Secondary Research Declaration

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Secondary Research Declaration

I declare that my research involves ONLY secondary sources that any member of the public is
legitimately free to access and use without obtaining permission.

I declare that my research includes agreed access to the company / organisation / charity named
in this dissertation; I have permission to access sources which are confidential to it; and I have
agreed to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of these sources.

I understand that should I wish to amend my study and collect data from human participants, I
am required to apply for and receive UH ethics approval prior to recruiting participants and
collecting data.

I understand that failure to obtain UH ethics approval for the collection of primary data
constitutes a breach of ethics and academic penalties may apply.
Programme Title : Msc International Business with placement

Dissertation Module : Charlotte Bryce

Leader’s Name

Student’s Name : Muhammad Umair Student’s : 20057321

Saleem ID Number

Student’s Signature Date : 29/08/2023


Supervisor’s Name : Sara Ashencaen Crabtree

Supervisor’s : Date :
Signature 29 August

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