Respiratory System

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Clinical Skills
Respiratory Exam Rubrics
Student Comp#
Evaluator SCORE:
/70= _____%
Introduction Not Done (0) Incomplete (1) Done (2)
Greets, states full name, designation, asks for Pt
full name, explains procedure and obtains   
Washes hands, ensures privacy and asks for
  
Cleans stethoscope   
Positons patient and exposes adequately   
From the foot end of the bed observes patient
habitus, posture, level of comfort and signs of
  
distress (RR, Nasal Flaring, Intercostal and
Subcostal recessions, use of accessory muscles,
granting respirations, diaphoresis etc.)
Observes for any sputum bottle, Intercostal
chest   
drain (ICD), nasal prongs, inhaler etc.
Inspects nails for clubbing (grade it)   
Inspects nails for peripheral cyanosis and pallor   
Checks hands for nicotine stain, capillary refill
  
time, muscle wasting and asterexis
Checks for pulse, febrile/afebrile, epitrochlear
lymph nodes and mentions blood pressure and   
measuring O2 Stats.
Checks for axillary lymph nodes   
Inspects for Jaundice, pallor, signs of horner
  
syndrome and Central Cyanosis
Checks for Tracheal tug (during inspiration)
and   
Student moves behind patient
Posterior inspection
Inspects for scars (surgical e.g thoracotomy or
  
traumatic), signs of trauma,
marks and vertebral column alignment
Inspects for A-P diameter   
Palpates for A-P diameter   
Posterior palpation
Checks symmetry during deep respiration with
  
both hands on lower rib cage
Palpates for tactile fremitus   
Posterior percussion
Percusses lung fields, apices to bases side to
  
Percusses lung fields, posterolaterally   

Posterior auscultation Not Done (0) Incomplete (1) Done (2)

Patient is instructed to take deep breaths
through   
the mouth and stop if (s)he gets dizzy
Auscultates lung fields, apices to bases,
  
posterolaterally on inspiration and expiration.
Vocal Resonance   
Anterior inspection
Inspects for scars (surgical e.g sternotomy and
  
or traumatic), signs of trauma and
Tattoos/scarification marks
Chest Expansion   
Anterior palpation
Palpates for tactile fremitus, apices to bases,
side   
to side
Palpates for tactile fremitus, anterolaterally   
Anterior percussion
Percusses lung fields, apices to bases, side to
  
Percusses lung fields, anterolaterally   
Anterior auscultation
Patient is instructed to take deep breaths
through   
the mouth and stop if (s)he gets dizzy
Auscultates lung fields, apices to bases, side to
side, throughout and anterolaterally (character
and duration of breath sounds; crackles,   
wheezes, rubs; distant or absent breath sounds)
Anterior Vocal Resonance   
Special maneuvers (at evaluator’s direction) to
evaluate consolidation
Auscultates (X2)-after coughing to assess for
persistent post-tussive crackles (listen, cough,   
Auscultates for whispered pectoriloquy bilat
and   
Auscultates for egophony (E-to-A change)
  
bilaterally and interprets changes
Total score /70


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