Different Technologies in Oc Mine

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PRESENTATION Cee Different Technologies in OC mines of SCCL ‘oreneer I. Satyanarayana, M.Tech,MBA,MCA Dy. Manager, Project Planning, SCCL, > visit at www.slideshare.com/isnindian ISN 1 Why do we need mines? Every newly born will need... 161 million Ibs. 8.412 S71 ps Stone, Sand, & Gravel es Sth gables — Sing we by 19 iS $20, i ate, wy "ohn 1876 Troy oz S28 log bea os so ¢ Ws — $8460 4, F 567, 29,608 Ibs. Cemen, = valts. Tren Ore ft F88 itig tome Netra) a fr 3.6 million pounds of minerals, metals, and fuels in their lifetime What is mining? * Mining is extracting ore or minerals from the ground * An ore is a natural material with a high concentration of economically valuable minerals that can be mined for a profit ISN Types of Mining * There are two main types of mining. 1) Surface Mining 2) Subsurface Mining Mining Methods (Mode of Entry) Preparation | ' Air shaft plant Main shaft Preparation ir shaft ion Coal oon Coal Drift tunnel Preparation plant Coal ISN 5 MINING ME er Te) sagen} UNDER GROUND OPENCAST Bl eed Methods ure) Methods | Wut Gassification Mining What is Opencast Mining QOpencast mining is also known as Open pit mining, Open cut Mining, Surface or Strip Mining. The coal upto economical depth will be excavated by OC Method. The overburden and the Coal are excavated in long strips of a few meters thickness. ISN 7 SURFACE MINING + Based on System of Mining — Continuous & Discontinuous + Based on Mechansiation — Manual & Mechanised + Based on method and nature of mining: Open-pit: Reclamation after completion Open-Cast: Reclamation during mining Quarries: stone, crushed rock, sand, gravel Strip Mining: removing surface coal in strips up to 50 m wide x 1 Km long Placer Mining Glory hole Mining eee. Sst ISN g MECHANISED OPENCAST METHODS ISN Ideal conditions (Suitability) for Opencast Mining 1. Thickness of coal seams- > 5m 2. Flat gradient <1in6 3. Strike length 2 > 1km 4. No.of seams ce Less the better, with higher thickness 5. Coal without stone bands 6. Free from surface structures / features. J. Preferably non-forest land. 8. Availability of adequate place for dumping. 9. Lower Stripping ratio adpending on quality of the coal By There is no problem of ventilation There is no problem of Roof control, supports There is no problem of lighting in daytime. Percentage of coal extraction is much higher (about 90%) than that of Underground mining (30-60%) High OMS Much productivity / profits. Quick returns on capital investment, Dangers & Hazards are less compare to U/G Mines. There is no risk of gas explosion. Large-scale mechanisation is possible. Gestation period is less: n Work is affected by weather. eLand degradation by mining. «Deforestation. ePollution( water, Air, Land, Noise ). *The method is uneconomic for workings Deeper Depths, cities and under sea/rivers. eThe quarried area and OB dump heaps present an unpleasant sight. ISN 12 berm interval OUTLINE a othe FINAL PIT bench bench} face, toad and crest of bench f overall pit slope angle “ACTIVE PIT OUTLINE Footwall le structure pit floor a a AMOUNT OF OVERBURDEN REMOVED IN MINING A UNIT OF MINERAL i} Manual quarrying 1.554 ii) | Semi-mechanised quarrying an ii) | Mechanical quarnying : With dipper-shovel, dumper combination : 4to5:1 Withdraglines —: 8to 10:1 With bucket wheel excavators : 3to4 il ¢ LEVELLING BY DOZING ¢ DRILLING. ¢ BLASTING ¢ REMOVAL OF OVERBURDEN ¢ DUMPING, BACK FILLING, RECLAMATION e EXTRACTION OF COAL ¢ TRANSPORTING to (CHP, CSP, FLOOD LOADING SYSTEM, Rapid loading etc.,) ISN 16 OPERATIONS IN OPM Beg Development Sequence ‘Opening the deposit — Access trench Box cut - To accommodate all equipment Mine phases - Depends on the shape of the property Progress of Benches ‘Coal production schedules ‘OB excavation schedules Note:- Maximize inventory of coal in the initial years + Differ OB stripping requirements as much as possible — Average ‘SR versus natural SR * Income generated in the first 5 to 10 years but not remote: economics will either make or break the project. + Profits for in the future have practically no impact on the project NPV. Each successive phase will be'less profitable and the ultimate limit will-be loss even after plqyghing in profits earlier, is STAGE WISE OPERATIONS OF AN OPENCAST PROJECT FoRest iano eee eee ISN [NOM FOREST Ano sinfece At se, Al, = END OF STAGE -1 pa meee || == 2 fF nn epee SOA Seay ISN a END OF STAGE -2 Forest iano [ROM FOREST Lan, ISN 22 END OF STAGE -3 Fowest iano ISN a5 FINAL STAGE FOREST AND ISN 4 MINE CLOSURE STAGE FOREST LAND [NOM FOREST ano ISN a5 Pit design As per Regulation 98 of CMR 1957, in alluvial soil etc. - Sides shall be sloped at 45° or Benched — height not more than 1.5m. Width — not less than height In hard ground - Sides adequately benched/sloped so as to prevent danger from fall of sides Coal - Sides shall be sloped at 45° or Benched — height not more than 3m ‘However, exemption can be sought from Inspectorate. Pit design Overall slope of a pit depends on several factors of the pit slape: a) b) c) d) ®) f} 9) Geolagical disturbances like faults etc. Hydrological condition of strata Orientation of slip planes Nature of strata — i.e. hardness, material consolidation etc. Depth of workings Design of haul roads. & ramps in the highwall Stratigraphy — thickness, spacing of the clay bands or other weak layers Pit design In general for OC mines upto a depth of 200m, overall slope angle of 45° is permitted. ‘Normal Excavation bench Design for High Wall formation Pit design For deeper mines flatter highwall slopes will be necessary from safety point of view (for 35 T dumpers & above) Pit design. Working benches 1) General Width - 40—45m Height ~ Generally equal to height of the boom or in some cases upto 3m above the boom height. In case of Backhoe — digging height of machine. Bench slope - 56° to 70° 2) Dragline: Width of the cut - 60m Height of bench - maximum digging depth 3) In order to even out the yearly OB removal quanti and the economics, sometimes alternative working and non-working benches (around 25 m wide) are proposed. OPEN PIT MINING Operations Mining Process Drilling Drill machines (rotary/percussive) | | Blasting SMS, emulsion, Primer, Nonel, etc | | Loading Shovels, Draglines, etc | | Hauling Front-end loader, etc | | Transporting Dumpers, Conveyors, etc Processing/Washing Coal washeries... ISN 22 Different Technologies in OC Mines 1) Shovel Dumper technology. 2) Dragline technology 3) Inpit Crusher — conveyor — spreader — technology. 4) Continuous Mining technolegy — Bucket wheel excavators. 5) Rock Breaker technology. 6) Surface Miner technology. ISN Auxiliary mining equipment Other common mining equipment to all the technologies +Drills +Dozers ,Graders & Compactors «Water Sprinklers +*Pumps etc Electrical equipment *Crushers & Conveyors for Coal/OB ISN 34 Our Technology - Opencast Technology *Dragline +Shovel & Dumper *Surface Miner Inpit crushing — Conveying — Spreading *Highwall Operational Profile +14 OC Mines *Coal: 39.72 MT OB: 214.47 MCu M + Avg.Stripping Ratio: 1:6.5 *Gradients operated : upto 19° * Depths operated: 220 Mts. iss Depths Planned: 420 Mis, 35 SCCL OC Mines — Technology wise . Drag Line-Shovel & Dumper combination — RG OC | Expansion — RG OC Ill Extension . Inpit Crusher & Conveyor Technology — RG OC II Extension = GK OC . Surface Miner Technology — Koyagudem OC II Remaining all other OC projects in SCCL are being operated with Shovel Dumper Combination High Wall mining Technology is now being cele in RG OC II Extension projBtt. Comparison of SCCL with CIL Parameter | No ofMines Production (MT) OB(M.cum) |Avg.STRIPPING [UG]oc [Total UG | Oc | Total ee sccl 36: 14 50. 11.61 I 39.72} 54.33. 214.47, TINGS cil 299| 174 AT3 | 54.56 L 376.76 | 431.32 695.27 1IN3.0 ‘When Compared with CIL, SCCL’s Constraints are ; + Limited Openeastable reserves. * Reserves are deep seated (300 to 600m). + Low grade Coal + Highly Geologically Disturbed + Thin Seams + High Stripping Ratio * Steep Seams + High Cost of Production ISN a7 Technology-wise Cost Vs Sale Value As on Feb*2011 Hand Section Load Haul Dumpers Side Discharge Loaders Longwall Road Header Blasting Galle Continuous Miner Overall SCCL (UG) Overall SCCL (OC) Overall SCCL Contd... OC Vs UG PRODUCTION | 2010-11 [| 39.72 | 11.60] 51.33 22.60 2009-10 | 3845 [17.96] 5042 | 76.26 2008-09 | 32.35 [12.08[ 44.44 | 72.79 2007-08 | 27.95 40.60 31.13 2006-07 | 25.83. | 11.87 31,49 UG Vs OC PERFOMANCE 2010-11 Upto Feb) 2009-10 2008-09 | 802.71 1225.98 2037.75 1490.07 2007-08 | 703.75 2006-07 | 635.63 | 100567 | 370 | 1797.81| 1065.93 63.80 1100.13 1744.05, 4191.00 UG-OC COST & SALE VALUE In Crores 2009-10 | 76.26 | 23.72| 1114.17 | 633.44 2008-09 | 72.79 | 27.18] 1319.49 | 628.48 >» Maintenance of OC to UG ratio is Essential for Sustenance of the Company >» There is no Budgetary Support from the Govt. > Funds are required for operation of existing mines and to start new mines. > At Present, The Profit to the Company is on account of OC Mines by offsetting losses from UG mines Various front attachments Possible on a hasic shavel Dipper shovel i Fig. 5.6 Various front attachments possible on a basic shovel. DRILLING HAULAGE BLASTING UNLOADING AT CRUSHING PLANT 1)Shovel Dumper technology + This is the most commonly used technology in Opencast mines. + Basically two variants — Rope shovels and Hydraulic shovels (backhoe) + Shovel used for excavation & Dumper for transport of material. + Bucket capacities vary from 0.9 Cum to 40:Cum with matching Trucks/Dumpers of 16 Cum to more than 240 T. + Can be deployed for removal of varying thickness of materials. + Harder materials require blasting. + Can be deployed for removal of steep & thin seams (hydraulic shovels). electrically driven or Diesel operated (shovels) Selection depends on the parting — wise volurnes to be removed. as POWER SHOVEL 2 BOOM POINT SHEAVES HOIST CABLE Di Nbucker sweaves Figure 15.23 : A power shovel Rope shovels: eeee Life is large compared to Hydraulic shovels (20 — 25 years). Initial capital is high compared to Hydraulic shovels. Can work only on mild gradient of around 1 in 10. Ideally suited for less no of marchings. generators are driven by main motor and individual Dc-motors are provided for different operations like propel, swing, hoist, crowd etc., ISN a7 Rope Shovel & Dumper Rope Shovel & Dumper eS Se an a 8. 9. Hydraulic shovels Versatile — easy to march from place to place. Productivity is higher than rope shovels, ‘Can march on steep gradient. Can be deployed for removal of wedge portions in the last OB bench (over coal seams). Can be used for preparation sumps and drains. Can load on dumper placed at the same level as that of the shovel (same level loading) or on a dumper placed below the shovel level. Can be used for removal of soft coal/ strata without blasting. Can be deployed for removal of thin seams. The life of shovel is around 9 to 12 years only and requires a mid-life overhaul. 10. Initial capital is low compared to Rope shovels. 11. the operation is through hydraulic motors SI Fig. 1 Full view of PC2000-8 a Shovel & Dumper Hydraulic Shovel & Dumper Front-end Loader & Dumper ISN 1. After blasting the rock, the muck is loaded into the rear dumpers by shovels. For a bench height of 12 to 14m, front end rope shovels (Front End Shovels may be rope shovels or hydraulically operated) of 10 cum and above is normally used. 2. Various ranges of dumpers of different manufactures are available. 3. The capacity of the dumper depends upon the capacity of the loading shovel. Operating conditions * Can be deployed on shot ramps of 1 in 10 & haul roads of 1 in 16. e Haul roads of two way traffic are ideal. ¢ Recommended width for > 35T dumpers including Dozer path, drains etc is 30m. e Fewer number of curves with adequate super elevation is desirable. e Adequate consolidation of Haul roads , suitable graded & Water spraying is needed. ¢ Level platforms to be provided at suitable intervals. ISN ST DOZER’ [DOZER | | totewG021 ywvew fotasearch.com ISN OPERATION OF DOZER | ® Itis the vital equipment in Open cast mining. ® tractor with a pusher blade attached to the front portion. » Diesel operated with crawler chain (some times tyre mounted Dozers also used) ® the pusher blade can be raised lowered or tilted through small angles horizontally by rams operated by hydraulic pressure. ® The Dozer blade is used for pushing loose material, digging earth, soft weathered rock, for pushing scrapers, for levelling / grading and ‘compacting the ground, for laying haul roads, for toeing dumpers etc., for pushing boulders trees etc., » There is different capacity of Dozers ranging from 100HP to 800 HP and normally used are 400 HP, which costs app. 1-2 Cr. ISN 6 WHEEL DOZER |WHEEL DOZER ® tractors outfitted with dozer blades or push blocks. ® used as push tractors in scraper applications. *» Though these machines can be converted from wheel loaders by replacing the loader's bucket with a dozer blade, this configuration is only successful for light-duty tasks. ® Used for clearing and grading land, wheel dozers are frequently used in mining applications and reclamation jobs. » The wheel dozers’ advantage over crawier dozers is their ability to move quickly. >» Additionally, they can travel between multiple job sites without damaging paved roads. ISN RIPPER DOZER RIPPER DOZER RIPPER DOZER ® tractors outfitted with dozer blades or push blocks. > A Dozer equipped with fork like attachment is known as. “Ripper” *® can be mounted either with one or two rippers ® operates like a plough to loosen moderately hard rock ® can be also used to extract thin seams where the thickness is less than 1.2 m where blasting is not effectively done. » It rippes the thin seams and later can be loaded by the Shovel & Dumper combination. ® There are other crane attachments for the Dozer which is known as pipe layer for transporting pumps, pipes and laying pipes. ISN 6 MOTOR GRADER MOTOR GRADER MOTOR GRADER * tractors outfitted with dozer blades or push blocks. ® This is a machine used for levelling the road surface by ssmoothening out the ups and downs and for casting aside the boulders on the road. »® It is always pneumatic tyre operated with rear wheels drive. ® The grading blade is attached to a circle that is hung from the overhead frame and pulled by a drawbar fastened to the front of the frame. » The blade is usually 3 to 4m long having replaceable edges on the sides and bottom. » The approximate cost of a medium size Motor Grader will be Rs 60 Lakhs. >» This is essential equipment in Opencast mining for continuous maintenance of hat roads 6g [SCRAPER | excavation cum transport equipment suitable for soft material generally used for top soil removal Diesel operated with pneumatic tyre wheels a bowl fitted with a cutting‘blade at the bottom. 6 OPERATION OF SCRAPER ana It's blade cuts a thin slice of a earth usually between 100 mm to 250 mm thick over a distance of nearly 30 m. The earth is automatically collected in the bowl located at the centre of the machine. The bowl capacity ranges from 5 cum to 20 cum and takes nearly half to one minute for loading. When the scraper is fully loaded its bottom opening is closed through a table operated by the operator. At the dumping yard as the Scraper moves, the bottom opening of bowl is opened, and the contentsiof earth are unloaded in the layem 150 mm to 250 mm thick over a distance of 30 to 50 m. FRONT END LOADER Wheel-loader (also known as Pay loader or Front-end Loader) for loading dumper or tipping truck for transport FRONT END LOADER FRONT END LOADER » These loaders are a popular addition to tractors from 50 to 200 hp. ® A loader (also known as: bucket loader, front loader, front end loader, payloader, scoop’ loader, shovel, skip loader, and/or wheel loader) is a type of tractor, usually wheeled, sometimes on tracks, that has a front mounted square wide bucket connected to the end of two. booms (arms) to scoop up loose material from the ground, such as. dirt, sand or gravel, and move it from one place to another without pushing the material across. » A loader is commonly used to move a stockpiled material from ground level and deposit it into an awaiting dump truck or into an open trench excavation. » The loader assembly may be a removable attachment or permanently mounted. Often the bucket can be replaced with other devices. or tools—for example, many can mount forks to lift heavy pallets or shipping containers, and a hydraulically-opening "clamshell" bucket allows a loader to act as aight dozer or scraper. oe 2. DRAGLINE WORKING Drilling | Blasting Loading | Hauling | Transporting DRAG LINE Processing/Washing ISN 4 Dragline Working Riecksrned Area Zi: piling end Blesting p= Divertuader Overburden ISN 18 |DRAGLINE | Draglines are deployed wherever there is scope for side casting Overburden above coal seam into the de-coaled area. It is very cost effective technology- cost of OB removal is cheaper than shovel dumper technology. There are two draglines working at RGOC-I and RG OC-III with bucket size of 24 Cum and 30.6 Cum respectively. Both these draglines are performing very well. A dragline bucket system consists of a large bucket which is suspended from a boom with wire ropes. The bucket is maneuvered by means of a number of ropes and chains. Isw 7% [OPERATION OF DRAGLINE | In a typical cycle of excavation, the bucket is positioned above the material to be excavated. The bucket is then lowered and the dragrope is then drawn so that the bucket is dragged along the surface of the material. The bucket is then lifted by using the hoist rope. A swing operation is then performed to move the bucket to the place where the material is to be dumped. The dragrope is then released causing the bucket to tilt and empty. This is called a dump operation. It is a independent machine unlike a shovel. A 30 cum Dragline can handle 40 Lakh cum of OB per annum. The dragline works on the immediate OB bench above coal and the benches from the surface to the Dragline are normally handled by Shovel & Dumper combination. Hence adequate capacity of Shovel & Dumper capacity should be provided to; prevent idling of the Dragline. ‘OPERATION OF DRAGLINE | The Dragline has a long boom with a bucket capacity ranging from 15 to 50 cum. It can swing in 360 degrees, after dragging the loose material below its level. It swings normally between 90 to 120 degrees and side cast the material in to the de-coaled area. The nomenclature of the Dragline usually called as 24/99 which means 24 cum of bucket capacity and 96 m is the boom length. The same Dragline can have about 32 cum of bucket capacity if the boom length of 71 m, normally The Draglines are electrically driven with 6.6 KV power with 2 main motors of 1750 HP each. These motors in turn drive the ‘Generators and the Generators drive DC motors Normally, there are 7 DC motors for different operations like marching, dragging, hoisting, $Winging etc., oe DRAGLINE BUCKET LINE DIAGRAM OF DRAGLINE coer point S “<< Rigging | LINE DIAGRAM OF DRAGLINE Hoist coupler Dragline bucket Drag coupler, Drag rope 8 o> APPLICATION OF DRAGLINE Gradients flatter than 1 in 6 (if gradient is more the dumped OB will slide towards the coal face and particularly in rainy season the extraction of coal become dangerous) Seams should be free of faults & other geological disturbances Deposits with Larger Strike length (>2 km) so that frequent shifting of the Dragline from one end to another can be reduced. Present cost of the Dragline is above 100 Cr and the life. of the Dragline is 1.50 Lakh hours hence, the property should be large enough ensuring the life of about 25 yr or more Ahilly property is not suitable Property should have atleast 15 years life. ISN 82 Mining Process Drilling | Blasting | Loading IN-PIT CRUSHING & CONVEYING auling Transporting Processing/Washing ISN 8B 3. In pit crusher conveyor technology The drilled & blasted OB is loaded by shovels and transported by dumpers to Crushers. The crushed OB is then transported by a series of conveyors into a spreader for dumping. *Can be used in steep seams where laying of transport roads for the trucks is difficult. *While S.R indicates volumes, cut off ratio indicates depth and reflects in ‘dumper haulage cost, which increase with depth and may become prohibitive where in alternative haulage system may have to thought off. «Ideally suited where material has to be transported over a longer distance & high lift. ISN 84 3.IN-PIT CRUSHER CONVEYOR TECHNOLOGY Haulage costs have been an area that have risen significantly with the increase of diesel prices. One alternative to reduce haulage costs is to shorten the truck haul distance by bringing the dump point into the pit Using an in pit movable crusher! crushers and conveying the Over burden out of the pit can reduce the haul cost. When the gradient is too steep, dumping the material within the mine is not practicable as the dumped OB slides on to the coal face. In such cases in pit crushing is preferred. The flow of material utilising an inpit movable crusher and conveyor system starts with OB material being dumped into crushers by dumpers. The material is crushed and fed on to horizontal transfer belts within the pit or directly on toa major up slope belts taking the material out of the pit. There may be one or more belts depending on the pit Geometry and depth. The conveyed material is dumped as per the requirement and the dump design by using spreaders. In pit crusher conveyor technology: * Can be used in steep seams where laying of transport roads for the trucks is difficult. Ideally suited for large capacity projects. Ideally suited where material has to be transported over a large distance with huge lift. Requires huge capital. The transport cost will be much less than compared to shovel dumper combination. * Requires heavy equipment like crushers, conveyor distribution point and spreaders. ISN 86 Ramagundam OC-II with Inpit Crushing & Conveying Technology Depth and gradients makes dumper haulage prohibitive due to high operating cost. The alternate choice is ICC where material has to be transported over a large distance & lift. The drilled & blasted OB is loaded by shovels and transported by dumpers to Crushers. The crushed OB is then transported by a series of conveyors into.a spreader for dumping. Salient features of RG OC-II Project No.of seams- 10 Gradient- 1 in 3.6 to 1 in 4 Depth planned- 400m Capacity of the project- 4 MTPA Technology- Shovel dumper combination with ICC technology Life of the project- 27 years. Stripping Ratio- 7.73 Cum/T (107.46 Mt of coal and 808.46 M.Cum of OB), Grade of the coal- 'D’ OMS- 6.88 planned Cost of production in Rs/T - 1606.94 Tota! Capital outlay of the project is estimated at Rs 896.32 Slope stability is a vital aspect in this project, as final highwalls will have a height of up to 400 m which need to be planned as steep for better economics. The 120m high dumps with crushed OB(low cohesion) will pose different Problems in dump stability which needs a comprehensive study on design, maintenance, monitoring and stabilisatiolf Altogether. a IN-PIT CRUSHER CONVEYOR TECHNOLOGY ICC at RG OC-II Ramagundam OC-II Mine with Inpit Crushing & Conveying Technology : = Compacted floor sl 2-3° towards toe of the upper deck to direct the water to thes drain to avoid seepage into the dump. Better we provide lined drains/channels, Pes Tes F ‘The spreader can rotate with an angle of 120 degrees, in SCCLId, the inpit crushing and conveying system introduced in RG OC ll, Ramagundam. The capacity of each crusher-conveyor system is 1200 cunvhour. There are 3 such Seek in addition to coal conveying system | in RG OC Il mine. 4) Continuous Miner Technology:- Bucket Wheel Excavators «Presently being used in Naveyali, Lignite Opencast mines, having soft strata. ‘The buck wheel excavates the material without blasting which is transported by a series of belt conveyors to spreader. ISN 95 4. BUCKET WHEEL EXCAVATOR(BWE) ISN 96 BUCKET WHEEL EXCAVATOR(BWE) This machine is suitable for excavating soft and non stickey material in large quantities. Lignite deposits usually associated with soft over burden. Most lignite mines in world use these BWEs for both OB and Lignite, as is the case this Lignite: mines are “Nyveli Lignite Corporation” of India Semi hard material also be made suitable for BWEs by small blastings The BWE is a continuous excavating machine and capable of removing of OB up to 1200 cum / per hour. The excavation component of BWE is a large rotating wheel mounted on an arm/boom. On the outer edge of wheel is a series of scoops/ buckets as the wheel turns, the Bucket removes soil As the wheel turns, the bucket removes OB/Coal from the target areas and carries it around to be the back side of the wheel, where it falls on to @ conveyor which carries the material to the identified destination BWE are generally worked in combination with crusher & conveying, system. Overview — 3D view ISN too Opencast continuous mining system using - Bucket Wheel Excavators - Spreaders - Conveyor Systems ‘OB bench Avg, Height—25 m 1400 LITRE BRIDGE TYPE BWE Rated Production 2250 m/hr Outreach from BW boom to Discharge boom : 130+12metres Maximum High Cut height : 30 metres Service Weight 3193 Tonnes Rated Production : 2250 m3fhr Outreach from BW boom to Discharge boom : 61.3 metres Maximum High Cut height : 26 metres Service Weight 2170 Tonnes Rated Production ee : 1100 m3fhr Outreach from BW boom to Discharge boom 63.8 metres Maximum High Cut height” ~ A 18 metres ‘Service Weight _ ~: 1450 Tonnes. Theoretical design capacity : 14,000 Tonnes/hr Outreach from Receiving boom to Discharge boom : 135 metres x Working Gradient 2 420 Service Weight ss :_ 1450 Tonnes ao MYT RSS ett Gl ee eee te OPERATION | 700 ETPRE-BWE OPERATION IN LIGNITE BENCH Ho BOWasTHE AM rts < EXCAVATION WITH LOCAL DEPRESSURISATION SOLUTION SAFE MINING OF LIGNITE BY CONTROLLING THE ARTESIAN PRESSURE BY PUMPING OPERATIONS: MINE CUT Sue PRESUES SIUTIEE RERORE POMPE Pro vow dinessto Mining Process Drilling | Blasting SURFACE MINER Loading | Hauling Transporting | Processing/Washing ISN ho 5. Surface Miner Technology va , a 5. Surface Miner Technology *Used for selective mining Larger strike length of about 600 m — 1000 m and widths of around 300 m are ideally suited for surface miner. *Does not need drilling and blasting. The machine cuts the coal & loads into trucks for onward transportation to Surface ISN "2 SURFACE MINER Deployed for selective minitig se — ISN WD SURFACE MINER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM What is Surface Miner? Surface Miner i is : - continuously operating mobile opencast machine - it cuts consolidated soils and semi— solid rocks without drilling and blasting - the cut material is pre-crushed and suitable for belt conveying, loading, transporting and transferred to down stream means of transportation ISN 6 Operation: Surface Miner operates: - according to the “Rock cutting technology” - the cutting drum is provided with point attack picks. - which cut the mining face during the continuous advance of the machine on crawler track assemblies, ISN 7 Forged steet part for excentionaly high Yeaistance to wear and tear Unique wear plate for ausy insertion of 1208 ared eptimum tool protection Toothoiaer wekdee Into the prism of me bottom part ade Thenow HTH heavy-dity qulck- ‘change toomolder system foption or th quick replacement of tooks ‘and reduced machine downtimes IHigh-cuaity ‘carbide metal for top-quality «Batting results Clamping sisove hago apg teed for ans tol replaceenant Especially tounh and wear-resistant, Yet xsly rotaabis Heavy-duty design with terger dlameter compared to the HTS system A modern surface miner — here's how it works Technical highlight: Clever design with central cutting drum Working principle of Surface Miner: » the surface miner is crawler-mounted machine having a cutting drum located b/w two sets of crawlers and positioned at the center of the machine. > the drum is lowered and raised by hydraulic system with ‘powerful hydraulic motors therby varying the depth of cut. » the material cut is loaded onto the primary and ‘secondary discharge conveyors for loading the same onto the loading /transporting equipment. ; >the rear crawler travel at lower level then the front crawlers to adjust to the required depth. ISN f 122 _ REASONS FOR DEPLOYMENT OF ¥ Improved coal recovery eapeally in areas: sensitive | to. "blasting Less coal loss. and dilution >» Primary sresblg aad ipercaintet of coal e can ote: set with opens accuracy, thin mined sree with ea ese ISN fi 123 Specification of the Writgen Surface Miner 2100SM Oyerall length - 15500 MM Overall width = 2500 MM Overall height - 4500 MM Milling/Cutting Width - 2100MM Milling/Cutting depth = 0—250MM Engine output > 448 KW/610 HP Maximum longitudinal tilting while milling - 1 in 4 (25%) No. of crawlers. - 4 Cutting drum drive = Mechanical Travel Drive System . Hydraulic/All crawler Production = 270 M3/Hr(Av.) ~ Speed = 10—20M/Min. Fuel consumption (Full load) - 110 Ltr/Hr, ISN ¥ 124 Belt width (Primary conveyor) Belt width (Secondary conveyor) Theoretical discharge Performance - Ground clearance : Loading capacity No. of pieks/bucket Fuel tank Hydraulic oil tank Water tank ‘Tare weight Operation weight (Fuel Tank) Cutting speed ISN - 1000MM - 1000MM 550 M3/Hr - 350MM - 35350. M3/Hr. - 76 Nos. - 1200 Ltrs. - 300 Ltrs, - 4180 Ltrs, - 37000 Kgs. - 40500 Kgs. = 0.45 M/See. 128 A pti eee Application & Advantages of Surface Miner: Presently being used in KOCP-II for selective mining. Can work safely on a gradient of 1 in 10, However, presently being worked in KOCP-II in gradient of 1 in 4. Annual productivity of the madel 2000 SM is around 2.00 MT per annum. However, high capacity of surface miner sare also available. Larger strike length of about 600 m — 1000 m and widths of around 300 m are ideally suited for surface miner. Does not need drilling and blasting. Can crush coal up to -100 mm. Cutting size can be varied by selection of equipment, speed etc. Two methods of coal removal are available — Wind rowing i.e., loading the crushed coal by front and loader on to trucks and dispatch of the cut material by gathering arms on to a belt conveyor and then to a waiting truck. At KOCP-II, Grade improved from F to E by this technology. ,,. MAJOR ADVANTAGES OF SURFACE MINER TECHNOLOGY > Direct excavation of hard material without need for drilling and blasting. > High productivity : » Low cost for multi seam mining including hard coal and overburden. > Possibility to link the machine directly to continuous conveyor transport systems. > Higher recovery rate of coal ISN % 129 > Precrushing of coal and elimination. of primary crushing plants high selective mining capabilities to eliminate interbands to improve coal quality. > Surface Miner shall be very much needed for future mining due to higher productivity, less hazard, eco- friendliness, better quality of product, better exploitation. of mining property and also considering the poor quality of coal from future coal seams to have an economic solution for producing low ash coal as per government regulations for power plants (less_ than 34 % ash for transporting distance > 1000 km). ISN f 0 Constraints. > Steeper Gradient (more than | in 4) >» Danger of Machine sliding along the High Wall. > Coal Seams Containing minute dirt bands (less than 5CM) > Dimensions of the coal bench, ISN iat Rock breaker Technical Parameters of Mega — Breaker @ Make @ Model @ Weight @ Dia of tool @ HP @ Striking rate @ Pressure to Breaker @ Energy Class / Blow : INDECO 8500 UP 4500 Kg 195 mm 120 HP 350-450 Blows / Min 150-160 bar 10,000 joules ISN 133 Working Parameters of Mega Breaker ®@ Production / Hour @ Production / Month ® Diesel Consumption ® Life of Moil point ® Optima! Bench Ht. 190 — 200 tons 55,000 tons 30 Lit./ Hr 275-300 hours 3to4M Advantages ® Locked-up reserves can be mined easily Reduction in Man power Sump-deepening an easy affair Digging of foundation pits adjoining the kiln / valuable structures @ More environmental friendly working & maintaining better social relationship with villagers @ Effective working hours compared to conventional working methods ISN as Limitations > Floor-level will not be uniform as compared to Surface Miner » Not suitable for mining huge reserves > Have to be dependent on a single machine Cost Particulars ®@ Total Capital Investment = 330 Lakhs ® Cost of consumables = 1.2 Lakhs ® Cost / ton of Limestone (Rs./MT) : Owning Cost =17:77 Operating Cost = 12.25 Total Cost = 30.02 ‘® Cost of Conventional Mining (Rs./MT) : Total Cost = 24.80

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