Actividad 2. Artículos, Preposiciones, Pronombres, Sustantivos, Verbos, Cognados, Conectores - Julissa Perez Ingles LLL

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Julissa Arely Pérez González

Ingles lll
Tomatlán grupo v


When you read, is important to check the articles, prepositions, pronouns, nouns, verbs,
cognates and connectors.

Write the meaning in spanish and examples for each one.

Meaning Examples

Articles articulo I need a favor

Prepositions Preposiciones His book is above his computer

Pronouns Pronombres I am a teacher

Nouns Sustantivos The cities spend a lot of electricity

Verbs Verbos I dance because i like it

Cognates Cognados We went to a concert at night

Connectors Conectores juan is at the doctor,

so he won’t be able to help your over the

Irlanda delgado
19 abril 2022

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