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Arachne's pride is evident in the story. She was confident in her weaving
skills and believed no goddess could educate her. Pride made her boast about being
a better weaver than Athena, which doomed her. Arachne couldn't accept loss
because she was too proud, and she kept arguing with Athena, which made the
goddess mad. Athena turned Arachne into a spider so that she could weave forever
and never again fight the gods. These findings prove Arachne's pride brought her
down. She became a spider after challenging a deity out of pride and inability to
accept her imperfections. Pride and ego are harmful, as Arachne shows.

"Arachne lived in the city of Lydia. She was a young human woman who was
good at weaving." Many people knew her for her beautiful embroidery, but what
really made her stand out was her unwavering pride. She was very proud and said
that her sewing skills were better than those of the goddess Athena. There was no
limit to Arachne's pride, and her haughty words reached the gods.

This paragraph's tone is one of arrogance and defiance, with words and phrases
like "unshakable pride," "boasted openly," and "arrogance knew no bounds"
showing how sure of herself Arachne was and her willingness to challenge a
goddess, which eventually ends in her downfall.

Arachne's greatest strength is her extraordinary weaving ability. She is well-
known for her skill and expertise in the creation of intricate and gorgeous
tapestries. Arachne holds the belief that her weaving and spinning abilities elevate
her to the pinnacle of the craft. She believes no one has ever given her the skill to
spin and weave like she does. Arachne was ecstatic when others appreciated her
work and was certain that no one else in the cosmos has the same abilities as her.
Thus, she valued herself and believed her position was vital. Arachne's self-
confidence shines throughout the story.
A mix of pride and defiance is what the story "Arachne" is mostly about.
Arachne is proud of how well she can weave and thinks that no one, not even a
goddess, could teach her anything. Because she is proud, she challenges Athena to
a weaving race, which ends badly for her. Arachne was stubborn because she
wouldn't admit where her skills came from, and she dared a goddess to compete
with her. The mood is serious and sad because it shows how Arachne's pride led to
terrible things. It's a story that shows how dangerous pride and ego can be, and it
stresses how important it is to be humble and respect the gods.

Her initial boast and challenge to Athena, her disrespectful choice of subject
matter for the weaving contest, her refusal to acknowledge her arrogance, and
Athena's punishment, which turns her into a spider, prove her pride caused her
downfall. These details show that Arachne's pride caused her tragedy.

Arachne effectively uses poetic justice, where virtue is rewarded, and

wickedness is punished. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and morality, punishes
Arachne for her pride and hubris, which are her vices. It emphasizes the moral of
the story, highlighting the dangers of arrogance and the value of humility and

The theme of the story of Arachne revolves around the consequences of

hubris and the importance of humility and respect. It conveys the general truth that
excessive pride and disrespect toward the divine or authority figures can lead to
downfall and suffering. It also tackles about human limitation as it teaches a lesson
about the dangers of pride and vanity and emphasizes the importance of humility
and respect for the gods.

First and foremost, before answering my brother’s invitation, it is important

to take some time for self-reflection. I should consider my own interests, goals, and
priorities. Also, I should also evaluate whether I would be comfortable with the
activities and values of the fraternity. The decisions I should make is grounded in
my own personal preferences, rather than being affected entirely by the pressure of
him being a member of the family.

Furthermore, when providing an explanation for my decision, it is important

to refrain from making negative remarks about the fraternity such as saying,
“Fraternities will ruin your life and you will never have a bright future when you
get involved with that”. I should properly imply the reasons for declining, such as
academic, personal, or career commitments that you feel would not align well with
the time and social obligations of the fraternity.

Nevertheless, it is important to prioritize maintaining a strong and positive

relationship with my brother after declining his invitation. Maintain open lines of
communication and consistently demonstrate interest in his life and activities. This
will contribute to a better understanding towards one another and respect each
other's choices, ultimately strengthening our bond as siblings.

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