Tugas Bhs Inggris Hapy

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Meskipun menimpa Jepang, yang lokasinya jauh dari Indonesia, bencana gempa dan tsunami di Negeri Sakura tersebut ternyata berimbas banyak bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Sejumlah kalangan bahkan khawatir bencana di Jepang akan memperlambat pertumbuhan ekonomi kita. Jika melihat data ekonomi yang ada, kekhawatiran tersebut mungkin beralasan. Pertama, Jepang merupakan negara kreditur terbesar bagi Indonesia. Dari total pinjaman sebanyak 68,04 miliar dollar per 31 Desember 2010, sekitar 44,8 persen di antaranya atau senilai 30,49 miliar dollar AS berasal dari Jepang. Kredit dari Jepang banyak digunakan untuk pembangunan proyek-proyek infrastruktur. Jika kredit terhambat, otomatis pembangunan infrastruktur ikut terkendala. Sejauh ini belum ada kejelasan Jepang terkait kelanjutan kredit tersebut. Kami berharap tidak ada penghentian atau penundaan, meski mereka sedang butuh banyak dana untuk pemulihan dalam negeri, kata Ketua Umum Kamar Dagang dan Industri, Suryo B Sulisto.


Alternative 1 :
Although the Japanese hit, which is located away from Indonesia, an earthquake and tsunami in the country turned out to affect a lot of Sakura for the Indonesian economy. Some have even worried about the disaster in Japan will slow our economic growth. If you look at the economic data are available, these fears may be groundless. First, Japan is the largest lenders to Indonesia. Of the total loans amounted to 68040000000 dollars on December 31, 2010, approximately 44.8 percent of them or worth 30.49 billion U.S. dollars came from Japan. Loans from Japan's widely used for the construction of infrastructure projects. If the credit is limited, automated infrastructure to participate is limited. "So far there has been no clarity associated with the continuation of the Japanese credit. We hope that no suspension or postponement, although they're needed more funds for domestic recovery," said Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Suryo B. Sulisto.

Alternative 2 Although hit Japan, far from the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami in the country has affected many Sakura for Indonesian economy. Some circles even worry about disasters in Japan will slow our economic growth. If you look at the economic data, these concerns may be unfounded. First, Japan is the largest creditor country to Indonesia. From the total amount of credit of $ 68040000000 as at 31 December 2010, approximately 44.8% of them are worth $ 30490000000, or United States came from Japan. Loans from Japan is widely used for the construction of infrastructure projects. If the credit limit,

limited infrastructure automatically participate. " so far, there has been no clarification of continuing credit Japan. We hope that any suspension or postponement, although they needed additional funds for internal recovery ", said the President of the Chamber of Commerce and industry, Surie b. Sulisto.


Sejumlah pihak meramal, penurunan harga saham bakal membuat negatif neraca perdagangan perusahaan dan perbankan. Sebab, tahun keuangan fiskal akan segera berakhir pada 31 Maret mendatang. Kendati begitu, adanya pembelian aset oleh pemerintah Jepang serta diluncurkannya paket stimulus ke sistem finansial, dapat meminimalisir kerugian yang ada. Translate

Alternative 1

A number of parties to predict, the decline in stock prices would create a negative balance of trade and banking companies. Therefore, the fiscal financial year will end on 31 March. However, the purchase of assets by the Japanese government and the launch of a stimulus package for the financial system, to minimize losses.

alternativ 2
Number of participants predict decline in equity prices would create a negative balance of trade and banking companies. Thus, the financial fiscal year comes to an end on 31 March. However, the purchase of assets by the Government of Japan and run a package of incentives in the financial system, you can minimize any losses.

3. Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia Sofjan Wanandi memprediksi perekonomian

Indonesia bakal terganggu akibat gempa bumi dan tsunami di Jepang pada 11 Maret 2011. Gempa bumi dan tsunami yang memorakporandakan negeri Sakura jelas dampaknya dalam segi perekonomian juga akan dirasakan Indonesia, kata Sofjan Wanandi pada Seminar Nasional Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Bangsa dalam rangka Dies Natalis Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta di Solo, Selasa (15/3/2011). Selain itu, katanya, target pertumbuhan ekonomi 6,3 persen per tahun akan terpengaruh, begitu juga ekspor Indonesia ke Jepang juga akan mengalami gangguan. Saat krisis tahun 2008 yang melanda negara-negara di Eropa, Amerika saja baru mulai normal dan ini ada musibah lagi di salah satu negara yang maju di kawasan Asia, jelas ini akan mengganggu, katanya. Menurut dia, mulai sekarang harus ada pemikiran untuk ikut mengatasi persoalan tersebut, jangan hanya membicarakan politik tanpa diimbangi kemajuan perekonomian. Pemerintah sekarang telah berjalan 1,5 tahun, tetapi yang dibicarakan hanya masalah politik terus dan jarang membicarakan masalah terobosan ekonomi untuk kemakmuran bangsa ini, katanya. Sepuluh tahun terakhir ini, katanya, dalam memajukan ekonomi, Indonesia hanya mengandalkan menjual potensi alam, seperti tambang batu bara, minyak, perkebunan, dan lain-lain.

Alternative 1 Indonesian Employers Association chairman Sofyan Wanandi estimates that Indonesia's economy will be disrupted by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011. "The earthquake and tsunami that memorakporandakan country Sakura clear impact in terms of the Indonesian economy will also be felt," said Sofyan Wanandi at the National Seminar on Improvement of National Competitiveness Strategy in order Dies Natalis Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta in Solo, on Tuesday (15 / 3 / 2011). In addition, he said, economic growth target of 6.3 percent per year will be affected, as well as Indonesia's exports to Japan will also experience interference. "When the crisis of 2008 that hit the countries in Europe, America started a new program this is normal and there was one more disaster in developed countries in Asia, clearly this will interfere," he said. According to him, from now on have to think to go solve the problem, do not just talk about politics without economy balanced progress. alternativ 2 The Chairman of the Indonesian employers ' Association of the Indonesian economy Sofjan Wanandi has predicted will be broken in the earthquake and tsunamis in Japan 11 March 2011. " as a result of the earthquake and tsunami that country's visible effect memorakporandakan Sakura in terms of economy of Indonesia also will be " said Sofian Wanandi in the national seminar on national competitiveness strategy for Dies Natalis Training Maret University Surakarta (UNS) in Soloon Tuesday (15/3/2011). In addition, he said that economic growth target at 6.3 per cent per annum to be affected, as well as Indonesian exports to Japan would be interference. " 2008, the crisis that hit the country in Europe, America began a new course, this is normal and there is another disaster in one of the world's most advanced countries in Asia, clearly this will interfere ", "he said. He said that from now on should be given to solve problems, not just talking about politics without a balanced economy progress

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