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Script for social

Both: Our civilization is Hydristov

Dharma: And is located on Easter Island. The name is derived from our main god Hydris.
Cyd: We have a landscape of hills, a mountain and a forest of ebony trees, ginger plants, palm
trees, mangos, bananas, sugarcane and potatoes.
Dharma: We have a brew to worship our god. It is out of ebony bark and coconut. We use this
brew in the month of Uperadias on the 24th day. We then give the brew to our god Chipodeus
who brought us to our island.
Cyd: Our religion is called kethkethoo and all the gods that they believe in are animals. They
have 5 main gods.
Dharma: The five main gods are: Hydris which is an orca that can shapeshift into living things to
help us like fire. Ace is a polar bear that can help us with nature like weather and plants.
Cyd: Giganta Cornu which is a moose that helps us with war and negotiation. Chipoduis is an
axolotl that helped us find our way to this island home. The last god is morris which is vaquita
which is available to all to talk to and learn from.
Dharma: Some of the jobs you can have are - farmer, spiritual teacher, hubar (army), and
Cyd: But if you don’t want to have a job that is okay but you do have to give to the community
some other way.
Dharma: It is also said that there was thousands of genders in this society but the main gender
that we can remember were - Girls: jubois (ju -bow-is), boys: geto (ge-toe), and nonbinary: fozop
Cyd: Along with our brew we make statues to honor our gods. We perform ceremonies at these
statues where we wear traditional dresses and clothing based on our gods. Our homes are little
huts made out of ebony tree wood. Our main drink is juice which we juice ourselves.
Dharma: We have a main farm which is the export for the majority of our food. An invention
which we made is large tubs to help us juice our fruit. We have also made protective shoes to
juice our fruit with.
Cyd:Everyone goes to school and what you excel in you can go forth in and later on that would
be your “job”. There are very few rules on Hydris and the ones that are there are basic. They go
as listed Respect others animals and humans.
Dharma: Don’t discriminate against others for being different.
Cyd: Religion of all kinds are allowed.
Dharma: You have a choice to have a proper job as long as you give something to the
Cyd: Do not disrespect the gods even if you don’t believe in them.
Dharma: If you break our rules after we have had multiple discussions with you we send you on
a boat with a week's supply of food.
Cyd: If you come back after that, we take away your boat and trade for a raft along with your
food except we give you banana peels in a cup.
Dharma: If you come back again after that you get nothing except a tiny enough raft to stand on.
Cyd: if you come back after that still we drown you to our gods.
Dharma: We don’t trade because we are isolated and believe that we have everything we need.
We have an army which is called the Hubar and they are trained, all Hubar have an option to
Dharma: We have jobs but we do not consider them jobs like we know jobs we consider them
things that everyone does for each other. If someone doesn’t do their job we check up on them
and ask why they are not doing to see if we can do anything to help.
Cyd: Our society will not have a hierarchy as we make sure to treat everyone with equity and
respect. People are always able to voice their opinions and concerns. They can do this by
putting writing into a box in the middle of the town that gets looked through weekly.
Both: We will take questions and comments now.

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