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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/39310581.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/F, Other
Fandom: TWICE (Band)
Relationship: Myoui Mina/Son Chaeyoung, Kim Dahyun/Minatozaki Sana, Im
Nayeon/Yoo Jeongyeon, Chou Tzuyu/Son Chaeyoung, Hirai
Momo/Park Jisoo | Jihyo
Character: Myoui Mina, Son Chaeyoung, Kim Dahyun, Minatozaki Sana, Yoo
Jeongyeon, Im Nayeon, Chou Tzuyu, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Hirai Momo
Additional Tags: Vampires, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Established
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-05-30 Updated: 2023-09-14 Words: 35,588 Chapters:

by TW_Mina


A story of a girl fighting for survival not for herself but for her sister. Along the way, she
found fellow survivors and thought maybe their chances weren’t slim after all. But will
they truly become a refuge or a reason why for her to discover her a past as blurry as her


I originally wrote this on AF but I forgot my account there. And I just recently remembered
I still have an ongoing story to finish but I got too busy IRL that I had no time to squeeze
some time to write. I couldn't retrieve it as well because I totally forgot the e-mail and
password I used. Stupidity at its finest, I know. I promise to update this soon. You can DM
me if you have doubts and think I'm stealing this story. I will be glad to clarify some things.
- Mina_jeongnam
The Story Begins

“Look, Chaeyoung-unnie. It’s a helianthus!”

Tzuyu squealed enthusiastically as she rushed to take a closer look at the yellow flower basking in
sunlight a few feet away. It was indeed a beautiful flower, something that became a rare sight
those past years. The young girl admired it as if it was a piece of jewelry or intricate artwork, not
even daring to touch it. She feared it might suddenly wither and contented herself by examining it
from afar, memorizing the splash of color on its petal. She did long to brush a finger on one of its
petals just to know the texture though.

Chaeyoung, her older sister, however, was never a fan of flowers and anything of the sort. She had
better things to think of anyways but the sight of her little sister with a bright smile painted on her
cute face was always a welcome sight. Although it seemed risky to stop and fuss on a flower when
you are in place possibly surrounded by things that have the potential to kill, she could not deprive
her little sister of moments like this. She was well aware of her sister’s fondness for flowers and
plants, a trait she inherited from their mother who was once a botanist. And seeing Tzuyu's light-
brown orbs shine with glee also curved a smile on her lips – something that rarely happens lately.

“That is a sunflower, Tzu. It is easier to say that than what you have called it.” Chaeyoung teased
before attempting to pick it out but her little sister was quick to slap her hands away.

“What are you doing? You brute! Do not touch it. It’s a very delicate thing. Of course, you
wouldn’t know that. You have no respect for mother nature.” Tzuyu threw a stern look at
Chaeyoung, reprimanding her about the importance of the flower. She looked really upset, anyone
could imagine her breathing fire as she speak.

Her older sister just snorted at her and shrugged her shoulders, ignoring her continuous rant about
her carelessness and just roamed her sight on the area where they are. Clutching the rifle she was
carrying tighter to her chest, she tried to distinguish the sounds invading her hearing and where
they were coming from. Through months of practice, she had honed her skills and was quite
confident of it. The crunching of dried leaves, songs from different birds, the whistling of winds,
and especially footsteps – her ears had become quite sensitive to all of it. And in the world where
they are, being careless is a luxury they do not have.

“Tzuyu, please be quiet. Those things might hear you and we do not want that, do we? And we
shall get going, it’s getting late. We still need to find a place where we could camp.” Chaeyoung
said softly and motioned for her little sister to follow her.

With a heavy heart and deep sigh, Tzuyu nodded her head and obliged. She glanced at the yellow
flower for the last time before the little girl went on her way. She wanted to pick it out and put it
behind her ear or use it as a decoration on her strap bag but decided against it. It should remain
there, unlike them who are constantly on the run. “Unnie, will things go back to normal one day?”

Chaeyoung did not anticipate the question and was stunned for a second. It made her stop on her
track and look at her sister with weary eyes. She didn’t have a definite answer to that and her hope
of it happening ever was slowly fading. Well, she had ideas and it involved them being dead or
worst, becoming one of those vile things. It was a dreadful thought, one she did not dwell on often
but if she was being honest, their future was looking more and more unpleasant. She didn’t want to
be the one to crush her little sister’s fragile heart more so she said what was probably the most
appropriate. Perhaps, in the deepest part of her mind, she needed Tzuyu to hope, she needed her to
cling to that slight possibility. She was the only reason why she was alive anyway.

“I don’t know Tzu. I don’t know but if it ever happens. I will make sure you are alive to see that
day.” Chaeyoung smiled but that time it never reached her eyes and patted her little sister’s head
lightly. It was all she could say and it was all she could promise.

A lone tear slipped past Tzuyu’s eyes and rolled down to her chubby cheeks but she was quick to
wipe it off. She then reach for her sister and wrapped her thin arms around her waist. She love her
sister dearly and losing her would tear her to pieces but she was aware of their predicament. She
may be young but she was wise. She knew the danger lurking in every corner and she acknowledge
it though she always try hard to push it on the back of her head. The little girl just wanted to be
optimistic despite it all. It was the only thing she could do the help her sister. “Saranghe, unnie.
You know that, right? You are the only family I have left.”

“I know and you know that I do too. But for now, get your little arms off me and move. We only
have a few more hours before the sun sets and it would be hard to navigate in the dark.”
Chaeyoung replied before placing a kiss on her sister’s forehead.

Tzuyu looked up to Chaeyoung and smiled her ever warm smile before moving forward. There
was a light skip on her step and she started humming the song her mother used to sing her to sleep.
She suddenly felt like a normal child again with no care in the world. Technically, she was still a
child but the circumstances made her think more mature. But at that moment, she just wanted to
enjoy herself like how she was supposed to be. She let the wind brush against her face and pretend
that was no monster and no one wanted to harm them. She pretended nothing had happened a few
years ago and she was just exploring the beautiful forest with her sister. But little did she know,
something was already creeping behind the bushes, eyeing her every move and before she could
notice it, the thing was charging on her with all its desperation and hunger. She could only let out a
scream when it caught her attention.

Chaeyoung though was quick on her feet and was in front of Tzuyu in a matter of seconds, standing
protectively and aiming at the thing’s head. When she had a clear shot, she pulled the trigger and
let a bullet go straight to its head. She watch it drop on the ground making sure it was dead before
she turned to her sister and comforted her instantly.

“Shh...You are safe. I’m here, I’m here.“

Tzuyu’s happy mood quickly vanished and she suddenly wanted to cry, release all the fear that
consumed her minutes ago but she had no time for it. She saw two more of that thing charging
towards them on their left. Their appearance made her want to vomit, it could never be a sight for
sore eyes.

“Unnie! There’s more!” She screamed and pointed to the two gruesome figures making their way
to them. One had only one arm and was covered with blood, the other was almost crawling and
also covered with the gruesome red liquid but its pace would still make you want to run.

“Run and hide, don’t look back!” Chaeyoung commanded and frantically pushed her little sister in
a direction where she assumed was safe. But to her dismay, Tzuyu did not budge and held her
ground, more like frozen though. She was internally panicking, the variety of emotions swimming
in her eyes made it obvious. “Tzu, keep it together. Move!”

The younger girl snapped out of her trance and followed her sister’s order. She wanted to stay and
be there with her sister but she knew better. She would only be a distraction for Chaeyoung and it
might cause them both their lives so she ran till her little legs ache. She needed to find help,
someone or something. She was nearing the end of the forest when she tripped on her foot but
luckily a pair of soft warm arms caught her before she hit the grassy ground. She quickly looked up
and was greeted by soft, downturned eyes, staring at her with a combination of surprise and

“What happened little girl?” The young woman asked her. Her voice as soothing as the hand gently
on Tzuyu’s back. But Tzuyu did not ponder on it much and rushed to explain her dilemma. Though
the little girl was nowhere near calm and her thoughts were quite disoriented, the young woman
seemed able to understand her for she eagerly asked where her sister was and waved to her

“Dahyun! Momo! Take care of her and secure the perimeter. There is a possible multiple
homunculus activity in the area. I’ll just try to do whatever- “The young woman didn’t bother
finishing what she was about to say for even she could not know the outcome. She took a glance at
the young girl, tried to smile and reassure her before she went on her way. “Stay safe and keep her

“You too! Just holler if you need us!” A pale-looking girl shouted before turning her attention to
Tzuyu and handing her a piece of chocolate bar. “Now cutie pie, would you like some?”


All the years Chaeyoung had been fighting those ‘things’ had taught her fast ways and technique
how to finish it off. She had discovered its weakness and some of its capabilities, but she found
herself surprised at that time. The thing that was in front of her was unfamiliar and had a strength
not quite what she was accustomed to. It had little to no effect when she tried to hit it with the back
of her rifle on the head. The thing kept on pounding and attacking her, attempting to bite any part
of her.

“Why wouldn’t you die, you freak of nature?!” Chaeyoung grunted as she maneuver her arms away
from its sharp teeth and went for a well-placed kick on the head. She knew it was useless but it was
worth a try and it gave her time to breathe even for a second.

She had already killed two of its kind earlier but one more appeared and to her luck, it was more
menacing and formidable than the rest. She was growing weak but her will to stay alive kept her on
her feet. She knew she needed to stay breathing, there was no one to take care of little Tzuyu. What
kind of sister would she be if she leave her like that? She thought of running but she concluded that
it was pointless. The monster was fast and she would not risk luring it to her sister. She was also
exhausted with no magazine left and only had a dagger for a weapon, but she continued. She
launched herself toward the monster with all the courage she could muster but her attempt was
futile. Before the tip of her dagger touch its skin, she was thrown back and had hit a solid tree
trunk. Air got knocked out from her lungs and it was even getting harder to breathe.

“Fuck this creeps!” Chaeyoung spat as blood started trickling down on the corner of her lips. She
fought the dizziness starting to pull her out of consciousness and tried to stand back on her feet.
The ‘thing’ started to gurgle maniacally like it had sensed its victory and the food was served. It
made the hair on the back of the young woman’s head stood and for the first time in years fear
crawled in her veins, leaving her hopeless and shaking. It suddenly drained all of the strength she
had left. “I’m sorry, Tzu. I could not keep my promise.”

She was about to accept her fate when she heard a series of gunshots and a woman’s voice
shouting battle cries something like. “Go to hell!” “Oh! Die already!”

She had tried her best to fight the pull of darkness and kept her eyes open but the task became
impossibly hard. She caught a glimpse of a woman with black hair and a pair of the most beautiful
eyes she had seen walking towards her.

“So this is what angels look like.” Chaeyoung thought before she fainted and her body collapsed
down to the ground.
She's awake


Chaeyoung felt like she got hit with a baseball bat multiple times on the head and her body was
beaten to a pulp when she regain consciousness. Every muscle on her body was sore but she still
grudgingly force herself to move because the moment she opened her eyes, thoughts of Tzuyu
flooded her mind and not all of it was reassuring. So upon successfully ripping off some annoying
cords stuck in her body and disregarding the fact that blood was dripping from the spot where the
needle was once, she got up and went straight to the door. She was confused about how she ended
up in a room - not sure about her safety but alive nonetheless - but she could not care less. There
were more pressing matters to do and she had not seen a single soul to stop her anyways. "Tzuyu,
please be safe. Unnie is coming."

Enduring the pain and the struggle to keep herself upright, Chaeyoung continued on her search for
all she could think of was her little sister. Sight blurry, a pounding headache with a large part of her
back feeling tender, she continued through the hallway. But she had just taken a few tentative steps
away from the room when a voice stopped her on her track.

“Hey! You shouldn’t be out of bed. You are still healing. What the hell are you thinking?” A
young woman with pink hair dressed in all-white, resembling a nurse uniform called for her. She
just got out of a room, clumsily carrying a tray of medicinal stuff. “You are injuring yourself
further. You are not a robot. Look how beaten you are, the medicines will be useless if you do not
get back on your bed this instance.”

Chaeyoung only threw her a passive look and started her search for a way out again. She heard her
constant call and felt her presence behind her, retelling how foolish she was by forcing her body but
she ignored it. She could not take her seriously anyway, seeing the face of the nurse remind her of
a certain breed of dog she once saw at a pet shop years ago and her voice was a just tad shrill for
her liking. Plus, her priority was to find her sister first then she could think of healing afterward.
Who knows where Tzuyu was and the thought of her, alone and defenseless pushed her more.

The nurse however felt annoyed with how stubborn Chaeyoung was being. It showed on her eyes,
the pout on her lips, and both hands on either side of her hips. Though she tried hard to suppress her
emotion and the urge to throw something towards her patient’s head even if it was somehow
becoming a great plan to ease her annoyance. She remembered she was still an acting nurse so she
calmed herself and smoothed her white uniform before something dawned on her. She mentally
smacked herself for being stupid enough to forget.

“Hey!” She called again and ran after the young woman, following the drops of blood on the floor
which would probably piss someone she hold dear but she had to ignore it at the moment.
Amazingly, her patient was already on the stairs and was going down for the main door when she
reached her. The nurse admired the young woman for her tenacity and how much she care for her
little sister but only for a fraction of a second, maybe a minute. It was still a foolish act in her
opinion and borderline suicidal.

She cleared her throat to get the attention of the girl but to no avail, she tried once more but it was
still useless. The girl was stubborn so she opted for something she know that always work, she
shouted, shrill voice and all. “I know where she is!”

Upon hearing her last statement, Chaeyoung swiftly turned around, grabbed the nurse by the collar
of her dress, and pushed her against the wall – much to the latter’s surprise and discomfort. “Where
the hell is she? If any harm had been done to her, I swear I won’t hesitate to break any bone in your

The nurse could only sigh and threw an irritated look at Chaeyoung. She was there to help, she was
wearing a nurse outfit for crying out loud but she knew it was pointless to argue and she had a few
more tasks to do and of course thanks to the feisty girl, bloodstains to clean. Before she could
speak though, someone tackled the young woman off of her and pin her on the ground.

“What are you doing? Take your hands off Sana! You piece of trash. Who do you think you are,
huh?!” A pale girl passionately screamed as she forcefully twist Chaeyoung’s arm behind her back
and press a knee on her head. “You were even saying that you are going to break a bone in her
body? Who do you think you are! ”

The nurse named Sana froze for a second or two or more, well in her defense – everything
happened so fast. When she recovered though, she quickly pushed the pale girl away from
Chaeyoung and fussed frantically on her new patient, making sure she did not break any more
bone. She then turned to the other girl and hit her on the arms repeatedly.

“Yah! Dahyun! Why did you do that! You could have injured her more!” Sana exclaimed as she
glared at the pale girl who looked nowhere near apologetic. “She’s a patient here and in a really
bad state, mind you! She’s bleeding on the floor and Jeongyeon will have both our heads if you
mess her beloved hallway more.”

“She attacked you, Sana! Anyone here who saw what she did would react like how I did. And
don’t get me started on her threats. She wanted to break your bone. No one can break your bone,
not when I’m still around!” Dahyun exclaimed while pointing at Chaeyoung accusingly, her chest
heaving from all the emotion that surged in her when she saw Sana hit the wall. It brought back
memories she rather forget.

Sana was no fool though, she noticed it all. She had been surviving with Dahyun for god knows
how long and knew why she reacted like that. Some memories haunt them every waking hour and
still affect both of them, in a way. Her demeanor instantly changed from frustrated to comforting as
she wrap her arms around the pale girl’s waist and whisper. “Shh…its okay Dahyun, no one is
going to hurt me. I am safe and so are you. Now please calm down. Everything is alright now.”

The pale-looking girl just closed her eyes and let the warm hug ease all the tension in her body. She
suddenly felt ashamed of her emotional outburst and for all the words that came from her mouth.
“No one can break your bone, not when I’m around!” It made her cringe internally and hope that
Sana would not think of her as a creep or worse. How could she look the nurse in the eyes now
without blushing hard?

Chaeyoung on the other hand was getting impatient and uncomfortable, she was itching to know
Tzuyu’s condition. Yes, she got shocked when a body collided against hers and felt excruciating
pain when she hit the floor and thought that was how she was going to die. But after seeing their
interaction, she knew that there was more to Dahyun’s action than an aggressive act to protect the
nurse. She was not insensitive, the crazed look she saw was a dead giveaway. She had skeletons in
her closet too, much more than she asked for but there was no time for her to stand idly while they
comfort( flirt ) with each other. The atmosphere suddenly felt weird anyway so before they noticed
her, she slipped away.

“Their affection might suffocate me if I stay too long” She whispered to herself, rubbing her hands
on her arms to stop herself from shivering.

The young girl quietly back away to start her search with or without the help of the nurse. The two
women were too distracted to notice but knew it would not be for long so when she noticed an open
door at the end of the hallway, she limped her way there as quickly as her battered body could
carry. The room she entered looked like a small dining hall and the smell of freshly-baked bread
made her mouth water and stomach grumble. She ignored the temptation and went straight for the
door on the left corner of the room. What she saw inside though made her knees weak and tears
start falling from her wide eyes. She wanted to run to her, shouting her name, lock her in a tight
embrace but she couldn’t. All the strength and adrenaline left her body when she saw her sister
sitting comfortably on a chair, looking fresh and unharmed. She desperately wanted to shout but all
she could muster was a soft whisper.

“Tzuyu? “

The little girl who was about to dunk a piece of cookie on her milk, suddenly looked up when she
heard a familiar voice whisper her name. Someone was on the floor and it took a minute or so for
her to recognize who it was but when she did, a smile so wide it almost hurt appeared on her lips.
The owner of the voice she desperately needed to hear for almost a week and the face she longed
to see was in front of her. She jumped down the high chair, thoughts of cookies and milk forgotten,
and ran towards the person she truly missed.

“Unnie! You’re awake!”

Cookies For Everyone?


Chaeyoung couldn’t feel even more relieved the moment she felt Tzuyu wrap her tiny arms around
her beaten body. All the anxiety and fear she felt early on was erased with just one reassuring hug.
It was the concrete proof that her sister somehow survived too. “Yes, Yes. I am here now. What
about you? Do you feel any pain or discomfort?”

Tzuyu shook her head and smiled her ever charming smile to appease her sister’s concern but was
quick to change into annoyance when she noticed the traces of dried blood on the older girl’s arm.
The disheveled look she was sporting too, was evidence enough as well that she clearly sneaked
away. “Unnie, did Nurse Sana gave you permission to be out of bed?”

Surprised by the sudden change of her sister’s demeanor, Chaeyoung chuckled lightly and ruffled
her sister’s long brown hair. Although the backaches, tender muscles and broken fingers weren’t
fully healed and with her mind feel like it was about to explode, there was no point in whining
about it. There were still more important matters that they had to talk about anyways. The
familiarity of her sister on the place was somehow intriguing too. It made her wonder how many
days she was unconscious and who had helped them. “You don’t have to worry about it. I’m strong
remember. But where are we anyway?”

The little girl beamed at her, jumping giddily too which amuses Chaeyoung. But before the former
could explain though, someone’s voice cut her off.

“You are at HQ and Sana is looking everywhere for you.”

It was a young petite woman but a little taller than Chaeyoung but with shoulder-length short
blonde hair, sporting a white t-shirt and camouflage pants that seem tailor-made for her. She was
holding a plate of freshly baked cookies which she place gently on the table before she took a seat
to take one for herself. There was a calmness in her actions but it looked somehow calculated as if
she’d counter immediately if she were to somehow attack her. The aura she was emitting scream
Leader too which intimidated the young woman and made her instantly on guard.

“Tzuyu would you like more?” The petite woman offered to the youngest girl in the room which
the latter accepted without a fuss. She wiggled away from her sister and sat back on the chair she
was occupying early on.

Chaeyoung attempted to grab Tzuyu back in her arms but her injuries had slowed her reaction and
movements. The pain she was in was beginning to be overwhelming for the pills were wearing off
and probably because of her encounter with the nurse and the stranger pale girl. Despite the strains
though, she still could not trust the peoples she had met so far and still want to leave. Her
experiences in places like this HQ all ended in them being herded to be bait for the patrols or a
sacrificial pawn. Luckily they had escaped it all but she had no intentions of going through it all

“I’m truly grateful for saving us and for treating my wounds but we can’t offer much, you can have
my rifle and some of the supply I had on my bag. My sister and I will be leaving immediately after
I get my things back.” Chaeyoung said and bowed to show sincerity, hoping she will not be
questioned anymore but the reply she got made her blood boil.

“You can leave but Tzuyu must stay.” The leader said in a casual manner as if what she said was
not that of a big deal. She was even taking one more cookie and hummed approvingly as she
munched on it. “This is not bad. I am improving. You can have one if you like. I am Jihyo by the
way. I supervise things around here.”

“I don’t freaking care about that cookies. You can have everything in my bag. We are still leaving.
Try to stop me. Let’s go Tzuyu!” The young girl countered and took her sister’s hand before
bolting out of the room but someone wearing a scarf, hiding half of her face appeared out of
nowhere to block her path. She wanted to fight their way out but thinking she should conserve her
energy, she thought of just outrunning them. Chaeyoung then swiftly tried the other door but
someone was also there, this time it was the nurse with the pale girl. Cornered and desperate, she
grabbed the first hard thing her hand could reach. It was a pan, a metal pan to be precise. It was
hanging above the kitchen sink and it was the first she saw. “Don’t you dare come closer! I will
whack your face with this, I swear to God!”

“Drop the pan, feisty cub,” Jihyo said, chuckling a little. The leader could not help but be amused
with the turn of events. She had deduced it would be hard to convince the girl to stay but she didn’t
foresee that the girl would want to leave all of a sudden. At first glance, she thought of the girl as a
reasonable one but, of course, she was proven wrong. She was injured and she will be traveling
with a cute defenseless little girl, yet she ignored of all that. The young girl even threatened her
friends with a metal pan. A metal pan of all the things she could get.

“I meant what I said. I don’t want Tzuyu leaving this place. It is safe here and she’s as defenseless
as a mouse in a snake pit out there and I am not disregarding your life but if you do want to leave,
you can leave. You are capable. You almost survived but as I said almost.”

“No!” Chaeyoung declined, still eyeing the other occupants of the room with determination. “I
won’t leave my sister behind and you can’t convince me. I heard that one before and it's not going
to work the second time. Make way!”

Tzuyu on the other hand just didn’t know what to do. She wanted to stay, they have chocolates and
bathtubs there but if her sister wanted to leave when she didn’t want to be left behind. They were
sisters after all, wherever the other go the other will follow. It's just a shame that they will be
running around aimlessly again with no certain destination and probably weeks of no proper
shower. She didn’t want to contradict her sister and she believe that she know what was best for
them. She trusts her wholeheartedly.

“Whatever happened to you and your sister back at the other HQ would never happen here, I
promise you. If you want to leave, leave but not with your little sister. We can take care of her till
all of this nightmare pass and you if you are willing.” Sana, the nurse interjected. She had seen the
sign of fatigue on Chaeyoung’s eyes and the undeniable shaking of her knees. The young girl was
even struggling to keep herself on her feet, why make matters worse. It would be a matter of
minutes before she completely pass out but as her nurse, she didn’t want that time to come before
they could resolve the situation. “You still need some rest too. What will you do if you go outside
and be attacked again? You will not be as lucky.”

“We can manage. We always do. I just got distracted that time and it won’t happen again.”
Chaeyoung grunted as the metal pan almost slide off her hand. She blacked out for a second but
she fought the nauseous feeling and kept herself straight.

All the while, the other woman who wore a scarf on her neck was just impatiently staring at the
commotion in front of her. She actually had no plan of blocking the young girl’s path to freedom.
She was just there to enjoy the freshly baked cookies but as always her impeccable timing just had
to be proven once again and she got roped in. She had heard their arguments though and took some
interest but her stomach could not wait for long even though the girl look cute trying to act all
tough. Clenching and unclenching her hands on her back, she approaches the girl with a plan to
neutralize her without much of a struggle.

Jihyo of course noticed the moment her other Japanese friend moved. It was subtle but she knew
her friend was getting irritated as more time pass by and just had enough. She had been watching
the Japanese woman through her peripheral vision and thought how unlucky was Chaeyoung to be
the source of her annoyance without the young girl knowing. She didn’t want to look at what
happens next so she just turned her head to the side and focus on eating cookies. She heard a
pained grunt, soon followed by a loud thud then Sana screaming.

“Hey! Mina-yah! Why did you do that?! Look at Tzuyu, she looks terrified.”

When the leader thought that it ended, she turned back around. The silent Japanese woman was
already sitting in front of her, munching happily on the cookies she made and purposely ignoring
the scolding nurse while Dahyun help poor unconscious Chaeyoung back to her room.

“Did you really have to knock the kid out, Minari? She’ll probably be more stubborn the next time
she wakes up.” Jihyo sighed, it was amusing to see her friend enjoy the cookies she worked hard
for but she could not just let her action slide. Despite of her secret approval of how Mina handled
the situation, she still had to play her part as the leader and remind that they do not promote

“Drop it Hyo. You know that it will probably take 30 minutes or more before the kid would pass
out from exhaustion. She’s a fighter and has a strong will. She will not fold easily.” Mina
answered. “You really improve this time, these cookies are heavenly. Mind if I get three more?
Momo and I will be patrolling in about an hour so.”

“You can’t sweet-talk your away this time, penguin. You report to Jeongyeon and help her clean
the hallway. She’ll probably be nagging me to remind you guys how sacred cleanliness is and tell
Dahyun to cover for you in the meantime.”

The Japanese girl helplessly nodded and went on to find their cleaning master but she just had
taken a few steps when she heard the woman angrily screaming her lungs out. Thinking fast, she
wisely hid inside one of the rooms and let Jeongyeon release all her anger on any unfortunate soul
she will bump into first before showing herself.

“Yah! Jihyo-shi! Why is there blood in my hallway?! Where’s that clumsy nurse? Sana! Jihyo! “
What is Guts!?


It was near midnight when Chaeyoung regained her consciousness. She felt somewhat reenergized
but some parts of her body were still sore especially her lower back. It didn’t take long for her to
remember why it was even more tender though and it made her whisper a threat. “I’m going to
murder that woman.”

Groggily pushing herself off the bed, the young woman was more determined than last time to
even trudge in darkness to find her attacker and give back twice the pain she inflicted. It was not
even for her ego anymore, she just wanted to hurt the woman to be even. Tzuyu was not on her side
too which worry her as well but she had matters to settle first.

However, she hadn’t started her search when a hand from nowhere roughly pulled her back to bed.
Pain shot through every nerve on her small body but Chaeyoung swiftly spring back to her feet to
punch whoever did it to her but she felt herself falling on the soft mattress once again.

“What do you think you’re doing?” A soft melodic voice asked as she step out from the shadows to
reveal herself to the young beaten woman. It was Mina, still wearing the same red scarf she had
early on.

“You! I should be the one asking you that?!” The shorter woman pointed out, throwing a menacing
glare at the Japanese woman as she struggle to stand once more. But suddenly something clicked
on her then that made her laugh sarcastically. “Oh, I get it now. Pretentions were called off the
table. Is this how you going to treat us from now on?”

Mina made a snorting sound which was unladylike of her. Hearing the accusation of the other
woman made her hand twitch dangerously but she forced herself to calm down. It would do no
good for her if she react violently again. Jihyo would not appreciate it if she injure the little cub
which she was tasked to guard for the night after her sort of punishment with their cleaning master.
She rather has a peaceful day tomorrow and keeping her cool was the best way. “I just saved your
tiny butt from being scolded again for getting out of bed without recommendation. You should be
grateful and respectful. I’m probably older than you. How old are you anyway?”

“Why would I bother to be grateful and respectful to someone as violent as you?” Chaeyoung
countered though the more she stared at the Japanese woman’s visible features, the more she felt
that she had seen her somewhere else. She was beyond pissed though to even give it a thought.
“You flipped me and knock me out unconscious. Now you are treating me like a prisoner. You tell
me why I should be grateful?”

The scarf-wearing woman just shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. She didn’t even bother
answering right away and just elegantly walk away to flick the lights on. The moonlight coming
from the window wasn’t enough to have a decent conversation anyway, plus she wanted to see the
play of emotions on the younger girl’s face clearer. She then settled on a wooden chair at the
corner of the room before she spoke.

“You have three reasons, no make that four. First I was the first to see your little sister back in the
forest. She was scared and hysterical, begging to save your life. She’s a sweet girl. Second, I was
the one who rushed to save you from that homunculus. Third, I was still considerate -”

“Considerate?! You called that considerate?!” Chaeyoung shouted, cutting off the Japanese but one
glare was all it took for the young woman to zip her mouth in an instant.

“- of your condition when I knocked you out. I had the means to injure you more but I didn’t. The
fourth and the most recent is I’m saving you from a horrible fate. You do not want to show your
face to Jeongyeon right now.”

“I don’t care about anything you said. Where is Tzuyu?”

“Safe and asleep in her room. She fell asleep beside you earlier but Sana decided to move her for
your own good. Your sister almost pushed you down to the floor twice. She’s quite a bed hog.”

Recalling their sleepovers back in the days, Chaeyoung couldn’t help but smile, her deep dimple
showing. It was gone instantly though when she remember where she was and who was in front of
her. Knowing her sister was unharmed though, made the young woman feel bolder to make a move
and execute her plan to attack the Japanese woman and possibly leaving the place with her last
remaining relative. While roaming her sight to find a possible weapon, she tried to initiate a
different conversation to somehow distract the other woman.

“I am thankful for saving my life and Tzuyu. I truly am but it still won’t change my impression of
you and you have been talking to me for quite a while now but I still don’t know your name. Talk
about respect.”

For the first time, Mina expressed amusement by chuckling lightly and even though half of her face
was covered by her scarf. The delight in her bright downturned eyes was hard to miss. “I’m the
older one here. Why should I be the one doing the introduction first? Besides I already know your
name and I know what you are doing, don’t even try. You’ll be sorely disappointed.”

“Arrogant. It suits you.” Chaeyoung tsked while stealthily grabbing the syringe she spotted on the
side table. She quickly hid it on her sleeve and waited for an opportunity to strike.

The Japanese, of course, weren’t oblivious of her actions. The younger woman wasn’t very subtle
in the first place. She couldn’t help but be entertained though and be impressed with Chaeyoung’s
stubbornness by not giving up without a fight. Everyone needs to have that kind of will these days,
it’s what Mina believes in. Needless to say, she still won’t let her injure her before the babysitting
shift end, not that other women can.

“You are brave and skilled but you have much more to learn. Allow me to show you a trick of
mine.” Mina said almost in a whisper but before she could demonstrate it. Sana barged into the
room with a tray full of medicinal pills and a hot soup, followed by a tall woman with short hair.

“Good, you’re awake. You need to eat and drink your meds. You must be hungry, you slept for
like 7 hours straight. How are you feeling?” The nurse question as she innocently approaches the
young woman on the bed. Offering the hot soup, Sana blew on it before gesturing to dig in. “It’s
not poisoned or laced with sleeping pills. It would defeat the purpose of healing you and trying to
gain your trust now, wouldn’t’ it?”

Chaeyoung still would not let her guard down but she was hungry. She hasn’t had a decent meal
since they ran against the monsters. So carefully hiding the syringe under her pillow, she took the
hot soup from Sana and showed a little act of defiance by not wanting to be spoon-fed by the nurse.
It would be awkward especially in front of Mina and the tall stranger which she observed was
beautiful as well but had the aura that made the hair on the back of her head stand. Everyone she
had met so far was battle-ready and only Sana looks like the weakest link but she didn’t want to
assume she’s harmless.
“So you are the fresh meat and the one who dared to walk around bleeding?” The tall woman asked
but it sounded like a scolding.

The youngest woman in the room raised an eyebrow but didn’t speak, her mouth was busy
devouring the delicious hot soup. Whoever cooked it was a master or she was just that starved that
any food she would take would probably taste like heaven.

“Yah! Jeongyeon! At least let her finish her food before giving her the talk.” Sana intervened while
preparing the set of medicines she would give to her patient. She noticed that the syringe was
missing and she had suspicions about where it went. Mina had told her earlier to leave it visible
and easy to take, claiming she wanted to test the stupidity of the newcomer. The nurse knew it was
simply an excuse for her fellow Japanese to test the capabilities of Chaeyoung.

“There’s no difference if I give her the talk now or later. We feed her and shelter her, the least she
could do is listen.” Jeongyeon countered as she stood straight and cross her arms against her chest,
showing off the height advantage and the hard muscles of her biceps. There was really no other
reason for it but to appear more intimidating and emphasize why she was considered the brawn of
their group.

Chaeyoung did not miss the simple gesture and felt scared, just a tiny little bit. She pretended it had
no effect on her though and even dared to mock the other by making a loud slurping sound. Her
catlike eyes never strayed away from the tall woman and the two Japanese, readying herself if any
of them try to pounce on her.

However, none of them attacked her instead the two of them laughed while Mina looked away to
conceal her own mirth - much to the disbelief of the youngest woman in the room. She looked at
the trio with a frown and irritation obvious on her face. It somehow felt and looked like she was
being teased.

“OH! The kid got guts. I’m beginning to see your worth.” Jeongyeon exclaimed as she hold her
stomach, wheezing from laughing excessively.

“I told you she is something,” Sana added.

“She had killed two fully grown and faced a starved evolved homunculus by herself before I got to
her. Her guts were never questionable for me.” Mina said as she got up from her seat and walked to
the door.

Jeongyeon soon followed but not without smirking at the young woman, sitting rigidly on the bed.
“We’ll talk if you decide to stay. It would be a shame if you don’t.”

The two women left together, leaving Chaeyoung only with the nurse. The former couldn’t help but
think of their parting words as compliments, it made her proud of herself and her strength. She still
doesn’t trust them but somehow the way they had to acknowledge her wasn’t bad at all.

The young woman was too deep in her thoughts that she had forgotten about the nurse and it only
dawned on her when she felt someone lifting the hospital gown she was wearing. Quickly backing
away and grabbing the syringe hidden under her pillow, Chaeyoung threateningly points it at the

“What the hell are you doing?”

Sana only tilted her head and smiled sweetly, too sweetly to be innocent. The syringe didn’t even
faze her when she started to approach the girl like a hungry predator. “You have to take off that
gown for me to treat you better. Don’t worry I would be gentle and anyways, there is nothing I
haven’t seen already. Don’t be shy.”

It was at that moment that Chaeyoung realized she should have been more careful around the nurse
and decided to never underestimate her ever again
A God, An Ostrich & A Bunny

Jihyo loves each and every member of their little ragtag group. She cares for them like how a
family should and would do anything to keep them satisfied despite the world they live in. It was
never easy but she accepted and embrace the role of being their make-shift leader. There are times
though that her patience was getting tested.

“Jihyo-ya! How many times should I remind you to tell the others to always clean up after their
own mess?” Jeongyeon asked irritatingly while entering the leader’s planning room.

For the love of everything holy, she adores her neat-freak friend and adviser but sometimes the
constant nagging of hers gives such a headache. She truly understands her dilemma. The others
tend to forget about one of their set rules. She already had explained the situation a while ago but it
seemed it had only fallen on deaf ears. They had scheduled to discuss supplies and strategies on
how to gather them but of course, cleanliness comes first for her friend.

“Jeongyeon-ah, I already told you. It was no one’s fault. It was all spick and span till our new
inhabitant decided to have a walk, bleeding and all. I sent Mina to help you, was she of any help?”
Jihyo sighed as she lay a map of the forest where their headquarters lay, looking closely at certain
spots. Determined to tackle at least one or two issues that were bugging her.

“Of course she was. The penguin had done her job well as always…quietly. What did she do again
for you to throw her to me?” The taller woman said as she lay her own set of maps next to Jihyo’s.

“She got hungry and went to do a Judo move on the poor little cub.” The leader chuckled a bit. It
had become her default reaction every time she was reminded of the incident. “You should have
seen Sana’s face when she realize what Minari did.”

“Shame that I missed it,” Jeongyeon said in a joking manner but turned serious in an instant when
she notice something different on the leader’s map. “What’s up with the red marks?”

Jihyo looked up, demeanor turning tense as well. “This was all the areas where a homunculus had
been spotted and killed. It’s just that for the past two months, it was all isolated incidents only. The
locations were also far from each other but recently our patrols encountered them much frequently
and much nearer to our base. It is making me suspicious. I doubt that this is all just coincident.
Something is not sitting well to me.”

Jeongyeon nodded absorbing all the information given while studying the map as well. Jihyo was
right about the encounters. She had experienced it too, too much for her liking. “You know I will
always trust you and your decision-making skills. I have a feeling that this is not something we
should be careless about. Did you send Momo and Dahyun to check things out?”

“Yeah,” Jihyo confirmed. “I just can’t shake this feeling that this was all planned. What if the
others were just scouts and someone or something is trying to sniff us out using all those monsters?
Mina was the one who pointed out this possibility to me after that day she saved those girls and
you know whose instinct I trust the most when it comes to this thing.”

Jeongyeon was well aware the others may see her as the brawn and Jihyo the brain but the respect
they have for Mina was on a whole new level. She’s the ace amongst the aces. The memory of
how they found the Japanese beauty was still etched on her mind and still give her shivers. And if
the strongest amongst them feel threatened or cautious about the situation, who are they to
question the validity.

“Do you think we should prepare about the possibilities?” The tall adviser suggested. “We should
also train harder and restock while the secrets roads are still passable and not yet flooded.”

“I believe so. Having the cub join us would benefit us more, we don’t have many of able bodies to
protect the base.” Jihyo added. She desperately want to recruit Chaeyoung but of course, the
decision was not up to her. It would only bring resentment if she do it by force. Also having Tzuyu
around had been ideal for them, the little kid brought brightness only someone of her age could.

“You won’t see me disagreeing about that, anytime soon. I like the kid, she looks tough.”
Jeongyeon stated as her eyes catch a familiar-looking photo on Jihyo’s bookshelf. “I see that you
put it up again.”

Following her friend’s stare, the leader couldn’t help but smile sadly. It was a picture of her with
Jeongyeon and their long-lost friend. It had been a year since she had gone missing but she was
never forgotten. “I just got sentimental earlier and thoughts of what if’s just flooded my mind. You
know, I’m still not losing hope. I still have a feeling that she’s still out there somewhere, fighting to

“Yeah. I wonder what that bunny would say if she’s here?” Jeongyeon chuckled but it was laced
with sadness and longing. There was no day or night that she does not think of their lost friend.

The two were left deep on their thoughts afterward, reminiscing about their past lives,
contemplating their regrets, and wishing for the day when they would be united again. It didn’t last
long though, for shouts of panic from Sana outside distracted them enough.

“Jihyo! Jeongyeon! We need you here!”

The leader and her adviser rushed to assess what the commotion was all about. No one was there to
brief them about the situation though but when both noticed the trail of blood on the hallway, dread
crept into their hearts. They wasted no second and followed it to see Mina tending on unconscious
Momo on one of the beds at the hospital ward.

“What happened?” Jihyo asked.

“I have no idea. Momo is okay, she just passed out of exhaustion and Dahyun is okay too. She is in
the surgery room helping Sana. They brought back an injured woman who they said had run into a
horde of a homunculus. It’s a miracle they are all alive.” Mina answered and continued to wipe the
filth and blood off her fellow Japanese’s face and arms. She was also curious about the whole
story. Even she would find it difficult to survive a horde, not impossible but only a few can pull that
kind of stunt.

The two were relieved to know no one was badly injured but they were curious about the person
who had risked her life to save their members. Both entered the surgery room, only to freeze when
they recognize who the patrol team had brought back. It was a woman covered with blood from
head to toe but it didn’t hinder them to see who it really was. Both could never forget the face of
the one who had to lead them on their early surviving days.

“Jeongyeon, isn’t she?”

“No way…” Jeongyeon whispered while slowly approaching the cot where a body lay motionless.
She then stood behind Sana who was busy applying ointments with Dahyun on her side bandaging
the wounds, watching as if in a daze.

Jihyo’s eyes on the other hand almost bulged out of their sockets as her breathing became labored.
Same as Jeongyeon, she could not believe who was there in front of them. God knew how
fervently she had prayed every day to see their friend again and she couldn’t be even more thankful
that it had finally come. They would prefer it in different circumstances but what mattered was the
trio was whole again.

“Nayeon-shi? You’re finally home.”

The woman on the cot upon hearing a familiar voice, groggily open an eye and smiled a bright
bunny smile when she saw her most favorite persons in the forsaken world. Fate really had a
curious way of reuniting people after being separated for a long time. She had believed in it and
had been rewarded it seem.

“Hey, am I late for dinner?”

She Is Her But Not Her


Three days passed since Chaeyoung had last seen the other occupants of the headquarters. Aside
from Sana who checks her recovery daily and her little sister who brings her food, no one else
seems to bother. It was like she was left on her own devices. She never let her guard down
anymore though. There will be no repeat of the incident against the woman with the red scarf, she
had promised herself.

And despite Sana's constant reminder that there was no reason to worry about anything while in
their care, the young woman still finds it hard to trust her words. It's no easy feat to just bank their
safety on strangers after years of relying on herself. Jihyo or anyone truly hasn't exactly been open
about her plans on them as well.

And while she had Tzuyu acting as her eyes and ears on the place, it was not much of help. She
was relying on a six years old who was easy to distract with cookies and chocolate bars anyways.
But the subtle insinuations of her little sister that she want to stay if possible were slowly
convincing her that it was worth a try. Tzuyu had been extra cheerful and looking more healthy the
past few days and had never complained about their treatment on her. It was a good sign but she
need to clarify some things before she could make a decision.

"Do you like it here?" Chaeyoung carefully asked her sister who was happily drawing flowers on
the wall with colored chalks.

"Yes, unnie. They are really good to me and Jihyo-unnie makes delicious cookies. I have my own
room too and I take a bath every day." Tzuyu answered enthusiastically but soon frowned after
realizing she was still unsure of her sister's decision about the matter. "But it's okay if you still
want to leave."

Chaeyoung just nodded, gesturing for her sister to continue what she was doing. There may be
questions in her mind and doubts in her heart but Tzuyu's well-being will always come first for her.
She could acknowledge the benefits of staying, she was not stupid. Maybe she was just waiting for
an offer or a straightforward request from Jihyo or any member from the group at that point.

A knock on the door then distracted her from her thoughts. Thinking it was just the nurse checking
for her daily routine, she shouted to just let herself in. To her surprise, it was not who she was
expecting. The woman who walked in was stunningly beautiful with a figure any person would
envy and soft-looking long black hair freely flowing on her back. She had a face of an innocent
angel but with tempting lips and the irresistible allure of an enchantress. However, the young
woman could not shake the feeling that she had seen her before, her bright down-turned eyes
looked familiar. But she only gave it a little to no thought at all, she was too enthralled to bother.

It took her a minute to realize she was staring and quickly composed herself. She wanted to greet
her or speak in general but somehow she had struggled to come up with words to say. A silly fish
out of the water, it was what she had resembled at that moment. Luckily, Tzuyu was there to rescue
her from further embarrassment.

"You look pretty Mina-unnie."

The beautiful woman gracefully turned to the cute owner of the voice and patted her head lightly,
showing her rare gummy smile as she do. It was always a delight to interact with the little girl. "
Thank you Tzuyu. You are too sweet. I heard Dahyun brought out some Oreo's from her stash,
want some later?"

"Really?!" Tzuyu exclaimed, excitement evident in her voice. It had been a while since she had the
rare treat and would not miss the chance to have one. She would release all her cuteness and
bubbliness on her unnies if necessary. She even had no qualms deploying her secret weapon.
Desperate times call for desperate measures so it seemed. "I would like that! Pretty please? I
haven't had one since like forever. Pretty please? Pretty unnie?"

Chaeyoung would have laughed aloud if the circumstances were different. She herself had fallen
on that cheap trick countless times. Tzuyu's puppy dog eyes would spare no one. But the young
woman did not, instead, she gasped loudly that two occupants of the room looked at her funny.

"No way. This is not happening. You can't be her." Chaeyoung muttered in disbelief as if trying to
convince herself she was just mistaken. It was the voice, the voice she could never forget. The
realization hit her hard and she did not like it one bit. "You are too...I mean she's different and you
are...You! There is no way in hell she's you. You are an angel and she's a devil, the red scarfed
devil to be precise!"

Mina, the gorgeous woman, who Chaeyoung thought was a different person could not understand a
word she was told at first. The younger girl was a bit hysterical and incoherent for her to be
comprehensive. But when she heard her red scarf being mentioned, everything suddenly made
sense and she could not help but chuckle lightly.

"I see. I didn't notice that I'm that unrecognizable when wearing my scarf. It kinda makes me feel
like Clark Kent." Mina teased. It was a ridiculous thought but funny nonetheless. She never
expected it from the young woman but the slowly reddening face of Chaeyoung was a sight to see.
"You think I'm an angel? Have you fallen in love with me yet?"

"Of course! I meant.. I mean of course not! Why would I be? Yes, why would I not be? I mean be!
Why would I not be?!" The young woman stuttered while trying to calm the erratic beating of her
heart. If it was because of embarrassment or something else, she could care less. All she needed
was for the ground to completely swallow her and put her out of her misery. Her ears couldn't get
any redder if she wanted to.

Mina's answer was just a smirk and a wink. It served it purpose though and successfully made
Chaeyoung even more flustered. The Japanese didn't know where all this playfulness of hers was
coming, it was unusual from her usual cold demeanor. But it was undeniably fun to make the other
woman uncomfortable, the reaction she got was adorable.

Their moment was cut off however with Jeongyeon's arrival who was in an all-business and no
fuss attitude. She looked even more serious than usual. "Jihyo want to see you, little cub. You too
Mina. Tactical room in five."

Both women nodded in compliance but did not bother to answer. They just shared a look then Mina
started to walk away with the sisters in tow.

The exchange was not missed by the group adviser. She knew of their previous encounters and it
was not at all pleasant but the tension between the two made her curious. Jeongyeon had decided
then to watch their interaction more closely.
Full Circle I


Papers scattered across the long table, a big map of the forest they were in with multiple X marks
written on it, used stainless steel mugs and a dozen of consumed instant coffee sachets was what
welcomed Mina and the siblings when they stepped into the Tactical room. It was chaos with a
splash of mess.

Dahyun and Momo were also already there, seated on their assigned seats and looking at their
leader with bewildered expressions on their faces. They spared a glance at the newcomers and
nodded as an acknowledgment of their presence but soon returned their attention to Jihyo who
started pacing around the room and whispering incoherent words to herself.

“She’s been like that since I got here and it’s almost twenty minutes now. It’s starting to creep me
out.” Dahyun whispered to Mina who sat beside her. “Do you think we should call Sana to
examine her?”

“Jeong is on it, I think? But what’s more troubling is our resident neat-freak was here but she said
nothing! Nada! She just said that she’ll get the others. You get what I mean?” Momo added while
making an O shape with her hands, showing it to her fellow members as if it would convey exactly
what she want to say. All the while, her pouted lips were pointing to the mess across the room.

Dahyun was the first to reply. No, she was the only one who bothered to voice out a reply. The
other two just stayed silent while Tzuyu imitated Momo’s unique gesture with her hands and
giggled at her own silliness.

“Jeongyeon-unnie will surely freak out and hyperventilate but I don’t see her shouting and
screaming like a banshee right now. Just look at this room, this is a nightmare for her. I propose for
Sana to examine them both.” The pale woman said while stopping herself from shivering from
thoughts of the older women with crazed looks.

Mina nodded in agreement, conforming the reactions of Jeongyeon were out of character.
However, it was not what was bothering her. The Japanese woman already had an inkling about the
purpose of the sudden meeting. The leader’s and her adviser’s tense behavior only led her to
believe what she knew of their situation just drastically became more dangerous. This realization
made her own expression turn grim.

Chaeyoung noticed the abrupt change in Mina’s demeanor, not that she was staring. She was just
observant. Yes, she was just observant. It was what she was telling herself as she continue to stare -
no study - the Japanese woman who she can secretly admit had a perfect side profile as well.
Though honestly, she had no idea why her presence was needed at the meeting except for a notion
that the leader would probably propose she stay or ask to leave. Her curiosity just got the better of
her and she didn’t know why but she felt compelled to follow Mina earlier as her legs moved on
their own, dragging her little sister with her. She’s even seating across her which was probably a
spot reserved for someone.

Uneasy feeling filled the room with the occupants drowning in their own thoughts. Each had
different concerns but none dared to speak out. It was only broken when Tzuyu wiggled away from
her sister’s hold and looked around the room, shyly. She was squirming a little and was biting her
lips. The little girl then threw a helpless look at Chaeyoung and blurted out. “I need to pee.”
It successfully lightens the moon and even made Jihyo stop pacing around and smile a little. The
little girl’s innocence never fail to be a distraction from their worries. Thus, cementing the leader’s
decision to ask the siblings to stay.

“Why did you not tell us sooner? It’s bad for your health?” Momo asked, amusement in her tone.

“I…You all look serious. I just didn’t want to disturb you all but I cannot hold it anymore. It’s
going to burst any second now.” Tzuyu answered, her cute face scrunching from the effort of
holding the pressure of her little bladder. Chaeyoung scooped up her sister and asked for the
nearest bathroom but Jihyo was quick to stop her.

“Let Dahyun guide her. There is something I need to talk to you about.” The leader said in a
soothing voice. Maintaining the calmness in their conversation here on out was a must to convince
the younger woman to join them. “You probably know what it is about so please stay.”

But of course, with Chaeyoung’s stubborn and untrusting nature, the young woman was bound to
decline. It was suspicious enough why the leader wanted them apart to say her proposal when she
can easily do it with them together. She also had done it in a place where there are many hands to
hold her down when things get dirty. Plus, she just didn’t want to be separated from her sister at
that moment. “I’m sorry but what you have to say will have to wait. Tzuyu has all the right to hear
it too. You can say it to us later. We will not be out long anyway.”

Jihyo sighed tiredly and approved of their request. Reminding herself that she had anticipated the
answer, the leader flopped down on her chair. “Okay, I understand. It’s just outside, the first door
on your left. Please be quick, we’ll start when the others arrive. I just want this to be done and over

Soon after the siblings were out of the door, Momo held their leader’s hand and start massaging it
gently. “Hey, I get that you are working hard and you are our leader but you don’t have to shoulder
it all, you know. I’m here and everyone’s here if you need some help. There’s no you and me, you
know. You get what I mean, right?”

“I believe it’s there’s no I in a team, Momo-shi.” Dahyun corrected but in a teasing manner. “But
what she said is true Unnie. We are here if you need us and we could just beat that little cub into
submission if she declines your proposal. I still haven’t forgotten what she did to Sana.”

“No one is beating the little cub, Dahyun,” Mina told to the younger woman, her voice a little more
threatening than what she intended. She continued though, but cleared her throat first and spoke in
her usual gentle manner. “I mean it would not be a good idea to use force on her. Harassing her
would not make living here ideal for her.”

“Mina is right. I don’t want to jeopardize any chance to recruit Chaeyoung. She has skills valuable
for us and to what this meeting would entail for us all.” Jihyo seconded but not without raising her
eyebrow at her friend. The reaction of Mina was intriguing for her to say the least. Filing it for
further prying, she pointed at the map behind her and clap to gather the attention of her members.
“Right, we best get to the point here. You are all familiar of it by now but I would like to examine
it for now. Ask your questions later when everyone is here.”

The members did what they were told and some even took notes. Fortunately, they didn’t have to
wait for long for others to arrive. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu came back quickly as they promised with
Sana in tow. They had bumped into each other on the hallway, well it was Sana who literally
bumped into the younger woman. She was in a haste to get to the meeting, not wanting the wrath
of their leader to be unleashed upon her. Meetings were a rare occasion on HQ but it was a must to
be on time when it occurs.
“I’m really sorry Jihyo, I overslept.” Sana wasted no time to apologize the moment she saw Jihyo.
Luckily the latter seemed to be in a troubled mood to even bother about her.

“Just take your seat, Sana-shi.” The leader grumbled and quickly pushed the nurse away from her
who wanted to show her gratitude by showering her with kisses. She then took notice of the little
cub who was hovering awkwardly near the door with Tzuyu. “What are you doing there?”

“Are we really supposed to be here? I mean, do not take this wrong but I’m not part of your group
or anything.” Chaeyoung said, uncertainty written all over her voice. She really had no idea what
she was doing in the meeting, not that she cannot contribute any idea if she were to be put on the
spot. The extent of her survival skills was not just based on her fighting, she had knowledge as
well. She may not be as enthusiastic about flowers and plants as her little sister but she knows its
application much more than Tzuyu.

“Exactly, you are not part of our group, not yet anyway or will never. I’m asking you to be here to
help you decide whether to stay or leave.” Jihyo honestly shared. “So please take a seat wherever
you want. We’ll begin soon when Jeongyeon and Nayeon-shi are here.”

A part of Chaeyoung wanted to leave, not wanting to feel even more awkward around the group
but a part of her was curious about what information the leader would offer and what the meeting
was about. It could be vital or not but then she heard the name Nayeon. A name she last heard a
year ago. The name of the person she respect and was truly grateful for. She had lost contact with
her after they part ways but they had promised to see each other again if fate would allow. This
made her decide to stick around and see if it was the same person she knew or just someone who
had the same name.

It did not take long though. Jeongyeon entered the room just when she had took a seat. The tall
woman was guiding another person who had clutches and bandages covering her forehead. The
injured person was laughing loudly despite her condition which made her guide grimace and asks
her to stop acting childish. Chaeyoung on the other hand almost had a whiplash with the way her
head swiveled in the direction of the newcomers but before she could react. Tzuyu, her little sister,
jumped down from her lap to tackle the person in clutches.

“Bunnie-unnie! You’re here!”

Full Circle II


“It was fun while it lasted”

Yes, the most cliché line used in novels and movies by a character in throes of death was what
Nayeon muttered after a small figure crashed into her fragile one. It was dramatic as it was
beautiful, a fitting line for someone with a personality like hers. There was one pressing matter,
however – her life was not really in any kind of danger. She was just tackled and got taken aback a
little. However, her creative mind just deemed it was a perfect time to execute an exciting
performance from the injured bunny and pretend she was dying to cover her surprise. It would have
been perfect if she fell to the ground too but Jeongyeon’s quick reflexes and strong arms prevented
it from happening. Whether she was thankful or frustrated by it was still up for debate. The tall girl
couldn’t even turn it to a sweet scene like a knight in shining armor saving a damsel in distress or
even just ask her nicely if she was alright. Instead, she was flicked on the forehead and accused of
being overreacting.

“Stop the theatrics, Nayeon-shi.” was the exact words of Jeongyeon who spoke in an annoying
manner but with fondness in her eyes that tell a different story.

But despite the lack of melancholic atmosphere accentuated in most dying scenes and no life
flashing before her very eyes, it was still painful for Nayeon. The loud groan that escaped her
mouth before she acted silly was real. She was still an injured patient and whoever had decided to
tackle her wasn’t very gentle, to begin with. She could admit it was quite exaggerating on her part
but the timing was right and it was funny.

“It still hurts but I know you think it was brilliant on my part. Admit it, Jeong. You like me you
just pretend you don’t.” Nayeon whined, pouted lips and all.

“I think you’re weird and you traumatized the kid.” Jeongyeon countered, pointing a little girl who
was quick to shuffle away from her and on the verge of crying.

Remembering the culprit who was the cause of her impromptu performance, Nayeon was ready to
make an ear bleed after hearing her reasons on why it was not okay to tackle an injured person
regardless of the reason, only to stop mid-rant when she recognized who it was.

“Tzu-tzu?” Nayeon exclaimed and hurriedly pulled the little girl into a tight hug. The little girl was
full-on crying then, making the older woman tearful as well. The reunion was a surprise for both of
them it seemed. “Oh! I’m sorry. It’s just a joke. I’m all fine. But what are you doing here? I’m glad
you are safe. Where’s your sister? Are you here alone?”

Amidst the questioning and happy smiles, Nayeon failed to notice someone stood up and walk
towards them. The woman with the bunny smile was too focused on Tzuyu that everything else
seemed to blur. If only she did, the sudden pair of arms that enveloped her tiny waist would not
have startled her and made her squeak in an embarrassing but cute way.

“Nayeon-unnie. I’m here and really glad you’re still alive.” Chaeyoung murmured as she bury her
face on the older woman’s shoulder, tightening her embrace even more as if to confirm she was
real and not just a fragment of her vivid imagination. The little cub had thought at first that she was
seeing a ghost, a remnant of her great unnie, but when Tzuyu got to hold her and the unmistakable
dramatic persona only one person she knew could pull off. The heart and mind of hers confirmed it
was the person she still admire and respect after a year apart.

“Chaeyoung?” Nayeon asked tearfully, she herself was doubtful about all the things that had
happened to her so far. She got her two friends back and a dear student of hers in the past with her
hell of a sister was in her arms, safe and alive.

“Yes, it’s me unnie.”

Jihyo and the others watched the reunion with pleased expressions. It was a rare occasion to find or
be found by your loved one, friends or even just a mere acquaintance from the past but when it
happens, it never fails to bring hope and happiness to anyone lucky enough to witness. It was no
different for the rag-tag group. Jihyo would even dare call it a miracle because despite the world
they live in, fate was still on their side. First, they got Nayeon back and now it seemed that
Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were important for their friend as well. A full circle indeed.

When the crying had settled down, Jeongyeon guided Nayeon to her seat with the siblings in tow.
The oldest woman did not even let go of the youngest while she kept Chaeyoung near her. The
latter felt it comforting now that she finally had someone familiar to turn to. Tzuyu was just glad
her bunny-unnie was with them again.

Jihyo wasted no time properly introducing who was Nayeon and her significance in their group. It
was quick and not much question was brought up. The others just easily accepted the reason and
trusted their leader’s judgment, after all, they had been together for years. And despite Dahyun’s
slight mistake of complementing the older woman's acting a while ago and even saying it was
funny. She soon regretted it after realizing how narcissistic the woman can be at times. It turned
out all fine though and they soon were laughing together about it.

The leader proceeded on the next topic which was the true reason why she had gathered them.
Initially, she had planned to ask Chaeyoung first upon knowing her relation with Nayeon but she
saved it for last. She still had doubts and she did not want to look manipulative after dumping the
information on the little cub so she opted for later. It was still crucial that the young woman would
know what she will be dealing with if she decide to join.

Pointing to the huge map on the wall, Jihyo started speaking authoritatively. “You probably
noticed all the X marks on the map. The marks represent all the locations of reported sightings and
encounters of a homunculus. As you see, we had been busy but that was not why I called you here.
Please, get one copy of the map from the table.”

The others all picked one and examined the version of the map curiously except for Mina and
Jeongyeon who already had knowledge about what was to be discussed. They studied the huge
map on the wall nonetheless, thinking of ways to come up with a reason why they suddenly had
such a dilemma.

“You see the difference between what you’re holding and the one on the wall?” Jihyo roamed her
sight, reading the atmosphere which was beginning to grow tense. When she saw everyone nodded
in confirmation, she took a deep breath and continued. “That’s because what you’re holding is the
report five months ago. This on the wall is the latest. Jeongyeon and I had noticed quite an increase
of encounters just this month but it’s not just the frequency that worried us but the locations.
Somehow the homunculus gradually starts appearing closer and closer to our base.”

“What do you mean closer and closer?” Sana inquired nervously.

“The last was just under a hundred mile southwest from here which was where Momo and Dahyun
found Nayeon. Also, the number of homunculus we run into had increased as well. Normally, two
to three are the maximum but lately, Mina’s report had been alarming. She and Momo had to deal
with at least six of that thing and three evolved one in just a span of a week, of course, they had
managed to kill it all but we had never had any incidents like this before. Until now.”

Hearing it from their leader, the members together with the siblings couldn’t help but feel fear
slowly creep into their veins. The leader wasn’t doing great herself. She was really starting to hate
their predicament and how easily it shook her as the leader. She was clueless of what was
happening and there was no other way to describe what she was feeling but depressing. All she
could do was inform and help prepare themselves.

“Jeongyeon suggested we train more and restock if necessary. I approve of it. It’s better to be
prepared. Mina speculated that whatever is happening was some sort of a deliberate attack and
someone or something was trying to find our location. I believe her theory has some merit. Before
we only had to deal with isolated attacks but these days according to all the data’s I compiled,
every attack’s location seems calculated to just be a coincidence.”

But in spite of all the disturbing information, she was receiving, Chaeyoung find the dynamics of
the group a little more amazing. No one opposed the speculations or even just question it, it was
like they just absorb and believe everything. It was not like they were afraid of speaking out
though. It was probably Jihyo’s doing and her leadership skills but the undeniable trust and loyalty
they have for each other was simply admirable.

Also when the leader talked about how Mina and the one named Momo managed to easily defeat a
handful of homunculus by themselves, she thought she misheard it at first and had to ask Nayeon if
what she heard was right. She couldn't help but respect the Japanese beauty and her comrades for
their bravery and strength when the older woman responded positively. She almost had died when
she encountered three homunculus and if what she recall was correct, one of them was an evolved
one. Still, to compare what the others had to face on a daily basis just to protect their base to her
experiences so far. The little cub felt her skills were suddenly inadequate. And she thought she
could fight her way out at one point. The realization made her less confident and doubt if the leader
would still want someone like her in their group. She didn’t have time to sulk about it though, Jihyo
just casually sprang the invitation that it almost made her choke.

“So Chaeyoung, I would like to officially recruit you. I would need someone with skills like yours.
What you probably heard was nothing but frightening but I hope you will still consider joining us.
So would you?”

The young woman in question felt all eyes turn to her. It was nerve-wracking, yet when Tzuyu’s
soft hands gently touched hers. It gave her enough strength to answer.

“If it’s not too much trouble, yes I would like to join you guys.”
From Trees to Misunderstandings


The days after the meeting passed surprisingly well for Chaeyoung. Even her transition into the
group went smoothly. Due to her knowledge of herbs and plants, she became Dahyun’s assistance
who was Sana’s official assistance. It was confusing yet the pale girl was adamant about
emphasizing the position titles. The younger woman, on the other hand, could care less about it.
She was just contented in contributing something for the group or perhaps she was just aware that
Dahyun still does not fully trust her to be around the nurse. It was understandable but a little
worrying. It was a problem to be dealt with later though for she had more pressing matters at hand.

“No, Dahyun-unnie. Even though I know cocoa leaves can be used for tea and chocolates are made
from the fruit, doesn’t mean it would benefit us more than planting a banana tree. Besides, it takes
5-6 years for it to bear fruit while banana trees only take a year and a half at most.” Chaeyoung
countered while trying to hold on to her patience – of what has been left of it anyways.

“But think of it, really think of it. What if we haven’t just discovered its other uses? What if the
cocoa tree is really the tree of life and its fruit is the elixir? Imagine that!” Dahyun insisted,
excitement in her voice. It was clear to see the woman was in awe of her own ridiculous theory.

Chaeyoung, for the life of her, couldn’t do anything but helplessly let out a deep sigh as she rack
her brain for a more convincing comeback. It was a mystery to her how their conversation that
started with Dahyun innocently asking what her favorite tree, turned into an intense cocoa tree
versus other tree debate. It had been an hour of an exhausting hour of repetition. She didn’t want to
just dismiss the pale girl though, no matter how silly her claims had become. It would undeniably
be rude of her.

Thankfully, Sana, who was listening to the two woman’s amusing discussions from her spot near
the medicine cabinet, decided it was time to save the little cub from the pale eagle. Nevertheless,
she secretly admires Chaeyoung for her patience. She knows it gets hard to control Dahyun when
she’s on her dreaming streak.

“Dahyunnie, please refrain from dragging our new recruit on your plans to have a field of cocoa
tree planted in our backyard. Jihyo would probably be against it anyway. I believe it’s also your
turn to help with cooking duties. We don’t want Jeongyeon waiting now, do we?”

Looking at her watch, Dahyun almost cursed when she confirmed it was almost lunchtime. She bid
goodbye in a haste and ran to her duties like it was a matter of life and death, it was for her
probably. All of the members knew Jeongyeon and waiting in one sentence spells Doom, some of
them learned it the hard way.

“Poor Dahyun and here I thought she learned her lesson.” Putting back the medicines she had
finished counting, Sana turned to Chaeyoung who she then noticed was giving her a thankful
smile. “Oh, you don’t have to look like that. I saved both us and Dahyunnie from Jeong, of course.
I love her to bits but she’s a bit uncontrollable when she gets excited. We’re alike in that aspect.”

Chaeyoung couldn’t agree more. She still can’t forget how Sana launched herself to her when she
agreed to join and how she almost sounded like rapping while telling how happy she was. She
thought it was sweet even though it was her ears that suffered the most consequences.

“So…I’m curious of what Jeongyeon-unnie did before to make Dahyun-unnie ran like hell from

“It’s hard to believe but it was as simple as Jeongyeon threatening to hide all of Dahyun’s chocolate
if she ever check-in late on her duties again.”

“That’s it?” Chaeyoung asked skeptically.

“Yup. I think Dahyun just loves her chocolates that much or perhaps it’s because once Jeongyeon
hides something it’s next to impossible to be found.” Sana replied, ending it with a giggle.

There was something about the way Sana said it that sent a shudder through Chaeyoung’s body. It
was probably the underlying warning in her words to never cross their adviser. Luckily, she had
always made it to a point to be in her best behavior whenever Jeongyeon or Jihyo is somewhere
near her.

“I’m surrounded with weirdoes and low-key psychopaths.” The young woman thought ruefully.

“Say Chaeng.” Sana started, using the nickname she came up with just moments after the younger
woman joined. She claimed it will help them feel closer and more at home. “It’s been a week but
you still haven’t told anyone else about how you and Nayeon-unnie came to know each other. Is it
some kind of a secret?”

“No. I don’t think so.” Chaeyoung frowned. “I probably just got busy trying to adjust and learn the
ropes here. Didn’t you ask Nayeon-unnie?”

“Nope. I rather ask you. I doubt she’ll tell me the truth. I mean she will probably but I’m afraid
she’ll you know, add unnecessary details.” Sana answered shyly, not wanting to sound offensive.

The little cub nodded in understanding and laughed a little too loudly. It was something Nayeon
would exactly do or think of doing. The nurse wasn’t far from the truth and that was actually the
funny part. “I want to say that she won’t but I don’t want to lie either.”

The nurse couldn’t help but laugh at her reply as well. “Well, are you going to tell me?”

“Hmm…” Chaeyoung hummed, contemplating what can she share that was relevant but would not
dig up needless information about herself. It was not that she refuse to be honest but some
hesitations on opening up unreasonably still linger in her. Some things are better left forgotten and
never to be discussed anyways.

“Well, we got to know each other because of my little sister. You see, Nayeon-unnie was Tzu’s
kindergarten teacher and because my parents were too busy with work, I was the one who usually
fetch her home. Thankfully, her schedules aligned with mine but one time, I was going to be late
for two hours or so because of school works. I texted my parents but they didn’t reply and I had no
contacts at Tzuyu’s school. I was so worried for her so I ran like hell the moment I was free from
my school obligations but when I arrived at the school, she was not there.”

“Oh my god!” Sana gasped, her expressions matching the mood of the younger woman’s story. “I
would be so worried too and your parents have terrible parenting skills, no offense. So what did
you do?”

“I panicked of course. At first, I thought someone kidnapped my little sister so I quickly called my
parents but before I could say hello, my phone died. I rushed home then and to my surprise Tzuyu
was there, having a make-believe tea party with Nayeon-unnie.”

“So you mean, Nayeon was the one who took her to your home. It was sweet of her. Did she not
inform you or your parents?” Sana supplied.

“She did actually but it was my parents she texted. My parents just forgot to inform me. And after
that incident, we just got closer I believe. She actually lives just a few blocks away from ours. I
look up to her. She’s a great person, beautiful in and out.”

The little cub couldn’t help but smile, her deep dimple showing, at the memories she was relieving.
It was those days of peace that she miss the most and how easy it was to live back then. No threat
of being eaten or turning into a thing with no humanity left in it. The only dilemma she had was
how to pass her exams, what to write on her essay, and what to wear next time when she and her
handful of friends decide to hang out. How drastically it had changed over the years.

However, Sana, being her, mistook the smile for something a bit more scandalous. She recognized
the adoration in the younger woman’s voice and in her warped mind, it turned into a confession of
someone who’s head over heels in love. Giddily, she decided to interrogate the younger woman to
satiate her curiosity.

“You like her, don’t you?”

“Like who?” Chaeyoung asked clearly confused and clueless where the question came from. It was
too sudden that she didn’t know how to react and here she thought, she’d been accustomed to the
randomness of the people she associated herself with. "What do you mean?

“Nayeon-unnie. You like her don’t you?” The nurse asked again, eyebrows wiggling up and down
and obviously feeling bolder.

“Of course, I like her. I just told you she’s a great person.” The little cub answered but still with a
frown etched on her face. It took her a minute or so to realize what the nurse really meant and
rushed to explain. The ridiculous smile on Sana’s face made her believe she was somewhat

However, a certain black-haired woman wearing a red scarf around her neck had heard it already
and the revelation somehow suddenly damped her mood, making her grasp the doorknob tighter
than what was necessary. She had been listening, more like eavesdropping on their conversation,
and had been standing outside the door for quite a while. She heard parts of the story and got
intrigued. But she didn’t know that it would only lead her to feel a little resentment on a woman
famous for her bunny smile and narcissistic tendencies and whom she was starting to like too. She
didn’t know where the feeling was coming from either but she didn’t stick around to find out. It
was upsetting already and she was only there to pick up the two for lunch anyway, she could just
ask some else to do it. If only she did though, nothing would have been complicated. Oblivious
Chaeyoung clarified what she truly meant after she left.

“Of course, I like Nayeon-unnie but not in a like-like way. I only see her as an older sister and
someone I recognize as a strong person.”
Beat Me Up, Buttercup

Tzuyu had always been best described as a bright kid. At the age of three, she could count numbers
almost effortlessly and memorized the alphabet. Simple math problems were never a challenge to
her as well. Some even claimed her perception level was way beyond her age. A perfect example
was how she prefer geographic channels over Disney and science books over fairytales. But adults
and their overly complicated actions never fail to stupefy the little girl, it was hard for her to easily
comprehend just like how her two unnies were acting at that moment.

“Are they mad at each other, unnie? They seem like it. Shouldn’t we stop them?” Tzuyu
tentatively asked Momo who was sitting beside her. Both of them had been closely watching
Nayeon and Mina on their sudden sparring session and somehow things got a little intense. The
attacks they attempt and the moves they execute began to look more aggressive. It’s been an hour
since they started and there was no sign of them stopping any time soon.

Momo, however, was not sure either. They just finished cleaning up the dine hall after a somewhat
uncomfortable lunch. When Mina, the primary source of negative aura, suddenly asks their eldest
member for a training match. Not thinking much about it Nayeon accepted the offer and had even
arrogantly asked if they would use weapons. Jihyo voiced out her objection at first yet soon
relented, not without discreetly asking the oldest member of the Japanese line to keep an eye on
them. Needless to say, she accepted but didn’t know it would be a grave mistake on her part and
she had unknowingly dragged a poor child with her who was starting to notice the difference
between a sparring match and a fight to the death.

“Yes they’re mad and yes they’re killing each other and no we can’t. You are too young to die and
I’m too lazy to intervene,” was what Momo really wanted to say but there was no way she could
tell that to a child. Lying was her best option. “No, they are just more focus than usual. This always
happens. It’s not a big deal.”

Tzuyu only nodded doubtfully and turned her attention back to the two women who were still
engaged in hand-to-hand combat. She noticed Nayeon’s lips were starting to bleed and bruises had
already formed on her arms while Mina’s face was still unblemished though she was panting hard.
It was not the first time she had to watch the members train but what she was witnessing was not
even close to what she had seen before.

Things only become worse as more minutes passed, the two seemed to have an abundance of
stamina despite brawling for quite a long time. Momo, on the other hand, was still trying to
formulate a plan to safely stop them without having to endanger her own well-being. She also had
to usher Tzuyu away from the scene which was probably what she should have prioritized earlier.
Deciding she should not wait longer, the peach girl took action.

“Aren’t you bored with all this kicking and punching? Would you not like to play with your sister
instead? I heard she’s in the clinic with Sana and Dahyun. Maybe Dahyun still has more oreos left
to share with you?” Momo, in the sweetest voice she could muster, urged the little girl while gently
pulling her up to her feet and steering her in the direction of the door. She knew Tzuyu was aware
of what she was doing but thankfully she was met with no resistance. After savoring the relief of
having one less problem to tackle, she turned around to face what should have been considered a
suicide mission - in her opinion anyway.

“This is your fault, Jihyo. You knew this would happen.”

“You could have asked Jeongyeon or even a more capable Chaeyoung to do this but you choose

“And poor gullible me thought it would be okay. But no, you had to choose me. Now I have to
resign myself to the inevitable visit to Sana later or never.”

The Japanese woman muttered to herself as she slowly creeps toward the two people who were still
focused on beating each other up, not even minding her who was a bundle of nerve. Reaching the
point of no return, she took a deep breath and tackled Mina who looked less worse for wear.

“Jihyo! You’ll never hear the end of it if I live through this.”


Nayeon prided herself for being knowledgeable in terms of combat and had proven it many times.
She was the one who taught Jeongyeon on fighting bare-handed while also guiding Jihyo on her
weapon training in the early days of the disaster. Chaeyoung had training and lessons from her as
well, look how she turned out to be. It was all because of the influence of her parents who were
both ex-soldiers before they retired. She once thought of pursuing the Military herself to follow her
parents’ footsteps but settled on teaching which she found, was her true calling.

But at that moment, while facing Mina and her barrage of punch and kicks. The eldest occupant of
the HQ could not help but feel helpless and confused. Even though she had landed some of her
attacks, most of her attempts were predicted by the Japanese beauty while she could hardly see the
latter’s movement. Jeongyeon had once told her about the woman’s unparalleled skills but she did
not expect almost all of her techniques would be rendered useless against her. It was overwhelming
at the same time humiliating. It was a real blow to her confidence but excitement also filled her
system. The fight she involved herself showed her what she lack and grounded her again. However,
what truly bothered Nayeon more was how fierce Mina was being to her. It was supposed to be
only a sparring session, a test of strength that is why she agreed with not much fuss but her
supposed to be training partner was taking it too far. The heaviness of her blows and the multiple
bruises she had obtained from it was a clear indication.

“Did I do something to you?” Nayeon grunted as she gently massage her jaw to ease the pain the
woman in front of her dealt. It hurt like hell yet her pride prevented her from whining about it. It
was not the first punch she had taken anyways but it was probably one of the hardest. “You are not
holding back.”

“No, unnie. This is just training.” Mina replied while assuming her striking posture once again.
“I’m always this serious when it comes to training.”

“Training, my ass.” Nayeon countered. “You look like someone who got their lover stolen and you
are taking it out on me.”

The insinuation shook the Japanese woman’s composure as Chaeyoung’s smiling face suddenly
popped up in her head. The little cub was really affecting her since their last interaction, in ways no
one had ever done before and she does not even have one reason to answer why. One thing she was
sure of was, it irked her when she heard the little cub confess liking Nayeon. She was quick to
dismiss all those thoughts though and regained her usual calmness. Taking a deep breath, Mina
rushed to Nayeon with clear intent to knock the daylights out of the older woman but before she
could reach her, a body collided with hers.

Ignoring the pain caused by the collision, Mina instinctively rolled to her back and threw her
assailant up into the air, doing an improvise Judo counter-throw then rushed back to her feet. She
intended to follow it up with a kick to the gut but stopped herself when she recognized who it was.

The poor woman whose name was mentioned could only groan in discomfort as she lay on the
ground. She had expected it to happen but it didn’t make it any less painful, her fellow Japanese
was surely frightening when triggered. “No, you don’t know me. I’m Sorrow-ing. I only feel
sorrow for my existence right now. This is what I get for trying to be a reasonable and stopping a

Mina rushed to help the whining woman back to her feet and dusted off the dirt on her clothes
while repeatedly saying sorry. “You startled me, Momo. I’m really sorry. Are you hurt? Should I
take you to Sana?”

“Funny, did I startle you too when you punched my precious face like I was one of those vile
creatures? At one point I thought you were really trying to kill me.” Nayeon, who was evenly
shocked but somewhat thankful for the intervention, sarcastically interjected.

Mina suddenly felt apologetic and shocked for her unreasonable behavior when she noticed,
thoroughly noticed, the battered state of the older woman for which she was responsible. She really
had no idea what came to her and how her emotion got the better of her judgment. Thinking there
was only one way to show remorse, the Japanese woman inhaled deeply and offered. “I’m really
sorry. I just…I got carried away, I guess. You can beat me up, unnie. I won’t move. This is the
only way I know how I can show my sincere apology. See this as my punishment and please do not

“You should learn to control yourself. Other members, well Chae or probably Jeong might, but the
rest I’m not sure if they could handle your attacks. I barely had time to react much less to strike
back. They could be seriously injured.” Nayeon snorted while throwing a stern look at the younger

“I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you, unnie and I’m sorry again. You can start whenever.” The
Japanese beauty responded, her resolve to be a punching bag much more firm. “You can join too,
Momo. My horrible actions led you to be hurt too. I’m really sorry.”

“Really? You won’t hit back?” Momo questioned and when Mina confirmed it with a smile, she
excitedly popped her knuckles only to freeze when she saw Nayeon glaring at her. “Just joking.
Why so serious?”

“Setting all this aside, you are really strong and I’m glad we have someone like you in our group.
It’s kind of reassuring but also frightening. You can singlehandedly turn this HQ upside down if
you want to and no one would be able to stop you.” Nayeon told the younger Japanese who was
staring down on her feet, looking ashamed and reprimanded.

“I will never do that. I promised Jihyo I will protect everyone and I consider this place my home.”
Mina murmured, still not lifting her head up. It was not hard to understand how Nayeon came up
with that idea. She just crazily displayed her capabilities, though not yet with a weapon it was not
hard to surmise, she was just as skilled. Sometimes even she was scared of her skills.

“Good to know.” Nayeon answered then without warning, she gave Mina a hard punch to the face.
“Now we're even.”

Momo who was reeling from being thrown to the ground a while ago could only gasp loud when
she saw her fellow Japanese take the punch. Believing it would kick off another round of trading
kicks and punches, she boldly put herself in between the two and closed her eyes tight while
whispering. “Please don’t let me die.”

Minutes ticked by but none of the usual sounds of a scuffle was heard. Slowly taking a peak, the
peach woman was met with silence. Sighing in relief, Momo looked around only to see Nayeon
limping her way to the door while Mina was sprawled on the ground, staring at nothing in
particular. “What happened?”

“Nothing, I just now feel bad and confused. I will probably be on dishwashing duties for a whole
week if not for a month.” The other Japanese in the room groaned in dismay while putting an arm
over her eyes.
From Patrolling to Mourning?


Chaeyoung didn’t know if she should be overjoyed or frightened when she received the news from
Jihyo that she was to accompany Jeongyeon for patrolling assignment later that afternoon. She was
finally given an essential task and not a meager one like what she had been doing for the last week.
It was finally time for her to truly prove her worth and show her skills. Moping the hallway floor
every other day was boring her to death and following Dahyun wherever can be a bit exhausting.
She finds the unusually pale girl amusing but there’s a limit on how many times she wants to hear
about chocolates and sweet pastries. If it was possible to get Diabetes just by listening, she
probably was in desperate need of insulin by now.

However, taking on the task also meant leaving the safety of the HQ and risk being injured again
outside and many other possibilities which she rather not think of. It’s been weeks since she last
saw what lies behind the walls after she and her sister were rescued. Add the unusual behaviors
and movement patterns of the monsters she once thought she was already familiar with, anyone
would be shaken. It was overwhelming but one thing the little cub had come to realize and could
proudly declare was - she was undeniably a fighter. The skills she possess and had mastered were
not something to sneer at. She was also aware that she had to earn their keeps if she and her sister
want to stay.

Considering all that, the young woman went to don her gears and grab her favorite sniper rifle. She
wanted to look for Tzuyu first to tell her about her newly appointed task but the young kid was
nowhere to be found, not where she usually hang out anyways. Luckily, they already had discussed
the possibility of Chaeyoung participating in such tasks and her sister took it well. A lot of tears
were shed and her persuasion skills were put to test but it end relatively well.

Deciding it would take time to search for her sister, she just wrote a note and leave it on her
bedside table before meeting Jeongyeon outside who looked nowhere near as anxious as she was.
The older woman even showed up poised and confident. A clear sign of her broad experience
unlike her who was a nervous wreck. She was not a newbie when it comes to killing homunculi but
she had never deliberately tried to hunt one. She tried to avoid confronting it as much as possible,
thinking more of Tzuyu’s safety than hers.

Thus, after a quick nod as a sign of greeting and more equipment check, they set off into the
gloomy forest to start their patrol.

“Sana told me you know more about plants than her. Let’s put it to good use while we’re outside.”
Jeongyeon casually stated while leading the way.

Chaeyoung nodded, anticipating her knowledge would come up in their conversation sooner or
later and she was not mistaken. It was actually convenient for her. She really had no idea what to
talk about with the taller woman. It was their first time to be alone since she got recruited and she
was starting to feel awkward.

“I’ll try my best.”

Fortunately, the other woman seemed to be in a chatty mood. “Tzuyu seems to like flowers and
plants too. Were you planning to be a botanist or something like that?”

“No, my mother was. I just had too much spare time when I was a kid and read a lot of their
books.” The younger woman answered almost in a whisper while roaming her sight around the
unfamiliar surroundings. She spotted the huge trees covering the HQ and was amazed by the
ingenuity of whoever had designed and thought of its creation. It made her gasp in astonishment.
The place was perfectly concealed behind the curtain of wide trunks and thousands of leaves.

“Figures, you don’t look like the studious type though,” Jeongyeon replied as she observe her
companion through her peripheral vision. Noticing the admiration on the younger woman’s face
and following her stare, she couldn’t help but feel proud and brag about their safe haven. “It’s
something, isn’t it? I had the same reaction when I first saw this place too.”


“What do you mean who?” Jeongyeon asked, raising a brow at Chaeyoung’s vague question and
her surprisingly timid behavior around her. “And please chill, I don’t bite.”

“That’s not what I heard.” The young woman muttered to herself, knowing it would not be good
for her health if she voiced it out loud. Instead, she selected a safer approach by asking. “I mean,
who built it? Do you know?”

“I actually have no idea. We found this place after we fled from the overcrowded city. The chaos
was getting into people’s brains and most of those people gradually lost their humanity. You know
what happened after. They got violent and start taking what they want by force so we decided to
pack up and leave. We stumbled upon this place and the rest was history.”

“We? As in?”

“Nayeon, Jihyo, and yours truly.”

“I don’t mean to pry but what about your parents?” Chaeyoung tentatively asked. She knew it was
a delicate topic but she didn’t want the conversation to die just yet, her curiosity would not allow it.

“I only had my Dad back then but he died trying to protect me and our café which was his bread
and butter. It was brave of him and I will forever be grateful for what he did.” Jeongyeon
responded but not without taking a deep breath. It was years ago but the memories were still fresh
in her mind. She wasn’t shy about sharing it nevertheless. True, it was sad and tragic but the
respect and love she feel for her late Dad outweighs it all. He died trying to save what he love the
most and succeeded. If it wasn’t the noblest way to go, she doesn’t know what is.

The younger woman wanted to hit herself for being insensitive and suddenly felt like an idiot. “I’m
really sorry for asking.”

Shrugging her broad shoulders, the adviser spared the little cub from the awkwardness by patting
her on the shoulders lightly. “It’s okay. You can just tell me about your life story sometime later
than and we can call it even. Call?”

It successfully put a grateful smile on Chaeyoung’s face and made her sigh in relief. “Call.”

The other woman could not help but chuckle at their exchange but turned serious shortly upon
seeing a familiar Danger signpost. “The clearing is just up ahead. We just have to reach the outpost
near the river bank and from there we walk westwards. Mina and Dahyun covered the other side
last night. We have to be careful from here on out. I probably don’t have to remind you but do keep
your eyes and ears open. You know our situation.”

Her younger companion only responded with a tense nod, demeanor also changing from timid to
resolute in an instant. The battle-hardened side of her appearing, a clear product of years of
struggling and fighting to survive. It was not surprising, to say the least, but it was a sight to
behold, seeing how the little cub held her precious rifle with ease and expertise like it was a part of
her body. She haven’t seen her in action yet but the shooting session against Dahyun which she had
witnessed told her enough. Jihyo made the right call to recruit her and she felt more at ease with
the cub on her side.

However, nothing could prepare them for what they were about to encounter upon reaching the
river. If only they knew…if only they knew…


Tzuyu had known it was just a matter of time before her sister would be included on the rotation of
scouting duties. The siblings had talked about it beforehand and the bright kid grudgingly accepted
it as part of their responsibilities, well mostly Chaeyoung’s for now. She may be young but not
naïve and she was observant. Sooner or later, she would make it to the selection list as well. If she
were lucky enough to remain alive, that is.

However, as she hold the note Chaeyoung left in her little hands while watching Jihyo figure out
where the pieces of the puzzle they had been working on for an hour fit. Tzuyu can’t shake off the
worry building up in her heart. It was the first time she was separated from her sister since they got
into the HQ anyways. It was nothing but a natural reaction. But something was different in what
she was feeling, she just couldn’t point out what was it though.

And despite Jihyo’s many attempts to assure that Jeongyeon was with her and that they were more
than capable of keeping each other safe. The fear in the little kid’s eyes never lessen and only
intensified as the minute went by. She was aware of her sister’s skills, they wouldn’t survive long
enough to meet the others if not for the latter. Also, she trusts their adviser even though not know
much about the woman, she just knows she’s dependable.

But the nagging thoughts that something bad was about to happen wouldn’t let her be at ease.
Helpless, she carefully turned to her Jihyo-unnie. Truthfully, she doesn’t want to be a bother but
she just had to be reassured once more. “Unnie? They will come back safe, right?”

Jihyo, as the leader, probably was the one who understand the kid most. She was the one who
decided to make Chaeyoung the scout for the night. She’s responsible not just for the young
woman’s life but also for her precious friend who she asked to be some sort of mentor. And it
couldn’t be helped, it had been part of their system to survive since the establishment of the group.
Every member had their fair shares of scouting experiences and it was just the little cub’s turn. She
also had one more reason why she picked the young woman specifically that night. A problem
involving her confused Japanese friend. But it was a matter to be discussed, more preferably later.
She had a cute girl to comfort and distract first.

“Don’t worry too much Tzu. We just have to believe in them and like I said, Jeongyeon is with her.
She would not let anything happen to your sister. They will both come back later in one piece. In
the meantime, help me finish this puzzle. I’m about to lose my mind here.” Jihyo replied, trying to
lighten up the mood.

Tzuyu only nodded weakly and started picking up random pieces of the puzzle. A part of her
wanted to believe in Jihyo’s words but a more dominant part of her was wreaking havoc inside her.
It was screaming that her sister was in danger. But choosing to ignore it, she focused on the task at
hand by helping the leader with the puzzle.

Jeongyeon couldn’t find a word to describe what she was feeling. She was impressed but also
overwhelmed by the amount of useful information the little cub was throwing at her. There was no
way she could memorize it all and her companion was spitting names of plants and their medicinal
uses at a speed she had no idea was humanly possible. She also had no idea that valuable plants
and flowers were abundant around their HQ. Sana can be considered well-informed but the young
woman was a genius. Slack-jawed and mind about to explode from an overload of details, the tall
blonde woman had to stop Chaeyoung for her to catch her bearings somehow.

“Wait, kiddo! Breath. I know I need one. I didn’t know you could rap.”

Chaeyoung straightened up after carefully picking the red cardinal flower. She had to avoid getting
any sap to make contact with her skin, no one wants to suffer from skin irritation. Then turning to
the older woman, she showed what she found with a wide smile on her face. “Unnie, this one is
most useful for us. I mean we can use the leaves to cure some common sickness while the roots
can actually be a remedy for cramps and stomach aches. You have to boil it first of course but I
read once that it was really effective.”

No energy to be surprised anymore, the adviser just smiled and nodded. “That’s good to know. We
can harvest it tomorrow when it is safer. Let’s get going. Don’t let your guard down.”

“Okay, unnie.”

Regaining their vigilance, the two diligently continued on patrolling the area. Darkness already
claimed most of their paths and it was getting hard to roam around with only their flashlights as a
source of illumination. Luckily, they were only a few breathes away from the river. The sound of
rushing water and the moisture in the air was evidence enough. They were also right on schedule
despite Chaeyoung’s enthusiasm in pointing out different plants and flowers early on. They haven’t
encountered any homunculi as well. It had been smooth sailing so far but Jeongyeon still reminded
Chaeyoung not to be complacent, they were outside after all. Many possibilities should always be
put in perspective. And the more experienced woman was proven correct because the moment they
reached their first stop, they saw a gruesome sight.

“Unnie, what is that?”

There was no way the taller blonde could come up with any relevant answer for even she was
dumbfounded. It was her first time to see such a monstrosity. A homunculus standing in estimated
8 to 9 feet tall was never heard before and the size of its body was just as intimidating, not to
mention the spikes sticking out from its back and the long sharp teeth on its humongous mouth.
What was more startling was it looked like it was feasting on one of its kind. She wanted to take a
picture for future reference and evidence but was afraid the flash would only catch its attention and
most probably attack them.

“I have no idea and have no plans of knowing it right now. We have no information about this one.
It would be better if we discuss this with the rest first. Retreat silently, do not attract its attention.”

“I agree Unnie. I have never seen such a huge monster before. Do you think it’s an evolved one?”
Chaeyoung whispered as she slowly back away from the hair-raising scene as silent as a cat.

“Move, Chae. Let’s discuss that thing at a more safe distance. We don’t know if its hearing is just
as good as the normal ones or more enhanced.” Jeongyeon answered in the same manner, almost
just mouthing the words while she gently push the little cub and motioning for her to make haste
without looking back. She was confident in their stealth and the monster didn’t seem to notice
Unfortunately, due to the unknown origin and characteristics of the homunculi, they just saw. Both
of them had disregarded one fatal possibility, it was only because no report ever claimed a specie
of its kind had surpassed the capabilities of a human regarding this certain aptitude. The monster
developed a keen sense of smell much more effective than dogs and the whiff of their scent mixing
in the night humid air, alerted it which wasted no time in pursuing its next target.

Chaeyoung, thanks to her superb hearing skills, caught its low growl that made every hair on her
small frame stood. Warning bells started ringing in her head and when she finally turned in its
direction. She couldn’t help but let out a scream before instinctively firing her rifle in a futile
attempt to delay its approach. “It’s chasing us!”

Hearing the scream of her companion, Jeongyeon reacted fast and fired her rifle as well but it had
no effect whatsoever. The thickness of its skin was just as overwhelming as its appearance, almost
only a handful of bullets penetrated while most just bounced off its body. It resembled an
indestructible metal tank. “This is useless.”

Leaving with no course of action, the adviser pulled out a box from her backpack and tear off the
label that says Emergency Only. And despite her shaking hands, she hastily grabbed the item
inside then without thinking much, she yanked the safety pin and throw it towards the homunculi.
“Chaeyoung, get cover!”

A moment later, a deafening explosion occurred. Spreading dust, dirt, and metal shrapnel all
around. It was a high explosive grenade, one the adviser always bring whenever she went for
patrolling duties. Better safe than sorry, she always says. And thinking the monster would be
decapitated or at least gravely injured, Jeongyeon could not help but let out a whoop of excitement.
It was also probably because she finally had used her special weapon. “Take that you freakish

“You have HE grenade in your bag the whole time?” Chaeyoung, who had to jump over a thorny
bush just to reach the safety of the wide tree trunk, shouted incredulously while approaching. She
could feel some of the thorns had pierced her skin and it was starting to bleed. She ignored it
nonetheless. The woman in front of her deserves some lecture first. “And you just had to warn me
seconds before you threw it! What if I got caught in the explosion?”

“I know you wouldn’t.” Jeongyeon grinned innocently before putting her arms over the shorter
woman’s shoulder. “Plus it saved us. Didn’t it? What do you think? Unnie is awesome right?”

The little cub couldn’t help but shake her head in disbelief but due to her companion’s giddiness, a
smile appeared on her face. “Where did you even get one of those?”

“It’s for me to know and for you to find out.”

Laughter then erupted from the two women. High from their victory over a fierce predator, they
even goofed around and mimicked their previous reactions when they were being chased up to the
moment Jeongyeon threw the grenade.

“You have no idea how scared I was when I saw it started running toward us, unnie. I don’t want
to experience anything like it soon.”

“Me neither. I had to use my secret weapon but at least we destroyed it. I can’t wait to brag about
this on Nayeon.”

However, their celebration was soon cut short, and fear replaced any positive feeling they just had
a while ago. Because when the dust settled, the monster who they thought was reduced to pieces
emerged from it, seemingly still in one piece but angrier and more dangerous. And without a
warning, it went charging towards the taller blonde woman as if knowing it was the one who had
tried to kill it but due to the close proximity of Chaeyoung, she too was hit by the monster’s flailing
arms and was thrown away.

Everything happened fast and none of the girls had time to react. The two could do nothing but
receive the attack. The homunculi then proceeded to pounce on Jeongyeon and assault her
viciously till successfully biting a part of her shoulder, making the woman howl in excruciating

Hearing the cries of the adviser, the little cub struggled to get back on her feet to help only to freeze
when she looked up and realized what happened. “No. This can’t be. No way…”

Everyone knew it was one thing to be killed but it was far worse to be bitten and Jeongyeon with
her years of experience, knew it very well. So after pushing the homunculi with all her might and
ignoring the pain on her shoulder, she turned to Chaeyoung all calm and beautiful before cracking
a bright smile. “It’s okay kiddo. You don’t have to worry. I got this. Just run.”
A Pea's Plea


If you ever ask Dahyun what she thought of Mina, she would answer Mysterious in a heartbeat.
She and Sana arrived at the HQ just a month before the Japanese beauty was found by Jeongyeon
and Jihyo after a patrol. It was over a year ago yet none of the members still fully know their
strongest member. Even Momo who had been mostly her partner whenever the need to venture
outside the base arise is still clueless. The woman was just too shrouded in secrets from the tip of
her toe to the top of her head. It’s was not that no one had bothered to ask before, it was just that
Mina was always tight-lipped about her past. Well, practically on everything that concerns her life.

Nonetheless, the pale girl could not and would never disregard Mina’s contributions to their little
rag-tag group. The first time she saw the capabilities of the woman and how she can deal with the
monsters with ease and finesse was still embedded in her mind like it just happened the other day
ago. She also could not even count how many times the Japanese had saved her life and the other
members proved her worth. All of them were indebted to her and had learned to trust her in their
own little ways. It was probably one of the reasons why they had respected the Japanese’s silence
and choice to not reveal anything about her past. The woman had given them no reason to doubt
her loyalty to them and to their cause.

One thing she could complain about the older woman’s personality though, was sometimes the
woman was just too quiet. It never hurt to speak and talk about anything random. And as a grown
woman with an active mind and imagination, not talking for a long period of time is a kind of
torture. Just like at the present, she was stationed outside to be somewhat of a lookout for anything
that got past the scouting party and Mina had volunteered to accompany her. It was not surprising
anymore. Anything related to their safety, best believe the woman would be usually present. It was
just one of the commendable traits of the woman. But still, Dahyun couldn’t stop fidgeting around,
she long for a decent conversation. There were supposed to not fall asleep and yet as the moon
continue its descent, she felt her eyes grow heavier and heavier. The stillness of everything around
her was just making it harder for her to fight the sleepiness.

It was also a mystery how Mina remained silent since they started the guarding duties. Well, the
Japanese were usually quiet but it was different that night. And it was not due to the lack of attempt
from Dahyun though, she had tried really hard to come up with a topic. She had blurted out
everything her mind had supplied, just straying away from anything personal.

“Mina-unnie heard you got into a little scuffle with Nayeon-unnie. What happened?”

“Mina-unnie, you like chocolates too right? What if you know, could ask for Jihyo’s permission to
plant a cocoa tree in our garden?”

“Mina-unnie, what do you prefer guns or swords?”

“Mina-unnie, do you know anything about constellations? The night sky is clear tonight. Do you
like stargazing?”

“Mina-unnie, do you pee?”

It was all a nice attempt, desperate but nice attempts. However, Mina who seemed to be too
engrossed in her own thoughts just merely shrugged her shoulders as a reply. And Dahyun, who
had drastically lost the will to even try anymore just sighed in frustration and slumped in defeat.
Then, proceeding to mimic her companion by staring into the dark woods in agonizing silence.

“How I wish Sana could be here?”

Unbeknownst to the pale girl, Mina was just too worried for Chaeyoung to even function normally.
Ever since she overheard Sana talking to Dahyun about the little cub being appointed to do the
patrolling duties, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that something bad was about to happen. And
despite her awareness that Jeongyeon accompanied the new recruit as a mentor, her heart and mind
couldn’t be at ease. She didn’t know why she was feeling that way but there was only one way to
find out. It was why she had stayed outside as a guard on duty as well. She had planned to
volunteer that night anyway. Things just made her even more alert and focus on the task.

The Japanese were also restraining herself from going after the patrolling party. She knew it would
not go well if she give in to the urge. Her sudden appearance will probably confuse the two and
besides any alibi, she could come up with only make her sound conceited or in doubt of
Jeongyeon’s reliability and Chaeyoung’s skills. She has no intention to piss off any of them further
since the two haven’t really been informed about her little conflict with Nayeon. Mina was aware
of their closeness with the eldest member and was already anticipating an earful of insults or most
probably a punch to the face from either Jeongyeon or Chaeyoung. So the woman had no choice
but to wait and just be prepared if anything does happen.

Her intuition was proven accurate though when from a distance, she heard an explosion. And in an
instant Mina was on her feet, grabbing her bag and rifle. She was about to run in that direction
when a hand on her arm stopped her from leaving.

“Mina-unnie! Wait! We need to report this to Jihyo first. You can’t just go there blindly. What if
they are just another surviving group and it’s a trap to lure us out?” Dahyun, who was internally
shaken by the sudden explosion, still calmly tried to reason out with the Japanese. However, she
wasn’t anticipating the incoming outburst from the other woman who had been silent a while ago.

“No! I know it’s them. Jeongyeon always brings a grenade with her. It’s only for emergency
Dahyun! She will never use it unless it’s necessary.” Mina rebutted, gritting her teeth in annoyance.
She was getting impatient. Every second count and the more the younger woman stall her the more
their two scouting members could be in imminent danger.

Dahyun refused to budge and quickly thought of clever ways to restrain the older and stronger
woman. She end up with one and it involved a knife and some stabbing on two legs. It was clearly
a death wish but there was no way she could outwrestle the Japanese into submission with her
pitiful arms and strength. Luckily, she didn’t have to do it. Jihyo arrived with the rest of the
members looking fearful and concerned.

“What was that?” The leader asked the stationed guards. “We heard an explosion.”

“I believe Jeongyeon used her special weapon,” Mina answered in a hurried tone. “And you know
what it means. I’m going after them.”

“And I am trying to stop her, unnie. I told her to reconsider the situation first. It may be a trap or
some sort of deliberate plan like what we talked about at the last meeting.” Dahyun interjected,
still not letting go of the Japanese beauty.

The leader looked at the two then at the direction of the explosion where a cloud of smoke can
already be seen, contemplating the best course of action. She desperately wanted to ask Mina to
assess the situation of Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung but there was the possibility that Dahyun may be
correct too. It would be a hard blow to them if they lose their Ace member but it had always been
critical to not lose any of their members.

A soft tugging at the hem of her shirt interrupted her thoughts and when Jihyo looked down she
noticed Tzuyu with tear-filled eyes. The little girl’s hand was shaking as well and was clearly
fighting the impulse to cry.

“Unnie, my sister is okay. Right? She will come back safe, right?”

Those words and those actions from the youngest occupant of the HQ erased all the doubts in the
members, replacing it with a renewed urgency to save their comrades. A small gesture from a small
child but it impacted each one of them. Even Dahyun had let go of Mina’s arms immediately and
turned to Jihyo to wait for whatever the leader decided.

“Okay, Mina you can go but take Momo with you. She’s the only one who can possibly keep up
with you in terms of running. Dahyun and the rest, keep guard. Report any sign of intrusion or
attack as quickly as possible. Sana prepare the infirmary and take Tzuyu with you. Be prepared if
we ever need your assistance.” Jihyo commanded voice firm and collected, finally showing real
proof why she was appointed the leader.

The command was met with a series of confirmations but there was an exception.

“No. It’s better if I go alone.” Mina suggested while wrapping her red scarf tighter around her neck.

“I’m coming with you.” Nayeon, who had been silently observing the whole exchange suddenly
spoke. “Jeongyeon is my friend too. I want to be there too if she needs my help.”

“I can’t allow that Nayeon-unnie. You are still not hundred-percent fully healed.” Jihyo opposed,
turning to face the eldest. “I just got you back. I don’t want to lose you again.”

“But Jeongyeon…” Nayeon said, her voice trailing off as she noticed tears discreetly fall from
Jihyo’s eyes.

“Jihyo’s right. You have to stay and Momo too. Don’t worry, I am going to do my very best to
bring back both of them alive.” Mina interjected before throwing a smirk at the older woman she
had exchanged fists early on. “Besides I need someone who I trust to keep the others safe while
I’m gone.

Nayeon, not one to be outdone, returned with an even more exaggerated smirk. “Well if you put it
like that. Who am I to disagree with? They are in very capable hands just keep your end of the

The beautiful Japanese woman just snorted before sprinting off into the dark woods, carrying the
promise of saving the little cub and their neat-freak adviser. She had no intention to fail, knowing a
sweet girl and the rest was waiting for their safe comeback. Clutching on the hidden scar near her
clavicle, she swore to do everything she possibly can even if it meant revealing her innermost dark

One woman was very confused from the turn of events though, it was Momo who had thought she
was going with Mina so she quickly ran back to her quarters and grabbed her gears but when she
went back to the front door. There was no woman with the red scarf to be found.

“Guess I’m staying?”

Chapter Notes

TW: Mentions of suicide, violence


Perhaps Chaeyoung had gone mad or had lost every ounce of her rationality because instead of
running to safety like any sane person would do, the young woman did the opposite. Discarding her
rifle and opting to take a chance with her sharp dagger, she bravely charged towards the unknown
homunculi after the initial shock of what had transpired faded. Without a plan or a tactic
whatsoever, she just desperately wants to reach the adviser’s side. It was no doubt a foolish move
but she could care less. And despite her awareness that Jeongyeon was already bitten and the
possibility of her being infected was high, she still refuse to turn her back and leave the woman
whom she had come to admire in their short time together behind

Jeongyeon, of course, had frantically screamed her objection. Colorful words came out of her
mouth in an attempt to persuade the little cub to face the other way. She didn’t want the younger
woman to waste any more time nor energy on her. She was already a lost cause and she, herself,
had given up. There was no other way but to accept her inevitable end. “Are you insane? Run back
to HQ! You are not strong enough to handle this one. Run! You fool!”

But it all fell on deaf ears. Chaeyoung just focused more on distracting the monstrosity in front of
them, wanting to redirect its attention to her and away from the injured adviser. And by using her
slight speed advantage due to her petite frame, she maneuvered left to right successfully dodging its
swinging arms. She had tried to slash its leg quite a handful of times yet to her annoyance, it only
left a scratch. “That’s not fair, you ugly monster!”

“See?! You are no match against it!” the older woman shouted again, resuming to voice out her
disagreement with the other woman’s reckless action. “Just run, stupidhead! It’s like a tank or a
bulldozer! Heck, even Mina probably can’t beat this one. It’s too strong. Please I don’t want you to
be here when I off –”

“I dare you to finish that sentence, unnie!” Chaeyoung in all sorts of frustration, retorted before
threateningly pointing her dagger in the adviser’s direction. “I just dare you and I’ll be the one to
do that myself. And can’t you just freaking move already? I gave you plenty of chances to get
behind me but you are just standing there, screaming like a banshee. We still have time, Sana or
Jihyo or even not so bright Momo can figure out something!”

Listening to the younger woman, a part of Jeongyeon wanted to believe every word of it. However,
she just knew it was too late. There was no reversing the effect of being bitten by a homunculus.
She estimate that before dawn she would surely turn and there was only one way to stop it - by
committing suicide. It was not the end she had pictured for herself. The tall woman thought she
could die in a flashy way like her father but there’s no helping it. Life can be cruel at times.

“Don’t delude yourself, kid. We have no time. Just go, think of Tzuyu. You still have a little sister
to take care of. Leave I can do this myself.”

The huge monster, as if agreeing with the adviser, let out a burst of maniacal laughter and started
pounding on the grassy ground to show more of its obvious glee. Making the two quickly look on
with disbelief and anticipation carving their faces, they had never seen such a creature acting like
the one in front of them – like a human teasing a powerless bug. But it had been weird all the while
because it never moved an inch from where it initially stood after Jeongyeon got bitten. It remained
near the woman as if guarding its prey or waiting for the latter to turn. It just kept on swatting
Chaeyoung away making it seem that the homunculi were just toying with them.

“Did the monster just mock us?” the little cub thought out loud while gripping her dagger tighter
than what was necessary. The hideous thing’s behavior triggered something deep inside of
Chaeyoung, awakening a part of her long asleep and making her unreasonably angry all of a
sudden. It was a peculiar feeling, one she had never experienced before, and it was accompanied by
a throbbing headache that she had completely ignored because of the circumstances. “Now I’m

“Forget it Chaeyoung! Just go!” The tall adviser pleaded once more but it sounded weaker than her
previous attempts. The loss of blood started to take effect with her vision beginning to blur and
body feeling heavier each passing second. “Just tell the others not to cry over this or else I’ll haunt
them every night.”

The other woman wasn’t having it though, a different side of her resurfacing. “Can’t you stop with
your negativity? I’m going to kill this freak of nature if that’s the last thing I’d do. It can just mock
me and get away with it unscathed. I’ll mince it to pieces. Watch me!”

With restored resolve, Chaeyoung swaggered towards the homunculi with no trace of the fear that
had consumed her earlier while Jeongyeon could only watch on astounded by the audacity of the
younger one’s claim. However, the latter couldn’t find her voice to tell her to stop. She felt
something drastically change within the little cub that made every hair on the back of her head
stand. It was just hard to pinpoint what it was exactly yet she just knew something was off about
the situation. And it didn’t help that she wasn’t also in her best condition to further observe. It was
getting tougher and tougher to keep herself upright due to the injury she had sustained then shortly,
she was on her knees, panting real hard and trying to remain conscious.

Because of that, Jeongyeon missed how the younger woman’s eyes flickered from obsidian black
to blood red and how she suddenly exude a different aura, making her seem possessed. Her
movements also became more precise and unhurried as if she was the one playing with the monster
then reversing the situation. Chaeyoung turned into something indecipherable even to herself. All
she knew was the urge to destroy the homunculi became too strong to fight. And if earlier her
attacks could only leave scratches, at that moment, her strength doubled up that every arching slash
she performed dealt sufficient damages which made the monster back away slowly. It was still
glaring at her with eyes equally as bloody red as hers, however, the change in behavior of the
menacing monster would give anyone whiplash. All of sudden, it shifted from a frightening
predator to cornered prey.

“Is this all an evolved one could do? You can’t even be a plaything of my queen and you dared
mocked me?”


Cold night breeze harshly brushed against the beautiful face of Mina as she sprinted through the
forest thrice faster than her usual pace when running with Momo. With only the faint moonlight
guiding her path and no one to act as a witness, the Japanese neglected the need to be cautious
anymore and mindlessly tapped on her secret abilities in her desperation to know the condition of
their scouting party. Heightened senses, quicker reflexes, incredible speed, and exceptional
strength. It was a part of herself she couldn’t easily just reveal to her fellow members. It would
surely change the way they see her despite the mutual trust they share. Luckily, her supposed to be
partner didn’t follow her which made it more convenient for her to use those skills freely.

Due to this, Mina had reached the river bank where she supposed the explosion took place in
record time. And her earlier worries were proven valid when the scent of fresh blood instantly
bombarded her senses. Wasting no time and with determination overflowing, she followed where
the stench was coming from and arrived at a scene no one could have possibly predicted. She first
found Jeongyeon almost lying on the ground, clutching her injured shoulder which filled the
Japanese with dread when she noticed the painful-looking bite mark left on that part. The adviser
was still breathing at least and thankfully Mina arrived in time, possessing the knowledge to save
her life.

The black-haired rescuer wanted to treat the older woman immediately but an astonishing sight
stopped her in her tracks. A few feet away, there stood Chaeyoung fending off an evolved
homunculi even her haven’t seen before. Using just a measly dagger but was still shockingly
overwhelming the monster probably five or six times her size. The recruit even looked bored or
unamused with her opponent. But what she heard next was what truly shook her very being the

“Is this all an evolved one could do? You can’t even be a plaything of my queen and you dared
mocked me?”

Mina froze upon hearing those words before diamond-shaped tears start freely rolling down from
her eyes. She couldn’t believe it was finally happening and she was there to witness it. Nobody
knew how many times she had wished for that moment and how long she had waited. All the days
she had suffered in silence, believing the younger woman had lost this side of her completely but
seemed it was simply hidden away, tucked in the deepest part of her mind.
“She’s finally awake.” the Japanese whispered, almost inaudible.

But the minuscule sound made by the woman was not missed by Chaeyoung who turned to the
direction of its source. And when she realized who the owner of the voice was, the young woman
smiled ever so brightly before bowing respectfully. “My queen, your presence has been most
Real You I


With laser focus, Dahyun, Jihyo and Nayeon guarded every corner their sight could reach. They
point their guns on any suspicious movement or sound they catch. The trio leave no openings for a
possible attack. Nayeon even wanted to scout the perimeter but it was automatically shut down by
the leader. Jihyo knew the eldest was just concern for their members who was still out in the forest
but she couldn’t take chances. There was no room for carelessness at that point. She was convinced
the homunculus were deliberately being lured to them, if not, she could not think any better excuse
why the sudden surge of sightings and attacks in their area. One thing she still have no idea though,
was why it was happening and who was behind it. Jihyo just couldn’t find the logical answer for it
and it was frustrating the leader each passing moment.

And it was not missed by Nayeon, the eldest had noticed the almost perpetual frown on her friend’s
face and how she would bite the corner of her lips constantly. She knew it was the appointed
leaders thinking face but there was nothing she could do about it. Conspiracies, puzzles and mind
boggling analysis was not her strong suit. She could come up with a decent strategy and plan for an
escape or attack but her mind could never keep up with solving mysteries. She’s more of the
action-type any way. All she could do was help lessen the tension and the burden of being the
leader in her own little ways.

“Hey Ji, your lips might bleed if you keep biting it hard and stop frowning, you don’t look like
Thomas the train anymore.” Nayeon started in a joking manner.

Jihyo, startled by the elder’s approach on her ticks and how observant she was, could only let a
deep sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m just thinking.”

“When are you not?” Dahyun interjected without letting her eyes stray away from the paths she
was guarding. “If you tell me you are thinking while you sleep, I would believe you in a

“If only that’s possible then I would have more time to think, Dahyunnie.” Jihyo retorted. “I just
couldn’t shake off this feeling that there is a reason why this is all happening. Now Jeongyeon had
used the grenade. It made me worried more on what kind of homunculi they had encountered for
her to resort to that”

“I’m still annoyed that ostrich didn’t bother to tell me that we have grenades here. I would have
been more active in this patrolling or scouting duties. I could easily blow up this freak of natures
with just one of those babies. Kaboom and poof!” The eldest among the three said, excitement
clear in her voice due to thoughts of using such explosives.

“That is probably why Jeongyeon-unnie does not want you to know.” Dahyun said without
knowing she had voice out her thoughts out loud. “She have no intention to nurture a future

Nayeon of course, upon hearing the youngest was quick to hit her on the back of her head. “Yah!
What did you say?”

The pale girl realizing what she had done hastily abandon her post and hid behind Jihyo who was
looking at the two like they were bunch of toddlers. “Jihyo-unnie! She’s bullying me.”
“Guys, focus. We have a situation here. Stop playing around.”

“I was one hundred focus before that girl as white as tofu blurted out something irrelevant.”
Nayeon countered, arms crossed over her chest while rolling her eyes at the antics of the youngest.
“She’s even glowing in the dark.”

“Bully!” Dahyun in retaliation, whisper-shouted enough for the older woman to hear. “You’re a

“That’s it! Jihyo. Hand me that Tofu. I’ll just teach her some manners and how to respect her
elders with no intentions to harm her or whatsoever. I’ll just mince her to pieces and fry her.”

“You’re old and you’re a bully.”

And due to this commotion. The trio missed the unnatural way Mina had arrived with unconscious
Jeongyeon in her back. Followed by a shadowy figure who stealthily entered the headquarters. The
former landing with finesse a few feet away behind the three stationed guards after jumping from a
three story high tree then waited in silence until they notice her presence. It was why the three
arguing woman had almost a heart attack when they had turned and saw her. The oldest even let
out a scream which she quickly hid with fake-coughing.

“Jeongyeon needs to rest. She had lost a lot blood but she will be fine.” Mina was the first to speak,
seeing the trio was still in shock.

Recovering first, Jihyo rushed to offer help and relieve the Japanese woman from carrying the
adviser. She asked Nayeon to help which the latter obliged with no hesitation but found out that
because their friend was unconscious at the moment, she became heavier than expected even with
the two of them lifting. Jeongyeon was not called “The brawns” for nothing. She was muscular and
had taller frame that both had let out a sudden grunt when she was passed on to them. This made
the leader threw an incredulous look at Mina who seemed unbothered by the added weight on her
back a while ago and had even made it seemed an easy task. She had no time to question her
though, their friend need some medical attention first.

“We’ll take care of her. Are you injured? You should probably go see Sana too.”

“No. I am fine.” Mina replied truthfully. “And Ji, there is something I want to tell you and others as

Jihyo, as clueless as she was, still nodded assertively. The tone of the Japanese making her suspect
it was a matter not to be discussed lightly. “Okay, Momo is probably with Sana and Tzuyu in the
infirmary. Is that a good place to talk or we can move to the meeting room.”

“It’s fine. Anywhere is as good as long as everyone’s there.”

“But wait, where is the little cub?” Nayeon upon noticing no trace of Chaeyoung interjected

“She’s inside already, probably showering.” Mina with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders
answered. “She wanted to freshen up badly after playing with the homunculi, her words not mine.”

“What?” Dahyun exclaimed. “How? We should have seen her.”

The Japanese beauty only shrugged again. “You were too distracted when we arrived.”

At that point, Jihyo just wanted to sleep and call it a day. She was glad the scouting party seemed
to be fine and she have Mina to probably thank for it. But the sudden ordeals pilling up had drained
the reliable leader with all the thinking of how’s and why’s she had done in a single night.

“I’m happy you guys are safe abut we should probably move Jeong to infirmary like what we
should have done moments ago. And we could proceed to the meeting there. I also need your full
report on the incident, Mina. I know we’re all tired but please bear with me.”

Mina nodded in affirmation while the rest follow the leader insider without knowing the secrets
that will soon be revealed can change their lives forever.


Chaeyoung knew should have been more calm and less arrogant with how she dealt with the
situation. She shouldn’t have demonstrated her newly recovered abilities in such an overwhelming
manner in front of the clueless members. And the disappointed look Mina was throwing at her only
made her feel even guiltier. The Japanese woman whom she mostly refer as her Queen had
brilliantly anticipated the scenario and she was already warned to stay patient. But of course, she
mostly did the opposite.

It all started when she walked, more like swaggered, into the infirmary fresh and wearing a clean
set of clothes. She instantly felt eyes follow her every move as she approach Mina who was on a
cot beside a sleeping Tzuyu. It did not fazed or alarmed the young woman though for she wasn’t
the wimpy kid she was once anymore who would cower with such attention. She had already
regained her true self and she never felt more free. Besides, the reaction she got was not actually
surprising, her sudden change of behavior was not something easily explained.

However, it was not what caught the attention of Jihyo and the rest of the members. It was the
smug attitude the little cub was sporting which was totally inappropriate in such a grave situation.
Sana had discovered the bite mark on Jeongyeon’s shoulder while cleaning the blood off the tall
adviser and it caused such a panic. Despite Mina’s claim that she would be okay, none of them
believed their friend would not turn into one of their enemies. No such miracle could happen. It
was a nightmare turned reality.

Nayeon was the most devastated by the news and could not fight the tears that streamed down her
eyes. She was blaming herself for not being there for the person she cherish the most and now they
were faced with the responsibility of ending Jeongyeon’s life before she became a homunculi.

“If only I was there. I could have done something…anything to save her.” The eldest murmured as
she held the unconscious adviser’s hand tightly against her chest. “If only I was there…”

And it went all down after that remark.

Chaeyoung, who was beginning to feel impatient with the way her Queen’s claim was easily being
dismissed by the others, quipped with irritation clear in her voice. “Even if you were there, you
could have done nothing. And haven’t you heard Mina? She said she will be okay. Stop the

“What did you say?” Nayeon asked in a serious tone while gently untangling her hand with
Jeongyeon and approach the little cub with her temper gradually rising. “I could have done
nothing? What about you? I see no bruise nor any sign of injury on you. Did you just hide while
she face the monster alone?”

“Haven’t you heard the reports yet? I was the one who killed the monster you were referring to.
Minced it to pieces actually.” The younger woman mocked. “Bet you couldn’t do that, Nayeon-
unnie. I have taken a liking on you because you have taken care of this vessel while it was living
like one of you but do not mistake that for gratitude. I could still easily take you down without
exerting much effort. And please wipe your snot, it’s not a pleasant sight.”

Shocked by the unfamiliar arrogance Chaeyoung was displaying and with her rationality clouded
by all the emotions she was feeling, Nayeon raged and threw a punch at the younger woman
aiming to wipe the insolence off her face. Brought about by her sadness and the despair of possibly
losing her precious friend, she snapped and Chaeyoung was just there or more likely she had it

However, her fist never reached its target. Nayeon briefly saw a hand tap her chest before she saw
herself flying across the room and hit the concrete wall. She felt no bones break but the impact
took a lot of her strength that she almost passed out right there and there. It was a struggle to
breathe evenly but she still managed to stand back up. And looking up, she saw Chaeyoung
walking towards her with a smirk on her face and her eyes turning a bloody red hue. “Who the hell
are you? You are not Chaeyoung!”

“Chaeyoung is on break at the moment.” The little cub answered then in a swift motion, grabbed
Nayeon by the neck and lifted her up effortlessly despite her small frame. “Call me Katarina for

Jihyo and the rest wanted to intervene but somehow they felt bound on their seats and their voices
silenced. Every muscles and veins in their body screamed terror. All they could do was watch as
the one who look like their new recruit choke their eldest member.

They all thought the aura was from Chaeyoung, preventing them from moving but what they didn’t
know that there was someone behind them, silently fuming. It was Mina and she wasn’t liking the
turn of events.

“Ka..ta..ri..na.” the Japanese beauty whispered but it still echoed inside the room and brought
about chills on every person as it slowly spread within the area. And the little cub wasn’t excluded
from its effect that it made her immediately loosen her grip on Nayeon. There was only person she
knew who could make every strand of hair on her body stand in trepidation.

Turning around, the one whose name was called could only chuckle nervously as she face her
queen who looked nowhere pleased. “I’m…I’m just messing around, my queen.”

Mina could only let out a deep sigh as she disperse the dark aura and syphoning it back into her fit
body. She then stood up and approach Nayeon who was coughing violently on the floor. Trying to
comfort her with a rub on her back. “Are you okay?”

“I…just got choked to death. And you are seriously asking me that?” The older woman answered
incredulously. “Something’s not right with Chaeyoung. It’s not her.”

“Trust me when I say it’s still her.” The Japanese replied while glaring at Chaeyoung. “She’s just
being a little difficult at the moment.”

Meanwhile, Jihyo and the rest could only watch on and remain silent. They still find it hard to
move though there was no much hindering them to do so. The shock and the fear that had coursed
through their bodies a while ago seemed to linger in their system and never left.

“All this time we’ve been harboring such monsters and we didn’t even know.” Sana thought as she
stare at Mina and Chaeyoung whom she thought was fiercesome and brave but could never hurt
someone intentionally. But what she had witnessed had proven her wrong.
Real You II


As Mina set her sight upon the rest of the members, she was once again reminded how fragile a
human being can be. It was clear they have become terrified of their presence. And it was not
surprising, for the fear of the unknown can truly be overwhelming. They also cannot hide the
shaking of their hands and the trembling of their lips from her prying eyes even if they wanted to. It
was still within the scope of her expectations though, but Chaeyoung's unplanned display of
aggressiveness might have blundered their chance to have a calmer atmosphere while she explain
their true origin. However, what done is done and she could only hope for them to listen. She still
had a promise to keep anyway.

The Japanese beauty accepted it was her fault for not being forthcoming to Jihyo and the rest since
being a part of their ragtag group. It was not intentional, the timing just wasn't right. She had
deduced they was simply not yet ready to hear what she have to say back then. But now that the
right pieces had come to finally gather, she had decided it was time. She also had witness how each
of them bloomed into a more reliable and mature woman.

"I'm sorry for lying but it was never my intention to deceive any of you." Mina started
apprehensively, gauging the reaction she would first receive. But her words were only met with
silence. The conscious members all just stood stoically and looked at her with calculating eyes.
None screamed at her to leave the premises at once or push them away which was neither a good or
bad sign. Because it still left her clueless of what was running in their minds. She would take what
she get though, so opted to continue.

"As you may all have probably noticed, we are not like any of you. Me and Chaeyoung are far
from normal. We used to be just a typical vampire living our immortal lives away from the
humans. We were the last of our kind. The rest was haunted or had just got tired of living and just
staked their selves to death -"

"A vampire?! What are you on? They don't exist, much more a typical one. Nothing's typical about
a vampire anyway if they even exist which obviously they don't." Nayeon suddenly interjected,
pure disbelief written all over her face. The older woman even wanted to laugh at the absurdity of
the story. "Try a better one."

And Jihyo wanted to agree with Nayeon. There was no such thing as a vampire. She believed it just
derived from the vivid imagination of past novel writers and just hyped it up. However, the
seriousness on the faces of Mina and Chaeyoung made her second-guess it all. The two seemed to
be sure of their claims and they had already shown abilities to back it up. It wouldn't hurt to listen
more so she gently tapped the older woman on the shoulder and spoke. "Let her continue. We had
all seen monsters sprout from nowhere. What she's telling us may have some merit?"

Mina nodded at the leader, a quick show of gratitude, before she continued. "It may sound
ridiculous but it’s the truth. We were once vampires but one night while we were haunting, an
unknown syndicate caught Chaeyoung and me."

"Caught? Aren't vampires supposed to be impossibly fast and strong? How did that syndicate
managed to do that?" It was Dahyun. Despite the fear that still linger inside her, the pale girl
couldn't help but be curious.

"We were caught by surprise with their means and was powerless against them despite having the
known skill set advantage. They had armed their selves well as if they were prepared to capture us,
as if they knew of our existence. I don't know how they gotten their hands on the knowledge about
our weaknesses but they did." Mina answered, feeling more relieved that they seemed to starting to
listen. She needed them to. All her plans would be derailed if they refuse to do so.

"After that, we found ourselves being prodded and examined for days or months. I couldn't tell.
Different scientist began experimenting on us and unknown serums was injected in our system.
Most of it had little to no effect on us but contrary to what most know about vampires, we are not
indestructible. We just do not age, immortal in a sense but we are not immune to pain. But they still
conducted endless series of test on us. Till one day a man we only know as General Claude came
and brought a different kind of drug. They forced us to take it and it changed us, not physically but
something within. We became some sort of a vampire hybrid. We grew stronger and faster, more
agile and powerful even but our thoughts were not our own anymore. We became puppets on a
string and with that, this General had used us to fulfill his selfish desires for power. I became his
weapon while he dangle Chaeyoung as my leash. He had threatened to kill her if I disobey any of
his orders. I was given no choice but to obey and had no means to do that anyways. I could not
even control my whole body back then. He made me kill different Japanese government officials
and those innocents who disagree with his beliefs and methods. Despite my reluctance to do it, I
was helpless against the manipulation."

Chaeyoung, who had been silent all the while could not help herself but clenched her fist in anger
after hearing the name of that one man she despise the most. It became like a knee-jerk reaction for
her. She had vowed to be the one to end the man's life and nothing could stop her. "He will regret
the day he was born when I get my hands on him. As a little thank you for all the miseries he put us

Mina can completely relate to the younger woman's sentiments. She would surely show not even an
ounce of mercy when their paths cross and they will, it was her promise. They had suffered much
under the despicable man and had seen how it affected Chaeyoung much more than she know. It
was the most probable reason how her once free-spirited fellow vampire developed an
uncontrollable violent persona. It was how her alter-ego was born, how this Katarina surfaced from
the darkest part of her mind. And the Japanese could only watch as the pain and regret eat her
slowly inside.

"And we will kill that man but in order to do that. We will need your help."

"Our help?" Jihyo asked, partly nervous of what Mina would require from them. It seemed her
position of being the leader would be put to test again. "We are just... us. Why would you need our
help when you can surely just storm your way in wherever you want?"

"Cut yourselves some slack. I had seen what each of you are capable of and I trust my Queen's
judgment. She would not even consider it if she do not believe in your potentials." Chaeyoung was
the one to reply and despite the arrogance in her tone, she meant it all. In her memory living as a
normal human, she had met different peoples and she could clearly decipher who was average and
who was special in their own ways. She acknowledge Nayeon, who was a genius in everything
related to weapons and combat, all thanks to her upbringing. She remember an instance where she
herself was subjected to the older woman's weapon training and she could admit it was
enlightening. While Jeongyeon had the knack on seeing the big picture and a great mediator.
Dahyun, despite being a chocolate obsessed woman, had keen senses and intuitions that maybe
only a handful of normal human possess. Sana, who probably can't hurt a fly and seemed useless in
fighting, yet when comes to treating wounds or sickness its where her gentleness excels. The
woman was simply fitted to be the group's nurse. Then there's Jihyo the natural born leader, she is
smart in every sense of the word. She was also a great judge of character and takes responsibilities
to heart. She somehow remind her of Mina and it was the best compliment anyone could get from
her. Not many can be allowed to be compared to her queen in her opinion. (Biased much ). And
there's Momo too, just because she like the funny woman.

" We do need your help and it's because of the homunculus. We could deal with them easily, that is
true but they are not the real enemies. They were just man-made puppets of General Claude but
they also serve as his precaution. Those monsters seemed to have the ability to sense our presence
when nearby. I deduced it was because they were probably made from the samples taken from us. I
have no other reason to give but that." Mina explained while also anticipating someone will start
asking questions. However, the one who raised it was not the one any of them expected. To tell the
truth, this person was the least expected to do so.

" Doesn't that mean this General will instantly be alerted when you are coming? Is that why you
haven't had the chance to subdue him? He always escape? And all this homunculi infestation
happened because of this man?" Momo asked, though her face also convey surprise with how she
came up with the conclusion.

The rest of the members threw a look of disbelief at Momo. Each one surprised with the woman's
sudden sharpness. It had never happened since they had met the woman. They have grown
accustomed with her average brain capacity that they really can't believe it came from her. And
Momo noticing this could not help but be conscious of it.


Jihyo being proud of Momo's bout of intellectual prowess patted the woman on the head and
offered a wide smile, briefly forgetting their situation. "Great question, Momoring. You are

Watching the scene, a gentle smile also crept on Mina's face. Instances and interaction like those
was why she had chosen the group of woman to help her and Chaeyoung. She was just sure each of
them would never abandon their humanity for something trivial as power or money. They were all
worthy to put her trust on and though she knew it would be a dangerous mission for the others. She
wouldn't want to do it with anyone else besides these incredibly amazing women.

"Yes Momo. Embarrassing as it is. General Claude managed to escape all of my attempts because
of the homunculus. He was always a step ahead on me. He was also the mastermind of Project

Nayeon can't believe what she was hearing but like what Jihyo had suggested, she would give them
the benefit of the doubt. But she also had questions herself that needed to be answered. "Back up,
back up! You mean to say those monsters were all man-made and all of this disasters happened
because of that man. My parents, my colleague's. I lost all of them because of him and because you
guys got captured."

"Nayeon..." Jihyo warned while gently pulling the other woman to her side. “I believe they are just
as much of a victim as us."

"If what they claim is real then they are also monsters! They are vampires for crying out loud.
Don't they need blood to feed?" Nayeon exclaimed, shrugging of the leader's touch.

"Why? Are you offering Miss Im Nayeon? “Chaeyoung spoke with a teasing glint in her eyes but
with her pointed fangs showing, it sounded more like an intimidation. “I promise not to take
"Katarina. Will you turn back to your other self, please?" Mina never liked imposing her authority
over the younger woman but the circumstances called for it. She also dislike using her fear of her
but aggravating Nayeon or any of them would do them more harm than good. They have to focus.
"If you can't do that, kindly remind yourself of the purpose why we are doing this."

Not wanting to cross her Queen more and feeling the underlying threat in her words, the little cub
nodded in resignation and closed her red eyes. Emptying all her train of thoughts for a second and
almost brushing on the state of unconsciousness. And when she opened it again, her eyes turned
back to its normal black hue color and her demeanor seemed calmer too. She also felt a mild
headache coming after a few second.

Noticing the changes, the older Japanese vampire offered Chaeyoung a chair and guided her to sit.
"Rest for now. Thank you."

"I remember everything now." Chaeyoung murmured and looked at her fellow vampire with
uncertainty. "Nothing change right? We still the same."

"Yes, nothing change. It's still you and me."

"I hate it when I switch personalities. It sucks being on the back seat, watching my body and
thoughts dominated by that side." The young woman complained. "I also still can't believe you
erased my memories. You have quite an explanation to make just so you know."

"I will, my love. But first I have to finish telling them the whole truth. They deserve it after all."
Mina said as she turn to face the others who looked baffled with was happening yet there was still
determination in each of their eyes. They seemed eager to listen now. As they should, for what was
to come may have the biggest impact on them and could affect how they see the world they live at
New Perspective


Jeongyeon anticipated the feeling of lightweightness, the unexplainable contentment flowing

within her body and mind and the endless darkness. She had read a book once that these feelings
had some relevance when experiencing passing in life. And the author of it must have experience it
himself for it was surprisingly on point. It was exactly what she was feeling at that moment but
somehow there was a slight difference. The author never mentioned anything about hearing the
voices of her friends in afterlife. But thinking it was just the manifestation of her regret for not
having the chance to say goodbye, the adviser just shrugged it off. She was too immersed with the
feeling of peace and serenity to bother.

The nagging voices continued to persist though.

"What do you mean she became a vampire?!"

It was Nayeon. The loud, obnoxious but still endearing voice would only belong to her precious
special friend. And she could never be mistaken. She had treasured this person's flaws and ticks all
her life. She even longed for it when they were separated.

"Will she still be our Jeongyeon when she wake up?"

Another voice whom she instantly recognize as Jihyo's. How could she also be mistaken? Her ears
had suffered countless of times from her tirades and lessons on how to be a proper lady. The
adviser could admit it was partially her fault for engaging on countless pranks back in the days and
for teasing them every opportunity that arose. Such a shame, she could only reminisce in her
condition now.

"I'm afraid we would only know once she wakes up."

Guess she shouldn't be surprised to hear Mina's voice too, after all the Japanese beauty had also
played an integral part in her life. The woman had showed her there was no such thing as
impossible if you set your mind on it. And she can still never fathom how the gentle and sweet soul
can easily cut the limbs of an homunculi without even flinching or batting an eye. It was one of the
mysteries she will be leaving unsolved it seems.

Jeongyeon supposed it was good and all to hear her friends’ voices but it was also a little
confusing. Why now? And shouldn't she be relieving a past memory or event that held some
importance? Where was the flashing of life before her eyes? The memories before the monsters
attacks? Why are they talking about vampires anyways? There was a point where she remember
Nayeon obsessing about the Twilight Saga but it was a long time ago.

She could also hear the faint beating of a heart. The tall adviser could tell it was not hers but from
someone near her. The steady throbbing invading her senses was also not from one person. She
could clearly tell it was from several individuals and to top it all, she can even hear them inhale and
exhale as if they were breathing mere inches away from her ears. It sprung countless questions in
her muddled mind.

"There is a possibility that she will attack one of you if she fail to control her thirst but rest assured
we will confine her if it comes to that point."

It was Chaeyoung. The cute lint in her voice was unmistakable but it also meant one thing. The cub
had survived which was probably Mina's doing. There was probably one person she know who
could pull of such a miracle and Jeongyeon felt relieved to know she had been successful. There
was no resentment with how she was not saved as well. She had accepted the harsh reality. She
was just glad to know the young woman was safe and still alive and has not suffered the same fate
as hers. It didn't lessen her confusion though. The topic they were having was still irrelevant for
her. Shouldn't they be discussing about her untimely death or their next course of action? And did
she just turned into a ghost and that is why she was still not ascending to where she supposed to

But then she felt warmth envelop her hand and wetness touching her fingertips which she thought
was simply impossible in her condition. Isn't she supposed to feel cold and numb? How can she
still perceive and feel the touch of someone alive? And she could tell it was Nayeon based on
familiarity and the older woman's tendency to intertwine their fingers rather than clasp it gently.
But how? Isn't it a irregularity? Is she the irregularity? "Open your eyes, Jeongie. I promise to
laugh at your lame jokes from now on. And I believe you would not harm anyone here. I believe
you will still remain our dorky neat freak adviser. You will still be my Jeongie."

And it shouldn't have worked. She was convinced she had died due to the strain of being bitten and
just luckily, her body seemed not turn into a monster. But still she knew it shouldn't have worked.
There was no way a dead could speak to the living unless all the ghost stories had been real along.
She only wanted to voice out her reaction to Nayeon's words. To convey what she thought, but it
should not be possible for her to be heard.

"Stop that, you look ugly when you cry and my jokes are world-class. It is you who have no sense
of humor at all."

The effect was instantaneous. She felt Nayeon being pulled out from hugging her tight and
Chaeyoung screaming for everyone to get back. It was utter chaos and when she finally opened her
eyes. The frightened state of Nayeon, Jihyo and the rest was what welcomed her and the familiar
sight of their infirmary.

"How? Why?" Jeongyeon croaked as she try to slowly get up but failing to see the restraints, she
ended up laying down again. It was then she noticed her hands and feet were tied on the bed and
Mina hovering on top of her.

"What do you feel Jeongyeon?" The Japanese beauty asked but there was something different with
her tone. It sounded worried and filled with wariness. The force she was exerting to pin down the
adviser was on the excessive side as well. "Tell me exactly what you feel?"

"I feel like your death grip will surely crush my bones and caused me to die the second time. How
am I still alive anyways? Am i still really alive?" Jeongyeon grunted while trying to wiggle her arm

"I'm sorry but this is necessary. I need to make sure you won't do something you might regret
later." Mina responded without easing her strong grip.

"Jeongie? Jeongyeon? Is that you?" Nayeon called out, surprisingly in her small voice. It was not
out of shyness however but more like she was hesitant on how to proceed. One can easily detect
fear interlaced with worry in her tone as well. Question after question filled her already confused
mind and Jeongyeon was on the verge of a breakdown. The pain inflicted by Mina's grip wasn't
also helping her situation. It was all too much. The fact she was possibly still alive haven't sunk in
yet. How could she survived the Homunculis bite? Wasn't she supposed to turn?
"What the hell are you saying? Of course, it is me. Someone tell me what the hell is happening?!
Why am I tied to this bed? Why do you all look afraid of me?" Jeongyeon replied with a hint of
panic in her voice.

"Jeongyeon, please calm down. I just need to assess the situation before I let you go. It's for their
safety and yours." Mina, who had been the only one unnerved about the whole scenario consoled
the tall woman. "You didn't become a homunculi that I can say for certain but in order to save you
from turning. I had to do something and I'm sorry it was the only way I know how to save your

Jeongyeon does not know what to feel anymore. She supposed she should feel relieved that she
didn't turn into a homunculi and was somehow miraculously alive but she knew there was more to
it. The fear in the eyes of the other members was startling to start with and she could only dread for
whatever that had truly become of her. Something had definitely changed and even she could feel it
in her body.

"In order to save your life, I had to turn you. Trust me, If only there was another way I wouldn't
force this on anybody but there was none. I had to turn you before the venom of the homunculi
fully integrated into your system and it was the last thing we all want. That is why I did what I
thought was the only solution." Mina was aware she was stalling but she was finding it hard to just
blurt it out. She also just wanted to tell Jeongyeon that it was all clearly out of desperation to save
her life. There was just no other way and the Japanese want everyone to know, she did regret what
she had to do. Forcing anyone to live the kind of life she had was the last thing she desire.

However before Mina could explain further, Dahyun beat her to it in a completely blunt way. It
was more of a blabber actually, with how fast the woman blurted out each word.

"She turned you into a vampire and there's a huge chance that you might attack us. You now suck
blood for dinner and might sparkle when hit by sunlight."

Realizing what she had done, the pale-skinned woman quickly covered her mouth as if to
physically stop herself to speak. Her tendency to voice out her thoughts out loud had ran rampant
again and in the most inappropriate time it seem. The woman could only groan in embarrassment
and throw an apologetic look at everyone.

"Oops. I'm sorry, you know my mouth have a mind of its own. It speaks without my permission."

Uncharacteristically, Mina rolled her eyes at Dahyun. It was not how she pictured the revelation
would go and basing on Jeongyeon's stupefied expression. The news of her being reborn as a
vampire might not have been received well. Well, anyone would be shocked to hear it and it was
why the Japanese wanted to ease their adviser into it by explaining slowly but surely. Although, it
still did the job at least, not in the way she want but she could only hope Jeongyeon would not
resent her for it.

Silence engulfed the room for a moment. Jihyo and the rest were just all waiting for Jeongyeon's
reaction. Each of them with worry etched on their faces. But the response they got from the newly
turned vampire was not what they all expected. It started from a giggle then turning into a full
blown laughter that echoed inside the four-walled room. Jeongyeon laughed as if it was the
funniest joke she had ever heard in her life. If not for the restraints limiting her movement, any one
could imagine her rolling on the floor, clutching her stomach as she laugh out loud at that very

"God, I never laughed that hard in my life. Thank you guys."

"She lost her mind maybe we should not take off the restraints for safety purposes." Dahyun
whispered to Jihyo who only glared at her in reply.

"I'm a vampire now? Well that's sick and cool at the same time."

"You seem happy about it. Are you not concerned with how it will affect your life?" Chaeyoung
inquired with amusement in her tone. She find the randomness of the situation funny as well. And
how Jihyo, Nayeon and Sana let out the breath they were holding in a synchronize manner after
seeing Jeongyeon seemed to still have control over her sanity.

"I'm concerned about the blood diet of course." Jeongyeon shrugged. "Is it really necessary? I mean
can't I get the same nutrients by eating hamburgers or pizza? And what do you mean by you had to
turn me. Does it mean Mina is a vampire too?"

"Yes, I am vampire too and so is Chaeyoung but slightly different. I mean I have no means to prove
it yet, knowing you are the first that I turned after becoming a hybrid myself. The true effects of it
is still not fully known." Mina answered.

"I see. This is why you can easily kill those Homunculus with ease and how you are abnormally
strong and fast. Come to think of it, I have never seen you sleep! Yah, that was dumb of me not to
notice. I mean I know there was something special about you but there was no way i could have
guessed you are a vampire."

"So that's it?" Nayeon inquired. "You just casually accepted that you are a vampire now? Aren't
you a bit skeptic or angry or even just a bit shocked by all of this? You are a vampire now, Yoo
Jeongyeon and it seemed irreversible. You can never go back to your old life."

Jeongyeon thought about it for a second. The news did shocked her to the core and would probably
miss the normal things she could do when she was still human but somehow the more dominant
part of her felt ecstatic about it. It had given her the strength she needed to protect what was
important to her. It had given her the opportunity to provide safety on the people she care about.
And it probably changed her for the better. She would never feel helpless in the face of danger
ever again.

"I get what you mean, Nayeon-unnie but come to think of it. This would also mean I don't get to
cower behind your back anymore. It's my turn to keep you safe now, all of you. You can rest easy
now because you have me to depend on now too."
More & More Revelations
Chapter Summary

The secrets are slowly being revealed and our characters are getting closer and closer
to unveil the origin of the catastrophe.

Amidst the chaos the rest of the girls were dealing with, a pair of beautiful and youthful brown eyes
were silently observing them from a cot at the corner of the room. Some may perceived that her
presence was neglected through out the commotion but it was ideal for her at that moment and
could hardly complain or blame anyone for it.

The reason was… she had already anticipated the situation.

She was not just a normal bright child to begin with. And while the rest was bothered and
confused, the little girl was composed but quite apprehensive.

“The clock had struck 12 it seems.” She had whispered to herself.

Tzuyu had known that her make believe world would crumble in any given time and the first sign
of it happening will be when her so called sister regain her precious memories. Although it would
be her most painful reminder of how abnormal her life was and still is, she still cherished her life
each day and moments she had spent living like any other human. Enjoying simple life and just
being an ordinary child with someone to call as her family. She had embraced the innocence it
brought in her and the emotions, though vague was somehow uplifting, knowing even someone
like her can experience it all.

She was well aware she was just fooling herself and hurt someone who she also held dear in the
process. While each one of them involved with the plan had given their consent though not fully, it
was still a blow on her conscience. Even though the concept of having one was still relatively new
for her.

She had fun pretending but like any other play or movie it has to come to an end.

“What about Tzuyu? Where does she fit in all of these?” Nayeon suddenly asked thus effectively
making all heads turn to the direction of the little girl.

And lo and behold, the question Tzuyu was expecting but still dreaded was brought up. It was like
the confirmation she needed to be truly convinced it was time to wake up from her sweet dream. It
was time to face the truth and reveal her real significance. The nail to the coffin or so they say.

“She’s someone important to us.” Mina gave a vague answer before walking towards Tzuyu,
followed by Chae who apparently switched to her other persona. The sudden surge of intimidating
aura filling the air inside the room and the confidence in her small movements was a dead give

"If not for her, we would probably still be slaves of that man." The two vampires stood beside the
cot and threw a side glance to each other before facing the group again wearing the same stoic
expressions. Mina felt nervous, no - not nervous just wary of how the others will take another
grand revelation which was probably bigger than them being a vampire. While Katarina could
careless about it and only switched after sensing the tension got high again, her other persona was
too soft to deal with it, she still knew how important this was for her Queen and their cause.

The meaning of such action was not lost on the other girls and it sent shivers coursing through their
skins. They had stumbled upon the root of all this it seems and they had to thread carefully once
again. Jeongyeon even stepped forward, defensive in an instant.

“Is Tzuyu just like you or something else?” Jihyo asked while trying hard to calm her nerves and
hide the fear in her voice to act like the perfect mediator. Because despite the shocking turn of
events, this was still her group whom she had already considered her family. The only one
remaining and she still rather have it complete. She had to stay focused till they get to the bottom
of things.

“No but –“ Katarina was about to reply with another vague answer but a soft petite hands stopped
her from doing so.

"I'll tell them. It is my story after all.” Tzuyu said as she took a deep breath and let her eyes meet
the other’s expectant ones.

"I am not human nor a vampire, if that's what you are asking. Project Homunculi started as a
project to recreate another human or any being alive, it was like cloning to be precise. The
government were successful in that aspect and got the attention of the rich peoples but of course,
the scientists got even more curious and ambitious. They came up with a new plan to produce a
being the world had never seen before with the help of a man called General Claude. It was already
on its way to completion but they were missing an ingredient - the most important one. They
needed someone with exceptional and inhuman-like abilities and then Mina and Chaeyoung were
caught. The perfect sample for their little greedy experiment. I am the product of that project. The
only near-perfect to be exact. You know what happened to the failed ones."

The little girl stated as she examine each faces for their reaction. The dumbfounded look they were
identically sporting was somehow amusing but it was still within her calculations. Humans take
time believing such claims anyways, it could not be helped. It was like saying a cat and a dog gave
birth to a mouse scenario.

“Homunculi? You mean like those creatures outside? But you don’t look like one. You look
perfectly normal.” Dahyun could not help but be intrigued. Never in her wildest dream that the
sweet girl she had become quite fond of was originally like the thing she hated the most.

“As I said, I am near-perfect and never compare me to those brainless, emotionally-deficient,

ravaging brutes of a failed experiments. I am not like them, not even in the slightest. I am the
almost perfect experiment and sole holder of that title.” To the other’s surprise, Tzuyu answered
with conviction and a hint of slight annoyance obvious in her tone, followed with a little stomp of
her feet. She never meant to do it, just a reflex she somehow developed whenever she felt annoyed.
In which earned a chuckle from the two vampires and even made Sana whisper a “cute” comment.

“Forgive her. It’s a sore spot for her.” Mina supplied as she place a gentle hand on the shoulder of
the little girl.

“Anyways…" Tzuyu continued. "I’m the near perfect experiment.”

“I think they had gathered that much already, little girl.” Katarina chipped in a teasing manner
which the little girl responded with a scoff.
"I'm just stating a fact to let them know I'm not like those anencephalics."

"Whoa, big word. No using big words." Momo stated while staring at Tzuyu like she had suddenly
grown two heads.

And those little banter easily negated the tension building up awhile ago. Jihyo let out a breath she
didn't know she was holding and together with Sana they chuckled. Katarina sensed that she was
not needed anymore and decided to switch back to her normal self. Jeongyeon even loosened her
stance and threw a smirk at the little girl before inquiring. "We're kinda getting derailed from the
topic here. Focus on explaining little kid. I'm still confused on how did you guys end up together
with Chaeyoung being your sister. Is she your real sister?"

"No. I am more of their daughter actually. I was created from their genes. Yes I was not born but
created. Project Homunculi's new operations target was to produce highly intellectual being with
qualities of a superhuman. I say near perfect because I did not inherit their abilities like super speed
and strength but I developed quite a high intelligence and somehow human-like feelings. I think
that is what you call those urges and reasonings that happens inside your mind."

"That is quite a lot to take in..." Sana whispers to herself while her eyes roam from Tzuyu to Mina
then Chaeyoung or Katarina, the switching of persona's was giving her a whiplash. It was also
astonishing to witness a seven year old blurt out words she never had heard before. "But they are
vampires, right? Did they not passed the urges to you know drink blood to you?"

"No. I can perfectly live consuming human foods. They scientist probably had found a way to
eradicate those urges or I'm just unique."

"Probably the latter." Chaeyoung interjected, her tone slightly miffed but her eyes were gentle as it
focuses on Tzuyu. "I still can't believe you erased my memories like that. I know I had given my
approval to your plans but I was never informed about the whole forgetting my queen, acting like
she never exist and play house with you."

"It was... actually my idea." Mina spoke with obvious hesitation. She had no time to explain the
whole plan before it was executed and had no idea how her beloved would react to it. The Japanese
woman took a step towards Chaeyoung and held both of her hand. The little cub did not refuse her
touch which was a good sign for the older vampire so she continued. "I wanted to give you a
reprieve from our dark life while I focus on taking down the other bases of that wretched general.
Believe me when I say, I wanted you by my side all that time but I could not risk your life like that,
not anymore."

Chaeyoung wanted to scream her frustrations towards her queen. All the days wasted where she
could perfectly be snuggled on Mina's side, admiring every features of the woman and just loving
her company. However, she was also grateful for what she did for her. Chaeyoung had already
forgotten her human life after being a vampire for some decades. And getting to experience it all
over again was in a way, refreshing even it only lasted for awhile.

"Don't fret my queen, I understand where you are coming from and I am eternally grateful for it. I
would be a stretch if I say I'm not disappointed in you but I had fun living like a human, it was
nostalgic per se. But if the role were reversed, I wouldn't have the confidence to say that I will do
the same. You know how selfish I can be at times. But promise me, this will be the last you will
stray away from my side and i will promise you the same."

The overflowing affection Mina had for her mate wanted to burst. She expected harsh words from
the younger vampire and probably some taunting gestures but none came. Instead, the maturity and
devotion Chaeyoung just showed moved her and she didn't know the love she have for the woman
would increase even more. She really wanted to crush the petite woman in her arms and never let
go but a sudden gasp interrupted their moment.

"Oh my gosh! Now I see why Mina suddenly wanted to kill me the other night." Nayeon blurted
out while pointing at Mina accusingly. "She was jealous and she thought I was taking Chae for
myself, not that I wouldn't if given a chance, she's quite a fine woman -"

Mina's low growl distracted the older woman from her ramblings and hastily tried to placate the
vampire, waving both hands frantically. "No, no, that is not what I mean. I am simply
complementing Chaeyoung or whoever she is now."

" I am Chaeyoung -" the young vampire said, confused.

"Okay, Chae. You have a really complicated personality, you know that but as I was saying I get it
now why Mina suddenly acted weird. They are girlfriends!" (No, they are TWICE, sorry I had to?
Okay? ✌️)

"Way to state the obvious, you bunny." Jeongyeon scoffed which made the rest of the girls giggle.

"But I am still curious about one thing" Momo tilted her head while looking at the vampires with a
puzzled expression. "How did Chaeyoung live as a human when she was a vampire all along. She
would still need to drink blood, right?"

"I'm curious about that one too." Jihyo said while gently patting Momo's head, proud of the woman
pointing out one crucial information they would have missed.

"I am responsible for it with some help from Mina, of course." Tzuyu was the one to provide the
answer. "Aside from having high intellect, I also developed quite an ability. Aside from erasing
people's memory I also have the ability to manipulate their urges for a certain period of time. I took
away her appetite for human blood but of course, she will grow weak if starved for a long time. So
Mina will come with bags of blood and we will feed her then erase these moments from her
memories. Simple as that."

Silence engulfed the room after the little girl's explanation. Jeongyeon, Dahyun, Momo, Nayeon
and Jihyo was trying to process all the information thrown at them and make sense of it. While
Tzuyu, Mina and Chaeyoung calmly watch them fully absorb their situation.

It was only broken when Dahyun whispered something to Jihyo. "Do you think Tzuyu could
somehow weaken or completely get rid of Jeongyeon's insane urge to clean?"

Little did she know the woman she just mentioned stil heard her despite trying to be sneaky.
Jeongyeon have vampire hearings now anyways and she had no qualms hitting the pale girl on the
back of her head for saying something ridiculous.

"That hurts, you know! You have like a brick on your palm now." Dahyun whines while
massaging the part where she was hit.

"Then you should be well aware I can hear you loud and clear now even if you whisper, tofu." The
newly turned vampire retorted.

"That is not fair."

Mina watched their interaction with a fond smile slowly growing on her lips. She had chosen well.
These women she had picked to help her cause had proven their worth and she could never be
thankful enough.
Impulsiveness & Stupidity
Chapter Summary

“Paying no heed to the consequences before taking action. Mortals are fascinating
creatures. Sometimes their recklessness is what makes this world more amusing.”

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


“So what’s the plan?”

Jeongyeon was the one who asked, her giddiness palpable in her tone. The overflowing vitality in
her system was making her excited to try out her newly found strength. She was starting to get
restless and could not wait to be put into action.
However, the reply she got was not the one she was expecting.

“None as of the moment.”

Jihyo spoke while looking straight at Mina as if daring her to challenge her claim. She was still the
appointed leader and she still could not jeopardize the safety of other members. Proper
preparations and plans need to be laid out first in her opinion.

“We have things to settle first before we dive straight into this. This is bigger than us. We need to
recollect our thoughts and not be impulsive about our actions. All these back-to-back confessions
confused the hell out of me. I am pretty sure it is the same for the rest.”

Jeongyeon was quick to counter, visibly annoyed by the leader’s sudden proposal and her passive
approach to the issue.

“What? Are we supposed to lie in wait again? We now know how to eradicate those monsters and
put a stop in this infestation. With me, Chaeyoung, or whoever you are at the moment, and Mina.
We can surely just force our way into their base. We are capable of putting an end to this, Ji.”

Shaking her head, Jihyo can see where her friend was coming from. They do now have the means
and power to fight back but despite having these advantages, they are still clueless of what they
were truly about to face. It would be dangerous and quite stupid to pursue it blindly.

“I know Jeong but please be reminded not all of us have the abilities that you guys have. Some of
us are still vulnerable. We would be sitting ducks waiting to be killed. We can’t risk that. Safety is
still our utmost priority. There is no way I would allow us to go straight to battle like this. We need
to train further and make sure who and what are we dealing with. We can’t just rely on you to do
the heavy lifting. It’s not our style. We move like a team, remember?”

“I agree.”

Mina interjected and gave a nod to Jihyo. The woman never failed to amaze the vampire with her
quick mind and composure. It was one of the many reasons why she had no qualms about
appointing her as the leader despite being the strongest.

“I asked for your help because even we who had these abilities were still stuck at a dead end. Yes,
we gathered that General Claude was the cause of all this and we got roped into it without our
consent. However, because of my failed attempts before. General Claude must be more vigilant
and always on high alert. The possibility of them enhancing their strength should not be dismissed.
I also kind of lost track of his whereabouts after my last attempt. He is as cunning as he is slippery,
he is still a General after all. He also has humans under him with guns and different weapons.
Humonculous is not our only enemy here.”

Jeongyeon was silent for a moment, contemplating the merits of what was discussed. And she
could not deny that it was all within reason, she was just being impulsive her reckless.
“I am sorry. I just want this all to end so we can go back to our lives and live without fear.”

Nayeon approached her special friend and took her hand into hers. The warmth may be gone but
the feelings never left. It will never bother the older woman. Jeongyeon had survived a fate worse
than death, it was enough. She also still has memory intact and she was very much already grateful
for it.

“We all want that Jeongie but we need to take it slowly. Besides, you still need to get used to your
new body.”

“Yeah, I feel like there is a lump already forming on the back of my head where she hit me. She
really does need to control that hand of hers.” Dahyun whined as she caressed her head while
approaching Sana to have her take a look at it. But the nurse just dismissed her claim and even told
her that she deserved it for being obnoxious.

“What the betrayal?” The pale woman gasped. “I thought we were partners in here Sana-yah!
Guess you really can’t trust anyone.”

The retort made the nurse giggle and pulled the younger woman into her embrace. “Of course,
we’re partners. But I really think you deserve that.”

Laughter filled the room while Dahyun sulked because of the reactions she got especially from
Sana. It did not last long though, because the latter was quick to console her with another hug from
the back and distract her with her favorite topic.

“Oh, you big baby. Stop that and tell me more about your plan to further convince Jihyo of your
request to make a cocoa tree field.”


“Don’t you think you are getting excessive with your attacks?” Nayeon groaned as she gathered
herself up for the ninth time after getting thrown across the room. “I can’t even catch a freaking

“Amongst the humans, you are the most skilled. It’s a given why my approach to your training is
different from the others. You have the greatest potential, why not try to surpass your limits?”
Chaeyoung replied with a shrug of her shoulders and an innocent smile on her face.

And Nayeon understood the reasoning. It was logical. But it doesn’t mean she liked the harshness
of the beatings. It was still frustrating, not to mention painful to be a living and breathing punching
bag for the young woman. She know it was all for the name of training but she can’t help but
whine about it. The little brat seems to be enjoying it a little bit too much as well.

“You can ask Mina to be the one to train you instead if you feel like I am being too much. I won’t
mind.” Her appointed trainer added.

The suggestion made the older woman ponder it for a minute or so. But one glace at Jeongyeon’s
state dissolved all her silly sentiments.

“Better this than die early, I guess. That does not look like training anymore. It’s more like an

Her friend looked like she was one breath away from keeling over. And she can clearly tell how the
newly born vampire was struggling against the Japanese woman. There was no way she would let
herself undergo that torture. She had tasted those punches once and preferring to avoid it at any
cost is the smart choice.
Never again.

“No thanks. I still value my life.”

Chaeyoung just nodded and resumed her approach towards her training partner. She decided to
tone down it a little. It would spell disaster not just for Nayeon but for her as well if the former got
seriously injured. But she can’t help it. The high of being a superior being in terms of speed and
strength, she had missed it all. It would not be a crime to indulge in it for a while.


Nayeon is a strong and very capable woman, after all, she knew she could take it.



Jeongyeon didn’t know if she should resent Mina or be grateful to her. Yes, she was reborn as a
vampire and was granted sturdiness transcending human capabilities. Alongside the strength,
speed, and enhanced senses it didn’t mean her pain receptors were numbed to oblivion. She can
still feel every punch and kick the Japanese threw. And her butt felt sore after landing on it for
quite a handful of times already.

It hurts.

A lot.

She almost made it to a point where she wanted to berate Mina for not holding back. But she knew
it was what she asked for from the woman, she couldn’t easily fault for her that. She wanted to
challenge herself and Mina was indulging her. This was all for her sake. The newborn vampire was
still struggling to control her movements and strength sometimes.

The main objective of her training was to help her stabilize.

However, it wouldn’t be shameful to ask for a quick break right?

The intensity of it all truly caught her off guard. Mina was way too good of a fighter. She still
could not believe she hadn’t landed a single punch on her after hours of sparring. And it added to
her frustration, just like Nayeon. She was rendered helpless.

But despite all the complaining that wanted to burst from her lips, Jeongyeon truly felt motivated to
continue. Her competitive side won’t allow her to back down. And she was getting a glimpse of her
true capabilities after exchanging countless blows. She was slowly getting the hang of it. Victory
would taste sweeter when you work hard for it anyway.

However, because of her enhanced senses. She could not help but hear the snickering and teasing
coming from the corner of the room. The two culprits weren’t holding back either and seemed to
be enjoying her agony. And truth be told, it was way more annoying than the punches and kicks
she was taking from Mina.

“Never seen Jeongyeon-unnie this badly beaten before. This must be her karma. Serves her right
for all the nagging she did just because I forgot to wash the dishes I used last night.” Dahyun
whispered to the woman beside her.
“I don’t think she has any chance to win against Mina today or any time soon. It is fun to watch
getting her ass handed to her though. This is peak comedy.” Momo snickered before taking a bite
of bread she got from the kitchen.

“I am afraid you failed to recall she can clearly hear you now. She is not the Jeongyeon she used to
be.” Tzuyu who had been silently observing the sparring sessions with them suddenly chimed in.

And this information instantly horrified the two who were quick to observe any change in
Jeongyeon’s demeanor. They had forgotten about the changes and dreaded about the coming
retaliation from the woman.
It didn’t take long though.

In quick strides, totally forgetting about Mina and their sparring, Jeongyeon made her way to them
with a sharp glare and a clenched fist.

“Let me guess. It slipped into your tiny minds that there happened to be drastic changes around
here. And now, I can even hear your tiny squeaks from afar.”

Dahyun hastily hid behind Momo who was just as frightened as her. Jeongyeon can be petty at
times and it would surely not end well for the both of them. So why not try to de-escalate things a

For the sake of survival...

A little buttering up won’t hurt, right?

“No! It’s not what you think, unnie. We were actually praising you for keeping up with Mina
despite having slight difficulties. You look badass while taking those hits. And those moves of
yours, where did you learn that? They were pleasing to the eyes.”

Momo was nodding along with every Dahyun’s words. Fingers crossed, hoping they would escape
her wrath unscathed. She hasn’t finished her bread for freaking sake.

But of course, all of it was in vain. It has little to no effect on their target. They were doomed the
moment they spoke about her.

“Oh? Are you saying it pleases you while I get beaten?”

Dahyun blundered it and Momo could do nothing but give up, and look at her bread longingly
before accepting her fate. She will be implicated no matter what.

“But since you said I can only keep up with our best fighter, it’s not a reach to say that I can be
your training instructor right? Don’t worry I can control my strength now a little. I promise not to
hurt you two. Not too much at least. It’s all part of the training anyways.” Jeongyeon said, all the
while crackling her knuckles and smirking menacingly.

Tzuyu can only shake her head at the two. Should she help Sana prepare the infirmary or just
straight-up dig a hole for them? Either way, the little girl was completely aware that Dahyun and
Momo would not leave the training room in one piece.

“Paying no heed to the consequences before taking action. Mortals are fascinating creatures.
Sometimes their recklessness is what makes this world more amusing.”

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

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