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Exactly solvable statistical physics models for large neuronal populations

Christopher W. Lynn,1, 2, 3, ∗ Qiwei Yu,4 Rich Pang,5 William Bialek,2, 4, 6 and Stephanie E. Palmer7, 8
Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences, The Graduate Center,
City University of New York, New York, NY 10016, USA
Joseph Henry Laboratories of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
Department of Physics, Quantitative Biology Institute,
and Wu Tsai Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
Lewis–Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
Center for Studies in Physics and Biology, Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10065 USA
Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
arXiv:2310.10860v1 [] 16 Oct 2023

Department of Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
(Dated: October 18, 2023)
Maximum entropy methods provide a principled path connecting measurements of neural activity
directly to statistical physics models, and this approach has been successful for populations of
N ∼ 100 neurons. As N increases in new experiments, we enter an undersampled regime where we
have to choose which observables should be constrained in the maximum entropy construction. The
best choice is the one that provides the greatest reduction in entropy, defining a “minimax entropy”
principle. This principle becomes tractable if we restrict attention to correlations among pairs of
neurons that link together into a tree; we can find the best tree efficiently, and the underlying
statistical physics models are exactly solved. We use this approach to analyze experiments on
N ∼ 1500 neurons in the mouse hippocampus, and show that the resulting model captures the
distribution of synchronous activity in the network.

It has long been hoped that neural networks in the maximum entropy approach takes this limited number of
brain could be described using concepts from statistical observables seriously, and insists that expectation values
physics [1–6]. More recently, our ability to explore the for these quantities predicted by the model match the
brain has been revolutionized by techniques that record values measured in experiment,
the electrical activity from thousands of individual neu-
rons, simultaneously [7–13]. Maximum entropy meth- ⟨fν (x)⟩P = ⟨fν (x)⟩exp , (1)
ods connect these data to theory, starting with measured
or more explicitly,
properties of the network and arriving at models that are
mathematically equivalent to statistical physics problems M
X 1 X
[14, 15]. In some cases these models provide successful, P (x)fν (x) = fν (x(m) ), (2)
parameter–free predictions for many detailed features of x
M m=1
the neural activity pattern [16, 17]. The same ideas have
been used in contexts ranging from the evolution of pro- where x(m) is the mth sample out of M samples in to-
tein families to ordering in flocks of birds [18–24]. But tal. Notice that to have control over errors in the mea-
as experiments probe systems with more and more de- surement of all K expectation values, we need to have
grees of freedom, the number of samples that we can col- K ≪ MN.
lect typically does not increase in proportion. Here we There are infinitely many distributions that obey these
present a strategy for building maximum entropy models matching conditions, but the idea of maximum entropy
in this undersampled regime, and apply this strategy to is that we should choose the one that has the least possi-
data from 1000+ neurons in the mouse hippocampus. ble structure, or equivalently generates samples that are
as random as possible while obeying the constraints in
Consider a system of N variables x = {xi }, i =
Eq. (1). From Shannon we know that “as random as pos-
1, 2, · · · , N . To describe the system, we would like to
sible” translates uniquely to finding the distribution that
write down the probability distribution P (x) over these
has the maximum entropy consistent with the constraints
microscopic degrees of freedom, in the same way that we
[25, 26]. The solution of this optimization problem has
write the Boltzmann distribution for a system in equilib-
the form
rium. In the example that we discuss below, all the xi " K #
are observed at the same moment in time, but we could 1 X
also include time in the index i, so that P (x) becomes a P (x) = exp − λν fν (x) , (3)
Z ν=1
probability distribution of trajectories.
From these N variables we can construct a set of K where the coupling constants λν must be chosen to satisfy
operators or observables {fν (x)}, ν = 1, 2, · · · , K. The Eq. (1). We emphasize that in using this approach, the

model in Eq. (3) is something that needs to be tested— (a) Mutual info. Iij (b) Construction Iij (c) Optimal tree
in systems such as networks of neurons, there is no H– 6 6 1 6
2 2 2

theorem telling us that entropy will be maximized, nor 2
1 1 1
5 5 3 5
is there a unique choice for the constraints that would 3 3 3
4 5 6
correspond to the Hamiltonian of an equilibrium system. 4 4 New 4
Without a Hamiltonian, how should we choose the ob-
servables fν ? Probability distributions define a code for FIG. 1. Computing the optimal tree of pairwise correlations.
the data [25] in which each state x is mapped to a code (a) Mutual information between variables in a hypothetiacal
word of length system. (b) One can build the optimal tree one variable at a
time, from an arbitrary starting variable, by iteratively adding
ℓ(x) = − log P (x), (4) the connection corresponding to the largest mutual informa-
tion (dashed) from the tree (solid) to the remaining variables;
this is Prim’s algorithm. (c) Optimal tree that minimizes the
so the mean code length for the data is
entropy ST and maximizes the information IT .
1 X
⟨ℓ⟩exp ≡− log P (x(n) ). (5)
M n=1 loops then it describes a tree T , and among other sim-
plifications we can write the entropy
Combining Eqs. (1) and (3), ⟨ℓ⟩exp is exactly the entropy X X
of P . Thus, among all maximum entropy distributions, − PT (x) log PT (x) ≡ ST = Sind − Iij , (7)
the one that gives the shortest description of the data x (ij)∈T
is the one with minimum entropy. This “minimax en-
tropy” principle was discussed 25 years ago [27], but has where Sind is the independent entropy of the individual
attracted relatively little attention. variables, and Iij is the mutual information between xi
Every time we add a constraint, the maximum possible and xj [Fig. 1(a)]. Because of the constraints on the
entropy is reduced [28], and this entropy reduction is an maximum entropy distribution, Iij is the same whether
information gain. Thus the minimax entropy principle we compute it from the model or from the data. Thus we
tells us to choose observables whose expectation values can compute the entropy of the pairwise maximum en-
provide as much information as possible about the micro- tropy model on any tree without constructing the model
scopic variables. The problem is that finding these max- itself.
imally informative observables is generally intractable. Minimizing the entropy ST in Eq. (7) is equivalent to
To make progress we restrict the class of observables maximizing the total mutual information
that we consider. With populations of N ∼ 100 neurons, X
it can be very effective to constrain just the mean activity IT = Iij . (8)
of each neuron and the correlations among pairs [14, 16, (ij)∈T
17]. But this corresponds to K ∝ N 2 constraints, and at
large N we will violate the good sampling condition K ≪ This defines a minimum spanning tree problem [15],
N M . To restore good sampling, we try constraining only which admits a number of efficient solutions. For exam-
Nc of the correlations, which define links between specific ple, one can grow the optimal tree by greedily attaching
pairs of neurons that together form a graph G. If we the new variable xi with the largest mutual information
describe the individual neurons as being either active or Iij to an existing variable xj [Figs. 1(b) and 1(c)]; this
silent, so that xi ∈ {0, 1}, then the maximum entropy is Prim’s algorithm, which runs in O(N 2 ) time [30]. By
distribution is an Ising model on the graph G, restricting observables to pairwise correlations that form
a tree, we can solve the minimax entropy problem ex-
actly, even at very large N . Further, we can give explicit
" #
1 X X
PG (x) = exp Jij xi xj + hi xi , (6) expressions for the fields and couplings [15, 31],
Z i
⟨xi xj ⟩ (1 − ⟨xi ⟩ − ⟨xj ⟩ + ⟨xi xj ⟩)
where {hi , Jij } must be adjusted to match the measured Jij = ln , (9)
(⟨xi ⟩ − ⟨xi xj ⟩) (⟨xj ⟩ − ⟨xi xj ⟩)
expectation values ⟨xi ⟩exp and ⟨xi xj ⟩exp for pairs (ij) ∈ ⟨xi ⟩
G. The minimax entropy principle tells us that we should hi = ln (10)
1 − ⟨xi ⟩
find the graph G with a fixed number of links Nc such  
that PG (x) has the smallest entropy while obeying these
X (1 − ⟨xi ⟩) (⟨xi ⟩ − ⟨xi xj ⟩)
+ ln ,
constraints. This remains intractable. ⟨xi ⟩ (1 − ⟨xi ⟩ − ⟨xj ⟩ + ⟨xi xj ⟩)
Statistical physics problems are hard because of feed-
back loops. If we can eliminate these loops then we can where Ni are the neighbors of i on the tree. The total
find the partition function exactly, as in one–dimensional number of constraints is K = 2N − 1, so if the number of
systems or on Bethe lattices [29]. If the graph G has no independent samples M ≫ 2, then we are well sampled.

(a) (b) 10 2
Applying our method, we identify the tree of maxi-

Prob. density
mally informative correlations [Fig. 3(a)], which captures
Mutual information Iij (bits)
IT = 26.2 bits of information; this is more than 50× the
average we find on a random tree [Fig. 3(b)]. Although
68% 32% a tree includes only 2/N ≈ 0.1% of all pairwise corre-
(c) lations, we have IT ≈ 0.144Sind , so that the correlation
Average structure we capture is as strong as freezing the states of

Iij (bits)
214 randomly selected neurons. Another way to assess
the strength of the interactions is to see that on the op-
Rank Correlation coef cient
timal tree the mean activity of each neuron ⟨xi ⟩ deviates
strongly from what is predicted by the field hi alone,
FIG. 2. Mutual information in a large population of neurons.
(a) Ranked order of all significant mutual information Iij in 1
⟨xi ⟩J=0 = . (11)
a population of N = 1485 neurons in the mouse hippocam- 1 + e−hi
pus [32]. Solid line and shaded region indicate estimates and
errors (two standard deviations) of Iij . (b) Distribution of This is shown in Fig. 3(d), where we compare the optimal
correlation coefficients over neuron pairs, with percentages tree with a random tree. So despite limited connectivity,
indicating the proportion of positively and negatively corre- the effective fields
lated pairs. (c) Mutual information Iij versus correlation co- X
efficient, where each point represents a distinct neuron pair. heff
i = hi + Jij σj (12)
Estimates and errors are the same in (a). j

are very different from the intrinsic biases hi .

As emphasized above, our approach yields a model In the model of Eq. (6), positive (negative) Jij means
that needs to be tested. At large N , pairwise correlations that activity in neuron i leads to activity (silence) in
are a vanishingly small fraction of all possible correla- neuron j. For random trees, the interactions Jij are split
tions, and in building a tree we keep only a vanishingly 1.5
almost evenly between positive and negative [Fig. 3(c)]; 1.5
small fraction of these. Does this literal backbone of cor-
Chris Lynn Chris Lynn July 20, 2023
relation structure contain enough information to capture
Chris Lynn Chris Lynn July 20, 2023
(a) (b)
1 1

something about the behavior of the network as a whole?

hello hello
hello hello
We analyze data from an experiment on the mouse hip- 0.5 0.5

pocampus [32]. Mice are genetically engineered so that

neurons express a protein whose fluorescence is modu- 0 0

lated by calcium concentration, which in turn follows the Optimal Random

-0.5 -0.5
electrical activity of the cell. Recording electrical activity I T = 26.2 bits I T = 0.4 bits
is then a problem of imaging, which is done with a scan- I T / Sind = 14.4% IT / Sind = 0.2%
-1 -1
ning two–photon microscope as the mouse runs in a vir-
tual environment. The fluorescence signal from each cell (c) (d) 0.14
-1.5 Random Optimal
-1.5 Optimal
-1.5 -1 0.3 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1.51.5 -1 0.12 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
consists of a relatively quiet background interrupted by Random
Average activity ⟨xi⟩
Probability density

short periods of activity, providing a natural way to dis- 0.1

cretize into active/silent (xi = 1/0) in each video frame 0.2 0.08

[16]. Images are collected at 30 Hz for 39 min, and the 0.06

field of view includes N = 1485 neurons. This yields Chris Lynn

0.1 0.04
Chris Lynn
M ∼ 7 × 104 (non–independent) samples, sufficient to
estimate the mutual information Iij with small errors.
Among all N (N − 1)/2 ∼ 106 pairs of neurons, only 0
-5 0 5
Interaction Jij
10 hello
-12 -10 -8 -6
External eld hi
-4 -2

9% exhibit significant mutual information Iij [Fig. 2(a)].

We see that the distribution of mutual information is
heavy–tailed, such that a small number of correlations FIG. 3. Minimax entropy models of a large neuronal popula-
contain orders of magnitude more information than av- tion. (a) The optimal tree for the neurons in Fig. 2, and (b) a IT = 0.
random tree over the same neurons. In both trees, the central
erage (I¯ = 2.9 × 10−4 bits). Additionally, while most neuron has the largest number of connections, and those on
IT /Sind =

pairs of neurons are negatively correlated [Fig. 2(b)], the the perimeter are leaves (having one connection) with distance
strongest mutual information belong to pairs that are from the central neuron decreasing in the clockwise direction.
positively correlated [Fig. 2(c)]. Together, these obser- (c) Distributions of Ising interactions Jij [Eq. (9)]. (d) Av-
vations suggest that a sparse network of positively corre- erage activities ⟨xi ⟩ versus local fields hi , where each point
lated neurons may provide a large amount of information represents one neuron, and the dashed line illustrates the in-
about the collective neural activity. dependent prediction [Eq. (11)].
10 Sind - S (bits) positive correlations.
sparse network of the strongest
Thus far, we have focused on a single population of
N ∼ 1500 neurons. But as we observe larger popu-
lations, how do the maximally informative correlations
10 -2
Probability P(K)

scale with N ? To address this question, we build pop-

ulations of increasing size by starting from a single cell
and drawing concentric circles of increasing radii (in the
spirit of Ref. [17]), then repeating this process starting
10 -3 from each of the different neurons [Fig. 5(a)]. This con-
struction exploits the fact that the neurons in this region
Optimal tree of the hippocampus lie largely in single plane. As the
Gaussian population expands, the independent entropy Sind nec-
-4 essarily increases linearly with N on average. The en-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
tropy of any tree model ST , which is an upper bound
Simultaneously active neurons K
on the true entropy, is reduced by the total information
FIG. 4. Predicting synchronized activity. Distribution P (K)
IT = Sind − ST . In Fig. 5(b) we see that the fractional
of the number of simultaneously active neurons K in the data reduction IT /Sind grows slowly with N for the optimal
(black), predicted by the maximally informative tree (red), trees, while on random trees this fraction decays rapidly
and the Gaussian distribution for independent neurons with toward zero.
mean and variance ⟨K⟩exp (dahsed). To estimate probabilities We can understand the decay of fractional informa-
P (K) and error bars (two standard deviations), we first split
tion in random trees because the mutual information be-
the experiment into 1–minute blocks to preserve dependencies
between consecutive samples. We then randomly select one tween two neurons declines, on average, with their spatial
third of these blocks and repeat 100 times. For each subsam- separation, although there are large fluctuations around
ple of the data, we compute the optimal tree T and predict this average. These fluctuations mean that a tree built
P (K) using a Monte Carlo simulation of the model PT . by connecting nearest spatial neighbors will be better
July 20, 2023
than random but still substantially suboptimal, as will
be explored elsewhere. In contrast, as we consider larger
populations we uncover more and more of the large mu-
this distribution of interactions is consistent with previ-
tual information seen in the tail of Fig. 2(a), and this
ous investigations of systems of N ∼ 100 neurons where
allows IT /Sind to increase with N on the optimal tree
we can estimate and match all of the pairwise correla-
[Fig. 5(b)]. There is no sign that this increase is saturat-
tions [14, 17, 33]. But since the largest mutual informa-
ing at N ∼ 103 , suggesting that our minimax entropy
tion are associated with positive correlations [Fig. 2(c)],
framework may become even more effective for larger
the maximally informative tree produces strong interac-
tions that are almost exclusively positive and quite large
[Fig. 3(c)]. We have arrived, perhaps surprisingly, at an









DLP projector
Ising ferromagnet. toroidal
A (a)
B (b) 0.15 Optimal
Is it possible that a backbone of ferromagnetic pmt inter-
actions captures some of the collective behavior in the
Proportion I T / Sind

rot.stage 0.1
network? One signature of this collective behavior is the
pfa optical table
probability P (K) that K out of the N mouse
neurons are simul-
taneously active within a window of time [14, 17, 24, 33]. 0.05
For independent neurons, this distribution approximately 290 °

Gaussian at large N (Fig. 4, dashed), but even in rela- VR computer

tively small populations we see above
view deviations from N 0
1 500 100 µm 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3
this prediction, with both extreme synchrony (largeXYZK) Number of neurons N
and near silence (small K) much more likely than ex-
pected from independent neurons [14]; this effect persists FIG. 5. Scaling with population size. (a) Illustration of our
in the N ∼ 1500 neurons studied here (Fig. 4, black). growth process superimposed on a fluorescence image of the
The optimal tree captures most of this structure, cor- N = 1485 neurons in the mouse hippocampus. Starting from

a single neuron i, we grow the population of N neurons closest

rectly predicting ∼ 100× enhancements of the probabil-
to i (red to yellow). We then repeat this process starting from
Chris Lynn

ity that K ∼ 50 or more neurons will be active in syn- each of the different neurons. (b) Fraction of the independent
chrony (Fig. 4, red). Although the detailed patterns of entropy IT /Sind explained by the optimal and random trees
activity in the system are shaped by competing interac- as a function of population size N . Lines and shaded regions
tions that are missing from our ferromagnetic backbone, represent median and interquartile range over different central
this shows that large–scale synchrony can emerge from a neurons.

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