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Lecture 2

Review of Vector Relation


Aerodynamics is full of quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as force and velocity.
These are vector quantities, and as such, the mathematics of aerodynamics is most conveniently
expressed in vector notation. The purpose of this section is to set forth the basic relations we need from
vector algebra and vector calculus.

Some vector Algebra

In engineering, physics, mathematics, and other areas we encounter two kinds of quantities: scalars and
A scalar is a quantity that is determined by its magnitude. It takes on a numerical value, a number.
Examples scalars are time, temperature, length, distance, speed, density, energy and voltage.
In contrast, a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. We can say that a vector is an
arrow or a directed line segment. For example, a velocity vector has length or magnitude, which is
speed, and direction, which indicates the direction of motion. Typically examples of vectors are
displacement, velocity, and forces.

Figure 2.1 : Examples of vectors: Force and Figure 2.2 : Translation


A vector has a tail, called its initial point, and a tip, called its terminal point. Figure 2.2 show the
translation of the triangle where initial point P of the vector a is the original position of a point, and the
terminal point Q is the terminal position of that point. The length of the arrows equals the distance
between P and Q. This is called the length (or magnitude) of the vector a and is denoted by |a|.
Another name for length is norm (or Euclidean norm). A vector of length 1 is called a unit vector.

Equality of vectors

Two vector 1 and b are equal, written a = b, if they have the same length and the same direction.
Components of a Vector

We choose an xyz Cartesian coordinate system in space (Fig 2.3), that is, a usual rectangular coordinate
system with the same scale of measurement on the three mutually perpendicular coordinate axes. Let a
be a given vector with initial point P: (x 1, y1, z1) and terminal Point Q: (x 2, y2, z2). Then the three
coordinate differences

Are called the components of the vector a with respect to that coordinate system, and we write simply
(See Figure 2.4)

Fig 2.3 Cartesian coordinate system Fig 2.4 Components of a vector Fig 2.5 Position vector r of a point

The length |a| of a can now be expressed in terms of components :

The position vector r of a point A: (x,y,z) is the vector with origin (0, 0, 0) as the initial point and A as the
terminal point (fig. 2.5). Thus in components, r = |x, y, z|, because x1 = y1 = z1 = 0

A vector a = [a1, a2, a3] is equal to a vector b = [b1, b2, b3] if a1 = b1, a2 = b2, a3 = b3.

Addition of Vectors

The sum a + b of two vectors a = [a1, a2, a3] and b = [b1, b2, b3] is obtained by adding the corresponding

Geometrically, place the vectors as in Fig 2.6. The initial point of b at the terminal point of a, the a + b is
the vector drawn from the initial point of a to the terminal point of b. Fig. 2.7 shows (for the plane) that
the “algebraic” way and the “geometric way” of vector addition give the same vector.
Fig. 2.6 vectors addition
Fig. 2.7 vectors addition

Basic Properties of Vector Addition.

Properties (a) and (b) are verified geometrically in Fig. 2.8 and 2.9. Furthermore, -a denotes the vector
having length |a| and the direction opposite that of a.

Fig. 2.8 Commutativity of vector Fig. 2.10 Scalar multiplication

Fig. 2.9 Associativity of vector

Scalar Multiplication (Multiplication by a Number)

The product ca of any vector a = [a1, a2, a3] and any scalar c (real number c) is the vector obtained by
multiplying each component of a by c.

ca = [ca1, ca2, ca3]

Geometrically, if a ≠ 0, then ca with c > 0 has the direction of a and with c < 0 the direction opposite to
a. in any case, the length of ca is |ca| = |c| |a|, and ca = 0 if a = 0 or c =0 (or both). See fig. 2.10
Basic Properties of Scalar Multiplication

We can prove that (fig. 2.11)

Unit Vector I, j, k. Besides a = [a1, a2, a3], another popular way of writing vector is

a = a1i + a2j + a3k

In this representation, I, j, k are the unit vectors in the positive direction of the axes of a Cartesian
coordinate system (Fig. 2.12). Hence in components

i = [1, 0, 0], j = [0, 1, 0] k = [0, 0, 1]

Fig. 2.11 Difference of vectors

Fig. 2.12 The unit vectors i, j, k and the representation

a = a1i + a2j + a3k

Inner Product (Dot Product) of Vectors

The inner product or dot product a · b (read a dot b) of two vectors a and b is the product of their
lengths times the cosine of their angle (fig. 2.13)

The angle , 0 ≤  ≤ π , between a and b is measured when the initial points of the vectors coincide, as in
fig. 2.13. In components, a = [a1, a2, a3], b = a = [b1, b2, b3] and

a · b = a1 b1 + a2b2 + a3b3
Fig. 2.13. Angle between vector and value of inner product


A vector a is called orthogonal to vector b if a · b = 0. Then b is also orthogonal to a, and we call a and b
orthogonal vectors. This happens for nonzero vectors if and only if cos  = 0; thus  = /2 (90°)

Length and Angle.

If b = a, gives a · b =|a|2. Hence

For the angle g between two nonzero vectors, we find

Examples :

Properties of inner product

For any vectors a, b, c and scalars q1, q2, we have

We write a = a1i + a2j + a3k, and b = b1i + b2j + b3k, then

a · b = a1 b1 i · i + a1 b2 i · j + … + a3 b3 k · k

Now, I, j, k are unit vectors, so that i · i = j · j = k · k = 1 and i · j = j · i= j · k = k · j = k· i = i · k = 0

Vectors Product (Cross Product, Outer Product) of Vectors

The vector product or cross product a x b (read a cross b) of two vectors a and b is the vector v denoted


1. If a = 0 or b = 0, then we define v = a x b = 0

2. If both vectors are nonzero vectors, then vector v has the length

|v| = |a x b| = |a| |b| sin ,

where  is the angle between a and b.

Furthermore, by design, a and b form the sides of a parallelogram on a plane in space. The
parallelogram is shaded in blue in Fig 2.14. The area of this blue parallelogram is precisely given by
equation 1, so that the length |v| of the vector v is equal to the area of that parallelogram.

3. if a and b lie in the same straight line, sin g = 0, then |v| = 0, so that v = a x b = 0

4. if case 1,2 and 3 do not occur, then v is a nonzero vector, the direction of v = a x b is perpendicular to
both a and b such that a, b, v precisely in this order : form a right-handed triple as shown in figures 2.15.

Fig. 2.14 Vector Product

Fig. 2.15. right-handed triple a, b, v fig. 2.16. righ-handed screw

We could also express the cross product in components. Let a = [a1, a2, a3], and b = [b1, b2, b3], then v =
[v1, v2, v3] = a x b has the component

v1 = a2b3 - a3b2

v2 = a3b1 - a1b3

v3 = a1b2 - a2b1

We can write also

Vectors Products of the Standard Basis Vectors

General Properties of Vector Products

1. For every scalar l,

(la) x b = l (a x b) = a x (lb)

2. Cross multiplication is distributive with respect to vector addition; that is

3. Cross multiplication is not commutative but anti commutative; that is

a x b = - (b x a) see fig. 2.17

4. Cross multiplication is not associative; that is, in general

a x (b x c) ≠ (a x b) x c

Anti commutativity of cross multiplication

Scalar Triple Product

Properties and Applications of Scalar Triple Products

Vector and Scalar Functions and Their Fields.

Vector Calculus: Derivative

Partial Derivatives of a Vector Function
Gradient of a Scalar Field, Directional Derivative

Gradients are useful in several ways, notably in giving rate of change of f(x,y,z) in any direction in space,
in obtaining surface normal vectors, and in deriving vector fields from scalar fields.
Gradient as Surface Normal Vector

Vector Fields That Are Gradients of Scalar Fields (Potentials)

Gravitational Field, Laplace’s Equation

Divergence of a Vector Field
Theoreme : Invariance of the Divergence

Example :
Curl of a Vector Field

Example :

Theorem :
SUMMARY: Vector Differential Calculus, Grad, Div, Curl

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