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“Exploring the Impact of Social Support on the Academic Performance of ABM Students: A Case Study”


The education system has become increasingly demanding and challenging in recent years, particularly
for business students who specialize in Accounting, Business, and Management (ABM). Amidst tight
deadlines, countless assignments, and increased academic rigor, students often suffer from academic-
related stress. This study aims to investigate the impact of social support on the academic performance
of ABM Students. Specifically, it explores the factors that influence students’ perceptions of social
support and how such support affects their academic performance. Using a case study approach, this
study examines the experiences of ABM students in terms of their academic performance, sources of
social support, and their views on the influence of such support on their academic performance. By
providing a deep understanding of how social support mechanisms contribute to academic success, this
study will help educators and policymakers to design interventions that support students’ academic

Need for this study

There are several reasons why this study on the impact of social support on the academic performance
of ABM students is significant. These include:

1. Addressing the knowledge gap: There is limited research on the influence of social support on
the academic performance of ABM students. This study will help to bridge this gap and provide
insights into the role of social support in improving academic outcomes.

2. Enhancing academic success: ABM students face various challenges in their academic journey,
such as heavy workload, career preparation, and time management. Identifying the impact of
social support on academic performance can help to improve the academic success of ABM

3. Providing evidence-based interventions: Findings from this study can be used to develop
effective interventions that support ABM students’ academic success. For instance, schools can
introduce mentoring programs, peer support groups, or counseling services to enhance
students’ social support.
4. Contributing to the literature: This study can add to the research on social support and academic
performance in general. It can help to expand the understanding of the relationship between
social support and student success, particularly in the context of ABM students.

Overall, this study on the impact of social support on the academic performance of ABM students will
provide insights into an important aspect of students’ success, which has been largely neglected in the
literature. The findings can inform interventions and policies that support students in this academic


The study focuses on the exploration of the impact of social support on the academic performance of
ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management) students. ABM students face various challenges that
may affect their academic performance, such as stress, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Social support is
considered as a significant factor that can help students overcome these challenges and enhance their
academic performance.

The case study was conducted in a selected school where ABM students were chosen as the
respondents. The study aimed to determine the types of social support that ABM students receive and
its impact on their academic performance. The study also aimed to identify the factors that affect the
level of social support received by ABM students.

The study is significant as it can help identify the social support needs of ABM students and develop
strategies to provide them with the necessary support to improve their academic performance. The
findings of the study can also contribute to the existing research on the impact of social support on
student academic success. The study can ultimately serve as a basis for further research to be conducted
in this area.


The objective of the study “Exploring the Impact of Social Support on the Academic Performance of ABM
Students: A Case Study” is to investigate the relationship between social support and academic
performance among students in the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand of the
Senior High School program in the Philippines. Specifically, the study aims to:
1. Examine the level of social support received by ABM students from their family, peers, and teachers.

2. Determine the academic performance of ABM students in terms of their grades and academic

3. Explore the relationship between social support and academic performance among ABM students.

4. Identify the types of social support that are most effective in improving academic performance among
ABM students.

Overall, the study seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the factors that influence academic
performance among ABM students, and to identify strategies to support the academic success of this
student population.


The research methodology of the study “Exploring the Impact of Social Support on the Academic
Performance of ABM Students: A Case Study” is qualitative in nature. The study employed a case study
research design, which allowed the researcher to investigate in depth the experiences of a specific group
of individuals (ABM students) in relation to the research question. The case study design was used
because it enabled the researcher to gain a detailed understanding of the complex and dynamic social
processes that influence the academic performance of ABM students and the role of social support in
this process.

Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 10 ABM students selected through
purposive sampling. The interviews were conducted face-to-face and lasted between 30-45 minutes
each. The interview questions were developed based on the research objectives and were open-ended
to enable the participants to share their experiences and perceptions freely. The interviews were
recorded and transcribed for analysis.

Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data collected. The transcripts of the interviews were coded,
and themes were identified through a process of abstraction, comparison, and synthesis. The themes
were then used to develop an overall understanding of the impact of social support on the academic
performance of ABM students.

The study also employed triangulation to enhance the validity and reliability of the findings. This was
achieved through the use of multiple data sources, including interviews with ABM students, discussions
with teachers, and analysis of academic records. The use of multiple data sources enabled the
researcher to cross-check and validate the findings, thus enhancing the credibility and trustworthiness
of the study.

In conclusion, the research methodology employed in this study was qualitative in nature and used a
case study design, semi-structured interviews, thematic analysis, and triangulation to investigate the
impact of social support on the academic performance of ABM students. The findings of the study
contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the importance of social support in enhancing academic


Research Question: What is the impact of social support on the academic performance of ABM
(Accountancy, Business and Management) students?

Hypothesis: The provision of social support positively affects the academic performance of ABM

Research Question: Does social support have a significant impact on the academic performance of ABM
(Accountancy, Business, and Management) students?

Hypothesis: There is a positive relationship between social support and the academic performance of
ABM students. Students who receive more social support from peers, family, and teachers are expected
to demonstrate better academic performance compared to those who receive less social support.

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