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Manuel Alberto Torres Núñez

Artes liberales en ciencias sociales

Profesor: Andrés Vargas

Who am i?
Who am I? This is the question with which the introespective existential crisis begins.
However, in my case, after some years with philosophy I have managed to get some
answers that go hand in hand with the construction of my being. Descartes' classic phrase "I
think therefore I am" goes to interesting places about how I am a thinking being in a world
that is also full of connections, intuitions, forms, spaces and senses.
First of all, I am a human being full of privileges in a complex continent, within a chaotic
country/territory. I am mestizo, just like my parents due to the colonization process we
suffered. I have Arab, Spanish and Afro ancestry, among others that I may not be aware of.
In this sense, I consider that I have connections to hard processes in which the world has
made turns based on the supposed human progress.
Taking this into account, the basis of my person is a mixture of diverse races, which at that
historical point were intertwined through violence and oppression. On the other hand, my
family from my father's to my mother's side have been characterized as people of a popular
class. My mother comes from La Guajira and my father from Bogota, an interesting
connection that because of this I have been able to know my Guajira and Bogota roots. That
said, although my family comes from this sector, my parents managed to climb in the social
class from low to middle because of the company they created. This fact made it possible
for me to have possibilities that very few people manage to have in this country: a private
education, food every day, stable health, a house and other privileges that connect me with
the world and make me a citizen connected to the world from a digital point of view.
Thanks to these connections I managed through television to have a passion for
gastronomy, which I studied as a professional career and that today I exercise when I have
time for study and work that has little to do with what I studied in the culinary academy.
This passion for cooking allowed me to have openings that opened my eyes to a complex
world, so I decided to study humanities and complement my training not as a servant of
bureaucrats, but as a point of connection between different people who enjoy a meal in
company and harmony.
Therefore, I consider that I am a person who, although I can be a point of connection
through gastronomy, I am also a thinking being, constantly in the process of construction.

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