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Serious Head Injury

Blunt Broken Nose -2 to all actions involving scent. 10 Yes
Blade/Bullet Scarring -1 ATTR. (Can't heal, bodysculpt required). NA
2d6 Critical Head Injury
2 Lost Eye -4 to ranged attacks and all actions involving vision. Death Save. NA
3 Brain Injury -2 to all actions, Death Save, then -1 to saves. NA
4 Broken Jaw -4 to all actions involving speech. Saves -1. NA
5 Damaged Eye -2 to ranged attacks and all actions involving vision. 25 Yes
6 Concussion -2 to all actions. 15 Yes
7 Foreign Object Infection does one extra damage per day. 10 Yes
8 Whiplash Saves -1. 15 No
9 Damaged Ear -1 MA min 2. -2 to all actions involving sound. NA
10 Cracked Skull Headshots do 3 times damage. Deathsave, then saves -1. 25 No
11 Lost Ear -1 MA min 2. -4 to hearing. Deathsave, then saves -1. NA
12 Dismembered Windpipe You cannot speak. Deathsave, then saves -1. NA
2d6 Critical Torso Injury
2 Spinal Fracture Paralyzed 1d10:even waist down, odd neck down. Deathsave. -1 to saves. NA
3 Internal Hemorrhage 1 damage every turn. Deathsave. -1 to saves. 30 Yes
4 Genital Damage Immediate -5 stunsave. Saves -1. 20 Yes
5 Collapsed Lung -2 MA, min 1. Saves -1. 15 Yes
6 Broken Ribs -1 REF. Saves -1. 25 No
7 Foreign Object Infection does one extra damage per day. 10 Yes
8 Broken Ribs -1 REF. Saves -1. 25 No
9 Soft Tissue Damage -2 Melee Attacks. Saves -1. 20 No
10 Damaged Organ 1d10:1-3 Kidney, 4-6 Liver, 7-10 Other. -1 to Saves. NA
11 Volumetric Muscle Loss -1 Body. Deathsave, then saves -1. 30 No
12 Evisceration -1 Body, -1 REF, -1 CL. -1 Saves, then Deathsave. NA
2d6 Critical Arm Injury
2 Dismembered Fingers -4 to all actions with that hand. -1 to Saves. 20 No
3 Finger Loss -1 to all actions with that hand. NA
4 Comminuted/Transverse Fracture Arm is broken and cannot be used, drop held item. NA
5 Dislocated Arm is broken and cannot be used, drop held item. 15 Yes
6 Soft Tissue Damage -2 Melee Attacks with arm. 20 No
7 Foreign Object Infection does one extra damage per day. 10 Yes
8 Broken Wrist -2 to Ranged attacks, drop held item. 10 Yes
9 Nerve Damage Lose feeling in arm, -4 to all actions with arm, also INT checks for touch. 30 No
10 Compound Fracture Arm is broken and cannot be used, drop held item. 25 No
11 Volumetric Muscle Loss -1 Body. Saves -1. 25 No
12 Dismembered Hand Lose hand. -1 Saves. NA
2d6 Critical Leg Injury
2 Dismembered Knee You can no longer walk, only crawl 1 meter. -1 to Saves. NA
3 Knee Avulsion Fracture Knee is broken, MA/2. NA
4 Comminuted/Transverse Fracture Leg is broken, -2 MA. NA
5 Dislocated Leg is Broken, -2 MA. 20 Yes
6 Soft Tissue Damage -2 Melee Attacks with leg, -1 REF. 15 No
7 Foreign Object Infection does one extra damage per day. 10 Yes
8 Broken Ankle Ankle bone is strained somehow, MA -1. 15 Yes
9 Nerve Damage Lose feeling in leg, -2 REF, -4 to INT for touch. 30 No
10 Compound Fracture Leg is broken, -2 MA. 20 No
11 Volumetric Muscle Loss -1 Body. Saves -1. 25 No
12 Dismembered Foot Lose foot, MA/2. -1 Saves. NA
Head Destruction
>8 DAM Brain Destroyed/Stem Severed Instant Death.
Arm Destruction
>8 DAM Dismemberment Arm is completely gone, need a new one. Deathsave.
Leg Destruction
>8 DAM Dismemberment Leg is completely gone, need a new one. Deathsave.
New Rules
• Whenever an attack causes a character to go into a Critical, Mortal0 or
higher wound state, roll 2d6 for the body location struck. Every time the
character's wound state advances past Critical, roll another 2d6 for the
struck body location, effects stack.
• If a character is hit in the head and as a result enters the serious wound
state (after head damage multiplier), then observe the weapon used and
apply an effect from the Serious Head Injury category. These effects are
for thematic purposes and whether an effect actually happens is up to
referee discretion.
• If an attack rolls greater than eight damage, and penetrates armor, but
then BTM reduces the attack to only one(1) damage: apply the Critical
Injury in slot 6 to the armored body location. Also, even attacks that don't
penetrate armor will still trigger a stunsave.
• Explosives will force a 2d6 roll in a random body location for EVERY
wound state achieved, even Light and Serious wounds. If an explosive
causes 30 damage and puts the character into Mortal3, they will roll 2d6
for Light, Serious, Critical, Mortal0, Mortal1 AND Mortal3.
• Characters can elect to aim at a tiny target (-6) to trigger a desired
Critical Injury without having to put the target into a Critical wound state.
If a target has multiple possible Critical Injuries, it is up to the referee's
discretion which Critical Injury gets applied.
• Characters can heal some Critical Injuries in the field with a first aid kit
or similar using the First Aid skill. This quick fix will either temporarily
remove the effects for a day or until damaged again, or fix it permanently.
One Critical Injury is removed for every two days of rest and healing
except injuries that cause loss or dismemberment: these require a body
bank visit or cybernetic replacement.
Target Critical Injury
Eye Damaged Eye / Lost Eye
Skull Cracked Skull / Brain Injury
Jaw Broken Jaw
Throat Dismembered Windpipe
Ear Damaged Ear / Lost Ear
Back Spinal Fracture
Chest Internal Hemorrhage
Upper Gut Soft Tissue Damage / Volumetric Muscle Loss
Lower Gut Damaged Organ / Evisceration
Crotch Genital Damage
Fingers Finger Loss / Dismembered Fingers
Hand Broken Wrist / Dismembered Hand
Forearm Comminuted/Transverse / Compound Fracture
Foot Dismembered Foot / Broken Ankle
Lower Leg Comminuted/Transverse / Compound Fracture
Knee Dismembered Knee / Knee Avulsion Fracture

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