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Safety Assignment: Create Floor Plan & 3D Safety Poster

Part One:
1. You will draw a floor plan of the lab and will clearly label all safety features in the facility.
• Should be a rough and good copy 1 page each.
a) What you need to complete:
i. The importance of working safely in a lab and appropriate safety precautions.
ii. Draw the location of table, desks, and lab benches.
iii. The location of each safety device & label properly.

b) Location of:
i. First aid kit
ii. Phone
iii. Electrical shut-off
iv. Disposal container for broken glass
v. Fume hood
vi. Safety goggles
vii. Gas shut-off
viii. Fire extinguisher
ix. Other
Part Two:
2. Certain safety hazards exist in any laboratory. You should know about them and about the precautions you must take to reduce the risk of an accident. As
such, safety posters are often used to help quickly inform people of these precautions.
3. Your task is to design a safety poster for one of the “Laboratory Safety Guidelines “discussed in class (you will be assigned a rule). Be sure that your
• Fills the entire page
• Clearly indicates what the safety rule is (i.e. Safety Rule #11 - Speak out if you have safety concern or question!)
• is creative with both text & graphics (i.e. try to creative with the lettering/text - use other materials to construct the letters, cut
photos/graphics out of magazines, use the internet, make it 3D, ...)
• is colourful and neat (i.e. try to use more than one colour and make sure it is neat)
i. Name in Bottom-Right Corner
ii. Safety Rule & Spelling (present & spelled correctly?)
i. 3-D (1 or 2 items or several and effective)
ii. Creativity (the “wow” or “cool” factor)
iii. Neat & Organized (is it easy to find the info?)
iv. Use of Colour & Space (“pleasing” to the eye?)
Areas to Focus on For Labs
1. Choose one of the following for your poster:
i. Compressed Gas
ii. Flammable And Combustible Material
iii. Oxidizing Material
iv. Poisonous/Infectious Material Division 1: Materials Causing Immediate And Serious Toxic Effects
v. Poisonous And Infectious MaterialDivision 2: Materials Causing Other Toxic Effects
vi. Poisonous And Infectious Material Division 3: Biohazardous Infectious Material
vii. Corrosive Material
viii. Dangerously Reactive Material
b. Safety Guidelines:
i. DO’S
1. report to teacher all accidents
2. wear safety googles for entire experiment
3. keep hands, pens/pencils away from your mouth
4. keep work area CLEAN
5. stand while doing experiment
6. wash hands at the end
7. Tie back loose clothing
8. Tie back long hair with elastic band
ii. DON’T
1. smell chemicals unless instructed to
2. conduct any experiment without permission and supervision
3. taste chemicals
4. leave Bunsen burner unattended
5. remove chemicals or equipment from the lab
6. run, throw or behave inappropriately
Poster Board Rubric:
Level 1 (below-59%) Level 2 (60-69%) Level 3 (70-79%) Level 4 (80-100%)
Content - Accuracy ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
Less than 3 accurate facts are 3-4 accurate facts are displayed on 5-6 accurate facts are displayed on At least 7 accurate facts are
displayed on the poster. the poster. the poster. displayed on the poster.

Required Elements ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
Several required elements were All but 1 of the required elements All required elements are included on The poster includes all required
missing. are included on the poster. the poster. elements as well as additional
Graphics - Originality ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
No graphics made by the student are The graphics are made by the One or two of the graphics used on Several of the graphics used on the
included. student, but are based on the the poster reflect student creativity poster reflect a exceptional degree
designs or ideas of others. in their creation and/or display. of student creativity in their
creation and/or display.
Graphics -Clarity ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
Many graphics are not clear or are Most graphics are in focus and the Most graphics are in focus and the Graphics are all in focus and the
too small. content is easily viewed and content easily viewed and identified content easily viewed and identified
identified from 4 ft. away. from 6 ft. away. from 6 ft. away.
Graphics - Relevance ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
Graphics do not relate to the topic All graphics relate to the topic. Most All graphics are related to the topic All graphics are related to the topic
OR several borrowed graphics do not borrowed graphics have a source and most make it easier to and make it easier to understand. All
have a source citation. citation. understand. All borrowed graphics borrowed graphics have a source
have a source citation. citation.
Attractiveness ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻ ◻
The poster is distractingly messy or The poster is acceptably attractive The poster is attractive in terms of The poster is exceptionally
very poorly designed. It is not though it may be a bit messy. design, layout and neatness. attractive in terms of design, layout,
attractive. and neatness.

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