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Fantasy Ancestries

By Megan Tolentino

Lead Writer/Designer: Megan Tolentino

Additional Writing, Design, & Editing: Aser Tolentino

Matthew Goldrich
Michael Goldrich

Art by: Hugo Alvern (, Dean

Spencer, JE Shields, Fat Goblin Games, Henriette
Boldt, Shaman’s Stockart, Luigi Castellani, and
Robert Lukeman.

Copyright: ©2017 by Peculiar Books LLC. All rights reserved.

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced
or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the publisher except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review.



Special Thanks to Landan Smith and Nyssa Mackinnon


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Introduction Final Note

Flavors are a great rule option introduced in Cy- Please keep in mind that all the abilities for these
pher System to customize characters in unique, heritages and origins are up to the discretion of the
interesting ways that would otherwise be unavail- GM.
able based on their types, descriptors and foci.
Fantasy Ancestries adapts this system by offering
new flavors based on common (and not-so- Table of Contents
common) fantasy heritages. Celestial Heritage……………………….page 2
Draconic Heritage………………………page 4
For more information about Flavors, see pages 50-
51 of the Cypher System Rulebook. Many of the Dwarven Heritage..………….……… 7
abilities referenced in this supplement are found Elven Heritage..……………………… 10
in the core supplement as well, and it is required Fiendish Heritage……….………………page 13
to use these Flavors. Gnomish Heritage………………………page 16
Halfling Heritage..…………………… 18
Universal Character Rules Human Heritage..……………………….page 22
Origins: To further customize your character, a Orcish Heritage…………………..…….page 24
new rule, origins, gives an additional level of
Examples……………………………………page 27
depth to your backstory and abilities. You may
take one origin for free at character creation - ei- General Origins……….…………………page 27
ther one specific to your character’s ancestry or a
more general origin related to your character’s

Heritage Inabilities: Throughout this book you

will find inabilities specific to each of the heritag-
es. At character creation, if you select a heritage
inability you may select an additional origin or
first tier ability that is available to your character.
Note that a character may only select one heritage
origin, even if an inability is taken.

Characters of Mixed Ancestry: If you want to

play a character of mixed ancestry like a half-elf
or half-orc, select the Human Ancestry Flavor
(page 22) and select the Mixed Heritage origin.

Starting Languages: Each character can read and

write their Ancestry language, the common lan-
guage, and a number of additional languages equal
to their Intellect edge.

Abilities marked with ◊ are from the CSR and can

be found there.


faces however, and you'll notice that people's eyes

Celestial Heritage shift nervously in the presence of what most take
There are powers and beings greater than those to be angelic beings and the air around them seems
mortal masses who walk the world, and sometimes to shimmer with the aura of their as yet unrealized
those who watch over those mortals pass along power.
something of themselves. The resulting celestially
descended beings possess abilities beyond the scope
of ordinary people. Some bearing these powers are Celestial Origins
ascendant beings themselves who seek to rise above You may take one origin for free. You may also
their mortal station, while latents are less aware of choose from the general origins located on page 27.
their potential, and the fallen twist their abilities to
• Ascendant: You feel the celestial blessing flow-
vile ends. At first glance, those touched with celes-
tial ancestry draw attention for their ethereal beau- ing through you. Add 2 points to a pool of your
ty. Look again at their graceful limbs and proud choice. Enabler.
• Fallen: You see your divine powers as a curse,
and seek to twist them. You have an asset to
deception, persuasion, and intimidation skills.
• Latent: Your celestial ancestry is distant
enough not to be remembered. At the begin-
ning of each day, choose one skill. You are
trained in that skill for the rest of that day. En-

Celestial Inabilities
You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain one
additional Tier 1 Celestial ability or origin.
• Eye-catching: Your appearance or demeanor
stand out from the crowd. You have an inabil-
ity to disguise yourself, blend-in, or sneak. En-
• Gullible: You want to see the best in people,
even when they just want something from you.
You have an inability for detecting lies or de-
termining someone’s motives. Enabler.
• Honest: You are unwilling to tell a lie. You
have an inability for any task that involves de-
ception. Enabler.

Celestial Heritage

First-Tier Celestial Abilities Third-Tier Celestial Abilities

• Halo (2 Intellect Points): When you concen- • Blinding Aura (3 Intellect Points): Your bright
trate you can create an aura of light around aura causes you to disappear in a brilliant flash
your head that illuminates a short distance for of light. For one round, any creature attempting
ten minutes. Action to Initiate. to attack you is blinded. You must take a recov-
ery roll before using this action again. Action to
• Linguist: You are trained in two additional lan-
guages. You can take this ability more than
once. Enabler. • Celestial Defender: Your Celestial Companion
stands by your side in combat and provides an
 Control the Field (Tier 1 Warrior)
asset to defend against non-physical attack, in-
 Encouragement (Tier 1 Speaker) cluding those that normally bypass armor. Re-
 Hedge Magic (Tier 1 Adept) quires the Celestial Companion ability. Enabler.

 Interaction Skills (Tier 1 Skills and Knowledge)  Cutting Light (Tier 2 Adept)

 Knowledge Skills (Tier 1 Explorer)  Eye for Detail (Tier 2 Explorer)

 Magic Training (Tier 1 Adept)  Flash (Tier 2 Adept)

 Impart Ideal (Tier 2 Speaker)

Second-Tier Celestial Abilities  Repair Flesh (Tier 2 Magic)

 Reveal (Tier 2 Adept)
• Celestial Companion: You have a small com-
panion that is level 1 and doesn’t leave your im-  Speed Recovery (Tier 2 Speaker)
mediate area. You gain an asset in positive so-
 Think Your Way Out (Tier 3 Explorer)
cial rolls outside of combat. If your companion
is killed it takes you 1 day to summon a new
one. Enabler. Fourth-Tier Celestial Abilities
• Celestial Skin: Your skin has taken on a metal- • Celestial Aid: Your Celestial companion stands
lic sheen that repels attacks. You have +1 armor by you in combat and is an asset for any attack
to any physical attack. Enabler. roll. Requires the Celestial Companion ability.
 Babel (Tier 2 Speaker) Enabler.
 Block (Tier 1 Explorer) • Celestial Echoes (4+ Intellect Points): You may
ask spirits of the recently deceased 3 questions
 Enable Others (Tier 2 Explorer)
about events in the immediate area from the
 Hover (Tier 2 Adept) past day. You may see further into the past by
 Onslaught (Tier 1 Adept) spending 1 Intellect point per day you reach
back. The GM determines the difficulty of the
 Understanding (Tier 1 Speaker)
question you are asking. Action to Initiate.
 Ward (Tier 1 Adept)
 Accelerate (Tier 3 Speaker)
 Countermeasures (Tier 3 Adept)


 Feint (Tier 4 Warrior)  Suggestion (Tier 4 Speaker)

 Oratory (Tier 3 Speaker)  Take Command (Tier 5 Explorer)
 Preternatural Senses (Tier 4 Stealth)
Sixth-Tier Celestial Abilities
Fifth-Tier Celestial Abilities • Divine Inspiration (6+ Intellect Points): Your
conviction and inspiring words lead your allies
• Celestial Scout: Your Celestial companion can
to reach deep within themselves. For the next
travel a long distance from you to gain infor-
minute, an ally within close range is specialized
mation, returning after 10 minutes. You can
in a skill of your choice. If they are already spe-
experience what your companion has seen and
cialized in that skill, they gain an asset to that
heard as if you were there. Requires the Celestial
skill instead. You may spend one additional In-
Companion ability. Action to Initiate.
tellect point for each additional ally you wish to
• Wings (5 Intellect Points): Once a day you can affect. Action to Initiate.
manifest wings that allow you to move a long
• Shooting Stars (6 Intellect Points): You sum-
distance in the time it would normally take to
mon a shower of meteors from the heavens.
move an immediate distance for one hour. This
This attack may target up to five enemies with-
also allows you to avoid negative movement
in long range. Make an Intellect attack. On a
modifiers associated with the terrain, as you
hit, cause 6 points of damage that ignores ar-
simply fly over them. Action to Initiate.
mor. On a miss, targets take 2 points of damage
 Read the Signs (Tier 4 Explorer) from the blast. Action.
 Stimulate (Tier 5 Speaker)  Absorb energy (Tier 5 Adept)
 Battle Management (Tier 6 Speaker)
 Font of Inspiration (Tier 5 Speaker)
 Inspiring Success (Tier 6 Speaker)

Draconic Heritage
Those that can trace their ancestry back to a dra-
conic being count the fact as a mixed blessing.
Gifted with exceptional strength and the ability to
strike at foes with a powerful breath weapon, they
are nonetheless faced with suspicion and distrust
owing to their connection to some of the most
feared magical creatures in the world. Draconic ad-
venturers derive much of their identity, appear-
ance, and the nature of their power from the aspect
of their ancestor: elemental, corrosive or electric.

Draconic Heritage
Those with Draconic heritage vary in appearance one additional Tier 1 Draconic ability or origin.
almost as much as they do in disposition. While • Breathing Room: You are well-respected, but
some are sturdily built with figures that would some of that is due to your ancestor’s danger-
look appropriate for one of their primordial preda- ous reputation. People tend to keep their dis-
tory ancestors, others are tall and lean as though tance. You have an inability in all pleasant so-
adapted for flight. Some in fact, possess wings cial interactions. Enabler.
while others look almost human, with only the
telltale scaly skin to give away their other-worldly • Limited Reach: You have an intimidating pres-
origins. ence on the battlefield, but can’t be everywhere
at once. You have an inability in any move-
ment related tasks. Enabler.
Draconic Origins • Moths to a Flame: No matter how much you
You may take one origin for free. You may also try to hide your ancestry seems to draw atten-
choose from the general origins located on page 27. tion. You have an inability to disguise yourself,
blend in, or sneak. Enabler.
• Corrosive (1 Intellect Point): Your draconic
heritage is from the fetid swamps, sweltering
jungles, or ruined mines outside civilized lands.
You have an affinity with either acid or
poison type damage. You have an acid or
poison breath weapon attack that deals 4
points of Might damage to one enemy in
short range. Action.
• Elemental (1 Intellect Point): Your dracon-
ic heritage is from the far north, the desert,
or the mountains. You have an affinity for
cold or fire. You have a cold or fire breath
weapon attack that deals 4 points of Speed
damage to one enemy in short range. Ac-
• Storm (1 Intellect Point): Your draconic
heritage is of mythic storms that change
the lands they pass over. You have an af-
finity with lightning and thunder. You
have a lightning or sonic breath weapon
attack that deals 4 points of Intellect dam-
age to one enemy in short range. Action.

Draconic Inabilities
You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain


First-Tier Draconic Abilities of damage, and uses the energy associated with
your selected draconic origin. Action.
• Adaptation (Tier 2 Adept). You are only able
to adapt to the environment associated with  Accelerate (Tier 3 Speaker)
your selected draconic origin.  Experienced with Armor (Tier 3 Warrior)
• Claws: Your fingers end in sharp claws. They  Fury (Tier 3 Warrior)
are considered a medium weapon. Enabler.
 Targeting Eye (Tier 3 Adept)
 Bash (Tier 1 Warrior)
 Goad (Tier 1 Stealth)
Fourth-Tier Draconic Abilities
 Muscles of Iron (Tier 1 Explorer)
• Amorphous Breath: Choose an additional dam-
 Practiced in Armor (Tier 1 Warrior) age type for your breath weapon from fire,
 Terrifying Presence (Tier 1 Speaker) cold, poison, acid, sonic, and electricity. You
can choose which type of damage your breath
 Thrust (Tier 1 Warrior)
weapon does, but it can only do one at a time.
 Trained Without Armor (Tier 1 Warrior) You can take this ability more than once, se-
lecting a different damage type each time. Ena-
Second-Tier Draconic Abilities
• Breath Shroud (2 Intellect Points): You can en-
• Dragon Hide: Your skin is covered in dragon shroud your melee weapon with the energy as-
scales. You have +1 armor to any physical at- sociated with your draconic heritage. You deal
tack. Enabler. +3 damage with your next attack with that
• Energy Protection (Tier 3 Adept). You are only weapon, and all of the damage is of your select-
able to resist energy associated with your se- ed draconic origin. Action.
lected draconic origins.  Confounding Banter (Tier 4 Speaker)
 Aggression (Tier 1 Speaker)  Debilitating Strike (Tier 4 Stealth)
 Chop (Tier 2 Warrior)  Opening Gambit (Tier 4 Warrior)
 Crush (Tier 2 Warrior)
 Enable Others (Tier 2 Explorer)
Fifth-Tier Draconic Abilities
 Mighty Blow (Tier 2 Warrior)
• Explosive Breath Weapon (3 Intellect Points):
You can form your breath weapon into an orb
and detonate it within short distance, doing 4
Third-Tier Draconic Abilities
points of damage in an immediate distance to
• Frenzy: When impaired you gain a +3 to your all creatures in the area. Action.
weapon damage. Enabler.
• Wings (5 Intellect Points): Once a day you can
• Improved Breath Weapon (3 Intellect Points): manifest wings that allow you to move a long
You can use your breath weapon to attack all distance in the time it would normally take to
creatures in immediate range. It does 4 points move an immediate distance for one hour. This

Draconic Heritage
This replaces Improved Breath Weapon; you
can replace it with a different third tier ability.
• Viscous Breath: Your breath weapon attack lin-
gers for a round, dealing an additional 4 points
of damage to those damaged by it in the previ-
ous round. Enabler.
 Battle Management (Tier 6 Speaker)
 Finishing Blow (Tier 6 Warrior)
Foul Aura (Tier 5 Speaker)
Mastery with Armor (Tier 5 Warrior)
Slayer (Tier 6 Warrior)

Dwarven Heritage
also allows you to avoid negative movement The Dwarves count themselves among the oldest
modifiers associated with the terrain, as you and wisest peoples of the world’s nations. Skilled
simply fly over them. Action to Initiate. craftsmen and warriors, they have excavated under
 Capable Warrior (Tier 4 Warrior) the land, building vast underground metropolises
and commanding mountain bastions. Skilled with
 Flee (Tier 5 Speaker)
heavy shields and armor, they make formidable
 Momentum (Tier 4 Warrior) warriors who can stand against the most relentless
 Take Command (Tier 5 Explorer) assault. While usually shorter and stockier than
many other peoples, Dwarven stubbornness and
determination makes them fierce foes. Dwarves
Sixth-Tier Draconic Abilities typically settle in the mountains or hills, but some-
times elect to wander the world far from home.
• Blended Breath: If you have taken Amorphous
Breath, you can deal all types of damage you
have in a single attack, for two additional Dwarven Origins
points of damage. If the target is susceptible to
any type of damage inflicted, their armor does You may take one origin for free. You may also
not apply to any of the damage. Enabler. choose from the general origins located on page 27.
• Hill Dwarf: You are more resilient then your
• Greater Breath Weapon (6 Intellect Points):
You can use your breath weapon to attack all cousins. You have an additional Might edge.
creatures in short range. It does 6 points of Enabler.
damage, ignoring armor, and uses the energy • Mountain Dwarf: You have spent much of
associated with your selected draconic origin. your life in mines and caverns. You gain an


asset to survival, navigation, and perception

rolls when underground. Enabler.
• Nomadic Dwarf: You’ve travelled extensively,
foregoing an exclusively subterranean life. You
gain +2 to your Intellect pool. Enabler.

Dwarven Inabilities
You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain one
additional Tier 1 Dwarven ability or origin.
• Abrasive. You are gruff and don’t much care
what others think. You have an inability to all
pleasant social interactions. Enabler.
• Light Blind: Your eyes are not accustomed to
bright light due to a life underground in the
darkness. You have an inability to perception
rolls when in daylight. Enabler.
• Stout: You are strong, but not quick. Any ac-
tion that involves quick motion is taken one
level at your detriment. Enabler.

the dark then most. You are specialized in low-

First-Tier Dwarf Abilities light spotting (See page 204 of the CSR). Enabler.
• Dwarven Crafting: You are trained in two of  Bash (Tier 1 Warrior)
the following: alchemy, appraisal, blacksmith,
 Endurance (Tier 1 Explorer)
brewing, lapidary, masonry, or goldsmith. If
you are already trained in one of these skills,  Opportunist (Tier 1 Stealth)
then you are specialized. Enabler.
 Practiced in Armor (Tier 1 Warrior)
• Holds a Grudge: Choose a type of creature,
 Thrust (Tier 1 Warrior)
such as dragon, giant, goblin, or orc. You hold
an enmity for this creature’s entire species. An-  Tinker (Tier 1 Technology)
ytime you fight a creature of this type, you
have an asset to attack rolls and deal +1 damage.
You can take this ability multiple times, each Second-Tier Dwarf Abilities
time choosing a new type of foe. You have an • Dwarven Resilience: Dwarves are tougher than
inability in positive social interactions with any stone. You have an asset to Might defense. Ena-
member of this species. Enabler. bler.
• Night Vision: You have better perception in • Lore Master: You’ve long studied the extensive
records of your people’s lore keepers on Dwarven

Dwarven Heritage
history. You gain an asset on knowledge  Quick Recovery (Tier 2 Explorer)
checks pertaining to Dwarven history or the  Resilience (Tier 3 Explorer)
enemies of the Dwarven peoples. You should
determine beforehand with your GM who  Wreck (Tier 2 Explorer)
these enemies are. Enabler.
• Mountaineer: You get a thrill from scaling Fourth-Tier Dwarf Abilities
mountains. You gain an asset to climbing and
crossing narrow or slippery terrain. Enabler. • Ground Breaker (4+ Might Points): You slam
your weapon into the ground, sending a wave
 Closed Mind (Tier 1 Magic) of force through the earth. Make a melee attack
 Crush (Tier 2 Warrior) roll. All other characters, including allies, in
immediate range who are hit by the attack fall
 Mighty Blow (Tier 2 Warrior)
prone and must spend their next action getting
 Surging Confidence (Tier 1 Explorer) up. For each additional Might point spent, you
 Tool Mastery (Technology Tier 2) may designate one target as being dazed for one
round, regardless of success. Action.
• Stone Arm (3 Might Points): You call on the
Third-Tier Dwarf Abilities power of the earth as you strike out with a me-
• Flexible Grudge (3 Intellect Point): Designate lee weapon, ignoring all armor on a successful
1 combatant you are fighting as the focus of attack. If your target is not wearing armor,
your grudge. You have an asset to attack that they take 3 additional points of damage. Ac-
combatant for the remainder of this encoun- tion.
ter. You can use this ability again after your  Energy Protection (Tier 3 Adept)
10 hour recovery. This does not stack with the
 Experienced with Armor (Tier 3 Explorer)
Holds a Grudge ability. Action.
 Ignore the Pain (Tier 3 Explorer)
• Shield Arm: If you stand shoulder to shoulder
with an ally while you both are holding  Seize Opportunity (Tier 3 Stealth)
shields, you each receive an asset to Speed de-  Stone Breaker (Tier 3 Explorer)
fense and +1 armor. Your ally needs not have
this ability for you both to gain the bonuses.
Enabler. Fifth-Tier Dwarf Abilities
 Countermeasures (Tier 3 Adept) • Ancestral Aid (5 Intellect Points): You tempo-
 Inner Defense (Tier 3 Stealth) rarily call on the shades of your ancestors to
join you in battle, allowing you to make a sin-
gle attack with a melee weapon against up to
four enemies in immediate range. You can
spend an additional two levels of effort to ex-
tend this to short range. Action.
• Greedy (5 Intellect Points): Any time you use a
cypher you may roll to get one more use out of

it. The difficulty of this task is the level of the damage. You can increase this damage by
cypher. The difficulty increases by 1 step each spending levels of effort. On a miss, you still
time you use this ability in the same day. Ena- deal 2 points of damage as shrapnel strikes
bler. them. Action.
 Debilitating Strike (Tier 4 Stealth) • Sunder (5 Might Points): Your expertise in
 Fury (Tier 4 Combat) combat and stonework allows you to spot weak-
ness in all manufactured materials. You can
 Jury-Rig (Tier 5 Technology) break through any non-magical barrier with a
 Vigilant (Tier 5 Explorer) single attack with a melee weapon against the
level of the material. Action.
 Battle Management (Tier 6 Speaker)
Sixth-Tier Dwarf Abilities
 Mastery with Armor (Tier 6 Explorer)
• Rocks Fall (6+ Intellect Points): You know just
 Take Command (Tier 5 Explorer)
where to strike the earth to cause to a hail of
stone to fall or burst, pummeling your foes.
You specify a target within long range of where
you stand and make an attack roll. All targets Elven Heritage
within short range of that point take 6 points of
With a storied past stretching back before the
reach of recorded history, the Elven peoples pos-
sess a powerful tradition of magic and explora-
tion. Elven adventurers have trekked across the
known world, charting the unknown and find-
ing homes in distant and alien lands. With an
almost supernatural level of speed and grace, the
average elf is many times swifter and more agile
than most humans.
Elves are typically tall and lithe with pointed
ears. There is of course no such thing as a com-
mon elf, as elves have diverged over the centu-
ries into distinct high, wood, and night castes
that live in cities, wilderness and in subterrane-
an depths respectively.
Elven Weapons typically include longbows,
short bows, longswords, rapiers, and any other
weapons specified by your GM.
If you are interested in playing a half-elf, use
the Human Ancestry Flavor and select the
Mixed Heritage origin (page 22).

Elven Heritage

Elven Origins Elven Inabilities

You may take one origin for free. You may also You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain one
choose from the general origins located on page 27. additional Tier 1 Elven ability or origin.
• High Elf: You have a sharp mind. Add 1 to • Arrogant: Elves long natural lifespans span-
your Intellect edge. Enabler. ning centuries or even millennia and some de-
mand respect from those who are shorter-lived.
• Night Elf: You have better perception in the
You have an inability in pleasant social interac-
dark then most. You have an asset to low-light
tions with non-elves. Enabler.
spotting (See page 204). Enabler.
• Fragile: Your body does not handle stress well.
• Wood Elf: While in the wilderness you have
You have an inability to all Might defense
an asset to sneak, navigation, and survival. En-
rolls. Enabler.
• Graceful: You are quick, but not strong. You
have an inability in rolls that involve lifting,
pulling, or breaking objects. Enabler.

First-Tier Elf Abilities

• Keen Senses: You are trained
in two of the following: percep-
tion, scrutiny, appraisal, low-
light spotting, and survival. If
you are already trained in a se-
lected skill, you become special-
ized. Enabler.
• Trained with Elven Weap-
ons: You have learned to use the
traditional Elven arms, including longbows,
short bows, longswords, and rapiers. You are
trained in the use of all Elven weapons. If you
are already trained in any of these weapons, you
become specialized instead. Enabler.
 Danger Sense (Tier 1 Explorer)
 Fleet of Foot (Tier 1 Explorer)
 Interaction Skills (Tier 1 Speaker)
 Pierce (Tier 1 Warrior)
 Quick Draw (Tier 1 Warrior)

Second-Tier Elf Abilities Fourth-Tier Elf Abilities
• Elven Defense: When fighting with an Elven • Spell Mastery: Your long lifespan has given
weapon, you have an asset to Speed defense you time to master the magical arts. When us-
while in combat. Enabler. ing a magical ability (as agreed upon by you
and your GM), your Intellect edge is consid-
• Harmonized with the Land: When in the wil-
ered to be one higher. Enabler.
derness, you can take one additional recovery
roll that takes one action each day. Enabler.  Expert (Tier 4 Explorer)
• Linguist: You are trained in two additional lan-  Run and Fight (Tier 3 Explorer)
guages you are not already trained in. Enabler.  Runner (Tier 4 Explorer)
 Enthrall (Tier 1 Speaker)  Snipe (Tier 4 Warrior)
 Far Step (Tier 1 Adept)  Targeting Eye (Tier 3 Adept)
 Magic Training (Tier 1 Adept)
 Range Increase (Tier 2 Explorer)
Fifth-Tier Elf Abilities
 Successive Attack (Tier 2 Warrior)
• Commune with Nature (5 Intellect Points):
 Understanding (Tier 1 Speaker) While using the Eye for Detail ability (Tier 2
Explorer) in the wilderness, you may ask up to
3 questions instead of 1.
Third-Tier Elf Abilities
• Ages of Experience: You’ve been alive long
enough to have had the time to read and study
from sources that would fill several libraries.
You have an asset to all research and
knowledge rolls. Enabler.
• Elven Eyes (3 Speed Points): When you miss
an attack with a ranged Elven weapon you may
re-roll the attack, keeping the second result
even if it is worse. Enabler.
 Adaptation (Tier 2 Adept)
 Deadly Aim (Tier 3 Warrior)
 Enable Others (Tier 2 Explorer)
 Evanesce (Tier 3 Stealth)
 Eye for Detail (Tier 2 Explorer)
 Trick Shot (Tier 3 Warrior)

Elven Heritage
• Lore Keeper (5+ Intellect Points): You automat-
ically succeed on any knowledge roll of difficul- themselves behind than pain and anguish. Those
ty 6 or lower that you have training in. You can descended from fiends are beguiling, sinewy or
spend levels of effort to decrease the difficulty shadowy, taking on the physical aspects of their
of the task before using this ability. Action. ancestor that instilled dread in the hearts of men.

 Jump Attack (Tier 5 Explorer)

 Read the Signs (Tier 4 Speaker) Fiendish Origins
 True Senses (Tier 5 Adept) You may take one origin for free. You may also
choose from the general origins located on page
Sixth-Tier Elf Abilities
• Beguiling: You have a silver tongue that
• Specialized in Elven Weapons: You have borne makes it easy to convince others to listen to
Elven Weaponry for most of your life. You you. You have an asset to persuasion, decep-
gain a +3 to damage when using an Elven weap- tion, and sense motive. Enabler.
on. If you roll a 1 while attacking with an Elven
• Thewy: You are huge. You have a +2 to your
weapon you do not incur a GM Intrusion, the
Might pool. Enabler.
attack simply fails. Enabler.
• Shadow: You move quick and silently. You
• Swift Attack (8 Speed Points): You are a force
have an additional Speed edge. Enabler.
of nature, your hands moving faster than the
mind can process. You make a single attack roll
against up to five targets you can see and that
Fiendish Inabilities
are in range of your weapon. Any target whose
defense is less than your attack roll is hit. Any You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain one
effort or abilities that cause more damage that additional Tier 1 Fiendish ability or origin.
are applied to this roll are applied to all targets • Ungainly: Your obvious fiendish traits are
you hit. Action. disproportionate compared to the rest of your
 Again and Again (Tier 6 Explorer) humanoid body. You are clumsy and have an
inability to any tasks that involve balancing
 Physically Gifted (Tier 5 Explorer)
or grace. Enabler.
 Teleportation (Tier 5 Adept)
• Unique Appearance: Your fiendish blood
 Wild Vitality (Tier 6 Explorer) makes you memorable. You have an inability
to disguise checks and deception checks about
who you are. Enabler.
• Untrustworthy: The people you meet don’t
Fiendish Heritage tend to want to be around you. You have an
There are malevolent beings beyond the mortal inability in pleasant social interactions. Ena-
realm that watch the comings and goings of ordi- bler.
nary people and take joy in offering them tempta-
tion and suffering. Sometimes they leave more of


First-Tier Fiendish Abilities your opponent, dealing an additional 4 points of

damage if successful. Enabler.
• Barbed: Some of your ancestry includes demons
of the spikier variety. Anyone who grabs or • Thick Skinned: Your skin is scaled like that of a
makes an unarmed attack against you takes 2 demon. You have +1 armor against any physical
points of Might damage. Enabler. attack. Enabler.
• Claws: Your fingers end in sharp claws. They  Hover (Tier 2 Adept)
are considered a medium weapon. As part of a  Opportunist (Tier 1 Stealth)
successful standard melee attack you can also
 Successive Attack (Tier 2 Warrior)
attempt to claw your opponent, dealing an addi-
tional 4 points of damage if successful. Enabler.  Surging Confidence (Tier 1 Explorer)
• Tail: You have a tail that can grasp and hold
objects. It can be used as an additional
hand. It cannot hold heavy items or wield a
weapon. Enabler.
 Aggression (Tier 1 Speaker)
 Bash (Tier 1 Warrior)
 Danger Sense (Tier 1 Explorer)
 Fleet of Foot (Tier 1 Explorer)
 Magic Training (Tier 1 Adept)
 Onslaught (Tier 1 Adept)
 Stealth Skills (Tier 1 Stealth)
 Terrifying Presence (Tier 1 Speaker)

Second-Tier Fiendish Abilities

• Demonic Companion: You have a small
companion that is level 1 and doesn’t leave
your immediate area. You gain an asset to
intimidating or deceptive social rolls out-
side of combat. If your companion is killed
it takes you 1 day to summon a new one.
• Horns: You have horns large enough to at-
tack another creature with. The horns are
medium weapons. As part of a successful
standard attack you can also attempt to gore

Fiendish Heritage

Third-Tier Fiendish Abilities  Telling (Tier 3 Speaker)

• Corrosive Blood: When you take damage from
a melee attack that causes you to bleed, your Fourth-Tier Fiendish Abilities
attacker takes 2 points of Might damage as your
blood burns them. Enabler. • Demonic Defender: Your Demonic Companion
stands by your side in combat, and provides an
• Demonic Aid: Your Demonic companion asset in speed defense rolls. Requires the Demon-
stands by you in combat and is an asset for any ic Companion ability. Enabler.
attack roll. Requires the Demonic Companion
ability. Enabler. • Demonic Fury (3+ Intellect Points): You can
shroud your body and melee weapon in flames
• Frenzy: When impaired you gain +3 to your for one round. Anyone who tries to strike you
melee weapon damage. Enabler. with a melee attack takes two points of damage,
 Adaptation (Tier 2 Adept) and you deal an additional four points of fire
damage to your melee attacks. You can make
 From the Shadows (Tier 3 Stealth)
the effect last a number of additional rounds
 Fury (Tier 3 Warrior) equal to the additional Intellect points spent.
 Surprise Strike (Tier 2 Stealth) Action to initiate.
 Anticipate Attack (Tier 4 Speaker)
 Countermeasures (Tier 3 Adept)
 Inner Defense (Tier 3 Stealth)
 Momentum (Tier 4 Warrior)
 Seize the Moment (Tier 3 Warrior)

Fifth-Tier Fiendish Abilities

• Demonic Scout: Your Demonic Companion can
travel a long distance from you to gain infor-
mation. You can experience what your com-
panion has seen and heard as if you were there.
Requires the Demonic Companion ability. Action
to Initiate.
• Wings (5 Intellect Points): Once a day you can
manifest wings that allow you to move a long
distance in the time it would normally take to
move an immediate distance for one hour. This
also allows you to avoid negative movement
modifiers associated with the terrain, as you
simply fly over them. Action to Initiate.


 Debilitating Strike (Tier 4 Stealth) them, Gnomes make their mark everywhere they
go. The Gnomish folk are known for the vibrant
 Exile (Tier 4 Adept)
and wildly varying skin and hair colors, as well as
 Psychosis (Tier 4 Speaker) their pointed ears and small stature.
 Slay (Tier 4 Adept)
 True Sense (Tier 5 Adept) Gnomish Origins
You may take one origin for free. You may also
Sixth-Tier Fiendish Abilities choose from the general origins located on page 27.

• Fiendish Assault (6 Intellect Points): You sum- • Creator: You love to build and innovate. You
mon fiends to fight alongside you in combat for gain +2 to your Intellect pool.
a single round. Their swarming attack grants • Polyglot: You are very outgoing, chatting up
you an asset to attack any creature within long anyone willing to engage in conversation.
range, and deal an additional 4 points of damage Within a few hours you can understand any
on a successful attack. On a miss, you still deal spoken language well enough to get the general
4 points of damage as your horde attacks. Ac- gist of what is being said or make yourself un-
tion. derstood. You cannot pass as a native speaker.
• Sow Discord (6 Intellect Points): Until the be- • Tinkerer: You often fiddle with any new con-
ginning of your next turn, any enemy who traption you come across. You have an asset to
misses an attack automatically hits one of its any repair, heal, or trap based tasks.
allies and deals an additional 2 points of dam-
age. Action to Initiate.
 Conjuration (Tier 5 Adept) Gnomish Inabilities
 Dust to Dust (Tier 5 Adept) You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain one
additional Tier 1 Gnomish ability or origin.
 Finishing Blow (Tier 6 Warrior)
• Chatty: Your tendency to overshare makes it
 Flee (Tier 5 Speaker) difficult for you to hide the truth. You have an
 Foul Aura (Tier 5 Speaker) inability to deception skills.
• Flashy: Your bright and boisterous nature and
clothing make it hard to not be noticed. You
Gnomish Heritage have an inability in stealth.

Few know the workings of the world better than • Short-winded: Your smaller stature makes it
Gnomes. These inveterate inventors and scientists more difficult to traverse long distances. You
are closely connected to nature and have a special have an inability to running skills.
connection to machines, alchemy, and the physical
world. Whether as creators of new wonders, tinker-
ers who repair what has been broken, or travelers First-Tier Gnome Abilities
who seek to learn more about the world around • Explorer: You yearn to learn more about the

Gnomish Heritage

Second-Tier Gnome Abilities

• Animal Companion: You have a small com-
panion (such as an owl, fox, or lizard) that is
level 1 and won’t leave your immediate area. It
gives you an asset in positive social rolls out-
side of combat. If your companion is killed it
takes you 1 day to summon a new one. Enabler.
• Linguist: You are trained in two additional
languages. Enabler.
• Nature’s Ally: You spend most of your time
outside. You’re skilled in survival, tracking,
hunting, and foraging. Enabler.
• Optimist: Your cheerful and hopeful nature
helps you protect your mind. You are special-
ized in Intellect defense. Enabler.
 Entangling Force (Tier 2 Magic)
 Far Step (Tier 1 Adept)
 Scan (Tier 1 Adept)
 Tool Mastery (Tier 2 Technology)

world you live in. You are trained in two of the

Third-Tier Gnome Abilities
following: climbing, geography, geology, iden- • Animal Defender: Your Animal Companion
tifying, or riding. Enabler. stands by your side in combat, and provides an
• Friend to Animals: You are trained in all social asset in Speed defense rolls. Requires the Ani-
interactions with animals and healing skills mal Companion ability. Enabler.
when applied to an animal. Enabler. • Toxicologist: Your knowledge of poisons is ter-
 Decipher (Tier 1 Explorer) rifying. You are trained in making, identifying,
and treating poisons. You have an asset when
 Distortion (Tier 1 Adept) rolling to resist being poisoned. Enabler.
 Hedge Magic (Tier 1 Adept)  Eye for Detail (Tier 2 Explorer)
 Knowledge Skills (Tier 1 Skills and  Flash (Tier 2 Adept)
 Flex Skill (Tier 3 Skills and Knowledge)
 Tinker (Tier 1 Technology)
 Get Away (Tier 2 Stealth)


Fourth-Tier Gnome Abilities  Read the Signs (Tier 4 Speaker)

• Animal Aid: Your Animal companion stands
by you in combat and is an asset for any attack
Sixth-Tier Gnome Abilities
roll. Requires the Animal Companion ability. En-
abler. • A Force of Nature (8 Intellect Points): You can
bring the force of nature itself to bear against
• Pyromaniac (4+ Intellect Points): Your love of
your foes. You may attack all creatures within
tinkering and fire has lead you to make small
short range using natural forces, ranging from
explosive bombs. These function as level 4 Det-
inclement weather to a swarm of bees, as ap-
onation cyphers with the type fire (page 348 of
propriate. This attack deals 6 points of damage,
the CSR). If you spend 4 Intellect points you
or 2 points of damage on a miss. Action.
can make two grenades in an hour. You can
spend a level of effort to halve this time. Ac- • Destructive Interference (4+ Intellect Points):
tion. You disrupt the magical forces underlying real-
ity, causing a catastrophic release of the energy
 Improvise (Tier 4 Skills and Knowledge)
contained by your target’s magical items or cy-
 Projection (Tier 4 Adept) phers. Roll an Intellect attack on one item car-
 Quick Wits (Tier 4 Speaker) ried by an enemy with a difficulty equal to the
item’s level; on a success the item explodes,
dealing an amount of damage equal to the
Fifth-Tier Gnome Abilities item’s level. Spend levels of effort to affect ad-
ditional items. Action.
• Animal Scout: Your Animal companion can
travel a long distance from you to gain infor-  Create (Tier 5 Adept)
mation, returning after 10 minutes. You can  Jury Rig (Tier 5 Technology)
experience what your companion has seen and
 True Sense (Tier 5 Adept)
heard as if you were there. Requires the Animal
Companion ability. Action to Initiate.  Wild Vitality (Tier 6 Explorer)
• Gnomish Trapper (4 Intellect Points): You toss
out a handful of traps onto the battlefield with-
in a short distance, giving assets to your allies Halfling Heritage
when attacking the next three enemies who
There are few more friendly and open than the
move through the area. Action.
Halflings. Armed with an indomitable optimism,
 Expert (Tier 4 Explorer) they are by and large a curious lot who are some-
 Feint (Tier 4 Warrior) times tempted away from their home fires by the
call of adventure. Halflings are among the shortest
 Invisibility (Tier 4 Adept) peoples found in the world, and typically resemble
human children. While some Halflings are notori-
ous homebodies who take the comforts of their
hearthstones wherever they go, others take joy in
playing the wandering trickster or learning new
ways to challenge their own preconceptions.

Halfling Heritage

Halfling Origins • Trickster: Your frequent pranks have taught

you to always have an escape route. You gain
You may take one origin for free. You may also
+2 to your Speed pool. Enabler.
choose from the general origins located on page 27.
• Flexible: You have had to make a lot of com-
promises, rarely being the biggest person in the Halfling Inabilities
room. You are a quick thinker and gain an ad- You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain one
ditional point in Intellect edge. Enabler. additional Tier 1 Halfling ability or origin.
• Homebody: A warm room with a cozy fire and • Craven: You’re hesitant to immediately jump
good food is the best place to be. You gain as- into combat. You have an inability to initiative.
sets to cooking, healing, and storytelling. Ena- Enabler.
• Oblivious: You often get lost in the moment.
You have an inability to perception skills. Ena-
• Short-winded: Your smaller stature makes it
more difficult to traverse long distances. You
have an inability to running skills. Enabler.

First-Tier Halfling Abilities

• Acrobatic: You are trained in two of the follow-
ing skills: acrobatics, climbing, balancing,
sneaking, or pickpocketing. If you are already
trained, then you are specialized. Enabler.
• Friendly: Your jovial nature makes it easy for
you to gain the confidence of anyone you meet.
You are trained in all pleasant social interac-
tions. Enabler.
 Escape (Tier 2 Explorer)
 Fast Talk (Tier 1 Speaker)
 Goad (Tier 1 Stealth)
 Legerdemain (Tier 1 Stealth)
 Stealth Skills (Tier 1 Stealth)
 Swipe (Tier 1 Warrior)
 Thrust (Tier 1 Warrior)


Second-Tier Halfling Abilities spend increases the duration by one round. Ac-
• A Little Bit About Everything (2+ intellect
points): Years of stories around the fire have • Quick Snack (3 Intellect Points): You whip up
given you a broad range of general knowledge. a snack that can restore 3 points to a character’s
You may ask the GM for one general fact rele- Speed or Might pool. Requires a difficulty 4
vant to a current situation. Each further time cooking test. Each additional snack increases
you use this ability in a day adds an additional the difficulty of the cooking check by one step
Intellect point to the cost. Action. until you’ve taken your 10 hour recovery. Ac-
• Helping Hand (2+ Speed Points): You have
nimble hands, letting you perform some tasks • Small Target (3 Speed Points): If you fail a
quicker than your bigger allies. You can per- speed defense roll while standing within imme-
form a single, noncombat action involving a diate range of another viable target, including
small object in immediate range for free during an ally, you can reroll. If you succeed, the blow
your turn. This action can be reloading an ally’s strikes the other target instead. Action.
crossbow or retrieving a cypher. You can spend  Eye for Detail (Tier 2 Explorer)
an additional Speed point for each additional
 Gambler (Tier 3 Stealth)
ally you assist. Action.
 Get Away (Tier 2 Stealth)
• Low Blow (2 Speed Points): You attack from
an unexpected angle, giving you an asset to the  Subterfuge (Tier 3 Stealth)
attack and leaving the enemy prone if success-
 Successive Attack (Tier 2 Warrior)
ful. Your attack deals one less point of damage.
Action.  Wrest from Chance (Tier 3 Explorer)

• Underfoot: You are trained in Speed defense. If

you are already trained you are specialized. En- Fourth-Tier Halfling Abilities
• Befuddle (5 Intellect Points): You recite ran-
 Contortionist (Tier 2 Stealth) dom trivia, sing, or otherwise perform, holding
 Enable Others (Tier 2 Explorer) the attention of your audience like a siren’s
song. You make an Intellect roll against anyone
 Hand to Eye (Tier 2 Explorer)
who can hear you within close range. Any tar-
 Investigative Skills (Tier 2 Explorer) get whose Intellect defense you roll above is
 Trained Without Armor (Tier 1 Warrior) stunned for as long as you are speaking or until
they are attacked. The difficulty to attack any-
one successfully befuddled is decreased by one
Third-Tier Halfling Abilities step. Action.
• Jinx (4+ Intellect Points): You can curse a crea- • Lucky Break: You roll twice on all recovery
ture you can see within long range for 1 round. rolls, keeping the better result. You can spend 3
This increases the difficulty of all its actions by Intellect points to allow an ally to do the same.
one level. Each additional level of effort you Enabler.

Halfling Heritage

 Ambusher (Tier 4 Stealth)

 Evanesce (Tier 3 Stealth)
 Oratory (Tier 3 Speaker)
 Reaction (Tier 3 Warrior)
 Run and Fight (Tier 3 Explorer)
 Seize the Moment (Tier 3 Warrior)
 Slice (Tier 3 Warrior)

Fifth-Tier Halfling Abilities

• Boundless Optimism: You are always your al-
lies’ biggest fan. The first time an ally attempts
to retry a non-combat action, they may do so
without expending effort and gain an asset to
the roll. Enabler.
• Small but Fierce: You gain an asset when at-
tacking creatures that are at least twice your
height. Added levels of effort for damage you
deal to such creatures adds five points of dam-
age instead of three. Enabler.
 Anticipate Attack (Tier 4 Speaker)
 Feint (Tier 4 Warrior)
 Minor to Major (Tier 4 Warrior) additional meal increases the difficulty of the
cooking check by one step and requires apply-
 Quick Wits (Tier 4 Speaker) ing a level of Effort until you’ve taken your 10
 Read the Signs (Tier 4 Explorer) hour recovery. Action.
 Tumbling Moves (Tier 4 Stealth) • Pipeweed Bomb (6 Intellect Points): You’ve
built small bombs using your beloved pipeweed
 Uncanny Luck (Tier 4 Stealth)
that dazzle your enemies. Your bomb deals 2
points of damage and stuns all creatures within
immediate range for two rounds, followed by
Sixth-Tier Halfling Abilities
being dazed for an additional round. Targets
• A Meal Fit for a Halfling (6+ Intellect Points): that are not hit by the attack roll are still dazed
With 10 minutes to prepare, you can turn even for three rounds. Action.
the meanest rations into a feast. This ability
 Slayer (Tier 6 Warrior)
creates a quick meal capable of restoring a char-
acter’s pool points once per day. Preparing the  Thief’s Luck (Tier 6 Stealth)
meal requires a difficulty 5 cooking roll. Each  Twist of Fate (Tier 6 Stealth)


for a relatively short time compared to many

Human Heritage you meet, you are convinced you know more
Humans can be found almost everywhere. Their than them. You have an inability in all social
specialization comes from their generalization, interactions with non-humans. Enabler.
equipped with the tools to deal with any situation. • Weakling: You’re a bit fragile compared to oth-
By virtue of their flexible mindset and ability to er adventurers. You have an inability to Might
learn, humans can compete on a level playing field defense. Enabler.
with the elder peoples of the world. While not as
fast as an Elf or as strong as an Orc, a human can
nevertheless offer a few surprises of their own. First-Tier Human Abilities
• Flexible Background: You have one extra edge,
Human Origins you can choose whether to put it in Might,
Speed, or Intellect. You can only take this abil-
You may take one origin for free. You may also ity once. Enabler.
choose from the general origins located on page 27.
• Martial Family: You have been trained to join
• Courageous: You rush headlong into trouble to the military from a young age. Choose one type
save others. You have an additional might of attack you are trained in: light bashing, light
edge. Enabler bladed, light ranged, medium bashing, medium
• Friendly: It is easy for you to make friends and bladed, medium ranged, heavy bashing, heavy
put a smile on someone’s face. You have an bladed, or heavy ranged. Enabler.
asset to persuasion, haggling, and disguise. Ena-  Danger Sense (Tier 1 Explorer)
 Decipher (Tier 1 Explorer)
• Inquisitive: Curiosity may have killed the cat,
but you’re still looking. You have a +1 to your  Interaction Skills (Tier 1 Speaker)
Intellect pool and a +1 to your speed pool. Ena-  Knowledge Skills (Tier 1 Explorer)
 Legerdemain (Tier 1 Stealth)
 Mixed Heritage: You are descended from both
 Magic Training (Tier 1 Adept)
humans and a different heritage. One of your
abilities at each tier may be from a second se-  Overwatch (Tier 1 Warrior)
lected heritage. Enabler.  Quick Draw (Tier 1 Warrior)
 Physical Skills (Tier 1 Explorer)
Human Inabilities  Premonition (Tier 1 Magic)
You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain one
additional Tier 1 Human ability or origin.
Second-Tier Human Abilities
• Dense: Everyone always seems to get the drop
• Flexible training: You have an additional +2 to
on you. Take an inability on initiative rolls.
Enabler. one of your pools. You can only take this abil-
ity once. Enabler.
• Know It All: Despite having been on this world

Human Heritage

• We are Legion (2 Intellect Points): If you spend  Surging Confidence (Tier 1 Explorer)
1 hour looking in a place where it would be rea-  Tool Mastery (Tier 2 Technology)
sonable to find inhabitants, you find a human
friend-of-a-friend who will give you infor-  Understanding (Tier 1 Speaker)
mation on local culture, customs, and the politi-
cal situation. Action.
Third-Tier Human Abilities
 Encouragement (Tier 1 Speaker)
You may take one additional ability at this tier.
 Escape (Tier 2 Explorer)
 Hand to Eye (Tier 2 Explorer)
 Impersonate (Tier 2 Stealth)
 Impart Ideal (Tier 2 Speaker)
 Investigative Skills (Tier 2 Explorer)
 Improvise (Tier 3 Skills and Knowledge)
 Reload (Tier 1 Warrior)
 Inner Defense (Tier 3 Stealth)
 Range Increase (Tier 2 Explorer)
 Reaction (Tier 3 Warrior)
 Seize the Moment (Tier 3 Warrior)
 Spray (Tier 3 Warrior)

Fourth-Tier Human Abilities

 Blend In (Tier 3 Speaker)
 Experienced Defender (Tier 4 Warrior)
 Grand Deception (Tier 3 Speaker)
 Outwit (Tier 4 Stealth)
 Run and Fight (Tier 3 Explorer)
 Seize Opportunity (Tier 3 Explorer)

Fifth-Tier Human Abilities

You may take one additional ability at this tier.
 Arc Spray (Tier 5 Warrior)
 Heightened Skills (Tier 4 Speaker)
 Minor to Major (Tier 4 Warrior)
 Quick Wits (Tier 4 Speaker)
 Wrest from Chance (Tier 3 Explorer)


Sixth-Tier Human Abilities Orcish Inabilities

 Exploit Advantage (Tier 6 Stealth) You may take one inability at Tier 1 and gain one
additional Tier 1 Orcish ability or origin.
 Improved Success (Tier 5 Warrior)
• Practical Learner: Learning has never come
 Stimulate (Tier 6 Speaker)
easy to you. You have an inability to all
 Take Command (Tier 5 Explorer) knowledge and lore tasks. Enabler.
 True Sense (Tier 5 Adept) • Thick-Skulled: Any time you take intellect
 Weapon and Body (Tier 6 Warrior) damage, you take one additional point of dam-
age. Enabler.
• Unnerving: Your appearance is unsettling for
Orcish Heritage those around you. You have an inability in all
pleasant social interactions. Enabler.
Among the most fearsome warriors in the world,
Orcs have become synonymous with aggression
and strength. Relying on brute force to carry the First-Tier Orc Abilities
day, some Orcs are nevertheless more cunning or
intelligent than some might assume. One thing • Intimidating Presence: You will not be cowed
that most people can agree on, the safest place to be by anyone. Given your size and intimidating
when dealing with an Orc is usually behind them. appearance, few people are likely to give it to
They tend towards muscular builds, and their men- you. You are specialized in intimidation. Ena-
acing appearance often includes tusks. Orcs often bler.
take the skills learned in their mountain homelands • Shadow Sight: You can see into the shadows.
to heart and apply them to their travels, while oth- You are trained in low-light spotting (See page
ers embrace their feral nature or tap into mystic 204). Enabler.
• Tusks: You have a mouth full of sharp teeth.
As part of a successful standard attack you can
also attempt to bite your opponent, dealing an
Orcish Origins
additional 2 points of damage if successful. En-
You may take one origin for free. You may also abler.
choose from the general origins located on page 27.
 Bash (Tier 1 Warrior)
• Feral: You have only had your own strength to
 Endurance (Tier 1 Explorer)
depend on. You gain +2 to your Might pool.
 Goad (Tier 1 Stealth)
• Mountain: You grew up on the sides of tall,
steep mountains and feel at home outdoors.  Muscles of Iron (Tier 1 Explorer)
You have an asset to climbing, running, and  Practiced in Armor (Tier 1 Warrior)
survival in the wilderness.
 Surging Confidence (Tier 1 Explorer)
• Mystic: You have studied with the shamans of
your community, learning secrets few others  Thrust (Tier 1 Warrior)
know. You gain +1 Intellect edge.  Trained Without Armor (Tier 1 Warrior)

Orcish Heritage

item no longer is suitable for its original pur-

pose at the end of combat. Action.
• Thick Skinned: Your skin is too thick to
easily cut through. You have +1 armor to any
physical attack. Enabler.
 Bloodlust (Tier 2 Combat)
 Chop (Tier 2 Warrior)
 Crush (Tier 2 Warrior)
 Mighty Blow (Tier 2 Warrior)
 No Need for Weapons (Tier 1 Explorer)
 Opportunist (Tier 1 Stealth)
 Terrifying Presence (Tier 1 Speaker)

Third-Tier Orc Abilities

• Orcish Constitution: Your stomach seems
to be made of iron. You have an asset to
Might Defense to resist ill effects or condi-
tions from anything you have ingested. Ena-
• Predator’s Nose: You can smell your ene-
mies and even track using scent. You have an
asset to finding hidden enemies, following
Second-Tier Orc Abilities trails, or detecting your foes. The ability works
• Bellow (2+ Might Points): You let out an earth- within a long distance. Action.
shaking yell that dazes up to three foes in im-  Experienced with Armor (Tier 3 Warrior)
mediate range for one round. You can spend
 Fury (Tier 3 Warrior)
levels of effort to increase the number of ene-
mies effected by one per level of effort. Action.  Ignore the Pain (Tier 3 Explorer)
• Bloodthirsty: If you make a successful melee  Wreck (Tier 2 Explorer)
attack that does damage, you have an asset to
attack the same creature on your next turn. En-
abler. Fourth-Tier Orc Abilities
• Improvised Weapon (2 Might Points): You can • Feat of Strength: On a successful roll for a
grab a nearby object, such as a pot or chair, and strength-based task spend 1 level of effort to
use it as a weapon. It is treated as a medium gain a minor effect. On a roll of 19, spend 1 level
weapon for the duration of the encounter. The of effort to gain a major effect. Enabler.


• Ritual Scarring: You have tattooed, pierced, • Vanquisher: Your raw strength and prowess in
and/or ritually cut your skin. These markings battle are intimidating to behold. When you
bring you luck, such that you can reroll one roll defeat a foe in combat, you may roll an Intellect
each day and keep the better result. Enabler. attack against up to five enemies in close range
and line of sight to stun them for one round.
 Capable Warrior (Tier 4 Warrior)
On a failed attack, they are dazed for one round
 Momentum (Tier 4 Warrior) instead. Enabler.
 Stone Breaker (Tier 3 Explorer)  Finishing Blow (Tier 6 Warrior)
 Tough as Nails (Tier 4 Warrior)  Flee (Tier 5 Speaker)
 Improved Success (Tier 5 Warrior)
Fifth-Tier Orc Abilities  Mastery with Armor (Tier 5 Warrior)
• Faithful Guardian (4 Might Points): Once per  Slayer (Tier 6 Warrior)
round, when an enemy attacks an ally in imme-
diate range, you may place yourself in the path
of the attack, becoming the new target. If it
hits, you take the damage, but the attacker also
becomes dazed. You may take this action even
if you have acted on this turn. Action.
• Tenacious: If you become debilitated you may
immediately use your next recovery roll regard-
less of the length of time it should take. All
points must be split between your empty pools.
 Debilitating Strike (Tier 4 Stealth)
 Opening Gambit (Tier 4 Warrior)
 Physically Gifted (Tier 5 Explorer)
 Vigilant (Tier 5 Explorer)

Sixth-Tier Orc Abilities

• Lead by Example (6 Intellect Points): You take
the initiative and act first this turn, receiving
an asset to your attack and +3 to your damage
on a successful melee attack. Regardless of suc-
cess, all allies in close range and line of sight
gain an asset to attack actions this round. Ac-


Examples choosing Elf as the second heritage. This means at

each tier he can take 1 Elven Heritage ability in-
Megan wants to play a Dwarven Cleric. She choos- stead of 1 of his Human Heritage or Adept abili-
es to build a Resilient Dwarven Warrior who ties. At first tier he gives Samuel Onslaught, Ward,
Channels Divine Blessings named Kathra. She and Shatter from Adept. He then chooses Flexible
chooses Mountain Dwarf as her free origin, and Background from the Human Heritage flavor and
gains assets to survival, navigation, and perception gains an additional Intellect edge. Since he has two
when underground. She has four special abilities to Intellect edge he chooses Elven and Gnomish as
choose from, and can choose from wither First Tier Samuel’s languages, in addition to Common. Aser
Warrior or First Tier Dwarven Heritage. Since then decides he really wants to give Samuel the
Kathra grew up in the mountains, Megan chooses Interaction Skills ability from the Elf Heritage fla-
the Night Vision and Holds a Grudge abilities from vor as well, so he chooses to take the Human ina-
the Dwarf flavor and designates her foe as Drag- bility Dense.
ons. Kathra wields a Warhammer, so Megan picks
Bash and Practiced in Armor as her last two abilities.
Since she doesn’t have an edge in Intellect, she on- General Origins
ly speaks Dwarven and Common.
Origins flesh out your character a little more, fill-
ing in the details of their life before setting out as
an adventurer.
You can take one origin for free at character crea-
tion, either a general origin from below or an an-
cestry-specific one. If you want to take a second
origin, you can take an inability from the charac-
ter’s ancestry or come up with a new inability with
your GM.

Professional Origins
• Academic: You are trained in three areas of
knowledge of your choice. Enabler.
• Alchemist: You are trained in chemistry, brew-
ing, and herbology. Enabler.
• Criminal: You are trained in sleight of hand,
stealth, and deception. Enabler.
Aser decides to build a Half-Elf Wizard, choosing • Faithful: You are trained in any knowledge
an Intelligent Half-Elf Adept who Casts Spells check for your own religion, orating, and sense
named Samuel. Half-Elf isn’t an existing heritage motive. Enabler.
flavor, but rather a combination of the Human and
Elf Heritage flavors. Aser picks human as his her- • Farmer: You are trained in growing plants,
itage flavor and takes the Mixed Heritage origin, heavy labor, and animal handling. Enabler.


• Guard: You are trained in perception, sense • Raised by Dwarves: You can speak Dwarven
motive, and running. Enabler. and are practiced in heavy armor. Enabler.
• Guild: You are trained in bargaining, appraisal, • Raised by Elves: You can speak Elven and are
and persuasion. Enabler. trained in medium ranged weaponry. Enabler.
• Healer: You are trained in healing, herbology, • Raised by Gnomes: You can speak Gnomish
and diagnosis. Enabler. and are trained in repairing. Enabler.
• Hunter: You are trained in tracking, setting • Raised by Halflings: You can speak additional
traps, and survival. Enabler. language of your choice and are trained in
stealth. Enabler.
• Magic: You are trained in history, appraisal,
and knowledge of magic. Enabler. • Raised by Humans: You can speak additional
language of your choice and are trained in one
• Performer: You are trained in three types of
additional skill. Enabler.
performance of your choice. Enabler.
• Raised by Orcs: You can speak Orcish and are
• Sailor: You are trained in balancing, rope use,
trained in heavy melee weapons. Enabler.
and swimming. Enabler.
• Smith: You are trained in metalworking, re-
pairing, and heavy labor. Enabler. Regional Origins
• Soldier: You are trained in survival, scroung- • Coastal: You grew up or lived near the sea. You
ing, and tactics. Enabler. are trained in any knowledge check related to
that sea, swimming, and sailing. Enabler.
• Desert: You know all the tricks to surviving in
Class Origins
extreme heat and cold. You have an asset to
• Commoner: You have an additional edge in any roll to survive or acclimate to extreme tem-
might. Enabler. peratures, and are trained in survival. Enabler.
• Merchant: You have a contact in every city • Forest: You’ve spent most of your life in the
willing to help you out with a small favor, as forest. You are trained in navigating that for-
determined by the GM. Enabler. est, survival, and tracking. Enabler.
• Noble: You start the game with 500 extra gold • Mountain: You’ve explored the mountains near
pieces (or equivalent) and a mount that you are you extensively. You’re trained in climbing,
trained in riding. Enabler. survival, and balancing. Enabler.
• Royal: You have an additional intellect edge. • Tundra: You know what cold really is. You
Enabler. have an asset on any roll to survive or accli-
mate to extremely cold temperatures and are
trained in survival. Enabler.
Family Origins
• Urban: You were raised in one of the many cit-
• Orphan: You have learned to depend on only ies on the continent. You are trained in navi-
yourself. You have +2 to your speed pool. Ena- gating cities, streetwise, and haggling. Enabler.

Ever wish the fact you were playing an Elven Explorer or a Dwarven Adept in the Cypher
System meant more for your character than a static bonus to one kind of roll and a few
extra skills? Now it can! Fantasy Ancestries provides players the ability to bring their
character’s heritage to the foreground by providing flavors to represent epic fantasy staples
including Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings.

This book includes nine ancestry flavors, complete with several original skills for each
level, and fantasy specific origin tables to liven up your setting.

Requires the Cypher System Rulebook by Monte Cook Games for play.

©2017 by Peculiar Books LLC

All rights reserved.

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