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1.0 Background to the Study

A log book is an accounting record, which registered the hours worked by
students in a certain organization in a certain period (also from the log of work
resumption to the log of closing on daily basis). These records usually contain
names of students, type of work, hours worked, log of work resumption, log of
work closing and some logs wages paid. In the 19th and early 20th century log
books were separate book that held records. Previously, log books were held by
company clerks or foremen or specialized log keepers. (Al-Mwala, 2021). These
log books were used by the bookkeeper to determine the wages to be paid. The
data was used in financial accounting to determine the weekly, monthly and
annual labour costs, and in cost accounting to determine the cost price. Late
19th century additional log cards came in use to register work or labour hours.
Nowadays the log book can be a part of an integrated payroll system, or cost
accounting system. Those systems can contain registers that describe the labour
log spend to produce products, but those registers are not regularly called log
books, but log sheets. Before the 19th century students could be registered on a
payroll, especially in cases such as crewmembers on a ship or soldiers stationed
in a location. The paid wages were noted in daybooks, in which daily expenses
where registered, and eventually in the other accounts in the bookkeeping
systems. In the 19th century when organizations started to grow a separate
register of labour hours emerged, which was called a log book. There were used
to keep account of the work done. Explained, that books necessary for the
system of keeping accounts are, the log-book, the cash-book, and the forest or
plantation book. Loudon described how log books where handled in those days:
In those days’ log-books, as Loudon explained, where used on farms, but also in

mines and in the emerging Iron and steel industry. Occasionally log books were
also used to register the log that a working steam engine had been in operation.
Electronic Log Book management system is configurable and scalable which
can accommodate hundreds or even thousands of students working in an
organization or an establishment at the same log. Generally speaking, the
proposed system can serve as a platform running on Local Area Network
(LAN). However, if the Electronic Log Book management system is configured
to be a public server with a static IP (Internet Protocol) or domain name it needs
to have a boundary limitation, wherever one happens to be within the
organizations premises, once he/she have an internet connection and Electronic
Log Book management system client installed, he/she can logon to the
Electronic Log Book. (Timothy, 2020).

1.1 Statement of the Problem

The problems generated by the manual system includes,
1. Manipulation or forging of both resumption and closing log by some
students on the logbook.
2. Cases of logbook been filled and signed by a student for someone else
who is not on duty
3. Log delay and consumption in the process of signing the logbook by
4. Lack of effective database storage mechanism to secure the logbook
5. Lack of good user interface

1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this research work is the design and implementation of electronic
logbooks for student’s industrial works experience scheme with the following

i. To design an Electronic Logbook for Students.

ii. To develop a system that will compile, record, and keep track of all the

working hours of students.

iii. To design a data base system that will keep safe all entries made as

regard to log book management.

iv. To design a system that will eliminate the unwholesome practice of

manipulating the log books by students

iv To design a system that will reduce the level of stress and inconvenience

encountered with the existing system.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study includes.
The general benefits that will be derived from the new system are as follows;

i. It would eliminate the consistent loss and misplacement of records in

logbook management.
ii. It would help make unique in recording both the resumption and closing
logbook of Student.
iii. It would make easy the retrieval of records unlike the existing system
where there are stock pile of office files and long notes.
iv. It would provide a standard and user friendly interface for the
prospective users of the system.
v. It would also help in providing some basic information to the
management regarding the state of student at the work place.
vi. It would indirectly reduce the spate of late coming and absenteeism by
the student.

1.5 Scope of the study
The scope of this research work covers the "design and implementation of
account receivable system". The system will specifically be used by student of
industrial work experience scheme to keep records of their daily attendance at

1.6 Limitation of the Study

i. Limited materials in the school library as related to logbook management
ii. Some respondents were unwilling to divulge some confidential
information to the researcher as this information were deemed too
iii. The cost of researching on this project work is far way too high.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Assessment: a method of evaluating an applicant’s performance and
Biometrics: the measurement and analysis of unique physical or behavioral
characteristics (as fingerprint or voice patterns) especially as a means of
verifying personal identity.
Employee: An employee is a person who is paid to work for an organization or
for another person.
Expert system: a computer system that can provide information and expert
advice on a particular subject. The program asks users a series of questions
about their problem and gives them advice based on its store of knowledge:

Management System: A management system is the framework of processes

and procedures used to ensure that an organization can fulfill all tasks required
to achieve its objectives. For instance, an environmental management system

enables organizations to improve their environmental performance through a
process of continuous improvement.
Optical: The process of using light for reading or storing information.
Log clock: A clock that records the starting and quitting logs of employees.
Log sheet: A piece of paper on which the number of hours that somebody has
worked are recorded.


2.0 Introduction

For a better understanding of electronic log book management system, there are
several reviews of literature by other authors in relation to the topic that are
presented in this chapter, they includes; theoretical background, the concept of
management system, advantages of management information system, the log
clock, type of log clock, log management, log sheet, and stages development an
electronic log book management system.

2.1 Theoretical Background

Electronic Log Book management system is a large accounting database system

which can be used for managing and recording the daily resumption and closing
hours of an employee working in an establishment, organization or institution
which can be retrieve at anylog. The data is typically organized to model
aspects of reality in a way that supports the processes of the existing system of
log book management. The management system allows Secondary schools to
store almost all of their information electronically as regards to working
activities of employees, including information of employees, category of work,
etc. Most importantly, this information will be easily secured. (Deborah, 2020).
Visual Basic.NET (9.0 Express Edition) programming technology was used in
developing the proposed system, because of its friendly user interface,
scalability and usability.

2.2 The Concept of Management System

A management system is the framework of processes and procedures used to
ensure that an organization or institution can fulfill all tasks required to achieve

its objectives. For instance, an academic management system enables
institutions to improve their employee performance through a process of
continuous improvement on work attendance rate. An oversimplification is
"Plan, Do, Check, Act". A more complete system would include accountability
(an assignment of personal responsibility) and a schedule for activities to be
completed, as well as auditing tools to implement corrective actions in
addition to scheduled activities, creating an upward spiral of continuous
improvement. Also as in the aforementioned management system, an
occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) enables an
organization to control its occupational health and safety risks and to improve
its performance by means of continuous improvement. (Emery, 2019).
A management information system (MIS) focuses on the management of
information systems to provide efficiency and effectiveness of strategic decision
making. The concept may include systems termed transaction processing
system, decision support system, expert system, or executive information
system. The term is often used in the academic study of businesses and has
connections with other areas, such as information systems, information
technology, and informatics, e-commerce and computer science; as a result, the
term is used interchangeably with some of these areas.

2.2.1 Advantages of Management Information System

The following are some of the benefits that can be attained using MISs
 Institutions and organization are able to identify their strengths and
weaknesses due to the presence of revenue reports, employees' performance
record etc. Identifying these aspects can help a company improve its business
processes and operations.
 Giving an overall picture of the organization in term of work and service
rate (institution).

 Acting as a communication and planning tool.
 The availability of customer data and feedback can help the organization
to align its business processes according to the needs of its customers. The
effective management of customer data can help the company to perform direct
marketing and promotion activities.
 MIS can help a company gain a competitive advantage. Competitive
advantage is a firm’s ability to do something better, faster, cheaper, or uniquely,
when compared with rival firms in the market.
 MIS report help to take decision and action on certain object with quick

2.3 The Log Clock

A log clock, somelogs known as a clock card machine or punch clock or log
recorder, is a mechanical (or electronic) logpiece used to assist in tracking the
hours worked by an employee of a company. In regard to mechanical log clocks
this was accomplished by inserting a heavy paper card, called a log card, into a
slot on the log clock. When the log card hit a contact at the rear of the slot, the
machine would print day and log information (a logstamp) on the card.
One or more log cards could serve as a logsheet or provide the data to fill one.
This allowed a logkeeper to have an official record of the hours an employee
worked to calculate the pay owed an employee. The terms Bundy clock, bundy
clock, or just bundy have been used in Australian English for log clocks. The
term comes from brothers Willard and Harlow Bund. An early and influential
log clock, somelogs described as the first, was invented on November 20, 1888,
by Willard Le Grand Bundy, a jeweler in Auburn, New York. His patent of
1890 speaks of mechanical log recorders for workers in terms that suggest that
earlier recorders already existed, but Bundy's had various improvements; for
example, each worker had his own key. A year later his brother, Harlow Bundy,

organized the Bundy Manufacturing Company, and began mass-producing log
In 1900, the log recording business of Bundy Manufacturing, along with two
other log equipment businesses, was consolidated into the International Log
Recording Company (ITR). In 1911, ITR, Bundy Mfg., and three other
companies were consolidated, forming Computing-Tabulating-Recording
Company (CTR), which would later change its name to IBM.[ The Bundy
Clock (see image left) was used by Birmingham City Transport to ensure that
bus drivers did not depart from outlying termini before the due log; now
preserved at Walsall Arboretum. In 1909 Gillette explained about the state of
the art around log clocks that in those days [Log clocks] may not, in general, be
used in the field, but which is of immense value in the office and particularly in
a shop... Various forms of log clocks are in common use, two types of which are
illustrated. [The first] is a log card recorder which is a clock so no made that it
will automatically stamp on a card inserted in a slot in the clock by the
workman the log of his arrival and of his departure. The cards are made to hold
a record covering the pay period and need no attention from a logkeeper or clerk
until the termination of this period. The record of the men's log can then be
compiled very readily by one who need not be a skilled mathematician or log
clerk... The log clock system - has been developed very highly in shops for
keeping track of log used in completing any job by workmen, but as this in a
way is not in the realm of field cost keeping, it will not be entered into here.
Another form of log clock has the numbers of the employees fixed on the outer
edge of a disk or ring and a record is made by the employee who shifts a
revolving arm and punches his number upon entering the office and leaving. An
example of this other form of log clock, made by IBM, is pictured on the right.
The face shows employee numbers which would be dialed up by employees
entering and leaving the factory. The day and log of entry and exit was punched
onto cards inside the box. (James , 2018).

2.3.1 Type of Log Clock
Below are the various types of log clock;
 Basic log clock: A basic log clock will just stamp the date and log on a log
card, similar to a parking validation machine. These will usually be activated
by a button that a worker must press to stamp their card, or stamp upon full
insertion. Some machines use punch hole cards instead of stamping, which
can facilitate automated processing on machinery not capable of optical
character recognition.
 Self-calculating machines: Self-calculating machines are similar to basic
log clocks. Nevertheless, at the end of each period the total log recorded is
added up allowing for quicker processing by human resources or payroll.
These machines somelogs have other functions such as automatic stamping,
dual-colour printing, and automated column shift.
 Mobile log tracking: With the mass market proliferation of mobile devices
(smart phones, handheld devices), new types of self-calculating log tracking
systems have been invented which allow a mobile workforce – such as
painting companies or construction companies - to track employees 'on' and
'off' hours. This is generally accomplished through either a mobile
application, or an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) based phone call in
system. Using a mobile device allows enterprises to better validate that their
employees or suppliers are physically 'clocking in' at a specific location
using the GPS functionality of a mobile phone for extra validation.
 Biometrics: Biometric log clocks are a feature of more advanced log and
attendance systems. Rather than using a key, code or chip to identify the
user, they rely on a unique attribute of the user, such as a hand print, finger
print, finger vein, palm vein, facial recognition, iris or retina. The user will
have their attribute scanned into the system. (Jessop, 2021).

2.4 Log management
Log management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious
control over the amount of log spent on specific activities, especially to increase
effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. It is a meta-activity with the goal to
maximize the overall benefit of a set of other activities within the boundary
condition of a limited amount of log.
Log management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used
to manage log when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals
complying with a due date. Initially, log management referred to just business
or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal
activities as well. A log management system is a designed combination of
processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Log management is usually a
necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion log
and scope. (Mathias, 2021).

2.5 Log Sheet

A logsheet (or log sheet) is a method for recording the amount of a worker's log
spent on each job. Traditionally a sheet of paper with the data arranged in
tabular format, a logsheet is now often a digital document or spreadsheet. The
log cards stamped by log clocks can serve as a logsheet or provide the data to
fill one. These too, are now often digitally. Logsheets came into use in the 19th
century as log books. Originally developed for an employer to calculate payroll,
logsheets can also be used for management accounting. Logsheets may record
the start and end log of tasks, or just the duration. It may contain a detailed
breakdown of tasks accomplished throughout the project or program. This
information may be used for payroll, client billing, and increasingly for project
costing, estimation, tracking and management.
Some companies provide web-based logsheet software or services that provide a
means to track log for payroll, billing and project management. One of the

major uses of logsheets in a project management environment is comparing
planned costs versus actual costs, as well as measuring employee performance,
and identifying problematic tasks. This knowledge can drive corporate strategy
as users stop performing or reassign unprofitable work. (Nicholas, 2020),

2.5. Stages Development an Electronic Log Book Management System

Feasibility study state: This stage involves the conduct of a Feasibility study of
the existing system to determine the nature of the data processing problems to
be solved, the suitability of computerizing the system and to enable an outline
description of the proposed system to be prepared. The outline description thus
forms the framework for subsequent system development work.
1. Investigation stages: This stage involves investigating the existing
system to obtain more detailed data about it. The use of techniques such as
interviews, questioners, inspections of records and observation of procedures
will achieve.
2. Data Analysis stage: At this stage, analysis is carried out on the data
obtained in order to gain a better understanding of the system and to be able to
determine the objectives of the system both current and future, its problems,
strength and weakness as a basis for designing a new system.
3. System Designing stage: This stage involves designing the new
computerized system intended to replace the current medicinal or manual
system. The element of the system would normally include the input
specification, the processing specification, the hardware specification and the
software specification. The requirement for implementing the design such as
staff training and program testing and changeover will be considered and stated.
These elements should be documented by means of a system specification.

4. Implementation stage: This is the test – running phase of the system
development, which includes installation of the propose system and provision of
the system requirement to make the new system operative. (Mathias, 2021).


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