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Peach IPA Recipe


Tell me a recipe for an IPA craftbeer with peach notes. Tell me all the information. Like the IBU and
alcohol too.


Sure, I can provide you with a recipe for an IPA craft beer with peach notes. Please note that brewing
beer requires precise measurements and sanitation practices to ensure the best results. Here's a basic
recipe to get you started:

Recipe: Peach IPA

Style: American IPA

Batch Size: 5 gallons (19 liters)


10 lbs (4.5 kg) Pale Malt (2-row)

1 lb (0.45 kg) Munich Malt

0.5 lb (0.23 kg) Crystal Malt (20L)

0.5 lb (0.23 kg) Wheat Malt

0.5 lb (0.23 kg) Flaked Wheat

1 oz (28 g) Cascade hops (bittering) - Alpha acid content: ~7%

1 oz (28 g) Citra hops (flavor) - Alpha acid content: ~12%

1 oz (28 g) Citra hops (aroma) - Alpha acid content: ~12%

1 lb (0.45 kg) Fresh or frozen ripe peaches (pitted and diced)

1 packet of American Ale yeast (e.g., Safale US-05)

1 tsp Irish Moss (for clarity)

5 oz (142 g) Priming sugar (for bottling)

Estimated Parameters:

Original Gravity (OG): 1.060

Final Gravity (FG): 1.010

International Bitterness Units (IBU): Approximately 45-55

Alcohol by Volume (ABV): Approximately 6.2-6.8%



Start by heating 3.5 gallons (13 liters) of water to around 165°F (74°C) in your mash tun.

Add all the crushed malts (Pale, Munich, Crystal, Wheat) and stir to create a mash. The target mash
temperature should be around 150-152°F (65-67°C).

Allow the mash to rest for about 60 minutes.

Sparge the grains with hot water (around 170°F or 77°C) to collect a total of 6.5 gallons (24.5 liters) of
wort in your brew kettle.


Bring the wort to a boil, and once it's boiling, add the Cascade hops for bittering.

Boil for 45 minutes, and then add the diced peaches and Citra hops for flavor.

Boil for another 10 minutes and then add the remaining Citra hops for aroma.

Continue boiling for the final 5 minutes.

Chill and Ferment:

After the boil, cool the wort rapidly to around 68°F (20°C) using an immersion chiller or other cooling

Transfer the cooled wort to a sanitized fermenter and pitch the American Ale yeast.

Seal the fermenter with an airlock and let it ferment for about 1-2 weeks or until the fermentation
activity subsides and the final gravity is reached.

Once fermentation is complete, add the priming sugar to the beer to carbonate it during bottling. Boil
the priming sugar in a small amount of water, cool it, and then add it to the beer.

Bottle the beer in sanitized bottles and cap securely.


Store the bottles in a dark, cool place for at least two weeks to allow the beer to carbonate and


Chill the beer, pour it into a glass, and enjoy your homemade Peach IPA!

Remember to follow proper sanitation practices throughout the brewing process to avoid contamination.
Additionally, the actual values of OG, FG, IBU, and ABV may vary based on factors like efficiency,
ingredients, and fermentation temperature. Always measure and adjust as needed to achieve your
desired results. Cheers!

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