The Wars of The Boltian and Kuissian

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Table of Contents
1.0 Overview ................................................ 3 Senate Responses ................................ 63
1.1 Using the Source Material ................... 3 The Ride of Vice Admiral M’Tambo ....... 64

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

1.2 Variations of Gameplay ........................ 5 Tropilak Infiltration ................................. 65
Battle of Tropilak ................................... 67
2.0 Kuissian History .................................. 6 Hustiok Meets M’Tambo ........................ 68
2.1 Ships of the Fleet ............................... 13 Testing Task Force 5.82 ........................ 69
2.1.1 Notable Ship Types ......................... 13 The Boltian Accords .............................. 70
2.1.2 Fighters and Other Small Craft ....... 16 The MagHur Break-Out ........................... 70
The Long Gaze Across the Border ....... 70
3.0 Boltian Star League History ............... 17
The Day of MagHur Acknowledgement... 71
3.1 Ships of the Fleet ............................... 21
The Outer System Encounter ............... 72
3.1.1 Notable Ship Types ......................... 23
The Second Battle of Relemonia .......... 73
3.1.2 Fighters and Other Small Craft ....... 24
The Repercussion ................................. 74
4.0 Terran Union History .......................... 25 War’s End ................................................ 75
4.1 Ships of the Fleet ............................... 33 Cut Off ................................................... 75
4.1.1 Notable Ship Types ......................... 33 Drawing Off the Enemy ......................... 75
4.1.2 Fighters and Other Small Craft ....... 37 The Galaxy Pauses ............................... 76
The Vega Fleet ...................................... 76
5.0 History of the First Boltian and Kuissian The Boltian Delegation .......................... 78
War ............................................................. 39 The Royal Fleet Hits the Boltian Front ..... 78
First Contact ............................................. 39 The Treaty of Relemonia ...................... 79
Starmap ................................................. 41 Fallout from the War ............................. 80
The Calm before the Storm ..................... 43
Kuissian Invasion ..................................... 46 7.0 The Wars in Scenarios ....................... 81
The Push to Boltia .................................... 52 7.1 First and Early Second War Scenarios 81
Battle of Verbanal..................................... 53 7.1.1 The First War Scenario ................ 81
Third Battle of MagHur ............................. 55 7.1.2 The Battle of Relemonia .............. 82
7.1.3 Date: March, 1st, 2912 .................. 83
6.0 History of the Second Boltian and 7.1.4 Date: August 27th, 2912 .............. 84
Kuissian War ............................................. 57 7.1.5 Date: April, 1st, 2913 ..................... 85
The Second Boltian and Kuissian Conflict .. 57 7.2 Mid and Late War Scenarios ............. 86
Starmap ................................................. 58 7.2.1 After Tropilak ................................ 86
The Kuissian Drive on Arcturus ............... 58 7.2.2 The MagHur Attack ...................... 87
The Boltians Gear Up .............................. 58 7.2.3 The Strike of the Royal Fleet ....... 88
The Next Few Months .............................. 59
The Yilyians ........................................... 59 8.0 Extra-Dimensional Travel (EDT) ........ 90
Mid-War Overview ................................... 62
9.0 Afterword ............................................. 92
Ongoing League Dissension ................. 62
9.1 Authors’ Notes .................................... 92
The Kuissian War Machine Grows ....... 63
9.2 Submission Guidelines ...................... 93
Terran Expeditions ................................... 63

© 2004, Jay Waschak

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Kuissians 1
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Destination: active sensors. This, more than anything,

Fleet Command, Office of Fleet Admiral gave us the chance to learn more about
Nawarat, Mukushi Zambia the aggressors without being noticed. In
hindsight, it might have been prudent to go
Transmission Source: active, learned as much as possible, and
Rear Admiral Raquel Dunedin, Op Control, attempted to draw out the vessel if it was
TU 3rd Fleet, TUS Dristigheten still in system. It was my decision, and at
the time the problem was suspected only
It has been two days since the as a communication failure. Standard fleet
engagement of the Terran Union 3rd Fleet protocol was observed in every instance.
at the R appahannock Star System. As the range to the planet closed it
Regrettably, the initial reports of the battle became apparent there were multiple hosts
were not exaggerated and I can personally in the system. At the time of our arrival,
confirm the loss of forty-seven percent of the conflict was away from the planet.
the fleet. What is not widely known among Several hulls with cold reactors were picked
Fleet Command yet is the situation of which up not far from Rappahannock 3 itself. The
the battle unfolded. As you are aware, the lead elements of the fleet in the scouting
warships under my command were not squadrons went to active scanning. The logs
deployed to the Rappahannock until contact show us several distinct groupings of
with the Expedition’s ship was lost. At which vessels in open engagement. The group
time the 3rd Fleet made the EDT transit at furthest from the planet clearly had the
the Arcturus EDT station. It is a four day upper hand. As the fight lingered, the ships
trip from the Arcturus Colony. In the haste of the 3rd Fleet made recon runs, but kept
to discover the fate of the vessel, several a safe distance from the main body. Our
elements of the fleet on long patrol, most attempts to monitor communications
notably several Sverige class cruisers, traffic were fruitless; nothing was
Kagero class heavy destroyers, and a decipherable, let alone interpretable. This
Waikato class missile boat, were unable to is when another mass of ships was detected
rendezvous before our transit. during passive sweeps. I ordered the fleet
The fleet took up a standard to drop standard gravity rotations and
defensive station upon arrival and altered assume alert status.
our vector for a careful approach to the This new body of ships was very close
Expedition’s last reported position. On our to Rappahannock 3 and taking an approach
approach, our screening vessels detected very close to our 3rd Fleet’s Destroyer
multiple sensor echoes on the passive Group 2. This is when the situation became
scanners. I made the decision for the fleet very confusing. Several fighter craft were
to maintain silent running, and not use wounded by point defenses from their

2 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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opposition. They changed course towards they detected the friendly active sensors
the planet. Now, it is my opinion that they of the 3rd Fleet. During this period they
took a chance on the unknown ships rather observed the stalking vessels and the
than run back across the enemy fleet to distinctly different group of vessels that
safety. The first in their flight did not make later approached them. More vessels
it and took another laser hit. The fighter arrived by the minute and joined this group
would have been unable to stop before it before weapon launches were detected.
hit the gravity well of the planet. The TUS
Warszawa grappled the fighter and safely With Service to Sol: Rear Admiral Raquel
secured it. Dunedin, Command of TU 3rd Fleet, Location:
This inadvertently drew us into the Arcturus
conflict. The main body of the newly arrived 1.22.3011
fleet must have perceived this as a hostile
action and not the act of mercy it was.
Destroyer Group 2 exchanged missile volleys

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

with these ships after several kinetic
weapon hits from the enemy fighters
1.0 Overview
crippled the TUS Xia’s forward sensors. Our Welcome to the first Victory by Any
point defenses, counter-measures, and Means Source Material Guide, The Wars of the
anti-missile systems went to work Boltians and Kuissians. Here you will find all
immediately but Destroyer Group 2 was the material needed to play out a Victory by Any
overwhelmed. I ordered 3rd Fleet into the Means campaign in an original VBAM Universe
fight. Although we were obviously engaging setting. Every rule, nuance, and ship detail
their opponent, the other group of hostiles
needed to play out the First and Second Boltian
freely targeted our vessels when given the
opportunity. and Kuissian Conflicts is here. The First Boltian
Having been placed in a very awkward and Kuissian Conflict covers the early conflict
position, considering the multiple hostile period and the battles in MagHur. The Second
fleets in the area, the 3rd Fleet was ordered Conflict sees the beginning of renewed hostilities
to slowly pull back to Rappahannock III’s after six Terran years of peace between these
moon, Muavenet. In an after-combat two lumbering juggernauts, the newly arrived
analysis, we found our missiles to be far Terran Union being drawn into the conflict against
less effective than our opponents, our their will. This guide is their story, and the story
fighter-drones to be ill suited to the same of Mankind’s first interstellar conflict.
missions the opposition thrived on, and our
sensors ill equipped to targeting solutions
on the enemy. It is therefore my 1.1 Using the Source Material
recommendation that the acquired This set of source materials has been
information on these species be examined, laid out so as to be interchangeable and easily
specifically the communication traffic. We used with the VBAM Campaign Guide. This book
may be able to open up a dialog in regards provides unit information, maps, system
to this misunderstanding. The last of our information, and specific rule interchanges
ships to depart the Rappahannock system required to play a campaign in this setting. When
reported troop landings on planet. I
you are ready to begin your campaign, this guide
respectfully request that the 3rd Fleet be
reinforced for a possible retaliatory strike contains both quick and historical scenarios. You
on the system. will also find CSCR combat scenarios covering
We are learning more now from the the first several years of these tense conflicts.
expedition team of the TUS Tonnant, who is The former gives to the player more control over
fleeing the system with the 3rd Fleet. Their the deployment of his/her units. The historic
initial surveys of the star system were not campaign setup takes longer to resolve and
thorough. After they had been in system deals with some of the necessary minutia of a
for several weeks, a growing number of historic setup. For example, the Boltians will have
unidentified signatures began to shadow mothballed and derelict ships in their service in
them. They tracked more EDT footprints
the opening days of the war. In a war where every
coming and going, until they felt it best to
set down on Muavenet. They lay there until ship matters, it is cheaper for them to rush aging

© 2004, Jay Waschak

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Kuissians 3
1 GMA ships to the front lines than wait for new stations. You may use the EDT station of another
ships to roll off of the production lines. player if explicitly allowed or if under an Alliance
or Co-Belligerency agreement.
Boltian Shipyards: League members (MagHur,
Yilyian) also have shipyards, but lack much of Pacified Worlds: Within the Kuissian Empire
the technical expertise required in the exist alien worlds that have been conquered and
construction of Boltian designed hulls. They may “pacified”. These planets are fully integrated to
build units of their species’ own design without the Kuissian structure, and contribute their full
difficulty, and may construct other Boltian ships income to the Kuissian Empire. They are not
at a 1 point cost penalty. In addition, it takes 1 considered to be distinct, separate political
additional turn for the ship to be completed. entities.

Production Times: To reflect the nature of ship Member Worlds: The Boltian Star League
construction, Optional Rule CG 4.11 is in effect. contains member nations that contribute 50%
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

of their income to the Boltian League itself. The

Wartime Economics: None of the major remainder of the income is must be spent locally
combatants are ready for the war, so we on defenses or improvements for the world itself.
recommend Optional rule CG 4.1 to reflect the They are considered “Boltian Worlds” and are
movement into a wartime economy. treated as such for every reason but income.

Non-Atmospheric: None of the fighter-drones Raiders: At this point in technological

deployed in this universe to date are capable of development and expansion, the role of raiders
entering a planetary atmosphere. Therefore they and piracy is significantly reduced. As a result
may not be based on planets themselves. there are no raider groups for purposes of CG Raiding or CG 4.13 Random Events
Attack Boats: These sturdy craft are limited by Chart. Random event results indicating a raider
their endurance ability. For game purposes they attack are rerolled for the early period of the
can join a fleet with 1 command cost per 6 boats, Second War. Further developments will be
and may only leave the system on a tender. elaborated upon in future expansions. The only
true raiding performed during this period was by
AOE Vessel: Ships of this type are known as true military warships operated by enemy
Fast Fleet Support Vessels. They are able to nations.
support the fleet when they are outside of normal By the Mid to Late War Period,
supply lines (CG Military Supply Ships) technological innovations coupled with
and are capable of repairing battle damage in a widespread ship construction made piracy an
pinch (CG 3.7.14 Field Repair). They differ from issue for spacefaring nations. In addition to
traditional transports in that they are fast enough private raiding organizations, government
to keep pace with active battlegroups. sponsored piracy is on the rise. Unlike the early
part of the war, the chance of raider attacks
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Any capital resume with all Raider Rolls.
ship may carry weapons of mass destruction (1
turns worth) for a cost of 2 economic points, with
a maximum of 1 per ship. 1.2 Variations of Gameplay
If the scenarios are followed exactly, then
Extra-Dimensional Travel (EDT): For purposes all sides in this sordid affair are at war. In actuality
of the campaign, a vessel with EDT capability this doesn’t give the player much chance to
may move any number of ships with it to another exercise some of the more interesting parts of
system. If a ship is without an EDT drive, it may the VBAM Campaign System, such as diplomacy
only enter EDT if a friendly EDT capable ship is and exploration. It does, however, give a fine
in the system at the time of the move, or within introduction to these three factions (and their
friendly territory where it may use the local EDT associated allies/cohorts/integrated neighbors).

4 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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As the conflict progresses, the dynamics of the
galaxy will change. If you are playing with two
players, then it would be more balanced to play
only as the Kuissians and the Boltians, omitting
the Terrans from the conflict entirely. With three
players, all the major powers are involved. If you
wish to add additional players to the campaign,
there are still a few positions within the game
that can be filled. In the opening days of the war,
players can also play as either the MagHur or
the Yilyians. In later source material we will
introduce the galaxy outside as the war ends
and EDT technology improves, adding additional
playable factions to the universe.

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Of course the Kuissians, Boltian Star
League, and Terran Union do not need to be
confined to this game style, or the historical game
map. A campaign can be started set in the years
before the first war, with each race controlling
only their respective homeworld. In addition,
these factions can be easily converted to a
different campaign setting, random map, or a
generic map. You might want to explore the
options of pitting the Kuissians, Boltians, and/or
Terrans against a race of your own design, or
integrating these empires into an entirely
different universe all together.

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Kuissian History
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

2.0 Kuissian behind, the northern continent was a barren

wasteland. But this inhospitable land was not
empty. Northern natives greeted the Kuissian

History explorers, approaching the outsiders with as

much caution as the Kuissians held for them.
After a brief exchange of indecipherable words,
Growth of the Modern the explorers returned home with news of their
discovery. Unfortunately for the natives, this
Kuissian System contact came at a time when the Word of
The modern Kuissian system has its Drenmach was beginning to spread among the
foundation in the early Kuissian’s unification Kuissians.
efforts. As the means to travel greater distances
were developed, individual Kuissian groups Drenmach and the
learned of other Kuissian civilizations scattered
throughout their world. Over the years, a mutually Northerners
beneficial relationship developed between many The Word of Drenmach was an attempt
of the larger groups. Peaceful trade was the by the philosopher Drenmach to explain the
norm although there were some small local purpose of the Kuissian people. To date, they
disputes. Growth in these days was slow. The could easily justify their dominant position over
greater Kuissian nations on the main equatorial their crops and herd animals. Although the
continent formed a convention to oversee encounter with the strangers on the northern
matters of mutual concern, such as settling of continent occurred years after Drenmach had
national disputes and negotiation of trade passed away, his teachings persisted and were
agreements. This was known as the First still very much a going concern among his many
Kuissian Council. Fortunately for the smaller followers. The key teachings of this philosophical
Kuissian nations, the larger nations lacked the work identified the Kuissians as divine creations
military technology to perform extended military and were later used to justify the Kuissian’s role
operations, thus protecting small nations from in controlling or mentoring less advanced beings.
conquest. In time, these small nations were While Drenmach’s teachings come from a
asked to join the Council as well. simpler time before contact with other intelligent
It was around this time that a Kuissian life, they have been carefully altered to fit
expedition was able to reach the remote northern contemporary Kuissian motivations at different
continent. Compared to the homes they left times in their history.

6 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Kuissian History
It was also at this point that most Kuissians on advanced intelligence tests. They
civilizations recognized the merit of the Ruling also perceived the visiting Kuissians as divine
Council. It had been just in the past and each guardians sent to help their starving and lost
civilization served with authority for one-fifth of people.
a yearly cycle. It was the Ruling Council that was This was a new situation for the followers
given responsibility for the issue of the northern of the Word of Drenmach. Were these northern
continent. It was obvious that they could not neighbors, quite similar to the Kuissians
interpret the northerners manner of themselves, just animals or were they their
communication, but they did demonstrate equals? It was obvious that this decision would
enough intelligence to survive in the harsh north. have powerful repercussions. The Council’s
Many of the council were influenced by the unanimous decision was that they were higher
teachings of Drenmach and it was decided that than animals, but the inferiors of the Kuissians.
the intelligence of the northerners must be tested Data returned from the northern expedition also
to determine where they fit in the world’s portrayed a close biological relationship with the

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

hierarchal structure. northerners. The Ruling Council determined that
The most prominent of the Kuissian this new evidence was solid proof that the
civilizations financed another expedition to the northerners were in fact “lesser” Kuissians.
large continent to the north. The explorers Many Kuissians were disgusted to learn
endured a great deal of hardships in the frigid of this biological compatibility with the
North. They returned almost a year later to northerners. It was not long before the Northern
present their findings to the Council. The Kuissians were labeled “Senfin Kuissian”, or low
northerners were a nomadic people, and far Kuissian. And by that merit, the Kuissians from
more suited to the cold weather than themselves. the South gave themselves the name “Kreacha
Most of their intelligence tests were inconclusive. Kuissian” to carefully distinguish their higher role
Their northern neighbors possessed solid in life over the northerners. The Ruling Council
cognitive abilities but tested far less than the nominated three nearby Kuissian civilizations to
jointly organize a mission to the northern lands
to interpret the Senfin languages. Many in the
Council saw a great advantage in future ventures
in the Northern Land. Reports from the first
expedition had shown it to be extremely resource
It was many years before this goal was
finally accomplished. Many Kreachan Kuissians
managed to learn Senfin methods of
communication, and were able to teach several
tribes of Senfins to passably communicate in the
native Kreachan. The Southerners began to take
a mentoring, authoritative attitude towards the
Northerners. Several representatives of the
nations exploring the north petitioned the Ruling
Council for permission to expand their efforts
among the Senfin Kuissians. It was suggested
that educating and befriending them was not
enough; many wanted to help them abandon
their nomadic ways.

Critical Changes
With the approval of the Ruling Council,
the northern expeditions quickly put the Senfin
Kuissians to work extracting and refining the

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Kuissian History
2 north’s plentiful natural mineral resources. Even The Ruling Council was officially broken and
though they found the northerners to be each side formally broke relations.
physically smaller, they were well suited to work The Juna-Kuissian Alliance rallied others
in the harsh conditions. Famine was a thing of to their banner, calling attention to the treatment
the past as Senfin Kuissians enjoyed a far more of the Senfin Kuissians and the exploitation of
secure food supply as food poured in from the the North. They launched raids within the
fertile southern archipelagos in exchange for Northern territory to break up industrial
their valuable materials. Their days of foraging operations and “liberate” the Senfins. The
for food were over. Drenmach Aranti’s reprisal was far worse. They
The Senfin population exploded like loathed the Juna’s interpretation of the Sacred
never before. Under the oversight of the Word of Drenmach. They used the muscle of
administrating Kreachans, they settled down and the Senfin to launch major attacks on the Juna-
enjoyed trading work for valuable food supplies. Kuissians’ homelands. Juna-Kuissian forces
The three Kreachan civilizations working in the were slowy worn down by the superior numbers
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

north enjoyed a vast influx of wealth from these of the North. Fueled by the overwhelming
operations. Other civilizations who did not share industrial might of the Drenmach Aranti, the war
in the river of prosperity from the north brought lasted over two Kuissian years and left millions
their concerns before the Council. It was their dead.
resolution that these three Kreachan civilizations
had exploited the Senfins to their own benefit The Second
and forced them into a life of involuntary
servitude. They considered it to be slavery of a Kuissian Council
lower breed that lacked the mental capacity to The Juna-Kuissian Alliance’s will to fight
realize their position. Open accusations were was broken. Their noble goals had turned
made that the Senfin would never be allowed to against them and power was now firmly in the
return to the traditional ways if they so chose. hands of their opponents. Within the Drenmach
They believed it to be an unjust shift in the Aranti, the Artenel civilization rose to prominence.
Council’s balance of power. They controlled the vast majority of the army
As expected, the Ruling Council was remaining from the war and were first to bring
firmly divided on this issue as many members Senfin laborers to their land. The Artenel ruling
were from the three groups with interests in the families had taken great care in forging political
North. Their rebuttal declared that the valuable alliances within the Drenmach Aranti, marrying
minerals of the Senfins’ land were clearly meant their members to those in positions of power.
for use by the High Kuissians of the South. They By the close of the war, all key positions in the
also asserted that the Senfin Kuissians were Drenmach Aranti were held by family members
better fed and educated than ever before. It was or those loyal to them. This made the transition
not the position of the jealous and inferior to to dominant power in the Drenmach Aranti very
judge their progress in an inhospitable land. Their swift and painless. The Senfin, enjoying an easier
people ventured away from their preferred hot life than their days in the barren North, were
and humid climate to a region where their survival willing associates. This quickly reinforced the
was not possible without technological aid. They thinking of “high” and “low” Kuissian. Kreachans
took the risks and the result was a higher were replaced by Senfin workers for almost every
standard of living for all Kuissians. manual labor and industrial job within their
By this point, there were four major civilization. Many historians see this as a
civilizations who opposed them on this issue. reaffirmation of Juna-Kuissian Alliance’s worst
They would become known as the Juna-Kuissian fears.
Alliance. When the political opposition became The Artenel leaders were quick to bury
clear, the three states with interests in the North the hatchet with their former opponents. They
withdrew from the Ruling Council. These three used this new prosperity, built on the backs of
nations became henceforth known as the the Senfin Kuissians, to drive their new political
Drenmach Aranti, or Enforcers of the Drenmach. motivations. They invited every government to

8 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Kuissian History
send new representatives to rebuild a new Ruling assigned a leadership role somewhere within the
Council. With reluctance, every civilization sent Kuissian Monarchal System immediately after
delegates in this perceived opportunity to return the Age of Recognition. Their positions are
power to their old, well balanced system. This dictated by educational achievements and skill
became known as the Second Kuissian Council. evaluation. Dra-Duchess Ren was considered a
It was to be a council built as before, prodigy among the monarchy and her
but established under the firm grip of the Artenel assignment to the science council was no
Monarchy. Other civilizations would be little more accident.
than client states with a weak voice in the She redirected the efforts of the entire
Council’s affairs. They found they had little science council to meet the Monarchy’s new
choice. They had neither the means nor the will curiosity for space exploration. Grasping at the
to resist the superior Artenel civilization any almost limitless resources available, they
further. The Artenels called it their “Noble developed more space vehicles. Using ever-
Monarchy”. They asserted that Kreachan growing varieties of chemical fuel rockets, they

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Kuissians were intended to rule their planet. began sending satellites and unmanned vehicles
Other civilizations would retain their individual into space. It would be another fifteen Kuissian
rights, but the Artenels believed the Kuissians years before they sent a manned vehicle into
needed a strong and just leadership to prevent space.
the problems that plagued the last Kuissian Eventually however the interest of the
government. Monarchy waned and with it the stream of money
To their credit, the new Kuissian that funded the science council. Domestic
Monarchy was true to its word. All of their client concerns were growing more important in the
states maintained sovereignty within their Kuissians’ minds. Dra-Duchess Ren was
borders for local issues. As they grew fat and troubled that the program would collapse without
happy, the teachings of Drenmach slowly fell out the full support of the Monarchy. She learned of
of favor. For centuries, the Kuissian Monarchy an asteroid that passed near Mana-Kuissia, the
maintained relative peace and a high standard Kuissian homeworld, every three years. It was
of living for Kreachan and Senfin alike. The thought to be extremely mineral rich. She
wealthy government invested a great deal in focused her teams’ efforts to launch a mission
education, technological improvements, and to recover samples from the asteroid to prove
infrastructure. Their ambitions would soon lead the economic feasibility of space exploitation.
them to the stars. The Kuissians finished their first
unmanned mission to the asteroid with great
The Kuissian’s First success. They discovered a variety of unknown
and valuable ores on the asteroids. The mission
Space Missions finally caught the eye of the Monarchy, who
The launch of the first chemical fueled decided to restore funding to the program if the
rocket was heralded as the greatest council was able to partially fund their own
accomplishment of the Monarchy to date. It only operations. The goals of the Science Council
achieved eight orbits around the planet before expanded to include “Feasible Extraction of
breaking up in the atmosphere, but was Space Born Resources”. It proved to be a viable
nonetheless an important stepping stone in the source of income for the Kuissian Space Initiative
Kuissian Space Initiative. Originally the program and kept the project alive for many decades.
was only intended as a military program for long The extraction of rare materials from the
range warhead delivery. After achieving early system’s neighboring asteroids was arduace
success, the project was instead reallocated to work. The Science Council only had a fifty
Dra-Duchess Ren’s Science Council. percent success rate with returning mining
Dra-Duchess Ren, Lower Duke of the drones to Mana-Kuissia. Dra-Duchess Ren
Monarchy of the family of Ren, had been responded by proposing several orbital space
assigned leadership of the Science Council only stations to the Monarchy. The purpose of these
a year before. Each Noble of the Monarchy is stations would be to manage mining operations

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Kuissian History
2 and aid in the recovery of extraced minerals. head of the Artenel Monarchy, he proposed a
They would also be necessary as jumping off mission be launched to explore and colonize the
points once the nearby asteroids became newly discovered Kraablok star system. The plan
depleted and the Kuissians were forced to was ambitious, but proposed at a time when the
venture deeper into their star system in search high temperature drive was not advanced
of new mineral-rich asteroids. enough. The colonization effort would require
By the Dra-Duchess’s seventy-first year outfitting several ships with the latest in high
as head of the Science Council, there were six temperature drive technology and life sustaining
major space stations around Mana-Kuissia with equipment. If all went as planned, the mission
two more under construction. Despite this, would launch in two years. Then a second
chemical fueled engines were starting to prove generation of ships would launch five years after
ineffective at reaching deeper into the star that. The second generation of ships would
system. Because of this, Dra-Duchess instructed theoretically, if high temperature drive
her people to begin work on alternate drive improvements were consistent, arrive at the
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

systems. Ren was beginning to get frustrated same time as the first colony ships.
that real exploration would not be accomplished
before she was forced to step down. She wanted The Kraablok Mission
to see Kuissians leave their star system.
The ships’ crews were pulled only from
the Kreachan Kuissians. They were divided into
The Roots of the work units that were assigned to a specific
function aboard each ship. These responsibilities
Kuissian’s Space were really “training” for their work when they
Empire reached Kraablok. In a rush to launch the
All members of the Kuissian’s higher mission, Eo-Duke Meledese limited pre-flight
government, such as Dra-Duchess Ren, are training for a majority of the colonists. He
honorably retired from service at the Age of believed that the in-flight time of eighty two years
Accomplishment. This is typically during that would be adequate time for them to perfect their
individual’s one hundred and twentieth year of functions. To stretch the limited supplies that
service to the Monarchy. There is no exception. the massive colony ships could sustain and
All leaders, in all positions, know they are to stand reuse, only part of the crew would be conscious
aside and assume a more figurative role among for the complete journey. In the end the Science
their people after this milestone. Council was granted the resources to complete
For years, the Monarchy struggled with four such long term colony vessels.
the public failure of ion particle and laser sail Eo-Duke Meledese and the Science
drives that had not delivered a feasible working Council watched with pride as the four colony
model for interplanetary use. But, after years of vessels accelerated away from Mana-Kuissia.
work, the Science Council publicly announced The fleet was carefully monitored until they were
the discovery of a practical high temperature no longer viewable by conventional means.
drive shortly after Ren reached her one hundred Signals from the fleet drifted in with positive
and eleventh year of service. The high progress reports for years to come. The second
temperature drive was overwhelmingly fleet launched fives years later as planned.
successful. It used anti-matter to heat a tungsten Unfortunately, drive technology had not improved
block through which hydrogen is passed and as anticipated and this expedition would arrive
superheated. The hot hydrogen is expelled at at Kraablok several years later than planned.
high speed and impulse. Kuissian space ships By the end of Eo-Duke Meledese’s
were able to reach across the solar system in a service to the Monarchy, no further word had
matter of weeks. Nine years later when Eo-Duke been heard from either expedition. Further
Meledese took control of the Science Council, information from the Kraablok System later
the Kuissians had established several deep proved that there were no Kuissian habitable
system bases throughout their system. worlds there. The new Ingetu heavily criticized
In an effort to impress the ruling Ingetu, the Meledese family for this wasteful and

10 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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expensive venture. He claimed that proper system propulsion and made a startling
preparation and planning would have resulted discovery: they detected other spacecraft in the
in a successful mission, citing the Eo-Duke’s lack system. Carefully using their advanced sensor
of patience for a more effective means of space suite, they shadowed some of the primitive space
propulsion and a lack of information on Kraablok. craft. Their quarry lead them to several large
orbital facilities positioned above a nearby
The First True Inter- atmosphere-less planet. The ship from Mana-
Kuissia recognized one profile out of the bunch
Planetary Drive as one of the colony ships from the “failed”
Over the next several centuries on Meledese Expedition.
Kuissia, very little happened in terms of major The exploration vessel immediately
space advances. The Monarchy suppressed a made their presence known and sent a wide
minor Senfin rebellion in North and a skirmish beam message to the orbiting stations. They
between two Kuissian client states. In general, received an enthusiastic response. They invited

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

the Kuissians enjoyed mud baths while their little a delegation of the lost Kuissians to their vessel
empire endured. The next major discovery would which was promptly accepted. The “lost”
change everything. Kuissians arrived via shuttle about an hour later.
One day, the Science Council requested They appeared more famished and frail than a
the presence of the Ingetu and her family to an standard Kreachan Kuissian. It was obvious that
orbiting research station to monitor an important they had a great deal of difficulty with the gravity
systems test. A non-descript transport ship was on the ship. Within a few minutes, it was apparent
paraded before the viewers. A second later, the that they were uncomfortable with the high heat
space around the ship ignited vibrantly and the and humidity.
ship simply disappeared. Key members of the The meeting was quite informative for the
Science Council explained that it was an Extra explorer’s crew. They learned that the first
Dimensional Travel, or EDT, drive. It had been expedition was almost lost due to critical engine
in development for countless years and they had failures among several of the ships during the
finally perfected several working prototypes. years in transit. The only ship with a sustainable
They required financial support from the high temperature drive lacked the power to alter
Monarchy to complete their work and build a safe course and assist the others. It was also the only
EDT drive capable of carrying Kuissians beyond ship to arrive in Kraablok. The second fleet of
their system. ships arrived intact within a month of their
Needless to say, the Ingetu was beyond expected arrival time with no major problems.
enthusiastic. Just like the days of the first The Meledese colony ships were equipped
chemically fueled rockets, the Science Council to deal with any possible situation they
was given near limitless resources for their encountered, but they still had to survive without
workers. Within ten years, three ships were ready an inhabitable planet. Their first efforts were used
and capable of traveling beyond the system. The to tether their ships together. They then used their
first ship was directed to travel to Kraablok to inter-planetary shuttles to extract material from
recover any information on the Meledese nearby planetary bodies, their onboard foundries
mission. being kicked into high gear to process the much-
needed resources. The sustainable living experts
immediately went about establishing solar
The Second Mission to collectors for their food and energy needs. By the
Kraablok time the EDT ship arrived, the colonists had lived
The EDT equipped vessels transversed in the cold of space successfully for many years.
the distance to Kraablok without incident. This Most of the resources from the colony ships were
was mostly due to months of research spent converted from ground use to support their growing
gathering data to correctly calculate the EDT network of space stations. In fact, these Kuissians
path between the two systems. The ship almost seemed to thrive in the hard conditions of
switched to its high temperature drive for in- space without gravity.

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2 EDT Use Expands correct return trip.
It was commonly believed that life
The Kuissian Monarchy was shocked by developing outside Mana-Kuissia was
these revelations. They deployed more EDT impossible, but in Androg they found proof to
equipped starships to Kraablok to support the the contrary. The Androg system contained at
colonists. The Ingetu gave an inspiring speech least one world with habitants and evidence of
of support for “our own, these Meledese planetary infrastructure. The Kuissian expedition
Kuissians.” And the name stuck. The Kreachan ship carefully monitored radio traffic from the
Kuissians who met them regarded them as planet and witnessed unknown orbital craft
equals, but many felt they were not quite true buzzing about. The Monarch appointed leader
Kuissian anymore. Many sympathized with their of the EDT ship decided to return to Mana-
condition, but the Meledese no longer wanted Kuissia once he was confident they had gathered
to live in gravity. They only asked to retain their sufficient information on the life in Androg. The
service to the Monarchy, be annexed as an trip back to Feamek was without incident.
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

official client state, and receive support to

enhance their quality of life. Each request was
promptly granted by the Ingetu. A Critical Decision for
So it was that the first Kuissian colony the Ingetu
was officially formed. The Meledese Kuissians
The news of possible intelligent life in
were enthusiastic to pilot more deep space
Androg spread quickly upon the expedition’s
expeditions for the Monarchy. The first stable
rerturn and the Monarchy demanded a response.
EDT link was established between Mana-Kuissia
They had never prepared for actually
and Kraablok. The years passed and Meledese
encountering anyone in deep space. It was
Kuissians used EDT to plot and establish several
thought that no other life could develop
more EDT paths to other, previously unexplored
intelligence, let alone learn to leave their planet.
star systems. Many of these systems even
A concern grew in the Ingetu’s mind: was it
contained habitable worlds. Colony vessels filled
possible that these aliens in Androg could learn
with Kreachan Kuissians often followed the
of the Extra-Dimensional Travel method and one
Meledese explorers. The majority of the colonists
day encroach on Mana-Kuissia? It was agreed
moving to these new frontier planets were
that any threat had to be neutralized, especially
Kreachan. Small groups of Senfin workers would
that of a non-Kuissian spacefaring civilization.
eventually be brought to handle the few labor
Finally, word from the Kuissian Monarchy’s
intensive jobs left in the Kuissian Expansion Age.
Intelligence Missions returned with conclusive
The Monarchy quickly grew into an empire as
“proof” that the primary citizens of Androg were
the roots of five colonies were established.
less technologically developed and that it was
the Monarchy’s decision to act on this
The Kuissians in Androg information. There was also a suggestion that it
The first EDT transit from the Feamek was the Kuissian’s responsibility to improve the
System was less than successful. The targeted lives of these “lesser” people, even if they were
system was Androg and the EDT Expedition Ship alien and not as receptive to outside help as their
entered the system far outside their anticipated Senfin brothers had been.
entry point. This would later lead Kuissian The shipyard in the material rich system
scientists to conclude that not all EDT routes of Kraablok laid down the hull for a new all-
were equal in quality. They spent the next eight encompassing warship design. This war vessel
months traversing the distance with their high would be capable of performing all tasks a
temperature drive. Androg, named after the first Kuissian ship leader might require, from troop
leader of the Juna-Kuissian Alliance, was thought deployment to planetary bodies to scientific
to be easily accessible from Feamek. The crew research. The first member of the Kuissian
spent several months painstakingly reconfiguring Pacification Fleet was born. Cutting-edge
the EDT transit calculations to Feamek so that, weapon ideas, many based on Meledese mining
once they reached Androg, they could verify a technologies using focused light and nuclear

12 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Kuissian History
explosives, were made available for the warship
design. The new EDT-capable warship left for
Androg without delay carrying a full contingent 2.1 Ships of the
of ground troops. The Pride of Kuissia was only
the first ship to be deployed; several
reinforcement vessels were scheduled to join her
Kuissian Fleet
in Androg within a few weeks. The Kuissian Navy has grown more in
variation since the early days of the Pacification
vessels. Many of their all-encompassing designs
Androg: The Kuissians have changed by necessity after meeting vessels
First Conquest with various specialized roles in the Boltian Navy.
This forced them to adapt many of the
During the years leading up to the first
techniques used by their enemy into their future
Pacification Mission, the Monarchy had ordered
warship designs. The most obvious sign of this
a considerable amount of intelligence gathering

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

is the adaptation of fighter type craft. In addition,
and reconnaissance around the system. This
the use of the newer light cruiser and destroyer
allowed the Pride of Kuissia to use a more
type designs is directly a result of the success
accurate EDT calculation to deploy within a day’s
of similar Boltian craft.
travel of the outer planet of Androg. After a short
in-system flight they fell upon the Androg orbital
outposts without mercy. Using a more advanced 2.1.1 Notable Ship Types
RADAR and sensor system, they slowly
maneuvered and destroyed any space-borne Conquistador Pacification
object they detected. They found the Androg Vessel
aliens to be a non-respiring race, far inferior to Easily the oldest of the vessels in
the highly evolved Kuissian (as was evident by services in the Kuissian Navy. It was a
their lack of real resistance to the invasion). The Conquistador Class vessel that made the first
Kuissian Fleet Overseer made no attempt to fateful encounter with the Boltian vessels after
communicate and the fleet began high level the Kuissian attack on MagHur. It underwent
orbital bombardment of the planet, targeting key many modifications, but the same overall design
military and civilian centers for destruction. persisted. Despite its high economic cost, it is
Ground troops were deployed to the planet to an all-encompassing warship to use in the
seize a beachhead for later Kuissian seizure and control of a target system. It had yet
reinforcements. They proved devastating to the to fail in its mission until the Boltian intervention
native defense forces. The planetary with the pacification of MagHur. Such esteemed
governments ceded control of the entire planet Kuissian citizens as the Ecabore and Maelotta
within a month. It was thus that the Kuissians owe their allegiance to the missions of the early
captured and subjugated the Shriscra in the Conquistadors. After its use in the First Kuissian
Androg System. – Boltian War, the Conquistador Class
underwent further modifications which are
Further Expansion evident in the several hull types available to the
Over the next century the Kuissian modern Kuissian commander.
Monarchy continued to invest in their space born
military. They used the Meledese Kuissians to Ekobi Warship
man outposts in those systems that lacked This was the first serious attempt at a
habitable worlds. While colony ships continued fighter carrier in the Kuissian arsenal. Until late
to pour out from Mana-Kuissia, the Kuissians in the First Kuissian – Boltian War, the Monarchy
would come to conquer the sentient worlds of never saw proof that fighter-drones were a
Maelotta and Ecabore. They began the arduace proven and effective battlefield technology. All
and expensive work of expanding their EDT such success of the Boltian craft was reasoned
network and the Kuissian Monarchy slowly away until they had no choice but to field test
cultivated an empire. several models of their own. Until the later Master

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Kuissian History
Pacification Vessel
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

14 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Kuissian History
class warship and Flight Stations, the Ekobi signs by pouring resources into the Pacification
would be the only means of bringing such craft Warship line. Others felt the better of their
to the field. nemesis’s vessel traits should be “borrowed”.
At first the Master Class Pacification Vessel was
Knight Battle Cruiser a project of the War Party, and well underway to
This vessel made its first appearance seeing completion as a larger and more capable
during the Second Battle of MagHur as the version of the Suppression Class. By 2913 many
Kuissians attempted to fill gaps in their order of Kuissian field commanders were requesting
battle. It is a potent force and, like the aging fighter-drone support, and months before the
Conquistador, would see production and vessel saw service it was pulled back from its
alteration for many years after its introduction. trial runs for modification. Several drone control
The first Kuissian ship to actually carry the first systems, hangars and flight bays were added
operational Kuissian fighter-drone system was before the Master would ultimately see service
a variation on the common Knight Class. These as the most costly and dangerous Kuissian ship

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

first trials were not very successful but gave to date. So it is quite unfortunate that these ves-
valuable insights for later developers. sels are often granted to prestigious members
of the Royal Family than those on the front lines.
Maledia Warship
The Maledia is another war machine that Noeres Scout Vessel
was born from lessons learned in the first war It takes the Kuissian shipyards a long
with the Boltians. In so many engagements, the time to complete a member of the Noeres class.
ability to project power with smaller and more In fact, it takes nearly as long to complete a
versatile capital ships proved vital in some of the Noeres as it does a Knight Battle Cruiser! The
Boltian successes. Such a ship was missing from amount of detailed assembly work required is
the Kuissian fleet and the Maledia was the first phenomenal, but the Monarchy would not be
attempt to correct this. Although not deployed in swayed to finish their latest exploration and fleet
great numbers until the Second War was well support vessel. It proved a very stable platform,
underway, it proved a valuable tool in breaking but in terms of technology this vessel is still years
traditional Kuissian fleet building. behind the scouts fielded by the Boltian League
and even MagHur forces.
Maniple Warship
With the Tren-Aradak warship class Sceptre Fleet Support Vessel
supplementing the new Kuissian Pacification The further Kuissian fleets ventured from
Cruisers on patrol, the Empire looked for other Mana-Kuissia and the stable supply lines of the
variations of this versatile design to fill holes in Empire, the greater a need for a fleet support
their battle line. One such testbed would actually vessel became apparent. The Sceptre Class
see service when it outmaneuvered a Knight was the replacement for the older Henetarra
Battle Cruiser during a wargame. The encounter Class that lacked the acceleration to keep up
left a disgruntled Earl relieved of command, and with the Conquistadors during the early wars. It
much attention on the agile Maniple design. It became important for the Monarchy to devote
never saw heavy production until war-time serious resources to finding an ample supply
budgets permitted and was still not favored by vessel. The Sceptre was built from the ground
many Kuissian commanders. up with long range support in mind, as opposed
to the Henetarra Class which was a converted
civilian freight hauler.
Master Pacification Vessel
Two distinct schools of starship devel-
opment had appeared by the outbreak of the Suppression Pacification
Second Kuissian and Boltian War. Many in the Vessel
War Party saw distinct weakness in the Boltian With a divergence of ship philosophies
order of battle and avoided adopting similar de- rampant throughout modern Kuissian designs,

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Kuissian History
2 this ship follows in the same comfortable suited to intercepting Boltian fighter craft before
footsteps of other Kuissian behemoths. The they could effectively harass Kuissian Cruisers.
Suppression Class is the latest inductee into the It was well designed for this function.
Pacification line of warships, and incorporates The main problem plaguing this design
improvements from the first war with the Boltian was that so few were launched in the years prior
Star League. It is equally effective in both anti- to the Second Kuissian–Boltian War that they
fighter operations and planetary pacification. In received little field time. A more perceptive
short, it is the evolution of the Conquistador Kuissian Commander would use these capable
design and received frequent improvements craft to their fullest, truly lessening the pain of a
throughout the second war. Boltian fighter-drone attack.

Tren-Aradak Warship Numi Fighter

The first of the Tren-Aradak Class of Building on the design of the Memtil and
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

warships became available shortly before the armed with the popular pulse laser, the Numi
Treaty of Peregral was signed. For most of the was launched later in the war. It immediately saw
first war, the Kuissian ships were generally less high production priority when Kuissian
maneuverable than their Boltian adversaries. commanders saw the effectiveness of Alem-Tiri
This ship’s designers wanted to replace the fighter against distant targets. With Kuissian
standard Kuissian high temperature drive with a fighter design strategy only in its infancy, it is
more efficient alternative. The prototype of the expected more capable fighters are only a few
class took her maiden flight under the power of years away. War planners are already looking
an anti-matter rocket system. The ship at Numi conversions that field more advanced
performed well, but the design was clearly not remote guidance systems and possess higher
ready for full deployment with the alternate acceleration capabilities.
propulsion system. As the war with the Boltians
heated up, the idea was tabled and the class
was launched with standard Kuissian drive

2.1.2 Fighter and Small

Craft Types
Alem-Tiri Fighter
After substantial combat analysis, the
Kuissian military finally decided to sink some real
resources into making fighters capable of doing
what the Boltian fighters did best: wound and
torment capital ships. The result was the Alem-
Tiri. In development for over fifteen years, it was
a showboat for remote anti-ship technology. Its
high powered lasers and counter-missile suites
also proved effective against enemy fighters. It
was a good ship, but certainly not the cheapest
fighter to roll off a production line.

Memtil Fighter
The Memtil was the first fighter-drone
prototype to enter major production at the Mana-
Kuissia shipyards. Designed to be released on
the new Ekobi Class Warship, the Memtil was

16 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Boltian History

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

3.0 Boltian bickering between the three powers. In the year
after its formation however a tiny, remote nation
turned to the Council asking it to act as arbitrator
Star League in a dispute with its neighbor. The three major
powers used economic pressure to bring the
neighboring power to the negotiating table and
forced a settlement that actually satisfied both
Early Years sides.
Early Boltian history is a cycle of war and Feigning altruistic intentions, but secretly
peace as a myriad of tribes, then cities, and longing for ways to expand their own influence,
finally nations vied for land and resources. As the three powers decided to expand the Council
communication and transportation technology into a global forum. Many other nations joined
increased these nations began to form alliances the Council willingly, while more reluctant ones
in order to gain advantages over others. By the were coerced into joining through a mix of
Boltian year 5612 three major alliances had political or economic pressure. Each nation was
arisen as the dominant powers of the Boltian given a voice in the Council at large, which was
homeworld: the Durken Alliance, the Southern renamed the Global Assembly, but the three
Pact, and the nation of Belzan and its satellite major powers maintained a stranglehold on the
states. committees that created and enforced policy and
These three major powers were roughly dictated what the Assembly as a whole voted
equal in terms of military might and economic on.
power. They constantly struggled to outdo the In 6007 the Southern Pact collapsed due
others and used the myriad of non-aligned to internal strife and the Pact Members reverted
nations as pawns in a global political and to a hodgepodge of independent nations. The
economic war. Eventually this cold war Assembly seemed to prove its worth by
threatened to explode into a shooting war, preventing widespread conflict. Meanwhile
especially with the advent of the atomic age and Durken and Belzan used the collapse to expand
weapons of mass destruction, and so in 5646 their own power and influence.
the three powers formed a council to discuss
issues and prevent hostilities.
This council, named the Kopkental Expansion into Space
Council after the city in which it was held, was By 6011 the contest for resources and
initially little more than a forum for public power had expanded into orbit over the Boltian

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Boltian History
3 homeworld, led by Durken and Belzan. A number to save the stranded Tolzeky explorer. The
of setbacks plagued the Durken program goodwill gained from this gesture was quickly
however and Belzan soon became the dominant lost as Durken shortly thereafter unveiled their
power in space. Needing to catch-up, Durken own ion drive, most likely with information stolen
enlisted the aid of several other nations, including by their rescued astronauts.
several former Pact members, the largest of
which was the nation of Tolzeky. With this foreign
aid (offerred in exchange for profits and
Colonization and War
information gained from these missions), Durken By 6089 both Belzan and Durken/Tolzeky
was able to close the gap. Soon both nations had completed construction of their Verbanal
had permanent facilities in space and each had outposts, including the key agriculture domes
built a facility on one of the two moons orbiting needed to produce food locally. The following
the homeworld. The Belzan moon however year the first civilian population arrived and the
proved to be much more valuable than the outposts began their transformation into full
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Durken moon due to an unusually high fledged colonies. People flocked to the colonies
concentration of mineral resources found there. as fast as new living space could be constructed
The contest for dominance continued as and after ten years the population of each colony
both parties expanded outward. In 6082 both approached 100,000.
nations launched expeditions to Verbanal, a large Both nations then began efforts to exploit
gas giant orbited by many moons and a ring of the riches of the Verbanal ring. Initially both
large, resource rich chunks of debris most likely nations profited greatly from this but a series of
caused by a collision between one of Verbanal’s incidents from 6102-6105 led to allegations of
moons and another object in the distant past. foul play as competition for choice pieces of real
The Durken woes continued and not only did estate became fierce. A new, permanent
Belzan again claim the most favorable moon by committee was formed in the Global Assembly
revealing a new ion driven ship but during the to oversee interplanetary claims but, as Durken
launch of the Durken landing craft sent to another and Belzan controlled it (as they controlled all
of Verbanal’s moons a serious malfunction the committees), it only led to more bickering.
occurred. The two Durken pilots on the landing Soon both nations began arming their space
craft were killed and, while automated systems vessels. In late 6105 a battle occurred over a
landed the craft relatively intact, it would never ring piece designated 438C. Of the twenty-
fly again, leaving a Tolzeky geologist stranded seven ships that took part, only two survived.
on the surface. Damage to the mothership Both nations were horrified by the lethality of
injured several more crew and threatened to space combat and willingly went to the
prevent a safe return trip. Belzan offered
assistance and rescued the remaining Durken
crew but were unfortunately not in time

18 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Boltian History
negotiation table to resolve their problems. It the nations grew into a single political entity.
seemed that further conflict would be avoided. By 6120 most of the hard feelings over
Or so they thought. the fighting were forgotten and a new sense of
Tolzeky, who had been a partner in the cooperation grew among the space faring
Durken colony from the very beginning, seized nations. Belzan proposed to the Global
control of the colony claiming a desire to protect Assembly a joint expedition to the closest
their citizens from Durken warmongering and neighboring star, Norcanter. The other powers
citing the fact that a Tolzeky was actually the agreed and eventually non-space faring nations
first living Boltian on the moon. Durken launched were included. The project became a global
a task force to retake it but was persuaded by endeavor. Although there was much bickering
Belzan to negotiate rather than resort to violence. it was finally decided that instead of trying to
The Durken fleet diverted to the Belzan colony preserve the crew in some form of stasis, the
but Tolzeky leaders at the colony, who had lost technology of which wasn’t perfected yet, they
communication with the homeworld, mistook this would send a live crew. Most would be young

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

for an alliance between the two and launched a mated couples who could produce children on
preemptive strike. They were beaten back after the estimated 56 year voyage. On the first day
destroying the Durken troop transports. Belzan of 6134 the largest vessel ever built by the
and Durken than allied to defeat the Tolzeky Boltians set forth with a crew of 2000 bound for
threat and liberated the colony. Tensions were the distant star of Norcanter.
high but fighting fortunately never spilled over
to the homeworld itself.
Following the launch of the Norcanter
The Rise of New Powers expedition the feelings of goodwill generally
After the liberation of the Durken colony continued with the notable exception of the
the Tolzeky people on the homeworld rose up Verbanal colonies. The colonists there felt that
and ousted their draconian government. their needs were not being met by their
Throughout the revolution the Global Assembly respective terrestrial governments. They also
mandated a strict policy of non-interference from felt slighted at the lack of recognition in helping
other nations. All the while Durken and Belzan launch the Norcanter expedition since much of
were secretly aiding groups favorable to the expertise for construction and planning had
themselves. After a year and a half of strife a come from the colonies. Lastly, the special
new, more open, Tolzeky government was put conditions of living in space caused the formation
into power. of a unique culture and the colonists felt
The new Tolzeky regime quickly made distanced from their homeworld brethren.
peace and paid reparations. However to
generate the money to pay these reparations
they made the controversial decision to sell their
proprietary ion drive technology. A number of
lesser powers clamored for the chance to acquire
it. Eventually one of these powers, the nation of
Gurelon, suggested a coalition to counterbalance
the Durken/Belzan/Tolzeky advantage. Ten
nations joined to create the Gurelon
Mercantile Alliance (GMA) in 6107. This new
alliance exerted enough financial influence
to secure rights to the Tolzeky ion drives. With
this new technology in their hands, the GMA
focused on providing cargo and passenger
transportation for other powers and quickly grew
rich doing so. While initially the GMA was solely
an economic alliance, in the centuries to come

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Boltian History
3 Throughout the 6150s and 6160s these Durken, Belzan, and Tolzeky, angered at
feelings continued to grow. During the 6160s a the arrogance of Verbanal, launched a combined
council of leaders from both colonies secretly fleet of ships calling themselves the Boltian
met to discuss these issues. In 6168 they began Global Assembly Navy (often confusingly
their bid for independence. By withholding vital shortened to just Boltian Navy) to blockade
shipments of raw materials and enlisting the aid Verbanal. Verbanal military leaders knew they
of the GMA and Tolzeky, the colonies’ bid was could not fight the combined might of the three
successful without the need for violence. The nations and dug in for a long siege while the
new nation, officially called the Verbanal Union, ships of their still small Union Navy scattered to
was born. avoid destruction. The blockade lasted for over
The secession of the Verbanal colonies two years. There was occasional fighting but it
put an end to the global feelings of goodwill, but did not erupt into large battles as many feared.
by 6180 the international climate was back to While Verbanal was self-sufficient in terms of
business as usual. Durken and Belzan had food, water, and energy the siege was taking its
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

resumed trade with their former colonies and, in toll. The situation was resolved in the most
the meantime, the GMA and Tolzeky had grown unexpected way. An impassioned plea was
even stronger from their expanded trade routes. received from Norcanter, carried by the Verbanal
Both used their newfound wealth and power to EDT ship, from the original expedition stating
make inroads into the Global Assembly that they had integrated with the Verbanal team.
committees. A new forum called the Boltian Verbanal then agreed to abide by the original
Assembly was formed to span all Boltian nations Norcanter agreement and was forced to share
(“homeworld and elsewhere” is the exact wording the EDT technology as reparations.
of the charter) and thus Verbanal gained political
influence, considerable influence in fact due to
their material resources. However the Global
Assembly continued to function as a homeworld In 6240, to avoid a repeat of Verbanal
only body. and due to its multi-national composition,
Norcanter 5 was granted its independence and
admitted to the Boltian Assembly. The major
The Norcanter Crisis powers however were quick to make claims for
In 6188 strange energy readings were sole possession of other planets or moons in
detected at the fringe of the Boltian home Norcanter. By controlling shipping in the system,
system. Scientists were on the verge of panic, the native Boltian political alliances were able to
as they could not identify the source, when keep Norcanter 5 from gaining too much power.
Verbanal announced they had just tested a new Eventually the great multi-national experiment
form of faster than light travel called Extra of Norcanter 5 became little more than a
Dimensional Travel (or EDT). Most nations were communal farm the five major powers used to
skeptical until Verbanal sent a ship that returned supply mining operations elsewhere in the
with irrefutable evidence: the commander of the system.
Norcanter expedition launched over 50 years Norcanter however seemed to be the
ago! The Verbanal ship had intercepted the exception rather than the rule as most other
original expedition on the edge of the Norcanter systems visited by the Boltians were not nearly
system. as favorable. During these first 50 years of
Verbanal then went on to state that they exploration they visited eight other systems but
were building a permanent facility on the fifth only one could support a self-sufficient colony
planet of the Norcanter system, a planet and supplying a colony via supply ship was still
remarkably favorable to Boltian life. The other unfeasible.
nations were furious as the original Norcanter In 6248 a Belzan scientist theorized a
agreement was that all nations would share way to “project” a ship into EDT without the ship
equally. Verbanal pointed out that they had not itself needing to carry most of the expensive and
signed any agreements as they had not existed bulky EDT equipment, though some equipment
at the time. They then refused to negotiate further. to exit EDT once the destination was reached

20 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Boltian History
was still needed. He proposed not only a
War Looms on the
massive EDT station to do this “projection” but a
series of stations to create a network of safe Horizon
and efficient EDT “lanes”. The Boltian Assembly By 6340 the Boltians had again
quickly endorsed the idea and oversaw the expanded and, while colonizable worlds were
construction. difficult to find with only three located excluding
In 6262 the Boltians encountered their Norcanter, they had visited fifteen other systems.
first alien culture on the planet Tolm. Fortunately In addition to the Mersesh and the MagHur, the
for them it was the artistic, peace-loving Boltians had encountered two other advanced
Mersesh. The Boltians quickly initiated friendly races: the Yilyians and the Kom. However, none
relations with the aquatic species and began an of them possessed EDT technology. The
active (more conservative Boltians called it Boltians formed advantageous trade agreements
rapacious) trade with them. Through the with all of these races but were careful never to
exchange the Boltians learned that the Mersesh reveal the secrets of EDT travel. However, to

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

had a written history longer than their own. If placate the alien governments, they did build
not for the Mersesh being confined to their watery EDT stations in the alien systems, although
home they may have rivaled the Boltians in terms Boltians remained in maintained control of these
of technology. stations at all times.
The discovery of extra-terrestrial Since the violent first contact with the
intelligence in Tolm prompted the Boltians to MagHur the Boltians had always secretly
rethink their exploration protocols. The Mersesh monitored them with a pair of scout ships hidden
had proved to be quite hospitable neighbors, but on the outskirts of the Wezlel system (also called
they could not expect that to be the case with the MagHur system for convenience). In 6342
their next alien encounter. Boltian warships these ships picked up an EDT signature that did
began accompanying exploration vessels when not seem to originate from any Boltian system.
entering unexplored systems. Their caution It was in fact a Kuissian ship and, through a
would later pay off. series of misunderstandings, this chance contact
When the Boltians entered what they would lead to twenty years of war.
called the Wezlal system in 6294 they
immediately began to pick up radio
transmissions. As they moved to investigate they 3.1 Ships of the
detected a large, although primitive by their
standards, spaceship moving towards them. The
ship opened fire without warning. The Boltian
Boltian Fleet
ships weathered the attack and returned fire, Boltian Fleet development was never a
destroying the primitive vessel. Soon thereafter truly unified effort. Multiple factions in their home
sensors detected the presence of several other system, along with colonies in other systems,
primitive ships moving into the area. The each had their own controlled fleet. Each
Boltians fled. designed ships and deployed them in anticipation
Later a large force of Boltian warships of war with each other. The war with the
reentered the Wezlal system. They were forced Kuissians changed this as much of the new ship
to destroy several more primitive ships before construction and control was put under League
the natives surrendered. They learned that the Authority. This doesn’t mean that independent
natives called themselves the MagHur. They construction stopped; it was just put on the back
made peace with the MagHur but were reluctant burner.
to trade with them since the MagHur made it After 2900 the League had considerable
clear they lusted after the EDT technology. The ship building resources. Most of the spare Boltian
Boltain Assembly declared that contact with the ships were put in active reserve to alleviate the
MagHur would be restricted and trade conducted financial burden of over-construction and a
only with the permission of the Boltian Assembly. peacetime economy. The only exception was the
MagHur who insisted on protecting themselves
with their own money. The new Boltian Navy took

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Boltian History
Heavy Cruiser
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

22 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Boltian History
on responsibility for some of the more modern
warships. Such classes as the Firestar, Throdox, Firestar Heavy Cruiser
and Celse are completely under their control. The showboat of League “superior”
technology is the new and constantly refitted
3.1.1 Notable Ship Types Firestar Class. Even before the second war, the
League was working heavily to integrate
advanced sensor packages on a variant of this
Auckchar Cruiser design. It packs far less missiles than other
A common sight in any Boltian League competing cruiser designs, but makes up for it
fleet on combat maneuverings is the stable and with an abundance of medium range
overworked Auckchar class. Taking the name engagement weapons. Later improvements of
of the first series of ship killing missiles, this ship the ship include an independent EDT drive. This
is all missile launch ports. It requires the made for a very expensive but capable
protection of the fleet or it will quickly be taken exploration vessel.

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

apart by any aggressive vessel lucky enough to
survive the ship’s opening missile barrage.
Fairing well against the Kuissian Navy, the
Hrath Class Destroyer
Auckchar suffered its worst losses against Terran This ship is best known for its survivability
fighter-drones. In one such engagement, an on attack runs. It lacks the heavy weapons and
overambitious captain left it without support in larger missiles tubes of its cousin, the Streidox
the Second Battle of Yilyian, leading to the class. It is certainly preferred by the crews who
cruiser’s destruction. are often asked to make close passes on
Kuissian warships. Many of these ships were
spared from mothballs and instead serve actively
Celse Hybrid Cruiser under the sole ownership of the League itself.
Before the Terran year 2891, this ship
was in limited construction as the main warship
of the Verbanal Navy. It was a high expense for
Szunheg Tender
their smaller economy. Many of these robust When the need to bring their capable
hulls were transferred to the League Authority attack boats out of the system was realized,
for refit. The new result was a hybrid cruiser several tender type vessels were proposed. After
packed with a variety of ship-killer missiles and more than twenty years of development the final
medium range kinetic weapons. These new ship to emerge was the Szunheg Tender. It was
models would see heavy use in the war with the well used against the Kuissians and newer
Kuissians. integrations build on Admiral Kensok’s defense
It is not uncommon for the older Celse of Verbanal. They are capable of controlling
Cruisers to see combat service in Verbanal fighter-drones if communication with the Flight
squadrons, for whom it remains a mainline Control Center is lost. They are themselves best
warship even without the advanced launch left out of any actual fighting, however.
systems and passive sensor suites.
Throdox Fleet Carrier
Dreiken Cruiser The League was the first nation to
As the Kuissians drove on Boltia itself successfully deploy a “Fleet Carrier” type vessel.
the need for warships was great. The Global Capable of launching and controlling over sixty
Assembly reluctantly volunteered the last of their Boltian fighter-drones in battle, this ship would
aging Dreiken cruisers for the system’s defense. be asked to fill a growing need in the Boltian
It is unfortunate they were never refitted in time Navy. As the League grew the entire doctrine of
to serve and were quickly returned to mothballs. carriers as first strike weapons grew with it so
A small selection of them can still be found on too did the need for more and better Throdox
picket duty throughout the League. With a new carriers. In incidents where such a ship was lost,
war, these aged vessels once again are leaving the other carriers were able to continue giving
mothballs to join the League and Assembly fleets. orders to the lost ship’s now-orphaned fighters.

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Boltian History
3.1.2 Fighter and Small Jagde Attack Boat
The Jagde Attack Boat is often found
Craft Types flying in support of missile salvoes and friendly
fighters on attack runs. The Jagde is relatively
Arioki Medium Fighter good in this role but depends on systems or
In general Boltian fighters are expensive, tenders for basing. Unlike common transport
but are quite capable of projecting power in the shuttles they are not atmospheric capable and
modern battlefield. The Arioki (and its later feature a small crew which varies by mission role.
integrations) is fast, capable, and a true all These sturdy boats are quite capable of stinging
purpose fighter. They are built to engage a capital ship, but are armed with limited point
warships and enemy fighters alike. The latetr defense weaponry.
would not get tested until the second war when
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

the Kuissians began deploying counter-parts and Sehor Heavy Fighter

the Terrans started providing them live targets. The most heavily used fighter in the first
war was the Sehor Heavy Fighter. Once the
Freyna Light Fighter Boltians learned how to hurt Kuissian ships with
This smaller drone is fast and designed fighters filling ships with fighters became a very
to harass enemy drone groups. Since this role real priority. Later versions would be more cost
was not heavily exercised since the last Boltian effective and give controllers the ability to engage
internal conflict, the Freyna was not built outside other fighters. With a variety of weapons, from
a token group until 2912 when the need counter-missiles to nuclear railguns, it was a
presented itself. They are relatively cheap to common threat to any opposing commander who
build, so they are often used as a deterrent to had neglected his defensive grid.
enemy heavy fighters.

Medium Fighter

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Terran History

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

4.0 Terran entrepreneurial effort into the stars. To compound
the issue, every non-government entity was
prohibited to launch “any vehicle larger than
Union History twenty metric tons capable of leaving Earth’s
orbit”. This thwarted many major corporations’
attempts to commercialize many aspects of
space, such as mining or construction. This issue
Earth Stares was finally given attention in the UN around the
Terran year 2250.
Idly at the Stars It had been decided that, in the interests
After the dust had settled on the first of human endeavors in space, limited space-
Terran pioneering missions, spaceflight was born territorial rights could be sold to UN nations.
proving to be a very expensive venture. Most Under the new guidelines, these select countries
major nations could no longer solely sustain could sell portions of their territory to corporations
serious space programs and the last scheduled based within their land. Each of these countries
Terran flight to reach Europa ended shortly after would have to fall under the strict guidelines of
the Terran year 2219. The summation of Earth’s the newly formed UN Space Exploration and
space exploration was limited manned solar Expansion Committee (SEEC). SEEC would be
system voyages, a now abandoned United comprised of every nation with space held
Nations base on the moon, and multiple orbiting territory and a rotating representation of seven
stations. The return on investment for many other nations.
never reached fruition and they were forced to The first territorial distributions through
put their resources to other use. SEEC were conducted over the course of the
next six months. Countries were quick to bid top
dollar for prime sections of the SEEC allocated
Changes with Major lots. Roughly twenty percent of the asteroid belt
Global Policy and the two moons of Mars were sold by the
end of the first year. Earth’s moon was to remain
Many countries continued to petition for
neutral and undistributed. Countries that could
the right to claim property in space. As a result
afford to do so were preparing to launch
of a decision made centuries earlier, no one
expeditions to examine the true value of their
could legitimately own any celestial territory, and
new acquisitions. The SEEC and the UN were
it was believed this was strangling any

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The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

enjoying a financial boon unlike any they had deal of safety precautions had to be recognized.
ever known. The last thing the people of Earth needed was a
large chunk of celestial mineral crashing into the
planet. Orbital satellites were deployed under
Terrans Crawl expense from the SEEC to deflect any
Back into Space approaching transport drone. If a transport drone
Within a decade, every nation under the was not sufficiently decelerated within four weeks
guidance of the SEEC had surveyed their of Earth orbit, they had the authority to deflect
newfound wealth. Deposits of iron were the most the incoming drone at the nation’s expense using
common finding but other valuable metals and a launched nuclear charge. Under the same
minerals were abundant. The asteroid belt was guidelines, all incoming drones still under remote
proving to be a ridiculously wealthy find but still command with sufficient fuel could be ordered
the fledgling space entrepreneurs faced the to change course if the incoming vector
daunting task of returning the materials to Earth appeared to be unsafe. The destruction of
or utilizing it on-site in some fashion. Ideas were incoming transport drones was needed in several
examined by the SEEC but, in the end, it was cases were fuel consumption calculations were
decided that a joint operation under the SEEC not correct and the drone could not drop speed
would attempt to develop a long range for a safe orbit. Without saying, progress was
unmanned depot to control the distribution of slow but within thirty years Terrans were able to
materials extracted from the belt. build an economical industry extracting materials
The SEEC spent several years launching from the asteroid belt and returning it to Earth
and deploying the unmanned outpost. All of the for processing.
costs in creating Mineral Relay Station 1 were
covered by the SEEC using the wealth Expansion Continues
accumulated by the sale and distribution of the With the first commercially feasible
space claims. MRS1 was a station with very little expansion, all the nations within the SEEC were
usefulness, but it was a step in the right direction. launching other space-borne missions. More
All signatory nations within the SEEC were able orbital facilities were created around Earth
to more easily extract material from the belt. herself to reclaim material and provide fuel for
Mining craft would rendezvous with MRS1 and drones returning from MRS1. The SEEC was
transfer their accumulated mineral cargoes, then still wholly responsible for the station, but fees
remotely piloted transport drones would ferry the from all member nations were more than enough
valuable cargo back to Earth. Upon nearing the to keep the SEEC funded. The last few decades
planet, the transport drones could reverse engine had seen major improvements in spaceflight but
and gently place the material in orbit. A great mankind was still limited by use of the expensive

26 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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chemically fueled rockets, such as the liquid promise to deliver advanced propulsion to its
oxygen engine, and cheap, but primitive, ion members. The SEEC was at a point were it could
drives. Alternate engine and fuel sources were no longer maintain the profits from its earlier
foremost on every SEEC member nation’s auctions. Most of the “reachable” part of the solar
agenda. system had been sold and distributed. It was
The constant supply of minerals and ore clear to the upper controlling parties that the
from the asteroid belt was helpful in creating SEEC needed a breakthrough or risk falling
limited space-borne vessels. No longer was it apart.
necessary to launch construction materials in Over the next year they tested variations
space as most of the new orbital facilities were of the laser sail drive, but could never generate
capable of turning the asteroid belt’s ores into enough power to reach useful speeds. Another
useful space material. It was such that the testbed was deployed to test the feasibility of
second generation of transport drones and MRS Diametric Drive. SEEC member-enlisted
stations were completed at a much lower cost. scientists believed it possible to create a local

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

With more expansion potential on the horizon, gradient in the background scalar property of a
the UN agreed it was time for the SEEC member gravitational potential. If it could be done by
nations to share the wealth. juxtaposition of a diametrically opposed field
It was proposed that more territory be source across the back of the testbed vessel,
opened for sale, and that said territory should then the vessel would be able to travel
be offered at a discount to non-SEEC members exponentially faster than a chemically fueled
to encourage new enrollment. It was believed drive. Some of their more ambitious designs
that the space boom should be shared the world included a Negative Mass Propulsion concept
over, and help to offset some of the financial that dated back to theories of Bondi in 1957 and
crises that affected many of the world’s less Forward and Winterberg of 1980. It was
fortunate nations. The next round of sales would determined that it was possible to create a
distribute the remainder of the asteroid belt, large continuously propulsive force from the
portions of Mars, and the moons of Jupiter. To juxtaposition of negative and positive mass that
offset the cost of developing new member does not violate the conservation of energy. In
nations’ space programs, the SEEC had to cut effect, they could not prove that negative mass
back its Alternate Propulsions Research facilities has negative inertia, or the result would have
and cancel two proposed manned stations in been a sustained acceleration of both masses
Mars orbit. in same direction. Unfortunately, anything
approaching a working model was never
Trouble Within the SEEC It was in 2520 that the world was
SEEC member nations had agreed with introduced to the Shinano. Unbeknownst to the
the UN to abide by strict rules over space travel SEEC, several member nations formed a joint
and procession. As the early twenty-fifth century venture to complete a hypothetical design
approached, SEEC members had survived outside of the bureaucracy of the SEEC.
several small global wars and shifting alliances Although technically illegal under their
back on Earth. Their spaceward ventures were agreement with the UN, the Shinano left the
slow but unhindered. With the assistance of Orbital Yard Otaga comprised almost entirely of
limited rotation on longer trips, humans were material mined from the asteroid belt. Originally
making flights deeper into the solar system constructed with a ramjet design, the Shinano
without the negative effects of zero gravity. The incorporated a working design of the long sought
new SEEC orbital stations at Earth used a similar after high acceleration ion drive. It allowed the
technique to increase the endurance of its Terran vessel to reach impressive speeds without the
occupants. constraints of conventional propulsion. Many
It was here, at the SEEC Improved early satellites and probes from Earth utilized
Orbital Station Four, that the keel for the alternate such devices, but lacked the acceleration and
drives test bed vessel was laid down. Despite the sufficient power plant of the new Shinano drive.
more limited funding, the SEEC maintained its

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4 It was truly an impressive vessel that, members but, as members of the UN, they were
once the bugs were worked out of her drive and not authorized to use “forceful” measures. Their
life support systems, could make the trip to safeguards were proving effective enough so far.
Jupiter in less than two weeks. She had a crew Since they had no direct control over the
of thirty-four astronauts but lacked enough power orbital stations in Earth orbit, they could only
for a sustained voyage. Several solar system make threatening postures and attempt to block
flights took place over the next year that took launch vehicles from reaching the station. The
her to Venus, Saturn, and the outer moons of major issue was of course the Shinano. Since
Uranus. The implications of this discovery were the condemnation of the discovery, Alliance ship
immeasurable. Humans could now reach further construction stations went into a feverish pace
into the solar system in a fraction of the time. to refit the vessel and construct improved
SEEC members and governing officials versions. The SEEC had a difficult time tracking
immediately demanded access to the research any movements made by the ship but could
and working equipment from the Shinano. By confirm that two more vessels were near
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

SEEC charter, they were obligated to turn over completion at their major shipyards.
any scientific gains from space-borne research The Alliance finally responded to the
and development to the SEEC as a whole for territorial seizures at Jupiter and the asteroid belt
the mutual benefit of all members. The on August 3rd of 2521. The Shinano deployed a
representative nations of the Shinano joint- new series of remote drones to replace part of
venture outright refused on the basis that the the losses from the UN resolution at the asteroid
SEEC had failed to deliver a functional, non- belt, thus cutting eight months of their journey.
chemically fueled space propulsion unit in its They refueled their unmanned mining stations
entire existence. They also argued that said and returned to Earth. With the vessel in action
agreement was “archaic, dated, and without they had countered all their losses from the UN,
application to this situation” on the basis that the although at a great expense to themselves.
SEEC charter was several hundred years old. With this perceived threat, the SEEC
The UN was quick to condemn them. In sought more power within the UN to deal with
an overwhelming vote, they set forth a resolution the loosely allied nations. The resolution would
that would set an ultimatum of six months. If, in be one remembered as the end of the United
that time, the ability to reproduce a working ion Nations as it had been known for centuries. In
propulsion device was not shared, they would the call for violence against the “alliance”,
be ejected from the SEEC and their space nineteen SEEC member nations withdrew in
territorial claims and property seized. The time protest from the United Nations. Although
passed and the Shinano joint-venture nations, geographically dispersed, they immediately
known as the Shinano Alliance for all intents and petitioned the Alliance to formalize a binding
purposes, held their ground. agreement to stand against the SEEC.

A Most Unfortunate A Union of Necessity

The reorganization of the UN at the
Situation hands of the SEEC nations came quickly. With
While the situation with ground forces on the passage of a more aggressive resolution
Earth remained calm, the dispute in space within the UN, they first established a working
became much more dangerous. The SEEC mutual defense treaty.
began their first attempts to control SA assets at Meanwhile, many of the older members
the asteroid mining stations. They discontinued of the SA from the original Shinano debates
use of SEEC mining and refueling drones to SA recognized the need for additional members to
stations. Since a majority of the space-borne thwart any hostile action against their fragile
resources used by the Alliance was controlled alliance. If the threat of conflict materialized they
by the SEEC, the first round of seizures went would need more help. In addition to ground
very smoothly. There was no dispute on the forces, they wanted to put their new drive
SEEC council with regard to the ejected technology to work in their defense. They

28 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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secured funding from each new member nation
The Union Surges
to keep the project going strong, but were careful
not divulge any of their technology yet. Forward
The Kitwe and the Youghiogheny were The majority of the world political
the next finished ships in the Shinano class. community still held membership in the UN, and
Although roughly the same mass, Alliance most of these members were part of the SEEC.
scientists had included several electronic They watched with astonishment as the new
counter-measure and jamming devices on the Union formed, but they never took open action
ships. In addition, the improved Shinano vessels against them. They had bluffed in the truest
included a true armament to deal with any SEEC sense of the word, and lost. In the years that
satellites that got too aggressive. But the Alliance that followed, the number of UN nations
was learning the problems of directing military continued to dwindle. The UN stalwarts eyed the
assets by committee. After a few years of Union closely, always prepared for when the
ineffective military coordination, it was decided Union would inevitably unleash their forces

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

that the Alliance nations would create a unified against SEEC space facilities, an attack which
space-borne military. obviously never came. To the United Nations,
In February of 2529 Alliance nations, the Union nations had surrendered far too much
twenty-three at the time, signed the Unification of their own space potential in exchange for their
Pact. With the common goals of mutual defense membership.
and continued space exploration, they formed The SEEC still dwarfed the Union in
the Union of Terran States, or what would soon space ownership but, with the Union’s new drive
be labeled the Terran Union. Each member technology, this was quickly changing. Mining
would provide an annual financial contribution drones and ships from the Union could reach
based upon a flat percentage of their total their facilities in a fraction of the time. If that
domestic product per year and, although they wasn’t bad enough, they could run their entire
maintained sovereignty within their borders, any operation for a great deal less as well. It becomes
new territorial claims or conquests would become much more lucrative for many SEEC nations to
claim of the new Union. Under this agreement, purchase space-borne resources from the Union
each member nation had to contribute a small instead of mining them. The Union Economic
percentage of their ground troops to a mutual Committee signed deals within the SEEC to take
defense force and agree upon a primary “Union” over their operations in the outer Solar System.
language to be used for official and military It was on one of these long range
affairs. missions that an ion powered retrieval freighter
The success of the Union was in the inexplicably lost guidance. It had been returning
autonomy given to its members, each nation heavy metals from “2128 BF87”, an
being free to manage itself within its own borders unremarkable rock deep within the solar system,
but still be stronger as a whole in its mutual goal 2128 BF87 was rich in valuable materials, and
of expansion into space. Each nation nominated this particular cargo shipment was destined for
one representative to sit on the primary Terran the Union Mining Station at Ganymede. The
Union Assembly, with three separate lesser material was slated for use in the construction
Assemblies of Economic, Defense, and of several prototype long range vessels.
Exploration. Each of them was responsible for Unfortunately for the Union, it had shifted on a
the lesser affairs of their department, with heavier course to Union Control station on Mars.
issues being pushed to the Primary Assembly Attempts were made to regain control of
members. This did not happen over night of the vessel, but it was clearly not responding. For
course as it took many years for the Unification most Union drone vessels of the time, their
Pact to be ratified by the SA members. Mutual safeguards return them to a “safe” command
trust was finally cemented by the original Alliance and control center if communication is down. In
members who turned over all of their space this case, the vessel should have returned to
assets and their technological advances to the Ganymede, but the course for the freighter drone
new Union Military and Space Sciences Lab. took it several weeks away from the nearest

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4 Union station. The Union military dispatched the as the sensor officer went to work trying to
Kitwe to intercept and guide the vessel. confuse the inbound targets. The station had
launched some impressive and previously
unseen weapons at her. Although only one of
Tech Seizures them would reach detonation range, it would be
The TUS Kitwe had to abandon her enough.
previous construction assignment in order to A terrifying flash sent waves of nuclear
reach the freighter in time. Even then she was energy into the aft section of the Kitwe. The
pushing her engines pretty hard after a long tour weakly armored aft thrusters absorbed most of
of duty and could not reach her maximum the impact. Even if the remaining thrusters were
acceleration. The crew on the Kitwe was only operational, the power plant on the ship went
several hours behind the freighter drone when quiet and the Kitwe just floated away. While it is
they detected anomalous readings coming from suspected that some of the crew survived the
an object or objects that were approaching the initial impact of the nuke, another Union ship
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

ship. Based on their vector, the Kitwe would could not have reached the Kitwe for almost two
reach the unidentified signals in less than twenty weeks given the distance from another Shinano
minutes. Unexpectedly the freighter slowly vessel and the speed and vector of the Kitwe.
began a deceleration and course alteration that What happened next shocked many within the
put her within a few kilometers of the SEEC Terran Union military. The ten missiles from the
research station on Deimos. Kitwe lost guidance one by one from jamming
As the Kitwe continued to close the on the Deimos station. They either drifted away
distance her sensor officer was ordered to full or harmlessly detonated before their target.
active targeting. While this would reveal the It was quickly learned that a guidance
Kitwe to any eavesdropping sensors in the area, jamming signal was sent from a long range
it would also give them more information on the SEEC vessel to disrupt the course and speed of
state of the freighter drone. They found a nearly the freighter-drone. With only their chemical
stopped vessel being nursemaided to the nearby driven engine, it is speculated that the mission
SEEC Deimos research station. In addition, they was years in the work. In one fell swoop they
detected more inbound signals from the station had stolen the main technological advantage
itself moving on an intercept course toward the enjoyed by the Terran Union. Immediate
TUS Kitwe. The captain of the vessel retaliation was also not an option given the
immediately ordered his crew to General dismal failure of “modern” Union weapon
Quarters. systems against the SEEC jamming suites. The
How the vessel was commandeered was tension in space was also felt on the ground as
not important at the moment but the possible several Union member nations mobilized against
loss of Ion Drive technology to the SEEC was a those countries within the SEEC currently
real threat. The Shinano class vessel of the day holding the Union Freighter-Drone.
carried a very limited sensor suite, modular holds The first major engagement in space had
for varying mission purposes, and an external taught the Union the value of effective sensors
missile rack. It was the captain’s intention to and using speed to their advantage. With the
prevent losing the freighter drone if he could. advanced propulsion of the Kitwe, it could have
Two minutes later, ten nuclear tipped, ion adjusted course earlier and outran the primitive
propelled missiles belched forth from the external SEEC missiles but their sensors were not
rack of the Kitwe. advanced enough to effectively discern targets
The ship was soon aware of a new at range. Their active suites were more effective
problem, the signals inbound from the Deimos at revealing their position than acquiring effective
Station were difficult to track until they were only target solutions. It has been suspected that the
minutes away from the Kitwe. Alarms sounded Kitwe’s missiles would have fared much better
all over the vessel as the ship lurched to change had the ship not been forced to break the feed
her vector. The SEEC had launched multiple of information on the target.
missiles at the Kitwe that had manifested an The SEEC maintained that the Union
impressive speed. The ship continued her turn,

30 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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ships had breached the recognized claim on forced to think about its goals of extra-solar
Deimos and were hostile first. It was “necessary exploration, but they already had the expensive
for them to seize the infiltrating vessel and task of maintaining their military in the face of
destroy the remaining aggressors”. Terran Union rampant SEEC spacecraft construction. There
officials refuted with claims of guidance system were a few missile skirmishes over the next few
jamming on the freighter drone. The situation years, but the more advanced drive of the
continued to deteriorate and many countries Algonquin class vessels gave the Union ships
wishing to avoid war withdrew from the SEEC, the edge in most conflicts. In response, SEEC
vowing to continue their space programs on their vessels were starting to field more advanced
own and with peace. On the contrary, not one active sensor systems that could yield effective
nation withdrew from the Terran Union. targeting solutions on the quicker Union ships.
The Union countered with systems that could
track the “active” vessel more effectively with
Tense Moves passively homing missile guidance systems. By

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Nothing but small scale actions in the start of 2700, both navies fielded a variety of
Western Europe and Central Africa immediately missiles, limited range kinetic weapons, and x-
resulted from the SEEC seizure. The Union knew ray lasers.
it would take time for the SEEC countries to
implement their own ion drive and their support
was faltering. Several more nations had joined The Boon of 2003 BG91
the Terran Union, even though many had only With the launch of the SEEC Barnard
accepted membership in the lower assemblies Star mission looming on the horizon and on the
due to a lack of economic backing. Truth be minds of Terrans throughout the system, the
known, neither side had the ships or weapons scientists of the Union, much as they had with
for a full out space conflict. the launch of the Shinano, dazzled Earth with
The largest boon to the Union Navy was another scientific breakthrough. In the year 2701,
the launching of the new Algonquin class the first manned human vessel to leave the solar
spaceship that was built around a newer ion drive system departed TU Station Gamma for the
design. The first Algonquin was constructed in Vega star system. In the presence of a crowd of
2715 and would be the Union’s answer to the dignitaries, honored guests, and Terran Union
growing number of limited ion driven ships officials, the TUS Epirius slowly accelerated and
patrolling SEEC territory. It was soon after the slipped into an envelope of amber light. At this
launch of this new Union ship that the Terran point, the Terran Union made their official
Union learned that the remaining powerhouse announcement that they had mastered Extra
nations of the SEEC were planning an Dimensional Travel.
exploratative mission to nearby Barnard’s Star. The Union indicated their plan to
As an incentive to SEEC members, the construct a series of EDT projection stations
trip would include representatives from each within their space to establish a stable EDT
remaining nation. With their more “primitive” ion transportation network. The TUS Epirius was a
technology, it would take the SEEC vessel almost unique vessel, and thus all of the ships resources
twenty-eight years to get there in their relative were dedicated to EDT travel. The power
time, but the mission results would not be known consumption and equipment needed for Extra
in the lifetime of anyone alive on Earth. The Dimensional Travel was enormous, and the first
Union had always recognized the value of planned station near Endymion would require
exploring outside the system, but refused to do many years to complete. But, the Terran Union
so without a tech breakthrough that would allow had their prototype vessel, and the intricate
them to realistically accomplish this goal. calculations required for the EDT transit from
Members of the Exploration Assembly made it Sol to the Vega system.
widely known that this mission was unfeasible The great secret that escaped the world,
with mankind’s current technology. even many of those within the Terran Union, was
As the growing conflict between the how quickly this technology went from theory to
SEEC and the Union escalated, the Union was working prototype. Union scientists maintained

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4 the stance that the project had been in the works for the promise of a future outside the solar
long before the SEEC Barnard Star mission and system.
was foremost on their scientific agenda. The remaining SEEC nations still
Information leaked from their science community maintained a fair amount of power and a strong
would seem to indicate that the first mention of fleet. They consolidated their forces for a strike
EDT was not until January of 2659. It was at the TUS Epirius berth and research facility at
discovered that the Exploration Council allocated TU Station Gamma. As the SEEC fleet left Jupiter
a more than sufficient amount of resources to orbit on its five day flight, SEEC leaders resigned
the EDT project just five years later. themselves to their fate. One last strong show
What would not be learned until many of force was believed to be their only course of
years later was a mining expedition, sent beyond action. It would be fortunate for the residents of
Neptune to a cluster of ice and rock that had TU Station Gamma that intelligence operatives
escaped the Kuiper Belt over 4.5 billion years on the planet had uncovered the plot thanks to
ago known as 2003 BF91, 2003 BG91, and 2003 a defecting agent and was able to alert Union
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

BH91, had made an astounding find. Scattered Naval Command. Many of the defecting SEEC
along the surface of 2003 BG91 were the nations lost communication with their vessels. It
remains of a vessel that had originated from would be learned later that many were seized
outside the Solar System. Impact scarring by SEEC loyalist forces before they could depart.
suggested the ship had only arrived in the last The others were destroyed outright.
eighteen years. Although nothing living was The Union Second Fleet intercepted the
discovered, a great deal of the drive section of SEEC Battle Fleet two days short of Earth. Union
the vessel remained intact. It was actually the battle drones, a common part of the Union Navy
remains of a Boltian scouting vessel that had in the early days of the SEEC and Union, were
miscalculated its EDT course plotting. The ship first deployed to harass and strip critical systems
was listed missing and its true fate not discovered from the SEEC warships. In previous cases, the
by the Boltian League until many years later Union drones could reach enemy vessels before
when Terran ships appeared with EDT footprints effective missile range, and often have limited
similar to their own. It took the Union scientists success at removing point defense and jamming
years to even learn what powered the vessel, systems. They could also handle G forces better
which was a much more advanced version of than any human pilot, but relied totally on the
their own ion drive. But this vessel was different command link to the Union ships. As the forces
in another way: it had a drive that allowed for closed, a jamming signal from the SEEC Battle
transit beyond the solar system. It took the Terran Fleet disrupted the carrier signal to the drones,
Union over a decade to develop this into a safe leaving them to float haplessly into space. SEEC
and feasibly working model. sensor technology had always been better than
the Union’s, but no one had realized how far they
had advanced.
The Last Gasp With the Union Fleet’s first line of defense
of the SEEC gone, they were ordered to prepare for
The Epirius returned as planned several immediate rapid launch on their missile tubes. A
weeks later after completing the round trip to barrage of decoys, nuclear tipped missiles, and
Vega. It did not have the endurance for a stand-off bomb pumped lasers leapt at the SEEC
sustained flight and returned with limited ships, who answered in kind. Hundreds of
information, but the first steps outside the solar missiles tore through space as jamming and
system were complete. The launch of an EDT counter-missiles systems went to work. The
capable vessel cemented the Terran Union as effect on both fleets was devastating.
the dominant space power. Many of the Unfortunately for both parties, their point defense
remaining SEEC members abandoned it in favor systems were not nearly as advanced as the
of membership in the Terran Union. They signed weapons they fielded. Both sides took over thirty-
over their assets and a portion of their national five percent losses from the opening volleys of
sovereignty, like those who joined before them, ballistic weapons.

32 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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The Union Navy was facing a new design and Eridanus have been growing steadily for
among the SEEC Navy. They had learned the many years due to healthy immigration. Many
SEEC was working on a new craft, but never of the Terran Union’s outposts that lack habitable
saw it in action before. The SEEC Reshadieh planets are still maintained in their EDT network
class was built along a cylindrical hull design for and frequented by starships of the navy. Some
stability during thrusting, and stacked its fortunate systems benefit from a position along
command center and reactor near the rear. The the trade routes, or worthwhile exports of their
ship had a heavily armored nose. The theory own, such as Barnard’s Star who has enjoyed a
behind the ship was to keep the pivot of the ship fruitful position between Sol and Vega.
such that the nose would never leave the arc of
the enemy.
As the fight entered close ranges, the
Reshadieh was unable to withstand the barrage 4.2 Ships of the
of fire on its more vulnerable sides. The

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

dreadnaught held in the fight, but was ultimately Terran Union
overwhelmed from the concentration of fire from
Union screening escorts. The Union forces found
themselves with much better survivability at close
The Navy of the Terran Union is notably
range against SEEC kinetic weapons due to the
deficient in some aspects of space combat.
implementation of improved deflective armors.
While they will learn to build better warships
Within an hour, the last of the SEEC fleet was in
following combat with the Boltian and Kuissian
retreat. Upon their return to Jupiter, the Union
fleets, the opening days of the war will have many
Third Fleet was waiting and finished the job. The
of their ships at a distinct disadvantage with their
official armistice ending over a century of
counterparts. For long term operation in space,
undeclared hostilities came a month later as
Terran ships use centrifugal rotation to maintain
Union troops advanced on the last two SEEC
gravity in sections of the vessel. This is stopped
once the vessel enters a combat area and the
ship begins combat maneuvers.
Laying the Foundation
With over ninety percent of the world as 4.2.1 Notable Ship
firm members of the Terran Union and the
remnants of the SEEC firmly removed, they now Types
had unprecedented power with which to expand.
Despite periodic internal strife, the Terran Union BiFrost Cruiser
would go on to lay a solid EDT network across
While lacking the ability to fight at greater
eight systems, with five colonies being formed
ranges in the initial launch of the vessel, the
in Spica, Vega, Lacerta, Eridanus, and Arcturus
BiFrost Heavy Cruiser is often credited for more
respectively. Their expansion continued
sturdy construction than its Sverige Class cousin.
wherever EDT travel would allow. Their navy
It was nearly able to go toe-to-toe with Boltian
would finally be tested outside the human race
ships in skirmishes, and at least survive the
when their deep space expedition reported
encounter. With the later adoption of deflective
sensor echoes in the Rappahannock system.
armor the ships survivability improved

4.1 Worlds and Carthage Heavy Cruiser

This vessel is the well-received heavy
Settlements brawler of the Terran Navy. The hull and drive
system were originally proposed for the newly
The heart of the Terran Union is, and has designed Toltec class heavy freighter hauler
always been, Earth. But worlds such as Spica (which incidentally never saw service), but were

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The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

34 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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Terran History
converted by Navy technicians at the Terran Loki Jinan Gunboat
Shipyards near Earth for use as a warship. A frequent sight amongst the Terran
Resembling most Terran cruisers in battle picket squadrons are the Jinan Gunboats. Small
doctrine with a respectable number of medium and unable to stand up to a real warship, these
range weapons, the Carthage class gave the vessels are often employed to work with the other
navy a good capital ship for fewer resources. escorts to outmaneuver their opposite number.
In many cases the ship will be used on long range
Kagero Destroyer patrol in friendly system or as a scout to watch
Where ships like the Tonala class for an aggressor’s EDT footprint.
destroyer carry longer ranged missile type
weapons, the Kagero class is designed to deal Lemnos Improved Frigate
out damage with short and medium range This successor design to the Lemnos
weapons. After several years of major production Frigate was the first vessel to field the new
at the Union yards at Deimos and Spica, the

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Kinetic Perimeter Defense System. With limited
Kagero class was quite numerous. It pushed the offensive weapons of its own, the newer
aging Wales destroyers out of service with the manifestation of the ship is built to keep fighters
addition of improved point defenses that would and missiles at bay. It is usually paired with
prove invaluable in the coming war. Kagero and Tonala class destroyers for defense
against enemy capital ships.
Huron Escort Carrier
This is the newest carrier-type vessel to Moltke Military Supply Vessel
be added to the Union arsenal. During the Wherever there is a Terran Battle Fleet
opening months of the war, the Terrans suffered on patrol, one or more Moltke Class Supply ships
heavy damage to fleets that could not deploy are not far behind. Replacing the aging Zephyre
adequate defense against Boltian fighters. It class supply ship, this vessel is often seen
would not be uncommon for wings of Boltian running supplies along the slow Betelgeuse route
fighters to cripple many Terran warships before to Lacerta, or bringing in much needed materials
they could respond. The quick answer to this to keep the fleets running when they are away
was the alteration of the Republic class heavy from Terran space. This series of vessel, while
transport to serve as escort carriers in fleets only armed with limited point defense systems
where a traditional fleet carrier type ship could and minimal countermeasures, won out over
not be deployed. The flights of fighter-drones competing models to be the only Military Supply
brought to the defense of Terran ships from Vessel to feature a limited launch decoy system.
Huron class ships have mixed results, with the This gave the ship the ability to deploy one decoy
most important being the deterrent of Boltian if it entered combat without wasting precious
fighter raids from the appearance of some Terran cargo space for a cumbersome missile tube
fighter defense. system.

Ibuki Class Battleship Sverige Cruiser

As much hubris as necessity, the Ibuki This heavy warship design is widely used
class battleship is a fairly rare vessel that is and is the probably the most capable Terran ship
expensive to build and maintain. This ship has existing at the time of the encounter at
ended up as the white elephant of the Terran Rappahannock. The Sverige Cruiser is equipped
Union Navy, mostly due to the reluctance of an with respectable missile tubes, good stand-off
admiral to commit this vessel to non-defensive weapons, and maneuverability. The Sverige
assignments. In the end the ship’s steep class is often used as a deputy command ship
economic cost would be better used to fund for many squadron commanders who prefer its
construction of other units desperately needed enhanced sensor suite. It is also one of the first
for use in front line squadrons. ships Terran Fleet Command decided to
overhaul in the coming war. Even though an

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4 excellent Terran warship, it still is outmatched conflict on Spica, the Union was one of the first
by its counter-parts in the opposition. ships to be brought out of mothballs. The vessels
are very expensive to maintain and construct,
Tonala Destroyer which is why the newest Union class ship is over
Even for a Terran warship, the Tonala fifty years old. The opening stage of the conflict
Class Destroyer is missile heavy. It is designed sees many such vessels filling the role normally
to skirmish at range, harassing wounded ships. filled by the newer Ziggurat Class Carriers.
It is also a staple in the standard Terran battle
fleet, and is an able warship in terms of escort Vidar Light Cruiser
functions. The limited storage space available The Vidar Light Cruiser was one of the
for ammunition often forces the vessel to engage designs that resulted from the adoption of a
at closer ranges than missile combat usually unified fleet doctrine as the Terran Navy moved
dictates. deeper into space. The concept behind the ship
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

was for the deployment of a screening vessel

Union Warship that could support escort squadrons on attack
The oldest vessel in the service of the runs, or support larger vessels from nimble
Terran Union is the Union Class. It could easily opponents. The ship is well armed, but suffers
be classified as a System Defense Vessel as it from a weak armor belt, a sacrifice made in
is certainly not the most nimble vessel in service. exchange for improved maneuvering
The real strength behind the Union Class is its capabilities. Kuissian lances had no trouble
high fighter-drone capacity. Built at a time of punching through to the ships’ critical systems,
budgetary cutbacks in starship construction, the crippling them in the opening volleys of an
ship was designed to fill multiple roles within the engagement. Their point defenses are what kept
fleet, including those of a heavy warship, fleet them in service until the Improved Vidar Class
carrier, and command vessel. In the end the could be launched a number of years later.
project proved prohibitively expensive, military
analysts agreed, and in hindsight redirecting Warspite Light Cruiser
those funds toward existing building projects As the successor to the light cruiser role
would have been more cost-effective. of the Terran Navy, much responsibility has fallen
The Unions have served for many years on the shoulders of the Warspite class. This
and are still an asset when hostilities broke out vessel borrows heavily from the successful
against the Kuissian and Boltian Navies. By the reactor system and more advanced sensor suite
start of the war, the class had undergone its sixth of the Sverige class cruiser. Although roughly
refit. In times of crisis, such as the brief internal two-thirds the mass of that ship, the Warspite

Heavy Cruiser
36 The Wars of the Boltians and K
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Terran History
fields a larger number of medium range stand only two of the ships were in service and most
off weapons much like its larger cousin. Its far from Arcturus where they were needed. Once
smaller size did however lead to sacrifices in the the value of the class was recognized, a new
number of missile tubes installed on the class. facility on Spica was built to see that more of
The Warspite is also more maneuverable than these ships reached the front.
a typical light cruiser, and is quite a capable
vessel for the Terrans at the start of the war.
4.2.1 Fighter and Small
Waikato Missile Boat Craft Types
The design thoughts behind the Waikato
series of ships actually hinged on the success Larkana Assault Shuttle
of early warships that enjoyed success with For over twenty-one years, the stable
massive barrages of nuclear missiles. As time troop wagon of the Terran Union Marine Corp,
went on it was learned that there is no one

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Mobile Infantry, and Regulars has been the
solution to win a battle, especially against foes Larkana shuttle. When troops hit the dirt on a
with sophisticated jamming systems, counter- planet, this is the ship that brings them in and
missiles, and point defenses. But missile extracts them when needed. A variation of this
barrages still had a home in modern space design exists to storm enemy space craft as well,
combat, especially when participating in long but this was not successfully implemented until
range engagements or finishing off damaged the third year of the war. The latter Larkana II
targets. The best design feature of the Waikato model is credited with being the first true Terran
when compared to its predecessors is the ship-to-ship assault craft capable of delivering
insistence of the designers to maintain a scores of invading Golems to enemy vessels. In
respectable armor belt across the vessel’s entire addition, these sturdy vessels can handle human
hull. Too many older dedicated missile craft passengers, and the elaborate control systems
suffered from hull breaches that could take them needed to direct Golems in a fight.
out of the fight much sooner than expected.
In the new war they are still a useful
Latrobe Shuttle
vessel, and extremely helpful when orbital
This vessel is the heavy hauler of the
bombardment is needed. The latest Waikato
Terran Transport Fleets. It is often seen ferrying
Boats field larger tubes than other Terran vessel
equipment to and from waiting assault ships. In
of comparable size.
a combat zone, the Latrobe is usually the last
shuttle to hit the dirt, bringing in vital battlefield
Ziggurat Carrier equipment. Most commanders prefer to wait until
The use of fighter craft expanded a secure beachhead is secured before risking
drastically over the last hundred years as feasible such a large shuttle and its cargo to air-breathing
fighter craft were developed. Until that point it interceptor craft and anti-aircraft defenses. This
was difficult to construct a small craft that could is mostly because the shuttle has little in the way
keep up with true starships and maintain enough of defense outside of heavy armor plating and
endurance to be away from a tender craft for a some counter-measures.
useful amount of time. The increase in engine
performance went a long way toward expand the
Greenland Shuttle
use of smaller craft in combat. The first run of
The all purpose Greenland Shuttle is a
combat fighter-drones was often deployed on
credit to the design team. It incorporates air-
older Terran warships, and without a dedicated
breathing jets for atmospheric maneuvering and
carrier. The previous two designs, the Haribing
operations, while still maintaining an impressive
and Luna class fleet carriers, would see use in
cargo capacity to service a variety of military uses
many Terran operations with only a narrow
in space. Many of the shuttles have been altered
deployment. The first ship of the Ziggurat class
for other purposes such as diplomatic couriers,
made its maiden voyage roughly ten years
personal transports, and medium range supply
before hostilities at Rappahannock. At the time

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4 runs. Almost any vessel in the fleet will have at Terran Scientists learned a great deal
least one hanger bay filled out with this versatile from captured or destroyed Boltian Star League
craft. fighter craft. It was with this information in hand
that adaptations were made to the Gecko I
Mako Interceptor design. Specifically, the designers adapted the
Earth had only one true interceptor. This maneuvering system and weapon track systems
craft was designed to hunt down any aggressor that allowed Boltian craft to be so effective
drones and destroy them. It was an adequate against enemy fighters. It was not an exact
ship and carried weapons suitable for this role. duplication of their technology, but enough of an
In the past it had performed very well against improvement to give Terran fighters a greater
every simulation Terran admirals could design ability to defend the fleet from system-stripping
for it. But in short, it was only well suited to fight enemy craft.
other Terran craft. Like every Terran craft it will By the second year of the conflict, Gecko
II craft were becoming more common amongst
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

find itself at a technological disadvantage against

the enemy. The burden of defending the fleet the fleet’s fighter compliment.
from enemy fighters initially falls on the Mako,
and it had its work cut out for it. Plans to replace Linx Fighter
this craft were well in place before the Battle of This multipurpose fighter saw its first
Rappahannock but it is estimated that four years deployment in the defense of Arcturus. The Linx
of war will pass before the Salamander was more agile than the Mako and packed better
Interceptor becomes available. anti-ship weapons than the Asp. Unfortunately,
these ships were slow to get to the front due to
Asp Fighter a sabotage of their production facilities at Spica.
The Asp Fighter was the mainstay of the It was the last “pure Terran” fighter to be
Terran Fighter fleet for many years. Until the developed, as the Gecko II and Salamander both
release of the Gecko and Linx, it was the ship of borrowed heavily from their experience with
choice for many remote drone fighter crews. Built Boltian fighter-drones.
around the standard high acceleration ion drive,
the Asp was a good craft but found to be
ineffective on attack runs. All of the Asp fighter
drones fielded at the Battle of Rappahannock
were lost. Most of these losses came from failed
assaults on Kuissian cruisers whose rapid point
defenses tore them apart before they could reach
effective weapon launch range.

Gecko Fighter
Only a few of the early Gecko Class
Fighter survived the opening months of the war.
Before construction could continue at the Deimos
Shipyard, the design underwent heavy
modification to become the much more capable
Gecko II design. Until this point, the design of
the Gecko I was well received by the military.
The first Gecko fighters built were
deployed almost immediately on front line units,
which indecently took the heaviest outright
combat losses.

Gecko II Fighter

38 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

5.0 The Dimensional space, the Boltian ships noticed its
vector was almost 180 degrees off the least time

History of transit from Boltia, and there wasn’t a scheduled

trade mission for another three months. The
commanders conferred and agreed to go totally
the First silent and watch the developing situation. The
Kuissians came in system as the MagHur fleet
assembled themselves in high orbit of Mahon,
Boltian and the homeworld of the MagHur. The Kuissians
had encountered races with primitive space
technology in the past, but the MagHur fleet
Kuissian War represented the most sophisticated threat the
Kuissians had ever faced. The Kuissian
commander decided to amend the usual
operating procedures. Instead of taking the time
First Contact to learn the MagHur language sufficiently well
The first contact between the Kuissian to inform them of their incorporation into the
Empire and the Boltians occurred, oddly enough, Kuissian Empire, he simply obliterated them.
in MagHur space. The MagHur are an The Kuissian Duke, Shalmach, also
aggressive, territorial race that a Boltian Global destroyed all the heavy supply vessels used by
Assembly fleet had discovered about 50 Terran the MagHur to supply their one colony on Dihon,
years prior to the arrival of the Kuissians. The currently on the dark side of the gas giant, Pulhur.
MagHur Contact incident remained a major The Dihon colony, which was of no interest or
stumbling block in Boltian - MagHur relations. use to the Kuissians, would starve, suffocate, or
Trade with the MagHur was highly regulated and freeze in about six months if no supplies arrived.
the system secretly monitored at all times by the Duke Shalmach was perhaps one of the more
Boltians. There were always two ships on station brutal of the Kuissian pacification commanders
in MagHur; both highly-specialized listening in Kuissian history, but then again none of the
ships, one manned by the Boltian Global previous Kuissian pacification campaigns were
Assembly Navy and the other by the Verbanal presented with a race that had colonies. Duke
Union Navy. Shalmach set his linguists to the job of
When a Kuissian Conquistador-class interpreting the MagHur language before the
Pacification Cruiser came out of Extra-

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
5 deployment of a Kuissian occupation force. The in repelling the invader. The MagHur considered
Kuissians were used to taking their time and the contacting the Boltian ships they always
advanced nature of the MagHur meant that this suspected, but could never prove, were spying
siege would probably take the better part of a on them.
year to complete. Three weeks had passed and the
Quietly watching from their scout ships, Kuissians felt they had a good enough command
the Boltian ships were horrified at the slaughter. of the MagHur language to begin informing the
The Boltians witnessed the destruction of the MagHur what was expected of new subject races
entire MagHur space fleet, military and of the Kuissian Empire. They were told that all
commercial, along with the destruction of every resistance to incorporation was utterly in vain
object in orbit over Mahon. The newcomer was and that the more talented and cooperative
obviously a hostile, unknown race of highly members of their race could obtain positions of
advanced technology. And that ship, as large as authority following the institution of Kuissian rule.
anything in the MagHur fleet, dwarfed standard Oddly enough, this actually struck a cord with
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Boltian cruisers. While the Global Assembly and some MagHur opposition groups. Thus the
the Verbanal Union may not trust each other, Kuissians began active discussions with a
the commanders of the listening ships stationed handful of them.
in the MagHur system were practical spacers. It At this point, the loyal MagHur tried to
was obvious one ship should go and report this launch a massive strike of uncrewed attack
incident while the other maintained the watch. drones from underground silos. The shear
This was the main reason for having two ships numbers involved actually caused the Kuissians
on station at all times in the first place. The Union some trouble. The Kuissians were forced to
Navy ship took a week to silently place itself so launch many of their assault boats to help assist
that Mahon (and the Kuissian cruiser) was in destroying the incoming craft. Normally the
hidden behind an asteroid and slipped into EDT assault boats were only used to take troops to
en route to Boltia. the surface, prepare landing areas, and support
The MagHur citizens were absolutely ground attacks. Despite this, they proved very
enraged by the Kuissian trespasses in their effective in attacking the MagHur drones. But
space. The destruction of their fleet was worse. numbers told the tale and two assault boats were
It hurt their pride and forced them to try and damaged beyond safe use or repair. Five others
communicate with the invader, all of which only took at least some damage.
infuriated them further. They sent a signal to their By the sixth week of their presence in
colony to sit still and not send any transmissions, the MagHur system, the Kuissians had finally
lest the invader learn of their existence. There landed and formed bases of operations, with
was still hope that their colony could be an asset much credit to certain members of the MagHur
opposition. By the eighth week, the Kuissians
had identified and engaged the strongest
organized resistance. The surface battles were
far from a fair fight. The Kuissian orbital
superiority meant the MagHur couldn’t get a
weather balloon off the ground without the
Kuissians targeting it and sending it crashing to
the ground. The numbers initially appeared to
favor the MagHur, but the horrible attrition in
aircraft from orbital fire and the assault boats
meant that all MagHur aerospace forces
were virtually eliminated by the beginning
of the ninth week of combat. Though it was
little of a consolation to the MagHur
resistant, they had managed to damage two
more assault boats to the point where they were

40 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War





Tybor Peregral


The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians




Aranti Aneis



Kuissian Empire Feamek

Boltian Star League
Capital Dirge

better used as parts to repair the others. other’s existence. Over the course of those years
On the tenth week, as the Kuissians each had multiple opportunities to spot the
appeared well on their way to capturing several other’s EDT footprint. Unfortunately, as both
major MagHur cities, the Boltians returned. A groups concentrated on watching the MagHur
combination of Boltian Global Assembly Navy rather than the presumably empty outer system,
and Verbanal Union Navy warships arrived under the opportunity was missed. The Kuissians also
orders to contact the new race. Representatives had many gaps in their system watch. One of
of the Assembly and the Union were onboard to these gaps coincided with the infrequent Boltian
greet the newcomers, but were given strict orders trade mission to MagHur under the old Boltian/
to avoid starting what would later become known MagHur trade restrictions.
as the First Kuissian - Boltian War. So it was that when the Boltian ships
As a precaution, the Boltian fleet exited approached Mahon, roughly from the direction
into normal space well outside detection range of Pulhur, Duke Shalmach mistook them for
and proceeded into the system under ion drive. overlooked MagHur stragglers from the Dihon
The greatest tragedy of the Kuissian - Boltian colony, desperate for supplies and trying foolishly
first contact was that, for almost two entire Terran to run the Kuissian blockade. In keeping with
years, both races were simultaneously spying his earlier plan of eliminating all possible space-
on the MagHur without even knowing of the based resistance, he temporarily placed the

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
5 of MagHur had begun. Boltians fighters launched
and the attack craft detached from tenders. The
Kuissians immediately realized that something
wasn’t right. An astute communications tech
noticed that the radio beam did carry a MagHur
communications signal and read it.
Duke Shalmach, upon seeing the
multiplication of small targets from larger
contacts, determined that the signal wasn’t a lie.
These ships were not MagHur by design and
their new acceleration figures were higher than
his ship could pull maxed out. He was in a real
space battle, something the Kuissians had never
before faced. But more frightening to him was
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

the implication that if these ships were not

MagHur, then they were from some other star
system. That meant they had faster than light
drives! To the Duke this meant one thing: he
should leave no witnesses to this botched first
contact. He ordered the lances to rapid fire. He
would focus on the more dangerous large targets
ground campaign on hold. The Pacification then worry about their small fry.
Cruiser withdrew to meet the Boltian fleet short The Boltian cruisers powered towards
of Mahon. the Kuissian vessel behind a screen of fighters
The Boltians saw the Kuissian vessel and attack boats. All the while the tenders and
coming out to meet them and decided to send a the damaged flagship worked to open the range.
greeting in the MagHur language. They figured One Boltian cruiser was destroyed before the
the Kuissians would read the message and last two could even get into missile range. The
respond. But the Boltians were concerned over fighters and attack boats swept into the Kuissian
the possibility of the MagHur listening in and even as they began to launch missiles. The Duke
being offended by the Boltians overtures for a now sensed a danger; the laser cannons that
peaceful parley and sent the signal as a tight were so effective on large MagHur ships were
beam. The Kuissians detected the signal, and having a great deal of trouble targeting the attack
interpreted it as a primitive weapons tracking boats of the Boltian Navy. Boltian fighters were
signal. They surprised the Boltians with a long hit only out of sheer luck. He ordered the
ranged laser strike as their response. launching of the assault boats to help sweep
In the first engagement with the MagHur away fighters. But these little ships had more of
ten weeks before, the Kuissians didn’t even a sting than MagHur drones. He began to
bother to use their long range spinal lances on seriously worry about his ability to complete the
the MagHur fleet. Their secondary weapons pacification of Mahon.
proved fully capable of taking them out and The Boltian cruisers launched two missile
generally did more damage against the weakly barrages before trying again to open the range.
protected ships. The Kuissian lances were long- The laser lances were punishing them and they
ranged and could penetrated serious anti-laser didn’t dare come close enough to take fire from
defenses, but didn’t damage a large area of the the close range Kuissian laser cannons. Only
target vessel. The twin spinal lances did, one of them would make it out of lance range.
however, pierce the battle steel of the Boltian The fighters and attack boats seemed to be
flagship and force her to fall out of the line. The having a better time of it. They found to their
diplomats onboard her tried to talk the military frustration that the Kuissian cruiser seemed to
commanders into avoiding a battle, but Boltian have far too much armor for their missiles to be
Admiral Daral overruled them. The First Battle effective, so the Boltian fighters focused on

42 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
targeting anything sticking out of the behemoth’s the Kuissians explain their attack on them. The
armor belt. This included maneuver drives, Kuissians seemed unwilling to explain
communications, sensor booms, and weapon themselves beyond the fact that they had a right
ports. The Kuissian assault boat launches and to clear space of lesser races and expand their
subsequent opening of the boat bay doors also rule over the entire galaxy. This pretty much put
gave them new targets. the diplomatic discussion to rest.
The Duke began to get very concerned The Kuissian pacification cruiser left
as the Boltian mosquitoes began to draw real MagHur space twelve weeks after arriving. Upon
blood from the Pacification Cruiser. External its arrival at Mana-Kuissia, Duke Shalmach was
systems in the form of his communications, relieved of all military positions. He went on to a
radars, maneuvering thrusters, and (most political career as one of the main proponents
unfortunately) laser cannons were being lost and of continued war against the Boltians. Duke
reducing the capability of the Kuissians to Shalmach also went down in Kuissian history
effectively win the battle. The much larger as the first commander of a Pacification Cruiser

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

missiles fired by the Boltian cruisers, however, to fail at his mission, as well as the first Kuissian
could actually penetrate the armored Kuissian to lose a space battle. Oddly enough, Boltian
hull. The Duke was actually taking casualties history does not credit Admiral Daral as the victor,
amongst the Kreachans! The assault boats but merely as a survivor.
began to clear some of the Boltian swarm, but
they were taking serious losses. After thirty
minutes of sustained combat, the Boltian swarm
The Calm before the
was broken and ran, their stockpile of missiles Storm
depleted. The MagHur population celebrated the
Here the Duke decided to play it safe. expulsion of the invader. At the same time, they
The loss of Kreachans may have temporarily were dismayed. They were forced to
stunned him because he immediately made acknowledge that it would not have happened
emergency speed for Mahon. He began to without Boltian intervention. The MagHur felt
withdraw his forces from the planet with the compelled to treat with the Boltian diplomats
handful of surviving, good order assault boats. despite their distaste for the outsiders. Even were
The Boltians, for their part, were devastated by it not for the threat of a return of the Kuissians,
their losses. Half of their heavy cruisers were they needed immediate Boltian aid to supply their
gone and the other two were both heavily colony on Dihon as new ships would take too
damage. A tender was destroyed; half of their long to construct. They knew they needed Boltian
attack boats were destroyed or damaged beyond assistance, but at the same time hoped that the
repair. Of the other half only two were unscathed Boltians would end up sharing their technology,
and five others combat capable. They had lost a voluntarily or not.
quarter of their fighters. Boltian pilots had to ditch On Boltia, word of the Battle of MagHur
half of the rest in space as only a squadron and had reached the Boltian Assembly. As expected
a half could be based on their remaining ships. with Boltian internal matters, a political firestorm
The destroyers and escorts were in good shape, erupted. The Boltian governments did their level
but only because they broke off with the cruisers. best to quash rumors and keep a lid on the
It was clear they would never get close enough situation publicly. Privately, accusations,
to be effective against the Kuissian behemoth. recriminations, and threats began to fly. For
The Boltians decide to avoid further weeks it seemed as if old political feuds would
combat unless forced to action. With the reemerge and shatter the attempts to date to
apparent withdrawal of the Kuissian occupation bring some level of unity and order over all
force, it appeared that they weren’t eager to fight Boltians. As cripples from the Boltian and
as well. Messages were sent back and forth, but Verbanal Navies arrived from MagHur, the story
little of diplomatic use was exchanged. The of the Battle went public. A strong political figure
Kuissians were furious over the loss of life they came to the forefront and put a silence to most
had sustained while the Boltians demanded that of the bickering. Gulan Renmok ur-Tolzek,

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
5 Ambassador from the Tolzeky nation to the the Presidency of the Assembly that Ambassador
Boltian Assembly was to go down in Boltian Renmok revealed his rewrite of the Assembly
history as the architect of the Boltian League. Charter. The first and most important change
The Boltian League would not truly be was that membership of the new body would be
solidified as the supreme authority in Boltian elected by the Boltian peoples directly in
politics until months after the second Battle of numbers based on population (1 per 100 million)
MagHur. Ambassador Renmok led the initial with a minimum of 2 per nation (each of the
charge to acquire more authority from the Global colonies of the Verbanal Union being considered
Assembly, Verbanal Union, and even the very its own nation). Additionally, many of the rights
fledgling political force of Norcantor. Despite the considered to be held by the nations or the Global
existence of the Boltian (Global Assembly) Navy, Assembly would be transferred to the new body.
the Verbanal Union Navy, the GMA Merchantile The document spelt out nothing less than Boltian
Protection Forces and the Norcantor Orbital Unification. The new body would be called the
Patrol, the first act of the Boltian Assembly was Boltian League and it left room in its charter to
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

to create yet another navy! Its primary goal was admit new nations, Boltian or otherwise.
to justify the acquisition of larger amounts of the It was immediately rejected by just about
Global Assembly and Verbanal Union’s military every politician from every nation. Their reasons
budgets under the Boltian Assembly. were varied, but they all had the same root
Ambassador Renmok also happened to be the cause: power. The Boltian League meant giving
Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee. But up power, sovereignty, their national currency,
Boltian history doesn’t accuse him of being an or, perhaps more imporantly importantly, their
honest politician, just the architect of the Boltian taxes to this new Boltian League. No politician
League. It wasn’t long after this takeover that in their right mind would approve something that
Ambassador Renmok became President of the would reduce their own importance. The Boltian
Boltian Assembly. His name started to become League wasn’t completely stillborn, however, as
better known by Boltians on the street than their they did approve (almost unanimously and
own national presidents. Renmok used the mostly to placate their voters) the process to
current crisis to form the Boltian Assembly Deep make the Boltian League a directly elected body.
Space Survey Administration to explore space It authorized them to make proposals for
beyond MagHur to hopefully find the Kuissian spending to support the Boltian League Navy, a
worlds. new name which everyone agreed was much
The collective Boltian nations found clearer then Deep Space Survey Administration.
themselves in the worst of predicaments. They Renmok was elected to his
had to work together as not one nation or alliance representation of Tolzeky by a landslide and was,
felt that they could take on this new threat alone. in turn, reelected to the League Presidency. But
Unity was necessary and, for better or for worse, the new League, ironically, was getting less
only the Boltian Assembly could be used to money than the old Assembly. It was four years
channel all their resources together. But the since the Battle of MagHur, and the new
Byzantine levels of Assembly bureaucracy were defenses were completed. New ships and
beginning to become a source of common fighters were joining the League Navy (and the
annoyance. Many ambassadors were accused Boltian Navy, and the Verbanal Union Navy). Still
of funneling funds to their own cronies; even there were no new invaders. President Renmok,
Renmok faced such accusations from political now Commander-in-Chief of about thirty percent
opponents in his home nation of Tolzeky. In of the total naval power of the Boltian peoples,
addition, the people in all nations began to faced a possible vote of no confidence and new
demand more direct say in their representation general elections only six months after his
in the Boltian Assembly, as now that group was Presidency began. No amount of lobbying and
starting to receive a significant proportion of their horse trading would get the national presidents
taxes. to release more funds or more power and
It was two years after the Battle of authority to the League Assembly. In fact, the
MagHur and a single year after his ascension to next year’s budget appeared at half of that of

44 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
the previous year. The continued existence of of the effectiveness of their assault shuttles in
the Global Assembly, the Verbanal Union, and dealing with enemy fighters, small craft, and
their respective militaries and bureaucracies missiles. But they took a decidedly odd bent on
appeared impossible to overcome. The League this lesson. They saw this as a victory of smaller
seemed destined to irrelevance. Talk had begun weapons systems, but not as a proof of concept
that the League was unnecessary, and should of fighter-drone technology itself.
promptly be disbanded. After all, if there were As a result, the Pacification Cruisers
no Kuissians, why did they need a League? were put through a hasty refit program which
On Mana-Kuissia, the return of Duke stripped them of their laser cannons and instead
Shalmach’s Pacification Cruiser had caused as replaced these systems with rapid fire pulse
much political turmoil as on Boltia. While the lasers. These systems proved to be an excellent
direction and leadership of the Empire was enhancement to missile defense, but their
tossed into doubt, the actual unity of the Empire accuracy and energy dispersion at longer ranges
remained absolute. The board of inquiry cleared would make them unable to engage targets that

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Duke Shalmach of any criminal neglect and were not relatively close. They did however prove
concluded that the unforeseen factors of a new, very effective in engaging fighter craft, but there
advanced race using EDT could not have been could only be a limited number of weapons
accounted for in the pacification mission mounted within any one firing arc.
preparation. In essence, the board said the Duke The military then redesigned their assault
simply didn’t have sufficient resources to shuttles. They chose to use main weapons better
accomplish his mission. Many viewed this suited to ground attack than space combat. The
decision as a white wash of the affair and the nose laser cluster was replaced by multiple
Duke continued to be haunted by lingering doubt gauss cannons. In-flight target guidance,
over his competence. Despite this, Shalmach enhanced penetration packages, and lower
pursued a somewhat successful career in overall power requirements were seen as
politics. His voice and opinions steered the War improvements in the design. This allowed the
Party from its inception. Over the four years of assault shuttles to increase their times in a fire
the “phony war”, he acted decisively on the behalf zone, engage more targets simultaneously, and
of War Party members, obtaining them positions
of authority throughout the government and
In reality the initial reactions of the
Kuissian government were shock and doubt.
There was distress over the first time a
pacification campaign failed to accomplish its
mission. Many Kuissians refused to call it a
defeat or failure. The euphemisms used included
“stalemate”, “strategic setback”,
“unaccomplished mission”, “indecisive outcome”,
and the board of inquiry’s favorite, “incomplete
pacification”. Some doubt lingered over whether
the Kuissians were truly meant to be ruling and
looking after weaker, less intelligent, less chosen
Despite political turmoil over the future,
military decision makers were driven with
purpose. They took the lessons from the First
Battle of MagHur and immediately applied them.
Unfortunately, they did this without much
experience in military analysis and learned some
of the wrong lessons. The planners took heed

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
5 reroute in-flight ordinance to new targets or In the end, the Test & Talk Party was
correct their path to current ones. The removal narrowly put off by the War Party. The Kuissian
of atmospheric ionization as a difficulty of high- Navy recommended a force of about ten times
powered laser weaponry was also seen as a the power of the last mission. Obviously this was
bonus. only to help ensure that few casualties would be
This redesign of the assault shuttle taken and prevent any actual Kreachans from
wouldn’t have been a disaster had a dedicated being killed. The fleet they prepared was not only
fighter design been deployed. But political issues more heavily armed, but their point defenses
on piloting such craft proved difficult to surmount were improved to the point that they could easily
and no such design was fielded, although a few handle a volume of missile fire a hundred times
were tested and prototyped. Their reliance on greater than that they were previously exposed
the rapid fire pulse laser and the spinal laser to. Duke Karcha led four Improved Conquistador-
lance on refitted Kuissian Pacification Cruisers class Pacification Cruisers and six of the new
would prove to be a serious mistake of the Knight-class Battle Cruisers into EDT on a least
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Kuissian Naval Weapons Bureau. New ship time route to MagHur. He was utterly convinced
construction was planned and started in this four that his victory would be an easy one and he
year period, which incorporated new design would be remembered for restoring the
types, but began relying on laser lance and pulse confidence of the Kuissian Empire.
laser weapons suites. After the Second Battle
of MagHur, there would be another round of refits
even as these ships began to enter service.
The Kuissian Invasion
Political debate climaxed in the second The defenses of MagHur were
year after the First Battle of MagHur. Scouts sent formidable. A network of fortresses had been
to MagHur returned with news of the Boltian constructed around Mahon such that it was
efforts to fortify the system against future assault. impossible to approach without coming into the
This development was a major blow to the War missile envelope of at least three of the twelve
Party as the Talk & Test Party (what would later stations at any one time. The Dihon colony had
become the Peace Party) argued that if these been militarized and turned into an advanced
aliens could cooperate with each other that this listening post and fighter base. Mahon had
represented a higher level of intelligence and numerous fighter bases, missile bases, and
organizational capability. “This is possible proof,” orbital construction and dock facilities which had
the Kuissians in favor of opening a dialog said, been used to produce a large number of small
“that these aliens may be sufficiently advanced MagHur defense boats. In addition to these
as to not need the benefits of Kuissian rule.” domestically controlled defense systems, a large
At this point, a delegation to open fleet of Boltian warships was constantly on patrol
relations was debated and almost approved. The in the MagHur system.
War Party, with a great deal of representation in Larger MagHur vessels were in planning,
the military, was very much at a loss as its but Boltian authorities still limited the MagHur to
estimate of the challenge represented by the purely defensive hardware by granting economic
MagHur rose, and they were caught in a great assistance to projects not related to large ship
quandary. If they recommended a force too large construction. In the first two years of mass
to pacify MagHur, it would be used as an production and infrastructure retooling, the
argument by the Talk & Test Party that these MagHur didn’t ask any questions. It was only
aliens should be examined in greater detail later they began to chafe at the restrictions on
before moving to conquer them. While it was Boltian assistance. As a result, no less than three
certain that an impartial investigation would prove MagHur cruisers were under construction, and
their inferiority, such efforts would undoubtedly not yet completed when the Kuissians arrived.
be led by those Kuissians now arguing for the These ships were not to be completed, but in
tests in the first place! They would have a vested later years MagHur cruisers would show that
interest in sowing doubt in these races’ true these units could have played a significant
nature. defensive role in the invasion were they

46 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
When the Kuissians arrived, they had had left themselves vulnerable. The Kuissians
fairly extensive records of what the scouting looked very powerful indeed, and it was obvious
vessels sent to observe MagHur had collected. that the ships had been redesigned (six were
For all the volume of sensor logs and signals significantly smaller). They were still goliaths and
intercepts, no one had really done a real now there were now ten of them rather than one.
assessment of Boltian/MagHur capabilities. If Admiral Genmal made a mistake in
Kuissian inexperience and arrogance meant that trying to establish his defense under the umbrella
they completely ignored sensor data that clearly of Mahon’s fortresses, it was only because the
showed the use of fighters in MagHur was on MagHur refused to listen to him. As the Kuissians
the rise. In addition, they ignored that the missiles approached Dihon, not only did the Dihon
on the defense forts were larger, faster, and fighters sortie to meet the fleet, but every
packed deadlier warheads than those on Boltian defense boat in MagHur converged on the battle.
Cruisers. But upon arriving at MagHur, Duke Instead of preserving their units for the defense
Karcha realized that this wealth of information, of the homeworld, they threw themselves into a

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

what should have been a Kuissian trump card, fight that by all rights should have been totally in
hadn’t even been included in his mission portfolio vain. But battle is a very complex and fluid
in full, as only summary data had been seen fit situation. The Duke was disappointed that his
to be included. ploy to draw out the Boltian ships did not
The battle had not begun and the Duke succeed. He then made a fatal error in not taking
already knew that the Kuissians still had lessons the fighters from Dihon seriously. Laser lances
to learn in warfare. The intelligence did give him proved unable to get a solid hit on the small,
a fairly accurate estimate of the number of very agile MagHur defense boats. So, he keyed
Boltian ships, the size of the fighter bases on the fleet’s secondaries to fire on the defense
Dihon, and of the existence, if not the full boats and provide missile defense. He virtually
capability of, the defense forts and MagHur patrol ignored the approaching MagHur fighters.
boats. He decided on a conservative approach. MagHur fighters are a microcosm of the
He would move towards Dihon first, eliminating modern MagHur warship design philosophy. It
the bases and any ships there. This might force is worth noting that at the time MagHur fighters
the Boltian ships into a decisive engagement were actually piloted by MagHur rather than a
before moving on to the forts. He inadvertently remote control operator and AI pilot like Boltian
made his approach slow and easy to track. fighters and later MagHur fighters. While Boltians
The Boltian units in MagHur were a mix try to fit ever greater quantities of bigger and
of League Navy, Verbanal Union Navy, and better missiles onto their fighters, the MagHur
Boltian (Global Assembly) Navy. Since the use only a small missile load, but also make room
League was founded as a response to the threat to mount a magnetic coil cannon. Coil guns have
posed by the Kuissians, the League Navy units the significant disadvantage of being the slowest
actually made up more than half of the units in weapon used in space. All of the projectiles’
MagHur. Taken as a whole, the League Navy velocity is provided at the moment its fired and
was only about a third of the total Boltian space typically their shells contain very little delta-v, only
force. The League units were newer, heavier, enough to make minor flight corrections enroute.
and included dedicated carriers. This left the Their main advantage is that they tend to very
Assembly and Verbanal units mostly covering effectively penetrate armor optimized to protect
the support roles. a ship from energy blasts. A good example would
As a result, the Admiral in command was be the bomb pumped x-ray lasers used in most
a League Navy admiral. Originally from Tolzek, missile warheads or Kuissian laser weaponry.
but currently making his home on Verbanal, he The MagHur patrol boats also included
was considered a compromise choice. Admiral a magnetic coil cannon, but none of them got a
Genmal was also a very shrewd fighter and didn’t chance to fire it, the Kuissian secondary laser
take the Kuissian’s bait to fight at Dihon. In clusters ripping them apart short of their effective
hindsight the decision may have been a mistake, engagement range. The patrol boats were able
but no one could have known that the Kuissians to salvo their entire low quantity missile loads,

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
5 mounted externally in one-shot box magazines, into panic and disorder. The moment of clarity
before being destroyed. Unfortunately, the came upon him. To turn back would result in the
MagHur missiles, including those launched from end of the Kuissian Empire as it was known;
frighters, were likewise laregly neutralized before there would be no more conquests. To fight and
they could do any real damage to their targets. lose meant the end of the Empire and his life.
The MagHur fighters did not break off like Boltian Only in fighting and winning could the Empire
fighters normally would. They actually managed be saved. The number of casualties could be
to close to the myopic ranges that the MagHur rationalized away but defeat could not be ignored
suicidally choose to fight at. The MCCs of 73 or explained. Victory would bring another tassel
fighters tore into 4 Kuissian ships. Two Knight- for the lance of state and if that victory was costly
Class battle cruisers and two Improved it only meant that they could use the result to
Conquistador-Class pacification cruisers were secure more funding to ensure and protect
forced to endure the brunt of the kinetic impacts. Kuissian superiority.
The carnage dealt by such small craft After cratering the Dihon fighter bases
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

was fast, shocking, and never to be repeated in (and any other installation of military value), the
the First Kuissian-Boltian War. The cannon shells Duke ordered all ships that could make full speed
tore through Kuissian ceramic armor like it was to fall in line. They secured from battle stations
tissue, only to explode meters inside the hull. for the four day trip to Mahon. The battlecruiser
Gaping holes were rent into the sides of the Broadsword was a wreck and was left near Dihon
magnificent Kuissian warships. Secondary laser orbiting the gas giant Pulhur with the battlecruiser
clusters, laser lances, docking bays, Hammer. In two hours, the Captain of the
maneuvering thrusters, main propulsion, crew Broadsword would order the ship abandoned,
quarters, and even battle command centers were the survivors taken aboard the Hammer. The
vulnerable. The damage would have been worse Hammer was mostly intact, but had taken such
if the MagHur patrol boats had been able to serious damage to main propulsion that it could
engage with their tactical nuclear shells. not sustain full speed. Only an hour into the flight
However, the MagHur fighters’ MCCs were too to Mahon, the pacification cruiser Duke of
small to field those. Their limited MCC Drelach also suffered a serious propulsion
ammunition was quickly exhausted in the casualty and was forced to return to Dihon.
opening volleys. Thus, short two of his battle cruisers and
As the MagHur fighters fled the scene, one pacification cruiser, Duke Karcha burned to
the Kuissians discovered that their laser clusters, Mahon. The Duke’s movements were not hidden
built to intercept and destroy ship-killer missiles, to Admiral Genmal, who was supported by
were equally effective at destroying fighters. Not listening ships that provided electronic
a single MagHur fighter managed to get out of intelligence. This would later remind the
range, but they had done more than their fair Kuissians the tricks in war they once knew well,
share of damage to Kuissian ships and pride. but had fallen into disuse. Noticing that three of
One of the key lessons learned by the Imperial the badly damage Kuissian cruisers were staying
Kuissian Navy in the Battle of Dihon was the behind at Dihon, the Admiral decided to use the
importance of damage control. The Kuissian’s superior speed of his own units to ensure they
inexperience in naval warfare led to three of the wouldn’t pose a threat in the future. The Admiral
four ships attacked at Dihon being destroyed, dispatched a flotilla of six destroyers to Dihon.
due mostly to additional damage from secondary He would miss them later, but their actions at
fires and explosions. A lack of tested damage Dihon slightly more than two days later resulted
control procedures to contain fires, retain in the destruction of the Broadsword and
pressurization, and implement spot repairs Hammer. The Duke of Drelach was mauled so
meant that two of the ships continued to burn badly in the engagement that it would be scuttled
for hours and eventually had to be abandoned. over Dihon by the Kuissians at the end of the
Duke Karcha knew he was in trouble. His Second Battle of MagHur.
sailors’ morale was very fragile and without Admiral Genmal took note of the events
decisive, unfaltering leadership they could fall at Dihon and wondered if the Kuissians could

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
be fooled again. He drafted up plans for intelligence estimates on the fortresses
coordinated missile and fighter strikes, with the suggested a much shorter missile range, closer
hope of getting MagHur fighters in close. News to that of normal warships. Despite their
of the successful mop up mission over Dihon stationary nature, the fortresses’ missiles were
gave everyone in the Boltian combined fleets a fired early and would obtain a high closing
false sense of security. Duke Karcha had no velocity with the Kuissian squadron. Duke
intention of repeating the follies of the opening Karcha instructed his fleet to go to maximum
engagement with MagHur fighters over Dihon. deceleration to try and reduce the closing velocity
He had the tactical officer on his flagship, Ingetu and let the Battle cruisers slip in front of his
Fraedos, integrate the fleet’s rapid-fire pulse Conquistadors.
lasers into a missile and fighter defense grid. The fortress missiles continued to fire at
Primarily this step was intended to protect the a high rate, but even the large stations would
wounded battlecruiser Warstaff, as its entire eventually exhaust their magazines. Admiral
portside had lost its pulse lasers. But the Duke’s Genmal already had the Boltian fleet

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

tactical officer was ahead of her time and used accelerating towards the Kuissians to give his
the Duke’s orders to force new programming into own missiles a little extra boost. He stepped up
the fleet’s tactical computers. The result was an the fleet to flank speed and ordered the carriers
integrated defense that improved their missile to launch their fighters. Unfortunately the Boltians
and fighter defense considerably. With four days wouldn’t be engaged until the MagHur fortresses
to test and debug the system, the Boltians and had already begun to slow their launches as their
MagHur at Mahon were about to get a very nasty reloads were taking longer to reach the firing
surprise. racks.
About six hours short of the turn over The first fortress missiles met a solid
point, the pacification cruiser Ingetu Krelesh, sheet of pulse laser fire. They didn’t even come
previously damaged at Dihon, had to secure from close to engagement range until the MagHur
maneuver stations. The cruiser ’s main fighters flew into the defense grid. The new firing
propulsion was starting to slip. If it failed all priorities may have been a bit over compensating
together, the cruiser would drift into Mahon orbit as MagHur fighters were never allowed to even
well ahead of the rest of the fleet, which would approach their own missile firing range. This
be quite disastrous. By the time the cruiser was resulted in a few of the fortress missiles scoring
ready to get back underway, they’d passed hits. These large station missiles proved a real
crossover. The cruiser would arrive at Mahon surprise. Their bomb lasers were almost twice
four hours latter than the rest of the fleet, but it as powerful as the ones the Kuissians had faced
was better than arriving a full day early and alone. against the Boltians four years earlier. Even with
The MagHur are well known for their their new ceramic armor, the big ship-killers were
uncooperative nature with outsiders. The doing damage. There were numerous hits
successes at Dihon only made them more amongst the external pulse lasers, maneuvering
convinced that they did not need the Boltians thrusters, radars, and sensor booms. One
telling them what to do. As the Kuissians conquistador had its boat bay doors blasted
approached the defenses of Mahon, the MagHur open, and a battle cruiser took a main thrust hit
fortresses opened fire at the earliest possible that caused it to slow its deceleration. It drifted
moment. Their fighter groups rushed out to meet further ahead of the squadron.
the Kuissian fleet. Admiral Genmal was furious! The damage caused by the fortresses
Not only was the MagHur action stupid, but they was not dangerous so far, but the Duke saw its
didn’t even warn him that they had no intention potential. The MagHur fighters were gone, and
of following his defense plan. If they were set on the defense grid was reprioritized to keep those
this rash move, he could have at least supported big missiles from getting to detonation range.
it and given it a better chance of doing any real The Kuissians turned over their ships (except
damage. the damaged Warstaff) and rained their laser
The Kuissians were somewhat surprised lances upon the MagHur defenses. The big
at the initial missile engagement range. Their fortresses were not difficult targets. They didn’t

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5 really move or have serious electronic warfare the Kuissian defense envelop, they fired. Each
suites available to them. At ranges where the fighter belched forth four ship killers for a total
Kuissians didn’t have the slightest hope of hitting of 872 missiles. They burned steadily to their
a Boltian carrier, they were able to target the targets with another 60 from the fortresses and
MagHur fortresses. The Kuissians blotted three 372 from the fleet.
of the MagHur fortifications from the skies. The timing was not perfect, but it didn’t
Admiral Genmal was a bit taken aback need to be. The Kuissian missile defenses were
at the accuracy of the Kuissian laser fire. Boltian overwhelmed. The prioritization remained that
intelligence from the last battle did not indicate the fortress missiles were eliminated first, but
that the Kuissians would be able to engage they were also going fairly slow compared to the
effectively at this range. Their lasers were fighter missiles. The fleet missiles were
apparently still highly focused at ranges where eliminated next. Unfortunately, only the larger
even acquiring useful radar image identifications ones fired from the six cruisers, four hybrids, and
were very difficult for the Boltians. Nervous, he two missile cruisers were targeted successfully.
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

decided to reveal his little surprise for the Dozens of fighter missiles and destroyer missiles
Kuissians. To the enemy’s radars the Boltian fleet were caught in the net of laser fire, but hundreds
suddenly quadrupled in number and their signal engaged the Kuissian juggernauts.
returns became very faint and delocalized. The The firestorm could only be described as
Kuissians (at Mahon) got their first real taste of incredible. The armor of the Kuissian vessels
Boltian electronic warfare. limited the carnage greatly. Their external
At the current range, firing a laser at maneuvering systems took the greatest damage.
moving vessels was basically a waste of time. In fact, the Warstaff came very close to entering
In the time it took for the laser to reach the targets Mahon’s atmosphere and burning up after the
from the time it was fired, the target could easily battle due to a near loss of those systems. The
move many times its size in any direction. The next heaviest casualties were the sensors and
bigger the ship and the slower its acceleration, communications. One Conquistador became
the less this mattered as its possible position both radar-blind and unable to receive targeting
becomes more constrained. But the Boltians data. It was effectively removed from the battle
deployed very fast and relatively small ships while new aerials were rigged.
compared to the Kuissians. They made difficult On the battlecruiser Mace, six destroyer
laser targets at this range, but all the Kuissians missiles engaged its forward section. One hit
had to do was survive to get close enough to penetrated to the fore fusion reactor, which failed
engage. instantly. The secondary explosion from the
Boltian fighters are significantly different release of high pressure plasma vaporized the
then those of the MagHur. They have no pilot, forward weapons control room. Fuel storage for
no coil gun, and their missile have a much longer the shuttles was also hit and blew a large hole
range. In fact, their fighter missiles are only amidships on both sides. Structural frames were
slightly less powerful than those fired by their compromised as thrusters ripped free from their
destroyers. What they lacked in power, they moorings and exploded. The ship twisted, and
make up for in number. Each Boltian carrier broke into three distinct pieces which would
maintained an operational fighter wing of 60 to scatter over the southern continent of Mahon.
66 fighters at any given time. There were two The rest of the Kuissian fleet, though
Boltian carriers in Admiral Genmal’s fleet plus battered, was still a potent force, for most of their
another four hybrid cruisers, each adding spinal lasers were still functional. The remaining
another 20 to 24 fighters to the fleet. The result Boltian fighters did not get away from the
was 218 Boltian fighters massing for the attack Kuissian pulse lasers. In the Boltian’s effort to
run on the Kuissians. They sped ahead of the give their missiles the best closing speed, they
Boltian fleet. With missiles from the fleet, and actually drifted deep into the Kuissian defense
the last missiles from the already destroyed grid. Before they matched speed and began their
fortresses, the fighter-drones rushed on to meet acceleration away, sixty-three Boltian fighters
the Kuissians. Just as they were about to enter were picked off. The Kuissians vented their fury

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The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

on the next three MagHur fortresses as they of their own. As the Boltians approached, the
entered extreme range. The Kuissians defense Kuissian formation grew more dispersed as
grid, now degraded by losses of many pulse some ships were able to accelerate faster than
lasers, was still able to deal with Boltian missiles others. The smaller, faster ships were all at the
from the ships. head of the squadron. The Boltians began firing
Admiral Genmal knew his carriers would their missiles volleys, concentrating on the lead
be vulnerable during the rearming of the fighters. ships. It was at this moment that the three
This led him to begin acceleration away from battlecruisers reversed themselves and dove
the Kuissians. They were big and slow, and their back towards the two pacification cruisers. Their
path around Mahon was pretty much integrated defense came back into order and
predetermined by their reduced deceleration forced the lead missile salvos to actually pass
abilities. Moving off at a tangent, Admiral Genmal the pacification cruisers to get to their intended
hoped to avoid laser lance fire, then regroup with targets.
his detached destroyers. The break in the action Yet the Kuissians still took damage as
allowed the Kuissians to clean up the fortresses more external systems burned away from the
around Mahon and perform a great deal of repair. hull. Their time had come for revenge as the
The uneven losses of maneuvering caused their Boltian cruisers had come into firing range. As
formation to start breaking up. This led to further the battlecruisers reversed themselves again,
disorder in their defense grid. the Kuissians opened up. The five Kuissian
Admiral Genmal sensed that his best cruisers repeatedly punched two meter diameter
opportunity to destroy the Kuissians was now at holes in five Boltian cruisers. The Boltian armor
hand. He brought his ships back to extreme just wasn’t built to handle the kind of power these
engagement range without the detached lasers could deliver. Their ablative armor boiled
destroyers after refueling and rearming the off, but simply couldn’t deflect the wrath of the
remaining Boltian fighters. The Kuissians, for lasers. The lasers punched deep into the hulls,
their part, began to unravel the Boltian electronic taking out anything in their path. Magazines were
warfare and this time hoped to spring a surprise smashed, reactors vaporized, and command

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
5 posts incinerated. To see the Boltian ships from destroyers with various levels of damage and
the outside, there was only cosmetic damage. two undamaged destroyers. They lost four
But on the inside, entire sections were gutted cruisers, including two missile types and two
out. Secondary explosion were held in by the hybrid carriers, six destroyers, and 114 fighters.
hull and caused firestorms in the living areas. The entire native MagHur defense force was
Four Boltian cruisers, including both large destroyed. The Kuissians lost three
missile cruisers, were reduced to wrecks. The battlecruisers and a pacification cruiser during
Javelin, a missile cruiser, suffered a direct hit to the battle itself. They latter scrapped a
the fore hydrogen fuel storage. The explosion battlecruiser (Warstaff) and a pacification cruiser
and fire resulted in the obliteration of the ship’s (Emperor Todash) to help with the repairs of the
fore section right down to the fourth missile tube remaining ships.
on each side. The headless wreck drifted away The Second Battle of MagHur was over
from the battle. Only a fraction of the ship’s and Duke Karcha had his victory. Victories like
company survived in the aft-most compartments. these would not ensure the eventual triumph of
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Admiral Genmal’s flagship, the Golden Circle, the Kuissian Empire. After the First Boltian -
faired no better. Admiral Genmal himself was Kuissian War, Kuissian officers often referred to
badly wounded on the flag bridge. Command in costly victories as “Karchan Victories”.
the Boltian navies fell to Rear Admiral Renshan,
aboard the carrier Endless Quiver. The new
commander ordered his destroyers and fighters
The Push to Boltia
to make coordinated attack runs. He hoped to Duke Karcha discovered that victory
take his carriers and the last combat effective merely brought to him more challenges rather
cruiser into position to recover the wounded from than the laurels of the conqueror and warm
the four lamed Boltian cruisers. Unable to afternoons resting in a nice medicinal bath. The
navigate under their own power, these cruisers MagHur would have been the most frustrating
were scuttled after taking aboard survivors. The pacification of the Kuissian Empire’s history even
fifth cruiser limped away from the battle area at if they hadn’t already achieved early space-flight
half speed. technology. This coupled with a healthy sprinkling
Military historians have pondered what of clandestine Boltian technical support meant
might have been if the destroyer and fighter that the taming of the MagHur would never truly
attacks had been kept up or if the last cruiser be complete. All the Kuissians could really
was recommitted to battle from a safe distance. accomplish was to make certain metropolitan
Rear Admiral Renshan had no idea that the zones safe from constant attacks in order to
Kuissian fleet was running critically short on administer their new acquisition, such as it was.
secondary armament. They would be near sitting This was partially due to the fact that only
ducks to close destroyer attacks and fighter runs. the Ingetu Krelesh was in any condition to
As it was, two Boltian destroyers were destroyed execute pacification operations. The other ships
in the first run and four took various levels of were simple too busy rigging field repairs and
damage. The close runs managed to keep the returning themselves to a combat-capable state.
destroyers away from the laser lances. Their It would take four months for Ingetu Fraedos to
missiles and fighters were slowly whittling away be able to take over pacification operations in
the Kuissian’s last lines of defense. The trailing MagHur. This freed Ingetu Krelesh and the
Kuissian Pacification Cruiser, Ingetu Krelesh, battlecruisers Long Lance and Bullet to proceed
was beginning to close on the battle area. Even to Tolm.
with its previous battle damage, it represented a These four months were filled with
significant reinforcement to the fleet’s missile political turmoil in the Empire and something akin
defenses. to organized panic in the Boltian League. The
Admiral Renshan ordered the general War faction was furious over how slow Duke
retreat from MagHur space. The Boltians left with Karcha was to make repairs, announce the
a single undamaged cruiser, a crippled cruiser, successful pacification of MagHur, and move on
two carriers with 104 operational fighters, six to the next conquest, the Boltian homeworld. The
Peace Party argued that the Empire’s victory was

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
far too costly and that these aliens should be items “tribute” and “economic assistance”. A
engaged in a peace treaty and left alone. representative of the Mersesh was made the
On Boltia, President Renmok saw the Kuissian approved indigenous governor (a fancy
defeat at MagHur as a mixed blessing. Finally, way of saying head slave). The Mersesh weren’t
he really had everyone’s undivided attention. The really bothered by the pomp and ceremony. The
Boltian League truly became the Boltian head of the trade delegation was a powerful
government in charge. At the same time he had figure during the trade with Boltia. He was neither
to refute criticism that his administration had more or less powerful trading with the Kuissians.
failed to accomplish its stated goals. President The ease of the Tolm “conquest” gave
Renmok was able to retain the confidence of Duke Karcha a false sense of confidence and
the League Assembly only due to the recent security. They seemed to have broken the back
success of the Boltian League Navy. Working in of Boltian resistance, but the fact that Tolm wasn’t
the Tybor system, the BLN had found the route the Boltian homeworld would end up worrying
to Peregral, a star system which showed signs the Peace faction. Just how large was the

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

of Kuissian occupation. Before this find could Boltian’s sphere of influence? The Duke gave
be exploited, defenses for the Boltian home no thoughts to the size of Boltian expansion. It
system had to be shored up in case of invasion took a month to get precise enough information
in force from MagHur via Tolm. to be certain of the EDT route to Boltia. The Duke
No thought was given to defending Tolm wasted no time or ships covering Tolm in order
as the native Mersesh were aquatic. They lacked to race to Boltia and the final conquest of these
the right technologies to build simple space craft, upstart aliens.
let alone orbital fortifications. The fleets of various
national navies of Boltia were united under the
League Navy and began joint fleet exercises. It
The Battle of Verbanal
was clear that as soon as the time was available It didn’t quite work out as planned. Duke
the navies would be merged. The survivors of Karcha arrived in Boltia, dumb struck by the level
the Second Battle of MagHur became the of space flight activity in the system. The
backbone of Boltian defenses. Their experience Verbanal moons kept a busy trade with the many
under fire would result in many captains, colonies, the contacted races throughout the
commodores, and admirals rising from their League, and Boltia itself. There were no less that
ranks. Having survived MagHur II became a 60 different types of space craft burning this way
badge of honor coveted as much as decorations and that through Boltian space. The Duke had
for valor and bravery. no idea which were military and which were
The Kuissians finally came to Tolm and civilian. Although noticing those vessels that went
were immediately perplexed. There was no out of their way to run and those that went out of
resistance, but the local population was a real their way to intercept was a pretty good hint.
problem. It was simply impossible to conquer Some of the unknown types were cruising with
them. They didn’t have submarines or the ability known warship designs seen at MagHur months
to effectively take a battle under the waves. The before.
environment of Tolm itself was as alien to a Unfortunately, just the ones coming
Kuissian as desolate moonlet. It was all rocky towards the fleet were rather daunting. Among
islands and deep oceans. There were no them were three carrier types, eight cruiser
marshes at all. It was all too much or too little types, four missile cruisers, twelve destroyers,
with nothing in between. With no method of and attack boat tenders like the ones seen at
enforcing their will beyond orbital strikes, First MagHur. In addition, twelve unknown small
governance would be impossible. craft rounded out this fleet gathering before the
If the MagHur were impossible to reason system’s main gas giant. Duke Karcha worried
with, the Mersesh inhabitants were the polar that he should have asked for reinforcements,
opposite. They didn’t even see the Kuissians as despite the political cost. But the battle wasn’t
invaders, just as new people to trade with. They lost, yet. The Kuissians were lucky that the
only had the quaint habit of calling the traded Boltian fleet had been on exercises recently and
were dispersed into two formations. One was

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
5 the aggressor force with the missile cruisers, to meet the near Boltian fleet (the aggressor
hybrid cruisers, and other small craft. The other group). If he could just come to grips with its
was the defending force with all three carriers cruisers quickly then he could defeat the Boltians
and remaining hybrid cruisers, destroyers, and in detail. All he had to do was survive those
tender. missile cruisers. They had to be careful not to
The aggressor force was almost directly break past the first group and end up surrounded
between the Kuissians and Boltia. The defending by two Boltian forces. No ship from the closest
group sat much closer to the Boltian homeworld. Boltian squadrons could be allowed to survive
The gas giant of Verbanal lay off the aggressor their barrage. Defeat in detail and then press
force’s port beam as they burned further into the the Boltian carrier group against their homeworld.
system. The aggressor came about as they tried This time there didn’t appear to be any nasty
to cut their in-system velocity to burn back to an fortresses with massive missiles to worry about.
intercept short of Verbanal. They were easily able The fighter squadrons of the carrier force
to do this, but they did so without waiting for the streaked in at high speed. Since they were early,
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

other half of the Boltian fleet. they decided to increase their velocity to further
The Boltian carrier force was under the limit their time in the Kuissian defensive umbrella.
command of Vice Admiral Renshan. Despite his The fighters rolled their missile at a very high
promotion for the rescue of thousands of Boltian base velocity. The Kuissians defense net ignored
spacers, he still felt the specter of failure. Now it the fighters and concentrated on the missiles,
seemed as if his ships would not be able to which were coming in extremely fast. The
participate in the Battle of Verbanal. He was absence of typical anti-fighter fire was a bit
determined to make a difference, and this led surprising. Given the number of missiles coming
him to try new doctrines. He ordered the launch in, it was clear that the Kuissians needed all their
of the fleet’s fighters. Transferring real-time firepower concentrated on stopping the missiles
control to the attack boats and system defense short of engagement range.
craft, his fleets quickly accelerated to join the There was a young Boltian lieutenant
fight. He gave them orders to intercept the from Tolzek aboard the AB 257 that made the
Kuissians with the aggressor fleet under Admiral rash decision that he didn’t want his fighters to
Kralsok. Twelve attack boats (six from a tender come out empty handed. He sent those fighter-
and six independent system boats) took 264 drones controlled by his attack boat on a late
fighters into combat. It was a profound strain for course update. This mission alteration sent them
their small crews and under-equipped directly into the forward pulse laser cannons of
communications stations with each giving orders the Long Lance and Bullet. Of the 24 fighters
to up to 24 fighters at a time. controlled by his boat, 6 missed entirely, 6 were
They tried to coordinate their maneuvers engaged at point blank range by the very laser
and link up with the aggressor fleet’s fighter turrets they were after, and 12 actually hit their
contingents. The stress and strain of the new marks, taking out those key turrets. As the
and unrehearsed maneuver caused mistakes. fighters shot at point blank range, they degraded
The fighter-drones arrived well ahead of the that turret’s firing pattern by drawing them off
aggressor force. Unfortunately there wasn’t their missile targets for crucial seconds.
anything to be done about it as the velocities of There weren’t many missiles still in flight,
the closing Kuissians meant angling off and but the Kuissian defense grid was over-taxed to
circling back around. This would make them late handle them. Many of them had already reached
to the fight, an even worse mistake. It would take engagement range with minimal result. But the
only one good pass to empty the missile racks distraction from the aggressive fighters helped
on the fighters. Their high speed would limit their two dozen missiles engage at once. The Long
time in the Kuissian defense net, meaning more Lance and Bullet were struck by twelve each.
would return to the carriers to rearm. Admiral Moments after impact, a dangerous gap in the
Renshan gave the finally approval for the fighter Kuissian’s interception stretched along the
pass on the ever-approaching Kuissians. forward sections of the Long Lance and Bullet.
Duke Karcha was already decelerating Duke Karcha was thoroughly annoyed. Again

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
those Boltian fighters proved more effective than
The Third Battle of
he expected. This forced him to turn the Long
Lance and Bullet so the opposite broadsides MagHur
were towards the enemy. This would at least let The Boltians wasted little time in
them cover each other’s gap in pulse laser preparing their response. In only two weeks the
coverage. They could always turn back head on League Navy Mobile Fleet was constituted.
when it was time to kill Boltian cruisers. Three carriers, eight hybrid cruisers, four missile
Admiral Kensok’s attack plan was well cruisers, ten destroyers (including two
coordinated. Ship missiles, fighter missiles, and replacements for the damaged ones in
destroyers raced in just as they had done in the spacedock), and two attack boat tenders were
closing moments of MagHur II. The long range ready to transit. Their attack boats had
missile attacks only scored a few minor hits, but undergone a hasty modification to support the
they occupied the Kuissian pulse lasers. While new fighter-drone operation. With Admiral
the destroyers dodged the laser lances from the Kensok firmly in command again, they shipped

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Ingetu Krelesh, they carefully laid missiles point out to Tolm. Upon their arrival they were only to
blank into the Long Lance and Bullet. Quickly find that the Kuissians didn’t feel like defending
the gaps in their missile coverage widened as it any more than the Boltians. After a brief
multiple interception systems took damage along reuniting with the Mersesh, the Boltians EDTed
the external hull. More hits stacked up as the into MagHur for what would be called the Third
last missiles from the destroyers passed right Battle of MagHur.
into both of their fore sections. Two Boltian Duke Karcha realized that news of the
destroyers were hit by lances as they passed Kuissian pull-back would spell the end of the War
the two battlecruisers and exploded in muted faction’s influence in government. There would
flashes right before the Ingetu Krelesh. be talks and most likely peace. It would
Duke Karcha saw his trouble. Even if he eventually result in the end of the Empire and
succeeded at defeating this fleet, there was no the end of the way of Drenmach. His spirits were
way he could take on the Boltian carrier force raised when another battlecruiser arrived at
with only the Ingetu Krelesh’s laser lances. The MagHur from Maelotta. For the moment the
repair time estimates from Bullet and Long Lance situation was under control as the news of the
were not available yet. He mulled the decisions recent reverses had not reached Mana-Kuissia.
in his mind. Even if he actually lost a cruiser and The only way to counter the news would be a
still had to run, then there would be no explaining new victory. With his five ships, it was possible.
this defeat away. He decided to play it safe and When the Boltians finally arrived, it was
drop back to Tolm. Once there, he could request in force. So many more than even a pessimistic
reinforcements for the final assault and explain Duke Karcha could have predicted. It seemed
this action as merely a reconnaissance-in-force foolhardy for the Boltians to uncover their
action. With that, Duke Karcha ordered his ships homeworld to pursue them. Unless it wasn’t
to a tangent and accelerated away. They took really undefended and they could spare ships
parting shot at the destroyers, damaging two for both operations! It was also possible that the
more before kicking into EDT and vectoring back system fought over weeks ago was not their
to Tolm. homeworld? It didn’t matter; it would be a bloody
Admiral Kensok didn’t feel like a victor. battle.
The enemy took damage and ran. He lost two The Third Battle of MagHur held few new
ships while they got away intact. But one thing surprises. The Boltians didn’t try detaching a
was clear, it was time for the Boltians to pursue large section of fighters since the Kuissians
and push the Kuissians back into their own stayed together in their tight formation. In all
space. They had the ships and any time wasted actuality, there were no inspired maneuvers.
would only allow the enemy to get their breath Both fleets lined up and pounded the hell out of
back. It was time to take the fight to the Kuissians each other. In the end, the tenders’ small craft
for once. and the destroyers carried the day by launching
attacks at close range at the Kuissians. Their

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History of the First Boltian and Kuissian War
5 missile salvoes took out laser lances and pulse rough borders finally established, both sides
laser turrets. The Kuissians would eventually be cautiously watched their neighbors and feared
rendered toothless. The Long Lance was broken the worst.
up by multiple hits from cruiser-launched ship
killer missiles. The Ingetu Fraedos, still a
patchwork of field repair, took a hit to her forward
bunkers. She exploded with little warning. Such
a blow tipped the balance to the Boltian’s favor.
Duke Karcha quickly tried to rally a retreat.
Unfortunately for Karcha, he Ingetu Krelesh lost
its EDT drive and was forced to surrender after
all its weaponry was destroyed. Mercifully, Duke
Karcha was killed when the last volley of the
Ballista found the ship’s flag bridge. He was
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

spared the embarrassment of seeing the peace

he feared so greatly. The Bullet was battered to
slag and pulled into the MagHur atmosphere to
burn up. Her crew was rescued by the Scythe
after it powered down its weaponry and
surrendered to the Boltians.
The Boltians didn’t get away without
losses of their own. Three missile cruisers were
destroyed and the last one was so battered that
it would be scrapped. Four hybrid cruises were
destroyed with two more heavily damaged. Six
destroyers were lost and the remaining four all
bore battle scars. Six of the fifteen attack boats
would not see the end of the engagement. To
make the erosion of their forces worse, 157
fighter-drones never returned. Despite their
ridiculously high losses, it was the clearest victory
the Boltians had scored. At the same time, a
token Boltian fleet struck Peregral and
succeeded in capturing an old, un-refitted
pacification cruiser mostly intact. Most
significantly, this resulted in the final breaking of
the War Party’s power. The Peace Party obtained
Imperial permission to finally open a dialog with
the Boltians.
Prisoners were released and Peregral
was returned to the Kuissian Empire. All of this
in return for a promise of peace and the
establishment of a demilitarize zone in Peregral
and Relemonia. Relemonia was uncolonized and
would remain so indefinitely. Peregral would
remain a Kuissian colony world, but no military
ship would be allowed to enter. Boltian civilian
craft would be allowed to make ports of call to
trade on Peregral. And so the First Kuissian -
Boltian War ended with thousands of dead on
both sides and a nervous peace in place. With

56 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

6.0 The zone until enough trust could be established to
allow for the opening of free trade between their

History of worlds. The appearance of a full Terran Union

expedition in the area set everything in motion.
To further enflame the situation, the Kuissians
the Second landed troops and seized the world of Relemonia
shortly after the withdrawal of the Boltian Navy
and the Terran Union 3rd Fleet from the system.
Boltian and They found what confirmed every Kuissian’s
misgiving: an antiquated Boltian listening post.
Truth be known, the base was little more
Kuissian War than a fleet coordination station leftover from the
first war. There had been some activity coming
from Boltian Norcanter intelligence agents there
shortly before the Terrans arrived; nevertheless,
The Second Boltian and it was in no way a threat to the Kuissians.
Kuissian Conflict However, it was enough justification for the
It was said that the six years of peace Kuissian Monarchy to act. The only wildcard was
that followed the end of the First Boltian/Kuissian the appearance of the Terrans. It was assumed
Conflict was not long enough. Others allege it by many in power that the Terrans were new
was a Kuissian ruse to rebuild their defenses. allies to the Boltian Star League, and were to be
The one thing that most historians can agree on dealt with accordingly. One such argument
with any degree of certainty is that the pointed to the use of Boltian-style EDT Drive on
appearance of the first Terran survey vessels Terran vessels recovered after the battle, a drive
was a major historical flashpoint. which was recovered by the Union many years
The Kuissians, Boltians, and their allies before at 2003 BG91. Kuissian monitoring
spent the six years of peace closely monitoring vessels only saw a bogey using an ion drive and
the newly formed border separating the two yielding a Boltian-style EDT footprint when the
empires’ respective spheres of influence. The TUS Tonnant arrived in Relemonia. The Boltians
peace treaty stipulated that the three critical had not known of the Terrans beforehand.
worlds of Tybor, Relemonia (Rappahannock to Although the Kuissians were first to detect the
the Terrans), and Peregral would remain a buffer Terran ships, the Boltians were first to act. Once

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
6 Scism





Proxima Centauri



Tybor Peregral



Bernard's Star

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians




Kuissian Empire

Boltian Star League


Terran Union



Capital Dirge

the Boltian Fleet was committed, the Kuissians Relemonia and drive on the newly discovered
engaged their vessels and the second war EDT route into alien space. On December 1st of
began. 2911, the remnants of the Terran 3rd Fleet and
the defenses of Arcturus would meet the
Kuissian Invasion Fleet.
The Kuissian Drive on The space battle was lost to the
Arcturus Kuissians after several hours of fighting. As a
Shortly after the dust had settled from token fleet of warships delayed the Kuissians,
the Battle of Relemonia, Kuissian agents had transport ships pulled out as many civilians and
time to mull over the initial findings from the support personnel as they could. Thousands
opening actions at Relemonia. After careful were able to escape to Eridanus. The Terran 3rd
analysis, it was their determination that the new Fleet was devastated, and would ultimately be
fleet encountered was a new ally of the Boltian used to reinforce Sol after months of repair. The
Star League. Once this evidence was presented ground battle was not so easily won, and the
to the Ingetu, it was quickly determined that the Kuissians would not capture the planet from
peace allowed their enemies to find new friends Terran defenders for two months.
and unite them against the Kuissians. The
reignited war would be expanded to include these The Boltians Gear Up
new aliens. For months the only response to the
Kuissian ships firmly held the system, Battle of Relemonia by the Boltians was a limited
and Kuissian transport fleets brought in engagement in the Draith System. They could
reinforcements to hold the planet against not quite figure out why the Kuissian boasted of
possible Boltian retaliation. All the while several their recent victories so much. For weeks they
aging Kuissian ships were brought back into received brash messages of how easily the
service to join the newer designs developed as defenders were destroyed, and that they had
a result of lessons learned in the first war. These shown more mettle in the first conflict. This
ships would join the victorious squadron at continued to puzzle Boltian League Intelligence

58 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
until they received their first fleet report from
The Kuissians were moving construction
equipment in at an alarming rate, but it was all
moving beyond Relemonia along a new EDT
route. The Kuissians must be pursuing the aliens
from the battle. How fortuitous! Boltian League
Command ordered a mobilization of newly built
and recommissioned ships. While many were
sent to reinforce MagHur and Draith, a significant
portion met at Tybor to strike the Kuissian Supply
Facilities at Peregral.
The large Boltian fleet met many of the
new Kuissian defensive emplacements and their

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

first run of fighters. The Kuissians had been filling
holes in their battle line with several new types
of ships, many of which were encountered here.
The Boltians had secured a foothold on the
planet, and destroyed all Kuissian orbital
emplacements. It would be the first time a world The Yilyians
was taken from the Kuissians (and it only cost Much as the Boltians discov-
the Boltians forty percent of their invading fleet ered MagHur confined to their system
and five heavy ground units). by the laws of relativity, they found the
Yilyian system forty years before the
start of war with the Kuissian Empire.
The Next Few Months Yilyia was situated along an EDT route
The forces under Duke Heimach repelled considered quite treacherous by many
the Boltian advance on Aneis soundly. The Boltian explorers. When they arrived,
introduction of a Kuissian scout vessel, the their vessels were promptly greeted by
Noeres class, was pivotal in outmaneuvering this a leading Yilyian space exploitation syn-
League Fleet before they could reach the local dicate and the friendship was born.
Kuissian colony. Even with a great deal of They found many of their cities
MagHur support the Boltian fleet took heavy situated either deep underwater, or
losses and fell back to Peregral. For the moment near the coastal planes of the major
they were safe under the blanket of their new continents. The first major hurdle en-
missile forts. The Boltian Fleets had been countered by the species was with their
enjoying a great deal of success against the first trade agreement. The Yilyian
Kuissians in the region and won four of the last people themselves were very dissimi-
six engagements. lar to their new friends, and amplified
Terran forces were unable to repel by fact they communicated entirely by
another Kuissian battle group from taking Vega. light refraction. After two years of study-
The war to date had been going badly for them. ing the Yilyians, a young member of the
Their only victories were smaller engagements Assembly made the first breakthrough
when Terran Squadrons could isolate one or two by trying to repeat refraction patterns
Kuissian ships. False intelligence leads from the from one of the religious structures.
extensive Kuissians intelligence network trickled Slowly this trade partnership would lead
into the Terran’s hands. They gave them enough to the second alien member of the
information to convince them that the League, and would remain so even af-
neighboring Yilyian System was a vital Kuissian ter the Terran Invasion.
supply point. They were certain the Terrans and
the members of the Star League were engaged
in hostile activities. If they could trick the Terrans

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
6 into opening their second front on the Boltians, over half of the Yilyian world governments.
the war would go much easier for them (instead It could only be assumed that the Terrans
of all this pesky fleet action with Terran ships). It had ground troops in place. As Orioko
should also be noted that the Kuissians were absorbed more and more about the Terrans,
still highly offended that the Terrans ignored their it was apparent to him that an opportunity
first attempt at peace offerings. was lost. In the Assembly’s haste, war was
In January of 2913, the Terran First Fleet declared against all aggressors present at
burst into Yilyian to sever the Kuissian supply Relemonia. In a broadcast to the retreating
lines only to find a system of completely unknown vessels, the Boltians made this clear to the
signals. In actuality the Yilyians were a quiet, Terrans. He was relatively sure the Terrans
but supportive League member who enjoyed life could have been persuaded to support the
far from the frontlines. The Terran scouts League had the Assembly been willing to
immediately realized their mistake, and apologize for the incident at Relemonia. The
attempted to recall the fleet. The Yilyian forces Terrans, who hadn’t encountered aliens
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

engaged the Terrans as recognized hostiles from before, would have been eager to avoid a
League Command. The conflict would escalate war with two alien governments.
in a series of major engagements over the next That discussion was academic now
few weeks culminating in a Yilyian surrender to that the League Assembly learned that the
the Terrans before any troops were landed. Terrans were using Boltian EDT technology.
Boltian League authorities were shocked to learn Granted a much more primitive form of EDT,
that communication with Yilyian was lost. A it was still of Boltian origin. The only
Boltian intel mission learned that there was explanation for this was the missing EDT
indeed another route into their space. They explorers from the days of the early Verbanal
scrambled a response to the previously “bottled missions. Several were lost, and it was
up” Terran threat with mostly auxiliary and allied certainly possible their reactors and
vessel, sparing their mainline warships to depletable resources sustained them until
continue the offensive into Kuissian space. they reached the home of the Terrans. Since
no formal dialog exists with them, it was
impossible to ask. All they had was the
Dragging his pale digits over the databanks from destroyed vessels, and
display before him, the Boltian Flight some testimony from those fleeing the
Coodinator Orioko paused to check his Kuissians.
calculations with the onboard control And it was not the Terrans for whom
systems. The command center was alive this armada was forming, but the Kuissians.
with Yilyian diplomats frantically attempting Centered around the new Throdox carrier
to understand the Boltian captain’s Hoanstriri, the new constructions — a mix
explanations. Their frustation was certainly of allies, auxiliaries, and Main Line League
understandable. Less than a month ago a ships — were being immediately deployed
Terran Task Force had sprung into Yilyian to reinforce the belueaguered League Fleet
space, destroyed the outlying defense, and at Maelotta. Unfortunately the newly
took the planet. Since most of the Yilyian arrived ships from the Yilyian Auxillary Naxy
ships were in the service of the League’s were pulling out to meet the Terrans and
Auxillary Forces, only a few token ships were there was little the Admirality could do to
left for defense. The only real warship in the stop them short of a fight. The Yilyians were
system (and the Boltian’s certainly did not outraged that the EDT route into Terran
regard Yilyian vessels as adequate) was a space had not been discovered by the
Dreiken Cruiser in dock for overhaul and Boltian scouts. Many of them accused the
repairs. Boltian Assembly of deliberately using the
Contact was lost with the system Yilyians as a buffer zone with the new aliens.
immediately after the League listening post As a sign of good faith from the
at Tropilak received word of surrenders from Assembly, an entire troop transport group

60 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
was diverted from reinforcing Tybor to help His thoughts drifted back to the
the Yilyians retake their planet. Not that nervous Yilyians. Their world was really of
he doubted the quality of the Boltian ground minor importance to the League as a whole.
forces, but that group would have to punch They freely contributed to their coffers,
through the Terran warships with the mostly in exchange for certain limited tech
support of only the Yilyian Navy. It was a advances. Yilyian ships were still too
waste of valuable resources to give the primitive to leave their system without the
Yilyian’s false hope when more than the aid of the nearby Boltian EDT station. He
antiquated Yilyian Navy was needed for a had not conversed with one for many units.
sound victory. To this end the League pulled For a brief time he was assigned to a team
several new MagHur, and GMA Mercantile of League command officers to evaluate
battle groups to assist in the assault on possible Yilyian assistance in future conflicts
the Yilyian system. with the Kuissians. He found their visual
The calm murmur of the passive communications distracting, and the

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

sensors gave him continued feedback on the translation progress too cumbersome.
progress of the fleet. As the time passed Although he was quickly reassigned, he did
the Yilyians would make their exit for the learn much about the Yilyian Unity of Tein
Scism EDT Transit Station for the long trip where the primary liaison office resided. One
along the slow EDT lanes to their home of the local religions used beautiful
system. Traffic around the outer moons was structures to communicate with their
busy with supply ships offloading shuttles supreme being. They believed every instance
to the departing fleet. And the last of his of light from their sun carried messages
drone controllers had returned their from their supreme being to the Yilyians.
assortment of Arioki and Freyna in Since light was a proven medium of
anticipation of their departure. The last few communication, those who “listened” could
cycles had been quite stressful as he ran hear and be guided on their correct path.
his new controllers through the methods Although this was silly to Orioko, he did
of combat with the new Kuissian Alem-Tiri appreciate their religious structures that
fighters. Most had performed fairly, but the focused the light into very impressive, and
proper training of a fighter-drone controller daresay beautiful, arrays of color. They were
can take years. The art of maneuver a very diverse species, but extremely difficult
programming and attack approach is not with which to communicate without the
easily mastered. Then Orioki had the benefit assistance of the League Diplomacy Service.
of actually meeting the Kuissians at the And except for a brief meeting with
Battle of Relemonia and tended to be the MagHur on the onset of war, he had
somewhat judgmental. never encountered another Boltian member
With the fleet’s transit to Inaata race. The Kom loomed quietly on the far side
imminent, he would need to complete some of the League toward the center of their
of their training enroute. There was an galaxy. He doubted they would get directly
abundance of time on the trip to Maelotta, involved in the conflict since construction
but he felt the simulator failed to capture of the Kom shipyards ceased after the
the nuances of live drone flight. Even this budget constraints of the last war. It was
would not prepare them for their attack probable that their ground troops could be
runs against Kuissian warships firing off redeployed, but a transport fleet would have
their protective laser shrouds. His projected to venture several months to Kom space.
drone losses for the first engagements were This would be much easier had the Kom
submitted to command and requisitions for shipyards been finished, and they could
replacement materials were already supply their own military and civilian vessels.
enroute. If they could keep their supply lines It was expensive enough to keep that
intact after arrival at Maelotta, this should primitive EDT station in Kom working. The
not be a problem. real reason such friendly relations were

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
6 maintained with such a weak League He repeatedly petitioned the League to allow for
member was undoubtably the several new an offensive against the Kuissian “Eastern”
EDT routes from their system that have yet territories where they were already weakened
to be explored. from fighting the Terran Union while he held the
His fighter-drones were ready. All bulk of the Kuissian modern fleet committed at
basic attack maneuvers were pre- Peregral and Maelotta.
programmed in coordination with the launch It would not be so as the League
ordnance teams in the fleet. It would be a Assembly felt that with enough forts, and several
tiresome and boring few weeks until they Dunchar Starbases already in working condition,
reached Inaata and the new trainees could the League Dramati Fleet could go on the
run their flight programs with the real offensive again into the heart of the Kuissian
drones. For now simulation would have to industrial worlds. Tactics by committee had never
do. At least they would have non-combat been a good thing, and ultimately Admiral
rotation to provide gravity, and the quiet Kensok, hero of the first Kuissian War, would be
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

hiss of the Hoanstriri’s EDT drive. transferred to the small Boltian League Erenticas
Fleet positioned in MagHur. Admiral Renshan,
another first war veteran, was selected to lead
the League’s proposed attack.
Mid-War Overview The MagHur and Yilyian delegations to
This section chronicles the closing days the League Assembly held their position that not
of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War. By the enough was being done to protect their interests.
point of the conflict commonly referred to as “Mid- League fleet commitments to MagHur were
War” only the main League fleet had enjoyed substantial, but nothing was being done to aid
any success. The Kuissians had staved off the the MagHur fleet itself. The MagHur delegation
continued assaults on Arcturus, but their advance asserted that the League had no problem using
on the far weaker Terran opponent had stalled MagHur troops in ground combat, but never
as they reinforced the beleaguered Royal Fleet trusted them enough to keep significant numbers
at Aneis. It was during this time that the Terran of their own people on the planet. In the mean
Union would meet continued engagement from time the Assembly repeatedly denied funds to
League Auxiliaries in the Yilyian system. For now help the MagHur finish their second shipyard and
the conflict would continue with no end in site. improve their current crop of mainline warship
designs. They demanded relief for their
Ongoing League expeditionary force in Yilyia, who had seen heavy
losses fighting the technologically equal Terrans.
Dissension The Yilyian delegation had an entirely
There was a growing concern in the separate set of complaints. Since they had joined
Boltian Assembly that the main offensive thrust the League, a Boltian declaration of war enabled
under Admiral Kensok was stalling. For the last them to be conquered by an aggressor they had
year new ships and troops poured into Peregral, never met from a previously undetected EDT
but the results were less than stellar. The route. Contact with their world had been
Kuissian Fleet for the most part went completely cut off. The remaining Yilyian fleet
unchallenged, and Kensok had prevented any and supporting MagHur vessels repeatedly
further Boltian raids and incursions into deep engaged the Terrans, but unlike their opposite
Kuissian space for some time. Although it was number, they were reinforced over fifty percent
never revealed to the League, Kensok’s less and the attrition was showing. The Yilyians
unwillingness to strike came from what he felt wanted results from the League and demanded
was a comfortable position suspected at only more ships be sent to retake their world. A
two EDT lanes away from Mana-Kuissia itself. prominent Boltian from Verbanal openly accused
He had no problem letting the Kuissian Fleet the Yilyian of cowardice, as they surrendered
reform and engage him in a battleground of his their ground forces and orbital facilities before
choosing supported by his defensive structures. Terran troops had even secured the nation of Oot.

62 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
Behind closed doors the Boltian War of escort type vessels that were becoming ever
planners agreed that the Terran fleet in Yilyia more popular with the Royal Fleet Leaders.
was by no means a threat to the League itself. It The majority of those in the War Party
was separated by over two months travel given felt fairly secure that the Boltians would never
top EDT transit speeds through a remote and be able to free enough warships from MagHur
much monitored corridor of the League. Very few to overwhelm the new defenses at Aneis. More
of the Terran ships present were detected to have warships were being transferred to Duke
an EDT drive, and they certainly could not use Heimach’s Royal Fleet every month. Once the
the native Boltian EDT stations to make the trip. system was won back from the Boltian Fleet,
No, the real threat to the League was still the they could pound the ground troops to dust from
ever growing number of Kuissian ships they were high orbit. Amongst these newer ships were
certain were amassing across the border in more and more of the fighter-drones and escorts
Aneis. Their job now was to make this Assembly- that were so despised early on. As time passed
sponsored attack from Peregral succeed without the Kuissian commanders learned to more

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

losing the system. effectively field these vehicles in combat.
In private, several member of the Boltian However fewer new construction ships
Intelligence Service were asked for another were dispatched to reinforce the fleet at Arcturus
appraisal of the Terran threat. It was becoming and Vega as the Ingetu felt more than enough
plain to the Assembly that their hasty declaration resources were already being used against the
of war did not take into account that this new economically and militarily inferior Terran
alien was another potential ally against the opponent. In fact, it was not uncommon for family
Kuissians. It was recommended to some of the rivals, or less fortunate commanders, to be
Assembly that it may be prudent to petition for transferred to this extended front. The only
peace with the Terrans. Although not rejected exception in this region was the economic
outright, these few representatives still felt that development in the recently acquired resource
public outrage over the Terran ships with Boltian rich Relemonia system which the Monarchy had
EDT drives, and continued hostilities would not designated for a new Kuissian colony.
return them to their seats on the League. For
now, public opinion would cling to the original
claims from the League on the onset of the war Terran
with the Terrans. Knowing that a continued
conflict with two separate space-faring entities Expeditions
could not end well, they held to this notion for
the right opportunity to present itself.
Senate Responses
The Terran High Defense Assembly, by
The Kuissian War now referred to as the War Directory, worked
Machine Grows adamantly within the Union to rally more support
For months the Ingetu Artenel, ruler of for the war. They had failed to hold back the
the Kuissian Monarchy, pressed the War Party Kuissians, and now the remote outpost of Vega
for results. They had promised increased was lost to a Kuissian War Fleet. The only real
production capacity, ground forces, and, most success had been enjoyed in the fact that the
of all, spacefaring warships. With the Boltian Kuissians had not seemed terribly committed at
threat from the former supply point of Peregral driving on Sol, or at least hadn’t completed the
on the more vital Kuissian worlds ever present, EDT plotting to do so. The taking of the Yilyian
it was not difficult to galvanize even members of system certainly helped, but they had yet to face
the peace party to increase war time production. another real Boltian League fleet since the Battle
This would result in higher outputs on Mana- at Relemonia.
Kuissia itself and the addition of a third shipyard The mutual declarations of war against
to handle extended construction times of the new the Terran Union did come as an honest surprise
Master class warship, and the higher numbers to everyone in the Terran government. While they

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
6 were certain intelligent life would be encountered, the First Fleet under Admiral Bacallao, she now
as evidenced by the limited wreckage recovered had complete command of the new defensive
on 2003 BG 91, they had not anticipated the first stations, and the sentry vessels left to monitor
encounter to go so badly as to spark what was near orbit activity. Putting the ground forces on
now a war between three substantial domains. full alert, she withdrew key elements of her Fifth
It was around this point that the truth about the Fleet, designated Task Force 5.82, under the
sudden “invention” of the Union’s prominent EDT command of the TUS Doryman. Separating the
interplanetary drive came out. Furious that the fleet for various functions was not uncommon.
information had been kept secret from even the Often a fleet commander would break wounded
higher senator members, many resigned in ships into separate squadrons to keep them out
protest, blaming the Exploration Directory on of harms way, position ships to protect the flag,
grounds that the Boltian’s accused them of or shift missile heavy vessels as first strike or
“illegal acquisition of Boltian travel competence.” harassing squadrons.
The Union Diplomatic Corp made every In this case, Task Force 5.82 was to be
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

effort to communicate with both the Kuissians left alone to cover the entire Yilyian System and
and Boltians on some sort of compromise. The to run for help through the new Terran EDT
only response they had received, and the only station to Lacerta if the situation got out of hand.
good information they had on either party, was This was a pretty tall order for a squadron whose
from the taking of Yilyia. As sensitive an issue largest ship was the Warspite Light Cruiser TUS
as that was with many at home, the War Doryman. But she had no plans to let the MagHur
Directory felt that was the best way to keep the or the rest of the Boltian Auxiliaries near the
real League Fleet off their door step. Still, the planet. By the end of her first week in the Yilyian
occupation of key Yilyian nations had been fairly System, Admiral M’Tambo had mobilized the rest
non-violent with the only major resistance from of the Fifth Fleet for combat operations, complete
Yilyian, MagHur, and other auxiliary Boltian with AOE supply vessels. M’Tambo was clearly
forces. not staying in Yilyia.
Unlike the Boltian Government, the War The fleet, minus Task Force 5.82,
Directory had far less influence over the direct departed Yilyia near orbit for the outer jovian
actions of the navy, and generally worked to see zone of the system where the bulk of the Boltian
construction goals met, or dealt with relations fleet undoubtedly waited. In anticipation of
between the Senate and the Admiralty. To their meeting the enemy, the fleet Shinyo Class scout
credit they managed to transfer new ships into pulled ahead several hours to give the fleet
the front lines as quickly as possible. The newly warning of any enemy approaches. The local
formed Terran Fifth Fleet moved to reinforce the Yilyian defenses were on full alert in anticipation
battered Elite First Fleet in Yilyia, relieving them any counter-attack.
for several months so that they could undergo The Boltian ships, which remained mostly
refit at Spica. In command of the new fleet, a collection of MagHur, Yilyian, and GMA
complete with an attached marine division, was Mercentile Protection Force Ships under the
the recently promoted Vice Admiral M’Tambo. command of an aging Verbanal Celse class
Her orders had been without ambiguity: defend Cruiser (notably the only ship with an EDT drive
Yilyia while arranging an amiable peace with the of its own), the Tiecrekoth, closely monitored the
Yilyian Nations themselves, and keep the enemy new arrival of a fleet from the Lacerta System
from approaching the planet. but had yet to act. The Terran received ample
reinforcements while MagHur replacements had
to come directly from the MagHur shipyards over
The Ride of Vice four months travel away. And there had been no
Admiral M’Tambo new Yilyian or Boltian nation ships in over six
Aboard the newly commissioned months. Needless to say the Boltian Allies had
Improved Sverige Cruiser TUS Impashi, she not been happy about the use of their forces in
layed out her new plan to keep the League forces this operation. It was later learned that the
away from the planet. With the redeployment of shipyard at Tropilak was occupied building

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mainline League ships, and their vessels were After fifteen minutes of silent burn (and several
forced to reroute to MagHur. thousand kilometers distance passed), they fired
Despite the distances involved, the up their main thrusters again and proceeded to
already low flow of new MagHur ships nearly the outer system Boltian EDT station.
stopped. Vessels sent for repairs had not All the lead Boltian ships could track was
returned, and now their vessels only a main body of ships, varying heat signatures,
compromised a third of the total League Fleet in and confusing electronic emissions. At first it
Yilyia. The MagHur commander received no appeared as though the Terrans were using a
explanation from his commanders, and the local varying degree of electronic white noise to throw
Boltian Supervising Admiral Hustiok was off targeting until the MagHur Cruiser supporting
frequently out of the system in an attempt to rally the lead escorts began to discern multiple targets
more support for a counter-strike on the Terran on an unchanging course. After a few more
ships. If they had followed up with reinforcements minutes, the targets faded and only the distant
of their own when the Terran First Fleet was heat signatures of the Terran fleet making a

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

weakened, then League troop ships could easily straight course for where their EDT station
have moved in and assaulted the planet with a remained.
troop fleet from their base at Tropilak. The Boltian EDT station in the system
Without a scout of their own they could was a decrepit collection of Boltian parts aligned
monitor the approach of the new Terran Fleet, with the Tropilak System. In addition, it was of
but details were harshly lacking. Admiral Hustiok Boltian origin and quite useless to any Terran
brought his fleet to speed, and deployed a screen vessels wishing to use it for actual EDT
of escorts to knock down any flood of Terran transportation. Typically starships cannot share
missiles that would inevitably flow from a fleet of EDT stations unless an extreme amount of
this size. He hoped to catch them before they configuration is done on both the willing starship,
could enter range and threaten his supply and the EDT station itself. These stations allow
vessels. Several Transfer, Piorun, Zara, and for commercial and other non-EDT capable ships
Jalalat vessels pulled ahead in formation, to travel between star systems without the
supported by the medium range coilguns of the assistance of a large, expensive, and
Haltiri and Nigiri warships. The Tiecrekoth, cumbersome EDT drive. Unbeknownst to Boltian
unsurprisingly, held back with the remainder of and their allies guarding the system, Admiral
the command squadron and their single Pike M’Tambo had already learned the relevant EDT
Class Monitor. data to calculate a transfer away from the Yilyian
At this point the fleets were still several System. Only several hours after they had
hours from engagement, assuming neither side shrugged off the Boltian picket vessels, buying
made any outstanding maneuvers. The lead critical minutes with decoys and silent running,
Terran scout was accompanied by none other the main body of the Terran Fifth Fleet formed
than the fleet’s only Waikato Missile Boat. The into EDT Transit Formation and departed for
only difference was that the normal arsenal of Tropilak.
nuclear, scatter shot, and bomb pumped lasers
warheads had been swapped out with decoy
systems. With only two hours left in the fleet
Tropilak Infiltration
closing distance, the Boltian formation tightened, Admiral Hustiok was shocked. It was one
dropped rotation, and entered combat thing to play cat and mouse with an enemy fleet
maneuvering. The Terran fleet, except for the at distances, it was even expected. It was
scout and the large Waikato boat, dropped all another to miss the distinct signature of a
active sensor emissions. primitive Terran EDT drive activation at only a
It was as this moment that the Waikato few hours travel distance. He was also sure the
Boat went to rapid launch and spilled its decoys Boltian EDT station was close enough to have
in rapid succession. Both the forward squadron seen it as well and probably relayed the
and the main body of the Fifth Fleet altered information. With the decoys long since burned
course ever so slightly to avoid the MagHur Fleet. out, the only foreign traffic left were a few distinct
Terran signatures over Yilyia, and quite a few of

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6 the converted Yilyian orbital defense satellites. then an EDT capable ship would be needed to
Regrettably, he had no choice and began his complete supply runs. Without the assistance
pursuit of the Terran Fleet with all haste. Yilyia of their own AOE vessels, or an EDT vessel on
would have to wait as Tropilak was far too hand constantly, the Boltian Civilian Provisions
important and probably ill equipped for even a Service would be unable to deliver the much
low tech Terran Fleet. needed replacements for their picket fleet in
Unfortunately for him though, the Yilyian Yilyia. Either the situation between the Kuissians
vessels would not leave. This was their golden and Boltians was dire, or this was negligence
moment to try to break the Terran hold on their unheard of before for the Boltian Navy. She
planet. Despite his repeated threats and orders, already knew from Yilyian informants that the
their fleet broke off. All of the ships belonging to system of Tropilak was not too far away, and
the Boltians continued for EDT station, until was a key supply point for the League Forces. If
finally the MagHur slowed their advance and indeed the Boltian fleet in Yilyia was unfit to fight,
brought their ships back on course to support it was an opportunity for her to seize.
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

the remaining Yilyian ships. Furious and cursing The thought of engaging the split fleet
his allies, Admiral Hustiok departed for Tropilak from Yilyia was tempting, but Admiral M’Tambo
without delay. wanted to preserve the bulk of her fleet and
It is probably good to question the motive limited munitions on anything of value at Tropilak.
behind the actions of Admiral M’Tambo at this Her scout pulled into a lead formation and
point. Drawing off and pulling a feint on the immediately picked up active League traffic. Not
enemy fleet is certainly one thing, but an actual only was Tropilak a well established Boltian
system departure into an unknown section of world, but it operated a full shipyard and system
enemy space is another. Certainly her pursuers defenses, she would need every ship if she
would either chase the Fifth Fleet, or take wanted this attack to succeed. Before pushing
advantage of the situation and attack Yilyia. If on the Boltian colony and installations, missile
they tailed her, she was confident the auxiliaries, stocks were replenished on the Waikato Boat
MagHur, GMA, Yilyian, and really any of the non- from her AOE vessels. This transfer of
mainline fleet, were of roughly equal speed and ammunition had to be done in normal space as
would not overtake them immediately. She knew, interaction between starships in EDT is
and the Boltian commander probably did as well, impossible.
that the Yilyians would never abandon their Admiral Hulisiol commanded the Tropilak
system, but the Boltian ships would have no defense force, which was really a queue for ships
choice but to pursue. This meant she would being sent to the Kuissian Front, and had
probably only meet part of their ships. precious few hours to deploy after receiving the
Several months before the Fifth Fleet message from the Yilyia EDT station. The
deployed to the Yilyian System she received message was already several weeks old, taking
word of another engagement between the into account the travel time via the restricted
Boltians and the First Fleet. There was one key route. His flag squadron consisted of a fine
difference this time, the ballistic capable ships assortment of two Improved Firestars with
were only firing half volleys and not one counter- several Streidox and Hrath destroyers. He pulled
measure was deployed. It is also well known that his fleet forward to assist the nearly finished
many Boltian commanders love utilizing ballistic Dunchar Starbase overlooking the shipyard and
weapons as they are fairly cheap, and quite its array of Boltian Defender Forts.
effective at range. It may also be said that any There was a strange echo returning to
captain will use counter-measures and decoys the lead Terran Scout, the TUS Euskadi. In
as often as possible. This looked like the fleet addition to the fleeing Boltian commerce and
was not receiving supplies from the League, or transport vessels, they detected several cold and
at least, not recently. shattered hulls on the far side of the shipyard.
The key to this was the weak and From the preliminary reports, it appeared to
outdated EDT station in Yilyia. If it was of an Yilyian and other Auxiliary vessel had been
older design, or had interruptions in operation, mothballed and abandoned. The shipyard itself

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appeared to be filled with new League vessels, Ship Fighters who bore down quickly on the
with a second shipyard only months away from enemy.
completition. The data was promptly returned to Unlike previous encounters, there were
Admiral M’Tambo aboard the TUS Impashi. few League fighter-drones present so the
Terrans could concentrate their efforts on the
incoming warheads. Those few Arioki medium
The Battle of Tropilak fighter-drones that were nearby altered their
The Tropilak Defense Force took up a vector to protect the Boltian League ships.
bombardment position adjacent to the static Admiral Hulisiol simply believed, and probably
defenses. They did not have a great deal of correctly, that there were just too many Terran
installations, but they could throw a respectable drones to risk drawing his Ariokis away on an
amount of warheads at the incoming Terran anti-ship assault. He would let his volleys of
ships. If they coordinated correctly they could missiles do the work.
even whittle down a squadron or two, and maybe The first missiles homed in on the lead

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

allow time for Admiral Hustiok to catch up. He Terran Escort Squadrons. Bomb pumped laser
sent an urgent plea for help to the colonies at warheads from the large Defender Forts tore
Scism or Auckbold on the off chance any frontier deep into the unfortunate lead ships. Destroyer
bound Boltian warships could assist. Squadron 2 escaped the first volley with only
The Terran Fleet had been better one Vidar Class Light Cruiser. Without its point
equipped since the start of the war, and was defenses, lost in the first volley, it was helpless
more apt to survive a League ballistic alpha as two proximity nukes finished the job. With
strike. They now fielded improved fighters, and her escort squadrons burning away in the
shipborne armor. Most importantly, the Union had opening hour of the fire fight, Admiral M’Tambo
survived the opening years of the war (due was losing her valuable missile defense screen.
entirely to the constant Kuissian distraction). In Still her main line cruiser squadrons, carrier
most normal engagements with the real ships group, and remaining escorts pushed on.
of the Boltian League Navy, Terran ships needed The Terran missiles were fairing far
numerical superiority if they wanted any chance worse against the Boltians. Their escorts and
to emerge from the engagement. Admiral electronic defenses had succeeded in bleeding
M’Tambo had her counter-part outnumbered by off most of the Terran Missiles. The brunt of the
far more than this and intended to press this damage was being felt by Admiral Hulisiol’s
advantage. Firestar which had missed several of the
At extreme missile ranges, the Boltians incoming warheads. The point defenses on the
had not fired. For several more minutes, nothing ship were simply overwhelmed. The damage
happened. Admiral Hulisiol continued to hold his was fairly severe, costing Admiral Hulisiol his
fire until the lead Terran squadrons were nearing command uplink to the fleet, and his passive
medium range. As the Terran fleet entered his sensors. If he wanted to engage with his ship’s
predetermined engagement range, the defender weapons, he would have to engage the active
forts opened with their oversized missile sensors and paint a large bull’s-eye on his ship.
launchers. After several minutes of The Terran fighters bore in, with the
bombardment, the League ships joined in with Boltian Ariokis finally answering the challenge.
their smaller shipboard tubes. The Terran vessels Several minutes away from optimal launch the
answered in kind. groups met. With a firm numerical superiority,
Both adversaries were quick to respond the Terran flight controllers were aggressive and
with electronic counter-measures, ranged destroyed over fifty percent of the Boltian fighter-
interception, and decoys. The Terran’s first drones outright. Arioki anti-fighter missiles
defenses to reach the Boltian missile wall were answered and destroyed twelve Mako class
the Mako Interceptors and the newly deployed interceptors.
Gecko II Class fighter. Their anti-fighter systems Gecko II and Linx class fighters pressed
went to work cutting down as many of the large on, leaving the Makos to continue the battle with
fort missiles as they could on their fly-by. Shortly the Ariokis. At optimal range, these flights let
behind them were several flights of Linx Anti-

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6 loose with their compliment of anti-ship missiles launchers, and propulsion. On the advice of
on the Boltian flagship. This was not without a some of their Yilyian compatriots, they avoided
price; over twenty-five percent of the attacking various sections of the internal structure where
Terran fighter-drones were destroyed. They they knew the automatic defenses to be heavy.
continued their attack until their ammunition ran This allowed them to escape in under an hour
out, and then were forced to retire. The Boltian with minimal losses and very important
command squadron simply could not handle the technological boons. It was also an opportunity
number of fighters thrown at them. The lead to field test the Terran’s new breaching pod. Slow
Firestar was a wreck, and began maneuvering and cumbersome in flight, this new craft was built
away from the fight. off the highly successful Larkana Assault Shuttle.
With the fleets now entering optimal It was unfit for atmospheric use or against targets
engagement ranges, Terran and Boltian ships moving at significant speeds, but it allowed
exchanged kinetic, laser, and energy weapons. Admiral M’Tambo’s marines to pull off the quick
When the dust settled, both sides had several raid. The stolen components were hauled to a
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

ships crippled, including the remaining Firestar. point where Terran utility shuttles could transport
With their missile supplies exhausted, the them back to the fleet.
defender forts were effectively out of the fight. League troops could not effectively seal
The Terrans were taking losses as well, but they off the shipyard in sections as they had planned
had replacements for the lost ships. in their contingency. Instead of any shipyard
Admiral Hulisiol had no choice but to pull raiders entering via the flight bays, they had
the Defense Force back to protect the shipyard breached the hull at various points. They slipped
and the nearby unfinished starbase. With only a away just as quickly, and reattached at another
few ships capable of staying in the fight, he was point. The Fifth Fleet did not have enough troops
quickly losing the battle. Before the fight would to overwhelm the fortified troops on the colony
end, his ship would take several hits from the or protecting the shipyard, but the attack was a
TUS Klipfisk’s Neutral Particle Accelerators and success. With their new cargo secured, they
break apart. The other Firestar fired its remaining reformed and Admiral M’Tambo sent the famous
ion thrusters on its forward and port section, and “Leave Now” message.
made best speed to get away from the fight. With In no uncertain terms she informed the
its point defenses neutralized and no more shipyard residents they had twenty Boltian
screening escorts available to cover its retreat, standard minutes to evacuate. And true to her
long range missile fire from the Terran fleet was word, scores of Terran proximity nuclear
all that was needed to turn it into superheated warheads detonated near the shipyards roughly
scrap. twenty-five Boltian minutes later, completely
Multiple hulls were under construction in destroying the shipyard. As the Fifth fleet took
the Boltian shipyard, including one of the prized formation and thrusted for the outer system to
Throdox Fleet Carriers. With the undestroyed engage their EDT drives, M’Tambo left behind a
League ships scattered throughout the local shattered shipyard and a Boltian colony world
system, the Terran forces were firmly in control with no means to repair fleets or keep the steady
of the colony and shipyards in orbit. Several flow of war materials heading to the front lines.
squadrons broke away from the Terran fleet to
perform the “coup de gras” on the unfinished
starbase. The remainder of the fleet tended to
Hustiok Meets
wounded vessels, reformed, and supported the M’Tambo
attached marine divisions on the transport fleet. Admiral Hustiok arrived quite late to the
With the assistance of the Terran scene, which seemed to be his lot in life. The
carriers, Terran Union marines shuttled to the EDT drive on the aged Verbanal Celse Cruiser
Boltian shipyard. Selecting key points on the was over thirty years old and had not been
installation they made quick raids on lightly updated when so many of the Verbanal hulls
defended sections of the yard, seizing important were switched to the Hybrid Cruisers. It was an
components to League fighters, warhead antique by comparison to the modern EDT

68 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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systems employed by the Boltians, and certainly around the outer Jovian planets, hoping to draw
cost him precious hours in catching up with his in any pursuing vessels. It was unfortunate for
adversary. Admiral Hustiok that he would pick the larger,
With only a portion of his Yilyian Defense and higher signatured vessels of the cruiser
Force present, and word of the defeat of the squadrons to pursue.
Tropilak Defense Force all over the The battle weary and unsupplied Cruiser
communication channels, he sent several of his Squadrons were an even match for the recently
escorts forward to probe for the Terran Fleet. arrived ships of Admiral Hustiok’s Auxillary Fleet.
The weakened Terran Fleet was easily located, With their magazines running low, and without
but rapidly changing course, and flooding the time to reload from the Moltke AOE vessels,
area again with electronic junk to throw off Admiral M’Tambo was forced to play it safe
Boltian passive sensors. If Hustiok was careful, against Admiral Hustiok. So it would be that both
they may slip close to them undetected. This sides would harass each other at range, and
meant not relying on active sensors which could close for a few impressive volleys, only to

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

instantly betray his location. withdraw to the safety of their fleet. A few vessels
Stalking along the fringe of the outer zone sustained major damage, but every ship could
of the Tropilak System, Admiral Hustiok’s fleet still maneuver enough to not fall behind. The
waited. Time was passing, and still he had troop fleet with its escorts slipped by hundreds
nothing. The only visible signatures were of thousands of kilometers away to a safe EDT
battered Boltian ships returning to the planet, distance and made the transition back to Yilyia.
several scuttled Terran hulls, and the Tropilak The Cruiser Squadron would have the same
orbital facilities that now lay in ruin. Reports were opportunity once Admiral Hustiok slowed his
streaming in from the Terran shipyard raid, and pursuit to keep searching for the transport fleet.
it was clear that the troop ships probably ferried
the capture Boltian components.
The Auxiliary Fleet picked up murmurs
Testing Task Force
from the Terran targets, and altered approach 5.82
vector to intercept. It happened by chance that The remainder of the combat worthy
the Fifth Fleet had been broken into several vessels in the Yilyian squadron formed around
different groups. The lighter squadrons the MagHur vessels that remained to support
consisting of a mix of escorts and light cruisers them. The Yilyian Catamarca Light Cruiser, YLS
escorted the troop ships, while the bulk of the Enduring Light (loosely translated), took point
main line cruiser and larger vessels swung and began the drive on the planet. With the

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6 MagHur warships the Yilyians actually stood a Admiral Hustiok, the only ranking Boltian
fair chance of bringing down the Terran command level officer to survive the whole
Controlled Yilyian Defensive Satellites. incident, was promptly reprimanded before the
As their orders dictated, Task Force 5.82 Boltian Assembly for his actions in Yilyia. Citing
moved to a position to enter EDT and warn the his lack of support and supplies, and making
War Directory if the static defenses failed. Much clear the state of his vessels when given the
had been invested in them, and it was believed assignment, he made attempts to pin the blame
they could withstand a substantial attack. Of on faulty war planning. No sentence was issued
course those scenarios fully intended to have to the officer for negligence, but declared
the support of a Terran fleet, not a token defense “beyond his years” and quietly retired.
force. It would be several weeks before the Another interesting side effect was the
remainder of the Fifth Fleet could return. shifting of Boltian repairs and construction to
Nevertheless the Terran Controlled MagHur until the Tropilak yard could be rebuilt.
Yilyian System defenses would hold, and Task This was an unpopular but necessary decision
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Force 5.82 was not forced to run for Eridanus. made by the Boltian League Assembly as the
Yilyian ships took heavy losses against the flow of ships to both fronts was now necessary.
defenses, and surrendered before the defense The Assembly was still up in arms about the
grid could finish off the last of the Yilyian ships. complete MagHur withdrawal from the Yilyian
The MagHur vessels had been very effective in system. After several months of travel, and
combat, but felt the Yilyian ships were being without League Command approval, these
overly reckless. They stayed for several hours vessels returned to MagHur itself.
of the battle, and withdrew again to the outer The whole incident made clear that the
zone of the system. war with the Terran may be more than a planet
Admiral M’Tambo returned on April 19th, grab. They were clearly an inferior opponent, but
2915 to find her task force intact, Yilyia held, and one they couldn’t control in the face of Kuissian
several surrendered and battered Yilyian hulls aggression. It was a war the Boltians could not
in orbit of the planet. The defensive network had afford. In July 2915 a League intelligence
taken serious damage, but a major victory had operative would leave various messages for
finally been secured by the Terran Union. The Terran officials inquiring if a private audience may
Terran Union had a significant portion of their be obtained for discussion of peace and mutual
overall ships committed to keeping Yilyia with defense.
the Fifth Fleet. So the loss of so many against
the League fleet was a blow to the overall war
effort. To the Admiral, the most interesting item The MagHur
was the complete lack of MagHur ships upon
her return. Break-Out
The Boltian Accords The Long Gaze Across
When the dust had settled from the Battle
of Tropilak, Admiral M’Tambo had lost over a third the Border
of her combat warships, but had dealt a serious MagHur ships were fairly competent
blow to the Boltian war effort on the Terran front. vehicles and truth be known the alliance with
It would set the stage for the surprising turn of the Boltians had been undoubtedly good for
events in July 2915, which many credit to her them. They would be a Kuissian pacified world
daring incursion. To many in the Terran War without the intervention of the Star League, and
Directory, her actions were scene as unfit. She more importantly, they would not have access
had risked an entire Terran Battle Fleet when to any form of EDT travel. In their opinion very
there was no imminent threat to Terran space. little was being done to warrant the sacrifices
Ironically, her Fifth Fleet was reinforced and accepted in this current war. MagHur ships were
quickly transferred to Eridanus to fight the committed to fight in Yilyia, a job deemed
Kuissians. unworthy of the main League Fleet, and to

70 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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system. Of course this information could have
been very useful to the local League Admiral who
oversaw operations through the MagHur system,
but this information was continually kept quiet.
The MagHur had also gone to great
lengths to deploy their own logistical support
vessels as well. Under peaceful circumstances
the League probably would have objected, but
the war continued to draw their attention away
from MagHur. League forces were heavily
engaged with the Kuissians in repeated
engagements in Aneis, Maelotta, and Tybor. With
the Kuissians finally turning the tide against the
Boltian advance, the League was more

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

desperate than ever to protect their home
systems, let along win any more territory. This
was a much different and less optimistic attitude
from the same government that only last year
had plans to divide the “Kuissian spoils” amongst
the allies.
The only difference was the involvement
of the Terrans who threw so many ships at the
Kuissians that they were finally starting to win
space battles. The League had begun meeting
defend their system. While this was an agreeable with representatives of the Terran Union to
goal, and the Yilyian a decent people, they had discuss the cessation of hostilities and
gained nothing. engagement of mutual enemies. The talks had
However the MagHur governments did been slow but it looked like the Terrans would
not allow themselves to be an idle planet. They agree. They were as overextended as the
spent countless resources shoring up their Kuissians.
defenses, developing new starships based on And yet the MagHur knew exactly what
improved weapon systems, and finishing their they must do, and they knew exactly when they
second shipyard. With the exception of some must do it. At the beginning of each month Duke
ships returning for repairs from skirmishes, they Celeshian arrived with reinforcements from the
mostly had the shipyards to themselves. In the core worlds. This number had been slowing due
months approaching the attack from the Terran to the escalating conflict in the Aneis system. As
Fifth Fleet, MagHur ships had been steadily with the Boltians, the Terrans simply were not
withdrawing for maintenance or repairs. Their as dangerous as the Boltians. Their own “system
steady flow of new ships discontinued, and grab” in Terran space had slowed when it
standing orders issued to their fleet at Yilyia were became clear they lacked the transport vessels
to support their allies, but a full withdrawal to move their troops to hold their captured worlds.
required by the end of 2915. Obviously they Kuissian ships moved out on the third week to
ended up leaving much sooner, and risking far Arcturus, which left only a picket fleet to defend
less for anyone. the Relemonia system. To date the Kuissians
Their ambitions had a new target. A newly had yet to finish any real system defenses.
deployed MagHur scout type vessel had
successfully infiltrated Relemonia. In several
repeated missions to the system they learned
The Day of MagHur
the average size of the Kuissian fleet, which Acknowledgement
Dukes could be expected, and roughly what On the first day of September 2915
plans the Kuissians had for the resource rich (Terran Calendar), the Boltian admiral on station

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6 in MagHur was experiencing his usual pleasant of the Kuissian reinforcement and supply convoy
morning of fleet engagement reports, systems leaving for Arcturus to battle the Terrans. They
checks, and monitoring of local traffic patters. It would encounter many Kuissian warships, but
was calm, and nothing was out of the ordinary. the MagHur Day of Acknowledgement was at
The steadily growing number of MagHur ships hand.
was obvious, but this was explained to him both It is simply said in one dominant MagHur
by the MagHur leadership and assembly culture, the Herkesiakk Coalition, that the day a
representative as “acceptable maneuvers for the young MagHur arises to meet its fears, and
betterment of the League”. He honestly didn’t emerge in a position superior to that fear, is the
care as long as they observed proper procedure Day of Acknowledgement. To appease this
and gave way to more urgent League vessel dominant group, the rest of the MagHur agreed
repairs if needed. to such pedantic ramblings to see the operation
There were more diverse ships as well. carried out. Nonetheless, the MagHur fleet was
Evidently the MagHur had deployed real fighter- as powerful as it had ever been in the history of
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

drone craft on their escort carrier now, and an their civilization and they believed this strike
improved battlewagon. And it was around this could remove the Kuissian threat from the region,
time that the MagHur Fleet Command Center and ensure their role as a respected galactic
informed him that their transports would be partner.
running combat operations, and acquiring troops
during that time. As the hours passed, more
MagHur ships were moving, all with vectors to
The Outer System
rendezvous with a group of MagHur ships on Encounter
combat patrols past the Dihon colony. The Kuissian Picket Fleet immediately
When queried about their actions, they detected the EDT footprint of the MagHur ships
only responded that it was time for them to act entering the system. With several of their vessels
and any Boltian ships were welcome to join them near the new supply depot, the outer patrol
in Relemonia. Panic ensued. The Admiral squadron consisted of an old style Conquistador
screamed at any MagHur station that was willing Class warship, and a refitted Knight Class battle
to listen to him. Only a Yilyian corvette paid him cruiser. This group immediately ceased non-
any attention, and this was only to state his combat rotation, and pushed off in the direction
intention to assist the MagHur. Before he could of the EDT station on the far side of Relemonia
get a message assembled and sent to his VI’s orbit. The MagHur thought this strange since
superiors, the MagHur Fleet was on its way to the bulk of the defenses were suspected to be
Relemonia. This was quite unexplainable since around Relemonia III with their supply depot, but
no known MagHur ships fielded an EDT drive. did not give chase.
Fortunately several such devices had been The MagHur commander was prompt to
acquired from First Fleet salvage during the divert his lone scout ship to keep an eye on the
engagements in the Yilyian system, giving their Kuissians, but it was unsuccessful in fully
new carriers just such ability. Another oddity the tracking the departure of the Kuissian Picket
Boltian ships noticed shortly before the last of Squadron after several hours. With the Kuissian
the MagHur ships departed was the addition of defenses no doubt fully aware of them, the
three large groups of transports. MagHur fleet drove on. Their first target was the
The MagHur ships traveling in the fields Kuissian supply depot on Relemonia III. It was
of their recently acquired EDT drives (which had well known from the scout’s earlier incursions in
ironically been adapted from the Terrans, who the system that the Kuissians had not allocated
adapted it from lost Boltian technology which had transports to Relemonia to complete any
been denied to the MagHur in the first place) fortifications in the system. Any resistance that
spent several weeks in transit to the Relemonia could be expected was from whatever ships the
System. If their planning was true to their Kuissians did not use to reinforce their Arcturus
intelligence, they would meet their scout vessel offensive. Since the Boltians had never
on the other side, and be watching the tail end threatened the Kuissians from MagHur, their

72 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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commitment to the system was sliding as they carriers as the only means of planetary assault.
continued their land grab in Terran space. The newly developed Eltinaa light assault cruiser
Representatives to the Boltian Assembly was a feat of combat engineering. Each vessel
argued that a second front should be opened, was not only far less expensive than the new
but they ruled overwhelmingly that the war was MagHur Escort Carrier, but still able to deploy
to be won through Aneis. They were also MagHur troops just as quickly. With the support
reasonably sure that the Kuissians would not of a transport fleet it could deploy an entire army
waste ships attacking a system as heavily group, such as the preferred and well-equipped
fortified as MagHur, and left few League Ships Prime Legion, into combat in a matter of hours.
there. So the MagHur had to build their forces
quietly, even diverting them to Tolm and Auckbold
as needed to hide their numbers. The MagHur
The Second Battle of
had been contemplating this maneuver even Relemonia
before the ink was dry on the first war peace Immediately recognizing the new

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

treaty. They understood what a valuable system configuration of MagHur ships, and unfortunately
so close to their homeworld with a strong and for Duchess Shelstma, one entire squadron of
improvable EDT lane meant to them. ships was sent forward to Arcturus for the new
With their scout in casual pursuit of the Kuissian offensive. She would have to connect
Kuissian Picket Fleet, the first wave of MagHur with the scores of incoming MagHur ships with
warships assembled. It was well over a day’s only her Suppression Class Pacification Cruiser,
travel to Relemonia III. The MagHur commander two Knight Battle Cruisers, two Maniple Light
Leader Grounask grouped a second and final Cruisers, two Scepter Class Supply Ships, and
wave of warships to follow. With both waves the picket fleet. That is, assuming Duke Maeloch
assembled there were over thirty MagHur returned with the picket fleet and didn’t run for
starships present, without counting the numbers the nearest EDT capable zone. She ordered her
from the two support fleets. With two full Prime ships into a defensive formation around the
MagHur Legions assembled, this was an planet where the old Dreten starbase could assist
absolute commitment of forces. their defense.
The new MagHur Prime Legions were The new configuration puzzled her,
indeed something to behold. With Boltian leaders especially since a few flight of fighters and attack
so hesitant to invest in building and developing boats were behaving more erratically than
new MagHur ships and spaceborne weapons, previous models. They were clearly new vessels,
they were quite ready to improve the existing but that sort of launch and performance could
MagHur armies. Their troops were only be achieved if the MagHur had managed to
overextended, but the MagHur volunteered to get rid of their pilots and switched over to drone
pick up the slack. Throughout the campaigns of control. If so, then one of those ships must be
2913 and 2914, their ground forces were operating a flight control system like any modern
engaged in almost every major League ground warship.
battle. This was most evident in assaults on With no fighter-drones of her own
Tybor, and the attempted invasion of Maelotta. available, only their laser shrouds would be able
Throughout the conflicts had been a steady to protect them if the MagHur tried an end run
stream of resources to upgrade and improve attack on them. Her sensor operators were able
these units. Over time the results was a fully to pinpoint the launch vessel for the new drones.
mechanized legion with Boltian improved It appeared to be a new light carrier design, two
vehicles and personnel weapons with of which were deep in the formation of the
independent air and artillery support. These new approaching wave. She altered her plan and
units were taken back to MagHur for training, brought her fleet away from the flight station on
and the vastly improved Prime Legions were approach vector. At extreme lance range,
born. Duchess Shelstma’s ships opened up.
The trick to deploying these units in a As MagHur decoys and ECM systems
combat zone abandoned the age old use of went to work to divert as much of the high

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6 intensity lasers as possible, one Haltiri frigate would stay and fight.
was burned through in the opening volley and The defending fleet and the station
removed from the fight. Lead MagHur ships reached out with their lances and tore open
answered in kind with rounds of coilguns and several of the lead ships, but the MagHur
autocannons as soon as they could establish pressed on. As the range closed, laser cannons
solid solutions. Most of their shots glided and kinetic weapons dashed across space.
haplessly into space. Their active sensors gave Starships were perishing on each side. There
the Kuissians more than enough targeting was a momentary pause in the MagHur
information to keep the lance fire heavy on the momentum when Leader Grounask’s Improved
approaching MagHur. Nilgiri Cruiser ignited from resolute Kuissian
After over twenty minutes of weapons. It took them several critical minutes
engagement, the Kuissians altered vector and to regroup and reform, but only the Kuissian’s
made the course back to the Dreten starbase. massive Suppression Class Pacification Cruiser
The Battle Cruiser War Axe had taken some remained to face them. Within minutes it had
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

damage, but was still in the fight. The MagHur taken more than its fair share from over twenty
had fared worse. The concentration of fire on MagHur warships at close range and perished.
the new escort carriers had crippled one vessel, It would burn up in the atmosphere of Relemonia
and stripped off the flight control system on the III within the next week.
other. Many of the newly deployed drones had
to depend on their onboard limited intelligence
system, or OLIS, to continue the fight. Given the
The Repercussion
inexperience of such technology to the MagHur, With the Kuissian defenders eliminated
many of the new drones would be rendered and MagHur ships taking up high orbital position
ineffective in the coming battle around the planet. over the planet, the battle was clearly over.
After several more hours trying to draw Kuissian ground forces, consisting of only one
the Kuissians into another engagement, Leader unit of Imperial Guard, where overwhelmed when
Grounask and his staff resolved to simply chase the new assault ships landed in concert with the
them back to the Dreten Station and end it there. bombardment from the remaining MagHur
Their picket fleet had showed no signs of warships. The system had been won.
returning to assist the Kuissian defenders, which MagHur passive sensors detected
meant the MagHur would have a distinct another vessel that until now was running silent.
numerical advantage even with some of the early With its active sensors quiet it had slipped behind
losses from the outer system skirmish. He the two waves of warships, the probing scout,
suspected the Kuissians fell back knowing the and into the support vessels of the MagHur fleet.
MagHur could not approach the planet at full One of the two Kuissian picket vessel had
thrust due to concerns of Relemonia III’s erratic remained behind. The last surviving Kuissian in
asteroid belt. This would severely lengthen the the system was the refitted Battle Cruiser who
time it took to reach effective MagHur weapon had fled earlier with its squadron leader. It stayed
range. behind to see as much damage as possible while
When the time came, they found the the old Conquistador ran for help in Ecabore.
Kuissians waiting as expected with no The Royal Sword closed at an undaunted
reinforcements. Their scout reported them still speed and a suicidal intensity. Before them was
on approach to the outer system, and a possible not warships, but more colony vessels brought
outgoing EDT footprint as evidence they had in to secure Relemonia, and the Kuissian captain
already run for help. With that in mind, the knew it. His weapons went to work and destroyed
MagHur closed. The Kuissians had their backs vessel after vessel in the MagHur colony fleet.
to the wall and they knew it. Even if they MagHur warships hurried to respond, but the
disengaged and left the ground troops to be fleet was hours away from the nearest MagHur
conquered, they could not escape the newly squadron. The only opposition was from a Zara
detected second wave of warships on approach Corvette who was supporting the fleet. After
from an alternate vector. No, Duchess Shestma much of the civilian fleet had been dispatched,
the Royal Sword withdrew from the system to

74 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
transit to Ecabore. Relemonia would be a colony world of the
Such barbarism seemed above even the MagHur, who would remain as a part of the
Kuissians, but the MagHur learned that the League, but with twice the voting power in the
Kuissians will resort to anything to keep from Assembly. This decision would ultimately outrage
losing completely. Several thousand MagHur the Mercenatile Alliance and Norcanter
would perish in the battle itself, not counting the members, but the League needed Relemonia
countless lost in the colony fleet from the actions and the MagHur to keep pressure on Ecabore.
of the Royal Sword. The MagHur had enough Over time the MagHur continued to exercise their
surviving ships to colonize Relemonia III, but it newfound independence, and the League took
would be some time before it was a thriving to the habit of looking the other way.
colony. After the war Relemonia would become
a key migration point for the MagHur, and an
economic powerhouse in the coming years. War’s End
The League took few official actions over

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

the MagHur Breakout, but firmly and publicly
reprimanded the MagHur delegation before the Cut Off
League Assembly. They claimed they invalidated The attack on Relemonia left the Kuissian
their membership by seizing territory for their fleet in a precarious position. Dra-Duke
own. Of course, the League was in no position Herelmach had a reinforced position, but the
to enforce this or ask them to withdraw after Arcturus colony itself was inadequate to provide
seizing such a contested planet from the resources for his fleet. To further complicate
Kuissians. It was a major victory purely on the matters, they had few supplies left onboard their
merit that they severed the Kuissian link to the AOE vessels. With constant Terran pressure, the
Terran front, which would make a valuable tension was mounting on how exactly the
bargaining chip in the coming negotiations. Kuissian fleet would get home. His detachment
The MagHur were repeatedly demanded in Vega had informed him that more routes were
to allow Boltian observers and ships into the possible, but without a proper scout it could not
system. This was just as often refused, unless be done in a manner that would help them slip
the League was willing to submit to MagHur out. The Ingetu had been certain the Terran
escort. The political backlash heightened until a worlds would be an open range of planet seizing
compromise was reached later that month. opportunity, but with no support they could not
see this mission through.
In the days leading up to the MagHur
assault, Kuissian Intelligence Services had been
probing the Terran worlds for more weaknesses.
They learned that the Terrans had reinforced the
Proxima Centauri and Eridanus Systems, but
lacked the ships and economic power to secure
Barnard’s Star. Likewise, Dra-Duke Herelmach
knew he had enough strength and supplies to
sustain Arcturus for a few more months, or make
one strong offensive. There was simply not
enough ships or ground troops to take another
Terran world from which to make a sustaining
base of operations. They were out of supply and
had to act.

Drawing Off the Enemy

It was inevitable that the Terrans would
learn of the invasion of Relemonia and decide
to go on the offensive. The MagHur were moving

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6 more ships and static defenses into Relemonia Relemonia was in MagHur control and had yet
and would certainly force a costly engagement. to be contested. The only exception was
He had to draw off some of his enemies now Arcturus. When Terran ships moved in to the
and enact an escape. deserted system, the remaining Kuissian ground
He sent several of his operatives with troops ignited their weapons and destroyed a
rigged decoys to the EDT station, which was fair amount of the production facilities on the
currently free of Terran warships harassing the planet. But the planet was in Terran hands again.
system. From here they continued to flood the The only issue that was left unresolved was the
Proxima Centauri system with a constant stream missing Kuissian Vega Fleet.
of faux Kuissian fleet chatter using several The Kuissian Ingetu was in a mild state
encoding system they were certain the Terrans of panic. Her people cried out for more action
had broken. Simply put, it was enough to make against the Boltians who seemed to be gaining
certain the Terrans thought something was up. an edge. She was assured from her war planners
After a week of this, they cut off the fake fleet that more ships were being completed every
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

prattle, and launched the decoys with the EDT month and they could go on the offensive at any
station. They were designed to mimic the time. This is exactly what she intended to do.
signatures of several Kuissian warships, and The loss of Arcturus was a dramatic setback.
programmed to make aggressive and erratic With the information from Herelmach, they might
behavior. With any luck, a possible threat to be able to reopen the Terran front from Vega
Proxima Centauri would be enough to keep the with a possible new route from Androg and begin
Terrans off their doorsteps for the time being. the land grab anew. Several scouts were
Herelmach left a small contingent of deployed to investigate the possibility and
warriors and their heavy equipment behind to hopefully complete a new EDT route to Vega.
watch the system. They couldn’t repel the
invaders, but they, a vast majority being Senfin
Kuissian and Maelottan troops, were left several
The Vega Fleet
thermonuclear devices to keep any invaders Dra-Duke Herelmach had sent repeated
from getting too much of the colony intact. With warnings to Baron Meesk at the first instance
this, his eighteen ships left for Relemonia to run he knew the Arcturus Fleet was withdrawing. His
the MagHur blockade. detachment had been heavily engaged tracking
When the Arcturus detachment of ships a Terran patrol at the time. During the battle his
and support vessels arrived in the outer region ship, the Conquistador Class Morning Star, took
of Relemonia they were immediately detected a hit directly to its EDT drive from a Terran bomb-
by a wing of MagHur Attack Boats. Surprisingly, pumped laser. Accompanied by only an Ekobi
none of the MagHur vessels gave pursuit and class Escort Carrier and its drones, the squadron
the Kuissians were not anxious to ask why. They could not make transit to Arcturus for withdrawal.
passed through the outer reaches of the system Herelmach sent no further word except that Vega
as quietly as possible pausing only to check for may be opened through an Androg route, but
MagHur pursuers before leaving via EDT to not to expect reinforcements for some time.
Ecabore. Truthfully the MagHur could probably With the Terran return to Arcturus (and
not have handled the Kuissian Battle Group from subsequent nuclear detonations on the planet),
Arcuturus. They had taken enough losses it was time to go. Baron Meesk reasoned that
seizing the system and were content to let the since he could not go backward, he must go
Kuissians think they had more numbers than forward and find another way. Three weeks after
they did. the departure of the Kuissian Arcuturus Fleet,
and with repairs complete to the Morning Star,
Meesk took his squadron deeper into Terran
The Galaxy Pauses territory. Upon his arrival in Barnard’s Star he
With the exception of more fighting along slipped by a Terran patrol running silent,
the Peregral and Aneis systems, the galaxy destroyed a hapless destroyer, and raided a
seemed to be calming down. The Boltians convoy with the onboard marine detachment. His
abandoned their attempts to take Yilyia, and flight controller could only locate one other exit

76 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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point used by the Terrans, and they were off as had been serious enough. Three new ships and
soon as the ship could reach the outer system the Deimos facilities were lost, and it reminded
zone. the Terran War Directory that every key system
The Morning Star and its escort arrived must be protected, not just those on the front
in Sol System to find the local fleet in nothing lines. Terran planners scrambled to complete
short of disarray. To their credit, Terran listening static defenses near every major facility after this
posts and early warning sensors had detected for the unlikely event such a daring raid was
them, but nobody had expected an incursion. It attempted again.
was unfortunate for Baron Meesk that there were
over ten starships in the system in picket
formation that could respond to their arrival. In “I honestly think they are seeing how
addition, several starbases protected the planets well he can pilot,” Jasen Drayes mused as
in various locations. he watched the shuttle thrust, counter-
The flight officers immediately went to thrust, and make every attempt to keep the

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

work to find a way through the system, and to passengers comfortable and not floating to
another possible departure zone. The Baron the ceiling.
spied another target though. Positioned above In reality, Jasen had very little control
the fourth planet was a shipyard with several over the shuttle’s movement. He was
vessels berthed. It had limited defenses, and was actually using the preprogrammed flight
well away from the Terran static defenses that system from their own carrier’s flight
protected the other shipyard and planets. They control system setup by his long time friend
altered course, while still plotting another escape and Flight Coordinator Amjad. Jasen could
route. Two Tonala Destroyers were quickly seize manual control at any point, but
dispatched by the incoming Kuissian ships with preferred to let his friend sweat this one
the loss of only a single flight of Alem-tiri fighter- out. Besides, he didn’t want anyone to look
drones in return. The other Terran ships were incompetent so close to the Boltian ship.
simply too far away to respond. They loomed ever closer to their
The Morning Star reduced the Deimos destination. After nearly forty minutes of
shipyard and three vessels under construction flight they could have seen, if inter-ship
to slag in less than thirty minutes of heavy lance shuttles had windows that is, the long
bombardment. And with that, the Kuissian fleet outstretched arms of the Boltian Throdox
changed vector, and sped away back to the only carrier waiting for them.
route they knew they could navigate, the major “Well Amjad, they are definitely not
EDT route back to Barnard’s Star. Still the Terran dropping cruise rotation. Don’t miss and fly
fleet on station could do little but chase Baron us into one of those drone bays.”
Meesk, and alert the fleet in Barnard’s Star. Two Several minutes later the response
months later the Baron emerged again in Vega came.
after his self described “short venture”. They “You worry too much. I can handle a
were met by a pair of Kuissian scouts that had simple rotational docking maneuver.”
recently completed the route back to Androg. With a resounding thump the shuttle
They departed for home with all possible speed. set down on the hangar bay, with the
The raid of Baron Meesk, as desperate movement forces on the shuttle promptly
or irrational as it seemed, was nothing short of shifting to the carrier’s rotation. It was
an embarrassment for the Terran Union. Had uncomfortable for that instant, but Jasen
the Kuissians probed deeper into Barnard’s Star sent the all clear to the waiting Boltian flight
they may have been able to exploit these controller confirming their arrival.
inadequate defenses more fully, and struck a Cracking his door to the passenger
truly critical blow to the war effort. Nonetheless, area, he caught a view of the diplomatic
another route into Terran space was found, which envoy preparing to exit. If everything went
would force the Terrans to expand their front with to plan a ceremonial marine guard in full
the aliens once again. The blow from the raid battle armor would go first, followed by

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6 representatives from the Terran Diplomatic to their respective governments for approval. For
Corp. After everyone had exited, he and his many it was the first time either side had met
shuttle crew would take position outside the face to face since there had been little ground
shuttle. They were scheduled to meet with combat with the League forces themselves, or
select members of the ship’s crew, and be any meeting prior to the war.
affable. The agreement was pretty
Before he could recount the steps straightforward. All League and Union forces
and speeches he had practiced all week, he would immediately cease hostilities against the
looked up and the ceremonial departure had other. Trade routes would be permitted along a
already begun. Taking point of his crew they select number of systems, under careful
marched to the entry ramp of his shuttle, surveillance by both parties. The hottest point of
and waited. contention was possession of the Yilyian system.
The Terran Envoy was already across The world did have a relatively low population
the Boltian carrier’s massive hangar before and weak economy, but it was a sovereign
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Jasen began to take in the scenery. League member of the League. The ultimate agreement
fighter-drones filled massive racking would be a handover and eventual withdrawal
systems on all sides. He suspected the from the system once the Kuissian front was
hangar was only this clear and accessible secure. In exchange, both parties agreed to a
during diplomatic operations. The MagHur mutual front of operation by launching an
was the closest League ambassador, and offensive from Relemonia with spoils to be
visible by the sheer bulk of the creature. A decided later.
Yilyian, several Boltians, and what he
suspected was a Kom, were next in the
League diplomatic line-up.
The Royal Fleet Hits
He was too far away to hear the the Boltian Front
broken speech of the alien, but clearly the For the months leading up to the start of
envoy was addressing the MagHur. It 2918, the Kuissians had been fighting fiercely
recoiled ever so slightly as the first on all fronts. A fleet under Dra-Duke Herelmach
ambassador stepped forward. It was almost maintained the hold on Vega, while their
as tall as her, and clomped forward again. defenses were constantly probed and assaulted
Jasen could hardly see the rest of in Ecabore. Finally the ground battle came when
these pleasantries, but he was to begin the Imperial Fleet failed to hold back a joint
marching his crew to their meeting any Boltian and Terran Fleet.
moment. His pulse caught up with his breath During this time the Ingetu would finally
as he turned to meet the approaching alien. let loose the new constructions the War Party
This could really change the war for had been constructing. In February of 2918, a
us, he thought to himself. newly reinforced fleet would set out from Mana-
Kuissia bound for the Boltian front. Under the
command of her most decorated warrior, the
The Boltian Delegation Duke Heimdach, the Royal Fleet began the long
Nearly six months after raid of Baron journey to Aneis with over thirty-five heavy
Meesk, the Boltian League’s informal warships. Several army groups accompanied the
discussions with the Terran Union led to the fleet to grab and hold any world too large for the
invitation of a diplomatic envoy to Relemonia, pacification cruisers to handle.
the place that started it all. The TUS Solsbury After fifteen weeks in transit, the Royal
arrived alone in League controlled space to Fleet arrived at the beleaguered Maelottan
discuss the possibility of a peace treaty, and System and promptly dispatched League ships
agreement of mutual hostility against the supporting their ground forces. The Kuissians
Kuissian Empire. They met a lone League fleet began high level bombardment and left several
carrier at the edge of the system. Within hours Imperial armies behind to clean up the League
both sides had an agreement that was sent back forces on the planet. They set off immediately

78 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
for Draith, pausing only to resupply. The same Boltia. The Kuissians took to their usual position
week the forces stationed in Aneis drove into of clearing out any enemy installation, including
Peregral and pinned the League Fleet there. The the orbiting commerce stations and depots.
Ingetu’s Grand Campaign had begun. Broken into squadrons, the Royal Fleet tracked
The defenses at Draith and Inaata were down the isolated resistance and quickly built
inadequate to hold against the mass of new defense satellites to keep them at bay. The
Kuissians ships and promptly fell. The League fighting lasted weeks until Duke Heimach was
forces, knowing the Kuissians had no EDT able to bring his troop ships up to support the
knowledge of this area yet, destroyed their EDT pacification cruisers.
station to remove any clues that might help A Kuissian battlegroup on patrol to hunt
hasten their advance. This would stall the assault down a wounded Throdox fleet carrier was
for almost a month. League ships and auxiliaries ambushed by a recently arrived League Fleet
scrambled to every point the Kuissians could hiding beyond the tenth planet. The battlegroup
turn. The Kuissians’ war preparations had paid was cutoff and destroyed before any warning

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

careful attention to leave no front weakened, so could be sent to the main task force. And it was
the Terrans were unable to do much besides with this that the League fleet from Tropilak and
maintain the assault on Ecabore and try to win Tybor arrived to cast out the Kuissians. Their
back Vega. numbers were strengthened by new, green-
Finally the Royal Fleet was able to crewed vessels from the reconstructed Tropilak
decipher a route into the Auckbold system. The yard. A few remaining Yilyian and Auxiliary ships
route was discovered on such quick notice it also made the transition in time to engage the
turned out to be the first EDT route to be Kuissians.
discovered. With this knowledge in hand, Duke For the next four days, the League ships
Heimach began his assault. Weakened from hit the Kuissians in a series of “mad dash”
earlier battles, the Royal Fleet had only eighty- attacks. The ballistic ships launched missiles at
percent of its original operational strength as range, then retreated to rearm from nearby
attrition from fighting the League began to take supply vessels. The Kuissians, hesitant to
its toll. They would meet the bulk of the League abandon their troop ships, could do little but sally
and its allies in Auckbold, resulting in a string of forth for pot shots and defend against the long
battles that brought the second war to a close. range missile assaults. There were many near
The Auckbold System itself was a minor hits on the troop ships, but enough warheads hit
Boltian colony formed during the early days of the warships that the continuous barrage took
expansion, and enjoyed most of its survival to its toll. The Kuissians were weakened when the
the supply depot built shortly after its inception. League fleet finally closed in with their combined
It had a great deal of expansion possibilities, but fleets. The ensuing battle completely crippled the
the Boltians never did so due to the high Royal Fleet, but not before Duke Heimach
resettlement costs for existing business which ordered the withdrawal of his troops from
funded much of the colonization effort in Boltian Auckbold. Prior to pulling his fleet away from the
history. The solar system was littered with shuttle colony the Duke ordered a massive orbital
traffic and various space depots to support the bombardment of the planet. Although casualties
local commerce network. It was a maze of Boltian were light amongst the population, it would
technology, and the key to the forward operations devastate the planets infrastructure.
of the League. Unwittingly they advanced into a
system that could end any new offensive into
their territory, and set the League war effort back
The Treaty of
months. The Kuissian probably would not have Relemonia
cared if they knew; they were here to end the Despite dealing out over two to one
war by any means. losses against the enemy, the Kuissians grew
The first few days of the battle saw tired of the conflict after the return of the Royal
overwhelming victories against the hastily Fleet to Inaata. As the fighting slowed on most
scrambled League Fleet that had deployed from fronts, League officials greeted the proposal of

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History of the Second Boltian and Kuissian War
6 a peace treaty from the Kuissians with trading partners for years. Relemonia would
enthusiasm and, on June 14th, 2918, officials become an important hub and propel them into
from all “major” participants in the war met a role of regional importance. The Yilyians would
aboard the new Boltian flagship, Hoanstriri, to recover but their low reproductive rate coupled
negotiate an end to the conflict. The end result with their weak economy would require the
would be significant and shape the course of Boltians to step in later to get their ship
events in the years that followed. production in line, something which gave them
The Kuissian Empire would keep Draith, even more dependence on the League. Kom
Peregral, and Vega, but would only be allowed would go on to note what an interesting affair
to keep three operational warships in each until the whole deal was, and continue to ignore
a formal non-aggression treaty could be worked interstellar events until some years later when
out. Besieged worlds would all return to their the EDT routes in the region expanded.
original owners, including Ecabore, Yilyia, and The Terrans had been lucky. Given their
Maelotta, although Maelotta would remain part relative inexperience, and lack of technology
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

of the Kuissian Empire as not one delegate either opponent alone could have overwhelmed
questioned the position of a “pacified planet” with their outer colonies and seized Sol in under a
the Kuissians. The Terrans ensured that Yilyia year. They took heavy losses but would gain
had a higher price tag in the peace treaty. The much in terms of technology. They would have
League reluctantly agreed to give the Terrans to deal with Kuissian raiders on many occasions,
an advanced sensor suite they had been and the undeclared war in the Vega Corridor let
developing and share research for their ballistic them know that the peace treaty had only gone
drive system. This would prove quite a boon for so far. They worked to rebuild, and ultimately
the underdeveloped Terran Navy. shore up their defenses for any future trouble.
All prisoners taken would be returned in Despite the heavy fighting from the war, the
addition to any vessels that were seized or MagHur were very open to diplomatic relations
confiscated. The latter would never be enforced, with the Terran Union.
but was signed into effect regardless. Yilyian The Kuissians turned their attention away
sovereignty was returned, but the point of from the Boltians who had earned far too much
reconstruction by the Terrans was never done of their attention in the last few decades, and
so. The Kuissians issued a formal apology for began their exploration anew. Their war program
the destruction of the Arcturus colony and paid slowed, but they were never hesitant to look the
an undisclosed sum to the Terran Union. other way when an ambitious duke destroyed a
neighbor’s freighter. Their borders were firmly
closed, and diplomatic contact with the outside
Fallout from the War became nearly non-existent.
It could be said the Boltians lost a great
deal to the war. They had suffered a higher loss
of life, a greater war debt, and lost several minor
systems to the Kuissians. The question lingered
of why the Boltians ended the war when they
did. It is said they had little faith in the ability of
their new Terran allies, or were afraid of an
outright MagHur separation. In truth they realized
the Kuissian war machine had not been
damaged. New shipyards were pumping out new
ships at an alarming rate. While the Boltians
struggled to replace losses, the Kuissians were
able to easily field new war fleets. The Kuissians
loss of interest in the war was the out they
needed to rebuild.
The MagHur had effectively severed their
dependence on the Boltians, but would remain

80 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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The Wars in Scenarios
Quick Setup
7.0 The Wars
Starting Points:
in Scenarios Kuissians: 80 Economic Points
Boltian Star League: 80 Economic Points

7.1 First and Early Historic Setup

Second War Kuissian Empire
Scenarios In the opening days of the war the
Kuissians were not quite ready for a full out

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

The following scenarios present different conflict with a comparable galactic neighbor.
starting points that can be used to play out the They relied almost entirely on their Conquistador
Second Boltian and Kuissian Conflict. They are Pacification Cruisers, and new Knight Battle
given in chronological order starting from the Cruisers to conduct the war. With their economy
initial battle at Relemonia and progressing finally at war readiness, the Kuissian Empire can
though the major engagements of the early replace losses, assuming the war lasts that long.
months of the war. The scenarios are not
intended to be played sequentially; rather they Active Navy Points: 80
allow the players to start the war at different
points. Once the starting point is determined, Ground Units: 8
the results of later battles (or even the fact that Fleets: 1 Transport Fleet
those battles did or did not take place) is solely
in the hand of the players. However, each
scenario details the historical outcome of the Boltian Star League
pervious battles to provide the background for The League player will probably be pretty
the war up to that point for players starting at desperate to shake off some of the ships from
that point. the Auxiliary fleet and build the newer League
ships but they will have no choice but to use the
older vessels in the opening days of the war. A
7.1.1 The First War sustained conflict will force them to rely more
heavily on their League members as well who
Scenario will have started to develop some very
The scenario for the First War covers interesting warships of their own. This player has
the open conflict after the Kuissians returned to the advantage of starting with a colony fleet.
MagHur. The Terran Union is not in play so there
is plenty of opportunity for grueling 2 person Active Navy Points: 40 from League List,
games. The Boltians are still fairly divided trying 40 from Auxiliary List
to consolidate under the League Navy while the Ground Units: 12
Kuissian arsenal is fairly limited.
Fleets: 1 Transport Fleet, 1 Colony Fleet
Date: July 19th, 2904 (Turn 9, 2904)

Campaign Map
The Standard Campaign Map and
system information can be used except ignore
any Terran territory.

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The Wars in Scenarios
7 7.1.2 The Battle at Turn 5: Boltians vs Terran
Turn 6: Terran vs Kuissian
After the conflict the clear winner holds
(Rappahannock) Relemonia while the other two will retreat to their
This scenario takes the second war right nearest system via EDT.
from the beginning. The conflict will actually
begin with a CSCR battle (the order of battle is Quick Setup
listed below). At the end of the encounter, all
three parties will declare war on each other.
Historically, the Boltians had a great deal of their Starting Points
aging auxiliary fleet in mothballs to help alleviate Kuissians: 90 Economic Points
the heavy cost of the first war. Only a portion of Boltian Star League: 90 Economic Points
the League forces will be activated. The Battle Terran Union: 55 Economic Points
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

of Relemonia itself was not entirely devastating

to any side, but did showcase some of the new Historic Setup
designs that would be so prominent in the Note: The following forces are in addition
coming war. to the forces taking part in the Relemonia
Date: August 14th, 2911 (Turn 9, 2911)
Kuissian Empire
Campaign Map The Kuissians are in less of a financial
The Standard Campaign Map and bind as the Boltians at this point, but are honestly
system information can be used. No planets surprised to engage the Boltians at Relemonia.
have traded hands yet. The break in the war gave them the opportunity
they needed to understand some of the gaps in
Relemonia Combatants their line of battle. When the war starts they will
only have a few of their new ships in service.
(CSCR) Some of their older ships will be in mothballs.
They will have some ground units, but not
Kuissian Forces: 1 (2907 Series) Suppression enough to be effective once they go on the
Class, 2 (2894 Series) Conquistador Class, 1 offensive.
(2857 Series) Conquistador Class, 3 (2893
Series) Knight Battle Cruisers Active Navy Points: 40

Boltian League Forces: 2 (2860 Series) Mothballed Navy Points (all from ships built
Firestar Cruisers, 2 (2898 Series) Firestar before 2900): 22
Cruisers, 1 (2900 Series) Auckchar Cruiser, 2 Ground Units: 10
(2898) Throdox Carriers with 11 flights of Arioki
II, and 11 flights of Freyna, 6 Hrath Destroyers Fleets: 3 Transport Fleets

Terran Union Forces: 2 Carthage Cruisers, 3

BiFrost Cruisers, 2 Vidar Light Cruisers with a
Boltian Star League
flight of Asps each, 1 Wales Destroyers, 3 Tonala The League acquired a very large portion
Destroyers, 1 Jinan Gunboat, 1 Tonnant with a of their members’ fleets during the cooperation
flight of Makos of the last war. As a result they must carry that
cost in the new League budget. As the peace
Turn 1: Boltians vs Kuissians wore on many of these older vessels were put
Turn 2: Boltians vs Terran into active reserve and decommissioned. These
Turn 3: Terran vs Kuissian problems made them the slowest to form up their
Turn 4: Boltian vs Kuissian

82 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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The Wars in Scenarios
active navies as shipyards worked overtime Quick Setup
bringing these aging hulks back into the fight.

Active Navy Points: 22 Starting Points

Mothballed Navy Points (From Auxiliary Kuissian Empire: 100 Economic Points
Source List): 40
Boltians Star League: 100 Economic Points
Ground Units: 18
Terran Union: 65 Economic Points
Fleets: 2 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet

Historic Setup
Terran Union
As this was their first real encounter with
Kuissians Empire

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

outsiders, the Union could not have foreseen a
drawn out military conflict of this scale. Their After the battle, it was really the paranoia
fleets were kept in a reasonable operating size of the Kuissian Ingetu (and overwhelming
to ensure the protection of their colonies. The evidence that the Boltians had acquired a new
threat of meeting aggressive aliens, or conflict and aggressive friend) that drove the Kuissians
within the Union always kept the military with a to attack Arcturus. When they found that these
very healthy budget though. The real money new aliens possessed valuable worlds, their
behind it was the expansion and commerce boon focus would immediately shift to holding these
that kept the momentum of exploration going. prizes. Here we see more resources committed
The war would ultimately cancel the movement to breaking into the Terran territory.
of the Second Fleet to the new front from their
previous mission of charting new EDT routes Active Navy Points: 70
from Vega. Mothballed Navy Points (all from ships built
before 2900): 10
Active Navy Points: 50
Ground Units: 10 to be deployed anywhere,
Ground Units: 12 8 on Arcturus, 8 on Relemonia
Fleets: 1 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet, 1 Fleets: 3 Transport Fleets
Trade Fleet

Boltian Star League

Here the League relies on their static
7.1.3 Date: March 1st, defenses and waits for the Kuissians to hit key
border worlds such as MagHur and Tybor. With
2912 (Turn 3, 2912) the rebuilding of the Boltian Navies underway,
orbital stations, fighter bases, star bases, and
Campaign Map star forts are constructed. No word of the
Arcturus has fallen to the Kuissians. This invasion of Arcturus had reached Boltian
gave them an excellent launching point into Intelligence Service. They were curious about
Terran controlled space (and a disgruntled the aggressive newcomer (the Terrans), but not
population), but it was far from the Empire’s enough to commit resources
supply lines. The map used should take place
after Arcturus has fallen. The system will have Active Navy Points: 32
a Census of 1, and Morale of 0. The Terran Mothballed Navy Points (From Auxiliary
Supply Depot was destroyed in the battle. Source List): 30
Ground Units: 18

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The Wars in Scenarios
7 Fleets: 2 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet starting to feel the crunch of a war of two fronts.
By now they have realized that the Terran Union
is an entirely separate and unique sovereignty
Terran Union (and not affiliated with the Boltian Star League
If news of the disastrous engagement in any way). Of course it is too late to back down
at Relemonia wasn’t bad enough, the loss of now. A crudely formed message in the Terran
Arcturus to an invading force was worse. Terran Commerce Language was broadcast to their
shipyards and recruiting centers were working next target, Proxima Centauri. It was roughly a
overtime to fill the vast wartime need of the request for an apology and reparations in
military. Long range probes were unable to exchange for an agreement to not attack Terran
determine the state of the citizens now under interests in the next few months. Kuissian
Kuissian rule. For the most part the Terrans still diplomats for the War Council were never so
had no idea who they were really fighting. careful with word choices, and thus never got a
response to this garbled and quickly worded
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Active Navy Points: 60 transmission. Terran Union officials interpreted

Ground Units: 16 it as an order to stand down and let their ships
be destroyed at every encounter. That and some
Fleets: 1 Transport Fleet, 1 Colony Fleet, 1 other nonsensical garble was all that made it to
Trade Fleet Sol. The Kuissians were forced to deal directly
with the Boltians again before any more systems
were shamefully lost to aliens.

7.1.4 Date: August Active Navy Points: 100

27st, 2912 (Turn 9, Ground Units: 10 to be deployed anywhere,
8 on Arcturus, 8 on Relemonia
Fleets: 3 Transport Fleets
Campaign Map
By this point in the war all participating Boltian Star League
sovereignties (Terran, Kuissian, and Boltian) are Finally on the move, the Star League has
all at full wartime economies. Peregral is lost to won a major victory against a minor and
the Boltians, and will have a system Morale of unimportant Kuissian target. It did make the
0. Kuissians realize the extent to which they had
expanded. With their forces dedicated to
Quick Setup pacifying Terran World, ships have been moved
away from key systems that protect Mana-
Kuissia. If the League had been bolder they
Starting Points could have pushed beyond Peregral and hit a
worthwhile target such as Ecabore. They also
Kuissian Empire: 110 Economic Points could have learned more about the internal
Boltians Star League: 110 Economic Points Kuissian systems (which to date have never
been threatened or known to outsiders).
Terran Union: 80 Economic Points
Active Navy Points: 88
Historic Setup Mothballed Navy Points (From Auxiliary
Source List): 10
Kuissian Empire Ground Units: 20
The wartime economics benefited the
Kuissians greatly, but many in the Monarchy are Fleets: 2 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet

84 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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The Wars in Scenarios
breathing room they need to finally throw the
Terran Union Boltians out of Peregral. The War Council has
Still reeling from the loss of an outer been kicking around ideas for another grand
colony, Terran fleets are gearing up for counter- assault on the MagHur system, which has been
attack in Arcturus. Their scouts still report that quiet for the duration of the war
the system is controlled by a large battle group.
It would be a massive undertaking to retake the Active Navy Points: 100
system in their best estimates. Their technology Ground Units: 20 to be deployed anywhere,
is just not comparable to that of the invaders. A 8 on Arcturus, 4 on Relemonia, 4 on Vega
message from the system revealed no peaceful
intentions from the aliens. The only good news Fleets: 4 Transport Fleets
for the Terran Union was the discovery of a new
EDT transit route from Lacerta and Eridanus to
a previously unknown system.
Boltian Star League

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

The reemergence of aliens (Terrans) has
Active Navy Points: 90 given the League cause for worry. Even though
they were anxious to beat the humans soundly
Ground Units: 16 without the Kuissian’s “help” (as was done at
Relemonia), they were finally gaining an
Fleets: 1 Transport Fleet, 1 Colony Fleet, 1
advantage. With Yilyians out of the picture for
Trade Fleet
the moment, the League has to contemplate
their next move carefully.

Active Navy Points: 100

7.1.5 Date: April 1st,
Ground Units: 22
2913 (Turn 4, 2913)
Fleets: 2 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet
Campaign Map
Vega has been lost to the Kuissians, but Terran Union
the Terrans have won the Yilyian system from The victory against the Boltians was
the Boltians. They no longer took the war great news for the Terran people and really
declaration against the Terrans so lightly. Yilyian raised morale on Sol. It did not, however, help
is Morale 1. them drive the Kuissians out. There is finally an
opportunity to hit Arcturus again. The Kuissians
Quick Setup have to be overextended, and a victory here will
cut them from their supply lines. Vega would
have to surrender to Terran forces. This needs
Starting Points
to be done before the Boltians come looking for
the Yilyians. As the war drags on, they are finally
Kuissian Empire: 115 Economic Points
learning more about the makeup of their galactic
Boltians Star League: 120 Economic Points neighbors. They are also learning more about
how they conduct their warfare.
Terran Union: 90 Economic Points
Active Navy Points: 90
Historic Setup Ground Units: 16
Fleets: 1 Transport Fleet, 1 Colony Fleet, 1
Kuissian Empire Trade Fleet
The Kuissians were lucky enough to
“convince” the Terrans to open the other front
against the Boltians. This should give them the

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The Wars in Scenarios
7 7.2 Mid and Late point of the war where their superior economy
and technology can be brought to bear quickly
against the other warring factions. Peace might
War Scenarios break out soon between the League and the

Active Navy Points: 190

7.2.1 After Tropilak
Ground Units: 30 to be deployed anywhere,
Admiral M’Tambo’s daring raid into
8 on Arcturus, 4 on Relemonia, 4 on Vega
Boltian space would prove that the League
needed to support its allies, and deal with the Fleets: 4 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet
Terran threat accordingly. After the loss of their
shipyard, and fortunately not much else, at Elite Officers (Optional): Duke Heimach:
Tropilak, the Boltian decided to seek a peace Adds +2 to the AS of one ship in his
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

with the Terrans, and try to turn them against command.

the Kuissians, who had taken two of their
systems, and were constantly threatening more Boltian Star League
The previously ignored Terrans can be
driven out of Yilyia, but really only at the cost of
Date: April 19th, 2915 the advances into League Territory. If their allies
(Turn 4, 2915) and a fleet from Boltia can be deployed, both
goals may be achieved. If Yilyia is retaken
Campaign Map valuable worlds in the Union could be seized for
more income to use against the Kuissians. As it
The Tropilak Shipyards are out of play.
is, Aneis is the major roadblock to driving deeper
Arcturus, and Vega are in Kuissian hands, while
into the Empire’s space.
the Boltians have conquered Maelotta and
Active Navy Points: 190
Note: Peace may finally be declared between Ground Units: 30
the League and Terrans whereas before the
Fleets: 4 Transport Fleets, 2 Colony Fleets
League public would not have supported such
in MagHur,
an idea.
Elite Officers (Optional): Admiral Renshan:
Quick Setup Adds +3 to the DV, and +1 to the CR of his
Starting Points
Terran Union
Kuissian Empire: 200 Economic Points The lasting effect from Admiral
Boltians Star League: 200 Economic Points M’Tambo’s raid could be good or bad. The
League could devote real resources to fight the
Terran Union: 150 Economic Points Union, or finally decide the fight isn’t worth the
effort and seek peace. It is more likely all of the
Terran resources will be needed to take Arcturus.
Historic Setup
Active Navy Points: 140
Kuissians Empire Ground Units: 20
The Kuissians are in an ideal situation.
They can strike at the Union with ease if they Fleets: 2 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet
can win victories against the League. This is the
Elite Officers (Optional): Admiral M’Tambo:

86 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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The Wars in Scenarios
Adds +1 to the Surprise Roll of any fleet she Quick Setup
Starting Points

7.2.2 The MagHur Kuissians: 220 Economic Points

Attack Boltians Star League: 170 Economic Points,

50 MagHur points in Relemonia
The League has done nothing to
reprimand their allies for the action of seizing Terran Union: 180 Economic Points
Relemonia since it has been such a stunning
victory. The MagHur have a delicate hold on the
system, but are quite capable of defending it Historic Setup
with the withdrawal of the Kuissians from

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Arcturus. For the first time in the war the Kuissians Empire
Kuissians may finally be collapsing under the Relemonia, quite possibly the brightest
weight of their opponents. The Terran shipyards economic prospect for the Kuissians, fell to the
have been damaged in the attack from MagHur. A quick strike could retake the system,
Derelmach but much needed troop transports would have
to be diverted to conquer it. With a new route
Date: September, 2915 from Androg to Vega, the Kuissian have an
(Turn 9, 2915) opportunity to reinforce Duke Herelmach. With
the Tropilak yards rebuilt, League ships may
reappear on the “eastern” flank of the League.
Campaign Map
The Tropilak Shipyards have been Active Navy Points: 204 anywhere, 16 in
rebuilt, but the shipyards at Sol have been Vega
destroyed. They now depend on Spica to supply
all new ships and repairs. This is especially Ground Units: 34 to be deployed anywhere
difficult if the Extended Construction rules are Fleets: 4 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet
in effect. Vega alone is in Kuissian hands, while
the Boltians have conquered Maelotta and Elite Officers (Optional): Baron Meesk
Peregral. Relemonia is technically a League (deploys in Vega): Adds +2 to the DV, and +2
planet with 1 MagHur Census, 1 Morale, but is to the AS on his ship
treated like any MagHur planet with split
incomes. MagHur itself is unchanged.
A restricted route now exists between Boltian Star League
Androg and Vega. The Kuissians have destroyed The war is going well again. New ships
1 Census, 1 Morale, and 1 Productivity on from Tropilak can join the MagHur and strike
Arcturus. Arcturus. If no peace exists with the Terrans the
League could walk into Arcturus and Proxima
Note: Peace may finally be declared Centauri given the Union weakened ability to
between the League and Terrans whereas replace losses.
before the League public would not have
supported such an idea. It is possible to Active Navy Points: 170 anywhere, 50
play the MagHur as a serious entity at this MagHur points in Relemonia
point. They are at war with the Terrans Ground Units: 30
and Kuissians, but are allied with the
Boltians. Fleets: 2 Transport Fleets placed anywhere,
2 transport fleets in Relemonia, 2 Colony
Fleets in Relemonia

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Kuissians 87
The Wars in Scenarios
7 Elite Officers (Optional): Admiral Renshan: A restricted route now exists between
Adds +3 to the DV, and +1 to the CR of his Androg and Vega. The Kuissians have destroyed
ship 1 Census, 1 Morale, and 1 Productivity on

Terran Union Note: Peace may finally be declared between

The Empire’s ships are gone from any parties as the war is grinding to a halt. It
Arcturus, and took out many of the colonists in would probably be unwise since the Kuissians
the withdrawal. Although the Terrans are hungry are poised to use their new warships. It is
for revenge, they can do little to stop the raid possible to play the MagHur as a serious entity
from Vega. The rebuilding of the Sol shipyards at this point. They are at war with the Terrans
is a priority, as well as preventing any further and Kuissians, but are allied with the Boltians.
incursions. It may be time to drive into Kuissian
space through the new Vega-Androg route.
Quick Setup
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Active Navy Points: 180

Starting Points
Ground Units: 28
Fleets: 2 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet Kuissian Empire: 140 Economic Points, 200
for the Royal Fleet in Mana-Kuissia

Elite Officers (Optional): Admiral M’Tambo:

Adds +1 to the Surprise Roll of any fleet she Boltians Star League: 210 Economic Points,
commands. 50 MagHur points in Relemonia
Terran Union: 200 Economic Points
7.2.3 The Strike of the
Royal Fleet Historic Setup
The last formal scenario in the war deals
with the unprecedented buildup of ships in Mana- Kuissians Empire
Kuissia in the closing days of the war. The The Ingetu has been carefully preparing,
Kuissians had time to keep the enemy off their and the Royal Fleet is her reward for holding
doorsteps to complete the Royal Fleet for a last the Boltian’s timid assaults off. It is quite obvious
strike to break the Boltian Front. It would that this fleet could probably steamroll into
ultimately have limited success, but could have League Territory and take more than was
ended with war had the Royal Fleet reached historically accomplished under Duke Heimach.
Boltia itself. New ships on every side are now The Terrans are a possible target, but it should
available. be quite clear that the two opponents will be
linking up the fight the Kuissians unless some
Date: January, 2918 (Turn 1, 2918) victories can be won immediately. The token
engagements of the past few years have show
that the Boltians are not resolved to win the war,
Campaign Map and the Terrans far too incompetent. It is also
The Sol Shipyards have been rebuilt. not too late to finish the “pacification” of the
Vega alone is in Kuissian hands, while the MagHur.
Boltians have conquered Maelotta and Peregral.
Relemonia is technically a League planet with 1 Active Navy Points: 140 anywhere, 200 in
MagHur Census, 1 Morale, but is treated like Mana-Kuissia
any MagHur planet with split incomes. MagHur
itself is unchanged. Ground Units: 40 to be deployed anywhere
Fleets: 6 Transport Fleets

88 The Wars of the Boltians and K

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The Wars in Scenarios
Elite Officers (Optional): Duke Heimach:
Adds +2 to the AS of one ship in his

Boltian Star League

The Boltians need to prepare. Admiral
Renshan’s inability to finish the war, or take Aneis
has given the undamaged Kuissian war machine
time to rebuild losses and then some. It is safe
to assume the strike will come fairly soon, and
before the League can finish serious defensive

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Active Navy Points: 210, 50 MagHur points
in Relemonia
Ground Units: 30
Fleets: 4 Transport Fleets and 1 Colony Fleet
placed anywhere
Elite Officers (Optional): Admiral Renshan:
Adds +3 to the DV, and +1 to the CR of his ship

Terran Union
In this last scenario, it is not out of the
question that the attack could come through the
Vega Corridor. The Terrans should be quick to
assist if the MagHur bear the brunt of the Royal
Fleet’s attack. The war would be quite different
now if the Boltians could have struck deeper and
removed some of the production capability of
the Empire. The Terrans need to survive, and
take whatever is left.

Active Navy Points: 180

Ground Units: 28
Fleets: 2 Transport Fleets, 1 Colony Fleet
Elite Officers (Optional): Admiral M’Tambo:
Adds +1 to the Surprise Roll of any fleet she

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Kuissians 89
Extra-Dimensional Travel (EDT)
8 because as particles get closer to the speed of
8.0 Extra- light they obtain greater amounts of energy,
which is equivalent to a mass. The math leads
to the conclusion that any particle would require
Dimensional infinite energy to actually reach the speed of light.
Due to time dialation an lorentz contraction, a

Travel (EDT) particle at the speed of light will be able to cross

the universe with no passage of time from its
point of view as the entire universe, along the
directions of its travel will appear to the particle
Albert Einstein made the first connection as having been compressed to a single point
of a basic force of the universe, gravity, with the and reduced to a two dimensional universe.
topology of the universe itself which instantly Since infinite energy isn’t possible to
changed the way space and time were obtain, this result doesn’t do us much good and
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

understood. General relativity explains that the even if time doesn’t go by from the particle’s point
force of gravity itself is equivalent to being under of view, it certainly does from the rest of the
acceleration and can be represented as a curving universe’s point of view. The result is you can
of space and time near a gravitational object. It cross the extent of the universe in one direction
is critical to understand that this curving of space in an instant, but you’ll also find yourself several
and time is gravity and is caused by presence of billions of billions of years in the future. The key
matter. is to increase your energy state, which will distort
Both theories of relativity demonstrate space and time, without actually moving within
that time is merely a physical dimension very the extended 3 spatial dimensions. The result is
much like the three dimensions of space in all to cause a warping of space-time which allows
respect except in the manner in which we a compression of the space traveled without
perceive it. All objects with rest mass are limited needing to approach the speed of light.
in the velocity to the speed of light and, as they This is accomplished by inducing a spin
approach the speed of light, their passage in the strings particles composing the spaceship
through time slows. Outside observes see events within one of the curled up dimensions of space-
on such fast moving objects as occurring in slow time. Preferably this would be a dimension in
motion. This effect allows mesons created in the which the induced spin does not cause a
upper atmosphere by cosmic rays interacting dangerous physical change in the strings
with stray atoms to reach the earth before their themselves. Spins in some of the curled up
very short decay time has elapsed. Time is imensions result in the particles changing their
moving slower for them as they travel towards intrinsic character, such as becoming electrically
the earth. But from their perspective it is not time charged or having characteristics of a weak
that is moving slowly, but the distance between gauge boson. It turns out that the dimension in
the upper atmosphere and the surface that is question is the smallest known dimension of
shorter than we observe. space-time (the 11th dimension). It also results
This effect is called time dialation or in Tachyon-like properties being imparted upon
lorentz contraction and are, in fact, simply the particles of the spaceship. The result is in
different ways to express the same effect. Time the induction of FTL capabilities.
and space are interchangeable currencies with The process of transition to Extra
the conversion rate being regulated by the speed Dimensional Travel results in time being highly
light. One second is equal to 300 million meters. compressed from the point of view of the crew.
This is in allegory to famous conversion of mass The travel time to destination will be much shorter
and energy where one kilogram is equal to three from the point of view of the crew than from the
quintillion (16 zeros) Joules. So time and point of view of an outside observer. The ship
distance are interchangeable. Energy and mass will appear to travel at faster than light speeds.
are interchangeable. Special relativity shows that This does result in spaceships arriving before
as a particle approaches the speed of light its they are observed as leaving from the point of
mass will increase. This only makes sense,

90 The Wars of the Boltians and K

Wars uissians
Kuissians © 2004, Jay Waschak
Extra-Dimensional Travel (EDT)
view of some observers. The causality nothing from this universe interacts with a
paradoxes that appear to be possible from this spaceship.
are actually not as bad at it would first seem. In This results in a complete lack of
order to cause a causality violation, an observer knowledge of reference points. This occurs
will need the ability to travel faster than light. because spaceships traveling FTL actually are
Since this is possible, the apparent causality moving in the opposite direction in time than the
violation can be induced from the point of view rest of the universe, like other Tachyon particles.
of an observer that has traveled faster than light. But the amount of actual travel “back in time” is
The resolution of this paradox lies in the very small due to the immense space-time
fact that the observer, upon going faster than distortion caused by the rotational state in the
light, actually does leave the universe timeline 11th dimension. The careful reader will wonder
we normally travel along in only one direction. how the immense space-time distortion was
The observers going faster than light are possible without sufficient energy to actually
traveling in the time dimension in the opposite approach near light speed in the normal 3 spatial

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

direction as the rest of the universe. It is possible, dimensions. The answer is linked to the very
as a result, for such a traveler to arrive in the interesting effects caused by 11th dimension
history of his own universe of observations and rotation, specifically Tachyon rotation. In any
take another branch in the multiverse of possible case where a particle travels back in time and
universes by using his knowledge of the future then continues normal forward time travel, you
of his previous universe. will always observe 2 particles instead of one. If
This means that an observer can see a the particle takes another trip, you’ll see three!
ship arrive and then, by traveling faster than light, (You don’t see the particles as they are traveling
prevent its departure. However, such actions back in time, because of the previous mention
tend to result in all other future knowledge being lack of any interactions).
inconsistent. In fact, upon arrival in the observed While it’s not the particles themselves
past, the universe is free to follow any possible that are observed in this case, it’s their rotational
branch in the multiverse. As a result, observing energies that are being multiplied by repeated
the lottery numbers and traveling FTL to that trips in time. This repeated overlapping of its
observed past does not result in your being able normal energies results in multiplying the
to purchase a ticket before the drawing and observed energies over and over again. At the
winning as you cannot force the universe to end of the trip, the rotations are reversed and
following the same branch of the multiverse that the energy debt is paid back. From the outside
you previously observed. observer, the energy appears to be borrowed
The practical upshot being that travel into (much as how an electron can borrow the energy
the observed past tends to merely be confusing sufficient to tunnel an energy barrier) to go faster
to the observer and doesn’t result in much of than light and paid back when the spaceship
practical use due to the multiverse interpretation returns from the faster than light excursion. But
of quantum mechanics. In fact, Extra from the point of view of the particles themselves
Dimensional Travel is the most solid proof they never actually acquire near light speed level
developed for the advocacy of the multiverse of energy at any point. The compression of
model. This is also why we choose to express space-time is observed and normal transit times
this travel as “into the observed past” rather than of months pass in days or weeks.
as travel “back in time”. It is not possible, for Needless to say, EDT is a highly unusual state
instance to travel back to Earth’s prehistoric past and it is not typically observed in nature much
using the current incarnation of EDT. The only as the population inversion used to stimulate the
thing that is observed is that the spaceships are emissions of lasers is not typically observed
now able to traverse interstellar distances at FTL outside man made devices.
speeds. Although, it’s a curious fact of how the
Extra Dimensional Travel is induced that as soon
as a ship crosses the light barrier that it ceases
to be observed at all! While at FTL speeds,

© 2004, Jay Waschak

Waschak The Wars of the Boltians and K
Wars uissians
Kuissians 91
The Victory by Any Means family of
games is constantly growing, both in printed form
and through online support. Please visit our site
at for VBAM
discussion, updates, battle reports, game ideas,
Design Credits
and new source material. Feel free to drop us a
line and join in the community discussion with Written by:
game questions or comments.
The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

Jay Waschak
9.1 Authors’ Notes Steve Brindle
Thank you for stepping into the universe
Byron Sinor
of the Boltians and Kuissians. We originally set
out to create a generic and simple setting in
which a basic VBAM campaign could be played. Development Team:
The idea was simple: two nations locked in a
Jay Waschak
contest for supremacy. The end product is so
much more than we originally aimed for. Once
our ideas hit the paper, we inadvertently started
Tyrel Lohr
to flesh out a unique history for each of these
two juggernauts. Who were they, and why would Steve Brindle
they really be in such fierce conflict? As we
asked questions, we wrote down the answers. Edited by:
These answers then formed into detailed sto-
Steve Brindle
ries, and the universe grew from there. The
Boltians League emerged as a group of Boltian Rainer Graber
nations and alien planets, with each having their
own distinctions. Charlie Lewis
Similarly, the ships of the Boltian/
Tyrel Lohr
Kuissian universe matured from vague moni-
kers, like Cruiser A, into memorable unit classes, Jay Waschak
such as the lumbering Kuissian pacification
cruisers. As the ships became more detailed, Layout & Design:
so did the navies that fielded them. Originally
the Boltians were simply a carrier- and fighter- Tyrel Lohr
heavy fleet but, as the history emerged, the
League Navy turned into a frontline force con- Cover Artwork:
sisting of missile hurling warships, with its vast
number of auxiliary support vessels from differ- Tyrel Lohr
ent aliens and states.
What we have is a complete foil to our
other flagship universe, the Escalation Wars.
Interior Artwork:
With some help and fact checking we were able Tyrel Lohr
to include heavy amounts of scientific conjec-
ture and ideas into the development and story
Travis Watson
of their technology as well. Like all sci-fi, there

92 The Wars of the Boltians and K

Wars uissians
Kuissians © 2004, Jay Waschak
is some “magic”, but as a certain Arthur C. Clark ANY MEANS CAMPAIGN GUIDE and all related
said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indicia are © VBAM Games. All rights reserved.
indistinguishable from magic.”
The VBAM team proudly presents the THE WARS OF THE BOLTIANS AND
universe of the Boltians and Kuissians. This is KUISSIANS, characters, names and all related
the introduction to their world, and the story of indicia are © Jay Waschak. All rights reserved.
their first interstellar conflicts. As of the publica-
tion of this book there is another source in the THE ESCALATION WARS, characters, names
works, tentatively titled Beyond These Worlds, and all related indicia are © Tyrel Lohr. All rights
which will take the empires deeper into their reserved.
galaxy as EDT use expands.
Reproduction of this work by any means without
the advance written permission of the author is
9.2 Submission Guidelines

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians

expressly forbidden.
As you or your gaming group develops
their own, unique Victory by Any Means source
materials and campaign rules you may decide
to submit these materials for consideration by
the Victory by Any Means in anticipation of future
inclusion in the campaign or other derivative rule
Any unsolicited submissions become the
property of VBAM upon arrival. This includes all
possible submission mediums, including e-mail,
fax, and postal mail. Previously copyrighted
material will be automatically rejected. You may
however submit a conceptual summary or
outline of your work (but not the work itself) to
facilitate future discussions on terms of inclusion.
This is to protect us from being accused of
“stealing” your material.
Any submission that infringes on an
existing will also be rejected. This includes all
existing science fiction settings. Such
“crossover” material cannot be published for
legal reasons, and VBAM cannot officially
sponsor any derivative products that break these
New rules submissions will be evaluated
to gauge their usefulness and modified as
necessary to suitably meet the needs of the
VBAM campaign system. New rules may appear
in either online, electronic rules updates or in
actual VBAM campaign guides or source books.
In the case of source material, all accepted
source material submissions will be presented
in electronic format on the VBAM website.

Copyright © 2002-2004, VBAM Games.


© 2004, VBAM Games The Wars of the Boltians and K

Wars uissians
Kuissians 93
Kuissian Empire
Ships ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC Basing EDT Notes
Conquistador (R1) 2799 DN 11 1 9 12 1 12 5 2 Y Gunship - Assault
Conquistador (R2) 2857 DN 13 1 10 16 2 12 5 2 Y Gunship - Assault
Conquistador (R3) 2894 DN 13 1 11 14 5 12 5 2 Y Gunship - Assault
Conquistador (R4) 2904 DN 13 1 11 15 5 12 5 2 Y Gunship - Assault
Suppression (R1) 2907 DN 14 1 13 13 6 15 7 0 Y Gunship - Assault
Suppression (R2) 2913 DN 14 1 14 14 6 15 7 0 Y Gunship - Assault
Master 2915 BB 16 2 13 16 6 16 9 6 Y Gunship - Assault
Knight (R1) 2893 BC 11 2/3 9 9 4 11 4 0 N
Knight (R2) 2907 BC 11 2/3 10 9 4 11 4 0 N
Tren-Aradak (R1) 2905 CA 7 1 7 8 4 8 3 0 N
Tren-Aradak (R2) 2914 CA 7 1 8 8 5 8 3 0 N
Maniple (R1) 2910 CL 6 1/2 6 6 3 6 2 0 N
Maniple (R2) 2911 CL 6 1/2 6 7 3 6 2 0 N
Maniple (R3) 2917 CL 6 1/2 6 7 4 7 3 0 N
Ekobi 2904 CVE 6 1/3 5 3 1 5 2 4 N Carrier - Assault
Maledia (R1) 2905 DD 5 1/3 5 4 3 8 2 0 N
Maledia (R2) 2916 DD 5 1/3 6 4 3 8 2 0 N
Noeres 2913 ECA 10 1 6 1 1 5 3 0 Y Scout (1)
Sceptre 2898 AOE 3 1/4 3 0 1 3 2 0 N Supply (1)

Fighters ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF

Memtil 2904 MF 1/3 1/20 2 0 2
Alem-Tiri 2915 HF 1/2 1/10 3 2 1
Numi 2918 MF 1/4 1/30 2 1 2
Muunari 2881 SH 1/5 1/30 1 0 1

Bases & Fleets ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC Basing

Authority 2900 Base 44 6 22 40 10 n/a n/a 0
Authority II 2917 Base 50 6 24 44 15 n/a n/a 6
Dreten 2898 Base 16 2 12 20 10 n/a n/a 0
Dreten II 2898 Base 18 2 13 23 10 n/a n/a 2
Flight Station 2909 Base 8 1 9 1 2 n/a n/a 6
Shipyard n/a Base 20 2 20 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Supply Depot n/a Base 30 1 10 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Trade Fleet n/a Fleet 15 n/a 15 0 0 n/a 1 0
Transport Fleet n/a Fleet 15 n/a 20 0 0 n/a 1 0
Colony Fleet n/a Fleet 25 n/a 30 0 0 n/a 1 0

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians (c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.
Ground Units ISD Cost Maint ATT DEF D FTR ATR Notes
Militia n/a X X 1 1 0 1 Planetary Militia
Regulars 2984 1 1/3 3 2 D2 2
Imperial Guard 2980 2 1/2 3 2 D2 3
Imperial Guard 2915 2 1/2 3 3 D2 3 Marines
Royal Guard 2900 3 1 5 4 D4 4 Marines

Boltian Star League

Ships ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC Basing EDT Notes
Firestar (R1) 2860 CA 8 2/3 9 8 3 8 3 0 N
Firestar (R2) 2898 CA 8 2/3 9 8 3 8 3 0 N
Firestar (Variant) 2909 CA 9 1 9 2 2 9 3 0 Y Scout (1)
Firestar (Improved) 2912 CA 9 2/3 9 9 3 8 3 0 Y Gunship
Auckchar (R1) 2888 CC 10 1 7 10 2 7 4 0 N Ballistic
Auckchar (R2) 2900 CC 11 1 8 12 1 7 1 0 N Ballistic
Throdox (R1) 2891 CV 10 1 10 3 3 10 5 8 Y Carrier - Assault
Throdox (R2) 2898 CV 10 1 12 3 3 12 4 10 Y Carrier - Assault
Throdox (R3) 2918 CV 12 1 12 5 3 12 4 12 Y Carrier - Assault
Droxhal (R1) 2883 CVE 4 1/2 4 0 1 5 2 4 N Carrier - Assault
Droxhal (R2) 2904 CVE 3 1/2 4 0 1 5 2 4 N Carrier - Assault
Celse 2891 CH 8 2/3 7 9 3 7 4 0 N Ballistic - Gunship
Dreiht 2981 CC 7 3/4 6 5 4 8 2 0 N
Dreiken 2810 CC 6 1/4 4 4 1 6 3 0 N
Stapinra 2890 CL 5 1/6 3 4 2 4 1 0 N
Carrier - *Attack Boats (AB)
Szunheg 2890 ACV 6 1/2 5 2 1 7 3 6* N
Streidox 2895 DD 5 1/3 5 4 2 6 2 0 N
Hrath 2889 DD 4 1/3 6 3 2 6 2 0 N
Drena 2900 FF 2 1/3 3 3 2 3 1 0 N
Drena II 2915 FF 2 1/3 4 3 2 3 1 0 N
Nedrenak 2890 CT 2 1/8 2 1 2 3 1 0 N
Hedren 2916 CT 2 1/8 2 2 2 3 1 0 N
Nehiht 2901 AOE 3 1/4 3 1 0 3 1 0 N Supply (1)

Fighters ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF

Jagde 2890 AB 1 1/6 3 3 1
Freyna 2884 LF 1/4 1/15 1 1 2
Arioko 2892 MF 1/3 1/15 2 2 2
Arioko II 2910 MF 1/3 1/15 2 2 3
Sehor 2897 HF 1 1/5 3 3 0
Sehor II 2913 HF 1/2 1/10 3 3 1

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians (c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.
Bases & Fleets ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC Basing Notes
Defender Fort 2865 Base 9 1 4 7 0 n/a n/a 0 Ballistic
Defender Fort II 2885 Base 12 1 7 10 0 n/a n/a 0 Ballistic
Dunchar Starbase 2900 Base 20 2 16 24 1 n/a n/a 0 Ballistic
Fighter Station 2878 Base 4 1 4 0 0 n/a n/a 4
Shipyard n/a Base 20 2 20 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Supply Depot n/a Base 30 1 10 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Trade Fleet n/a Fleet 15 n/a 15 0 0 n/a 1 0
Transport Fleet n/a Fleet 15 n/a 20 0 0 n/a 1 0
Colony Fleet n/a Fleet 25 n/a 30 0 0 n/a 1 0

Ground Units ISD Cost Maint ATT DEF D FTR ATR Notes
Militia n/a X X 1 1 0 1 Planetary Militia
Regulars I 2990 1 1/3 2 2 D2 3
Regulars II 2916 1 1/4 2 2 D2 3
Mechanized I 2904 2 1/2 3 4 D3 3
Mechanized II 2913 2 1/2 4 4 D3 3
Marines 2899 1 1 3 2 D2 2 Marines
Kom 2897 1 1/3 2 1 D2 3 Deployed on Kom
Yilyian Regulars 2875 1 1/4 1 2 D2 2 Deployed on Yilyian
MagHur Mech. Infantry 2910 2 1/3 2 2 D4 3 Deployed on MagHur
MagHur Marines 2892 2 1/2 2 2 D2 2 Marines - Deployed on MagHur
MagHur Prime Legion 2914 2 1/3 3 3 D3 3 Marines - Deployed on MagHur

Boltian Star League Auxiliaries Note: May be used with main League Forces
Ships ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC Basing EDT Notes

Global Assembly
Throdox (Variant) 2892 CVL 6 1/3 5 3 1 4 2 4 N
Auckcharok 2890 CC 9 2/3 6 9 3 9 3 0 Y Ballistic
Selti 2875 CC 7 1/3 7 6 3 8 3 0 N Gunship
Dreiken 2810 CC 6 1/4 4 4 1 6 3 0 N
Trunto 2879 DD 4 1/4 4 3 1 5 2 0 N
Hasten 2855 CT 3 1/4 3 2 2 3 1 0 n/a Ballistic

Celse 2880 CC 8 1/2 7 7 3 8 4 0 Y
Hemak 2876 CL 6 1/3 4 6 2 6 3 0 N Gunship
Verbanal 2870 DD 6 1/2 5 3 1 6 2 0 N
War Freighter 2850 FT 5 1/6 3 5 3 6 2 0 N Ballistic

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians (c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.
Benateri 2915 CVE 8 1/2 6 1 3 7 3 4 N Carrier - Assault
Enir 2915 ECA 14 2/1 7 1 2 6 3 0 Y Scout (1)
Nilgiri II 2915 CA 7 1/2 6 6 2 7 3 0 Y
Eltinaa 2914 CL 5 3/2 6 2 2 4 1 0 N Assault
Nilgiri 2895 CA 6 1/3 5 5 2 6 2 0 N
Haltiri 2900 FF 5 1/6 3 3 1 4 2 0 N Gunship
Zara 2894 CT 4 1/6 3 2 3 3 1 0 N
Jalalat 2891 GB 2 1/6 2 2 0 3 1 0 N
Nejiliri 2914 AOE 5 1/3 2 0 0 3 1 0 N Supply (1)

GMA Mercantile Protection Force

Merchantier 2882 CL 7 3/2 5 2 3 6 2 0 N
Pike 2872 MT 6 1/3 4 4 1 4 2 0 N Ballistic
Transfer 2853 MT 4 1/4 2 1 2 3 1 0 N
Geuth 2857 MT 3 1/6 2 2 0 2 1 0 N

Norcanter Orbital Patrol

Keyun 2841 MT 6 2/3 4 3 3 4 2 0 N
Enuti 2865 CT 2 1/8 2 1 2 3 1 0 N

Piorun 2867 BC 8 1/2 6 6 4 7 3 0 N
Catamarca 2845 CL 5 1/3 8 3 4 6 3 0 N
Sachsen 2873 DD 3 1/5 2 3 2 4 1 0 N
Seirun 2914 CT 2 1/6 2 3 2 4 1 0 N

Fighters ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF

Global Assembly
Starspike 2857 HF 1/2 1/15 2 2 2
Freyna (Variant) 2886 LF 1/3 1/20 2 1 1

Norcanter Orbital Patrol

Freyna (Variant) 2886 LF 1/3 1/20 2 1 1

Switte 2890 MF 1/4 1/20 1 1 0
Gyd 2906 MF 1/2 1/15 2 1 1
Sedou 2915 HF 1 1/10 3 2 1
Hentu 2885 AB 1 1/6 4 2 1

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians (c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.
Hentouo 2915 AB 1 1/6 4 3 0

Hetuu 2890 MF 1/3 1/15 2 1 1

Bases & Fleets ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC Basing Notes

Global Assembly
Star Fort 2880 Base 24 2 16 15 8 n/a n/a 8

War Station 2867 Base 8 1 7 13 5 n/a n/a 2

Attack Boat Station 2885 Base 9 1 4 1 1 n/a n/a 3* * Attack Boats (AB) only
Flight Station 2890 Base 7 1 3 0 2 n/a n/a 5
Hentour 2888 DEFSAT 1 1/12 1 1 1 n/a n/a 0 Ballistic
Hentoudar 2915 DEFSAT 1 1/12 2 1 1 n/a n/a 0 Ballistic

Norcanter Orbital Patrol

Drasa 2890 DEFSAT 3 1/6 2 0 1 n/a n/a 2

Koryia 2900 BASE 1 1/12 2 2 n/a n/a n/a 1
Kelnar 2862 BASE 15 2 14 10 n/a n/a n/a 0

Terran Union
Ships ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC Basing EDT Notes
Ibuki 2893 BB 15 2 12 9 4 12 6 0 Y Gunship
Union (R4) 2857 MT 16 2 12 7 3 15 6 8 Y Carrier - Assault
Ziggurat 2907 CV 11 1 9 2 3 12 5 10 Y Carrier - Assault
Huron 2912 CVE 7 1/3 5 2 3 6 3 3 N Carrier - Assault
Carthage 2896 CA 8 1/2 5 5 2 7 3 0 N
Bifrost 2900 CA 8 1/2 7 5 1 8 3 0 N
Sverige 2908 CA 9 1/2 6 6 2 9 3 0 Y Ballistic
Sverige (Improved) 2916 CA 8 1/2 6 6 2 9 3 0 Y Ballistic
Vidar 2897 CL 7 1/3 2 3 5 6 2 1 Y
Vidar (Improved) 2916 CL 7 1/3 4 3 5 7 2 1 Y
Warspite 2909 CL 7 1/3 4 4 2 7 3 0 N
Waikato 2901 CA 10 1 6 9 0 6 4 0 N Ballistic
Kagero 2880 DD 6 1/4 3 3 2 5 2 0 N

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians (c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.
Tonala 2868 DD 6 1/3 3 4 1 5 2 0 N Ballistic
Wales 2911 DD 5 1/4 3 3 0 4 2 0 N
Lemnos 2892 FF 3 1/4 2 1 1 4 1 0 N
Lemnos II 2912 FF 3 1/4 2 1 3 4 1 0 N
Jinan 2900 GB 2 1/6 1 1 1 3 1 0 N
Motlke 2902 AOE 5 1/3 4 1 1 4 1 0 Y Supply (1)
Zephyre 2888 AOE 6 1/2 3 0 0 4 1 0 N Supply (1)
Shinyo 2857 ECA 15 2/1 7 2 1 5 4 0 Y Scout (1)
Tonnant 2905 ECL 13 1 3 4 2 7 4 1 Y Scout (1)

Fighters ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF

Mako 2889 LF 1/3 1/25 1 0 1
Gecko 2911 LF 1/3 1/15 1 1 1
Gecko II 2912 MF 1/3 1/15 2 1 1
Asp 2904 LF 1/3 1/20 1 1 0
Linx 2910 HF 1/2 1/10 2 2 0
Salamander 2916 MF 1 1/5 3 2 2
Larkana II (Variant) 2914 BP 1/2 1/10 2 0 0 Direct Assault (1)

Bases & Fleets ISD Design Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC Basing Notes

Osman 2901 Base 22 2 10 12 6 n/a n/a 6 N Ballistic
Segui 2878 Base 12 1 7 8 4 n/a n/a 6 N
Shipyard n/a Base 20 2 20 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Supply Depot n/a Base 30 1 10 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Trade Fleet n/a Fleet 15 n/a 15 0 0 n/a 1 0
Transport Fleet n/a Fleet 20 n/a 20 0 0 n/a 1 0
Colony Fleet n/a Fleet 30 n/a 30 0 0 n/a 1 0

Ground Units ISD Cost Maint ATT DEF D FTR ATR Notes
Militia n/a X X 1 1 0 1 Planetary Militia
Marines 2905 1 1/3 2 2 D3 3 Marines
Regulars-I 2900 1 1/4 1 2 D2 2
Regulars-II 2914 1 1/4 2 2 D3 2
Mechanized-I 2888 3 1 3 3 D3 3
Mechanized-II 2912 3 1 3 3 D3 4

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians (c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.
Systems of the Boltian and Kuissian Wars
System Name Owner Size Census Morale RAW Productivity Capacity Output Special Notes

Mana-Kuissia Kuissian Empire Homeworld 11 11 4 10 12 40 Shipyard (2)

Kraablok Kuissian Empire Major Colony 5 5 4 5 5 20 Shipyard (1)

Drenmachal Kuissian Empire Minor Colony 2 2 1 1 3 1

Aranti Kuissian Empire Major Colony 7 7 3 7 10 21

Aneis Kuissian Empire Minor Colony 3 3 1 1 4 1 Supply Depot

Maelotta Kuissian Empire Minor Colony 3 2 1 1 4 1 Pacified World

Dirge Kuissian Empire Minor Outpost 1 1 1 1 1 1

Androg Kuissian Empire Colony 7 6 2 4 10 8 Pacified World

Feamek Kuissian Empire Minor Colony 2 1 1 1 2 1

Ecabore Kuissian Empire Colony 10 9 3 5 10 15 Pacified World

Peregral Kuissian Empire Minor Colony 1 1 1 0 2 0 Supply Depot

Boltia Boltian Star League Homeworld 12 10 6 10 12 60 Shipyard (1)

Norcanter Boltian Star League Colony 4 3 3 3 5 9 Shipyard (1)

Ajord Boltian Star League Outpost 0 0 2 0 2 0

Auckbold Boltian Star League Colony 1 1 3 1 8 3 Supply Depot

Scism Boltian Star League Minor Colony 3 1 2 2 3 4

Inaata Boltian Star League Minor Outpost 1 1 1 0 1 0

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians (c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.
System Name Owner Size Census Morale RAW Productivity Capacity Output Special Notes

Tropilak Boltian Star League Major Colony 8 7 3 7 10 21 Shipyard (1)

Draith Boltian Star League Minor Colony 4 3 2 1 5 2

Tybor Boltian Star League Minor Colony 1 1 5 1 10 1

Member Nation, Shipyard (1)

Yilyian Boltian Star League Minor Colony 2 2 2 1 7 2
50% Output goes to Boltia
Member Nation, 50% Output
Kom Boltian Star League Minor Colony 6 4 2 2 10 4
goes to Boltia
Member Nation, Shipyard (1)
MagHur Boltian Star League Major Colony 10 7 4 2 11 8
50% Output goes to Boltia
Member Nation, Supply Depot
Tolm Boltian Star League Major Colony 10 10 0 0 13 0
50% Output goes to Boltia

Sol Terran Union Homeworld 10 9 5 9 13 45 Shipyard (2)

Vega Terran Union Minor Outpost 1 1 1 1 6 1

Barnard's Star Terran Union Minor Outpost 1 1 1 1 2 1

Eridanus Terran Union Colony 3 3 1 3 10 3

Arcturus Terran Union Minor Outpost 1 1 2 0 4 0 Supply Depot

Spica Terran Union Major Colony 5 4 5 5 8 25 Shipyard (1)

Lacerta Terran Union Minor Colony 3 2 2 2 4 4

Proxima Centauri Terran Union Minor Outpost 0 0 1 0 1 0

Relemonia Neutral Uncolonized 0 0 6 0 13 0

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians (c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.
First War Star Map v.1






Tybor Peregral

Norcanter MagHur



Aranti Aneis







Kuissian Empire

Boltian Star League


(c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.





Tolm Spica
Proxima Centauri


Tybor Peregral

Norcanter MagHur
Bernard's Star

(c) 2004, Jay Waschak. Permission to copy for personal use.


Aranti Aneis
Second War Star Map



Kuissian Empire

Boltian Star League

Terran Union Androg
Capital Dirge
Unit Designation & Updated Bombardment Chart
for The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians
Unit Type Abbreviation Bombardment Points WMDs
Juggernaught JG 8 1
Monitor MT 6 1
Super-Dreadnought SD 4 1
Battleship BB 4 1
Dreadnought DN 3 1
Battlecruiser BC 2 1
Command Cruiser CC 2 1
Heavy Cruiser CA 2 1
Hybrid Cruiser CH 2 1
Light Cruiser CL 1 1
Destroyer DD 1 per 2 ships n/a
Frigate FF 1 per 3 ships n/a
Police Ship PT 1 per 4 ships n/a
Corvette CT 1 per 4 ships n/a
Patrol Frigate PF 1 per 4 ships n/a
Attack Boat AB 1 per 4 ships n/a
Gunboat GB 1 per 4 ships n/a

Fleet Carrier CVA 3 n/a

Heavy Carrier CV 2 n/a
Light Carrier CVL 1 n/a
Escort Carrier CVE 1 per 2 ships n/a

Super Heavy Fighter SHF 1 per 3 flights n/a

Heavy Fighter HF 1 per 3 flights n/a
Medium Fighter MF 1 per 4 flights n/a
Light Fighter LF 1 per 6 flights n/a
Ultralight Fighter ULF 1 per 8 flights n/a
Assault Shuttle AS 1 per 4 flights n/a
Combat Shuttles CS 1 per 10 flights n/a
Shuttle SH n/a n/a
Breaching Pod BP n/a n/a
Tender ACV n/a n/a
Fast Combat Support Ship AOE n/a n/a
Freighter FT n/a n/a

Starbase SB n/a n/a

Shipyard SY n/a n/a
Defense/Orbital Satellite DEFSAT 1 per 4 satellites n/a
Mines Mine n/a n/a

Additional Terms & Definitions

Ship Statistics
ISD: In-Service Date
Design: Ship classification
Cost: Unit cost
Maint: Maintenance cost
DV: Defense Value
AS: Anti-Ship
AF: Anti-Fighter
CR: Command Rating
CC: Command Cost
Basing: Number of flights that the unit can base.
EDT: ‘Y’ means that the ship has an EDT drive, while ‘N’ means that it does not

Troop Statistics
ATT: Attack
DEF: Defense
D FTR: D Factor
ATR: Attrition

General Terms
Assault: This unit special ability confers several important ground assault abilities. For example,
Assault ships are capable of transporting ground units and can allow non-Marine units to invade
from transports. See CG 3.6.5 Troop Combat Phase for more information.

Attack Boats: Attack Boats (AB) are a new type of unit introduced in the Wars of the Boltians
and Kuissians source book. Attack Boats are technically small starships, but are treated like
Super-Heavy Fighters (SHF) for purposes of combat and, to some degree, Basing. Unlike
fighters, Attack Boats can only be based off of certain carrier units; they cannot replace flights on
traditional carriers.

Ballistic: Units with this special ability gain many advantages, most prominently that they do not
have their combat factors halved as a result of being in the flagship squadron or in a squadron
containing fixed defenses. However, Ballistic ships also suffer greater penalties if out of supply.
Refer to the VBAM Campaign Guide for more information, notably under sections CG
Effects of Being Out of Supply, CG Dedicated Missions, and CG Fire Phase
One: Ships Fire.

Carrier: This unit special ability is given to vessels that carry large numbers of fighters as
compared to their size and may carry with it certain economic penalties, all of which are already
factored into the unit’s cost.

Direct Assault: This unit special ability means that it functions like a breaching pod and is
capable of boarding actions. See CG Capturing Ships and Other Units for more

ECA, ECL, etc: Denotes that the unit is a scout unit with available scout functions.

EDT: Extra-Dimensional Travel. See 8.0 Extra-Dimensional Travel (EDT).

Gunship: This unit special ability increases the efficiency of the unit’s orbital bombardment
operations. See CG Orbital Bombardment.

Scout: Units with this special ability possess a number of scout functions equal to the
parenthetical value following the Scout designation. For example, a “Scout (1)” unit has one scout
function available.

Supply: Units with this special ability have logistics capabilities, including extending fleet supply
lines, performing field repair, or transporting materiel. Units with this designation generate a
number of supply points equal to the parenthetical value following the Supply designation. For
example, a "Supply (2)” unit generates two supply points. For more information on supply, refer to
the VBAM Campaign Guide errata posted on our website at This errata
contains the updated and revised supply rules for the VBAM campaign system.

WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction. See CG Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians - Ship Recognition Sheet #1 v.1

Ziggurat Piorun

Celse Nilgiri

Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians - Ship Recognition Sheet #2 v.1

Shapinra Hrath

Haltiri Zara

Two warring juggernauts, the Boltian Star L eague and the
Kuissian Empire, have finally reached a peace accord after their
first wearisome conflict. Unfortunately
Unfortunately,, the appearance of the
Terran Union in a critical system destroyed this delicate peace
in an instant, sparking the Second W ar which would haunt the
participants for years to come.

These are The W ars of the Boltians and K

Wars uissians , the first
VBAM source book set in the Boltian and K uissian Universe. This
book covers each empire’s humble beginnings and trials as they
journey to space. Included for the player is a complete set of
histories, ships, and scenarios covering the First and Second
Boltians and K uissian W
Kuissian ars. Ever
Wars. ything you need to run a
Victoryy by Any Means campaign is contained within these pages!



VBAM 201

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