Individual Learner Differences

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1 Optional Video: Individual Learner Differences

“Video Icon” by Tiera Day for University of Maryland Baltimore County is licensed under CC BY 4.0. for use in the AE E-Teacher Program,
sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.

This is an optional but highly recommended activity. Feel free to use this graphic organizer to
guide you through this exercise. You do not need to submit the graphic organizer, but you may
want to share and discuss it with another person taking this class.
Now that you have learned about the many different types of learners, you can practice
identifying learner-centered teaching. For this optional activity, please do the following:
Watch the video, Shaping the Way We Teach English: Individual Learner Differences. Watch
what the teacher and students do in the classroom and think about how this created a learner-
centered classroom.

Use graphic organizer and answer the questions below. This graphic organizer uses guiding
questions and scaffolding to help you (the learner) understand the video better. Record your
thoughts on the graphic organizer attached. Feel free to share your thoughts with a friend, co-
worker, or another person taking this course.

1. Watch Part 1 of the video (0:00-4:01) and answer the following questions. Record your
answers on your graphic organizer.

Click the link below to watch Part 1 of the video.

• How is the class organized?
• What activities did the students do?
• What skills did the students practice?
• How does the teacher make the class learner-centered?
• How does this teaching strategy connect to the English teaching practices discussed in this

2. Watch Part 2 of the video (4:01-8:48) and answer the following questions. Record your
answers on your graphic organizer.

• Describe different parts of the project that the teacher was describing.
• What overall teaching strategy was used?

• How does this teaching strategy connect to the English teaching practices discussed in this

3. Watch Part 3 of the video (8:48-12:52) and answer the following questions. Record your
answers on your graphic organizer.

• Describe the school’s self-access room.

• What overall teaching strategy was used?
• How does this teaching strategy connect to the English teaching practices discussed in this

Alternative Assignment
If you are unable to view the video, please do the following:

1. Read the transcript for only Part 1 of the video.

2. Read what the teacher does in the classroom. What does the teacher do to create a
learner-centered classroom? How does this relate to the concepts we learned in this
3. Read what the students do in the video. What activities do the students do that make this
classroom learner-centered? How does this relate to the concepts we learned in this
4. Record your thoughts on the graphic organizer.


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