Assignment 3 Phy

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(1)If a 15kg ball takes five seconds to strike the ground when released from rest, at
what height was the ball dropped?
M = 15kg t = 5s g = 10m/s u = 0m/s2
1 2
S=ut+ gt = 0x5 + 0.5x10x5x5 = 0+5x25 = 125m
(2)How far will an object travel after ten seconds if it is dropped into a bottomless pit?
t=10s g=10m/s u=0m/s
1 2
S=ut+ gt = 0x10 + 0.5x10x10x10 = 0+5x100 = 500m
(3)How long does it take an object to travel a distance of 30m from rest at a constant
acceleration of 2m/s2?
S=30m a=2m/s u=0m/s t=?
1 2
S=ut+ gt
30 = 0xt+0.5x2xt2 30 = t2 hence t = √ 30 t=5.477s

(4)A person on top of a 200m tall building drops a rock. How long will it take for the
rock to reach the ground? Ignore air resistance
1 2
S=200m g=10m/s t=? S=ut+ gt
200 = 0xt + 0.5x10xt2 200 =5t2 200/5 = t2 40 = t2 hence t = √ 40 t = 6.325s

(5)You are driving at a speed of 20m/s and suddenly, a tree falls down on the road
blocking your path. You slam on your brakes to avoid hitting the fallen tree and thus,
come to a complete stop. You were at a distance of 28m away from the tree when you
hit the brakes. Assuming that your vehicle does not skid, what is the minimum
deceleration needed to avoid hitting the fallen tree?
Deceleration is acceleration with a negative sign so the value of a will be negative

U=20m/s v=0m/s s=28m a = ?

V2=U2+2as 0 = 20x20 + 2xax28 -400 = 56a a = -400/56 a = -7.143m/s2

(6)A 2.5kg is dropped from a height of 20m. A picture is taken when the ball is 5m
from the ground with an exposure time of 0.005s. If the actual diameter of the ball is
15cm, what will the vertical diameter of the ball appear to be in the picture? 7
H=20-5=15m t=0.005s g=10m/s2

V2=U2+2as = 02+2x10x15 = 300

V2 = 300; V = √ 300 hence V=17.32m/s2

Finding the distance at the velocity

V=d/t hence d=V x t = 17.32x0.005 = 0.0866m = 8.66cm

The diameter of the all in the picture is


15 + 8.66 = 23.66cm

(7)A person stands on the edge of a straight 20m-high cliff and holds a ball over the
edge. The person tosses the ball directly upward with an initial speed of 5m/s. How
long will it take the ball to hit the ground at the base of the cliff, 20m below? Assume
10m/s2 for gravitational acceleration.
x-x0 = -20m/s u=5m/s g=10m/s2 t=?

x-x0 = ut – ½gt2

-20 = 5xt – 0.5x10xt2

−b ± √ b 2−4 ac
-20 = 5t – 5t2 hence 5t2-5t-20 = 0 using quadratic formulat=

−(−5) ± √ 52−4 (5)(−20) 5± √ 25+ 400 5± 20.62

t= = = = 2.562s 0r (-1.562)
2(5) 10 10

the time cannot be negative so t = 2.562s

(8)A ball is thrown horizontally off a cliff of height of 50m with an initial velocity of
15m/s. How far from the cliff will the ball land?
1 2
Using S=ut+ gt s=50m v=15m/s
50 = 0xt + 0.5x10xt2 ; 50 = 5t2 ; t2 = 50/5 ; t2=10 ; t=√ 10; t=3.162s

Hence distance R = vxt = 15x3.162 = 47.43m

The distance from the cliff is 47.43m

(9)A hockey puck of mass 0.2kg is sliding across an ice rink. If the puck loses 2m/s of
velocity over a distance of 20m, what is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the
ice and the puck? g=10m/s2?
G = 10m/s2 v=2m/s d=20m

f f
U= R=mg u= f = mgu
R Mg
W=fd=K.E K.E= mv2
1 2
m.g.u.d = mv
1 1 1
mv 2 v2 x2 x2
U= 2 2 2 2
= = = =0.01
gmd gd 10 x 20 200


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