NC 501 - Intro

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NC 501 –Networking and

Dr. Amrita Mishra
IIIT Bangalore
About Instructor
• Email ID :
• Office : 134-G
• Appointment : By email

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 2

About TAs
• To be updated soon!

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 3

Class Schedule
• Tuesdays and Thursdays - 3:30-5:00 p.m.
• Tutorial sessions/ Extra-classes (if any): pre-announced
• Notes/Slides (Non-annotated)/Assignments – LMS

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 4

Resources & Acknowledgements
• Textbook : Kurose and Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top Down
Approach” 6th/7th edition
• Slides
▪ Profs. Kurose and Ross
▪ Prof. Debabrata Das
• Coursera: Fundamentals of Network Communication by Prof. Xiabo
Zhou, UCCS
• B. Sklar, “Digital Communications: Fundamentals and applications”,
Prentice Hall
• J. G. Proakis and M. Salehi, “Communication Systems Engineering”,
Prentice Hall
• Image Sources - Google
Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 5
Marks Distribution
• Total = 100 points
• Mid-Term (#1) : 25 points
• End-Term (#1) : 30 points
• Quizzes (#2) : 20 points
• Assignments (#2) : 10 points
• Course Project Research/Programming Oriented (#1) : 10 points
• Classroom participation : 5 points

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 6


Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 7

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 8
Disclaimers (Contd)
• Honesty over Intelligence!
• Questions unanswered in class or left as reading HW – WILL come in
exams! ☺
• Learning – Two way street
• Classroom teaching – Tip of the iceberg
• Occam’s razor
• Have fun!

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 9

• No late submission
• You may be excused from an exam only with an Institute approved
condition, with proof and prior permission from competent authority
• Cheating & Plagiarism: Strong penalty. ZERO TOLERANCE
First offense: Zero in the exam/assignment.
Second offense: Will lead to failure in the course.

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 10

Quick checks – for me
1. Have you studied computer networks (CN) in UG?
A. Yes B. No C. Can’t recollect

2. How interesting do/did you find CN?

A. Very Interesting B. Moderately interesting C. Okay types

3. Do you have a prior industry/working experience in the area of

A. Yes B. No

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 11

What do you think should be the course objectives
of studying Networking and Communication?

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 12

What are the main challenges which fuel
innovation in N&C?

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 13

NC 501 - Course Objectives

• Understand the ‘atoms’ of networking and communication – 5 layers

of IP protocol stack required for “building” a network

• Identify key challenges in problems and appreciate the solutions

• Connect the dots (backwards) and look at the BIG PICTURE (and
fingers crossed with awe)

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 14

Then and now!

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 15

Network Architecture Evolution

Information transfer
bits per second






1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000

Telegraph Telephone Internet, Optical Next

networks networks & Wireless Generation
networks Internet

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 16

How does a future xG network look like?

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 17

Net. & Comm. – Why is it so important?
• Any IT System (Router, Server, Storage, IoT, Mobile, Laptop, PC, etc.)
→ Broadly 3 Layers

• Application Services - E-Commerce, Email, Browsing, Entertainment,

E-Governance, Chat, IoT Applications, etc.

• Operating system - Interface Between Application and Hardware –

Linux, Windows, Android, iOS, etc.

• Hardware - Storage, CPU, Network Transmitter and Receiver etc.;

All these 3-Layers of ANY IT System does
ONLY 3-Functions! What
Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB are those? 18
3 Functions of IT System → 3C
• 1st C → Conservation - of information (1, 0): storage, RAM, hard disk, back
up etc.
• 2nd C → Computation - of information: algorithms, machine learning and AI
etc. for computing
• 3rd C → Communication – of information: from IoT or Mobile to Data
Centre through base station, WiFi, multiple routers, switches and vice versa

• All of us know, Information Without Communication to Another has NO

value → Hence, Networking and Communication is a Very Important

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 19

Why Networking and Communication is Important → Touches all aspects
of day to day of life!

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 20

Today’s truth

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 21

Tomorrow’s reality

Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 22

One of the most important questions
• When is the time?

• NOW!!!

• Several applications of modern communication systems in almost ALL


Dr. Amrita Mishra, IIITB 23

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