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Guía de trabajo autónomo #6,10th del 9-19 Oct.

Unit #4
El trabajo autónomo es la capacidad de realizar tareas por nosotros mismos, sin necesidad de que nuestros/as
docentes estén presentes.

Liceo Diurno Ciudad Colón II Semester 2020

Scenario: Caution: Fragile
Teacher Nora Matamoros Carvajal World. Handle with Care
Tenth (10th) level Second semester Week #1
Subject: English Theme: What makes something
Contact e-mail: and /or Essential Question: Why is it
Teams group English Room diversificada @Mep during the hours of attention important to focus on sustainable
call or chat on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 1:20 pm.

1. Me preparo para hacer la guía Student’s name: Keissy Aymerich Madrigal

Pautas que debo verificar antes de iniciar mi trabajo. Group: 10-4
Materiales: You need the following materials to answer the tasks:

● Notebook, pen or pencil, color pencil, highlighter o resaltador de lectura, etc.

● This task printed GTA# 6, read it and answer it. (Requiere de la guía accesible donde la realizo y la
guardo en portafolio de evidencia y envío la hoja de respuesta a la institución.) Toma tu tiempo, pero
no exceda lo establecido 80 minutos como una lección. Schedule (horario) on Tuesdays from
12:00 to 1:20pm Favor utilizar los canales establecidos or
Microsoft Teams

2. Voy a recordar lo aprendido en clase.

During this task you´re going to read and write about what makes something sustainable. Think about it
and answer.
 Read these instructions before answering each exercise. Lea cada indicación y resuelva.
 Look at the information about makes something sustainable.
 Look at the information and bring your answers.
Engaging: Look at and think about the images. Identify each picture with the expressions below. Write
the number in the square.

5 1 3

8 6

2 7
Identify each picture: 1- riding a bike, 2-using plastic bags, 3- composting, 4- using solar
panels, 5- cutting down trees, 6- wasting water, 7-broken sink, 8-recycling

Now, what can you tell me positive environmental practices? Why?

proposed in this document are very useful and easy to apply. In addition, they generate very
good and fast results, thus actively contributing to Sustainable Development, reducing the
amount of waste produced and facilitating its reuse.
Reduce emissions to the atmosphere, noise and water discharges.

What can you tell me negative environmental practices? Why?

Actions that aim to reduce the negative environmental impact caused by production processes
through changes in the organization of processes and activities. The implementation of Good
Environmental Practices must be assumed by the company, understood in its entirety, prior to its

Task 1: Read the following list of key words for the topic. Remember them by completing the
text with this important vocabulary about sustainable development.
Word list: Paper, waste, collecting, recycling, pollution, logo, recycled

Recycling is taking used materials and A) waste and then turning it into new, useful products. For
example, most paper is made from trees, but if old paper is recycled, less trees will be needed.
Recycling uses less energy, and helps to control B) pollution.
Three steps for recycling include C) collecting, sorting, and processing.
What materials can be D) recycled? E) paper, including newspapers, magazines, cardboard, books,
and envelopes can all be recycled into reusable products.
Plastic is also a common recyclable product, including water, soda, and other drink bottles; plastic
bags, wrappers, and many more items.
Glass recycling also includes soda and other drink bottles, as well as jars, broken pieces of glass,
and many other glass products.
There is a special F) logo that shows the item can be recycled.

Task 2: Read the sentence. Then Identify synonym and antonym of each highlight word from
the three words you have. Like the example given.
- Let's protect nature. Synonym Antonym
Take care of avoid misuse
1-take care of 1- misuse
2- Garbage is a problem in our cities.
harvest sewage waste
2-sawe 2- haverst
3- ground 3- layer
3. Erosion damages soil.
underground ground layer
4- cover 4- help
5- haverst 5- droughst
4- Wildfires are going to harm the landscape. 6- droughst 6- amount
damage cover help 7-deforest 7-plant

5- Floods harm crops.

inundations droughts harvest
6- The hot summer provokes serious water shortages.
amount droughts leaks

7- Unfortunately, people cut down many trees illegally.

deforest plant clean
Which actions as good practices can help our planet?
Give ideas
Save water.
Separate the garbage.
Manage and recycle paper.
Reuse the plastic you use.

3. Pongo en práctica lo
Steps to answer the exercises
1- 1- Read and answer.
2- Answer the one exercise. Read the given information. Answer the questions.
3- Then read each sentence and complete it with your own idea.
4- Answer the exercise.
5- Share information and ideas with a relative at home.
Task 3: Read the information and identify specific vocabulary about sustainability and
negative actions. Read and complete statement based on it.

Global warming: scientist say that the temperature of the earth could rise by 3 C over the next
50 years. This may cause drought in some parts of the world, and floods in others, as ice at the
North and South poles begins to melt and sea levels rise. Global warming is caused by the
greenhouse effect. Normally, heat from the sun warms the earth and then escapes back into
space. But carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere trap the sun’s heat, and this is
slowly making the earth warmer.
The Ozone layer: This is a layer of gas high above the surface of the earth that helps to protect it
from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which can damage our skins and cause cancer. Scientists
have recently discovered holes in the ozone layer, caused by substances called CFCs
(chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs are used in refrigerators, aerosol cans and in the manufacture of
some plastic products. Some companies now make aerosols that do not contain CFCs, and they
are often marked “ozone friendly”.

1- What could happen to Earth if sea levels rise?

This may cause drought in some parts of the world, and floods in others.
2- What is the ozone layer?
This is a layer of gas high above the surface of the earth that helps to protect it from
the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which can damage our skins and cause cancer
3- What causes global warming?
is caused by the greenhouse effect.
4- What is the greenhouse effected?
Normally, heat from the sun warms the earth and then escapes back into space. But
carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere trap the sun’s heat, and this is
slowly making the earth warmer.
5- What does the ozone layer protect?
helps to protect it from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, which can damage our skins.
6- What can cause the overexposure to ultraviolet radiation?
an damage our skins and cause cancer.

Task 4: Look at the information. Answer based on it.

Read the article and answer the exercise based on it.

Keep it Green!
Everybody buys and uses a variety of products every day without giving to a lot of
thought. You might not have realized it, but each these products affects the
environment somehow: through the way it is made, used or disposed of. For this
reason, eco – scientists are trying to come up with ideas to introduce environmentally –
friendly products into our lives. Their motto is REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE!

1.Where does the eco - friendly showerhead get its power from?
We tend to waste a lot of energy, which is not particularly good for the
2. How can you tell if the water is too hot with the eco – friendly showerhead?
Well, this showerhead has an indicator which glows blue or red when the water is
too cold or too hot.
3- Which actions experts promote to do?
It’s sure to be a feature in homes all over the world in the future.
4- Actions that promote negative practices are like
This means that you don’t need to have the bathroom light on which saves
Task 5: Write a 5 sentences descriptive paragraph about negative practices.
Look at the picture and write actions a person does.

alterations in the environment that harm both the natural environment and human
health. Therefore, the main consequences are the pollution of the planet (land,
water, and air), the loss of biodiversity and the increase in diseases and health
Now, here you have two questions to think about and answer them. Write your answer. Then,
discuss about with one member of your family.
What can people do to help keep the environment clean?
Separate the garbage. ...
Use products that can be reused.
How can we make people more aware of environment issues?
From school, through environmental education exercises for the little ones.
Through awareness-raising initiatives on the consequences that our actions may have on the
Tell me your ideas about your experience related to the topic.
That we must be more aware and teach people that we must take care of the environment.

Recuerde enviar las repuestas a esta GTA.

Indicaciones o preguntas Review the following questions to self-regulate and self-assess:
para auto regularse y Did I read the instructions carefully?
evaluarse/ Instructions or yes
questions for self- Did I underline the words that I didn’t understand?
regulation and self- no
assessment Did I use a dictionary or asked a relative about the meaning of the words
that I didn’t understand?
Did I read the instructions again when I didn’t understand what I had to
Con el trabajo autónomo voy a aprender a aprender/
With the self-study guide, I’m going to learn how to learn.
Reviso las acciones realizadas durante la construcción del trabajo. /
I check the actions carried out while completing the self-study guide
Marco una X encima de cada símbolo al responder las siguientes preguntas/
Mark with an X on the icon that answers the following questions.
¿Leí las indicaciones con detenimiento? YES / NO
Did I read the instructions carefully?
¿Subrayé las palabras que no conocía? YES / NO
Did I underline the words that I didn’t understand?
¿Busqué en el diccionario o consulté con un familiar el significado de las palabras que no conocía? YES / NO
Did I use the dictionary or asked a relative about the meaning of the words that I didn’t

¿Me devolví a leer las indicaciones cuando no comprendí qué hacer? YES / NO
Did I read the instructions again when I didn’t understand what I had to do?

Con el trabajo autónomo voy a aprender a aprender/

With the self-study guide, I’m going to learn how to learn.
Valoro lo realizado al terminar por completo el trabajo.
I self -assess what I did when I finish the study guide.
Marca una X encima de cada símbolo al responder las siguientes preguntas
Mark with an X on the icon that answers the following questions.
¿Leí mi trabajo para saber si es comprensible lo escrito o realizado? YES / NO
I proofread what I did in my self-study guide.
¿Revisé mi trabajo para asegurarme si todo lo solicitado fue realizado? YES / NO
I checked my self-study guide to make sure that everything is complete.

¿Me siento satisfecho con el trabajo que realicé? YES / NO

I feel satisfied with the work I did.
Explico ¿Cuál fue la parte favorita del trabajo?
What was the favorite part of this work?
¿Qué puedo mejorar, la próxima vez que realice la guía de trabajo autónomo?
What can I improve the next time I work on the self study guide?

“Autoevalúo mi nivel de desempeño”

Al terminar por completo el trabajo, autoevalúo el nivel de desempeño alcanzado.
Marco una equis (X) encima del nivel que mejor represente mi desempeño en cada indicador .
Learner Self-Assesssment
I can… Yes In progress No
discriminate key words, diagrams, and illustrations to support reading x
comprehension about experiences and sustainable practices.
Linguistic objective Learning outcomes Niveles de desempeño
Indicadores del Performance level
aprendizaje esperado
Use key words, I can reads 1. Not achieved 2. In progress 3. Achieved
diagrams, and description/ Learner cannot Learner can achieve Learner can
illustrations to support illustrations achieve the task the task with some achieve the
reading distinguishes most difficulty and needs task without
comprehension relevant details, improvement any difficulty
applies (uses) the
learnedabout the
Puedo leer x
descripción /
distingue los detalles
más relevantes,
aplica (usa) la
aprendida sobre el

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