EQA Programme Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC)

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EQA programme

Colorectal Carcinoma

Professional supervision EQA provider

European Society of Pathology Quality SEKK s.r.o.
Assurance Foundation Arnosta z Pardubic 2605, 530 02 Pardubice
Barastraat 6, 1070 Brussels, Belgium Czech Republic
www.esp-pathology.org www.sekk.cz

Programme description Samples

The programme is focused on external quality In each round the participant receives 1 set of
assessment of the testing of mutations of the samples containing 15 unstained FFPE sections
clinically most important genes relevant to anti- obtained from 5 primary samples (invasive
EGFR therapy in colorectal carcinoma - KRAS, colorectal adenocarcinomas).
NRAS, BRAF. Participants are expected to Every participant receives 3 sections of each
identify and describe mutations and they can primary sample. One section is to be used for
choose any combination of KRAS, NRAS, BRAF hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and the
testing. remaining 2 sections for DNA isolation and
Accreditation mutation detection.
The CRC programme is accredited according to Assigned values
the international standard ISO/IEC 17043. The mutations that are expected to be found by
the participants (assigned values) are
ISO/IEC 17043 determined by a consensus of 3 European
accredited programme expert laboratories.

Programme homepage Evaluation and reports

Each round is evaluated separately and
The homepage of the CRC programme, which
independently. The output of the evaluation
collects all information belonging to this
process consists of 2 parts:
programme in one place, is:
 Public summary (statistics and supervisor’s
www.sekk.cz/CRC comment) freely available to everybody.
Schedule  Individual (private) reports for each
The programme consists of 2 rounds: participant.
 round 1 starts on April 3, 2023 Please find examples at the CRC programme
 round 2 starts on August 22, 2023 homepage.
Participation in both rounds is required. The How to participate
application deadline is February 1, 2023. A step-by-step guide on how to register and
In each round the participants have 4 weeks to order online is available here:
analyse the samples. http://www.sekk.cz/eqa/2023_how_to_order.pdf
Annual fee Contacts
The annual fee that covers complete services Feel free to contact us if you have any questions
(participation in 2 rounds, samples, transport of or requests at sekk@sekk.cz
the samples to the participant’s laboratory,
evaluation) is 470 EUR.

CRC 2023

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