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Character Education

Lately there has been a lot of news about irregularities committed by

students. With easy internet access, now we can see the problems that occur
with students in Indonesia. Through the internet, in the last few years or even
months, we have seen many cases such as bullying by elementary, middle
and even high school students, cases of rape by students, pregnancy out of
wedlock, drugs, brawls, disrespect, not being able to respect each other and
so on. other. Not only students, deviant behavior is also carried out by
political elites who are widely reported to have been involved in cases of
corruption, adultery and more. Before discussing further, the author will
provide a brief explanation about character education.
Character education is a conscious and planned human effort to
educate and empower students' potential in order to build their personal
character so that they can become individuals who are beneficial to
themselves and the environment.
Character education is also moral education, which involves
theoretical aspects of knowledge (cognitive), feelings (feeling), and action
Character education should be carried out from an early age, namely
from childhood. This education can be carried out in the family, school and
neighborhood and utilize various learning media.
The following are the values that form character: Honesty, tolerance,
discipline, hard work, creativity, independence, democratic attitude, curiosity,
national spirit, love of the country, respect for achievements, friendly attitude,
love of peace, like to read, care. towards the environment, social care, sense
of responsibility, religious.
According to KH. Ahmad Dahlan Character education is education
that is based on religion and promotes the concepts of simplicity, discipline,
free/independent spirit, as well as noble character shown by behavior
according to religious guidance, and aims to create human beings who are:
(1) good-natured, namely pious in religion; (2) broad outlook, namely pious in
general sciences; (3) willing to fight for the progress of society. KH character
education. Ahmad Dahlan is based on Islamic teachings, namely faith,
knowledge, and charity.
In Al Qur’an, there are many character values that can be referred to
in carrying out Islamic education, example :
- In surah Al-Hujurat verse 13 it is stated:
Tulis Ayat
“O mankind, indeed We created you from a male and a female and made you
nations and tribes so that you may know each other. Verily the most noble of
you in the sight of Allah is the most pious of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing,
This verse emphasizes that every individual is equally noble in the
eyes of Allah, without exception based on race, gender, or ethnicity.
Character education helps individuals to respect the rights of others
and not take actions that are detrimental or injure the rights of others.
Thus, character education based on the perspective of Al Qur’an will help
individuals to become individuals who fear Allah, are just, honest, loyal, care
for others, and respect the rights of others, as well as the diversity that exists
in society. Character education like this will help individuals become
individuals who benefit themselves and others and build a prosperous

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