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A. Write the correct form of the verbs in parentheses ().

(1 point each)

1. The hotel’s Wi-Fi __________________________ terrible tonight! (be)

2. I __________________________ my car. Maybe I should because it’s really dirty now. (never/wash)

3. I can’t stand __________________________ in the kitchen when the chefs are cooking spicy food. (work)

4. The soccer team __________________________ very well today. They’re going to lose! (not/play)

5. What __________________________ like this Saturday? I don’t know, but I hope nice! (the weather/be)

B. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses ().

(1 point each)

1. A bracelet is __________________________ a scarf. (expensive)

2. Italian shoes __________________________ are in the city than in the countryside. (fashionable)

3. When I take a selfie, I think it’s __________________________ photo of me in the world. (bad)

4. Tyler and Len are growing long beards. But my beard is __________________________. (long)

5. I buy my clothes when they’re on sale because it’s __________________________ time to buy them.

C. Match the questions to the answers.

(1 point each)

1. __ Where did Arianna go to school? a. Yes, I did. It was delicious.

2. __ Who are Janet and Lily visiting in

b. Their aunt who lives on the coast.
Sydney next year?

3. __ Why did James and Michel go to the

c. When he finished school.
swimming pool?

4. __ When did Stuart become a soccer d. She went to a really big college in Denver,
player? Colorado.

e. Because they wanted to start a fitness

5. __ Did you go for coffee this morning?
D. Complete the pair from the words below. Then complete the sentences with the correct word.

(1 point each)

went / never been | much / many | cut / might cut | a lot / a little | this / these
1. How _________________ cups of rice did you say to use to make that delicious curry?
I don’t have _________________ rice so I need to buy some.

2. We only need _________________ more time to finish the report – 30 minutes is enough.
Last week, the boss gave us three days and that was _________________. It was more than we needed.

3. Be careful with that knife! You _________________ yourself! Last week I _________________ myself with
the same knife.

4. Hello Ms. Williams. Nice to see you again. _________________ are my sisters Hattie and Jean, and
_________________ is my little dog Ginger.

5. Lucy said she has _________________ to Guatemala but she’d like to go. Joseph said he
_________________ there about ten years ago and really enjoyed visiting the capital city.

E. Complete the sentence with the past simple or present perfect of the verbs in parentheses ().

(1 point each)

1. Mexican actor Anthony (Rodolfo) Quinn died in 2001. He ______________________ twelve children!

2. I ______________________ to Death Valley but I’d really like to go one day. (never/be)

3. We ______________________ to see a Clint Eastwood movie last weekend. It was really good. (go)

4. It was really stormy so we ______________________ at the festival all day. (not/stay)

5. Marco’s uncle ______________________ last month. He was 89 years old. (die)

F. Complete the sentences with the words below.

(1 point each)

Most | which | Whose | are | may

1. Montana is so beautiful. It’s a place ____________ makes me feel good.

2. I ____________ lend my grandson my car if he drives it carefully. But, I’m not sure.

3. ____________ of my coworkers love their job, but I don’t.

4. ____________ water bottle is this? Is it yours?

5. What ____________ your new neighbors like? Are they nice?

G. Choose the correct answer.

(1 point each)

1. Fried food is ______ for you than grilled food.

a) better b) worst c) best

2. Lee is ______ grandchild in the family. We have so many photos of him.

a) cuter b) cutest c) the cutest

3. We can leave in a few minutes. I don’t mind ______ for you to finish work.

a) waiting b) to wait c) wait

4. Raina ______ graduate from college in July. She’s almost finished!

a) going to b) is going to c) is

5. Did you forget ______ your phone?

a) bring b) brings c) to bring

H. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses ().

(1 point each)

1. A: Why do people go to the new shopping mall?

B: I think it’s ___________________ the new fashions. (see)

2. My friend is a lawyer and she often ___________________ a lot of time in the library researching cases.

3. When you get on a plane, everyone ___________________ their safety belt. There is no choice. (have to

4. I ___________________ the new shoes. They were too small. (not/buy)

5. ___________________ you go to last year’s festival? I heard it was brilliant! (you/go)

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