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Omegan Empirical Data Numbers by Lucus Louize

Earth is in Confederation territory. The Confederation are the contacts of

Adamski, Menger, Fry, Nelson, and the W56. The Confederation does not come
from Venus, or Saturn or any other local planets that was memory manipulation
by the evil Omegans against Adamski, Menger, Nelson and others (please see the
Spurious Contacts Files on brother Bob Renaud’s excellent TerraKor Files site) also
there are no light beings (please see brother Arkay’s excellent article ‘In the
News: Page 2: 2010613 ‘Ashtar and Company’ and also the CTRs are not robots
though the Confederation and CTRs do have automatons.
The belief that the CTRs were robots was more memory manipulation as well as
the false claim by Adamski that there are 12 planets in every star system. The
Omegans are a group of evil extraterrestrials who were originally rebels from the
Confederation. Lacking a military force they infiltrate planets and covertly take
power in order to control the planet like a parasite controls it’s host. They also
manipulated the Confederation contactees memories in order to discredit the
Confederation message. The end goal is to ultimately stage an attack and blame it
on the Confederation then ‘introduce’ themselves as ‘heroes’ to help to convince
the planet to join them in attacking the Confederation by using the planets
military as weapons against the Confederation.
They have been successful in this parasite method on other planets. (Please see:
An Overview of the Omegan Situation Section 3: Internet Bulletin Board Messages
from the TerraKor site) The undercover Omegans can be found in government,
military, science, university, corporate, (please see: Project Terra Status Report
Section 4 Present-Day Information from the excellent TerraKor Files website) as
well as political, and religious institutions. (Please see: Menger’s From Outer
Space To You Annotated Text Only Version 2017) In my personal experience I
have also seen undercover Omegans employed in medical fields as well as in
average everyday jobs.
Both the Confederation and Omegan undercover operatives are born here on
Earth. I believe it is done by using the soul transfer machine at a certain stage of
embryo development and transferring to soul to the embryo so the operative is
born here with their memory and an idea of their mission intact. Omegan
numbers on Earth are estimated by the Alliance to range from no less than
500,000 to over 1,000,000 world wide. (Please see: Project Terra Status Report
Section 4 Present-Day Information and An Overview of the Omegan Situation
Letters to Gabriel Green: Message Date 3/28/1997 from the TerraKor Files site)
The Confederation does not know exact numbers either as stated in Menger’s
From Outer Space To You Annotated Text Only Version 2017 pg. 166-167. Never
physically take up arms against the Omegans they have advanced technology that
we do not. Leave the fighting to the Confederation and the Alliance against the

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