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CHANGE NETWORK S3000 series only.

The Selca control stores all installed options on a system partition of the
hard drive. In order to change the current network connection, it is first
necessary to make an options backup with which to work. You will need a
clean, formatted 1.44 floppy disk.
1) Insert the disk into the Selca drive.
2) Press the "MENU 0" key twice
3) Press "ESC" once
4) Press F7 ("UTILITY TOOLS")
5) Press F4 ("BACKUP OPTIONS")
6) F9 ("TO FLOPPY") will be highlighted; the control will be asking
the question "Continue? Type YES" press the "ENTER" key to
7) The control will backup ALL option files onto the diskette, including
the language option; this will not cause any problems and will be
used later.
Note; I recommend performing the above procedure twice, to produce two
backups, making one copy to use for modification and saving the other disk
as a safeguard.

Now you will need to move the options backup disk that you are going to
use for modification to a pc where you can add the attached files to the
floppy disk. Once you have added the "CODIFICA" and "DECOD" files to
the options backup, double click on the DECOD and it will un-encode the
files, when this is complete you can close DECOD and double click on
I assume you only need to change the server designation to which the
CNC is attaching!

1) From the BWCUSTOM, cursor down to "SITE CUSTOMIZATION"

and press enter.
2) Cursor down to "AUTHENTICATION SERVER" and press enter.
3) Press 1 to select data entry method then enter the IP address of the PC
that you want the CNC to attach to, press enter twice.
4) The cursor will be on "RETURN TO PREVIOUS MENU", press
5) The cursor will now be on” EXIT AND SAVE CHANGES", press
enter. Now you can close "BWCUSTOM".
6) Next open the file "SBWCONNN" with "NOTEPAD" only. There will
be 4 lines of information, the first is simply the name of the CNC, the
second line is the IP address and directory to which you want to attach
the CNC, the third line is the logon, and the fourth line is the password.
Edit this information as needed, respecting the syntax. The directory
should be the same as the exported directory as set up on the NFS
server software on the PC where the NC files will be stored. When this
information is correct save the file back onto the disk, use only the
"SAVE" commands in Notepad. You can now close Notepad.
7) Now execute "CODIFICA" by double clicking on it, to re-encode the
files so they can be loaded onto the CNC.

To load the newly modified SELNETX software onto the S3000 CNC

It is NOT possible to overwrite the existing files on the CNC, they must be
deleted. When the options are deleted, they are all deleted including the
English language, provided they reside on the HDU, but it is easily re-
installed. The procedure is as follows & This MUST BE DONE IN
1) Press the "MENU 0" key twice. ECS once.
2) Press F5 “monitor setup”.
3) Press F5 “change language”.
4) Press F1 “LINGUA ITALINA” weight for operation complete.
5) Press the "MENU 0" key twice. ECS once.
6) Press F7 "UTILITA’".
8) Press F6 "ELIMINA DA HDU".
9) The control will ask "Effettuo 1’ operazione (SI/NO)? Type in “SI” and
press enter.
10) The machine will reboot in Italian (default language), both the English
language and the network software will be removed from the HDU.
Reloading the English language:
1) Press the "MENU 0" key twice. ECS once.
2) Press F7 "UTILITA"
4) Use the arrow key to move the cursor to "LINGUA INGLESE" and
press F1 "MARCA" and the cursor will move down.
5) Press F5 "SU HARD DISC", then confirm by pressing the enter key
twice and the control will load the language files. And automatically
switch to English. If this does not happen see note at bottom.
Reloading the network option:
1) Press the "Menu 0" key twice
2) Press "ESC" key once
4) Use the arrow key to move the cursor down onto "RETE NFS" and
press F1 "MARK".
5) Press F5 "TO HARD DISC" and confirm by pressing "ENTER" twice
6) The control will load the network files and tell you "operation
7) Press and hold down the CTRL key + F10 to perform a soft boot.

At this point, the server should be running with the NFS server software
running. The machine can now be rebooted and will attach to the server
during the boot cycle. If the boot cycle hangs up for an extended time during
the boot up (about 3 minutes), it means that the CNC cannot attach to the
server. It will eventually bypass the server if it cannot attach, and boot
through to the CNC environment. If the information in the control is correct,
the problem is usually in the NFS server software configuration or a security
issue within Windows.

Note; if CNC does not return to English language automatically Press the
"MENU 0" key twice. ECS once, then press F5, F5, & F4.

Use this information at your own risk. KC Sales & Service Inc. is not responsible or
liable for any problems or occurrences that may or may not happen with use of this
Contact Chuck for service call at 616-304-7932 Cell or office at 231-937-7886

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