2 рк методика

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2рк методика

<1>We texts in order to—find specific information

<2>We skim texts in order to—get a general idea of what the text is about
<3>Proofreading involves—reading carefully for mistakes in spelling.
<4>Re-drafting is a stage where the writer has the opportunity to—improve a piece of written work
<5>Which of the following are examples of extensive listening?-watching a movie, understanding,
and enjoying the story.
<6>When you process information, you—analyse and understand it.
<7>Which of these activities is communicative, not controlled practice?—an information gap activity
<8>tests are intended to evaluate people’s ability in a language. No matter whether they have had
or not, any type of training prior to that test.—proficiency test
<9>According to this didactic principle, the material should correspond to the learners’ age, mental
powers and the level of FL acquisition.—Principle of accessibility
<10>The ability and readiness to communicate on Intercultural level is...—Intercultural
Communicative Competence
<11>«Find the ways to translate the sentences in your native language». What method is it?—Direct
translation techniques
<12>«Listen to the tape and react to questions in the pauses provided». What method is it?—Audio-
<13>The Audiolingual Methods starts its developing:—before World War 2
<14>The Oral Introductory Course was introduced by—H.Palmer
<15>Feature of the Communicative Method—importance of fluency;use of spontaneous speech
<16>Feature of Direct Method—presentation of vocabulary through synonyms
<17>What are learners expected to do in problem-solving activities?—exchange information to find
the answers.
<18>Types of teaching knowledge. The fact that the motivation is a factor in learning—Psychological
<19>The teacher says commands and acts them out. The students try to perform the action. The
teacher repeats by saying the command without acting it out. The students respond. The roles are
then reversed.— total physical response
<20>Look at the approaches and choose the statement which does NOT match the approach.Total
Physical Response (TPR)—Students hear dialogues then repeat them.
<21>Look at the approaches and choose the statement which does NOT match the
approach.Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)—Students often do activities that focus
on language accuracy.
<22>Infering— to get meaning from the text.Involves working out what the writers opinion on a
topic is.
<23>Deducing meaning from context —This skill helps us understand unknown words without
making use of a dictionary or some other reference
<24>Predicting—means using clues before we begin reading,to guess what a text maybe about(look
at newspapers,headlines)
<25>Extensive reading —is the process of reading longer easier texts for an extended period of time
without a breakdown of comprehension, feeling overwhelmed, or the need to take breaks
<26>Match the readers’ statements with the ways of reading. Readers’ statements. Thinking about
your knowledge of a subject can sometimes help you understand words.
<27>Drafting is—Drafting is an essential part of the writing process and can often be overlooked. In
this article, we'll look at what drafting is and the skills required to draft a written piece of work.
<28>Threshold level is ....... ABC level- the lowest level, entrance
<29>Which is an example of a guided writing activity?—The teacher gives learners some useful
expressions before they write.
<30>Receptive skills are—listening and reading
<31>Phonology—the branch of linguistics that studies how languages or dialects systematically
organize their sounds or, for sign languages, their constituent parts of signs.
<32>Match the strategy and technique that can be used for correcting learners’ oral and written
mistakes. This is a technique which parents use when their young children make language mistakes.
They correct the mistakes by repeating the utterance correctly, without drawing the child’s attention
to the mistake.— Reformulating
<33>Match the strategy and technique that can be used for correcting learners’ oral and written
mistakes. Sometimes we recast a student utterance by rewording it and saying it back to the learner
in its improved form, for example the student says “I am not of the same opinion as my friend” and
the teacher says “Oh, you mean you don’t agree with him”.—Recasting
<34>Match the strategy and technique that can be used for correcting learners’ oral and written
mistakes. Repeating with rising intonation will show the learner that there is a mistake somewhere,
because the rising intonation sounds like a question.—Echo correcting
<35>Determine the level of the question according to Blooms taxonomy. “Who wrote War and
Peace?”— Knowledge
<36>Determine the level of the question according to Blooms taxonomy. “What is the main idea of
this story?”—Comprrehision
<37>Determine the level of the question according to Blooms taxonomy. “What happens when you
multiply each of these numbers by nine?—Application
<38>Determine the level of the question according to Blooms taxonomy. “Why do we call all these
animals mammals?”—Analysis
<39>Determine the level of the question according to Blooms taxonomy. “How would your life be
different if you could breathe under water?”—Synyhesis
<40>Determine the level of the question according to Blooms taxonomy. “Why do you think
Benjamin Franklin is so famous?”—Evalulation
<41>The goal of classroom questioning is—checking pupil understanding and keeping them engaged
with the task at hand.
<42>Peer assessment—learners give feedback to each other on their work and progress.
<43>Performance assessment—is a task students must perform instead of than write a test.
<44>Summative assessment is—used to evaluate student learning,skill acquisition,and academic
achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period.
<45>Formative assessment is—process of evaluating the students’ knowledge as they learn.
<46>A young learner had just finished talking to the class about his hobby. The teacher said: Thanks
Juan. You tried hard. Well done.—feedback on effort
<47>A teenage learner had written a story for homework. The teacher marked the work and wrote
this comment: This is so much better than last week’s homework. Well done.—Feedback on progress
<48>The teacher wrote on the first draft of a learner’s composition: Look at this website for more
ideas. — Help with finding reference resources.
<49>A teacher, talking to a group of primary children at the end of a group work activity, said: You
talked a lot today and worked well together.—Feedback on behaviour
<50>A group of students gave an oral presentations to the class. Afterwards, the teacher said: You
don’t mention your reasons for choosing this topic. You need to include that next time.—Feedback
on content .
<51>A student wrote in his learner diary: You always ask the same students to answer. It takes me
longer to think in English so I never have a chance to answer.—Feedback to the teacher on
classroom procedure
<52>The teachers asks the pupils of the 6th form to compose a crossword on the theme ‘Sport’.
What type of exercises is it—Lingua- cognitive
<53>The linguistic component of the content of FLT at school includes...—language and linguistic
<54>According to professor Kunanbaeva S.S., our Kazakhstan’s Methodology of FL Education is
called... —Cognitive linguocultural methodology
<55>There are 3 aspects in the aim of FLT at school:—practical,educational,cultural.
<56>There is a Chinese Proverb saying: “I can remember 20% - of what I hear, I can remember 40% -
of what I hear and see, I can remember 80% - of what I participate in”. To which didactic principle
does this proverb belong?—Principle of activity
<57>The main characteristic feature of modern English text-book is
1. Reading material
2. Pictures and illustrations
3. Cultural content
4. … of the above
5. Age-appropriate materials (варианттары)
<58>In accordance with the Conception of foreign language development of RK, the profile FLT is
introduced at...1 stage of
<59>According to the new philosophy of FL Education, this approach proclaims that the main figure
of the teaching process is the learner—Pupil-centered
<60>One of the following is a graphemic-phonemic exercise: word mapping activities;
<61>Linguistic component of teaching involves—knowledge of vocabulary,grammar,and the
functions of Language.
<62>Linguistic component of teaching involves—language material;sentence patterns;pattern-
dialogues;grammar minimum
<63>The Principle of activity involves- require students to reflect on the meaning of what they’ve
<64>The principle of accessibility is realized through—correspondence to the age;rightly dosed
material;properly graded material;intensive studying of the material
<65>«Agree or disagree with these statements ...» To what phase does this activity belong?
<66>Knowing how to use and respond to language appropriately, given the setting, the topic and the
relationships among the people communicating is known as______competence.—Sociolinguistic
<67>Display the information in another form is the activity used during stage:—Information
prossesing massage box
<68>Show several photos. Have students listen to the text and decide which of these pictures are
appropriate for the text.—prelistening
<69>Close test is—is a task where your child has to fill in the blanks in a passage of text
<70>How do we give people feedback?
Examples: ” Something I really appreciate about you is…”
“I think you did a great job when you…”
“I would love to see you do more of X as it relates to Y”
“I really think you have a superpower around X”
“One of the things I admire about you is”
<71>In education, the term assessment refers— to the wide variety of methods that educators use to
evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, and skill
acquisition of students from preschool through college and adulthood.
<72>Skill means—ability of doing something automatically
<73>Intonation means—describes how the voice rises and falls in speech
<74>What type of speaking activity is this? Student A: You are boarding a bus. Ask the driver if it will
take you to your hotel. Student B: You stop to pick up a business traveler. Help the traveler find the
right route.— roleplay
<75>What is wrong? ...... skill—testing skil;libo problem solving skill
<76>Methodological component of teaching involves:—techniques of teaching

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