DFA Destiny Campaign System v1.0

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Based on the Chaos Campaign: Succession Wars Module
death from above wargaming

Aaron Falcone Aaron Falcone, Thom Berg, Kevin Peters,
Randall Burt
Aaron Falcone





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death from above wargaming
campaign system

The campaign can be setup using the following Example: Aaron and Thom have agreed that
steps: they will play an ilClan era campaign where each
force will field roughly 6 units per mission and
[1] select a location and factions the average unit will cost 2,000 BV. This gives
[2] set mission & force battle values a total MBV of 12,000 and FBV of 36,000.
[3] set unit type limits
[4] set skill thresholds DFA Tip There is no hard & fast rule for
[5] set pilot secondary skill point pool determining ABV, but if we’re playing a heavier
[6] set support point pool campaign, we’d look at the cost of 65-75 ton
[7] assign forces ‘mechs. A lighter campaign and we might use
BV from the 35-45 ton range, and so forth.


First, players decide on where their campaign UNIT TYPE LIMITS
takes place, and which factions are involved. Next, players determine the maximum number
This has no bearing on the mechanics of the of units each force can bring to the campaign,
campaign but serves as a nice backdrop for the and further broken down by limits on certain
action and can inspire terrain and objective unit types. Typically combat vehicles are
choices throughout the campaign. grouped together, though some players may
agree to further limit by movement mode as
MISSION & FORCE BATTLE VALUES well (e.g., VTOL, hover, jump infantry, etc.).
In order to determine the Force Battle Value,
DFA Tip Our Destiny campaigns use a unit
use the following steps:
threshold of 16, which is broken down to 12
SET AVERAGE UNITS PER MISSION Mechs, 6 Combat Vehicles, 4 Infantry and 2
Agree on the average number of units each Aerospace Fighters. Remember these
force will field in a single mission. numbers are maximums, so a player could
choose to take less (or none) of a given type.
Agree on the average BV/PV of a single unit for
the campaign. SKILL THRESHOLDS
Players should agree to a preset minimums and
CALCULATE MISSION BATTLE VALUE (MBV) maximums of skill level to help ensure balance.
Multiply the average number of units by the In tournament-style play, these presets should
average BV/PV. This is the Mission Battle be equal. See assign forces.
Example: Aaron and Thom agree that each
force is allowed a maximum of two elite, two
Multiply the Mission Battle Value by 3. This is
green, and unlimited veteran and regular
the Force Battle Value.
death from above wargaming
campaign system

PILOT SECONDARY SKILLS that help to put a "timer" on the campaign.

In Destiny, pilots and crews have secondary Once a force runs low on SP, they will be hard
skills which are vital to the game. Players pressed to stay in the fight very long.
should agree on a pool of secondary skill points
that can be easily distributed across their Players should agree on a number of SP that
forces. To determine the size of the pool, each force will receive. Usually this should be
multiple the target force size by the average an equal number for both players, but players
number of secondary skill points you want each can agree to other methods that better suit
unit to have. their narrative or campaign.

1-2 skill points/unit is low DFA Tip We use the following formula to
3 skill points/unit is average determine SP: Force BV / 25
4-5 skill points/unit is high
Note that these secondary skill points have
Each player selects their units and selects the
nothing to do with gunnery and piloting – those
gunnery and piloting for that unit. When a
are handled by the force battle value, as the
player picks a unit, that choice includes a
base BV cost of every unit should be modified by
variant type - this cannot be modified in any way
gunnery and piloting per the Tech Manual and
during the campaign (there is an exception with
errata. Also, if the players agree to use
OmniMech, detailed later in this section).
customized characters build in MW:D, then this
step can be skipped or modified as needed.
Once the force is balanced against the
maximum force battle value, the players round
Example: Aaron and Thom has targeted about
out the pilot and crew. The secondary skill point
16 units per force and decide that each unit
maximum and level cap per skill is determined
should have roughly 3 skill points. This results
by the piloting and gunnery level.
in a secondary skill point pool of 48 points,
which they can distribute in the last step.
First determine the rank of the pilot by adding
piloting and gunnery, and look up the result on
CAMPAIGN SP POOL the table below:
SP, or support points, represent a forces
sustainability over the course of the campaign -
techs, spare parts, supply lines, and so forth…
all of which are limited commodities in battle.
SP can be spent between battles to repair
damaged units, as well as call in battlefield
support assets.
Then assign secondary skill points from the
Instead of earning support points through secondary skill pool based to the unit
victory, forces have a prefixed pool of points based on the max and cap.
death from above wargaming
campaign system
Example: Aaron’s Avatar has a gunnery of 1 and OMNIMECHS
a piloting of 3, making it an “Elite” rank. Aaron Players may choose up to two OmniMech
can assign up to 8 skill points, with no single configurations for a single unit selection but
skill exceeding 4 ranks. must list the chosen configurations on the
roster. When tallying the force BV, use the
This pilot remains attached to this unit until the most expensive configuration modified by
unit is destroyed, the pilot is killed, or the player gunnery and piloting skill.
decides to replace the pilot (see the downtime
section). An OmniMech configuration may be changed (at
no cost) during downtime. See the section on
Note that units do not need to be grouped into unit repair for more details.
lances, stars, level II’s or any other
organizational construct unless the players Example: Aaron can select two configurations
optionally agree to do so. Also note that for his Avatar since it is an OmniMech. Aaron
pilot/crew are used interchangeably. decides he wants to select the Prime and A
configurations. Since the A configuration is the
most expensive at 1481 BV, he uses this to
determine the total cost of the Avatar (adjusted
to 2844 BV using a 1 gunnery/3 pilot skill)
death from above wargaming
campaign system

Tracks represent the flow of the campaign Players can either agree or randomly determine
based on the wins and losses of each force. who will be Force A and Force B.
The DFA campaign system expands on this by
abstracting missions from tracks and allowing Force A is always the attacker in the Contact
the attacker to select a tactically advantageous track, but in subsequent tracks, the victor of
mission at each track. the prior track becomes the attacker. A win
for Force A always follows the red lines on the
ATTACKER VS. DEFENDER Track Flow chart, and a win for Force B always
In the DFA campaign system, the terms follows the blue lines. If the outcome of the last
"attacker" and "defender" are relevant to the track was a draw, players can roll off to
mission and not the overarching campaign. determine which force's line to follow next.
From a narrative perspective, one for is typically
the invader, aggressor, etc.… but that does not Example: Aaron and Kevin agree that in this
mean the opposing force will not go on the campaign, Aaron's forces will be assaulting
offense if the tides turn. In that respect, always Kevin's territory. Thus, Aaron's force plays the
consider these terms with respect to the role of Force A and will be the attacker in the
mission currently being played. Contact track. Aaron then would pick a mission
from the Contact track. If Aaron wins, he
TRACK FLOW remains on the offensive, and would play the
role of the attacker in the Breakthrough track.
Conversely if Kevin wins, he will become the
attacker and pick a mission in the Pursuit


Missions come in a variety of types, and those
types are further differentiated by an escalation
level - low, moderate, or high. For example, an
"Escort/Low" and "Escort/High" are the same
mission, but feature different mission
parameters such as MBV modifiers and
objective CF.
death from above wargaming
campaign system


Each mission has a unique set of objectives. Each player declares the units they are fielding.
These objectives are keyed either to the mission It is acceptable to field damaged units and a
attacker, the mission defender, or both. total battle value less than the adjusted MBV.
Damaged units use their full adjusted BV. If
When a player achieves an objective, they score players are fielding unequal force sizes, there is
the objective points (“OP”) associated with that no force multiplier or other benefit given to
objective. either force.

MARGIN OF VICTORY Note: TICs can be set at any point prior to the
When the mission is concluded, tally up the start of the next step. TICs can be changed
objective points accumulated by both players. between missions, but never during a mission.
The player with the most objective points is the
victor unless the mission states otherwise. The [3] SELECT HOME EDGE
victor score an amount of campaign victory The mission defender selects their home edge
points (“VP") depending on the margin of first; the attacker is assigned the opposite edge
success: unless the mission parameters specify
A minor victory awards the victor 1 victory
A major victory awards the victor 2 victory Follow the mission instructions for placing any
points. objectives.
When a draw occurs, neither player scores any
victory points. [4] DEPLOY
The defender deploys the first unit, and then
See the mission briefing for details on achieving each player alternates placing/moving units
minor and major victories. onto the battlegrid, unless the mission
parameters specify otherwise.


Combat missions are the focus of campaigns Begin the mission and track mission objectives.
and are resolved by following the parameters
described in the mission description. DFA Tip This system is geared towards a
“best of 4” with the campaign typically finishing
[1] ADJUST MISSION BATTLE VALUE in 3-5 games. For longer duration campaigns,
To determine the Adjusted MBV, players increase the force BV or run concurrent
multiply the MBV and the mission’s MBV campaigns representing different battle fronts
modifier based on the chosen escalation level. on the same planet!
MBV is the value established in the set mission
& force battle values step of campaign setup.
death from above wargaming
campaign system

At the conclusion of each mission, the victorious force becomes the attacker of the next track and
has the benefit of selecting the mission and escalation level. As noted, if the last mission was a
draw, each force rolls 1d6 and the winner of the roll off becomes the attacker.

Missions and escalation levels are restricted by track, so use the table below to determine which
are available to select based on the current track:

Example: Kevin, playing the role of Force B, has just defeated Aaron in the Breakthrough track.
This moves the campaign to the Counterattack track. Kevin decides he wants to do a high
escalation Conquest mission.
death from above wargaming
campaign system

RETREATING when abandoned is automatically destroyed

During a mission, one force may want to (crashes) and is unsalvageable.
withdraw certain units from the battle. Any unit
may retreat as long as the distance to their AUTOMATIC MISSION TERMINATION
home edge (ignoring all obstructions) is less If the mission terminates automatically (usually
than the distance to the closest enemy. from a turn timer, or if a specific objective is
triggered), any units belonging to the defeated
A unit must declare it is retreating at the end of force immediately retreat, regardless of
the movement phase. It cannot shoot or make distance to enemy units as long as they meet
physical attacks for the remainder of the turn – the other retreat criteria (not immobile, not
but may be attacked normally. If the unit is not unconscious, etc..).
destroyed, it is removed from play in the end
phase. Units removed in this way are treated If the mission automatically terminates and a
as “destroyed” for purposes of calculating 'mech does not meet these criteria, the pilot
objective points in the mission. surrenders the unit, and it can be claimed as
salvage by the victor (see Battlefield Salvage).
Units can only retreat if:
• the unit has more than 1 MP (maximum)
• the unit can run/flank
• the unit is not immobile or shutdown
• the pilot is not unconscious

Follow all of the rules for crippling damage,
forced withdrawal, morale, auto-ejection and
abandoning vehicles in the DFA Destiny Rules

Missions sometimes specify objective points for

crippled units versus destroyed units. In the
case a crippled/withdrawing unit moves off
their home table edge, they are treated as
“destroyed” for purposes of calculating objective
points in the mission.

Any ejections (automatic or otherwise) destroy

the head for purposes of determining repairs.

Abandoning a ground vehicle does no additional

damage, however, any vehicle that is airborne
death from above wargaming
campaign system


When the entire unit cannot be salvaged, but it
At the end of the mission, the victor is able to
is destroyed, it may be salvaged for spare
claim spoils of war by salvaging reusable
components or entire units in some cases.
When a unit is destroyed on the battlegrid, the
For each section of the unit that is not
victor can salvage spare parts from that
destroyed (not including the head for ‘mechs),
chassis. In the case of a draw, each force can
the salvaging force gains SP equal to the unit's
salvage their own units only.

INFANTRY Example: Aaron is the victor, and during the

All forms of conventional infantry and battle battle destroyed the T and LA of Randall’s
armor are unsalvageable. Phoenix Hawk (45 tons). This means Aaron can
salvage the LL, RL, and RA for a total of 27 SP
AIRBORNE UNITS (3 locations x 45/5).
Any aerospace fighter or combat vehicle that is
destroyed or abandoned while airborne will Note: Remember victors may salvage parts
automatically crash and is considered from destroyed 'mechs in their own force as
unsalvageable. If they are grounded/landed well.
when destroyed or abandoned, follow the
normal rules for determining salvage. “SCRAP IT” SALVAGE OPTION
In some cases, it may be more cost effective for
SALVAGING ENTIRE UNITS the victor to simply salvage spare parts instead
An entire unit may be salvaged under the of facing the burden of repairing an entire unit
following circumstances: that has been salvaged. Instead of claiming the
'mech, the victor has the option of salvage the
• the pilot was forced to eject unit for spare parts. This option must be
• the pilot/crew abandoned the vehicle decided before next track begins.
• the pilot/crew filled in all the boxes on the
condition monitor Example: Thom managed to headshot Kevin’s
• the unit suffered enough engine critical hits Centurion (50 tons), but it also was missing
to destroy the unit both arms, took an engine critical, a gyro
• a ‘mech has no remaining head structure critical, and had multiple weapons destroyed.
Instead of salvaging the entire Centurion, Thom
In addition to the above requirements, a ‘mech decides to only salvage spare parts. He would
must also have remaining structure on its torso be able to claim the T, LL, and RL for a total of
and a combat vehicle must have remaining 15 SP (3 locations x 50/5).
structure on all locations – otherwise it can only
be salvaged for spare parts.
death from above wargaming
campaign system


During downtime, forces may repair their units
Campaign downtime represents the time
by spending support points. Any unit that
between tracks where forces repair & rearm.
undergoes repairs beyond only armor and/or
Downtime occurs after salvage and after the
ammo is unavailable for use in the next track.
next mission is selected by the victor.
This is called “down for repair”.

RESOURCE TRACKING Support points can be spent based on the Unit

All players should review their force roster and Repair Table with the following notes:
note any destroyed units and KIA pilots/crews.
Any salvaged units are added to the roster now, • armor cannot be repaired unless any
and any SP gained through salvaging spare damage to the internal structure is also
parts is added to the forces SP pool. repaired
• weapon critical hits are repaired based on
MEDICAL TREATMENT the damage of the entire TIC as all weapons
Any pilots/crews that were not assigned to the are wired together, share circuitry, etc.. M
previous mission immediately heal three boxes dice count as 1 damage. R and C dice
on the condition monitor. Pilots/crews can be count at full damage value.
healed further through spending SP (see Unit Example: Thom’s Awesome takes a weapon
Repair Table). critical hit that destroys one PPC in a TIC
containing two PPCs; the TIC deals 7 damage.
When a pilot/crew is healed in this way, the Based on the unit repair table, bringing this TIC
damage on the condition monitor is removed back online would cost 35 SP (7 damage x 10
immediately. SP / 2 weapons in the TIC).
death from above wargaming
campaign system


Repair Type SP Cost Notes
Armor (one location) Tonnage / 5 see unit repair notes
Structure (one location) Tonnage / 5 does not repair critical hits
Repair Weapon Critical (one weapon) 10 * Dmg / # Weapons
Repair Gyro Critical (1 pip) Tonnage
Repair Engine Critical (1 pip) (Tonnage x Move) / 4 use walk/cruise movement
Repair Other Critical (1 hit) 10 motive, actuator, avionics, etc..
Reload Ammo Bin (1 weapon) 5 mandatory or the weapon is offline
Reload Bomb (1 bomb) 10 mandatory or the bomb is unusable
Reload Artillery Ammo (1 weapon) 20 mandatory or the weapon is offline
Heal Pilot (3 boxes) 50 applies to entire crew for vehicles
Heal Infantry/BA (1 pip) 1




death from above wargaming
campaign system

FORCE MANAGEMENT Example: After mission 1, Aaron's Cyclops has

Sometimes forces can quickly become depleted, taken an engine hit as well as a gyro hit and lost
and victory is nearly impossible without several weapons. The pilot - a 2/4 veteran - is
reinforcements. This campaign system allows still alive and well, but Aaron decides the
for three kinds of reinforcement – pilot/crew Cyclops will be too costly to repair. Instead,
management, unit purchases or mercenary Aaron decides to purchase a VND-1R
hires. Vindicator.

PILOT/CREW MANAGEMENT The VND-1R has a base BV of 1024. Aaron

As mentioned in the select forces section, decides he will reassign the Cyclops pilot, which
pilots/crews remain attached to their unit for will increase the cost of the Vindicator to 1577
the duration of the campaign. However, in BV. The final cost (rounded up) will be 317 SP
some circumstances, force commanders may and the 'mech will be delivered in time for the
need to replace them. In the case a pilot/crew beginning of mission 3.
is replaced, a new pilot/crew can be hired at
a cost of 30 SP. MERCENARY HIRES
Sometimes the cost and time associated with
Once a pilot/crew is replaced, it is permanent, purchasing a unit is too costly. Alternatively,
and the old pilot/crew is removed from the mercenary units can be hired at an SP cost
roster. A pilot/crew hired in this way are equal to the unit's adjusted BV divided by 8,
always regular [4/5] skill level. Pilot/crew rounded up. These units are available
hires occur instantly and can be done during the immediately.
drop declaration step.
Mercenary units do not need to be repaired and
UNIT PURCHASES are simply removed from the campaign after
Forces may opt to buy new units at an SP cost the mission. New mercenary units can be hired
equal to the unit's adjusted BV divided by 5, in successive missions.
rounded up. These units are permanently
added to the roster. Mercenary pilots always have 1 point of tactics
and 1 point of guts, regardless of their piloting
Purchased units do not come equipped with any and gunnery levels.
crew, which means the player can opt to move
an existing pilot/crew into the new unit or DFA Tip High skill mercenaries will be very
purchase a new pilot/crew as described in the expensive, so we recommend a [2/3] cap on
Pilot/ Crew Management section. If an mercenary primary skills. Typically, the
existing pilot is moved, the move must be to a available SP will prevent outrageously skilled
unit of the same type (e.g., mech, combat pilots in very powerful mechs.
vehicle, etc..) and the move is permanent.

Purchases take one entire track to complete.

death from above wargaming
campaign system
Forces may also voluntarily agree to a cease fire
VICTORY & DEFEAT round. In a cease fire, the campaign is
advanced as if a mission was played without
VICTORY changing the track. Then immediately move to
When once force reaches the Victory track or downtime and proceed as normal; essentially, a
accumulates 5 VP, that force wins the cease fire allows for back-to-back downtime.
campaign. After the cease fire is over, the last winner
picks the next mission and escalation.
At any point in the campaign, a force Example: Kevin (force B) won the Escort mission
commander may surrender. In this case, the in the Pursuit track, and the campaign has
other force wins the campaign. advanced to the Secure track. All the
remaining units are badly damaged, and the
ATTRITION forces agree to a cease fire.
If only one force has no available units (either
destroyed or down for repairs), then the other Another downtime occurs, and repairs from the
force wins the campaign. prior downtime are completed; all units are
back in action.
In the case that both forces have no available The campaign is still on the Secure track, and
units on their roster (and lack the SP to repair because Kevin won the last played mission, he
them), then the campaign is a draw and there picks the Battle Lines mission and high
is no winner. escalation.

In the case that both forces have no available
units on their roster but have SP for repairs,
the campaign will move into a cease fire.

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