Capitulo 10 - Luck. 2014-12

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382 Index

Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience ERP components and, 69, 72, 87, 93–95, 105, 113–115
journal, 232b experiment design and, 124, 126
Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory (CPL), 117 filtering and, 245
Cohen, Jonathan, 73, 84, 96, 102, 241b, 277 N2pc component and, 87–92
Cohen, Mike, 277 P1 waves and, 114–115
Coles, M. G. H., 84, 96, 107, 111, 116, 127, 299 simple array and, 94–95
Collins, G. E., 78, 97 test array and, 94–95
Color Contralateral positivity, 93b
experiment design and, 137 Convolution, 1, 82, 249, 271, 276–277, 306b, 346
fixation point and, 94 Cooper, R., 4, 73
Hillyard principle and, 137 Correct response negativity (CRN), 108
N2pc component and, 88–89, 90b, 92 Cortex
N2 waves and, 83–84 anterior cingulate, 84, 109
sample arrays for, 94–95 auditory, 66, 81, 87
Stroop paradigm and, 25, 84 averaging and, 265
time-frequency analysis and, 277 ERP components and, 9–11, 13, 18, 26, 28, 40–42,
Comerchero, M. D., 96 50–52, 66–67, 75–78, 81, 84, 87, 89–90, 92, 95, 104,
Commonly recorded artifactual potentials (C.R.A.P.), 107, 109–111
207–208 experiment design and, 127
Common mode rejection, 153, 169–170 extrastriate, 75
Common mode sense (CMS) electrodes, 153 Fourier analysis and, 225
Common mode voltage, 153 frontal, 8, 84
Component-independent experiment design, 30, 130–131 generators and, 28, 109, 265
Compumedics Neuroscan, 158b motor, 18, 110–111
Conceptual fluency, 106 prefrontal, 87, 104
Conductors, 36–38, 43, 47, 150, 151b, 170, 172 pyramidal cells and, 13, 40–42, 226
Confounds, 22, 89, 352n1 visual, 10–11, 18, 26, 66–67, 74–75, 89, 107, 127
adaptation, 135b Cosine waves, 222
amplitudes and, 57 Costa, L. D., 109
arousal, 76, 142–144 Coulomb unit, 36
artifact rejection and, 188, 192, 199 Counting issues, 140b
baseline correction and, 254, 257 Courchesne, E., 96
electricity and, 143 Covariance
experiment design and, 129–144 artifact rejection and, 200b
insterstimulus interval and, 81 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 352n3
latencies and, 57 epsilon adjustment and, 317–320
motor, 139–140 heterogeneity of, 317–320
noise and, 143 statistical analysis and, 317–320, 352n4
number of trials and, 143 Covert measurement of processing, 27
overlap, 139–142, 254 Craftsman style, 121b
P1 waves and, 77 Crone, E. A., 85
refractory, 86 Crowley, K., 214
sensory, 132–137, 185 Csepe, V., 87
sequential probability and, 97 Cue arrow, 94
side effects and, 132b, 142–143 Curran, T., 11, 78
statistical analysis and, 143 Current, 351n5
stimulus duration and, 138 action potentials and, 39
stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN) and, 73 actual flow of, 43
temporal probability and, 97 baseline correction and, 250
tips for avoiding, 143–144 concept of, 36–37
Context updating, 96 conductors and, 36–38, 43, 47, 150, 151b, 170, 172
Contingent negative variation (CNV), 4, 72–73, 142, coulomb unit and, 36
166 density and, 165–166
Contralateral delay activity (CDA) dipoles and, 13 (see also Dipoles)
artifact rejection and, 201 experiment design and, 127–128, 139–141
cue arrow and, 94 ions and, 40
discovery of, 114–115 mismatch negativity (MMN) and, 85, 87
Index 383

potential and, 43 statistical analysis and, 315, 317, 320, 335–336,

recording principles and, 150, 151b, 153b, 165–166, 338–339
169, 172, 175 target-minus-standard, 85
resistance and, 38 unrelated-minus-related, 125–126
stimulus and, 15, 85, 112, 127–128, 139–141 Differential amplifiers, 151, 153, 155, 169–170
surface Laplacians and, 165 Differential recording, 153b
volume conduction and, 43 Digitization computer, 6
Current source density (CSD), 165–166 Di Lollo, Vince, 90
Cuthbert, B. N., 107 Dim condition, 131, 143, 317
Cutoff frequency, 21, 180–181, 230–232, 234, 243, 247 Dipoles
Czigler, I., 82 artifact correction and, 212–213
artifact rejection and, 194, 197
Dale, A. M., 51 component relationships and, 43
Davidson, R. J., 216 equivalent current, 13, 41f, 42–43, 152f
Davis, Hallowell, 2, 4, 10 ERP components and, 13, 31–51, 57, 68–69, 74, 78,
Davis, Pauline, 4 104, 109
Decibel (dB) unit, 153, 226f, 281 forward model and, 44–48, 351n6
Dehaene, S., 50, 124, 127 localization and, 48b
Dehaene-Lambertz, G., 87 magnetic fields and, 13, 351n5
De Heering, Jacques, 63 parallel, 44
Delorme, A., 214 polarity and, 40 (see also Polarity)
Delpuech, C., 277 postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) and, 12–13, 16, 29, 39
Dendrites, 40–42 quantification and, 292
Deouell, L. Y., 202 radial, 44–45, 48, 50
Designer of the Year Award, 121b recording principles and, 154, 158, 166
Dien, J., 157–158, 162 simultaneous, 50–51
Difference scores, 254, 315 superposition and, 44–48
Difference waves time-frequency analysis and, 278b
averaging and, 266 volume conduction and, 43
baseline correction and, 258 Dipole source analysis, 283
car-minus-face, 335 Di Russo, F., 75, 112
component isolation and, 14, 51 Distortion, 50
contralateral-minus-ipsilateral, 89, 90b, 94, 110, amplitudes and, 54, 57, 64
126–127, 258, 301, 320 artifact correction and, 212b, 214–216
deviant-minus-standard, 85 artifact rejection and, 22, 188–189, 192, 196, 202
difficult-minus-easy, 126 averaging and, 58
ERP components and, 15–16, 35, 51, 55–69, 85, 89, baseline correction and, 108, 257
91–92, 94, 99–101, 103b, 105–110 covert monitoring and, 27
error and, 108–109 distortion and, 219, 226–227, 239–244
experimental manipulation and, 62, 92 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 58
experiment design and, 125–130, 133, 136–137 experiment design and, 124, 142
face-minus-car, 335 filtering and, 3b, 219, 226–227, 239–244
face-minus-nonface, 63 frequency domains and, 239–240
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 14 Hansen’s axiom and, 149
as isolation tool, 60–66 offset times and, 3b
linear operations and, 346, 349–350 onset times and, 3b
LRP, 258 overlap and, 56–57, 69, 75, 80, 108–110
order of operations and, 346, 350 quantification and, 284–286, 289, 297, 300
P3 waves and, 15–16 recording principles and, 149, 162–163, 182
quantification and, 286, 289, 297–301 statistical analysis and, 310b, 315
rare-minus-frequent, 15–16, 56–57, 99–101, 103b, time domains and, 239–240
128–130, 136–137, 315, 335–336, 339, 346 Distractor positivity, 91–93
related-minus-unrelated, 126 Dm effect, 105–106
remembered-minus-forgotten, 105 Donaldson, D. E., 102
schizophrenia and, 14–15 Donchin, Manny
smiling-minus-frowning, 335 artifact correction and, 211
source waveform and, 62 artifact rejection and, 200b
384 Index

Donchin, Manny (cont.) Electro-Cap International, 166

ERP components and, 10, 24, 66–68, 84, 96–97, 107, Electrocardiograms (EKGs)
116, 200b, 211, 286, 299 artifact correction and, 213–214, 216
experimental manipulation and, 68–69, 122 artifact rejection and, 206
experiment design and, 122, 127 noise and, 163b
quantification and, 286, 299 recording principles and, 163b, 164
Downies, 259, 274, 278b, 286 Electrodes
Drew, T., 92, 266 active, 150–157, 161–162, 168, 181
Drewes, J., 25 Ag/AgCl, 166–167
Driven right leg (DRL) electrodes, 153 common mode sense (CMS), 153
Driver, J., 89, 127 composition of, 166–167
Dubois, J., 25 driven right leg (DRL), 153
Duncan-Johnson, C. C., 26, 97 gel for, 166, 169, 172–175
ground, 6, 147, 150–156
Early posterior negativity, 107 impedance and, 166–176
EasyCap GmbH, 158b International 10–20 System and, 167–168
Edge artifacts, 247–248, 347 no-Switzerland principle and, 154, 158, 164, 254
EEGLAB, 214–215 number needed, 168
Ehrlichman, R. S., 29, 87 placement of, 167–168
Eimer, M., 89, 92, 127 reducing impedance in, 174b
Eischen, S. E., 97 reference, 6, 42b, 78, 87, 147, 150–156, 163, 170, 176,
Electrical noise, 23, 38, 149–151, 170, 176, 232, 245 206–207, 254, 348, 351nn1,4
Electrical potential. See Voltage signal detection problem and, 186–188
Electricity skin potentials and, 31, 132b, 143, 149, 169–173, 175,
analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and, 176–178, 181, 177, 185, 202, 214, 216, 232, 244–245, 250–251, 259
202–205 specific interpolation and, 189b
artifact correction and, 214 Electrode sites
artifact rejection and, 185, 194, 202, 205, 207 ANOVA approach and, 314–316
baseline correction and, 251 anterior, 72, 76, 105, 206, 337
basic concepts of, 35–39 a priori hypotheses and, 328, 333–338
Berger experiments and, 3–4 artifact correction and, 213
capacitance and, 169 artifact rejection and, 188–189, 199, 203–206
conductors and, 36–38, 43, 47, 150, 151b, 170, 172 average reference and, 156–162
confounds and, 143 averaging and, 263–266, 271
current and, 36 (see also Current) baseline correction and, 254
dipoles and, 13 (see also Dipoles) blinks and, 194
electrical activity and, 39–40 choosing reference, 162–165
ERP component concept and, 52, 351n1 collapsed localizers and, 335–336
experiment design and, 149–154, 156, 162–164, 166, condition x electrode interactions and, 336–337
169–176 ERP components and, 4, 6, 8–16, 21, 24, 45–47, 54–56,
filtering and, 232, 245 60–68, 72–79, 89, 102, 105–110
Fourier analysis and, 224 experimental manipulation and, 67
ground circuit and, 150–151, 153, 170 experiment design and, 121b, 131
impedance and, 243 (see also Impedance) functional localizers and, 335
individual neurons and, 39–40 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 56
inductance and, 169 generator weight and, 47, 57
magnetism and, 38–39, 44 ground electrodes and, 6, 147, 150–156
noise and, 19 (see also Noise) linear/nonlinear operations and, 344, 348
no-Switzerland principle and, 154, 158, 164, 254 more-is-less principle and, 333, 334b
polarity and, 297 (see also Polarity) multiple implicit comparisons and, 328–340
resistance and, 37–38 muscle activity and, 205–207
scalp distribution and, 40 (see also Scalp distribution) neutral trials and, 334b
skin potentials and, 31, 132b, 143, 149, 169–173, 175, posterior, 72, 79–80, 87, 164, 203–205, 314, 316, 319,
177, 185, 202, 214, 216, 232, 244–245, 250–251, 259 334
spatial resolution and, 32–33 problem of multiple comparisons and, 328–340
temporal resolution and, 32–33 quantification and, 285–288
volume conduction and, 43 recording principles and, 150, 156, 158–164, 168, 174b
Index 385

statistical analysis and, 310–321, 328–340 horizontal (HEOG), 197–201, 208, 348
superposition and, 44–48 recording principles and, 156
time windows and, 328–340 re-referencing and, 349
time x electrode interactions and, 337–338 vertical (VEOG), 194–196, 198, 208, 348
vertex positive potential (VPP) and, 77–79 Electroretinograms (ERGs), 194
waveform peaks and, 52–60 Emotion
window-independent measures and, 338–339 cold cognitive responses and, 106
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) early posterior negativity and, 107
action potentials and, 4 ERP components and, 27, 72, 106–107, 109, 112
alpha waves and, 16–17, 203–204, 227, 273 error-related negativity (ERN) and, 107–109
amplitudes and, 23 habituation and, 106
artifact correction and, 212–216 late positive potential and, 107
artifact rejection and, 185–198, 202–207 P3 waves and, 72, 107
assessing the time course of processing and, 25 phenomenology and, 107
averaging and, 259–263, 272–273 photographs and, 106
baseline correction and, 249–258 timescale of, 27
basic steps in ERP experiment and, 21–23 vision and, 107
Berger and, 3–4 Endrass, T., 108
classic oddball paradigm and, 6–10 Engel, A. K., 269
covariance and, 352n3 Epsilon adjustment, 317–320
detecting blinks and, 196–197 Equivalent current dipole, 13, 41f, 42–43, 152f
digitizing, 176–182 Eriksen, C. W., 84, 127
distortion and, 58 ERP Boot Camps, 30b, 131, 148b, 208b, 224–226, 246,
Donchin’s operation and, 68 326b, 341
experiment design and, 120, 122, 140b ERP components
extracting data epochs and, 249–251 amplitudes and, 50, 54–59, 64–66, 68, 76, 82, 90–98,
filtering and, 1, 20, 227–228, 232–234, 239, 241b, 102–103, 105, 108
244–248 attention and, 11–12, 26–27, 63b, 70, 75–77, 81–82,
Fourier analysis and, 18, 219–220, 225, 352n1 85–93, 96, 106, 112, 114
historical perspective on, 3–4 audition and, 5, 9b, 12, 39–40, 47, 66, 72–73, 80–85, 87,
impedance and, 38, 147, 153, 169–176, 202, 243 89, 102, 103b
latencies and, 23 avoiding ambiguities in interpreting, 120, 122–131
linear/nonlinear operations and, 342, 344–347, 349–350 basic electrical concepts and, 36–39
long-term memory and, 105 C1 waves and, 28, 47, 54–60, 66, 74–75
magnetoencephalograms (NEGs) and, 13, 31, 38, 44, C2 waves and, 47, 55–57, 60
90, 95 C3 waves and, 47, 54–57, 60
N170 component and, 10–12 classification of, 71
neural origins of ERPs and, 39 cognition and, 2–5, 8, 12–13, 26–27, 31–32, 54, 59, 67,
oscillations and, 16–18 70–71, 81–82, 87, 96, 101, 106, 109–112
quantification and, 288b, 290 compatible trials and, 84
recording principles and, 21, 147–153, 156, 166–172 concept of, 71–72, 90, 122
safety and, 168–169 conceptual definition of, 66–67
signal detection problem and, 187 contingent negative variation (CNV) and, 4, 72–73, 142,
skin potentials and, 169–173 166
statistical analysis and, 319, 326b, 329, 331 contralateral delay activity (CDA) and, 69, 72, 87,
time-frequency analysis and, 274–282 93–95, 105, 113–115, 124, 126, 201, 245
Electromyograms (EMGs) contralateral positivity and, 93b
artifact correction and, 216 cortex and, 9–11, 13, 18, 26, 28, 40–42, 50–52, 66–67,
artifact rejection and, 205–206 75–78, 81, 84, 87, 89–90, 92, 95, 104, 107, 109–111
filtering and, 227, 232, 244–245 current and, 36
muscle activity and, 205–206 definitions for, 35–36
noise and, 206, 232, 245 determining indexed process of, 112
quantification and, 295 difference waves and, 15–16, 35, 51, 55–69, 85, 89,
thumb-button trials and, 107–108 91–92, 94, 99–101, 103b, 105–110
Electrooculograms (EOGs) as different from peaks, 285–286
artifact correction and, 213 dipoles and, 43 (see also Dipoles)
artifact rejection and, 190f, 191–201 distractor positivity and, 91–93
386 Index

ERP components (cont.) reaction times (RTs) and, 14, 16, 25, 76, 99, 116
easily isolated, 126–127 refractory, 77, 81, 85–86, 99
electrode sites and, 4, 6, 8–16, 21, 24, 45–47, 54–56, resistance and, 37–38
60–68, 72–79, 89, 102, 105–110 response-related, 109–111
emotion and, 27, 72, 106–107, 109, 112 scalp distribution and, 9, 43, 48b, 49–52, 55–70, 75, 92,
endogenous, 71, 81 106–107
error-related, 107–109 schizophrenia and, 13–16, 89, 102, 103b
exogenous, 71 shapes of, 55
experiment design and, 122, 130–131 (see also somatosensory responses and, 82
Experiment design) statistical power and, 30
feedback-related negativity (FRN) and, 84 stimulus categorization and, 98–101
forward problem and, 44–48 stimulus-preceding negativity and, 73
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 5, stop-signal paradigm and, 84
12–14, 26b, 30b, 31–33, 38b, 52, 56, 75, 78, 84, 90, 109 subcomponents and, 67, 73, 76–78, 81–88
generators and, 32–33, 35, 42b, 45–47, 50–52, 60, 62, summation of postsynaptic potentials and, 40–42
67–69, 75, 78, 87, 90, 103b, 104, 109 syntactic positive shift and, 73
gustatory responses and, 82 time course and, 43, 45, 48b, 54–57, 60–62, 70, 89
identifying specific, 69–70 underlying, 29, 35–36, 47, 48b, 52–62, 65, 69–70, 76,
incompatible trials and, 84 84, 119, 286–288
inverse problem and, 48 unmixing, 48b
language and, 27, 58–59, 71–73, 102, 104, 112, 115 vertex positive potential and, 77–79
latencies and, 8, 9b, 20, 23–25, 54–58, 66, 70, 72, 75 vision and, 5, 9b, 10–11, 18, 26, 54, 63b, 64–67, 72–93,
lateralized readiness potential (LRP) and, 15–16, 23, 69, 102, 103b, 107–108, 111–114
99, 109–111, 116 visual sensory responses and, 74–80
localization and, 1, 30, 32–33, 35, 39, 44, 48–52, 60, 69, voltage and, 37–50, 54, 56, 66–68, 75, 78, 87–95, 101,
75, 78–79 103b, 106–107, 112
M170 component and, 78–79 waveform peaks and, 52–60
magnetism and, 38–39, 44 weights and, 47
memory and, 12, 26, 31, 67, 70, 72, 85, 87, 92–97, ERPLAB Toolbox
105–106, 112, 114 area amplitude and, 293, 295
midlatency responses (MLRs) and, 80–81 artifact correction and, 215
mismatch negativity (MMN) and, 29, 67, 72, 82–87 artifact rejection and, 186, 188–189, 191
motor, 71–72, 101, 110–111, 124 (see also Motor filtering and, 243b, 248, 347
activity) quantification and, 283–285, 293
N170 component and, 8, 10–12, 63–64, 77–79, 85, 92, rectified area and, 295
107, 163–165, 335 ERPology, 5
N1 waves and, 8, 9b, 24, 63b, 66, 75–82, 85–89, 107 Error
N2pc, 87–92 (see also N2-posterior-contralateral (N2pc) anterior cingulate cortex and, 109
component) artifact rejection and, 187, 209, 210b
N2 waves and, 8, 9b, 16, 57, 60, 66–67, 72, 79–80, averaging and, 263
82–85, 88, 92, 107, 115 baseline correction and, 251
N400 component and, 9b, 58–59, 67, 72–73, 81, difference waves and, 108–109
102–106, 115–117 ERP components and, 107–109, 181
naming conventions for, 8, 9b, 72–73 experimentwise error rate and, 311–312, 352n2
negative slow wave (NSW) and, 93 false negatives (Type II errors) and, 309, 311, 314, 321
olfactory responses and, 82 false positives (Type I errors) and, 24, 209–210, 300,
operational definition for, 67–69 309–311, 314, 317, 319–321, 323, 325, 328–329,
P1 waves and, 75–77 331–333, 334b, 337–339
P2 waves and, 79–80 familywise error rate and, 311–315, 352n2
P300 component and, 5, 9b, 72, 95 filtering and, 226, 241b
P3 waves and, 69, 72, 87, 93–95, 105, 110–117 Fourier analysis and, 223
perception and, 14–16, 27, 78, 93, 99, 112 interpretive, 1, 226
plotting conventions and, 8–9, 10b jackknife approach and, 320–322
polarity and, 10b, 13, 40, 42b, 59, 66–67, 74–77, 92, in literature, 131
111, 113 margin of, 32, 51, 351n6
preceding process studies and, 127–130 partial error trials and, 107–108
quantification and, 283–307 (see also Quantification) processing, 72
Index 387

quantification and, 291b, 300, 263, 320–322 power of, 1

recording principles and, 181–182, 349 recording the electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 21
statistical analysis and, 309–315, 317, 319–325, resolution and, 28
328–329, 332b, 333, 334b, 337–339 safety and, 32
syntactic, 73 side effects and, 2, 3b, 132b, 142–143, 157–158,
systematic, 22 161–162, 229, 327
timing, 81 signal detection problem and, 186–187
trials and, 116–117 signatures and, 30, 42, 192
true score variance and, 263, 320 simplicity of analysis and, 2
variance and, 320–322 spatial resolution and, 32–33
Error-related negativity (ERN) steady-state, 111–112
discovery of, 116–117 stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN) and, 73
ERP components and, 8–9, 50, 73, 84, 107–109, 113, superposition problem and, 29, 35, 44–48, 52
116–117 temporal resolution and, 32–33
filtering and, 241 transforming into frequency-domain representations,
N2 waves and, 84 220–222
syntactic positive shift and, 73 volume conduction and, 43
Esslen, M., 51 Evoked potentials, 3, 353
Ester, E. F., 26 Excel, 243b
Ethics, 174b, 209, 351n3 Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), 92
Event-related magnetic fields (ERMFs), 31, 44 Experimental manipulations, 12
Event-related potentials (ERPs) amplitudes and, 50
basic steps in experiments of, 21–24 arousal effects and, 76
biomarkers and, 13, 28–29, 67, 72, 82–87, 102 artifact rejection and, 185, 192
clean data and, 2 attention and, 82
covert measurement of processing and, 27 averaging and, 262–263
dipoles and, 43 (see also Dipoles) baseline correction and, 257
Donchin’s operation and, 68 component location and, 126
electrical activity and, 39–40 difference waves and, 62, 92
equipment cost and, 32–33 Donchin’s operation and, 68–69, 122
experiment design and, 1 (see also Experiment design) electrode sites and, 67
feature integration theory and, 113 experiment design and, 119, 122, 124, 126–127,
filtering and, 1 (see also Filtering) 129–130, 132b, 136
Galambos and, 2 MONSTER approach and, 122
grand average, 15–16, 263, 266, 290–292, 320–323, P3 waves and, 96–101, 110, 119
326b, 327, 329, 330, 335–336 processes influenced by, 25–26, 28
Hillyard and, 2 quantification and, 306
historical perspective on, 3–5 scalp distribution and, 70
identifying multiple neurocognitive processes and, 26 statistical analysis and, 312, 331–332, 335, 352n1
impedance and, 38, 147, 153, 169–176, 202, 243 Stroop paradigm and, 25, 84
invasiveness and, 31–32 use of well-studied, 124
limitations of, 29–31 Experiment design, 1
link to brain and, 27–28 advice about timing and, 144–145
localization challenges and, 48–52 amplitudes and, 119, 124–127, 130–131, 139–143
magnetoencephalograms (MEGs) and, 13, 31, 38, 44, arousal and, 142–144
90, 95 artifact rejection and, 131
meaning of term, 4 attention and, 121b, 124, 127, 130, 135b
mismatch negativity (MMN) and, 29, 67, 72, 82–87 audition and, 139, 140b, 144
naming conventions and, 9 averaging and, 119, 131, 142, 145
neural origins of, 39–44 avoiding ambiguities in interpreting ERP components
noise and, 58 (see also Noise) and, 120, 122–131
oddball experiments and, 6–10, 14, 23, 56–57, 66, 79, blinks and, 124, 130
82, 102, 103b, 115 Bloch’s law and, 138
plotting conventions for, 8–9, 10b bright condition and, 131
polarity and, 10b, 13, 40, 41f, 42b, 59, 66–67, 74–75, categorization and, 127, 129
77, 92, 111, 113, 162, 191, 194–195, 197, 240, 297 cognition and, 124, 134, 139, 144
postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) and, 12–13, 16, 29, 39 color and, 137
388 Index

Experiment design (cont.) skin potentials and, 143

common problems in, 131–144 solutions for, 131–144
component-independent, 30, 130–131 statistical power and, 143
confounds and, 129–144 stimulus duration and, 138–139
contralateral delay activity (CDA) and, 124, 126 stimulus-specific adaptation and, 134
cortex and, 127 time course and, 129–130, 135b
counting issues and, 140b vision and, 124, 127, 130, 134, 135b, 138–139, 144
current and, 127–128, 139–141 voltage and, 131, 140
Designer of the Year Award and, 121b Experimentwise error rate, 311–312, 352n2
difference waves and, 125–130, 133, 136–137 Extrastriate cortex, 75
dim condition and, 131 Extreme filters, 12b, 22
distortion and, 124, 142 Eye movements
easily isolated components and, 126–127 artifact correction and, 211–216
electricity and, 149–154, 156, 162–164, 166, 169–176 artifact rejection and, 22, 185, 188–189, 192–202, 208,
electrode sites and, 121b, 131 348
electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 120, 122, 140b blinks and, 22 (see also Blinks)
equivalence and, 136 detecting small but consistent, 201b
experimental manipulations and, 119, 122, 124, recording principles and, 31
126–127, 129–130, 132b, 136 saccadic, 23, 198–201
fishing expeditions and, 122 spike potential and, 202
focusing on large components and, 124 time-frequency analysis and, 202
focusing on single component and, 122
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 120 Fabiani, M., 25
Gedankenexperiments and, 131–134, 136, 138–143, Face processing, 10–12, 63–64, 77, 78, 92, 335
292, 295, 304, 315 Fake weights, 57
generators and, 351n5 Falkenstein, M., 107
hijacking useful components and, 124 Familiarity, 106
Hillyard principle and, 134, 136–137, 144 Familywise error rate, 311–315, 352n2
language and, 124, 137 Fan, S., 66, 75
latencies and, 119, 127–130, 144 Feature integration theory, 113
lateralized readiness potential (LRP) and, 122, 124, Feedback-related negativity (FRN), 84
126–127 50% area latency, 24, 297–298, 300, 302, 306–307
MONSTER approach and, 122 Filtering, 2
motor activity and, 124, 126, 139, 144 aliasing and, 179–181, 227, 229–230, 232b, 244, 288b,
Museum of Design and, 121b 350
N1 waves and, 130 amplitudes and, 20–21, 228–247, 350
N2 waves and, 119, 124 analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and, 176–182,
N400 component and, 119–120, 124–126, 130 202–204
neurons and, 134, 135b anti-aliasing filters and, 180–181, 227, 244, 288b, 350
noise and, 143, 145 artifact rejection and, 246–247
number of trials and, 143 audition and, 246
oddball experiments and, 132b, 139, 140b, 145 averaging and, 22, 235, 238, 246–247
odd/even condition and, 128–129 band-pass filters and, 20, 228, 246
odd/even sum condition and, 129 Bessel filters and, 232b
offset time and, 119 blinks and, 247
onset time and, 128, 130, 142, 145 Butterworth filters and, 232b
oscillations and, 145 causal filters and, 230
overlap and, 140–142, 144–145 cognition and, 227, 232, 244–245
P1 waves and, 135b, 138, 142 contralateral delay activity (CDA) and, 245
P3 waves and, 119–124, 127, 129–132, 138–142 cutoff frequency and, 21, 180–181, 230–232, 234, 243,
perception and, 124, 129, 139 247
preceding process studies and, 127–130 discrete time sampling and, 178–181
psychology and, 119–120, 124, 134, 144 distortion and, 3b, 22, 219, 226–227, 239–244
scalp distribution and, 120 edge artifacts and, 247–248, 347
schizophrenia and, 122, 124, 129–130 electricity and, 232, 245
sine waves and, 139 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 20, 227–228,
single-digit condition and, 128 232–234, 239, 241b, 244–248
Index 389

electromyograms (EMGs) and, 227, 232, 244–245 time domains and, 226, 228, 234–240, 247
ERPLAB Toolbox and, 243b, 248, 347 time windows and, 246
error and, 226, 241b voltage and, 227, 230, 232, 234–240, 243–247, 347
extreme filters and, 12b, 22 Woody technique and, 272–273
finite impulse response filters and, 246, 346 Finite impulse response filters, 246, 346
frequency domains and, 226–240, 247 Fischer, C., 27, 87
frequency response function and, 20–21, 228–231, Fize, D., 130
237–238, 244, 246 Folstein, J. R., 82–84
Gaussian filters and, 232b Ford, J. M., 29, 86, 89, 127, 267
half-amplitude cutoff and, 231–232 Forward model, 44–48, 351n6
high-block filters and, 228 Foti, D., 106
high-pass filters and, 20, 176, 178, 197–198, 202, 220, Fourier, Joseph, 220
227–228, 232–234, 238–247, 251, 253, 257, 346–349 Fourier analysis
impedance and, 243 amplitudes and, 18–20, 220, 222, 228, 230
infinite impulse response filters and, 246, 248, 347 averaging and, 219
latencies and, 230, 244–246 basics of, 219–230
linear operations and, 246–247 continuous functions and, 352n1
low-pass filters and, 20, 178–181, 205, 227–229, cortex and, 225
231–232, 235–236, 238–240, 242, 244–247, 286–287, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and, 352n1
288b, 298, 300, 329, 331, 347–350 electricity and, 224
mean amplitude and, 288b electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 18, 219–220, 225,
moving window peak-to-peak method and, 247 352n1
multiple, 229–230 fast Fourier transform (FFT) and, 352n1
as multiplication in frequency domain, 228–229 frequency-domain representations and, 220–222
N1 waves and, 240, 243 fundamental frequency (F) and, 222–223
N400 component and, 242–243 high-pass filters and, 220
necessity of, 226–228 interpretation errors of, 223–226
neurons and, 226 as linear operation, 347
noise and, 20–23, 232, 235, 243b logic of, 45b
noncausal filters and, 230 mathematical equivalence and, 223–224
nonlinear operations and, 246–247 meaning of, 223–226
notch filters and, 20, 228, 245 moving window peak-to-peak method and, 274–276
Nyquist theorem and, 178–180, 226–227, 244 noise and, 19, 220, 226–229
offset time and, 238–240 odd harmonics and, 222–223
onset/offset spread and, 242 oscillations and, 18–20, 219–230
onset time and, 238, 242 phase and, 220–222
order of operations and, 246–247, 346–347, 349 physiological equivalence and, 224
oscillations and, 16–22, 240–241 power and, 220, 222, 224–227
P1 waves and, 240 simple mathematical approach to, 45b
P3 waves and, 240, 242–243, 246 simple square waves and, 222–223
phase shifts and, 230 sine waves and, 18–20, 48b, 219–230, 274–276
polarity and, 240 time domains and, 220–222
power and, 231–232, 234, 242–243 time-frequency analysis and, 219, 223–225, 274–276
recommendations for, 244–248 time windows and, 222
re-referencing and, 247 transforming ERPs into frequency-domain
roll-off and, 231–232, 239, 247, 352n2 representations and, 220–222
running average filters and, 235–240, 247 voltage and, 219, 222, 225
side effects and, 2, 3b, 229 wavelets and, 224, 274
signal processing and, 20 Foxe, J. J., 25
sine waves and, 219–230, 238, 247, 273 Fractional area latency, 296–301
skin potentials and, 232, 244–245 Fractional peak latency, 300–302, 315, 325
slope and, 64, 231–232, 240, 245–247, 347 Franconeri, S., 211
smearing effect and, 238, 240 Frequency distributions, 302–304
statistical analysis and, 227, 232, 242–243 Frequency domains
temporal smearing and, 238 distortion and, 239–240
time constant and, 232–234 edge artifacts and, 247
time course and, 22, 234 filtering and, 226–240, 247
390 Index

Frequency domains (cont.) infinite number of internal, 32

Fourier analysis and, 220–222 lateral occipital complex (LOC) and, 90
Nyquist frequency and, 227, 244 left hemisphere and, 104
phase shifts and, 230–232 localization and, 32–33, 35, 42b, 45–47, 50–52, 75, 78,
time domains and, 1, 232–234 87, 109
Frequency response function, 20–21, 228–231, 237–238, M170 component and, 78–79
244, 246 N170 component and, 8, 10–12, 63–64, 77–79, 85, 92,
Friederici, A. D., 78, 105 107, 163–165, 335
Friedman, D., 77 N1 waves and, 87
Fukuda, K., 266 N2pc component and, 90
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) P3 waves and, 60, 103b
anterior cingulate cortex and, 84, 109 source waveform and, 62
BOLD signal and, 12, 28, 40 statistical analysis and, 316–317, 336
co-localization and, 75 superposition problem and, 29
compared to ERP techniques, 31 voltage and, 9
cost of, 33 Geng, J. J., 92, 296, 339
development of, 5 Giard, M. H., 81
difference waves and, 14 Gibbons, H., 323
electrode sites and, 56 Gibbs, F. A., 4
ERP components and, 5, 12–14, 26b, 30b, 31–33, 38b, Girelli, M., 89, 127
52, 56, 75, 78, 84, 90, 109 Glutamate, 29
experiment design and, 120 Goffaux, V., 78
facial processing and, 78 Goldstein, J. M., 11
generator locations and, 52 Golland, Y., 78
margin of error and, 32 Go/no-go trials, 8, 83
N2 effects and, 82 Goodin, Z., 89, 127
N2pc component and, 90 Google Scholar, 5, 113
neuroimaging and, 26b Gormican, S., 269
resolution and, 28 Goss, B., 107
safety and, 32 Grabowecky, M., 211
Fundamental frequency (F), 222–223 Grand averages, 15–16
averaging and, 263, 266
Gabor function, 276 jackknife approach and, 320–323, 326b, 327, 329
Gaillard, A. W. K., 62 leave-out, 322
Galambos, Bob, 2, 4, 10b, 96, 116, 123b, 199 order of operations and, 350
Gallen, C. C., 86 quantification and, 290–292
Gamble, Marissa, 89, 332b, 337 statistical analysis and, 320–323, 326b, 327, 329–330,
Gamma oscillations, 18, 181, 202, 225–226 335–336
Ganis, G., 104 Grapperon, J., 107
Gaussian distributions, 307, 317 Grass Instruments, 10
Gaussian filters, 232b Gratton, G., 25, 84, 111, 127, 212–213
Gaussian function, 276 Gray, C. M., 269
Gaussian noise, 297 Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment, 319–320, 352n5
Gazzaniga, M. S., 104 Greischar, L. L., 216
Gedankenexperiments (thought experiments) Griffin, Donald, 123b
experiment design and, 131–134, 136, 138–143 Grimbergen, C. A., 153
Hillyard principle and, 134, 136–137, 144 Ground circuit, 150–151, 153, 170
quantification and, 292, 295, 304 Gullick, M., 11, 27
statistical analysis and, 315 Gustatory responses, 82
Gehring, Bill, 25, 84, 107, 109, 116–117 Guzman-Martinez, E., 211
Generators Gyrus, 75, 81, 265
averaging and, 265
cortex and, 28, 51, 109, 265 Hackley, S. A., 86, 127
electrode weight and, 57 Hagoort, P., 104, 124
ERP components and, 32–33, 35, 42b, 45–47, 50–52, Hahne, A., 105
60, 62, 67–69, 75, 78, 87, 90, 103b, 104, 109 Hajcak, G., 84, 106–107
experiment design and, 351n5 Half-amplitude cutoff, 231–232
Index 391

Halgren, E., 104 N400 component and, 104, 115

Halliday, R., 273 P1 waves and, 75–76, 114, 135
Hämäläinen, M. S., 51 P2 waves and, 79
Hamm, A. O., 107 P3 waves and, 95–96
Hampson, S. A., 86 principle of, 134, 136–137, 144
Hansen, Jon, 62, 112, 149, 186, 203, 244, 297, 351n1 statistical analysis and, 310b
Hansen’s axiom, 149, 186, 244 visual processing and, 112
Hanslmayr, S., 225 Vogel and, 114
Hari, R., 51 voltage terminology and, 259
Harris, C., 310 Himle, J., 109
Harrison, S. A., 26 Himmerich, H., 216
Harvard University, 2, 10 Hink, R. F., 62
Harvey, E. N., 4 Hippocampus, 52
Hasbroucq, T., 107 Hirayasu, U., 16
Head movements, 31, 198 Hobart, G., 4
Heart, 3b, 71, 163b, 205–207 Hocking, C., 214
Heekeren, K., 29, 87 Hoffman, J. E., 124
Heffley, E. F., III, 24, 286 Hohnsbein, J., 107
Hegerl, U., 216 Holcomb, P. J., 104
Heinze, Hajo, 63b, 77, 113, 256 Holroyd, C. B., 84, 241
Helmholtz, H., 48 Homogeneity of variance, 317
Hesselbrock, V., 29 Honor, 90b
Hickey, Clayton, 90, 92 Honoraria, 148b
High-block filters, 228 Hopf, J.-M., 52, 77, 90, 256
High-impedance systems, 169–176, 243 Horowitz, T. S., 266
High-pass filters Hummel, T., 82
analog-to-digital conversion and, 176–178
artifact rejection and, 197–198, 202 Iannilli, E., 82
attenuation of, 20, 227–228 Ibuprofen, 3b
avoidance of, 242–243 Ikui, A., 82
baseline correction and, 251, 253, 257 Ille, N., 216
distortions and, 240 Ilmonieni, R. J., 51
experiment design and, 119, 131, 142, 145 Impedance
Fourier analysis and, 220 artifact rejection and, 202
offline recommendations and, 245–246 common mode rejection and, 169–170
online recommendations and, 244–245 electrodes and, 166–176
onset/offset spread and, 242 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 38, 147, 153,
order of operations and, 246–247 169–176, 202, 243
recording principles and, 176–178 filtering and, 243
running average filters and, 238–239 high-impedance systems and, 169–176, 243
statistical analysis and, 349, 356–357 recording principles and, 147, 166, 169–176
time constant and, 232–234 reducing, 174b
Hijacking, 124 skin potentials and, 169–173
Hillyard, Steve Independent component analysis (ICA), 48b, 68, 149,
attentional manipulations and, 12, 26 186, 211, 213–216, 292
color and, 137 Inductance, 169
difference waves and, 62 Infinite impulse response filters, 246, 248, 347
ERP component concept and, 66 Information theory, 5
Galambos and, 2, 10b, 123b, 199 Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), 92
Hansen and, 149, 297 International 10–20 System, 167–168
language and, 102 Interstimulus interval (ISI), 3, 131, 144–145
latency jitter and, 269 Intertrial interval (ITI), 3, 144, 195
lateralized readiness potential (LRP) and, 302 Invasiveness, 31–32
mathematical techniques and, 63b Inverse problem, 48
mismatch negativity and, 86 Ions, 12, 40, 41f
N1 subcomponents and, 77 Isreal, J. B., 97
N2 components and, 83, 85, 90, 93b, 113 Ive, Jonathan, 121b
392 Index

Jackknife approach Klimesch, W., 225

ANOVA and, 320, 326b Kluender, R., 105
equal sample sizes and, 324 Knight, R. T., 83, 96
error variance and, 320–322 Knoblich, U., 226
essence of, 322–324 Knuutila, J., 51
grand averages and, 322 Koch, C., 12, 39
lateralized readiness potential (LRP) and, 320–322 Kochi, K., 51
limitations of, 324–328 Kohlmetz, C., 86
linear operations and, 324 Kok, A., 97, 265
Miller and, 326b König, P., 194, 269
null hypothesis and, 325–328 Kopell, B. S., 26
Pearson r coefficient and, 323–324 Kramer, Art, 62b
p values and, 324–325 Kraus, N., 87
quantification and, 299 Kreegipuu, K., 85, 87
recording principles and, 181 Kreither, J., 143
statistical analysis and, 181, 299, 310–311, 320–328, Kreitschmann-Andermahr, I., 29, 87
341, 350, 352n6 Kuefner, D., 63–64
true score variance and, 263, 320 Kung, C. C., 78
Jacques, C., 10, 63, 78–79 Kutas, Marta, 97–99, 101, 104–105, 115, 117, 124, 254,
Jaskowski, P., 96 316–317
Jasper, H. H., 4, 167
Javitt, D. C., 29, 87 Lang, P. J., 107
Jeffreys, D. A., 75, 77 Language
Jennings, J. R., 84, 319 artifact rejection and, 207
Jensen, O., 17, 204 baseline correction and, 255
Jeon, Y. W., 102 cross-experiment comparisons and, 58–59
Jha, A. P., 11 difference waves and, 125 (see also Difference waves)
Jitter ERP components and, 27, 58–59, 71–73, 102–105, 112,
averaging and, 267–273 115
latencies and, 267–274, 290–291 experiment design and, 124, 137
mean amplitude and, 271 naming conventions and, 9b
quantification and, 290–291 semantic expectancies and, 102
time-frequency analysis and, 274 speech and, 31, 102, 207
Jodicke, J., 216 syntactic violations and, 105
John, M. S., 5, 311 Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 165
Johns, M., 214 Latencies
Johnson, R., Jr., 97–98 amplitude interactions and, 57–58
Jolicoeur, P., 212b, 322 ANOVA and, 332b
Jong, T. G., 83 area measures and, 271–272
Joormann, J., 107 artifact correction and, 211
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 90b averaging and, 58, 262, 266–273
Journal of Neuroscience, 93b baseline correction and, 249
Jung, T. P., 216 categorization and, 98–101
Junghofer, M., 107 confounds and, 57
convolution and, 306b
Kappenman, Emily, 5, 10, 27, 67, 71, 87, 122, 173, 207, early posterior negativity and, 107
240, 242, 257, 265 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 23
Katayama, J., 97 ERP components and, 8, 9b, 20, 23–25, 54–58, 66, 70,
Kathmann, N., 108 72, 75, 115
Kayser, J., 175 experiment design and, 119, 127–130, 144
Keil, A., 107 50% area, 24, 297–298, 300, 302, 306–307
Kenemans, J. L., 82 filtering and, 20, 230, 244–246
Keppel, G., 317 fractional area, 296–301
Keren, A. S., 202 fractional peak, 300–302, 315, 325
Kiesel, A., 212b, 302, 322, 324, 328 jitter and, 267–274, 290–291
Kirbish, 58–59 long-latency response and, 56, 81
Kiss, M., 89, 92, 127 midlatency responses (MLRs) and, 80–81
Index 393

midpoint, 296–299 defining, 341–344

N2, 82, 107, 296, 329 difference waves and, 346, 349–350
naming conventions and, 9, 72 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 342, 344–347,
onset, 58, 75, 85, 101, 128–130, 246, 262, 299–300, 349–350
321–324, 327–328 filtering and, 246–247
order of operations and, 350 Fourier analysis and, 347
overlap and, 57 jackknife approach and, 324
P1 waves and, 9b, 72–73, 81 order of operations and, 341, 344–350
P2 waves and, 81–82 quantification and, 289–291, 299, 348–349
P3, 25, 98–101, 103b, 115, 127, 267, 269, 271, 304, recording principles and, 148
306b, 307, 311 re-referencing and, 348
P3 waves and, 9b, 25–26, 81, 98–102, 103b statistical analysis and, 65–76, 315, 324–325
parallel search and, 269 Line noise, 185, 220, 244–245
peak, 9, 24, 30–36, 54–55, 57, 66, 72, 99, 101, 119, Linked mastoids reference, 162–163
284–285, 287, 289–292, 297–302, 306, 315, 321, 328, Lins, O. G., 188, 199, 213
335–336, 350, 352n3 Liotti, M., 84
quantification of, 1, 23–24, 283–284, 287–307, Liu, Y., 25, 107
348–350, 352nn1,3 Local field potential (LFP), 3, 31, 39, 351n1, 352n3
reaction times (RTS) and, 302–307 Localization
recording principles and, 181 artifact correction and, 212
response-locked averages and, 272 artifact rejection and, 205–206
scalp distribution and, 70 C1 waves and, 75
short, 81–82 challenges of, 48–52
statistical analysis and, 24, 309–312, 315, 320–332, collapsed localizers and, 335–336
335–338 co-localization and, 75
time-frequency analysis and, 274 component-independent experiment design and, 30,
variability problems and, 267–273 130–131
Late positive potential, 107 dipole techniques and, 48b
Lateralized readiness potential (LRP) ERP components and, 1, 30, 32–33, 35, 39, 44, 48–52,
baseline correction and, 258 60, 69, 75, 78–79
ERP components and, 15–16, 23, 69, 99, 109–111, 116 functional localizers and, 335
experiment design and, 122, 124, 126–127 generators and, 32–33, 35, 42b, 45–47, 50–52, 75, 78,
response-related components and, 109–111 87, 109
statistical analysis and, 320–322, 326b inverse problem and, 48
Lateral occipital complex (LOC), 90 limitations of ERP techniques and, 33, 35, 39, 48–52
Lawson, D., 166 M170 component and, 78
Ledoux, K., 27 mismatch negativity (MMN) and, 87
Left hemisphere multiple sources and, 32
ERP components and, 36, 67, 69, 89, 102, 104, 110 N170 component and, 78
recording principles and, 162, 168 nightmare scenario for, 50
statistical analysis and, 314, 329 recording principles and, 163, 168, 182
Left-parietal old-new effect, 106 statistical analysis and, 335–336
Lehmann, D., 51 Loewenstein, G., 311
Lennox, W. G., 4 Long-latency responses, 56, 81
Leonard, Curly, 214–215 Loomis, A. L., 4
Leppanen, P. H., 87 Lopez-Calderon, Javier, 191, 351n1
Lesevre, N., 85 Lorenzo-Lopez, L., 127
Leung, P., 211 Lounasmaa, O. V., 51
Leuthold, H., 101 Loveless, N. E., 73
Lien, M. C., 89, 127 Low-pass filters
Lindsley, D. B., 73 anti-aliasing filters and, 180–181, 227, 244, 288b, 350
Linear operations artifact rejection and, 205
artifact rejection and, 199 attenuation of, 20, 227
averaging and, 261–262, 344–345 band-pass filters and, 20, 228, 246
baseline correction and, 347–348 discrete time sampling and, 178–181
common ERP processing operations and, 344–349 distortion and, 240
convolution and, 346–346 edge artifacts and, 247–248, 347
394 Index

Low-pass filters (cont.) Majumdar, S., 29, 87

EMG noise and, 232 Makeig, S., 17, 214, 274
filtering twice and, 229 Mangun, G. R., 63b, 77, 113
frequency domain multiplication and, 228 Manipulation of Orthogonal Neural Systems Together in
half-power cutoff and, 231 Electrophysiological Recordings (MONSTER), 122
high-block filters and, 228 Mantysalo, S., 62
offline recommendations for, 245–246 Markley, Candace, 10
online recommendations for, 244 Marlot, C., 130
onset/offset spread and, 242 Martinez, A., 75
order of operations and, 246–247, 286–287, 348–350 Mass univariate approach, 311, 338–339
quantification and, 286–287, 288b, 298, 300 Mathalon, D. H., 29
recording principles and, 178–181 Matthews, B. H. C., 4
running average filter and, 235–236, 238 Matthewson, K. E., 25
smearing effect of, 240 Maxwell, C. R., 29, 87, 216
statistical analysis and, 329–331 Mayberg, H. S., 84
Luaute, 27, 87 Mazaheri, A., 204
Lucas, H. D., 106 McCallum, Cheyne, 4, 66, 73, 122
Luck, S. J. McCarley, R. W., 16
averaging and, 265, 272 McCarthy, G., 78, 97, 104, 316
baseline correction and, 256 McClelland, J. L., 54
BOLD signals and, 28 McCollough, A. W., 266
ERP component concepts and, 5, 13, 25–26, 28, 63b, 67, McDermott, M. T., 89, 127
69, 71, 75–77, 82, 85, 88–92, 93b, 96, 99, 102, 103b, Mcdonald, John, 90
113–114 McMenamin, B. W., 216
ERPology and, 5 MacNamara, A., 106
experiment design and, 122, 124, 127, 129–130, 130, McPherson, W. B., 104
136, 143 Mean amplitude
filtering and, 240, 242 biased vs. unbiased measures and, 289
mismatch negativity and, 87 drawbacks of, 292–293
N1 waves and, 76–77 latency jitter and, 271
N2 waves and, 82, 85, 88–91, 93b, 113 linear operations and, 289–290
P1 waves and, 75–76 measuring same process at different times and,
P3 waves and, 69, 96, 102, 103b 287–289
psychological refractory period paradigm and, 99 nonlinear operations and, 289–290
quantification and, 285, 296, 300–304, 307 quantification and, 284–296
recording principles and, 173, 201b reaction times (RTs) and, 291
schizophrenia and, 13, 102 sensitivity to high-frequency noise and, 286–287
statical analysis and, 329, 332b, 339 Mean reaction times, 306b, 312
Luckipedia, 3 Measurement. See Quantification
Lustig, A. G., 11 Mecklinger, A., 78
Luu, P., 241b Medendorp, W. P., 204
Megis GmbH, 158b
M170 component, 78–79 Memory
Machado, L., 83 conceptual fluency and, 106
Machizawa, Maro, 93–94, 115, 266 contralateral delay activity and, 93–95
Magnetism cue arrow and, 94
dipoles and, 13 (see also Dipoles) Dm effect and, 105–106
electricity and, 38–39, 44 ERP components and, 12, 26, 31, 67, 70, 72, 85, 87,
event-related magnetic fields (ERMFs) and, 31, 44 92–97, 105–106, 112, 114
fMRI and, 5 (see also Functional magnetic resonance familiarity and, 106
imaging (fMRI)) left-parietal old-new effect and, 106
M170 component and, 78–79 long-term, 31, 72, 105
magnetic fields and, 13, 31, 44, 351n5 midfrontal old-new effect and, 106
skull and, 44, 35n15 P3 waves and, 96
spatial resolution and, 32 recollection and, 106
temporal resolution and, 32 sample array and, 94–95
Magnetoencephalograms (MEGs), 13, 31, 38, 44, 90, 95 subsequent memory effect and, 106
Index 395

test array and, 94–95 vertex positive potential (VPP) and, 77–79
working, 26, 67, 70, 87, 92–96, 105, 114, 266 visual response and, 77–79
Merck Pharmaceuticals, 326b N1 waves
Meyer, D. E., 107, 116, 299 arousal and, 75–76
Middle occipital gyrus, 75 averaging and, 263, 272
Midfrontal old-new effect, 106 ERP components and, 8, 9b, 24, 63b, 66, 75–82, 85–89,
Midlatency responses (MLRs), 81 107
Midline experiment design and, 130
ERP components and, 6, 8, 74–75, 77, 85, 91, 106 filtering and, 240, 243
recording principles and, 158, 162, 167–168 generators and, 87
statistical analysis and, 314, 329 recording principles and, 173
Miller, Jeff, 109, 111, 126–127, 212b, 299, 321–322, 325, refractory and, 77, 81, 85–86
326b, 328 subcomponents of, 76–77, 81
Mismatch negativity (MMN), 67 visual response and, 75–77
audition and, 85 N2ac component, 89
automatic, 87 N2-posterior-contralateral (N2pc) component
controlled, 87 artifact rejection and, 192, 200b, 201
N2 subcomponents and, 82–85 averaging and, 262–263
NMDA receptors and, 29 baseline correction and, 257
preattentive, 87 color and, 88–89, 90b, 92
preverbal infants and, 87 contralateral delay activity (CDA) and, 87–92
refractory confounds and, 85–86 contralateral positivity and, 93b
theory on, 85–86 difference waves and, 69, 89
Monopolar recordings, 156 discovery of, 113–114
Moore, C. I., 226 distractor positivity and, 91–93
Moore, C. M., 99 experiment design and, 117, 124, 126–127
More-is-less principle, 333, 334b ipsilateral waveforms and, 87–95
Morgan, C. D., 82, 112 lateral occipital complex (LOC) and, 90
Morlet, D., 27, 87 localization and, 51
Morlet wavelet family, 276 negative slow wave (NSW) and, 93
Moser, J. S., 84 negativity and, 89, 91
Motor activity polarity and, 113–114
artifact rejection and, 185 posterior scalp sites and, 85
confounds and, 139 quantification and, 296, 301–302
cortex and, 18, 110–111 statistical analysis and, 334, 337
ERP components and, 4, 14, 18, 71–72, 101, 110–111 topography of, 90
experiment design and, 124, 126, 139, 144 vision and, 72, 89
response-related ERP components and, 109–111 N2 waves
sensorimotor tasks and, 14 anterior, 83–85
steady-state ERP components and, 111–112 averaging and, 266–267, 272
Motor cortex, 18, 110–111 baseline correction and, 253–254
Moving window peak-to-peak method categorization and, 85
artifact rejection and, 191, 196, 199, 202, 208, 247 color and, 83–84
filtering and, 247 compatible trials and, 84
Fourier analysis and, 274–276 early posterior negativity and, 107
Multi-unit recordings, 31, 39 ERP components and, 8, 9b, 16, 57, 60, 66–67, 72,
Münte, T. F., 76, 86 79–80, 82–85, 88, 92, 107, 115
Murphy, C., 82 error-related negativity (ERN) and, 84
Museum of Design, 121b experiment design and, 119, 124
family of, 82–85
N170 component feedback-related negativity (FRN) and, 84
emotion and, 107 incompatible trials and, 84
face processing and, 10–12, 63–64 latencies and, 82, 107, 296, 329
latency and, 8 medial frontal cortex and, 84–85
multiple contributions and, 85, 92 no-go, 8, 83–84
recording principles and, 163–165 posterior, 85
statistical analysis and, 335 quantification and, 286, 292–299
396 Index

N2 waves (cont.) receptors and, 12, 29, 39, 87

statistical analysis and, 312–315, 329, 337–339 summation of potentials and, 40–42
stop-signal paradigm and, 84 volume conduction and, 43
subcomponents of, 82–83 Neutral trials, 334b
N400 component Nieuwenhuis, S., 84–85, 241
averaging and, 262, 267 Nisenson, L. G., 109
discovery of, 115–117 Nises, Adam, 124
ERP components and, 9b, 58–59, 67, 72–73, 81, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), 29, 87
102–106, 115–117 Nobre, A. C., 104
experiment design and, 119–120, 124–126, 130 No-go trials, 8, 83–84
filtering and, 242–243 Noise
recording principles and, 164, 182 alpha waves and, 17
Näätänen, R., 62, 81–82, 85–87 artifact correction and, 214, 216
Nagamine, T., 111 artifact rejection and, 187–188, 192–193, 198–201,
Nager, W., 86 204–207
Naming conventions, 8–9, 72–73 averaging and, 58, 259, 261–262, 265, 273
Nature journal, 113–115 baseline correction and, 249, 253–257
Nature Neuroscience journal, 329 cancellation of, 65
Naylor, H., 273 confounds and, 143
Negative-going waves. See also Specific N wave data distortion and, 50, 58 (see also Distortion)
artifact corrections and, 197 electrical, 23, 38, 149–151, 170, 176, 232, 245
averaging and, 259 electrocardiograms (EKGs) and, 163b
baseline correction and, 253 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 58
ERP components and, 8, 65, 72, 78, 82, 102, 107–108, electromyograms (EMGs) and, 206, 232, 245
111 experiment design and, 145
experiment design and, 124, 137 filtering and, 20–23, 232, 235, 243–247
quantification and, 296 Fourier analysis and, 19, 220, 226–229
recording principles and, 161 Gaussian, 297
Negative slow wave (NSW), 93 line, 185, 220, 244–245
Negativity non-neural sources of, 23, 185
early posterior negativity and, 107 number of trials and, 30
ERP components and, 8, 29, 40, 42, 50, 67, 72–73, 82, quality-assurance metrics and, 29
84–87, 89, 91, 94–95, 105, 107–108, 110, 115, 120 quantification and, 283–289, 296–300, 352n1
feedback-related negativity (FRN) and, 84 random, 24, 254, 273, 325, 330–331, 334
N2pc component and, 89, 91 recording principles and, 148–153, 157, 163–164,
stimulus-preceding, 73 169–170, 173, 176, 181
time-frequency analysis and, 278b sensitivity to high-frequency noise and, 286–287
Nelken, I., 202 separation of signal from, 2
Nelson, L. D., 210b, 311 side effects and, 3b
Neurons, 352n3 signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and, 143, 145, 185, 187,
dipoles and, 43 (see also Dipoles) 201b, 206, 208, 261–262, 265, 273, 339, 352n2
distractor positivity and, 92 statistical analysis and, 143, 315, 319–320, 325,
electrical activity in individual, 39–40 328–333, 334b, 338–339
ERP component concept and, 66 suppression of, 3b
experiment design and, 134, 135b time windows and, 24
filtering and, 226 Noncausal filters, 230
generators and, 9 Nonlinear operations
N1 waves and, 85–86, 90 area amplitude and, 349
oscillations and, 16 common ERP processing operations and, 344–349
polarity and, 40 (see also Polarity) defining, 341–344
postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) and, 12–13, 16, 29, electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 342, 344–347,
39–43, 82, 92 349–350
V4, 90 filtering and, 246–247
volume conduction and, 43 neural origins of, 12–13
Neurotransmitters order of operations and, 341, 344–350
oscillations and, 16 quantification and, 289–290
postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) and, 12–13, 16, 29, statistical analysis and, 315, 324–326
39–43, 82, 92 Normality, 310b, 317
Index 397

No-Switzerland principle, 154, 164, 254 convolution and, 346–347

Notch filters, 20, 228, 245 difference waves and, 346, 350
Null hypothesis filtering and, 246–247, 346–347, 349
jackknife approach and, 325–328 frequency-based operations and, 346–347
statistical analysis and, 69, 209, 210b, 311, 323–330 grand averages and, 350
Nunez, P. L., 48, 120, 163 latencies and, 350
Nuprep, 174b linear, 246–247, 341, 344–350
Nyquist frequency, 227, 244 nonlinear, 341, 344–350
Nyquist theorem, 178–180, 226–227, 244 quantification and, 349–350
recommendations for, 349–350
Ochoa, c. J., 211 re-referencing and, 341, 348–349
O’Connor, S., 29 Orr, J. M., 25, 107
Oddball experiments Oscillations
artifact correction and, 211 alpha, 17–18, 145, 204, 225, 258, 281
averaging and, 259, 263 artifact rejection and, 202–204
baseline correction and, 250, 256 artificial, 3b
classic oddball paradigm and, 6–10 averaging and, 269
ERP components and, 6–10, 14, 23, 56–57, 66, 79, 82, baseline correction and, 257–258
102, 103b, 115 contained, 19
experiment design and, 132b, 139, 140b, 145 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 16–18
linear/nonlinear operations and, 344–346 experiment design and, 145
quantification and, 287 filtering and, 16–22, 240–241
recording principles and, 173 Fourier analysis and, 18–20, 219–230
statistical analysis and, 311–312, 329, 335, 338–339 gamma, 181
Odd/even condition, 128–129 neurons and, 16
Odd/even sum condition, 129 phase and, 17, 19, 73, 111, 220–222, 230, 269, 274,
Odd harmonics, 222–223 277–281
O’Donnell, B. F., 16 recording principles and, 179, 181
Offline re-referencing, 154–156 side effects and, 3b
Offset time sine waves and, 111 (see also Sine waves)
distortion of, 3b steady-state ERPs and, 72
experiment design and, 119 time-frequency analysis and, 17, 274–282
filtering and, 238–240 Osman, Allen, 99, 299
single-trial, 119 Ossandon, J. P., 194
statistical analysis and, 335 Outliers, 209, 210b, 310b, 320, 325
Olbrich, S., 216 Overlap
Olfactory responses, 82 amplitudes and, 57
Olvet, D. M., 107 artifact rejection and, 195, 197
Onset time baseline correction and, 254–257
amplitudes and, 58 confounds and, 139–142, 254
averaging and, 272 correct response negativity (CRN) and, 108
baseline correction and, 258 distortion and, 56–57, 69, 75, 80, 108–110
delayed, 16 experiment design and, 140–142, 144–145
distortion and, 3b latencies and, 57
experiment design and, 128, 130, 142, 145 N waves and, 80, 339
filtering and, 238, 242 P waves and, 76, 80
latencies and, 58, 75, 85, 101, 128–130, 246, 262, quantification and, 285, 288–289, 292, 297, 304
299–300, 321–324, 327–328 recording principles and, 166
P1 wave and, 75 scalp distribution and, 56
P3 wave and, 98–99, 107 specific component identification and, 69, 89, 101
quantification and, 297–302 statistical analysis and, 339
statistical analysis and, 327–328 time-frequency analysis and, 274
Oranje, B., 87 Özyürek, A., 104
Order of operations
amplitudes and, 350 P1 waves, 8
artifact correction and, 348–350 amplitude and, 76, 331
artifact rejection and, 341, 343, 345, 347–350 arousal and, 75–76
averaging and, 341, 343–346, 348–350 auditory, 72
398 Index

P1 waves (cont.) oddball paradigm and, 57, 66, 79–80, 103b

averaging and, 9, 23, 262–263, 267, 272–273 onset time and, 98–99, 107
baseline correction and, 257 postcategorization processes and, 101–102
C1 waves and, 74–75 posterior N2 and, 85
component description of, 79–80 quantification and, 24, 284, 287–288, 293, 295, 297,
contralateral delay activity (CDA) and, 114–115 299, 302, 304–307
difference waves and, 89 recording principles and, 158, 161, 164, 166, 173
emotion and, 107 resource allocation and, 97–98
experiment design and, 135b, 138, 142 schizophrenia and, 102, 103b
filtering and, 240 statistical analysis and, 311–316, 319, 323, 327, 329,
latencies and, 9b, 72–73, 81 331, 335–336, 338–339
mathematical approaches and, 63b stimulus categorization and, 98–101
naming conventions and, 72 as strategic process, 96–97
quantification and, 299 as tactical process, 96–97
statistical analysis and, 331 task difficulty and, 97–98
top-down variables and, 75–76 theories of functional significance and, 96–97
visual response and, 72–77 varieties of, 95–96
P2 waves, 8 working memory and, 96
averaging and, 265, 272 P4 waves, 331
latencies and,81–82 Page, Jimmy, 28
mathematical approaches and, 63b Paller, K. A., 106
naming conventions and, 72 Palmero-Soler, E., 63
oddball paradigm and, 66 Parallel search, 269
quantification and, 284–286, 290, 295–296, 299 Pascual-Marqui, R. D., 51
statistical analysis and, 312–313, 315, 331, 338–339 Pashler, Hal, 54, 99, 310–311, 329
visual response and, 79–80 Patterson, T., 300, 321
P300 component, 5, 9b, 72, 95 Peaks
P3 waves, 8 amplitudes and, 24, 54, 57–58, 102, 119, 141–143, 191,
amplitude and, 16, 59, 96–98, 102, 103b, 119, 131, 173, 196, 199, 202, 247, 266–272, 284–293, 296–306, 310,
243, 246, 251, 267, 271–272, 287, 311, 314, 316, 319, 324–328, 339, 344, 346, 350, 352nn1,2
327 ANOVA programs and, 291b
artifact correction and, 211 averaging distortions and, 58
artifact rejection and, 202 biased vs. unbiased measures and, 289
averaging and, 9, 23, 259, 261–262, 265, 267, 269–273 component shapes and, 55
baseline correction and, 250–254, 256–257 component structures and, 59–60
categorization and, 98–102 cross-experiment comparisons and, 58–59
context updating and, 96 data interpretation rules and, 54–60
difference waves and, 15–16 difference waves and, 56–57 (see also Difference
discovery of, 5 waves)
effects of probability and, 97 as different from ERP components, 52–60, 285–286
electrode sites and, 6, 60, 64, 79–80 latencies and, 9b, 24, 30–36, 54–58, 66, 72, 99, 101,
emotion and, 72, 107 119, 284–285, 287, 289, 291–292, 297–302, 315, 321,
ERP components and, 69, 72, 87, 93–95, 105, 328, 335–336, 350, 352n3
110–117 linear operations and, 289–290
error processes and, 108 measuring same process at different times and,
experimental manipulation and, 25, 96–101, 110, 119 287–289
experiment design and, 119–124, 127, 129–132, negative-going waves and, 8, 65, 72, 78, 82, 102,
138–142 107–108, 111, 124, 137, 161, 197, 253, 259, 296
family of, 95–102 nonlinear operations and, 289–290
filtering and, 240, 242–243, 246 nonmatching, 291b
generators and, 60 positive-going waves and, 8, 65, 72, 75, 111, 161, 197,
hippocampus and, 52 259, 296, 339
incompatible condition and, 101 quantification and, 284–293, 296–306
language and, 59, 72 reaction times (RTs) and, 291
latencies and, 9b, 25–26, 81, 98–102, 103b, 115, 127, scalp distribution effect and, 55–56
267, 269, 271, 304, 306b, 307, 311 time course effect and, 55–56
limitations of ERP technique and, 30 Pearson r correlation coefficient, 323–324
Index 399

Peper, A., 153 ERP components and, 40, 72, 87, 108, 115, 254, 259,
Perception 278b
artifact rejection and, 186 time-frequency analysis and, 278b
cancellation of attention and, 93 Positron emission tomography (PET), 5, 31–33
difference waves and, 335 (see also Difference waves) Posner, M. I., 50
ERP components and, 14–16, 27, 78, 93, 99, 112 Postsynaptic potentials (PSPs)
experiment design and, 124, 129, 139 dipoles and, 12–13, 16, 29, 39
facial, 10–12, 63–64, 77, 78, 92, 335 ERP components and, 12–13, 16, 29, 39–43, 82, 92
reaction times (RTs) and, 14, 16, 25, 76, 99, 116, 130, excitatory, 92
269, 272, 291, 297, 302–307, 312, 323 inhibitory, 92
response selection and, 14–16, 70, 99–101, 127 summation of, 40–42
timescale of, 27 Potts, G. F., 16
Perez, V. B., 78, 84, 93 Power
Permutation approach, 296, 311, 332b artifact rejection and, 206
Pernier, J., 66, 81, 165, 277 filtering and, 231–232, 234, 242–243
Perrin, F., 66, 165 Fourier analysis and, 220, 222, 224–227
Pfefferbaum, A., 29, 267 recording principles and, 180
Phase statistical, 289 (see also Statistical power)
Fourier analysis and, 220–222 time-frequency analysis and, 274–281
oscillations and, 17, 19, 73, 111, 220–222, 230, 269, PowerPoint, 10
274, 277–281 Pratt, H., 80
resetting and, 17 Prelec, D., 311
shifts in, 230 Principal component analysis (PCA), 48b, 63b, 68, 213,
time-frequency analysis and, 17, 274, 277–281 283, 292
Picton, T. W., 47, 62, 80–82, 97, 166, 188, 213 Pritchett, D. L., 226
Pitzalis, S., 75 Probability distributions, 145, 301–306
Pliszka, S. R., 84 Problem of multiple comparisons, 24, 310–311
Plochl, M., 194, 213, 216 a priori hypotheses and, 328, 333–338
Plonsey, R., 48 collapsed localizers and, 335–336
Plotting conventions, 8–9, 10b condition x electrode interactions and, 336–337
Polarity correcting, 339–340
artifact rejection and, 191, 194–195, 197 electrode sites and, 328–340
blinks and, 194 example of, 329–333
C1 waves and, 74 functional localizers and, 335
combination of factors for, 13 mass univariate approach and, 338–339
ERP components and, 10b, 13, 40, 41f, 42b, 59, 66–67, more-is-less principle and, 333, 334b
74–77, 92, 111, 113, 162, 191, 194–195, 197, 240, 297 neutral trials and, 334b
filtering and, 240 problem of multiple explicit comparisons and, 339
N2pc component and, 113–114 problem of multiple implicit comparisons and, 315,
negativity and, 8, 29, 40, 42, 50, 67, 72–73, 82, 84–87, 328–330
89, 91, 94–95, 105, 107–108, 110, 115, 120, 278 statistical analysis and, 328–340
positivity and, 40, 72, 87, 91–92, 93b, 108, 115, 254, time window choice and, 328–340
259, 278b time x electrode interactions and, 337–338
postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) and, 12–13, 16, 29, 39 window-independent measures and, 338–339
quantification and, 297 Psychology, 15
recording principles and, 162 artifact rejection and, 207, 210b
vertex positive potential (VPP) and, 77–79 averaging and, 266
visual responses and, 74 ERP components and, 54, 71–72, 99, 112
Polich, J., 52, 96, 97, 102, 166, 211, 265 experiment design and, 119–120, 124, 134, 144
Pop-out, 84, 88f, 92, 135b information theory and, 5
Porjesz, B., 29 process determination and, 112
Positive-going waves, 8, 65, 72, 75, 111, 161, 197, 259, recording principles and, 172
296, 339. See also Specific P wave refractory period and, 99, 100f
Positivity Rhodes and, 306b
averaging and, 259 statistical analysis and, 310–311, 329
baseline correction and, 254 Psychophysiology journal, 319, 329
distractor, 91–93 Puce, A., 52, 78
400 Index

P value statistical analysis and, 283, 289–290 (see also

artifact rejection and, 209 Statistical analysis)
baseline correction and, 249 time windows and, 23–24, 284–285, 288–289, 296–297
jackknife approach and, 324–325 voltage and, 37, 284–288, 299, 349
statistical analysis and, 65–66, 188, 209, 249, 300, 309,
311–315, 319–320, 322–325, 328, 336 Ragot, R., 85
Pyramidal cells, 13, 40–42, 226 Random noise, 24, 254, 273, 325, 330–331, 334
Random-phase activity, 277–279
Quality assurance, 29 Ranganath, C., 26, 97
Quantification Reaction times (RTs)
amplitudes and, 1, 23–24, 283–302, 348–349, 352n2 averaging and, 269, 272
artifact rejection and, 189–191 convolution and, 306b
averaging and, 289–290, 291b ERP components and, 14, 16, 25, 76, 99, 116
baseline correction and, 189–191 frequency distributions and, 302–304
basic measurement algorithms and, 284–285 latencies and, 302–307
biased vs. unbiased measures and, 289 mean, 306b, 312
cognition and, 299, 306 narrow time range for, 304
convolution and, 306b overlap and, 304
coulomb unit and, 36 peaks and, 291
covert measurement of processing and, 27 probability distributions and, 301–306
difference waves and, 286, 289, 297–301 quantification and, 291, 297, 302–307
dipoles and, 292 schizophrenia and, 14, 16
distortion and, 284–286, 289, 297, 300 statistical analysis and, 312, 323
electrode sites and, 285–288 Readiness potential (RP), 109–111
electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 288b, 290 Receptors, 12, 29, 39, 87
electromyograms (EMGs) and, 295 Recollection, 106
ERPLAB Toolbox and, 283–285, 293 Recording principles
error and, 291b, 300 active electrodes and, 150–157, 161–162, 168, 181
experimental manipulations and, 306 aliasing and, 179–181
frequency distributions and, 302–304 amplifier gain/calibration and, 181–182
jackknife approach and, 299 amplitudes and, 149, 173, 178, 182
latencies and, 1, 23–24, 283–284, 287–307, 348–350, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and, 176–178, 181
352nn1,3 artifact rejection and, 149
linear operations and, 289–291, 299, 348–349 average mastoids reference and, 156–157, 163, 165
low-pass filters and, 286–287, 288b, 298, 300 averaging and, 148–149, 156–163, 165
mean measurement and, 284–296 bipolar recordings and, 156, 190f, 191–201, 206, 208,
measurement error and, 263, 320–322 213, 348–349
measuring same process at different times and, 287–289 blinks and, 149, 156
N2 waves and, 286, 292–299 clean data and, 2, 36, 147–149, 168, 196, 244, 257
noise and, 283–289, 296–300, 352n1 cognition and, 156, 180–181
nonlinear operations and, 289–290 common mode rejection and, 153, 169–170
oddball experiments and, 287 current and, 150, 151b, 153b, 165–166, 169, 172, 175
ohm unit and, 37 differential amplifiers and, 151, 153, 155, 169–170
onset time and, 297–302 dipoles and, 154, 158, 166
order of operations and, 349–350 discrete time sampling and, 178–181
overlap and, 285, 288–289, 292, 297, 304 distortion and, 149, 162–163, 182
P1 waves and, 299 electrocardiograms (EKGs) and, 163b, 164
P2 waves and, 284–286, 290, 295–296, 299 electrode sites and, 150, 156, 158–168, 174b
P3 waves and, 24, 284, 287–288, 293, 295, 297, 299, electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 147–153, 156,
302, 304–307 166–172
peak measures and, 284–293, 296–306 error and, 181–182, 349
polarity and, 297 eye movements and, 31, 156
probability distributions and, 145, 301–306 ground electrodes and, 6, 147, 150–156
reaction times (RTs) and, 291, 297, 302–307 Hansen’s axiom and, 149, 186, 244
re-referencing and, 289–290 head movements and, 31
schizophrenia and, 304 high-pass filters and, 176–178
sensitivity to high-frequency noise and, 286–287 impedance and, 147, 166, 169–176
Index 401

International 10–20 System and, 167–168 statistical analysis and, 329

jackknife approach and, 181 Resistance
latencies and, 181 concept of, 37–38, 169
linear operations and, 148 current and, 38
linked mastoids reference and, 162–163 ohm unit and, 37
local field potential (LFP) and, 3, 31, 39 recording principles and, 163, 169, 172–173, 174b
localization and, 163, 168, 182 skin and, 169, 173, 174b
low-pass filters and, 178–181 skull and, 13, 43–45, 331, 351n5
monopolar recordings and, 156 Response-locked averages, 272
multi-unit recordings and, 31, 39 Response-related ERP components, 109–111
N1 waves and, 173 Response selection, 14–16, 70, 99–101, 127
N400 component and, 164, 182 Reuter, B., 108
noise and, 148–153, 157, 163–164, 169–170, 173, 176, Rhodes, Dell, 306b
181 Rhodes, S. M., 102
no-Switzerland principle and, 154, 158, 164, 254 Ridderinkhof, K. R., 85
Nyquist theorem and, 178–180 Riehle, A., 111
oddball experiments and, 173 Right hemisphere
oscillations and, 179, 181 ERP components and, 36, 67, 69, 78, 89, 102, 104, 110
overlap and, 166 recording principles and, 162, 168
P3 waves and, 158, 161, 164, 166, 173 statistical analysis and, 314, 329–331
polarity and, 162 Ritter, Walter, 66, 77, 83, 109, 122
power and, 180 Rivas, L. R., 11
psychology and, 172 Ro, T., 25
reference electrodes and, 6, 42b, 78, 87, 147, 150–156, Rohrbaugh, J. W., 73
163, 170, 176, 206–207, 254, 348, 351nn1,4 Roll-off, 231–232, 239, 247, 352n2
reference site choice and, 162–165 Rossion, Bruno, 10, 63, 78–79
re-referencing and, 147, 154–156 Ruchkin, Dan, 93
resistance and, 163, 169, 172–173, 174b Running average filters, 235–240, 247
safety and, 168–169 Rüsseler, J., 86
sampling rate and, 178–181 Ruthruff, E., 89, 127
scalp distribution and, 158–166, 182
single-ended recording and, 153b Saccadic eye movements, 23, 198–201
skin potentials and, 132b, 149, 169–173, 175–177 Saddy, D., 105
statistical analysis and, 147, 161, 165, 170, 172–173, Safety
175–176, 182 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 168–169
statistical power and, 165, 173, 175–176, 182 event-related potentials (ERPs) and, 32
surface Laplacians and, 165 functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and, 32
time sampling and, 178–181 recording principles and, 168–169
voltage and, 147, 150–166, 169–172, 175–178, 182 Sagiv, N., 78
Redmond, A., 85 Sampling period, 178
Reeds College, 306b Sampling rate, 178–181, 227, 237–238, 244, 329
Refractory components, 77, 81, 85–86, 99, 134 Sander, C., 216
Reiss, J. E., 124 Sanford, A. J., 73
Remington, R. W., 89, 127 Saturation, 202–204
Renault, B., 85 Sauseng, P., 225
Replication, 134, 232b, 269, 285, 310b, 312–313, 332b, Sawaki, Risa, 89, 92, 93b, 296, 332b, 339
334b Scalp
Requin, J., 111 EEGs and, 21 (see also Electroencephalograms
Re-referencing (EEGs))
artifact correction and, 212b electrode sites and, 10 (see also Electrode sites)
artifact rejection and, 341 ERP propagation and, 2–4, 12–13, 16, 21–22, 29–32,
baseline correction and, 212b 35, 39–70 (see also Voltage)
filtering and, 247 forward problem and, 44–48
linear operations and, 348 superposition and, 44–48
order of operations and, 341, 348–349 surface Laplacians and, 165
quantification and, 289–290 waveform peaks and, 52–60
recording principles and, 147, 154–154 Scalp current density (SCD), 165–166
402 Index

Scalp distribution oscillations and, 3b

artifact correction and, 213–216 statistical analysis and, 327
artifact rejection and, 189 treatments and, 3b
averaging and, 273 Siegel, S. J., 29, 87
ERP components and, 9, 43, 48b, 49–52, 55–70, 75, 92, Siegle, J., 226
106–107, 109 Signal detection problem, 186–188
experimental manipulation and, 70 Signal-to-noise ration (SNR)
experiment design and, 120 artifact rejection and, 185, 187, 201b, 206, 208
forward problem and, 44–48 averaging and, 262–271, 273
latencies and, 70 experiment design and, 143, 145
N170 generator and, 11 number of trials and, 261
overlap and, 56 quantification of amplitude and, 352n2
peak effects and, 55–56 statistical analysis and, 339
recording principles and, 158–166, 182 Signatures, 30, 42, 192
signatures and, 30, 42, 192 Simmons, J. P., 210b, 311, 329
statistical analysis and, 314–317, 331, 335–336 Simons, R. F., 84
superposition and, 44–48 Simonsohn, U., 210b, 311
time course and, 55–57 Simpson, G. V., 25
Scherg, M., 51, 166, 188, 213, 216 Simson, R., 77, 83
Schizophrenia Sine waves
artifact rejection and, 192, 210 aliasing and, 179
attention and, 89 averaging and, 273
averaging and, 263, 267 experiment design and, 139
difference waves and, 14–15 filtering and, 219–230, 238, 247, 273
ERP components and, 13–16, 89, 102, 103b Fourier analysis and, 18–20, 48b, 219–230, 274–276
experiment design and, 122, 124, 129–130 steady-state responses and, 111–112
oddball experiments and, 103b time-frequency analysis and, 274–276, 281
P3 waves and, 102, 103b Woody technique and, 273
quantification and, 304 Singer, W., 226, 269
reaction times (RTs) and, 14, 16 Singh, P. B., 82
statistical analysis and, 329 Single-digit condition, 128
Schroeder, C. E., 29, 87 Single-ended recording, 153b
Schupp, H. T., 107 Single-unit recording, 3, 28b, 31, 39, 307
Schurger, A., 84 Sirevaag, E. J., 84, 127
Schwarz, W., 325 Skin potentials
Schwent, V. L., 62 artifact correction and, 214, 216
Science and Nature journal, 5 artifact rejection and, 185, 202
Scientific American journal, 113 averaging and, 259
Sebaceous glands, 170 baseline correction and, 251
Second-order blind interference (SOBI), 213 electrodes and, 31, 132b, 143, 149, 169–173, 175, 177,
Sejnowski, T. J., 226 185, 202, 214, 216, 232, 244–245, 250–251, 259
Sensory confounds, 132–137, 185 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 169–173
Sequential probability, 97 experiment design and, 143
Serences, J. T., 26 filtering and, 232, 244–245
Sereno, M. I., 51, 75, 104 impedance and, 169–173
Shackman, A. J., 216 recording principles and, 132b, 149, 169–173, 176
Shapiro, K. L., 69, 96, 124 sebaceous glands and, 170
Sheatz, G. C., 4 slow voltage shifts and, 202
Shibasaki, H., 111 Skin resistance, 169, 173, 174b
Short latencies, 81–82 Skull
Side effects ERP components and, 12–13, 29, 43–45, 48, 67, 351n5
artifact rejection and, 2 magnetism and, 44, 351n5
averaging and, 2, 157–158, 161–162 statistical analysis and, 331
confounds and, 132b, 142–143 Slope
filtering and, 2, 3b, 229 amplitudes and, 64
ibuprofen and, 3b filtering and, 231–232, 240, 245–247, 347, 349–350
noise suppression and, 3b onset period and, 299–300
Index 403

statistical analysis and, 329 experimentwise error rate and, 311–312, 352n2
y intercept and, 342 false negatives (Type II errors) and, 309
Smearing effect, 82, 238, 240 false positives (Type I errors) and, 209, 210b, 309, 311,
Smulders, F. T. Y., 109, 126–127 320, 331–333
Soltani, M., 96 familywise error rate and, 311–315, 352n2
Somatosensory responses, 82 filtering and, 227, 232, 242–243
Sommer, W., 101 frequency distributions and, 302–304
Source waveforms, 43, 45–47, 62 Gabor function and, 276
Souther, J., 269 Gaussian distribution and, 276, 307, 317
Spatial resolution, 32–33 generators and, 316–317, 336
Speech, 31, 102, 207 Greenhouse-Geisser adjustment and, 319–320, 352n5
Spencer, K. M., 104 heterogeneity of covariance and, 317–320
Sphericity, 35n25, 310b high-pass filters and, 349, 356–357
Spike potential, 202 homogeneity of variance and, 317
Square waves, 222–223, 301, 352n3 jackknife approach and, 181, 299, 310–311, 320–328,
Squires, K. C., 66 341, 350, 352n6
Squires, N. K., 66, 96 latencies and, 24, 309–312, 315, 320–332, 335–338
Srinivasan, K. K., 11 lateralized readiness potential (LRP) and, 320–322,
Sreenivasan, Ramesh, 48, 120 326b
Stahl, J., 323 linear operations and, 65–76, 315, 324–325
Statistical analysis, 1 localization and, 335
alpha and, 309, 311, 323, 329 low-pass filters and, 329–331
amplitudes and, 24, 309–321, 324–339 mass univariate approach and, 311, 338–339
ANOVA-based, 66, 291b, 309, 311–320, 323, 326b, more-is-less principle and, 333, 334b
331, 332b, 336–337, 344, 352n2 multiple regression and, 342
a priori hypotheses and, 312, 328, 333–338 N2 waves and, 312–315, 329, 337–339
area amplitude and, 339 as necessary evil, 309
artifact correction and, 212–215 neutral trials and, 334b
artifact rejection and, 186, 188, 192, 209–210 noise and, 143, 315, 319–320, 325, 328–333, 334b,
audition and, 337 338–339
averaging and, 30, 262–263, 314–315, 322, 324, 330 nonlinear operations and, 315, 324–326
baseline correction and, 251, 254–256 normality and, 310b, 317
basic steps in ERP experiment and, 21, 24 null hypothesis and, 69, 209, 210b, 311, 323–330
bell curve and, 276 oddball experiments and, 311–312, 329, 335, 338–339
C3 waves and, 312, 331 offset time and, 335
cognition and, 309, 326b, 331 onset time and, 327–328
collapsed localizers and, 335–336 overlap and, 339
condition x electrode interactions and, 336–337 P1 waves and, 331
confounds and, 143 P2 waves and, 312–313, 315, 331, 338–339
conventional approach and, 312–320 P3 waves and, 311–316, 319, 323, 327, 329, 331,
covariance and, 317–320, 352n4 335–336, 338–339
difference scores and, 254, 315 Pearson r coefficient and, 323–324
difference waves and, 65, 315, 317, 320, 335–336, permutation approach and, 296, 311, 332b
338–339 probability distributions and, 145, 301–306
distortion and, 310b, 315 problem of multiple comparisons and, 24, 310–311,
Donchin’s operation and, 68 328–340
effects of probability and, 97 psychology and, 310–311, 329
electrode sites and, 310–321, 328–340 p value and, 65–66, 188, 209, 249, 300, 309, 311–315,
electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 319, 326b, 329, 319–320, 322–325, 328, 336
331 quantification and, 283, 289–290, 296, 299–300
epsilon adjustment and, 317–320 reaction times (RTs) and, 312, 323
equal sample sizes and, 324 recording principles and, 147, 161, 165, 170, 172–173,
error and, 309–315, 317, 319–325, 328–329, 332b, 333, 175–176, 182
334b, 337–339 replication and, 310b, 312–313, 332b, 334b
experimental manipulations and, 312, 331–332, 335, re-referencing and, 329
352n1 scalp distribution and, 314–317, 331, 335–336
experiment design and, 143 schizophrenia and, 329
404 Index

Statistical analysis (cont.) Tenke, C. E., 175

side effects and, 327 Thevenet, M., 81
sphericity and, 35n25, 310b Thorpe, S., 130
terminology for, 311–312 Three-point running average filter, 236
time course and, 335 Tikhonravov, D., 87
time-frequency analysis and, 279 Time constant, 232–234
time windows and, 311, 315, 328–340 Time course
true score variance and, 263, 320 artifact correction and, 216
vision and, 329, 331, 337 baseline correction and, 249
voltage and, 316, 329, 335, 337–339 ERP components and, 43, 45, 48b, 54–57, 60–62, 70,
window-independent measures and, 338–339 89
Statistical power experiment design and, 129–130, 135b
artifact rejection and, 186, 188, 192 filtering and, 22, 234
averaging and, 262–263 P3 wave and, 15
baseline correction and, 251, 254 process assessment and, 25, 27
ERP components and, 30 quantification and, 296
experiment design and, 143 scalp distribution and, 55–57
filtering and, 227, 232, 242–243 source waveforms and, 45
quantification and, 289, 299–300 statistical analysis and, 335
recording principles and, 165, 173, 175–176, 182 time-frequency analysis and, 17, 274
reduction of, 143 Time domains
time-frequency analysis and, 279 distortion and, 239–240
Steinschneider, M., 29, 87 edge artifacts and, 247
Step function, 196, 199–202, 347 filtering and, 226, 228, 234–240, 247
Stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), 3, 99, 131, 140, Fourier analysis and, 220–222
144–145 frequency domains and, 1
Stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN), 73 Time-frequency analysis, 1, 4
St. Louis, Erik, 197 amplitudes and, 17, 274, 282
Stop-signal paradigm, 84 baseline in, 279–281
Stroop paradigm, 25, 84 color and, 277
Subcomponents, 67, 73, 76–78, 81–88 dipoles and, 278b
Subsequent memory effect, 106 electroencephalograms (EEGs) and, 274–282
Sulcus, 265 ERP Boot Camp and, 30b
Sullivan, L. R., 169 eye movements and, 202
Superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), Fourier analysis and, 219, 223–225, 274–276
44 Gabor function and, 276
Superior temporal gyrus, 81 latency jitter and, 274
Superposition problem, 29, 35, 44–48, 52 mathematics and, 45b
Surface Laplacians, 165 oscillations and, 274–282
Sutton, S., 5 overlap and, 274
Suwazono, S., 83 phase and, 17, 274, 277–281
Suzuki, S., 211 power and, 274–281
Swaab, Tamara, 27, 104, 208b sine waves and, 274–276, 281
Syndulko, K., 73 statistical power and, 279
Syntactic positive shift, 73 time course and, 17, 274
Syntactic violations, 105 time windows and, 274–276
Szücs, A., 307 unmixing components and, 48b
voltage and, 276, 278b, 279
Tallon-Baudry, C., 277–279 wavelets and, 274, 276–277
Tanaka, J. W., 11, 78 Time windows
Tarr, M. J., 78 a priori hypotheses and, 333–338
Teder-Sälejärvi, W. A., 112 artifact rejection and, 192
Temporalis muscles, 163, 205 averaging and, 266
Temporal lobe, 52, 81, 104 choosing, 328–340
Temporal resolution, 32–33 collapsed localizers and, 335–336
Temporal smearing, 238 contralateral delay activity (CDA) and, 114
Index 405

data influence and, 332b early posterior negativity and, 107

filtering and, 246 electrooculograms (EOGs) and, 156, 190f, 191–201,
Fourier analysis and, 222 206, 208, 213, 348–349
functional localizers and, 335 electroretinograms (ERGs) and, 194
independent measures and, 338–339 emotion and, 107
more-is-less principle and, 333, 334b ERP components and, 5, 9b, 10–11, 18, 26, 54, 63b,
neutral trials and, 334b 64–67, 72–93, 102, 103b, 107–108, 111–114
problem of multiple comparisons and, 328–340 experiment design and, 124, 127, 130, 134, 135b,
quantification and, 23–24, 284–285, 288–289, 296–297 138–139, 144
statistical analysis and, 311, 315, 328–340 extraocular muscles and, 202
time-frequency analysis and, 274–276 eye movements and, 22–23, 31, 156, 185, 188–189,
Tomer, O., 202 192–202, 208, 211–216, 348
Tong, F., 26 fixation point and, 94
Top Ten Papers Every New ERP Researcher Should left visual field (LVF) and, 89, 201b
Read, 33, 324 N170 component and, 77–79
Top Ten Reasons to Reject an ERP Paper (Luck), 185, N1 waves and, 75–77
254 N2pc component and, 89
Trainor, L., 87 P1 waves and, 72, 75–77
Treisman, Anne, 113, 269 P2 waves and, 79–80
True score variance, 263, 320 refractory components and, 77
Tsubomi, H., 266 right visual field (RVF) and, 89, 201b
Tucker, A., 50, 214, 241b search experiments and, 89, 113, 135b, 269, 272–273,
297, 300
Ullsperger, M., 85 spatial attention and, 77, 201b
Ulrich, R., 300, 321–322, 325, 328 statistical analysis and, 329, 331, 337
Umbricht, D., 87 vertex positive potential and, 77–79
University of California, Davis, 30 Visual Cognition journal, 90b
University of California, San Diego (UCSD), 2, 10, 114, Visual cortex
149, 203, 310b, 326, 351n1 C1 waves and, 74
Uppies, 259, 274, 278b, 286 ERP components and, 10–11, 18, 26, 66–67, 74–75, 89,
Urbach, T. P., 254, 316–317 107
Usher, M., 54 experiment design and, 127
face processing and, 10–12, 63–64, 77–78, 92, 335
Van Boxtel, G. J. M., 4, 73, 84 polarity and, 74
Vanderkolk, J. R., 11 Vogel, Ed
Van der Molen, M. W., 84 averaging and, 266
Van der Werf, J., 204 baseline correction and, 256
Van Dijk, H., 204 ERP components and, 26, 69, 75–77, 92–97, 114–115
Van Petten, C., 82–84 experiment design and, 124, 130
Van Petter, C. K., 105 Volman, V., 226
Van Rijn, A. C., 153b Voltage
Vanrullen, R., 25 absolute, 150, 154–158, 159f, 163–164, 189–191, 247,
Van Turennout, M., 124 316, 349, 351n4
Vaughan, H. G., Jr., 77, 83, 109 artifact correction and, 211, 213
Vecera, S. P., 26, 87 artifact rejection and, 187–207
Verbaten, M. N., 83 averaging and, 156–162, 259, 265–266, 344
Verleger, R., 96, 101 baseline correction and, 249–258, 347–348
Vertex positive potential (VPP), 77–79 blurring of, 44
Vidal, F., 107 common mode, 153
Vision concept of, 37
artifact correction and, 214 current and, 38
artifact rejection and, 192–194, 199, 201b, 202, 207 deflections of, 8, 22, 67, 187, 191, 194–199, 207, 225,
averaging and, 262, 269, 272–273 259
blinks and, 187–198 (see also Blinks) ERP components and, 4–17, 21–26, 30–31, 37–50, 54,
C1 waves and, 74–75 56, 66–68, 75, 78, 87–95, 101, 103b, 106–107, 112
color and, 94 (see also Color) experiment design and, 131, 140
406 Index

Voltage (cont.) Yano, L., 273

filtering and, 227, 230, 232, 234–240, 243–247, 347 Yeung, Nick, 73, 84, 109, 241
Fourier analysis and, 219, 222, 225 Y intercept, 342
late positive potential and, 107 Yuval-Greenberg, S., 202
muscle activity and, 205–207
negative, 4, 98 (see also Specific N wave) Zhang, Weiwei, 114
no-Switzerland principle and, 154, 158, 164, 254 Zubin, J., 5, 72
positive, 8 (see also Specific P wave)
quantification and, 284–288, 299, 349
recording principles and, 147, 150–166, 169–172,
175–178, 182
resistance and, 38
skin potentials and, 202 (see also Skin potentials)
statistical analysis and, 316, 329, 335, 337–339
time-frequency analysis and, 276, 278b, 279
volt unit and, 37
waveform peaks and, 52–60
Volume conduction, 43
Von Cramon, Y. D., 78
Voss, J. L., 106
Vul, E., 310

Wada, M., 82
Wagenmakers, E.-J., 311, 329
Walter, W. G., 4, 73
Wang, N., 25, 104
Wastell, D. G., 273
Watanabe, K., 266
Waushckuhn, B., 96
Fourier analysis and, 224, 274
Gabor function and, 276
Morlet family and, 276
time-frequency analysis and, 274, 276–277
Weaver and Company, 174b
Weike, A. I., 107
Weinberg, A., 107
West, R., 84
Wickens, C. D., 97
Wienberg, A., 106
Wijers, A. A., 83
Wikipedia, 3
Wilding, E. L., 26, 97
Willems, R. M., 104
Williamson, Sonny Boy, 28
Winkielman, P., 310
Winkler, I., 82
Winter, A. L., 4, 73
Woldorff, Marty, 81, 84, 86, 135b, 139
Wood, C. D., 316, 319
Woodman, Geoff, 75, 77, 89–91, 113, 124, 127, 201b,
Woody filter technique, 272–273
Worden, M. S., 25

Xtrinqua, 58–59
X-within-Y-of-peak method, 203

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