDS type, it decrypt each block
user responds to a secret authentication question before he can using strong encryption functions (SEF)
retrieve his personal data. This measure will help to protect If file = HDS
sensitive data of mobile users even in case of losing password.
{Receive the n parts:
Our secure downloading scheme as shown in “Fig. 3” is as
follows: ESEF [f1] … ESEF [fn];

1- To access to his data the mobile user sends a Decrypt each part with strong encryption functions:
download request to local server using the session DSEF [f1] … DSEF [fn] → File= {f1, ……, fn};}
 If the data is SD type, it decrypt each block using
DM → LS: E [PKLS (PWS, ID)], Rn, standard encryption functions (StdF)
Sig [PKLS (H (ID, Num))], H (ID, Num). (4)
If file = SD
{Receive the n parts: Our secure sharing scheme as shown in “Fig. 4” is as follows:
EStdF [f1] … EStdF [fn]; 1- User interrogates local server to retrieve public key of
user B (PKUB) by using his ID (IDUB) and phone
Decrypt each part with strong encryption functions: number (NumUB).
DStdF [f1] … DStdF [fn] → File= {f1, ……, fn};}
DM → LS: E [PKLS (Log, PWD, IDUB, NumUB)], Rn,
 If the data is PD type, we will not need to Sig[PKLS (H (ID, Num))], H (ID, Num). (7)
decrypt it.
5- The mobile device checks the validity of the signature 2- The server checks request validity before sending a
and data integrity before assembling all the received response to user A.
pieces to recover the original file.
LS → DM: E [PKDM (ID, Rn, PKUB),
C. Sharing Scheme Sig [PKDM (H (ID, Num))]. (8)
We will present in this part a data sharing scheme that 3- User "A" encrypts data he wishes to share with the
allows concerned mobile users to download data stored in the user B using his public key PKB and sends the
cloud server. The purpose of this mechanism is to enable users encrypted data to the cloud server.
to share their data safely without losing it, and prevent
MD → CLS: PWS, ID, E[ PKUB (Data)],
malicious persons from seizing it.
Sig [PKUB (H (IDUB, NumUB))]. (9)
It is assumed that mobile users have already registered in
local server and that public encryption keys are properly shared 4- User B can retrieve this data at any time, and decrypt
between different entities. In our scheme we will present a it using his private key.
scenario that illustrates a mechanism which enables any
registered user A to share data with another user B. III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS

A. Key word homomorphic research

Looking for a specific file between stored data in the cloud
can be very annoying for users especially when data stored are
Data owner encrypted and divided into several parts. To overcome this
(user A) problem we have developed a keyword research system that
uses homomorphic encryption [19].
Server Using this mechanism can only be achieved if our data is
encrypted with a homomorphic cryptosystem, this is why we
- Encrypt files with the have chosen in our tests to encrypt highly sensitive data (HSD),
public key PK of user B using RSA cryptosystem [20], which is homomorphic.
Send encrypted files
Homomorphic encryption allows us to make operations on
encrypted data without decrypting it. RSA cryptosystem is
-Store encrypted files homomorphic for multiplication, so it can be used to perform a
keyword research in a database of encrypted data without
decrypting it. RSA generator provides a public key used in the
encryption of data, mobile user can then send a request to cloud
Mobile User Send request to server in which it requests a keyword research or information
(user B) download files about the keyword that is already encrypted. Cloud server has
- Verify the validity and
the integrity of request no information on this research subject; it makes the research
requested by the customer, and then returns the response to the
Send encrypted files mobile, also encrypted. The mobile can decrypt it with his
- Decrypt files with the public key already generated.
secret key SK of user B
B. Performance analysis
- Verify the integrity of The proposed platform offers the possibility to
files and assemble communicate with a cloud server while ensuring data security
different part to obtain and user privacy. To evaluate our model and to demonstrate its
original file multiple functionality and efficiency, we will propose a
comparison of our security framework with other existing
Figure 4. Sharing scheme process

Secure storage data frameworks

Jia et al.[12] Ren et al. [13] Han et al. [15]

Our model
2011 2011 2013
Authentication No Yes Yes Yes
Confidentiality Yes Yes Yes Yes
Encryption Yes Yes No Yes
Sharing Data Yes No Yes Yes
Data integrity No Yes No Yes
Storage provider verification No No No Yes
Management of mobile resource No Yes No Yes
Keyword research No No No Yes
Secure Data even after loss password No No No Yes

The comparison table that we have established request. The local server verifies the authenticity of the mobile
demonstrates that our structure allows storing and sharing data user and generates a session key.
safely, and saves mobile resources and does not overload the
machine. Our structure allows also a data classification, and The application allows users to select the data they want to
research keyword using the homomorphic encryption. store, choose its class according to its level of importance and
sensitivity, and split the selected data into n blocks and encrypt
each block using corresponding encryption function to its
IV. SIMULATION OF THE E.S.P category. The application is also responsible of sending file
encrypted parts to Cloud server using session key that it had
A. Experiment Environment previously received from local server.
Practical evaluation is performed in a personal computer,
To retrieve data stored in cloud server, the mobile
with the following characteristics:
application sends a request to local server, which sends a secret
 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz question to verify mobile user authenticity. After
(8 CPUs), ~2.2GHz. authentication, the mobile application downloads the n
encrypted parts of the file from the cloud server, decrypts each
 Memory 8192MB RAM part, verifies data integrity and assembles these n parts to
 Intel(R) HD Graphics Family (1696 MB). recover the original file.

We developed our application with java and java android, In order to share data with other users, the application sends
and we used an android smartphone for testing with the a request to local server to retrieve public keys of concerned
following characteristics: users. The mobile application repeats storage scheme, but by
using, during encryption, public key of the user with whom we
 Processor dual-core 1.2GHz. want to share data. This user can recover stored data by
following downloading scheme, and then decrypt it with his
 Memory 1 Go private key.
N.B: We made test on virtual machine before implementing
our application in real machines. C. Simulation results
In this part we make a test of our structure. Initially we
B. Simulation process encrypt and send a PDF file to a cloud server, and then we try
We propose in this part an implementation of our platform to upload the encrypted data, decrypt it and recover our original
of storage, and sharing data in a Mobile Cloud computing file.
environment. We developed an application with java Android, Before encrypting our file we have to set its class, which is
which splits the data into n blocks, encrypt and decrypt, then needed to select the appropriate cryptosystem. In our tests we
sending and downloading data to and from the cloud server. used the RSA algorithm for sensitive data encryption and
We have also set up a local server for authentication of mobile decryption and the DES algorithm for standard data encryption
users, and also for generating the session keys to allow users to and decryption.
communicate with the cloud server.
The “Fig. 5” represents a simulation of our uploading
The mobile application allows initially the registration of scheme, and “Fig. 6” represents a simulation of our
users in the local server database, and then sends a storage downloading scheme.
Figure 5. Simuation of uploading scheme

Figure 6. Simulation of downloading scheme

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