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He tells the lie stories

A. The lie stories is talking by him
B. The lie stories is told by him
C. The lie stories was told by him
D. The lie stories is being told by him
E. The lie stories has been told by him

2. My mother drove the car in the morning

A. The car is droven by my mother in the morning
B. The car was being droven by my mother in the morning
C. The car has been droven by my mother in the morning
D. The car is being droven by my mother in the morning
E. The car was droven by my mother in the morning

3. Amman is teaching mathematics in front of students

A. Mathematics is taught by Amman in front of students
B. Mathematics is being taught by Amman in front of students
C. Mathematics was taught by Amman in front of students
D. Mathematics has been taught by Amman in front of students
E. Mathematics was being taught by Amman in front of students

4. Do they kick your legs ?

A. Were your legs kicked by them?
B. Would your legs have been kicked by them?
C. Are your legs kicked by them?
D. Has your legs been kicked by them?
E. Will your legs have been kicked by them?

5. We ate something in front of your child.

A. Something should be eaten by us in front of your child
B. Something was eaten by us in front of your child
C. Something was being eaten by us in front of your child
D. Something is being eaten by us in front of your child
E. Something shall be eaten by us in front of your child

6. My country has changed its capital city five times.

A. Its capital city was being changed by my country five times
B. Its capital city was changed by my country five times
C. Its capital city has been changed by my country five times
D. Its capital city hasn’t been changed by my country five times
E. Its capital city was changes by my country five times

7. We have tried this game last Sunday

A. This game have been tried by us last Sunday
B. This game would be tried by us last Sunday
C. This game has been tried by us last Sunday
D. This game will be tried by us last Sunday
E. This game had been tried by us last Sunday

8. "Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?" "Yes, ....... to the headquarters
of Garuda."
A. has faxed
B. they are faxed
C. it has been faxed
D. the victims fax
E. was fax it

9. They had just been living in that house for two years when ..... by fire
A. was destroyed
B. destroyed
C. be destroyed
D. was destroying
E. had destroyed

10. The headmaster would like the school yard ...... by every student before tomorrow.
A. already swept
B. sweep
C. have swept
D. to be swept
E. sweeping

11. "Bambang looks very happy today." "Don't you know he ..... to General Manager."
A. being promoted
B. has to promoted
C. has been promoted
D. to be promoted
E. has promoted

12. "There was no longer a rule for the youth to enter millitary service in Britain. Really, when .... ?"
A. was It abolishing
B. was it abolished
C. to be abolished
D. was it to be abolished
E. did it abolish

13. Why are the students staying outside ? Their classroom ....
A. was cleaned
B. cleans
C. being cleaned
D. is cleaning
E. is being cleaned

14. Komodos ..... to be descended from Dinosaurus.

A. believed
B. to believe
C. they believe
D. are believe
E. to be believe

15. Benny : When will they hold the art exhibition? Rudy : The exhibition …. next week.
A. will be holding
B. to be hold
C. will be held
D. had been held
E. has been held

16. If I … (finish) my assignment tonight, I will go to Mall with my friends.

A. had finished
B. finishes
C. finish
D. would finish
E. have finished

17. If you cook vegetables for long time, they … (lose) their nutrients
A. lose
B. had lose
C. loses
D. would lose
E. can lose

18. If we … (wake up) earlier, we would have reached school.

A. woken up
B. has been woken
C. had woken up
D. woke up
E. wake up

19. If the Sun rises on the west, the world … (end)

A. ended
B. the end
C. ends
D. end
E. will end

20. Ramadhan will be so silent if Corona … (not;leave) soon.

A. have left
B. don’t leave
C. doesn’t leave
D. had left
E. not leave

21. Nothing is going to change my love for you if you always … (love) me too.
A. loving
B. had love
C. love
D. loves
E. will love

22. If Rafli gets score more than 90, his mom … (buy) PS 4 for him.
A. wont buy
B. would buy
C. will buy
D. buys
E. buy

23. Indonesian people would be safe from corona if they … (keep) healthy environment.
A. had kept
B. keep
C. kept
D. have keep
E. keeping

24. You will never earn money if you just … (stay) at home doing nothing.
A. stayed
B. still stay
C. staying
D. stays
E. stay

25. 2020 graders would do UNBK if corona … (go) away.

A. had gone
B. have gone
C. went
D. gone
E. goes

26. If you were a president, this country … (shatter).

A. shatter
B. would shatter
C. will be shatter
D. will shatter
E. will be going shatter

27. The world war IV would happen if some countries … (fight) each other.
A. wont fight
B. would fight
C. fight
D. fought
E. will be fought

28. I would lend you some money if I … (have) it.

A. has
B. had
C. would had
D. will have
E. have

29. If they had trained hard before, they … (win) the match.
A. would have won
B. have won
C. will had won
D. had won
E. will have win
30. If Dinda … (bring) an umbrella, she wouldn’t have got wet.
A. had brought
B. have brought
C. has bring
D. has brought
E. had bring

31. Would you have given her apologies if she … (ask) forgiveness?
A. asked
B. had asked
C. has asked
D. asking
E. ask

32. If we had passed this season, we … (go) for holiday.

A. will have go
B. go
C. have gone
D. would have gone
E. gone

33. A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. It has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the
Australian island of Tasmania and in New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants.They have short front legs, but very
long and strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping.Kangaroos have been known to
make forward jumps of over eight metres, and leap across fences more than three metres high. They can also run at
speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour.The largest kangaroos are the Great grey kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo.
Adult grows to a length of 1.60 metres and weighs over 90 kilos.Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the
female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it
crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.
A. can grow as tall as a man. According to the text, the kangaroo ….
B. can jump over a 3 metres high fence
C. can run faster than a car
D. can live in a pouch during its life
E. can walk as soon as it is born

34. A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. It has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the
Australian island of Tasmania and in New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants.They have short front legs, but very
long and strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping.Kangaroos have been known to
make forward jumps of over eight metres, and leap across fences more than three metres high. They can also run at
speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour.The largest kangaroos are the Great grey kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo.
Adult grows to a length of 1.60 metres and weighs over 90 kilos.Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the
female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it
crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life. . …. are used for sitting up and for jumping.
A. Short legs
B. Long tails
C. Short front legs
D. Body pouch
E. Strong back legs

35. A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. It has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the
Australian island of Tasmania and in New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants.They have short front legs, but very
long and strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping.Kangaroos have been known to
make forward jumps of over eight metres, and leap across fences more than three metres high. They can also run at
speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour.The largest kangaroos are the Great grey kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo.
Adult grows to a length of 1.60 metres and weighs over 90 kilos.Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the
female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it
crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life. We know from the text that kangaroo ….
A. is smaller in size to human
B. is an omnivorous animal
C. can be called Wallaby in New Guinea
D. has another name called Wallaby 29.
E. has habitat in Tasmania

36. Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money. Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply.
It is often found on the surface of the earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom
of rivers. The gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search for
this type of gold. It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below the
surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed modern process for
removing gold from rocks. Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for
making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful. The best title of
the text above is …..
A. Previous Metal
B. Type of Gold
C. Rare Ornaments
D. Gold
E. Removing Gold from Rocks

37. Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money. Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply.
It is often found on the surface of the earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom
of rivers. The gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search for
this type of gold. It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below the
surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed modern process for
removing gold from rocks. Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for
making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful. The following are
associated with gold, EXCEPT …..
A. precious
B. useful
C. unnecessary
D. beautiful
E. expensive

38. Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money. Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply.
It is often found on the surface of the earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom
of rivers. The gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search for
this type of gold. It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below the
surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed modern process for
removing gold from rocks. Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for
making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful. The text above is
mainly intended to …. about gold.
A. classify
B. discuss
C. elaborate
D. describe
E. document

39. Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money. Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply.
It is often found on the surface of the earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom
of rivers. The gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search for
this type of gold. It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below the
surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed modern process for
removing gold from rocks. Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for
making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful. “It will be priced
forever because….” (Paragraph 4). The word “priced” means ……
A. interesting
B. wonderful
C. eye catching
D. worthless
E. valuable

40. Komodo dragons are cannibals because …

A. they will attack in self-defense.
B. they prey on young ones as well as old and sick dragons
C. they eat anything they meet.
D. they hunt deer, wild pigs, water buffaloes and even horses.
E. they feed on eggs, lizards, snakes and rodents.

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