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November 19, 2021

Alojado, Erika C.
BSMA 1-1

A. Summary
Mia owns a hotel, where you may rent if you wish to remain for an extended amount of
time while on vacation in their town. However, it is often not simple, since Mia's town is
prone to hurricanes and floods, both of which can do significant damage to people's
homes and businesses. If you really want to avoid a catastrophe like this, you must
understand the five processes to natural disaster prevention, as these are risk
prevention, addressing residual risk, preparing, responding, and recovering. The very
first step is prevention; you must conduct a risk analysis because that identifies hazards
in a particular location and assesses how exposed or highly vulnerable the people and
businesses within the area. The second step is addressing residual risk, and the third
step is preparation; you must start preparing yourself for natural catastrophes by
stocking up food and water in case of an emergency. The next phase is to responding
and recovering. In this step, you must assess the impacted regions and restore all of the
damages in a more efficient manner in order to prevent future disasters. All of these
processes are interconnected and must be understood in order to be safe.

B. Reflection

This video is very much important specially for us since our country is prone to flood
and earthquakes, it is important for us to know and understand the things we should do
in order for us to be safe. This video is very helpful for us to let us know the right thing
we should do when we experience these things.
C. Application
The purpose of this is for us to know the preventions we should do in case of natural
catastrophes, This helps me to educate the people who still not aware of these things.

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