Assignment 1 WHO IS JESUS

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BMM1001-1 23H

Introduction to The

Programme: Bachelor Bible, Ministry and Mission

Candidate: 2300091

Approved assignment:

485 words excluding front page, table of contents, and bibliography

Fjellhaug International University College

The fall of 2023

27.10.2023 Candidate number: 2300091 2

Table of contents


27.10.2023 Candidate number: 2300091 1


A critical and significant key in Christian faith and knowing God, is the ability to; and,
without a conflict, define the identity of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is the central pivot
of Christianity, and in him we live move and have our being. From him we get to know
God and in Him we encounter God the father.

Through spirituality, a Christian has the ability to see more than meets the carnal eye.
They understand that there is a perfect world that God desires to see, far beyond evil,
tribulation and sufferings of his people. The only way to this reality is through Jesus
Christ the son of God. For he does not only give revelation and understanding to the
simple, but he also transforms and refine. This reason underscores the immense
significance of Jesus in the Christian faith. From the connotation of His given Hebrew
name, ‘Jesus’ meaning the savior, Christians should understand perfectly well that for
hope change and salvation, Jesus is the only way the truth and the life.

The question “who is Jesus” inclines more towards an ancient perspective. However, the
revelation and understanding of the person of Jesus, does not only bring meaning and
enlighten to a Christian individual in the today, but it magnanimously supplies the
gainful potential and grace to live a victorious life in the present, every day shining
brighter and brighter until the fullness of his formation.

Unlike the meaningful gains derived from the revelation in understanding of who Jesus
is in the present context, the historical description of “Who is Jesus” both in the old and
New Testament is reeked with misunderstandings and controversy. From his birth by a
virgin, to performing miracles on the sabbath and even preaching a sermon in the
Synagogue portraying himself as the one who had the authority instead of a teacher of
the law.

The challenges in the historic definition of Jesus tore into two peoples believe in Him,
and whether he is truly the savior of the world. The depiction of Jesus from an individual
viewpoint reveals the individuals detailed understanding based on their faith and belief.

A definitive proof of who Jesus is and whether he is the son of God and the savior of the
world is impossible to produce, never the less, a personal evaluation of the resurrection
of Jesus in the New Testament resonating’s with an individual, based on beliefs, plays a
major role in coming up with a conclusion, whether for or against. This debate will be
put to a definite end at the second coming of Jesus, and then as it is written; every
tongue will confess that he is the King.

It can be confirmed already that though the New Testament scripture was not written by
Jesus himself, it was written from credible sources, reliable witnesses who were present
at that day.
27.10.2023 Candidate number: 2300091 2

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